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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bath time fun! By Lisa on Feb 27, 1998

The water steamed as it poured out of the tap and splashed into the tub. Susan gasped as her foot touched the water. A little hot....but not to bad. She eased her slender body into the water. The steam felt nice on her pretty face. She ran her hand through her brown hair and looked around the bathroom. Some times, she couldn't believe how large it was. She had really lucked out, meeting Bob, her fiancÈe. Bob was rich...VERY rich. Of course, Susan had plenty of money as well... she just wanted more. She would marry Bob, live with him for a while, then dump him and take him for all he had. After that, who knew? Perhaps, she would marry again. Then again......maybe not.
Susan took the soap and began to work up a lather. As she rubbed, she began to feel pressure in her bowels. It was Bob's mom's steamed did it to her every time. Before she had time to react, a violent fart ERUPTED from her ass with a loud BLURT! Bubbles pored from between her butt cheeks and floated to the surface, where they popped just behind her. Susan groaned, slightly embarrassed. She felt her self blush, but she suddenly stopped. That was....exhilarating. She smiled and looked behind her. The tub was situated so that her back was to the door. She would have to be careful. Wouldn't want someone to walk in and catch her. The embarrassment alone would kill her.
When she was sure she was alone, she raised her right cheek a little and let out a large BLOORPT! She giggled again, watching her bubbles surface. She leaned forward and squirted out a series of tiny farts. Plooop...plooop..PLAP! Glub....BLAPPPPPPPP! Susan smiled. She never knew how.... amusing her bottom could be. Susan continued to push out fart after fart. She couldn't believe she was doing this. An idea struck Susan. She rolled over onto her elbows and knees, keeping her ass just below the surface. Her butt in place, she pushed. PHURT! Her blast caused water to fly into the air and land on the floor in a puddle. She had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing too loudly. Imagine... petite little her, cutting the cheese like some large animal! Susan submerged herself to just below her eyes... glub, glub, froop...plerp! The bubbles floated out of her bum, between her legs and to the surface just in front of her face. She watched closely as they burst, splattering water on her face. She wiggled he toes. This was so much FUN!
Then, Susan remembered the C.D player beside the bath. She enjoyed listening to classical music while she bathed... it relaxed her. Susan put her hand down and skipped to track 4.... The Blue Danube Waltz. Susan hummed along with it.... "Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm ...Hm hm hm hm." The waltz continued... Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm Susan rased her right cheek and farted to the tune. BLURP BLURP...BLAP PLOORP! Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm FROOP BLAT GLUB BLORT! Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm BLORF BLAPP PUOPTH BLUT! Hmm hmm hmm hmmmmmmmm BLOOP BLOOP FROOP BLORT! Susan kept up at this pace until the finish, and ended with a giant BLRputPHTTHTH.....BLOOOP! She fell back, exhausted and giggling like a school girl when she was struck with ANOTHER idea: put her legs up, squeeze her bum tight and let 'er rip! Just to see what it would do. A smile came to Susan's face She couldn't do it from her current position... the tap was in her way. She scooched around on her butt so she was facing the door. Her butt squeaked as she slid around on it. She gasped....the smile disappeared from her face. Bob stood in the door, mouth wide open. He had watched her "perform" the Waltz. Susan turned bright red and submerged. More bubbles floated to the surface.
The End.

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