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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Victorian Values - Cahpter 2

Posted by Toby on July 28, 1999 at 13:27
Hello again everyone.
Thanks to all of you who posted in some great comments on the new story. I hope it lives up to all of your expectations. There are 10 Chapters in all.You may need to read the end of the previous chapter to remind yourself of the situation so far.
Please enjoy Chapter 2
Chapter II - Childhood Dreams
"Catch me" called Auntie Georgina as she ran along the path in the woods. Felicity tried to catch her but she was too slow. Her dress did hinder her so and her legs were not as long as Georgina's. She ran into the rose arbour and looked around for her auntie, she was nowhere to be seen. She decided to creep slowly to see if she could catch her out. Felicity soon became aware that she needed the chamber pot. But she needed to find Auntie Georgina first. Then Felicity spied her, she was hiding behind the pagoda and she was looking in the wrong direction. She decided to sneak around behind her and scare her to get her back for running off. Felicity crept around behind her aunt feeling a little more urgent as she did so. She would have to hurry. Her patience rewarded young Felicity soon found herself behind the young girl.
"Boo!" she shouted.
"Oh" cried her aunt spinning around and laughing at being caught out.
"Did I frighten you?" asked Felicity.
"Frighten me" gasped her aunt "I almost wet myself!"
"What do you mean wet yourself?" asked a perplexed Felicity.
"I mean, well I mean I almost went to the toilet in my knickers." said her aunt wishing she had not said anything.

"I need to go to the toilet," said a desperate Felicity trying to hold herself through the voluminous layers of her skirts. Auntie Georgina looked around.
"Can you wait until we get back to the house" she asked.
"I don't think so Auntie, it's almost coming now" Felicity sounded a little upset. Auntie Georgina placed her hands on her niece's shoulders and spoke to her gently.
"Listen Felicity I'm sure it will be alright if you wet your knickers this once" she said re-assuredly.
"I'm frightened to". Said Felicity. Her aunt thought.
"Look if I wet myself first, you can do it too then we'll both be wet girls together. How's that?"
Felicity hesitated "Alright she said - but you must show me to prove it" she said still a little uncertain.

Georgina lifted her skirts and petticoats at the front until her knickers were unveiled. Felicity thought that they were pretty, white linen with pink bows tied at her knees over her stockings. Georgina parted her legs and squatted a little a soon a little wet patch appeared between her legs and then a stream of water cascaded onto the grass. Felicity watched with awe, as Aunt Georgina appeared to be in a blissful trance she was smiling as she wet her knickers, and her stockings, with her wee-wee. Felicity suddenly realised that she couldn't hold herself back so copying her Aunt she lifted her skirts at the front and began to pee herself. It felt so nice and warm trickling down her legs and onto her shoes. What would Nanny say when she discovered that Felicity had been so naughty?
Georgina let her skirts drop and watched Felicity.
"Haven't we been naughty girls" she half whispered. Felicity giggled this was fun and it felt quite nice but another problem was bothering her.
"Auntie Georgina" she started.
"Yes Felicity"
" I want to go big toilet," she said sheepishly. Felicity had not been aware that she wanted to go until she had done her wee-wee. She was half expecting her aunt to panic a little but to her surprise she laughed a little.
"I suppose we can go big jobs in our knickers too, just this once.," said Georgina
"Do you want to go too" asked Felicity.
"Yes I do quite badly as it happens" replied her aunt.
"Are you going to show me like just now?" inquired the youngster.
"Do you want me too"
"Yes then I know that you're going to get into trouble too".
"Oh we won't get into trouble" said Georgina" it will be our little secret!"
"Alright then" said Felicity "this time I'll go first."

With that she lifted her skirts again and parted her legs as she felt her bowels move Georgina watched her little red face as she pushed hard. Felicity felt the warm soft sticky poo ooze out of her and fill her knickers. She pushed a second and a third time feeling the warm sticky mush sliding against her bottom and legs, until she was quite sure she was all done. Georgina watched as her little gusset filled with nice round bulges.
"There" said Felicity proudly "All done. Oh it does feel funny. It's all warm and squelchy" she said with a giggle.

"Ooh you have been naughty Felicity" said Georgina in mock anger "is it my turn now?"
"Yes and you must show me too" instructed Felicity. Georgina turned around and with a flick she threw her skirt forward over her head so that her bottom poked out covered by her wet linen knickers.

For a few seconds Felicity watched as Georgina braced herself. Accompanied by a sticky squelching noise, she saw the white linen at bottom of her knickers' start to point outwards as a lump of poo-poo emerged slowly. Then with a loud grunt Georgina pushed and the lump grew to a huge bulge which quite filled her knickers. Felicity was fascinated, she looked on as Georgina gave another longer gasp and the lump grew a little more slowly. Then with a sigh of relief she let her skirts fall back down and turned around smiling contentedly.
"It feels nice doesn't it Felicity" she said at last.
"Yes it does Auntie, You did much more than me"
"That's because I'm a big girl" she said "Come on lets have a little more fun, follow me". Aunt Georgina led her to a seat in the garden where she took Felicity's hand and stood so that they were side by side in front of the bench.
"Now when I count to three you must sit down quickly" instructed Georgina. After three they sat down and Felicity's face beamed as she did so.
"Gosh Auntie Georgina that was squishy and warm and its gone down the legs of my knickers now" said Felicity. Georgina didn't hear her, she was in a trance again Felicity noticed that her aunt moved herself around a little as she sat and seemed to jerk about a bit afterwards. Finally she spoke.

"I think we'd better go and clean up. I'll have Nanny prepare us a bath and we'll say we both had an accident in our knickers Felicity….Felicity….Felicity."
Felicity woke up from her nap. She lay there for a few seconds before she remembered where she was. She turned over and saw Aunt Georgina smiling down at her.
"My goodness Felicity you must have slept well I've been trying to wake you for a long time. Fanny has prepared some tea in the drawing room. Would you like some?"
"Yes please Aunt Georgina, I'll be down directly". Her aunt smiled and left Felicity's room.
Felicity remembered what she had dreamed or rather recalled for she had recounted the events that occurred the last time she had met her Aunt all those years ago. She remembered how her mother being very suspicious of how she came to dirty herself and never really trusted Aunt Georgina with her after that. 'I wonder' she thought 'if Aunt Georgina still…. No, she couldn't do, not after all these years,' thought Felicity. She put on her shoes and made her way downstairs.

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