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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

more real accidents

Posted by franny on December 13, 1997 at 09:23
Hi once again, My mom and dad are gone for the weekend,
and I have free use of the computer. Let me go right
to a couple of other real #2 accidents I have exper-
ienced. At 17, right out of high school, I spent a month
at a church camp deep in the woods, and we had lots
of time around the campfire in the evenings. One night
an older counselor told a really scary ghost story.
At the climactic point there was a loud sound effect
of something really eerie way off in the woods. But
the noise came from right behind me and I must have jumped a foot and a half straight up in the air.
At the same time I made a mess in my shorts, com-
pletely out of my control. Everybody was screaming
in fright and later I heard that a 14 year old girl
sitting near me had wet herself. In my case I was
both brown and wet, though I had regained control
quickly enough that it wasn't of disastrous pro-
portions. So I got up and ran back to the dorm and
went straight to the bathroom to clean up.
I would probably have remained undetected, but one
of the counselors followed me, sensing I was in distress.
I wish she hadn't, but she discovered me and my messy
condition before I could finish cleaning up. I had
a good cry, we discarded my underwear, and she agreed
to keep my accident a secret.
The very next summer something else happened which I saw, it did not happen to me. After freshman year a group of us went to Myrtle Beach for a weekend house party. It was boys and girls both but we were chaperoned. Not all that much heavy playing around took place.
I had several close girlfriends from school there. One of us, Ellen, was this like star student and even tho she had some great qualities she was sort of stuck up, and kept her head stuff mostly secret. She didn't even date a lot even tho she had a cute little figure that was to die for. Only her roommate even knew whether she was even still a virgin, and she wasn't telling.
I was broiling in the sun with a couple other girls. Ellen and Kay came up and talked to us. They were dressed in street clothes, shorts and halter top, since they'd been to town shopping. We invited them to stay with us but Ellen, acting antsy in a way I'd never seen her do before, said she had to go back to the room. She and Kay went on off, and Ellen seemed to be hurrying.
Ten minutes later I had to get up to go back to my own room for something. My room was next door to Ellen's and Kay's in the motel. As I walked back to my room I noticed the door to their room open. I walked in, curious, and I could hear the shower going in the bathroom. Neither girl was in the motel room but right away I saw Ellen't cotton shorts lying crumpled on the floor. Then, on the coffee table in front of the sofa, I saw what had to be Ellen's panties. They had been pooped in for real! They were just sitting there on the table quite brown and messy. As best I could tell, she had been desperately stripping off her clothes as she came in the door. Her light colored shorts, on the floor, seemed to be clean, but she obviously did a number in her underpants before she could get to the toilet.Luckily for her it wasn't a complete disaster, just like me at summer camp, I had been able to exert control before the flood gates had opened wide. But here was everything I needed to know about snooty little Ellen to make her life miserable for weeks. Obviously her roomie and best buddy Kay was a keeper of Ellen's secrets.
I actually considered making off with Ellen's pooped panties, but, well, I guess after all is said and done, I'm not really that kind of girl. Besides, I don't like touching feces any more than another person.
So I tiptoed out of the room before Kay or Ellen could come out of the bathroom, and I resolved not to tell what I had seen. As it turned out, Ellen herself turned out to be able to make fun of herself. She actually ended up confessing to all of us girls (5 of us altogether) that she had had an "accident" in her pants that day. Her face was beet red as she told about it, but the point is that she had the ability to tell on herself that way. I have always been to shy and embarrassed to admit it freely when I have had accidents. I do my best to keep other people from knowing.
Does anybody out there have any thoughts about all this? Why does telling about it turn me on? Am I weird?

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