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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Story: A First Puff

Posted by Accidental Tourist on March 31, 1998 at 12:13
The following story is mostly fantasy. It involves an 18-year-old schoolgirl I know, who's a real piece of work: beautiful, stuck-up, and completely full of herself. The names have been changed to protect the obnoxious.
Erin walked out of the school building and turned toward the gate. The pretty high school senior was wearing lavender leggings under her maroon school uniform skirt, and a white blouse. He slung her bookbag over her shoulder and turned toward home. Suddenly she heard a shout.
"Erin!" It was her close friend Heather, who was standing over near the schoolyard fence with another girl, Lisa, who Erin didn't know very well. Lisa had sort of a "reputation". Erin approached the other girls apprehensively. As she drew nearer, she saw a puff of blue smoke above Lisa's head.
"What are you guys doing?" she called out, and Heather turned to shush her. Erin caught a glimpse of a cigarette in Heather's mouth. "Are you crazy?!" Erin exclaimed. "Sister Felicia is gonna catch you."
Erin came from a very strict Catholic household. She had never even dreamed of smoking, as she knew she would be punished severely if her mother or father ever found out.
"Oh don't be such a wimp!" sneered Lisa. "No one's going to catch us. I bet you've never even tried a cigarette before, have you, miss goody two-shoes!"
"I have so!" lied Erin.
"You have?!" exclaimed Heather doubtfully. "I can't believe it."
Erin felt her face flush. How was she going to get out of this lie? Without even thinking, she reached for the pack of cigarettes in Lisa's hand, shook one out and stuck it in her mouth. "Give me a light!" she drawled.
Erin took a long pull on the lit cigarette and immediately began to cough. Her head felt light, but she forced herself to inhale another lungful of smoke, and she coughed again, doubling over. Lisa and Heather started to laugh. "Told ya" said Lisa.
Just then they heard a shout. "What are you girls doing over there?!" It was Sister Felicia! Lisa turned and ran toward the gate; Heather and Erin stood frozen in place. Erin hurriedly dropped the cigarette she was holding and stepped on it.
Her head still felt funny, and in her terror, she felt her insides give a lurch. Sister Felicia strode up to them.
"Erin Connerly!" she declared. "I can't believe YOU are out here. Smoking! Shame on you. Lisa Reece I can imagine, and I'm not too surprised about you either, Heather Garrison. I'm going to call your parents right away!" She turned and
strode back toward the school building.
Erin stood speechless. What was she going to do? Her insides gave another gurgle, and she realized that she needed to shit. She walked after Sister Felicia.
"Oh, please don't call my folks!" she begged.
"Erin, I know this is going to be unpleasant for you," the nun began, "but it's for the best."
"Can I come back into the school and use the restroom?" Erin asked in a trembling voice.
"Now you're just trying to delay the inevitable, Erin. Your house isn't so far away. You go home and use the bathroom there, and face the music. I can't let you into the school building after hours, you know that."
Sadly and scared, Erin turned and walked back over to where her friend was standing. "It'll be OK, Erin," Heather comforted her. "My parents already know that I smoke; you can just tell your folks it was me and Lisa, and you were just standing there."
"I don't know," Lisa said, and began to sniffle. "That mean Sister Felicia! I also really have to go to the bathroom, and she wouldn't let me inside."
"Oh, we can go around the side of the building, behind the toolshed. You can pee there, I'll stand watch."
"No, you don't understand," Erin answered. "I have to poop.
I don't understand it, I really have to go -- the need suddenly crept up on me."
"You really haven't ever smoked before, have you?" Heather asked her.
Erin shook her head.
"Cigarettes act like a laxative, especially when you haven't smoked one in awhile. C'mon, lets hurry back to your house."
But even though Erin's house was only a short distance away, across a busy street and over a little rise, her need to poop grew more urgent with each step. As the girls approached the street, Erin gasped and clenched her pretty legs together.
"Oh, god, I have to go so badly!" she whined. "C'mon, hold on, it's not very far. You can make it!" urged Heather.
Twice on the way up the hill, Erin had to stop and attempt to gain control of her sphincter, which felt like it was going to give way to the massive load of poop straining to escape from her bowels. At the very top of the hill,
she suddenly felt the load begin to move, and it felt like it started to come out. "Unnnhh," she grunted, and a long fart escaped. Erin stopped and stood stock still.
"Eww gross," said Heather. "Come on, Erin, you can make it!"
"It felt like I almost went just there. The poop came halfway out. It's just hanging out, it's all I can do to keep it from coming out the rest of the way! Oh Heather, what am I going to do? I can't make it home! I'm going to poop in my pants! Help me! How am I going to get home in time?" Erin began to sob.
"Just get ahold of yourself," said Heather. "We'll stand here until you're ready to walk. Look, we can almost see your house."
The two girls stood there for a second, Erin scarecely daring to move. She could feel the poop hanging halfway out her ass, and gravity and her urgency working against her. After a minute, she took a tentative step forward, and
then another.
Using small mincing steps and trying to maintain the muscles of her bottom perfectly taught and steady, they proceeded toward her house again. Now she could see the house, down the hill. But walking downhill increased the pressure in Erin's bowel and she had to stop again, gasping. Another long low fart escaped, and with it, she felt a small piece of poop break off and land in the seat of her panties.
"Oh Heather, I just pooped a little more! I think it's in my pants! Oh Heather, I pooped in my pants a little bit!"
"Oh no, Erin! C'mon, it's just a few more doors. Just hold on a little bit more!"
Walking slowly and gingerly, the two girls made it to the sidewalk in front of Erin's house, when suddenly Erin stopped as a wave of urgency hit her, the strongest one yet.
"Uhhnnnhhnngg!" she groaned, and bent forward at the waist, straining to keep from completely pooping in her pants. Another long fart escaped, and she began to feel the poop move in her bowels. Gradually it began to force its way out, and try as she might, she couldn't stop it.
"Unnhggnngghh!" she groaned again, as all control over her bowels gave way and an enormous load of shit exploded into her panties. The first part of it was fairly solid, but the second wave, which she couldn't help but push out, was very liguid. The legbands of the panties couldn't contain the massive pile of shit in their seat and it began to escape and run down her legs. Heather watched in horror as brown streaks of liquid poop discolored the insides of her friends pretty thighs, running down the inside of Erin's leggings. A trickle of liquid poop appeared at Erin's ankle and dripped onto the sidewalk. Erin burst into tears.
"I shit my pants!" she sobbed. "I can't believe it, I completely shit my pants!"
Suddenly the door to Erin's house flew open, and there stood Erin's mother, tight-lipped. She glared at her daughter, and then her eyes travelled to Erin's legs and the poopy mess that was obviously showing through her pants. A look
of disbelief and horror showed on Mrs. Connerly's face.
Erin sobbed even harder, and Heather heard a faint hissing sound as Erin lost control of her bladder as well and began to wet her pants. Soon the front of Erin's lovely lavender leggings were sopping wet and she stood, humiliated, in a puddle of pee, having completely pooped and then peed in her pants.


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