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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

3 Friends panty poop dare on train

I’ve posted this experience elsewhere. The picture is NOT one of us, there is no way that is ever going to happen, it is just a picture that matches the topic.
I (we shall call Me for this experience) have been sharing my fetish with a female friend (we shall call her Friend) who is bi-sexual who also shares with a female friend of hers (we shall call her Other Friend). We have only had a threesome once.
I read the article about the two Finish journalists who pooped themselves on a bus on purpose and I showed it to Friend. She really loved the article and I suggested we should do it with Other Friend, which wasn’t possible as they met up on rare occasions. However she wanted to get some other girls she knew in on it, who we had no idea if they were into panty pooping or not, and odds on were not.
We all met for a coffee with three of her friends who were all good looking and in their mid/late twenties, they all do this fitness dance thing together, that’s how they knew each other. Friend had told me to say that I was gay (which I am not) so that I wasn’t a threat to the other girls.
As the conversation went on, the girls started talking about dares they had done and Friend brought up the article. I said that it was really daring, the others agreed and one girl laughed saying how cool it must be to go that far. Friend jumping on this, then suggested that we should all do it (just a small nougat of poop), to which I didn’t agree (I was previously instructed to protest at first), one of the other girls agreed. One Girl thought it was a joke and kept asking if they were serious, then said that she would do it and covered her face giggling, all three agreed (and my friend of course). They said that I had to agree as well and as instructed I “reluctantly” agreed.
We decided that we would not go on a bus but instead use the London Underground. Also as there was no phone signal down there we all downloaded and tested an iPhone local messaging app so we could communicate. We agreed to take the train into London and do the dare on the way back out as the trains would get less busy by the last stop.
I had been excited the entire week, 4 girls shitting themselves on purpose with me, all my dreams and more had come true. However when it came to it, two of the girls couldn’t get the time off work, so it was just three of us, Me, Friend and just one of her friend’s (we will call her New Girl). Friend wore jeans, New Girl wore stretchy soft “jeans” and Me wore jeans. Here is what happened, as edited by Me and Friend:-
We had reached our central London station, standing on the platform in our coats that all just about cover our bottoms, waiting for the train back. The weather had become quite mild, hope nobody thinks we look suspicious in these coats. A sense of nerves came over us as the train pulled in. We realised this was it, this was the train we would shit our pants on purpose on. At this point there were no urges to poop, just butterflies in the stomach and nerves.
We all got onto the train pretending not to know each other. Me sat on the row of seats opposite the two girls, Friend sat at the end of the seat near the door and New Girl took a seat off centre, all of us in the same area of the carriage.
As the train doors closed we knew there was no going back and that we all had to do a discrete little poop in our pants. We all had amusing grins on our faces as we got out our phones, started up the message app and stared into them, with occasional glimpses at each other. It is not train etiquette to look, acknowledge or talk to people on the train. Messages start coming in:
Friend : Didn’t expect to be this nervous
New Girl: I can’t believe that we agreed to do this, girls were smart to chicken out. Soooo nervous.
Friend: Can’t believe I’m going to shit myself by the time we get to next station
New Girl: None of these people know what we are about to do infront of them, so cool.
Me: I’m going to open window incase of smell.
We took it in turns to subtly open the small vents above our heads to let in the air incase of smells. We pulled into next station, nobody had pooped, two students (girl and a boy) sat next to New Girl, male foreign student next to Friend. Doors closed and the train pulled off.
Me: Suggest we do it while train is going, hides any noises.
New Girl laughs and tries to conceal it, Friend briefly looks up at Me with embarrassed smile on her face.
New Girl: Has anybody done it yet.
Friend: Pushing but nothing, think I wet myself a little bit ðŸ˜®
Me: Not happening for me either.
Train pulled into next station, people got off, others got on, not rush hour so not so busy. Attractive woman sat next to Me and started to read a book. Train pulled off.
Me looked up at Friend who glimpsed back and checked the guy sitting next to her. We all had the urge now as chocolate muffins we all ate before were taking effect.
Friend: Going to try and push. Hope he doesn’t notice.
Friend sat up straight and put palm of hands on legs with subtle look of straining on her face.
Friend: Can’t believe it, need to go, pushing hard but not happening, WWHHYYY.
Me: Harder than I thought.
New girl giggles but doesn’t look up.
New Girl: Can’t believe we r doing this, so cool.
Me: Think need to shift weight off bum.
Train pulled into next station. Doors close, train slowly pulls off.
New Girl: Love this silly game, can’t stop giggling and can’t poo.
Friend: Fuck it, I’m just gonna do it.
New Girl gasps and looks over with the corner of her eye at Me.
Me: Did you do it?
New Girl: Did you poo?
Friend: No, really want to do this now, harder than I thought
New Girl: I’m, pushing but nothing
Friend: Really need to go, just won’t come out
Me: I even have cramps and it won’t come out
New Girl: Girl next to me making me nervous. Can feel it in my bum, but its stuck.
Me: Same here
New Girl: Sitting is holding it in
Me: Without looking obvious, got to shift weight off of bum.
New Girl: Seat so cramped in, they are so close to me
Train pulls into station with nobody getting on or off.
Friend: Worried if I push too hard, too much will come out ðŸ˜®
New Girl: I didn’t think of that
Me: You would have to shit a hell of lot for people to notice
New Girl: What if I have diarrhoea
Friend: If you had diarrhoea, you would have done it by now
Me: Nearly did it
New Girl: OMG r u serious
Me: Just relaxed and no pushing, felt it coming out, when I pushed it went back in.
Train pulls into next station, a few get on and off.
Friend: Guy next to me is cute, can see his phone number on his bag.
New Girl: Take it down and call him later
Me: You can tell him you didn’t speak on the train as you were too busy trying to shit yourself.
New Girl giggles a bit at the comment.
New Girl: Not sure that would be the best chat up line to use.
Friend starts giggling, guy sitting next to her turns and looks at her briefly.
New Girl: OMG, seriously
Friend: Yes, just a little ball between cheeks.
New Girl: Did you really do it, how did you do it.
Friend: Bum off seat a bit and push, just popped out
New Girl: Are you serious, did u poo?
Friend: Yes, little poo squished between bum cheeks, I’m so cool
Friend: Really liberating, should do this more often
Train pulled into station, students next to New Girl get off.
New Girl: Thought they would never go. Fuck it my turn, here goes.
New Girl: Still nothing, ARRRHHHH
Me: Has they guy next to you noticed
Friend: If only he knew the girl sitting next to him just shit herself on purpose, think he would be shocked ðŸ˜‰
New Girl: Go on, tell him, I dare you.
Friend starts giggling as she types.
Friend: Really want to, but too shy :(
Train pulls into next station, guy next to Friend gets off. Doors close and train pulls off again, train leaves underground tunnels and sunlight comes in.
Me: Too late, missed your chance
Friend: I took down his number though
New Girl: OMG, I just did a shit, that feels sssoooooo much better, this is amazing, best idea ever. Can’t believe I did it.
Friend: Cool bananas.
New Girl: I can feel it between my cheeks
Friend: How big is it
New Girl: Small lump, its not as bad as I thought.
Friend: How do you feel?
New Girl: I feel really proud of myself, it’s cool to shit yourself
Friend: Think you should stand up and tell train why you are so proud of yourself
New Girl: Lol ðŸ˜‰
Friend: “Me” still hasn’t, he’s not cool
Me: Not while she is sitting next to me, she is so close I’m touching her.
New Girl: Chicken, we shit ourselves, be liberated like us
Friend: Go on, she won’t know, I did it when guy next to me.
Train pulls into next station, nobody gets on or off. Doors close and train pulls off again.
Friend: Well “Me”, have you done it
New Girl: Have you done it yet
Me: It’s coming I think, just relaxing, not pushing and seems to be coming out slowly
Me: Done it, can’t believe you made me shit myself.
New Girl giggles as she sends message
New Girl: She will think you farted
Friend: We are a load of skanks.
New Girl giggles as she sees the message.
New Girl: Smelly skanks ðŸ˜‰
We are all looking into our phones giggling like delinquents. A few passengers give us stares.
Friend: Lets get off at next station and wait for next train
New Girl: Not sure about this, what if someone notices
Me: Bit nervous as well, but let’s do it quickly when doors open.
Train pulls into station, we all quickly get off and stand on the platform with backs against a wall. Train pulls off, we are now abandoned with little poos in our underwear. New Girl asks to see Me and Friend’s, but so small there is no lump evident. New Girl subtly touches Friend’s bum and can’t feel anything, with a slightly worried look, she subtly touched Me’s bum and felt a very small lump. New Girl with a sigh of relief says that she was a bit worried that we may have lied to her and that she was the only one who did it. Me felt New Girl’s bum and felt small poop lodged between cheeks. Platform is empty, New Girl opens her jacket and shows us her small wet patch from some pee.
Next train is delayed, platform is filling up, we stand with our backs against the wall and jackets closed, Friend and New Girl say they are getting cramps. Next train pulls in but is quite full so we decide to wait for the next one. Train leaves and next one arrives minutes later. We sit in the same seats, nobody next to us this time.
Friend: Feel sticky little poo between cheeks, like I forgot to wipe
New Girl: Feels like a little ball stuck between mine
Friend: We should do a little bit more
Me: We should all do it together after next station
New Girl: OK I’m in
Friend: Me too
Train pulls into next station a small group of 5 girls get on and sit together on the row Me is sat at. Train pulls off.
Friend: Are you guys ready, shall we ask those girls if they would join us.
Me: Go on, dare you
Friend looked at Me, then started to stand up. While looking at Me she then sat back down again and started typing away on her phone giggling.
Friend: Should have seen the fear on your face
Me: Very funny
New Girl: He was really scared
Friend: OK lets do this, u ready?
Me: Yes
New Girl: OMG sooo nervous, OK when
Friend: Everyone poop when you hear me cough.
We all looked up at and gave each other subtle glimpses, Friend subtly coughed and we all raised ourselves off the seat slightly or leaned to aside and began to push some more poop into the seat of our jeans. Instead of a small lump, this time we all felt warm goo spread flat on the seats of our pants.
Friend: Aaaahhh, feels better, can sit back down now
New Girl: Feel small warm mess on cheeks, eeewww
Me: Feel bit more relieved
Friend: Felt it run up between bum cheeks when I sat back down, think I may have let too much out.
New Girl: Did it come out the top
Friend: No, just felt it go on cheeks a little bit when I sat down. Felt nice and warm.
Me: You like?
New Girl: I like too, have to do this again.
Me: I’m in
Friend: A bit turned on, am I strange?
New Girl: The naughtiness is doing it for me. Nobody here knows that I was a naughty girl and shit myself on purpose.
Me: Too nervous to be turned on.
Friend: Feeling daring, gonna try and pee a bit.
Me: Seriously, everyone will see!
New Girl: Did you wee? ðŸ˜®
Friend: Just did a little, too scared. Feel small damp patch.
New Girl: Liked this more than I thought I would. Thanks guys
Me: Thanks for making you shit yourself, think I’m going to cry
New Girl: Stop teasing
Friend: Let’s wait until everybody gets off before we do
Friend: I really need to go more
New Girl: Can you make it home
Friend: Hope so
New Girl: Me too, but not badly.
Train pulls into final station, make sure we are last to get off and make our way to Friend’s apartment nearby where New Girl has parked her car.
We start to walk back to friend’s apartment down a quite street.
Friend : “I really need to go”.
New Girl : “We are nearly at you”.
Friend : “Fuck it, why hold back, we’ve already shit ourselves, what’s the difference?”.
New Girl : “Oh my god, are you gonna do it here?”.
Friend : “What difference does it make, may as well”
Me : “Go on, I dare you”.
New Girl : “What if someone sees you or notice…”
New Girl stopped talking as without any notice she heard a loud crackle as Friend started filling her jeans.
New Girl : “Oh my god, that was really loud”
Friend : “Ahhh, that feels so much better”.
New Girl : “Oh my fucking god, I can’t believe you just did that!”.
Friend : “Why, we’ve all already done it, I just did a bit more”
Friend pulls up her jacket a bit and shows us what is quite a large and obvious lump in the seat of her jeans.
New Girl : “It’s fucking huge, I can’t believe you did it, oh my god”
Me : “I thought you were joking”
New Girl : “I’m shocked, I still can’t believe you did that”
Friend : “What’s the difference, we’ve all shit ourselves anyway, and now I don’t have cramps.”
New Girl : “But they are only small poos, that’s a proper poo”
Friend : “Do you need to go?”
New Girl : “Yes, but I haven’t got the guts to do that”
Friend : “Go on, just do it, nobody will see, what difference does it make, you’ve already shit yourself, may as well go all the way”
New Girl pauses for a moment, bitting her lip thinking about it while nervously looking around.
New Girl : “I don’t think I need to go any more”
Me : “Oh you liar”
Friend : “What are you scared of, come on I dare you”
New Girl : “OK, Lets find somewhere I can sit”
Friend : “No need, just do it standing, don’t make an issue of it, just do it, just let it out”
New Girl : “Shit, I’m too nervous”
We all pause as we see a car to drive past, and look around to see if anybody else is coming.
Friend : “Just act casual, nobody’s going to tease you”
New Girl : “Lets walk on then”
We start to walk on talking and further down stop to cross the road, we hear a loud pop sound.
Friend : “Did someone just shit themselves”
New Girl had tried to be subtle and let it out.
New Girl : “Oh my god, don’t say anything, you said not to make an issue of it”
We start to walk on and New Girl turns to Me who is walking behind the two of them.
New Girl : “Does it show”
Me : “Yeah, your jacket doesn’t cover all of your bum”
New Girl stops and puts her hand under the bulge pushing it up on her bum a little bit to try to flatten and raise it and then proceeded to smell her hand.
New Girl : “Oh my God, that stinks. It actually doesn’t feel as bad as I thought.”
Friend : “It would be so convenient if we could just do this all the time”
New Girl : “Ruin lots of clothes though, I think my jeans are finished”
Me : “Wear diapers”
Friend : “Oh my god, that should be the next one, go out to a bar wearing diapers”
Me : “And first to leak looses”
New Girl : “Extra points for pulling someone”
We laugh as we walk on, joking about different situations and after a while, Friend stops.
Friend : “Hold on a second, I think I need to go some more”
While Friend stands there Me and New Girl carry on chatting to each other while Friend winces a bit to poop some more. New Girl is then taken by surprise.
New Girl : “Holly shit you’re wetting yourself as well, that’s really going to show”
Friend : “I know”
Friend continues to relieve herself of pee, making a wet patch down each leg as she pees into her jeans. The wetness on her legs made it obvious that she wet herself, so any passer-by would notice as her coat was only long enough to cover the top of her bum. Further on we walk past a man on his phone who looks at the girls with a stunned expression, they act normal and giggle when he has passed. New Girl decides she wants to wet herself as well, she stands on the grass of a pavement and lets the pee flow down her legs. Both girls as a dare walk on with their jackets held open to show the wet patch on their crotch. As we get to Friend’s road, Friend takes off her jacket, making Me very nervous as there is brown staining and a bulge on the seat of her jeans. New Girl decides to do the same but changes her mind when they see another man walking his dog approach us and proceeds to put her jacket back on. The man walks past and politely avoids looking at the girls and their wet patches, as he does, the dog sniffs at New Girl’s jeans as the man pulls it away to walk on. The girls giggle again.
New Girl : “That was intense, my heart is really pumping”.
We get to the apartment block and we invite New Girl to come upstairs to clean up (we were hoping for some fun), however she declined as she wanted to get home and cleaned up before her boyfriend got home. She put a carrier bag on her car seat.
New Girl : “I’ve got to sit in it now, OK here goes”
New Girl slowly and carefully lowers herself onto the car seat.
New Girl : “Eewww, It’s coming out the side of my knickers and all over my bum, I’ve ruined these jeans”.
Friend : “Just feel liberated and enjoy your new heated car seats”.
New Girl laughed and wriggled her bum on the seat a bit in a joking way.
New Girl : “Hold on need to go again”
While New Girl is sitting in her car, she leans to a side a bit and we hear a quiet crackle as she pushes more poop out. She then sits straight again.
New Girl : “Hold on, there’s more”
Again she leans to aside and pushes with no sound this time. She sits back straight again.
New Girl : “Hold on, there’s even more”
Friend : “Are you serious”
New Girl : “Its just a bit, a bit runny that bit, that’s better, all done now”
Friend : “Are you sure”
New Girl : “No, hold on, there’s even more”
The last time was a joke, New girl laughs and opens her legs to reveal a bit of brown staining between her crotch, and tells us that she definitely has to go home now.
Friend : “This was a good practice run, more of us should do it next time”.
Although we tried to convince her to stay and clean up again, New Girl left to go home before her boyfriend got back from work. Me and Friend said goodbye and Me gave New Girl a kiss on the cheeck, I released the rest of my poo into my jeans with a loud crackle.
New Girl: Did you just shit?
Me: I had cramps, I needed to go.
New Girl: Turn around, let me see. Hmmm not as big as ours, you’ll have to do better next time.
New Girl then said her final goodbye and drove off so we both then went upstairs and made the most of our poop filled jeans, however it would have been more fun with New Girl their, maybe next time.


  1. Profile photo of p4pleasure
    I really enjoyed reading that. I quite fancy having a go at it but I don’t have any friends who would want to accompany me.
  2. Profile photo of pantiespooper
    Wow… some story.
    You don’t need friends. It is just fun by yourself too. Pick a big store, move as far as possible from both the entrance and the bathroom, walk along slowly, and just fill your pants. You can THEN decide if you will try to clean up there, or make your way home to do it…
    Now, you may ask, have I done that? Yes, several times… Yes, all alone is fun too…

1 comment:

  1. so wanted to do this too. Poops with friends is so much better but I have never done it in public
