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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Julies Awakening

Posted by Toby on April 17, 1999 at 13:02
Hello everyone, I did not get much response from my last post so I'll submit this one as my second effort. Like many of you I'm sure, I am a loner as far as this fetish is concerned and very likely to stay that way. My other half (or S.O. as you seems to say here) has no idea of my activities in this respect and to be honest I think I prefer it to remain that way. Probably because of this, and again it appears like many of you, I fantasise about situations and events that will never happen to me in real life, but about which give me quite a turn on during my PP activities.
I notice a lot of correspondence and posts about the 'sexual stimulation' side of the coin. I cannot help feeling that the vast majority of us, if not all, find some kind of sexual satisfaction from these activities even if the satisfaction is gained over a long period of time and/or is self-administered. I dare say that I may get a few responses to that particular point, but there you are. Personally I find it a pleasurable alternative to more usual forms of sexual activity, and the fantasies are a way of releasing some of the more obscure desires that I have. On reflection that last sentence makes me sound like a bit of a creep, but I don't think I am. My desires are not too dark - honest, probably a bit sad if truth be known.
Anyway, I have begun writing a few fantasy pieces (I'm sorry there're not true stories, I lead a rather plain life compared to some of you.) I have noticed that this one is similar in situation to a true story posted earlier and after I'd written it, still here it is nonetheless.
Julies Awakening.
We were travelling back from a day out in the country, it was summer so the weather was warm. It had been about an hour since we left the spot where we had enjoyed a picnic out in the open air. We had chatted for a little while since we started off and Julie had dozed off and slept for the last ten miles. She was an attractive girl with long dark hair and brown eyes. She looked very summery dressed in a short summer skirt, T - shirt and sandals.
With another hours journey ahead of us I began to think about stopping somewhere for refreshments.
Not having made the journey before, I had little idea of when we would come across the next convenient rest area. I reached for the map in the back seat and in doing so I brushed Julie's hair and awoke her from her short nap.
"Where are we?" she enquired drowsily.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I said, "I thought I'd look for a place to stop somewhere up ahead"
"I'll have a look" she offered and took the map from me. As she studied the map and established exactly where we were she began to shift uneasily in her seat.

"Found anything?" I asked after a few minutes silence. She looked decidedly agitated by now.
"There's a place about fifteen miles away, I think" she replied "I hope it's got some decent toilets".
"If your desperate I can pull over and you can go in a hedge" I offered. I had only known her a short while and I wasn't sure if she was the adventurous type of girl or not.
"No, I couldn't do that", she sounded shocked "What with people going by?"
I thought for a minute. "There's an empty plastic container in the back" I suggested, "You could go in that, I was going to throw it out anyway" From the look she gave me you'd have thought I had asked her to pee out of the car window as we were going along. Still, she saw the wry smile on my face and treated my suggestion with the contempt it deserved.
After a while she admitted that she needed to go 'big toilet' and there was no way she was going to do that in anything other than a porcelain throne. Things started to look decidedly uncomfortable for Julie and as luck would have it we hit some heavy traffic and began to slow down.
"How far now?" I asked, aware that she was beginning to show signs of squirming on her seat.
" Oh, miles!" she replied sharply, as I began to detect a note of panic in her voice.
"Look" I said, " I'll pull off somewhere soon if you're that desperate. You can't go on like this for the next ten miles, you'll end up going in your knickers".
" It might come to that, I think I've left it too late," she said. Her face was pink and she looked ready to cry. The traffic started to ease at this point and we began to pick up speed a little. She was clenching her bottom desperately by now and she was beginning to feel the cramps in her tummy telling her it was time to let it all come out.
"I'm sorry," she said " I don't think I can hold it much longer" she began to giggle a little "This is so embarrassing". I felt for her but at the same time I couldn't help feeling a little aroused at help plight..
"Look try to sit down into the seat then if you do start to go, it won't be able to come out" I suggested.
"Okay" she said and wiggled down into the seat. She brushed her hair away from her face and looked at me. "I hope this works" she said, " because I haven't been for a couple of days so there'll be an awful lot of it".
"Trust me."
With that she became quiet, her eyes seemed to glaze over, her cheeks flushed and I could see her tummy contracting and her knuckles whiten as she gripped the sides of the seat. She gave a couple of short involuntary gasps as her BM strained to be released into her knickers, thwarted only by the stubborn car seat which saved her from both embarrassment and relief. She finally relaxed and sank into the chair. "Thank goodness, it worked" she breathed a sigh of relief " I managed to hold it in".
The traffic had speeded up now and shortly we saw the countdown markers for the rest area. I looked across at Julie she had a look of grim determination on her face and it made me smile.
"How are you doing?" I enquired.
"You can laugh" she said with mock anger "if it does come out it's your car seat that'll suffer!"
We pulled up in an empty space close to the ladies loo. Julie had relaxed after her last BM attempt but sadly the car seat and her posture had given her a false sense of security. But the BM hadn't gone away, it was only hiding round the corner, so to speak. She turned to get her bag from the back seat and as soon as she lifted her bottom it released the pressure. The BM leapt out to take her by surprise.
With a stifled scream she turned to the front and tried to sit into the seat again but it was clearly too late. The BM had reached the point of no return and it wasn't going back! Poor Julie had no option but to hold herself off the seat with her hands. Her face was flushed with effort and her tummy was contracting vigorously and she groaned as the BM forced its way out of her body and steadily filled the gusset of her white cotton panties. She was helpless to prevent the onslaught. I was too as I watched her body stiffen and her thighs part gradually to let the firm mass squeeze out of her and pile its way into her knickers.
I couldn't see much at first but I could hear a faint squelching sound as it was being delivered. Her skirt had ridden up and eventually I could just see the gusset of her knickers being stretched as poor Julie paid the price for allowing herself to be caught short.
She relaxed a little only to receive another cramp, which pushed more of the stuff into her straining gusset. Her thighs were widely spread by now to accommodate the warm pile that had settled between them. Finally she had finished. She looked at me with a wry grin. " Now what do I do?"
I was aware at this stage of a hard lump in the front of my jeans. I had found the incident quite a turn on, but reality soon took over. "Just don't sit in it," I said fearful of the condition of my car seat if she had of sat down and spread the warm pile around her bottom and probably out of the openings in her panties. I got out and quickly made my way round to open her door. Carefully Julie got to her feet and with a quick look around to make sure the coast was clear she walked uneasily towards the loo.
A while later she emerged smiling and without a word got into the car seat and shut the door.
"All okay" I enquired "Yes" she said, "I'm fine now" her skin was flushed pink and she seemed to be in a very light-hearted mood. As we set off to continue our journey, I couldn't help wondering whether or not she had found the experience of messing her panties a turn on, as well. Only time would tell.

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