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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Farting Women Of The Amazon By ms. farty pants on Thu Jan 28, 1999

Deep within the amazon forest lived a tribe of women, who due to circumstances within their lives hated men more than anything in their world. For their fathers years before had exiled them to this forest to die so they would not have to supply their dowry. The leader of this group of women was named The Fart Goddess of War, she with her band of women soldiers roamed the land and wrecked havoc on all men who got in their way.....
Dr. A. Hole and his four colleges, roamed the Amazon forest looking for some trace of the elusive band of women, who have been killing off the men of the forest for years. Led by their trusty guide, they have been looking for weeks for some trace of them.
" Dr. Hole this has to be a hoax, we have been here weeks and not a sign of them" exclaimed Dr. M Anus, his fellow colleges Dr. I M Abutt and Dr. J Fartman nodded in agreement. But Dr. Hole ignored them for deep in his heart he just knew that they would find these women and put a stop to them for good. They struggled through the dense underbrush for miles before coming to a suitable place to camp. " We will stop here" said their guide. "Its about time" the Dr's grumbled Just then a high pitched sound came eerily along on the wind and an offensive odor with it. The men coughed and covered their noses with the handkerchiefs. Looking at one another they all wondered what the hell the stench was. " Smells like something died!" exclaimed Dr. Hole, " tomorrow we shall see if we can find it, it may give us a clue!" The other three looked at each other and sighed knowing it was no use to try to talk him out of it. They set up camp and then their guide left them to go find wood. Hours later the guide still had not shown up, and they stench on the wind was getting worse. "Where the hell is he and what is that awful foul smell!" gagged Dr. Fartman, looking out into the darkness hoping to catch a glimpse of the guides lantern through the dense brush. Suddenly the eerie sound came again and this time the sound was answered three times over! Terrified the men looked at each other
"What is going on here?" cried Dr. Fartman, looking at his fellow comrades."This is too strange" Dr. Anus said, looking kinda spooked "And what is that awful noise and smell that keeps wafting in on the wind!" Dr. Hole looked at the three men and told them to go and collect some wood for the fire, but, to stay close to camp and to stay together. The men started to protest but Dr. Hole gave them such a disgusted look that they went without saying anything more on the subject. The men began to walk into the forest but as soon as the trees closed in around them they panicked and in the process got themselves turned around. "Now what" cried Dr. Fartman, who then in such a panic took off running crashing through the forest leaving his friends behind yelling at him to come back that they should stay together. Faster and faster he ran yelling and screaming in terror till finally he couldn't run anymore. He dropped to the ground in a wrecked heap rolling to his back gasping for air, just then he heard the sound of a branch cracking and opened his eyes, to find himself surrounded by 4 of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.
The leader of these women had glorious long legs and the tightest ass he'd ever seen. He lay there in stunned amazement at the glorious site infront of him not for once thinking that he may be in danger. Suddenly out of the blue he sees a leopard skinned encased ass coming down on his nose and then heard a ppppppppppsssssssfffffffttttttt.....and that was the last thing he saw.
He awoke to find himself in a strange camp, he looked around and he spotted the guide, lying there green faced in a pool of vomit, dead. He started to shake in terror because when he realized that he had found the elusive women of the Amazon or rather they had found him. Dr. Anus and Dr. Abutt ran back into camp only minutes after Dr. Fartman took off, "Where is Dr. Fartman?" asked Dr. Hole "Thats what we came to tell you! He took off and we can't find him he's not answering our calls or anything." they cried looking panicked. "Well we will stay here with the lanterns lit and hope he can find his way back to us, there is nothing else we can do till morning" Dr. Butt exclaimed calmly.
The three Dr.'s proceeded to go to bed and try to get some sleep. Snug in there beds with their rifles close by the Dr.'s instantly fell asleep feeling secure that nothing would happen to them through out the night. The doctors awoke the next morning to the smell of something cooking, thinking it was the guide or Dr. Fartman having returned they crawled out of their sleeping bags and left the tent, the happy smiles on their face dying when they see the sight before them.
Sitting before the fire were four beautiful women. They looked on in amazement at the sight of them. While they stared they were jumped from behind by 4 more women and tied up. the doctors struggled but to no avail they could not escape. "Wwwwwhat's going on?" cried Dr. Abutt. "What are they gonna do to us!" " I don't know, but, we have finally made contact with the lost women of the Amazon!" exclaimed Dr. Hole excitedly. the eight women sat around the fire eating their meal, looking at the men and every so often one would let out a loud bbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaapppppptt!!!! "Oh my god!" wailed Dr. Anus " that stinks!!!!!" Soon the women were letting out non stop farts, the air began to smell putrid and the doctors eyes were watering and burning. bbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrruuuuummmppphh, bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaapppppppppptt, ffffffffffffffffssssssssssssssssssssttttttt!
On and on it went for hours, and the women continued eating. "What the hell are they eating?" Dr. Abutt cried out, gasping and choking on the air. Soon 4 of the ladies left and retuned within hours with the lost Dr. Fartman. "They've killed the guide Dr. Hole and I think they mean to kill us too!" " I am sure you are wrong," Dr. Hole said calmly " we will talk to them and tell them we want to help and I am sure they will let us go." The leader of the women was standing a short distance away and turned and started laughing a sinister laugh. "You will never leave here alive and nothing you can say will stop us from killing you!"
The doctors looked at each other and started screaming for help. but, of course, to no avail. They were miles from the nearest village and no one could hear them. The women tied the men up spread eagle side by side on the ground and then the horror began. One woman sat on each man's face and proceeded to let out a loud fart! Bbbbbrrruuummmpppphh! the sound echoed off the surrounding trees and mountains, "Nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooo" screamed Dr. Fartman who had seen what had become of the guide. "Hhhhhhhmmmmmmmm this is kind of nice"exclaimed Dr. Hole with a Dreamy look on his face. Dr.'s Abutt and Anus began choking and dry heaving, "stop" they cried. but the girls continued to fart, bbbbbrrraaapppt! ppppppfffffffffsssssssssttttttt, bbbbbbrrrrrrrrruuummmmph, on and on came the farts never stopping for a minute.
The leader of the woman, the fart goddess of war, looked on as her band members farted on the men smiling and laughing. Dr. Anus went into a seizure and quickly a new girl sat on his face and let go a silent but God awful fart, pppppfffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssstttttttttt! The doctor gave one last spasmodic movement and then moved no more, his face was burnt from the potency of the woman's farts. Dr. Abutt began to scream and scream as he saw a bare butted woman walking toward him with a torch in her hand, "How does the idea of being burnt to death suit you", the fart goddess of war asked smiling. "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," he screamed, struggling in vain against the binds tying him down. standing over him the woman warrior let go a steady stream of gas and passed the torch by it lighting the potent gas on fire, like a torch the flame shot out of her ass and onto the doctor, the air reeked of burnt human flesh, clothing and farts. The doctor jerked and screamed, then all was silent and he was no more.
"Stop this insanity right now," Dr. Hole yelled with a voice of authority. The fart goddess of war looked at him in surprise and anger, "Who do you think you are to be telling me to stop this?!" she exclaimed hotly, "You are in no position to be telling me anything and I think you shall be next!" Two women quickly ran over and one sat on his nose and the other on his mouth and all you could hear was the steady stream of farts as they began, bbbbbbbbrrrrraapppity bbbbrrraptt, bbbbbllllluuuuuuurrrrrrppppp, bbbbrrrrrrrraaaaappt, on and on they came and the doctor steadily began to move less and less till he was no longer moving. The women got off of him and smiled at one another. "Now for you," smiled the fart goddess of war, and she walked over to where Dr. Fartman lay crying, and squatted on his face and let go a fart that was so loud and powerful that the trees shook and the leaves blew off, bbbbbbbrrrrruuuuuummmmmppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the last poor doctor's head was blown to pieces, splattering into the wind.

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