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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mara’s accident

Mara woke up early Saturday, she had been suffering from a cold for 3 days and she finally felt better. She had taken so much medicine that her whole system was off her appetite was the best it had ever been, but she hadn’t gone number 2 since Wednesday. Mara decided not to worry about it and planned to take a walk to her friend Michelle’s. Micelle lived 2 miles from her but the walk would do her good she thought and who knows, maybe by the time she returned home she would finally have the urge to relive herself.
 Mara called Michelle and told her she would be there by noon. Mara got dressed in her tan fatigues, a pair of pants that were like military style with wide flap pockets in the back and long deep pockets in the front. She wore her faded red top and her matching woven beige slip on shoes. Mara left her house around 10:30 so she would be on time. Her walk was very nice the fresh air and the bright sun made mara feel so good after being cooped up for 3 days at home.
 Mara arrived at Michelle’s and they talked and sat around like girls in there late teens do. Mara’s mom called and told her to be home around five for dinner. Mara left Michelle’s around 3:30 looking forward to a nice dinner at home. AS Mara walked back she felt very funny almost like she was going to be sick. Mara started to feel kind of weak and stopped. All at once Mara felt the pain shift and she knew now she had to go to the bathroom and she had to go real bad. 
 Mara walked swiftly slowing every once in a while to regain her composure. Mara’s concentration was fixed on her plight. Mara thought, the park that’s it I will go there and do it! Mara lost her nerve when she saw that there were a lot of people around. Mara was so afraid that she wouldn’t make it home she began to get nervous which didn’t help her need to crap at all!
 Mara was 3 blocks from home when she stopped and stood on a corner with her legs crossed. Mara was in need and she was out of ideas. Mara slowly uncrossed her legs and slowly walked trying not to think about the warm mess she was holding back. As she got to her block a very strong cramp hit and Mara had to stop walking. Mara hobbled in a very strange tight position toward a driveway. Mara stood ther with her face toward the street. Mara looked around nervously. Mara face was red, her brow was sweating and worst of all Mara’s tan pants were becoming heavy and changing color! Mara stood still as a pile formed in her pants. She hadn’t gone in so long that it felt like it wasn’t going to stop. Mara felt a huge log poke out her pants and then another and another. Mara slowly put her legs apart to accommodate the tremendous load she was pooping into her tan fatigues. 
  The tall thin blonde stood with her legs apart and her knees slightly bent as she loaded her pants. Humiliating thoughts raced through Mara’s head as the warm poop explored the seat of Mara’s formerly tan khakis. Mara finally stopped. She looked back and saw what looked like melon size dump sagging in her pants!
 Mara began the long walk down her street in her pooperpacked pants. As Mara walked she could feel the load sway back and forth in her stained khakis. Mara’s walk was slow and stiff but with all her concentration the pile slowly made it’s way down Mara’s right pant leg. Mara walked to her house and dreaded going in. What was she going to say if mom saw? Mara approached the door slowly and as quiet as she could. As she opened it she heard mom yell “Mara? Is that you?    

To be continued………….
My Drunk Aunt

 My mom and aunt get together occasionally, but when they do they usually go through a good 2-3 bottles of wine. Last Friday aunt Marilyn came over and boy did they drink. It was late by the time I got home from work and both were tipsy. I fell asleep on the couch, had a long day at work. I remember hearing my mom saying “Kimmy, kimmy hun wake up”. I looked at mom, my eyes hardly open, and she said, “Walk your aunt home, I think she’s to drunk to walk home by herself.”
 I woke and walked into the kitchen where aunt Marilyn was she was obviously bombed, and I helped her get her coat on. She is in her late 30’s, she wore a black leather coat trench style and she was wearing Dark brown loose fit corduroy pants and a tan sweater. She kind of staggered a bit as we left the house, and she slurred her words when she spoke and made very little sense. 
 We walked slowly toward her place, which was 3 blocks away. Aunt Marilyn walked slowly and seemed preoccupied with something. She stopped and told me she felt kinda funny and wanted to rest a minute. We stopped. She talked a little and I remember seeing her legs were apart. AS we started walking again she walked kind of slow and like she just got off a horse. I walked with her a block or so more and she was still walking funny and every once in a while her face got red and had kind of a sour look on it. 
 We were on her street when she asked to stop again. We did. 
This time she was talking clearer and she stood with her legs apart as before. She started to tell a joke, and I remember her laughing and when she did she bent her knees. She laughed and so did I the joke was funny. She started walking again and she acted very strange. She would not walk near me, she kind of lagged in the back and her walk was slower and I was beginning to wonder exactly what she was doing. As we got to her house she and I walked up the driveway and I looked at her as she staggered in her wide legged stance. We got to the garage door entrance and she pushed the door button. I looked down the driveway and then I knew for sure what Aunt Marilyn had been doing.  
 I noticed a lump of poop sitting in the driveway! I looked over and looked at Aunt Marilyn’s ass but her coat was on so nothing really showed. I was very curious now. We entered her house and I told her I would help her with her coat. She turned I helped her get it off and my suspicions were confirmed. Aunt Marilyn had crapped her pants.
 I slowly took off her coat, and she knew that I knew what had happened because she was quiet. As I took the coat off for some strange reason I pushed my finger on the lump in her corduroys. They were soft and warm. The lump was very large and it was kinda wet from being there a while. Aunt Marilyn slowly moved around and asked if I wanted a drink. I was shocked that we were home and she had a dump in her pants and she wasn’t going to change!
 I didn’t take the drink but she took one and she wanted to get some air so we walked out on the porch. Aunt Marilyn didn’t seem o mind that she had a pile in her pants, as a matter of a fact I think as we stood there she did more. We talked as if nothing was wrong. She stood there in a normal stance now giving in to the mess in her trousers and I noticed steam coming from them as I glanced at her lumped corduroys again. I began to get kind of turned on from the sight of her at her age inn loaded pants.
 The phone rang and I went in to get it. It was my mom. I wasn’t sure what to say when she asked if my aunt was ok. I wanted to say yes but she made a load in her pants, but I didn’t. She told me to come back once she was settled in and I said I would. I went back out and as I approached the door I looked and aunt Marilyn had her hand on the dump in her pants and she was cupping it. I stood there and watched, it looked like she enjoyed what had happened. I walked out she looked at me and said “you didn’t tell her did you?” I said “what? She looked at me and then at the mound in her corduroys that was steaming in the night air. I said “what are you asking me.”  I guess in some perverted way I wanted to hear her say it. She blushed and smiled and said you know. I said Know what? Aunt Marilyn grinned and said “that I made a load in my pants!” I blushed and a tingle went thru me. I couldn’t believe that my aunt had shit her pants and she didn’t seem to mind!
 I walked over and she smiled and said “lets keep this a secret kimmy, I don’t think others would enjoy knowing that a woman my age crapped her pants because she was so drunk!” I grinned and we talked and eventually I helped her get changed and put her to bed. I took her soiled pants to her laundry room and for some strange reason I put them to my nose and sniffed where the lump had been. I still can’t understand why but I did and I have to admit that seeing my aunt Marilyn crap herself was something that well turned me on!  
 Hello, my name is Tammy, and this is my pantypooping story. 
   Some months ago, some of my girlfriends asked me to go out with them to celebrate a birthday. We arranged to meet in a bar downtown, with the plan to start here and then later move on to the restaurant for a meal and the all important cake. I remember that the day was very busy at my work and I was rushing to get finished on time, and also I was not feeling too good, with maybe a flu or cold coming on. Anyway, managed to get away in time to rush home, jump in the shower and slap on my makeup. I also tried to poop (I like to be absolutely "empty" when I go out, as I hate using public toilets), but nothing would come out. As I pulled up to the bar, I realized that I hadn't eaten the whole day, and was now starving. OK, quickly run to the fast food place just down the street, but as I closed the car door, one of my friends was already waiting for me, and sprang forwards, grabed my arm and steered me directly into the bar. It was so nice to meet with all my old mates, and the drink flowed freely, to put it mildly. We were all pretty drunk within a couple of hours...but me more so as I had no food in my stomach to absorb all that alcohol. In a distant part of my mind a tiny voice was telling me to take it easy, but also that I might need to poop. So I reluctantly staggered off to the ladies. There were two cubilcles and so I threw myself into one, closed the door and remember sitting down to pee. My head was swimming, my sight was fucked up and my body just wouldn't do what my dizzy brain commandered of it. But I do remeber peeing, the hot wet feeling and the sound of it splashing into the toilet bowl. And then....I was out! Darkness fell!
    I dreamt that a large dog was trying to bite my leg. It seemed so real. And then I awoke....someone was pulling at my foot from under the large gap between the door and the floor. Someone else was shouting for me to open the door (I must of locked it on my way in). There was a general commotion, with all the pulling, shouting and banging. I knelt up and pulled back the lock. The door swung open and three of my very drunk friends tumbled in on top of me. We all fell about laughing. One of them started making jokes about what I was doing that took so long and pretended to finger herself. They demanded to see if the front of my panties were wet and we all started wrestling on the floor in an effort to get me to open my legs. We were all laughing so hard that the tears were streaming down my face. I pushed them off and said I would show them. They stood around me and I pretended to be coy and shy, lying on the floor, but then I gradually started to act kinda "porno", posing here and there, opening and closing my legs and touching my tits whilst licking my lips. They all started to clap and shout "open your legs, bitch!". I rolled over and jutted out my ass and then slowly pulled up my dress for the "reveal". Abruptly the clapping and shouting stopped. I looked round and saw them just staring at me with thier mouths open. I didn't understand, and suddenly felt awkard. But within a couple of seconds they all started laughing. One of them pointed. I remember jumping up to look at myself in the full length mirror.
    And there it was, for all to see. In my drunken toilet visit I had shit my panties. I opened the back  and peered in, and there was a huge poop looking back at me. By now the girls were hysterical and rolling around clutching thier sides. In my stupour, I played aound with my pooped panties for them. It was quite a show. Later I threw the panties into the toilet and flushed the evidence away. We all tidied ourselves up, re-did our make-up, promised it would be our little secret, and then spilt out into the bar. It was a great night!

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