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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alloteuthis, the 'Other Cephalopod'

It came as quite a shock to Dr Rushton to discover, after five-and-a-half years of exhaustive research, that the speciesHomo sapiens was, in fact, probably not the most intelligent form of life on Earth. Of course she could not be certain of this, owing to the great difficulties she had faced in evaluating her subjects' IQs, but the evidence so far pointed very firmly in that direction.
"So what happens next?" asked Tom Forrest, one of her postgraduate students. "We publish our findings, right?"
"Yes, yes, but not yet," said Dr Rushton. "It's going to cause a bit of a panic, I think. You know how insecure we humans get at the thought of life more intelligent than us. And if they were ever perceived as a potential threat … why, the military would be bombing the ocean depths before you could blink. No, this knowledge needs to be released carefully. Very carefully indeed." She nodded thoughtfully.
"How dangerous could they be?" inquired Tom. "Do you think they're hostile?"
"Hostile is a strong word," she replied. "They mean us no harm, particularly - they just like to do their own thing, and sometimes that could prove … inconvenient for humans."
"How do you know they mean no harm? You said your attempts to communicate with them were unsuccessful."
"They were, they were. Which is why it's taken me so long to figure out how smart they are. You see, they're not social animals - if they do communicate with others of their own kind it is only on a very basic level. And that is why I do not view them as a threat. They do not co-operate with each other, therefore I do not think we can expect any kind of an invasion. The fact that they have newly adopted a rather different lifestyle is indicative of a superior individual intelligence, rather than a collective achievement."
"It's pretty amazing," said Tom. "Of all the creatures that could have evolved higher intelligence, who would have thought it would be one of the cephalopods?"
Dr Rushton shrugged. "It's not so surprising, really. Cephalopods have the most advanced brains of any invertebrate, and I've heard it said that octopuses are as intelligent as house cats. In fact I personally believe them to be more intelligent, but their brains, like those of these little septopuses here, work very differently from those of humans, and human-style tests don't work very well on them. And really, we know so little about so many of the cephalopods. That one has evolved with a more advanced brain than our own is a bit of a shock, yes, but one for which we ought to have been prepared." "But how do you explain their bizarre parasitic lifestyle? As far as I know there's no other instance of such a trait in any other cephalopod."
"You're right," she admitted. "And I have no answer to that one. All I can say is that wherever they've been living, they've evolved in a completely different direction from any we might have predicted. My discoveries have produced more questions than answers. For instance, how does a creature that has evolved in the depths of the ocean take so easily to breathing air? And how is it that they can shut down their bodily functions at will for long periods, and how is it that they can go for so long without breathing at all? At least I've discovered how they adapted so well to human hosts - that was one mystery that baffled me for ages. All in all, I'd say that Alloteuthis walkeri is as far removed from its cephalopod kin as humans are from lemurs, if not farther. But anyway, we've done enough for one day - let's go home."
The two of them left the lab, and locked the door behind them.
Lucy Walker stepped carefully over the seaweed-covered rocks, making her way for the largest rock pool she had ever seen. It was fully thirty feet in length, and almost ten feet wide. Its bottom was invisible, shrouded by bladder wrack and serrated wrack and a small species of kelp, but it was certainly deep enough to swim in, and this was Lucy's intention.
Pausing at the pool's edge, she prepared to jump in, then stopped as a small boy ran past with a dripping wet long-haired collie. He glanced at her and called out, "Hey fatso, don't empty the pool when you jump in, will you?" Then he laughed as he disappeared around the corner.
Lucy's high spirits sank like a stone. With tears in her eyes, she looked down critically at her fifteen-year-old body. She was plump, it was true - not hugely so but enough so that she could not bear to wear a bikini. Her one-piece swimsuit looked bad enough, but most people were not so rude as to say so. Her father said it was 'puppy-fat', implying that she would lose it as she entered adulthood. She wished she could believe it. With an effort she shrugged off the boy's insult, then she jumped into the rock pool.
The water was colder than she had anticipated, but she swam vigorously and soon got acclimatised to the temperature. Not a very strong swimmer, she preferred to bathe in an enclosed pool like this instead of in the open sea, where she constantly worried about getting caught in a current and being swept out into the ocean. Here the only things to worry about were crabs with large pincers hiding in the weed.
She reached the far end of the rock pool and stopped, putting her feet down briefly amongst the weeds while she turned around. Something slithered past her leg and she jumped involuntarily. The sudden movement made her topple backwards, and she fell against the weed-covered rocks at the side of the pool. Instantly she felt a tiny jab, like a pinprick, in her calf, and she looked down to see if there was a crab nipping at her leg.
There was not. However, she suddenly felt her leg going numb, and she began to slither down the rock, unable to hold herself up. The numbness spread quickly through her body, rendering her completely unable to move. In alarm she tried to cry out, but her vocal chords no longer worked. She continued to slide down until her bottom struck the pebbly bottom of the pool. Her head fell back against the rock - she was unable even to control her neck muscles.
Paralysed, she sat chin-deep in the water, hoping and praying that she would not fall to one side or the other - if she did she would surely drown. Fortunately, she did not fall, and merely watched helplessly as a small white object emerged from the seaweed.
It looked like an octopus - it had a shapeless body about the size of her hand, and long tentacles that reached out in all directions, clinging to the weed and to the rocks, and now to her legs. It began to move up her legs, throwing out tentacles before it to feel its way, and was soon climbing up her stomach. It reached her breasts and paused, its tentacles constantly questing, searching for something perhaps. It found the top of her swimsuit and sent a probing tentacle down into her cleavage. Then the body of the animal moved onwards and proceeded to follow the tentacle down inside her swimsuit.
Lucy gargled in protest - it was the only sound she could make - but she could not do anything to stop what was happening. Little by little the animal disappeared into her swimming costume, and it began to make its way down her front towards her crotch. In mounting horror she felt its tentacles probing between her legs, and she struggled to scream as one of them slid into her vagina. Try as she might, she could make no sound.
More tentacles entered her vagina, and her virgin opening was forced open as the creature tried to get inside her. Then, suddenly, it was inside, and she felt it slithering deep into her body. Tears began to roll down Lucy's cheeks, but still she could not move a muscle. She wondered whether she was going to be stuck here forever with this horrible thing inside her cunt.
But the horrible thing, apparently, was not satisfied with her vagina. Abruptly it sent tentacles back out into her swimsuit, and then the shapeless body followed. One probing tentacle tip now found her anus, and it quickly slid inside, questing deep. More tentacles quickly followed, and a moment later the creature had forced its way into a new hiding place. It climbed deep into her rectum - she could feel it every awful step of the way - and then it became still.
Lucy remained sitting in the rock pool, unable to move, for another half hour, by which time she was shivering with the cold. Feeling, however, was beginning to return to her limbs, and when she flexed muscles, they twitched. After that her recovery was rapid. She forced her arms and legs to work, and with an effort dragged herself to her feet. She was feeling very wobbly, but at least she was standing.
The paralysis wearing off more and more each second, Lucy stuck a hand inside her swimsuit and poked her finger up into her anus. She felt around, but could not feel the creature - it was too deep. Sobs escaping from her, she climbed out of the pool and began to run back towards where her parents were sunbathing.
"Mum, Dad!" she shouted, her voice regaining its power. "Help me!"
Her father sat bolt upright as he heard her voice, and he leapt to his feet as she approached. "Whatever is it?" he asked in alarm. "What's the matter?"
In floods of tears, Lucy related what had happened to her. Her father was astonished, to say the least.
"That's just … incredible," he said. "Are you absolutely sure?"
"Of course I'm sure!" wailed Lucy. "Dad, you have to get it out!"
"Certainly, certainly," said her mother soothingly. "We'll get you to a doctor."
"You do believe me, don't you?" asked Lucy desperately. "It really happened, I swear!"
"We believe you," her father assured her. "We'll leave here right now and get you checked out at the nearest hospital. I think that will be in Fort William. Come on, let's get dressed."
At the hospital, the doctor was rather more sceptical about Lucy's account of what had transpired. She could see, however, how upset Lucy was, so wasted no time in agreeing to check her out. She asked Lucy to lie on a bed with a thin black plastic mattress, and Lucy did so, then she lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties at the doctor's request.
Pulling on a clear plastic glove and lubricating it with jelly, the doctor slid a finger up into Lucy's anus. It hurt, but Lucy bit her lip and said nothing.
"Well, I can't feel anything," said the doctor. "Are you sure this thing didn't just stick its … tentacle … in there and then pull it out again?"
"I'm sure!" said Lucy. "I felt it go right in, and then it went really deep. You won't find it that way - it's beyond your reach."
"Well I could do a colonoscopy," said the doctor doubtfully, "but we'd have to empty your bowels first. Or we could take an x-ray - if there's anything out of the ordinary in there, it should show up."
"We'll go for the x-ray," said Lucy's father at once.
The doctor raised an eyebrow, then nodded. "If you'll please return to the waiting room, I'll have you sent for in a few minutes."
After the x-ray, the doctor asked to speak to Lucy's parents privately. Lucy was left in the waiting room.
"Mr and Mrs Walker," said the doctor, "I have to be honest with you - there's nothing in your daughter's rectum except what we would normally expect to find. There's a lot of faecal matter - and I mean a lot - but nothing unusual at all. I'm sorry - I don't know what to tell you."
"My daughter would not make up a story like that," said Mr Walker with a frown. His face began to grow red.
"Octopuses have soft bodies, don't they?" asked Mrs Walker. "Surely they would be difficult to see in an x-ray?"
"Well yes, that's true," agreed the doctor, "except that octopuses do have some hard parts - in particular their beaks, which would show up easily. Mrs Walker, I made a call to the local Sealife Centre and asked an expert what he thought. I'm afraid he said it was absolutely impossible for an octopus to do what your daughter has described - he thought I was joking at first. He said that a small octopus would flee from a human, not attack. Oh, and he said there are no white octopuses that he has ever heard of."
Mr Walker's expression was stony. His wife merely looked anxious.
"What are we to do now?" asked Mr Walker. "I can't just tell her not to worry about it - she's in a real panic about this."
"Just show her the x-ray," suggested the doctor. "Look, I have it here. Once she sees that she'll have to admit that there's nothing inside her."
Mr Walker nodded. "Very well," he said.
Lucy, however, was far from convinced. "I don't care what the x-ray shows," she said. "I know this thing is still inside me!"
"Look, Lucy," said her father. "The evidence is here, in black and white. Whatever happened to you, there's nothing inside you. That's the end of it. We're going back to the caravan site."
"But Dad!"
"I don't want to hear another word about it!" snapped her father. "Come on." He took her hand and marched her down the hospital corridor towards the exit, his wife following close behind.
Lucy could not get to sleep that night. It just wasn't fair! Why had the x-ray not shown anything? She knew she was right - there was something inside her.
She got up, put on her dressing-gown and slippers, and went outside to visit the campsite's toilet block. Her bowels felt full and she needed to poo. Yet when she sat down on the toilet seat and strained, nothing would come out. She felt blocked up. Feeling dissatisfied, she returned to bed.
The following morning she still had not felt any movements from the creature inside her. Was it really there? Had she been mistaken somehow? Her thoughts troubled her.
They also troubled her father. As the two of them packed the awning away in preparation for leaving the site, he asked her what was wrong.
"Nothing," she replied sullenly.
She said hardly anything on the way home. She was beginning to think that possibly the creature was no longer there after all, but she hated to think that her parents considered her a liar. She knew what she had seen and felt in the rock pool.
That evening she tried to go to the toilet again, but again without success. Strangely, she did not feel as desperate to poo as she thought she should - the pressure in her bowels was not really any greater than it had been the night before, despite the fact that she had eaten a great deal in between.
During the night she awoke suddenly. She could feel something sliding out of her anus! She knew immediately that it was one of the creature's tentacles, and she tried to yell out to her parents. But her voice had been silenced, and she quickly realised that she had been paralysed once again.
Utterly helpless, she felt her anus distend as more tentacles emerged, followed by the body of the creature. She was wearing panties, and she felt the strange animal seek out an exit with its tentacles before slithering out of them and on to the bed. Then it crawled away, and she had no idea where it had gone.
She counted the minutes, as well as she could without being able to look at her watch. Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen, and twenty. She began to wonder if it was coming back at all. Soon, she guessed, she would be able to move again, and there was no way she was going to allow it back into her anus then.
Thirty minutes. A cold, slimy object brushed against her leg, then proceeded to slip tentacles inside her panties. The creature entered her underwear, then began to force its tentacles into her anus. A moment later, it had vanished inside once more, and crawled deep into her bowels.
She began to regain the use of her muscles, but it was too late. As soon as she could, she got up and ran through to her parents' room.
"Mum! Dad!" she said. "It's still in there! I was right! It just came out of me and paralysed me so I couldn't do anything about it."
"Wha… what the heck? What time is it?" Her father's tone was grumpy. "Ten past three! For heaven's sake, girl, get back to bed. You've got school in the morning."
"But Dad! It's true! I do have an octopus inside me!"
"Lucy, I'm getting tired of this! You're beginning to make me worried about your mental health. Now go back to bed, and I don't want to hear any more about this stupid octopus!"
Lucy's eyes filled with tears, and she turned and rushed back to her bedroom, flinging herself on her bed in abject misery.
The following morning, Lucy's mother took her to school and chatted brightly all the way, though Lucy's responses were laconic at best. In truth, Mrs Walker was very worried about her daughter, but she hoped that Lucy would somehow just 'snap out of it' if she were surrounded by normal, familiar things. It was a naïve view, but she had no other answers to the problem.
Lucy very much wanted to tell her friends about what had happened to her at the seaside, but she was worried that they would not believe her. A sense of self-preservation made her hold back, though they asked her in some concern why she was so quiet and withdrawn.
Then, during her second lesson, disaster struck. The creature in her rectum, which had for some reason of its own been holding back her faeces, suddenly decided to get rid of them. Without warning, it forced a huge quantity of poo out of Lucy's anus and into her panties, which immediately filled up and began to overflow. Lucy shrieked involuntarily and her face turned white with shock.
The teacher and all her classmates turned to stare at her. She flushed in embarrassment, unsure of what to do. Then Denis, a boy sitting just behind her, sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. "Oh my God!" he exclaimed. "Lucy's just crapped herself!"
Lucy flushed crimson and buried her head in her hands. Raised voices broke out all around her.
"You disgusting thing!"
"What a baby - I think she needs a nappy."
"Ugh, that smell is disgusting! Did something crawl up your arse and die?"
"What's the matter Lucy? You going to piss yourself too?"
In abject humiliation, Lucy sprang to her feet and ran to the door, dropping squishy lumps of poo on to the floor as she went. She burst out of the classroom, slamming the door shut behind her, and hurried to the toilets, sobbing. Locking herself in one of the stalls, she took off her skirt and draped it over the cistern - it would need a good wash as the inside was covered in poo. Then she pulled open the front of her panties.
Her poo looked unusual. She did not remember her excrement ever having quite this consistency. It was neither lumpy nor runny; instead it was a uniformly soft paste rather like an uncooked cake mix. It was pale brown in colour, and smelled terrible.
She took off her panties and tipped their contents into the toilet bowl. Then she unlocked the stall door and went out to the washbasins in order to wash her panties. This took several minutes, but she was glad to see that the poo came out of the material without too much difficulty.
Then she felt a tiny pinprick inside her anus. She grimaced, then gasped as her legs rapidly grew numb. She tried to hurry to the stall, but merely fell over. She rolled on to her back and lay still, paralysed once again. A slimy tentacle wormed its way out of her anus, closely followed by the rest of the creature. It crawled up her torso, smearing poo up the front of her clean white shirt, and stopped with its head six inches from her face. She could see it now better than she had before. It was pure white in colour, and it had seven legs, not eight like octopuses, though one of the legs was both thicker and very much longer than the others. The suckers on its legs were tiny and numbered in the thousands, if not tens of thousands.
It crawled off her and began to roam the floor of the toilets, investigating everything it found. It climbed up the pipe to one of the basins and she heard it playing with the plug it found there. Then it discovered the taps, and for almost ten minutes it amused itself by turning them on and off over and over again.
Lucy was praying that the paralysis would wear off before the end of the lesson. After that it was Break, and many girls would be coming in here to use the facilities. And here she lay, spread out on the toilet floor, naked from the waist down, legs parted slightly, with poo covering her pussy and bottom. Lucy was terrified.
The septopus eventually concluded its investigations in the toilets, and returned to Lucy's bottom, thrusting tentacles unceremoniously up into her anus before pulling the rest of its body in after them. Burying itself deep, it grew still, and Lucy tried in vain to move.
Minutes passed. Still she could not move. The bell rang for Break and she began to panic. Feeling was beginning to return to her limbs, but not fast enough. She succeeded in twitching one leg.
The door burst open and three girls walked in. They were all seniors, in the year above her, and they stopped and stared in astonishment at her. Lucy was acutely aware than none of them particularly liked her - she was not a very popular girl.
"Lucy Walker!" exclaimed one. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Are you all right?" asked another.
Tears sprang to Lucy's eyes again, and she tried to speak. She succeeded. "Help me!" she whispered. "Get me into a stall, please! Before anyone else comes!"
But the third girl had already rushed out into the corridor, grabbing anyone she could find. "Come and look in the toilets!" she told them urgently.
The first two girls were actually stepping forward to help Lucy, but they were pushed aside as several boys barged in, not about to pass up an invitation to enter the girls' toilets. They stared at her. Some laughed. Lucy wanted to die. She was sobbing uncontrollably.
"What the fuck are you doing in here?" demanded one of the girls who had been about to help Lucy. "Get out! Can't you see the poor girl's in trouble?"
She herded the sightseers out into the corridor, then closed the door to the toilets. Now only she and her two friends remained. "Come on," she said, "let's get you into a stall."
"Thanks Rachel," said Lucy between sobs. "I … think I can move now." She raised herself up to a sitting position and then got unsteadily to her feet. "Thanks for getting rid of them. I really appreciate it." She went into one of the stalls and began to wipe off the poo with toilet paper.
"Sarah, why the fuck did you bring them all in here?" demanded Rachel of her friend. "That was a rotten thing to do."
"Oh come on," retorted Sarah in a whisper. "It's Lucy, for goodness sake."
"I don't care who it is - think how you'd feel in her position."
"I would never be in that position," replied Sarah.
Lucy heard all this, but said nothing. Her self-esteem was at an all-time low, and she didn't know how she was going to face the rest of her classmates, let alone the people who had seen her poo-covered pussy a few minutes ago. And no doubt the whole school would hear about it before long.
"Are you all right in there?" asked Rachel in a concerned voice.
"I'm okay," replied Lucy. "I don't know what I'm going to do with my shirt, though."
"Bring it out here and we'll wash it out," said Rachel. "Don't worry about the rest of your classes. I'll have a word with Mr Dean and get you sent home. Will there be someone at your house?"
"No, but I have a key," said Lucy. "And it's not far away - I can walk. Thanks Rachel."
"Don't mention it. Now suppose you tell me what this is all about?"
Lucy sighed. She had feared this question. "I can't tell you," she said. "Something happened to me at half-term, but nobody will believe me - not even my parents!" She began to cry again. "But this horrible thing … has happened and it keeps doing this to me! It paralyses me for about half an hour and I can't move a muscle."
"What keeps doing it? What happened?"
"I can't tell you - you wouldn't believe me and you'd tell everyone else."
"I promise I won't," said Rachel.
"Me too," said Sarah and Emily, the third girl.
Deep down she knew it was unwise, but by now she was desperate for someone to believe her story, so she poured out her heart, describing in detail everything that had happened to her so far. Afterwards she felt better, but she was anxious to know whether the girls believed her or not.
"That's … an incredible story, Lucy," said Rachel.
"It's a load of bollocks is what it is," commented Sarah.
"Hey!" complained Lucy. "I don't care if you believe it or not - just make sure you stick to your promise and don't tell anyone, okay?"
"Sure, of course," said Sarah.
Lucy, having finished cleaning herself, took off her shirt and opened the stall door. Dressed in only her bra, she shyly took the shirt and her skirt out to the washbasin, wishing she had something to hide her body from the other girls.
Rachel, however, took charge immediately. "Sarah, Emily, would you please be so good as to wait outside the door and make sure nobody comes in. I'll stay here and help Lucy."
Sarah shrugged. "Sure." She and Emily left the room.
"They don't believe me, do they?" asked Lucy glumly as she began to wash her skirt.
"Nope, I'm afraid not," replied Rachel matter-of-factly. "I'm not sure I do, to be honest, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt." Having rinsed Lucy's shirt under the hot tap, she began to scrub at the brown marks with soap. "You really believe that at this moment you have a … what was it, septopus? … up your arse?"
"It's there, I swear it!" insisted Lucy. "I'd prove it if I knew how."
"Okay, okay. I'll try to downplay this whole story for you, but as soon as you get dressed I want you to go straight home."
"I will," said Lucy fervently.
They finished washing Lucy's clothes, and she got dressed. The clothes were of course still wet, but it could not be helped. As Break finished and the pupils all filtered into the classrooms, Lucy picked her moment and hurried out of the toilets, down the corridor and out into the schoolyard. Relaxing a little, she made her way home.
Halfway to her house, she felt a tentacle snake out of her anus and she gasped. It was not, however, a precursor to the creature coming out to explore this time. Instead it merely probed this way and that, though Lucy had no idea why. She tried to ignore it and continued to walk, her pace quickening slightly. The tentacle slipped inside her vagina for a moment, then withdrew, and started tugging on the hair that covered her pussy.
"Ouch!" she said aloud, then she clamped her mouth shut as she noticed some strange looks cast in her direction.
The tentacle wrapped itself around a bunch of her hair and began to pull on it. Lucy slapped at her pussy, and received some more strange looks. But the tentacle retreated back into her anus, and she heaved a sigh of relief.
Once she was home, she took off her school things and changed into a t-shirt and clean panties. She often dressed this way around the house, especially in the hot weather. Walking around barefoot, she accidentally stubbed her little toe on the base of a chair leg. The sudden pain made her gasp.
It also had another effect. A violent squirming started up in her rectum, and continued as she bent down to rub at her toe. After a moment or two the pain subsided, and so did the squirming in her rectum. This struck her as rather odd, though she put it out of her head for the time being. She ran a bath and then, when it was ready, climbed into it. The soothing hot water had a very therapeutic effect, and soon she felt much better. She tried not to think about what had happened at school that day. Already it seemed like a bad dream.
Then she felt another tell-tale pinprick, and she cried out in frustration as the familiar paralysis began to overtake her body. Leaning back against the bath, she steeled herself for the inevitable emergence of her parasite. And emerge it did, though it may have been surprised to find itself underwater this time. This was no problem for it, but it was quick to climb out of the tub and start exploring the room. When it found the medicine cabinet above the bathroom basin, it discovered a veritable bounty of playthings. Pills, bottles, tubes and little boxes fell out into the basin as the septopus rummaged around. It took the caps off the bottles, even (Lucy was amazed to see) the supposedly child-proof ones. It sampled a few things (though Lucy never saw its mouth) but always seemed to spit out what it tasted.
Leaving both the basin and the cupboard in a terrible mess, it climbed down to the floor and continued its quest. Finding a switch that turned the shower on and off, it spent the next five minutes happily spraying Lucy's chest with cold water at intervals of a few seconds. When it had tired of this, it crawled out of the room, and Lucy prayed that the cat would find it and kill it.
It was not to be, however. The septopus soon returned, climbed into the bath, and re-entered Lucy's rectum. A minute or two later, her paralysis wore off.
That night Lucy awoke with a start. Her panties had suddenly become incredibly tight. They were digging into her skin and causing her considerable discomfort. She reached down with her hand to investigate. What she found surprised and alarmed her greatly. The crotch of her panties was being pulled into her anus. Already much of her panties had disappeared into her rectum, no doubt pulled by the septopus. She grabbed her panties and pulled them down in an attempt to wrest them from the creature's grasp, or better yet, to pull the horrible thing right out of her body.
Her panties stretched, pulled from both ends at once. She took hold of the material closest to her anus and pulled hard, but without success. The circulation in her legs was being rapidly cut off. Reaching over to switch her bedside light on, she got out of bed and hurried to her desk, where she found a pair of scissors. She spread her legs wide, then carefully cut through the gusset of her panties just outside her anus. Then she pulled hard.
The loose end immediately slithered inside her, but a moment later it popped back out as the septopus lost its grip on its intended prize. Lucy laughed quietly, congratulating herself on her victory. It was a shame about her panties though.
Returning to bed, she lay back and relaxed, almost contented for the first time since this horrible thing had happened to her. She had been far too traumatised to masturbate before, but now she was longing to relieve her stress with an orgasm. She placed a finger on her clitoris and began to rub it in small circles. She fantasised about one of the boys in her class - David Driscoll - and imagined him putting his hand up her skirt in the middle of class. She knew he had done this with at least one other girl, and she tried to sit next to him as often as she could in the hope that he would do the same with her. So far he had never done so, but she lived in hope.
As her orgasm approached, she began to become aware that the septopus was writhing about inside her. Dimly she recalled its agitation when she had hurt herself - was it somehow getting a sense of her feelings? Had it experienced her pain before, and was it now experiencing her pleasure? It was a distracting thought, and she put it out of her mind as she concentrated on reaching orgasm. Soon enough she came, and she moaned softly. The septopus continued to writhe for a few moments, then it became still. Gradually Lucy drifted off to sleep.
The following morning as she put on her panties she paused, fearful of what might happen if the creature forced her to defecate in class again. But she reasoned that it had waited two days last time, so she ought to be safe today. Tomorrow, however, she would have to come up with some kind of plan if she were not to disgrace herself in front of her classmates again.
As she arrived at school another of her worst fears was realised. As she sat down at her desk, the boy in front of her turned around and said, "Hi Lucy. Got any more octopuses up your arse today?"
Lucy's jaw dropped and her cheeks turned crimson. "Shut the fuck up, Gareth," she hissed. "You don't know what you're talking about."
"I know what everyone in the school is talking about," he responded with a grin. "You're such a freak, Miss Poopy-Pants."
Lucy shrieked in rage and grabbed hold of his hair. He yelled and grabbed her wrists, but she refused to let go, instead trying to pull out his hair by the roots. Eventually a couple of other boys pulled them apart. One of them was the object of Lucy's desire, David Driscoll. He took hold of Lucy and restrained her as she struggled to lash out at Gareth. His arms tucked under her armpits and folded together across her chest, his right hand was clasping her left breast. This could have been a simple accident, but Lucy was distracted by it and was rather enjoying it. She ceased struggling, and was disappointed when David removed his hands.
"Now Gareth, apologise to Lucy or I'll knock some sense into you," said Ben, the other boy, who was holding on to Gareth.
"Sorry," said Gareth sulkily.
"That's good," said David. "Now don't let me catch you calling Miss Shitty-Knickers here a freak again, okay?"
"Hey!" objected Lucy, as everyone else burst out laughing.
"And if octopuses start climbing out of her arse, you're just to ignore them, right?" continued David with a grin, as the others fell about in mirth.
Lucy's heart sank. It seemed nobody was on her side after all. "Damn you, David," she snapped, on the brink of tears, "it wouldn't have hurt you to really stand up for me properly, would it?"
"Oh, but where's the fun in that?" he asked with a smile. "Relax, Lucy. You're the talking point of the school - everyone likes to have something to talk about. Tomorrow it will be somebody else."
Then, without warning, he bent down and lifted her skirt up, revealing her panties to the entire class. "Look out, everyone!" he said. "A giant squid!" There was more laughter.
Lucy grabbed her skirt and pulled it back down, then sat down in her seat. She folded her arm across the desk and buried her face in the crook of her elbow, crying.
"Right, settle down chaps and chapesses," boomed the voice of Mr Philips, Lucy's Maths teacher. "Take your seats please, we're revising motion in a circle today - lots of fun to be had by all."
The crowd around Lucy dispersed, and she sat up and wiped her eyes.
Halfway through the lesson Lucy felt a tentacle slip out of her anus. She sat bolt upright with a start, but did not dare draw attention to herself by making any sounds or reaching into her panties. So she sat still while the tentacle roamed. It slithered out of her panties, then looped back beneath and tucked itself in on the other side. The tip slithered back into her anus, and the loop was drawn tighter and tighter. Lucy realised what was happening only when the gusset of her panties began to disappear into her anus, much as it had done the night before. What was the septopus trying to achieve?
She began to breathe heavily as her panties were pulled ever more tightly into her crack. The material started digging into her skin and her eyes began to water. She reached into her pencil case and found a pencil sharpener which, fortunately, had a rather loose screw. She hastily unscrewed the blade then surreptitiously took it under the desk and stuck her hands up her skirt. With one hand she held her panties away from her pussy, and with the other she started to saw at the panties with the blade of her pencil sharpener. Within seconds she had cut through it, and instantly the pressure on her legs was relieved. She grabbed at the piece disappearing into her anus and pulled hard at it, but she could not get enough leverage without being too obvious about it, so she gave up and decided to wait it out until the end of the lesson.
The septopus continued to pull at the end it now had, but it too had lost some leverage - it was easier to pull on a fold than a loose end. By the end of the lesson Lucy's panties were tight, but not unbearably so. She rushed to the bathroom and, with an effort, dragged her gusset out of her anus. She then took off her panties and flushed them down the toilet - they were useless now anyway. She cursed - that was two pairs ruined in less than twelve hours! What was she to do now? The creature was obviously now fixated upon dragging her panties up into her anus. The only answer, it seemed, was not to wear panties at all. A decision reached, Lucy left the toilets and went to her next lesson, steeling herself for more teasing. Most other girls might have had a nervous breakdown by now, or at least run off home, unable to face her fellow pupils. But Lucy had always been teased about one thing or another - mostly about being fat - and she was used to being humiliated. True, this new humiliation was in a class of its own, but she had at least developed the psychological tools to survive it.
For the rest of the day the septopus seemed bored. Every so often it extended its longest tentacle and probed about, looking for something to investigate. It kept grabbing hold of Lucy's pubic hair and tugging on it, and once or twice it pulled hard enough to cause her pain. Once Lucy attempted to grab hold of the tentacle, hoping to drag the entire creature out of her rectum, but it was too slimy and quickly slithered back into the safety of her colon.
Mercifully it did not paralyse her while she was at school, though as soon as she got home she felt the tell-tale pinprick inside her anus. She was climbing the stairs at the time, and managed to reach her bedroom and close the door behind her before she collapsed on the floor. Once again the septopus emerged to explore, and Lucy fancied it had grown very slightly since it had first taken up residence in her body. It was obviously doing something with her faecal matter - possibly it was feeding on it and producing its own waste, which would explain why her poo had been so unusual yesterday.
That night Lucy shaved her pussy - she was sick of having her pubic hair pulled by the septopus's tentacles. It actually felt quite nice to be smooth down there, and she resolved to keep it that way.
The following morning, Lucy knew she had to take some kind of precaution to avoid further embarrassment in class. It had now been two days since she had emptied her bowels, and although it did her no good to sit on the toilet and strain, she knew that a moderate quantity of poo was building up inside her and would be expelled as and when the septopus decided to get rid of it.
She took a polythene bag and punched two holes in the bottom. She stepped into these holes and pulled the bag up as if it were a pair of panties. She then took a roll of parcel tape and wound it around each of her legs in turn, trapping the ragged edges of the holes she had created in the poly bag. She then wound more tape around her waist, holding the top of the bag firmly in place with no gaps at any point. Her pelvic region was now completely sealed off and airtight. If she did have an accident, nobody need know about it - the poo would all be contained within the poly bag and not even the smell would be able to leak out.
Satisfied with her work, she pulled on her skirt and looked at herself in the mirror. Nobody would guess what she was wearing under the skirt, she reflected. Unless she moved. With some consternation she realised that she rustled when she walked. Her heart sank. Still, there was nothing to be done about it now. She would just have to be careful how she moved.
School, of course, was miserable that day. She was teased mercilessly, and cried several times, but fortunately today nobody lifted up her skirt. Even the strange sounds of the poly bag turned out not to be much of a problem - her contemporaries tended to make so much noise in between classes that the rustlings went unnoticed. For some reason the septopus seemed rather subdued throughout the day, and only rarely extended a probing tentacle. It did not force her to poo.
Lucy returned home greatly relieved - as far as she was concerned, the day had gone very well. She took off the poly bag and sat on the toilet, trying to 'train' her parasite to defecate at more appropriate times. It did not seem willing or able to learn this, however.
As she climbed into bed, Lucy felt a tentacle emerge from her anus. For a moment she caught sight of herself in the mirror, and turned so that she could clearly see the reflection of her bottom. Her anus, of course, looked distended, forced open by the tentacle that was now probing the air. It was a strange sight.
She lay down, switched off her light, and closed her eyes. The tentacle continued to writhe about, however, and its questing tip suddenly found Lucy's clitoris. Lucy jumped, and the tentacle became still. Then, very slowly, it began to caress her, rubbing her clit in small circles almost exactly like her finger did when she was masturbating. Lucy was about to slap it away, but she changed her mind - this felt rather nice. Obviously the septopus had been paying attention while she masturbated two nights ago.
A moan escaped her lips - the tentacle was doing an excellent job and she was becoming very aroused. Before long she climaxed, her hips bucking as she writhed in ecstasy. Yet the tentacle did not stop, and orgasm after orgasm wracked her body as it continued to stimulate her with relentless persistence. Fifteen minutes later she was exhausted, but still the tentacle did not stop. Her orgasms were coming less frequently now and her pussy was aching, but she did not have the energy even to try to stop the tentacle. Nor did she particularly want to. Bathed in a multi-orgasmic glow, she felt more sexually fulfilled now than ever before. She was still climaxing even as she lost consciousness.
The next morning she could barely stand. Her legs felt like jelly. For how long after she fell asleep had the septopus continued to stimulate her? All night, perhaps, judging by the way she felt. However it seemed to have stopped now, fortunately.
Another poly bag and another few strips of tape. Lucy was convinced this was the answer, and she was fairly sure that the creature would defecate today. The bag she selected this time was not the kind that rustled a lot, and she was very happy with the result.
During the third lesson, a new trouble began. A tentacle emerged and made straight for her clitoris. She tried to slap it away but it refused to be deflected from its goal. Lucy's eyes widened in alarm as she began to feel herself being ruthlessly masturbated. She clamped her legs together and tried to ignore it, but the sensations were too intense and she began to flush with excitement. She began to squirm in her seat.
By the end of the lesson, she had had three orgasms already, and she had a fourth as she was walking to her next lesson. In the corridor she bumped into Rachel. Despite her arousal, the memory of her betrayal shocked her back to reality.
"Hey!" she said crossly. "Thanks a lot for keeping my secret so well. Now the whole school knows!"
Rachel nodded. "I'm sorry," she said. "But I didn't tell a soul, I promise."
"I know," Lucy sighed. "And I'm sorry to yell at you. I know it was probably Sarah. Anyway I really did appreciate what you did for me - thanks again."
"Don't mention it," said Rachel, and she walked off.
Lucy's next lesson was Physics, but she found she could not concentrate at all. Orgasm followed orgasm, and it was all she could do to keep herself from moaning aloud. Fifth lesson was much the same, but ten minutes before the Lunch bell the tentacle suddenly ceased caressing her and retreated back into her anus. Drained of energy, Lucy slumped in her seat.
The septopus left her alone for the rest of that day. Still it did not defecate. Lucy was beginning to be worried about how much poo was building up inside her. Over the last few days, her appetite had been greater than normal - she guessed it was because she was eating for two - and she had consumed a lot of food by anybody's standards. Her parents had exchanged meaningful glances as they saw how much she heaped on her plate, but they had not said anything to her about it. Yet more than three days had now passed and still the creature had not expelled her poo. What was it waiting for?
The next day was Friday, and again Lucy wore her precautionary polythene bag. Today her clitoral stimulation began practically as soon as she sat down for her first lesson, and this time the sensations were somehow even more intense. She tried to control herself, but could not help writhing her hips in her seat and panting heavily. For the first time, the septopus used some of its other tentacles, sticking three of them inside her vagina and stroking it from within. This sent Lucy over the edge, and she suddenly moaned aloud in orgasmic ecstasy.
Every head in the room immediately turned her way. Lucy blushed crimson and tried to look nonchalant, but even the teacher had located the source of the sound. Mrs Watson, a middle-aged woman with short grey hair, walked up to Lucy's desk.
"Lucy, stand up," she commanded.
Lucy got to her feet rather shakily. Every few seconds she was reaching another orgasm, and she was having trouble focusing her eyes, but she did her best to appear composed as she faced her teacher.
"Lucy, is there something the matter with you?"
"No Mrs Watson," replied Lucy.
"Then sit down and don't let me hear another peep out of you." She turned on her heel and walked back to the front of the classroom.
Lucy managed to remain silent for the rest of that lesson, but found it just as difficult in the second. The septopus had now figured out exactly where all her sensitive areas were, and knew how best to stimulate them. It had bunched together three or four of its tentacles and was thrusting them like a large penis in and out of Lucy's cunt. With each thrust, the tentacle tips would stimulate her g-spot and any other erogenous zones they could find. The septopus was becoming a master at its craft. Lucy, in the corner of the classroom, was by now almost incapable of controlling her body and was sitting with her legs spread indecently wide. Her teacher had noticed this, but was fortunately (for Lucy) enjoying the view too much to tell her off for it.
Yet halfway through the second lesson the septopus did something unexpected. While bringing her to yet another multiple orgasm, it suddenly released all of Lucy's pent-up poo, which flooded out to fill up her polythene bag. This shocked Lucy, who sat up straight and immediately became paranoid that the bag would somehow spring a leak. The flow of mushy poo from her anus seemed to last for ages, and the bag grew more and more full. Then it stopped flowing, and Lucy sniffed the air cautiously, hoping that the smell would be contained as she had intended.
The longest tentacle continued to stroke her, building to another huge orgasm. Lucy, unable to smell anything, relaxed a little and allowed the sensations to dominate her thoughts again. The tentacles that were fucking her cunt increased the pace of their thrusting, and Lucy stifled a moan. Her legs fell apart again, and she surreptitiously slipped a hand inside her shirt so that she could caress her breast. She popped open the front fastening on her bra, and began to squeeze and fondle her breast, rubbing her nipple.
By some miracle none of the other pupils had noticed her actions, but the teacher could see exactly what she was doing, and was fighting to control the growing bulge in his trousers.
Lucy writhed in her seat, the mushy poo working itself into every crevice. Strangely the sensation of her buttocks and pussy squishing around in her own poo was if anything adding to her pleasure. She climaxed in an almost delirious state, and then collapsed as the tentacle finally stopped rubbing her clitoris. The tentacles in her cunt slithered out, and the septopus withdrew all of its appendages into Lucy's anus.
During Break, Lucy hurried to the toilet to empty out her bag. When she unwrapped the tape around her waist and pulled the bag open, she was astonished to see just how much poo was in there. The bag was almost completely full, and bulging all over. She emptied it all into the toilet, then flushed both the poo and the polythene bag. After an intensive clean-up of her pelvic region by means of most of a full roll of toilet tissue, she flushed again.
The rest of the morning lessons were comparatively uneventful. When the bell rang for Lunch, David Driscoll met her outside in the corridor. "Hi Lucy," he said. "You know, I've been meaning to apologise for the other day. I was mean to you and I'm sorry."
Lucy was greatly surprised. "Well, thank you," she said. "I appreciate that."
"I've actually been thinking about you quite a lot," continued David. "I'd really like to hear more about this octopus thing - I'm sure that you wouldn't lie about something like that, so I figure the story must have some basis in fact, right?"
Lucy's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What do you mean?" she asked.
"Just that I'd like to get a chance to make up my own mind about it, not listen to rumours. Will you meet me in the French Room cupboard and tell me about it?"
"Are you making fun of me?" demanded Lucy.
"No, of course not!" protested David. "I'm serious."
Lucy's heart leaped in hope. "Well thanks for giving me a chance to explain," she said. "Though you were absolutely rotten to me. Okay - when do you want to meet?"
"How about now?" suggested David.
"Cool! Let's go then."
Her heart pounding, Lucy accompanied David to the French Room, then followed him into the cupboard. She was startled to see several of David's friends already there. "Hey, what's going on?" she asked.
"Relax, Lucy," said David. "I've just told them all that they ought to listen to your side of the story. It will save me trying to convince them about your experiences later. Better that they hear it from you. Come on, sit down and tell us all about it."
"Well okay…" said Lucy dubiously. And she began to tell her story.
Afterwards there was a short silence, during which Lucy looked expectantly from one boy to another. Then one of them spoke.
"Maybe we could try helping her get it out," suggested Jimmy Tregowan.
"Sounds like a reasonable idea," agreed David. "What do you think, Lucy?"
Lucy frowned in puzzlement. "How would you go about doing that?" she asked.
"Well," began David, and he reached out, offering her his hand. "If you'll allow me to demonstrate?"
Lucy took his hand, and he pulled her towards him suddenly so that she fell on her front across his lap. "Hey!" she said.
"Relax," said David. "Trust me." He flipped up the back of her skirt, revealing her naked bottom. "My word!" he exclaimed. "No panties! Aren't you daring?"
It was then that Lucy realised this had all been a simple ploy to have some fun at her expense. David and the others meant to abuse her, perhaps counting on the fact that nobody was likely to believe her if she reported it. She should have been angry, especially after the way he had treated her. Yet this was the kind of situation she had often fantasised about - David taking advantage of her naïveté in a sexual context - and although there was a rather larger audience than she would have liked she found herself becoming aroused, though she did not like to admit it. She struggled, but David was holding her down. "Let me go!" she said.
"Hey calm down, we're only trying to help. Rob, you've got the Vaseline?"
Rob nodded and produced a jar. He removed the cap and dug his fingers into the stuff, pulling out a large wad.
"Okay," said David, "slap it on, then." He pulled Lucy's ample buttocks apart to reveal her pink anus.
"Hey stop it!" cried Lucy, secretly delighted by what he was doing to her.
"Pipe down, Lucy," said David. "This is for your own good." He grinned at Rob as the other boy began rubbing Vaseline on and around Lucy's anus. Rob grinned back, then he slipped one finger inside.
"Ouch! Stop that!" whined Lucy. She did not care much for Rob, but she hoped that David would soon take it upon himself to enjoy her body.
"Shut up Lucy," said David. "For heaven's sake we're just trying to help. Now go on Rob, try your other fingers now."
Lucy squealed as Rob began pushing more and more fingers into her anus. Four fingers disappeared up to the last knuckle, then he tucked his thumb into the palm of his hand and continued to push. Lucy grimaced in pain. It would probably have hurt a lot more if her anus was not by now well used to being forced open by the septopus.
"Got it!" cried Rob triumphantly, as his hand slid in up to the wrist. Lucy whimpered.
"Well done Rob," said David. "You'd better lubricate your forearm - who knows how deep you'll have to go before you find this creature?"
Rob nodded, and applied Vaseline to his lower arm. He then resumed pushing, twisting his arm back and forth to work it ever deeper into Lucy's rectum.
"Can you feel anything?" inquired Jimmy.
"Not yet," said Rob. "I'd better go deeper."
Lucy was quietly revelling in her abuse. She continued to struggle feebly, but she had no desire to break free. She only wished she could masturbate.
"That's as far as I can get, I think," said Rob. "No sign of the octopus."
"Perhaps it's hiding in a different orifice," suggested Paul, the fourth boy, speaking for the first time.
"Good idea Paul," said David. "Why don't you lube up and investigate?" He pulled Lucy's legs wide apart. She tried to pull them back together again, but Jimmy and Rob held them in place. "Goodness me, you shave!" exclaimed David. "My, Lucy, you're full of surprises."
As Paul's Vaseline-covered fingers slid into her cunt, Lucy said, "Stop that… You won't get away with this, you know."
"Get away with what? We're doing you a favour, Lucy. You should be grateful to us for taking the time to help you with your problem."
"She's a bit too tight for me to get my whole hand in," reported Paul.
"She just needs to be stretched a bit," said David. "Just force it."
Lucy screamed in real pain as Paul jammed his hand hard into her cunt. She felt her flesh tear as he succeeded in burying himself up to the wrist.
"Hush Lucy!" said David. "Do you want everyone to hear and come barging in to see you like this?"
Paul rotated his hand this way and that, exploring with his fingers. "Nope, can't find anything," he said.
"Let me have a go," said David. He lubed his hand and slid it into her cunt, burying it as deep as Paul had. "No, you're right, nothing in there. I'll try her arse again."
Lucy knew that it was weak to crave attention from a horrible boy like David, whom deep down she really despised, but she could not help enjoying it as he slid his hand deep into her rectum. Despite his rotten treatment of her, she still fancied him and wanted him to notice her, and touch her… And now he was buried up to his forearm in her anus. It was not as good as love, nor even as good as sex, but it was something. It was attention.
Each boy took it in turns to stick their hands in both her cunt and her anus. She wondered how they were going to justify fucking her, but it turned out that this was not part of their plan. As the end of Lunch Break approached, they got up and left.
"Sorry Lucy," said David. "We've tried our best, but there doesn't seem to be anything in there. Looks like you were just making it up after all. I wouldn't bother telling anybody what we've done here - we'll just deny it, and who do you think people will believe?"
Lucy pulled her skirt down and got up. "You're a bastard, David," she said. "You're probably right - no-one will believe me - but I'll think of some way to pay you back, just see if I don't."
"Ooh, I'm scared," said David mockingly, and he laughed as he walked out of the room.
Lucy's anus and cunt burned with pain as she limped to the cafeteria. She was terribly hungry, and she piled her tray high with things she could eat quickly. She could hardly bear to sit down, but she did not want to have to answer awkward questions, so she gritted her teeth against the pain and pretended nothing was wrong.
The rest of the day went quietly. Lucy went home and had a bath in an attempt to soothe her smarting vaginal and anal openings. The septopus did not make an appearance until later that evening, when it paralysed her in the living room while she was watching a movie with her parents. They did not notice the creature emerging from Lucy's skirt and investigating the room - the lights were low and their attention was focused on the television screen. By the time the movie finished, the creature was back inside Lucy and the paralysis had worn off.
The weekend passed, and Lucy began to grow somewhat used to having the septopus inside her. It continued to bring her orgasm after orgasm, sometimes at awkward moments, but she was learning to maintain her outward composure even as she came.
She wore a poly bag to school on Monday, but she did not need it. Nor did she on Tuesday, nor Wednesday. Thursday and Friday passed, and still the creature had not defecated. Lucy began to grow worried. Saturday night came and went, and still there was no sign of her poo. Her abdomen was beginning to look a little distended. On Sunday morning, as on every Sunday morning, her family went to church. Lucy wore a skirt that stopped just short of her knees, and beneath it she wore a precautionary poly bag.
It was during communion, just as Lucy was receiving her wafer at the altar rail, when her parasite finally decided to release nine days' worth of excrement. It poured out of her anus in a rush, piling up inside the poly bag and then spreading out to fill all available corners. Soon there was no more room, but still the poo kept coming, propelled with considerable force from within her anus. The bag began to bulge. Her skirt began to bulge with it, and she froze in alarm, hoping that nobody was looking at her.
Then the flow stopped. The bag was holding. The smell, so far, was apparently contained. She heaved a sigh of relief. But her troubles were not over. The sheer weight of poo in the bag caused it to start sagging at the back. Lucy quickly resolved to leave the church and head for the toilets in the church hall as soon as she had taken her communion. She anxiously waited for the man with the wine to come to her.
The bag sagged lower and lower. Much lower, Lucy thought, and it would be visible below her hemline. Finally she was presented with the wine. She took a sip, said 'Amen', then got up and began to walk quickly away from the altar rail.
The bag burst. A heap of mushy poo the size of a football fell with a splat on the red carpet between the choir stalls, covering the backs of her legs and her feet as it fell. Lucy stopped and stared at it in horror. She looked up at the congregation. As one, they were staring at her in astonishment and disgust.
"Lucy!" shrieked Lucy's mother.
Lucy fled out of the church.
Dr Rushton sipped at her tea. "After that," she said, "my parents took me to a psychiatrist. In an attempt to prove to me how unfounded my story was, he arranged for me to have an ultrasound. To his surprise, of course, they found the septopus, and I had a lengthy operation to remove it. By that time word was beginning to spread among the scientific community, and my late husband Albert took a keen interest in my case. He recovered the still living septopus and began his research in early '01. I went to university, studied biology, got my PhD under Albert, and the two of us continued our studies until his death four years ago. Since then I've been working on my own, except, of course, for the very capable help I've received from you." She smiled at Tom.
Tom sat back in his chair, impressed. "A remarkable story," he said. "And all the more remarkable for being true. I had no idea you had been so … intimately involved with one of the septopods."
"Yes, well, it certainly gave me an incentive to study them. At first I loathed them, then I began to respect them and finally to admire them. They are amazing animals. I was rather upset when mine died after just five years, and when we heard about the finds in the Canaries, we knew we had to get a few specimens for our studies."
"Well, Dr Rushton…"
"Call me Lucy," she said with a smile.
"Lucy … it's getting late - I should let you get to bed. Thank you very much for telling me your story. I hate to admit it, but I found it rather … erotic."
Lucy laughed. "It was," she said, "although it did not seem so at the time, except when it was stimulating me. Yet when I think back on those few glorious days, I can't help but miss my little parasite."
"Can I ask you a personal question?"
"Sure, Tom."
"Do you … still shave?" he inquired.
Lucy grinned. "Yes, I do," she said. "Now get going."
She showed him out, then sighed to herself and went to bed.
The following morning, when she arrived at the university, she was called up to the office of the department head, Professor Fenton. He wore a troubled look.
"Lucy, I have bad news," he said. "I've had word from the ministry - they're shutting down your project."
"What?" Lucy could scarcely believe her ears. "Why?"
"Well, they're concerned about this new evidence of their intelligence. They feel that further research is not in the public interest. Those are their words, not mine."
"But how do they know about that evidence?" demanded Lucy. "I haven't even published anything!"
Professor Fenton looked uncomfortable. "Well," he said, "I couldn't tell you this before, but I've been sending them progress reports on a weekly basis. I'm sorry - they made me do it."
Lucy was speechless. "And what about the septopods?" she inquired. "What is to become of them?"
"I'm afraid that they will have to be destroyed," said the professor regretfully. "They'll be coming round this afternoon to see that it is done."
Lucy threw up her hands in despair. "Good grief, George, this is my life's work! You can't let them take it away from me like this!"
"I'm sorry, I really am," said the professor, not daring to look her directly in the eye.
"How about if I move them somewhere safe - I'll tell the ministry I killed them and flushed them."
The professor shook his head. "They want to see bodies. I'm sorry, Lucy."
"Well, thanks for nothing." Lucy turned on her heel and stormed towards the door.
"Dr Rushton…"
Lucy stopped with the door half open and turned back to look at the professor. "Yes?"
"I may … have slightly misled the ministry in one small detail…"
"Which was?"
"From the beginning I have told them that we only had three septopuses…"
Lucy looked puzzled. "But we have four," she said.
"I know. But the ministry will only be expecting to see three bodies…"
Lucy's eyes widened. "Thank you George!" she exclaimed, and ran out into the corridor.
Down in the lab, she looked at each tank in turn, evaluating the health of each specimen. Then, slowly and deliberately, she lifted up the heavy top of one of the tanks and placed it on the bench. Immediately the occupant scuttled out of its hiding place and climbed the tank's glass wall. It paused for a moment at the top, watching Lucy.
Lucy quickly looked around to make sure nobody was in sight, then she unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down to her knees. She pulled her panties down next, then turned away from the septopus and bent over, presenting her bottom to the creature.
It wasted no time. There was a wet slap on her left buttock as the septopus dropped on to her from the edge of the tank, then the tip of a long, slimy tentacle began probing along her groove. It found her anus and began to slide in with ease, lubricated with its slime. More tentacles entered her, and then the body of the animal followed. She felt it crawl deep inside her, and sighed with satisfaction. She had been looking forward to this for a long time…


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