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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Cave by Breeze







 In the hot and humid month of July, Emma and her younger brother Steven were on vacation with their family. For their vacation the family had decided to go camping in the woods. Steven was extra thrilled by the idea because camping was something he had wanted to do for a long time. So the family packed up anything, and everything they would need to survive for aweek out in the wilderness. They loaded themselves into their family van and headed out into the woods.
Out in the woods, Steven was the first one out of the van and was first to set up his things and start putting up the two tents. One tent for he and his Father, the other for his Mother and Sister. By night fall the family was all set and ready, and had set up a small area which included their tent, their supplies, and a fire to cook some meals on. By the time the family had eaten all of them were full and tired so they headed off to bed. They all said their goodnight's and went off to bed.
It was around 2:30 in the morning when the still excited Steven having a little trouble sleeping, and the fact that he had stayed up playing his portable video game he had brought with him, thought he heard something outside the tent. So he removed his headphones and stopped playing his game and listened for a moment. *zip, followed by footsteps*, indeed he had heard something, he peeked out of his tent to find his older sister Emma leaving the camp site and disappearing into the night with a flash light in one hand and something else in the other. Steven then snuck out of his tent, very carefully so not to wake his Father and followed his sister. When he caught up with her, she was still unaware he had followed her. He noticed that she looked around made sure everything was clear, set the flashlight down on the second item she was carrying so that the light beam shown out and up into the darkness. She then pulled down her shorts and panties and Steven watched in awe as his sister squatted, farted twice loudly and quickly in a row, peed, and then there was another hiss of gas as a 6 inch turd emerged from his sister's butt. The turd had such a width though that her butt cheeks were forced open to make way for this mammoth turd. The turd broke off from her ass, and fell to the ground with a loud *thud*. Steven still remained transfixed at what he had just seen, when suddenly he became aware of something else. His penis was having a little camping trip of its own and had made its own tent in the crotch of his shorts. This feeling was too new to Steven. Sure he had had hard ons before, but never caused from seeing someone shit, and certainly never from his sister. In a sudden flash of shame Steven watched as Emma took the second item which turned out to be toilet paper and began to wipe. Steven quickly walked off in shame at what he had just watched, and what happened to him when he saw it.
The next day the family was out hiking through the woods and up the side of a near by mountain when suddenly his Father turned and announced that they should all take a break. Steven was a bit relieved because he had grown tired and was in serious need of a rest, especially considering he didn't get much rest the night before.
He was suddenly made uncomfortable when Emma announced she was going off to go to the bathroom. At the sound of those words he found himself uncontrollably getting hard. He tried to resist the thought but his now stiffening and rigid member continued to grow and expand to a new level of erections. In shock at the seemingly doubled size of his penis at the thought of his sister going to the bathroom he suddenly in one motion flipped his backpack around and used it to cover his front area. Emma then returned from the woods, obviously she only had to pee.
Once again it was night and once again at about 1:20 a.m., Steven heard the same sound, only this time he tried to ignore it. He however found himself peeking out of his tent to find Emma once again disappearing into the night. Despite every attempt he made to ignore what he new was happening he left his tent and followed his sister out into the woods. Hidden in the shadows and some shrubs just like before he watched as once again his sister relieved herself.
She squatted and peed for what seemed like a minute straight before she began to push and grunt. Steven watched stunned and amazed as his sister was obviously having trouble pooping tonight. He was hit with this unbelievable surge of hormones when he snapped out of his trance and became aware that Emma was switching positions. She was now on all fours, and had dropped her upper body to the ground pointing her butt up in the air, and seemingly, right at him. She paused, tensed, and grunted and loud violent fart erupted from her butt with a loud winded, deep droning tone. She pushed and.... nothing. She pushed again, and once again blessed Steven's ear's with an window-shattering fart. Steven could no longer help himself. He took his blood-engorged penis out of his pants and began to jerk-off furiously. His sister finally got her shit to come out and Steven stood watching and masturbating as a huge turd, the same width as before but this time it was about 8 inches long slowly emerged from his sister's ass with a crackling sound and the periodical hiss of gas escaping from around the mammoth turd.
At the site of this Steven lost control and began to spew his 13-year old cum all over the shrubs and ground, and all over his hand. He then composed himself, cleaned himself, and headed back to camp before his sister realized he had followed her.
The next day the family was once again hiking through the woods when Emma asked if she could go explore "that cave over there". Her Mother & Father both told her "No", and that it would be too dangerous. Steven found himself speaking up and saying that he could go with her. His self-esteem was a little shot when his Mother & Father both broke out into a mocking laughter. His mother then told him "Steven, you're only 13, and Emma, you're only 16. Honestly, neither one of you is sufficient enough to go off exploring some cave on your own. So the answer is, No"
That night Steven heard the familiar sound and got very excited, but was rather disappointed when he saw it was Emma, but she was carrying all her hiking gear and was going in a different direction than her toilet area. He quickly grabbed his clothes, stepped out of the tent so not to make any noise, and got dressed as quickly as possible. He then got a flashlight and followed his sister off into the night.
When he caught up to her, he found her at that same cave their parent's had told them not to go into. He watched as she entered the cave and followed her in. Steven then over heard Emma talking to herself, "Wow!" "This cave is so cool. I wonder how old it is? And what kind of animals live in................." Steven was a bit unnerved at how her voice had trailed off. He quickly turned the bend that he was hiding behind to find his sister was nowhere to be found. A little bit nervous, and afraid, he began to call her, in a whisper at first then in his normal voice, then in a yell. "Emma.............Emma..........Emma......EMMA!"
Still no answer. Steven then started walking forward when suddenly he felt his feet slip from out under him and he fell backwards and began sliding down some kind of hill in the cave. This hill was extremely slippery and was coated with some kind of slime and he also noticed that this hill was obviously a long way down and also that he was picking up speed. Then *thud*, he hit the ground, HARD!!! He was out cold for an unknown amount of time. When woke up he found Emma looking at him.
"You jerk! Why did you follow me?" "Now we're both lost and trapped in here, and I'm gonna get double the blame for this because you followed me"
"I'm sorry Em, I thought.............." Steven caught himself before he said anything he didn't want her to know, "I was curious as to where you were going. And I thought you were just gonna look inside and come right back out"
"We have got to get out of here" Emma said.
The two began searching for an alternate exit, or back entrance to the cave once they realized they obviously could not go back the way they came. Their search brought them to what seemed to be a light at the end of a tunnel. Emma looking at her watch said, "Look. Light. It's 7:30 a.m., it's light outside" Steven replied, "It's 7:30, we've been lost and looking that long? Mom & Dad are gonna kill us" "Shut up, you jerk. That's not the point right now. Come on, all we have to do is get to the end of this tunnel and were outta here" The two began to walk towards the end when suddenly Steven, who had taken the lead hit his head on the ceiling on the cave. "It's getting lower. Here! Feel the ceiling. It's starting to slant down, were gonna have to crawl out" "Ok, let's go" Emma replied in a rushed tone.
The two began to walk down towards the end of the tunnel, until the ceiling became too low and they had to crawl. "Let me go first" Emma said. Steven's heart raced, his eye's widened, and he managed to say "Ok" as his voice cracked from the nervousness.
Steven was now facing his sister's perfect, round, firm yet bouncy ass. Her shorts had ridden up into her crack from the crouching and crawling and her butt was only a few inches to a foot away from his nose. He quickened his pace in an attempt to smell her ass. She stopped short causing him to stick his nose right in the crack of her ass. He inhaled, the smell was unusually strong and incredibly dense in odor. He then backed up and acted surprised and disgusted:
"Gross Sis. You could have warned me you were gonna stop"
Emma just stopped there snickering at something.
"What's so funny" He asked
His heart was stopped and he broke out into a cold sweat when his sister said "I want you to know, I just farted. Sorry" And with those words she broke out into a school girl like, yet devilishly mocking laughter.
"That's why I wanted to go first. I never got to go to the bathroom last night because we got lost in this cave. So my system is backed up and I have a lot of gas. Sorry little brother", She said with a grin as she cramped her neck to turn and face him.
They continued to crawl and then "Phuuuurt" "Ahhhhh, that felt so good" "How does it smell back there lil bro" And once again she began to laugh. As they crawled down this never ending tunnel, Emma continued to bombard Steven with farts, although he was so hard if he went any lower, his dick would fuck the ground. He began to choke from his sister's gas. Which only made her laugh more and fart more. As they were crawling Emma stopped short again and this caused Steven to once again ram his nose up her ass, then "Blllaaaaaapppppppptststwststst" A loud violent fart slapped Steven's nose, and burned his nose. That loud fart ended with a wet tone, and Emma remained perfectly still, and a silence fell over the cave.
"What's wrong Em?" "Did you shit yourself?" Steven said with a smile. He was even more surprised and aroused when she replied "Yes"
Steven looked in anticipation as Emma began to whine and tried to crawl faster, but it was too late. She began to fart uncontrollably as little "quark" farts continuously erupted from her butt in an effort to hold back her poop. Her attempts were suddenly silenced when a forceful wet fart made an escape from her bringing her poop with it. Steven watched as her panties from the inside were slapped by something causing her shorts to bounce out, then they began to slowly but steadily inflate in size. This was accompanied by a steady feed of wet, nasty sounding, intestinal gut wrenching farts. Emma had lost it and was now rather, erotically for Steven, filling her panties. Her tan shorts now had a huge brown stain growing on the back. Emma was completely gone, she continued to shit. Her panties and shorts just got fuller and fuller, and stuck further and further out. Steven lost it, a chill went down his spine, he grabbed Emma's hips, thrust his nose into her poop-stained shorts, inhaled deeply and began to cum uncontrollably. His body shivered as his dick pumped out semen shot, after semen shot, after semen shot of thick pubescent cum into the front of his shorts.
"Oh my God! Steven, did you just cum" Emma said through tears with a tone of curiosity in her voice.
"I'm sorry Sis. I couldn't take it anymore." "You kept farting in my face, then you shit your panties. It was all too much for me. I'm sorry! Please don't tell Mom and Dad"
"It's Ok little brother. I won't tell Mom or Dad. BUT!"
"But what?" Steven asked now a little afraid.
"But, you have to clean my ass" "You have to wipe me with your tongue"
Steven without hesitation pulled down his sister shorts to reveal her panties. The back was completely brown, and there was some squidgy poop seeping out from the leg bands. But inside lay a monster load of his sister's sexy poop. Steven yanked down her panties to find a huge load completely filling the panties, and a thick pasty poop sticking to his sister's butt. Steven took out his penis, which was now hard again, and he stuck it into his sister's shitty panties and began to bathe her ass with his tongue, Steven ate all of the thick frosting-like poop from his sister's ass, then cleaned the inside between her cheeks, in every crack, every crevice. It was then she squirmed and turned around allowing him to clean the shit from her pussy and suck it free from her shaven mat-like pubic hairs.
"Fuck me little brother. Fuck your big sister right now"
That was all Steven needed. He took his dick from his sister panties moved over her, scrapping his back on the cave roof and lie down on top of his sister slowly impaling her with his 13-year old cock. "Uuungh" Emma said as the tip of his shitty dick entered her pussy. "Now fuck me little brother, Make me cum!!!!!!"
Steven began to forcefully fuck his sister and she began to wildly buck her hips up at him, causing him to hit his back on the ceiling of the cave. "Oh, I'm cumming..........AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
Emma screamed, and before he knew it Steven felt his dick filling with cum, his body tensed. "Emma, I'm gonna cum"..............."EMMA!"
Emma was too far gone, she locked her arms around her brother and he lost it. Steven shot his cum deep into his sisters young teenage body.
Filling her with jet after jet after jet of his young cum, until they both lay there tired and exhausted.
When the two awoke they had a brand new out-take on each other. After they got out of the cave and faced their parents, and the Police with a search party, the two returned home and for the remainder of the years that Emma lived at home before moving out, the two engaged in numerous sexual acts, and Steven became Emma's sex toy, toilet, and Fart sniffer. After she left home, Steven was sad until he left home. The two later reunited and live in the same city and frequently visit each other for some sexual favors from one another. But neither one of them will ever forget the family camping trip, and the seven and a half hours they spent in the cave together.

Monday, October 31, 2022

A Day Off for a Goddess


His alarm wakes him. 7:30am. Half an hour to prepare everything before daylight comes pouring in. He knows his goddess loves to walk up naturally each morning with the sun and that he must be ready to worship and serve as soon as she calls him.

He gets out of bed and makes his way to the kitchen. he knows instinctively what his goddess would desire for breakfast and exactly how it should be prepared. Through years of worship and servitude he could anticipate her every desire. Often, as he prepared his goddess' breakfast, he would think back to his training. He was disciplined and punished a lot in those days but it made him all the more proud of his service to his goddess. He felt so much appreciation for his goddess' guidance and would think back to that time fondly. He took the tray of food and stood outside his goddess' bedroom waiting for his call. His goddess always took breakfast in bed on her day off.

As he took his position outside her door the sun came pouring in through every window. The warm light filled him with pride for his perfect timing. The anticipation of his goddess' call filled his stomach with butterflies and turned his legs to jelly. He knew it wouldn't be long now.

He heard a rustling of blankets from the other side of the door and a soft morning sigh. His fingers tingled in anticipation from under the tray and he had to force them back under control. To drop the tray would incur a severe punishment.

"Come here, my sweet boy." His goddess said softly and sleepily from inside the room.

A lightning bolt shot through his entire body and immediately he opened the door and came into the room. Beams of sunlight shone in through the blinds on the window onto his goddess' perfect stretching body from the side of the bed. Her luscious brown hair came down the centre of her arching back. His eyes followed the angle of her soft, smooth skin right down to her perfect, round ass. She turned to look at him and he felt unsteady on his feet. Every morning he saw her like this and every morning he was struck by her unrivalled, formidable beauty.

"Good morning goddess." he said timidly as he put the tray down on her nightstand.

After carefully placing it down he immediately took his position kneeling by her bed, eagerly awaiting her reaction. However, no response came as she sipped her coffee. Perfection was expected at this point.

"I just woke up. And you know what that means." She said teasingly.

She lay on he side with her perfect ass near the edge of the bed and pulled the covers over her.

"Yes goddess!" He replied excitedly.

He put his face under the covers and delicately pressed the tip of his noes against the crack of her ass and instantly he began the established process of worshiping his goddess' ass first thing in the morning. He began with deep, passionate sniffs of her ass crack, nuzzling his noes in a little bit deeper with each sniff. It had been a warm night and some sweat had gathered inside. He loved her morning moisture and the smell of her ass. His heart beat fast at the thought of his little face being completely engulfed by it. He inhaled deeper and deeper and cherished her ass until his noes was as far as it would go without some persuasion.

Next he moved onto kissing. He delicately pressed his lips against her cheeks and kissed slowly and passionately. He knew his goddess liked to hear the sound of each kiss so he always ensured a firm connection between his lips and her ass. He kissed and kissed all over trying to cover and savour every spot. His goddess felt his love and devotion with each kiss She reached under the covers, stroked his head and gently caressed his face to show him some affection.

Suddenly, she grabbed his head and forced it dead centre into her ass. Her body tensed and strained causing her ass cheeks to part and the divine smell of her ass to grow stronger.


She let out along airy fart right into his face. As the hot air from her ass breezed past his face and lips he was filled with love and devotion for his goddess. He immediately started sniffing as deeply as he could to get all of his goddess' divine air into him. He loved the smell and it filled him with excitement. With the covers over his head, it was all for him and he deeply appreciated it. Two more airy farts came out in quick succession and he sniffed them up diligently and enthusiastically. His goddess let out a sigh of relief at the last fart.

"Thank you, goddess!" He said gratefully and resumed kissing her perfect ass, She smiled and stroked the back of his head once more.

After every part of her ass has been rightfully and passionately kissed. Goddess slowly pulled apart her ass cheeks with her hand. |instinctively he began kissing the inside of her ass cheeks making his was towards her delicious asshole. He puckered his lips and gently pressed it against her asshole and he kissed as passionate and as sensually as he did the very first time. The first morning kiss on his goddess' perfect asshole was one of the most cherished moments of the day. This was his favourite place to be and what a privilege it was to be allowed there almost every day. He kissed it over and over. The taste making its impression on his lips, the smell filling his nostrils, and the passion and gratitude mounting in his heart.

The next step was licking. It was truly a privilege for him to lick, worship and clean her ass fist thing in the morning before the shower and soap washed away her divine taste and scent.

"Are you going to be my good boy today?" She asked sternly.

"Yes, my goddess." He replied assuredly.

"I think I want to be worshipped all day. I don't think I'll shower. I'll think I'll just have you clean me from head to toe" She said lazily.

"Yes, my goddess!" He cried, overwhelmed with excitement.

He began softly and passionately licking the inside of her ass making his way towards her asshole. The sweat, the fart and the morning musk of her unwashed ass bonded him into servitude for his divine goddess. Diligently and excitedly, he licked the inside of her cheeks, the centre and all the way to the top. He circled his tongue around her perfect asshole occasionally pressing it inside of a deeper clean. This went on until his goddess' breakfast was finished and she ordered him to stop.

He returned to the same kneeling position as before and watched mesmerised has she flicked her hair from her face. She leaned forward and pressed her soft hands against the side of his face lightly stroking his cheek with her thumb.

"This is how I want you all day today, at my beck and call. You'll clean me all over and worship me all day while I enjoy my time off. Every time I fart or pee, you'll be there. Anytime I need anything at all, you'll be there. Is that understood?"

"Yes, goddess!" he replied nodding vigorously.

"Good!" She exclaimed with a smile. "Now you can go wash out your mouth its time for you to clean my armpits then later my feet."

He leaped up and quickly left the room to the bathroom to wash his mouth. His head was still spinning at what was a perfect morning spent with his goddess. He washed his mouth excitedly. His devotion to his goddess superseded any sad feelings about cleaning the divine taste of her ass out of his mouth. He loved and cherished every second with her and looked forward more than anything to her days spent at home. It was during this time he could fulfil his role, his function, his purpose in life. Today was going to be a good day.


Monday, October 3, 2022






hey im julie and i have been lookin on here for a couple weeks, i like it a lot. i, like it seems many here do, really enjoy the experience of a nice poop! i poop once a day usually, sometimes every other day, and my time for my daily poop is one of my favorite times. today, however, my poop time was ruined, as well as a good pair of panties, because of my mom. i had needed to poop for a little while but i was really busy today, with school and trying to get stuff done. i love the feeling of really having to poop when im busy doing something at home because then it just feels so much better when im on the can. it is probably a great risk on my part to wait until i'm aching to poop before i go to the toilet, but i love the relief. anyway, today i had just gotten done putting together a diagram for my economics course, and i was practically pooping my pants because i had to go almost the whole time and had been working for 3 and half hours, and for the last half hour or so I was regularly letting off little warning farts. i hurried out of my room, taking each quick step carefully and headed toward the bathroom, I really had to go!. i rush in already putting my hand towards my waist to undo my jeans, and there is my mom cleaning the toilet. MY toilet. i was furious, like i couldn't wash my bathroom on my own time, now she is intruding during my poop time! i asked her if she'd excuse me because i really needed the toilet (SERIOUSLY), and what i got from her was a little cluck of tongue and an eye roll, and "can't you use the one downstairs?? i'm trying to get this cleaned up!" aside from being very territorial with where i poop, i sure as hell wasn't gonna try to get all the way down there considering how incredibly bad i had to go. but i had no choice..i made a quick move to the stairs. i rushed down the stairs, but as soon as i reached the bottom an incredible stomach cramp halted me. i stood there in agony as i then felt my butt cheeks spread and a large solid poop started to push its way into my panties with a crackle. A wave of heat came over my body from being alarmed and my heart raced a little. my jeans were tight and i could feel the poop smooshing and spreading all over my butt as well as my jeans bulging out. the first poop was took 15 seconds to come out at a continuous speed and spread all in my panties and made a considerably large lump on my butt. as if that wasn't enough, it was hardly even half the load. before icould even think about the first poop that i had just let make a home in my underwear, the second one was on it's way. i hadn't moved teh whole time the first poop was coming out, but now i didnt have a cramp, so i started to walk with my legs rigid toward the bathroom, but the feeling of walking while pooping was terrible, so i stopped again in the middle of the hallway and hunched forward slighlty to finish pooping my pants. 3 more poops came out, all about half as big as the first one, and the load completely filled my underwear. The bulge on my butt was enormous and the poop pushed its way into my crotch too, it was the strangest feeling ever. i have never pooped my pants in my life until today (diapers don't count.)i also couldn't help wetting myself when it happened, too. I didn't even fell myself peeing, I just looked down and my cheens were wet on my crotch and the insides of my thighs down to my knees. That wasn't much of a surprise though, i was your one out of every five children who had bladder troubles when I was younger. multiple wetting accidents in elementary school and some in middle school, and I was a frequent bed wetter until 14 and I still have the occasional soggy underwear mornings even now at 18, but no more than twice or three times in a year since I was 14. But even with a horrible bladder control history, i can honestly say i have never pooped my pants before. but it felt somewhat...well..exhilarating and still relieving to have to go so badly and then lose it and make a mess in my pants, but i was still very shocked and embarrassed. my mother apologized telling me she didn't realize it was an emergency and if i told her iwas going to have an accident she would have let me in the bathroom. well, too late then. i was pretty disappointed because that felt like it woulda made for a great time sitting on the toilet.

i have to admit, even though i didn't want to go in my pants and it isn't normal to do it and i didn't enjoy cleaning up, the actual experience of pooping in my pants felt really good...i don't know why..

has anyone else ever accidently pooped their pants and kind of enjoyed it? I've always hated peeing my pants and despite how many times I've done it it still upsets me when I have wetting accidents, but pooping my pants today was very very different…I don't know why I feel like I want to do it again. I guess it's because I've always enjoyed the feeling of pooping, but I don't know why it would feel so good to go in my pants. God I really want to poop my pants again…but that would be so weird if I started doing it on purpose..

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Karmic Accident


I was washing my hands when the door to the ladies' room burst open and a woman in her late teens or early twenties entered. She did not wait for the door to close behind her before hiking up her denim miniskirt, exposing white cotton, rose-print panties with pale pink elastic. She ran for the nearest cubicle, her shoes clicking on the tiles, the clicking echoing off the walls. She elbowed open the door, pushing it so far back on its hinges that it banged against the wall of the cubicle. In her haste she did not bother to close the door behind her, allowing me to see her in the mirror above the washbasin. With one shaking hand she lifted the toilet lid; with the other she held her skirt up.

"Yes!" she said. "Made it!" But just as she slid her thumbs under the waistband of her panties to pull them down, there was an abrupt squelch and the crotch of her panties sagged. She froze. A yellow-brown stain began to appear on the seat of her panties. The fishy smell of diarrhoea filled the room.

Turning off the tap, I yanked a few paper towels from the dispenser on the wall and began drying my hands, still watching her in the mirror.

A frustrated growl rose in her throat, drowning out the soft music playing over the PA. "Aaw no!" She kicked the wall.

Ditching the used paper towels, I picked up my handbag from the bench and slung the strap over my shoulder.

"It's not fair! I just about made it! I was so close!"

I entered the cubicle and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You need to calm down, sweetie." She gave a start and turned to face me. "It was just an accident."

"Who are you? What are you doing in here? What do you want?"

"My name is Jenny. And it looks to me like you need help."

For an instant I thought she was going to yell at me and tell me to go away and leave her alone, but instead she said, in a voice choked with rising emotion, "I'm Jodie. I just totally shit my pants." And she began sob.

I let her lean her head on my shoulder. She was still holding her skirt up, presumably to keep it from getting soiled. I stroked her shoulder-length dirty-blonde hair. "It's going to be okay. It happens to everyone at some point. I've pooped myself several times as an adult."

She looked up into my face with utter disbelief.

I giggled. "Hard to believe, I know, but it's true."

She buried her head in my shoulder again. The sobbing soon eased off, however, and I let her pull away.

"What am I going to do?" Her chest heaved as she caught her breath. "How do I get cleaned up?"

I looked her up and down. There was light soiling down the inside of her shapely upper thighs and a few drops of poop on the floor.

"Let's go to the handicapped stall. There's more room in there. And there will probably be a sink in there as well. Follow me. It's just down the end here." I held the door open for her. "In you go." I locked the door behind us. "We'll have you cleaned up in no time."

She looked at me eagerly, as if awaiting instructions.

"What size are you?"



"Oh, I don't know off the top of my head."

"Turn around." I slipped my thumb and forefinger under the waistband of her panties and pulled the label up so that I could read it. "Size fourteen. Same as me. Today is your lucky day. Because I just happen to have these." Unzipping my handbag, I produced a pair of pale blue cotton panties.

Her face lit up.

"I always carry a spare pair with me, just in case. I've had a few bad experiences in the past, as I mentioned earlier."

I slung the panties over the handicapped rail. She kicked off her shoes. I helped her get her skirt off without soiling it and slung that over the rail too. Removing her panties was more difficult. The poop was so runny I feared that it would get all over the floor.

"Cup your hands, Jodie." I tore off several sheets of toilet paper and laid them over her hands to form a protective layer. "Now put them under your crotch. I'll pull down from the waistband, and you hold the gusset so the poo doesn't fall out."

She did as instructed. My plan worked. No poo leaked onto the floor, though soiling did spread further down her thighs. She stepped out of her panties.

I lifted the toilet lid (and the seat too; I didn't want to get any poop on the seat). She emptied the contents of her panties into the bowl, and I flushed. She disposed of her panties in the tampon bin, ignoring the sign on the lid:


"Thank you for doing this, by the way — helping me." She had a bunch of toilet paper scrunched up in her hand and was wiping the inside of her thighs. "I really appreciate it. I'd be lost without you."

"It's no problem. I just wish I'd had someone to help me the few times when I've had accidents. Perhaps now that I've helped you, next time I have an accident, someone might help me. Karma, you know. What goes around comes around."

"I hope so. You deserve it."

She wiped her vagina as best she could, but a considerable amount of faecal matter remained stuck in her pubic hair. She then turned her efforts to her buttocks. She wiped and wiped, went through sheet after sheet of toilet paper, got poop all over her fingers. Finally, she huffed. "I can't even see what I'm doing. This is going to take forever."

"Here. Let me help you."

"What? Let you help me what? Wipe?"

"Of course. You can't see what you're doing, and I'm here, so...."

"Ah, no, I couldn't possibly let you―"

"I insist." I pulled off some toilet paper. "Come on."

"Well... okay. Thanks."

As I wiped, gas built up in my gut. Since the air was already thick with the stench of Jodie's poop, I figured she wouldn't notice if I farted, so I did. But it came out louder than I had anticipated, echoing off the walls.

"Ooh excuse me!"

Jodie didn't say anything, didn't even turn round, just continued to stand, bent over, hands clutching the toilet seat. I kept wiping till she complained the paper was beginning to abrade. By this stage I also had poop all over my fingers.

"There's a trick I learnt from my previous accidents." I pulled off a fresh sheet of toilet paper, took it over to the washbasin, and ran it under the tap. "Wetting the paper makes it softer. And helps remove any stubborn poop stains." I resumed wiping. "Is that better?"

She nodded.

Moments later I farted again. "Oh dear me!" Throwing a clump of wet brown toilet paper into the toilet, I said, "There. Done. All nice and clean now."

"Thanks." She sniffed the air. "Paaw! That stinks, Jenny!"

"Yeah, sorry."

She laughed.

"You might want to try the wet-toilet-paper trick around front," I said, "to get the poop out of your pubes."

"Good idea." She ran some toilet paper under the tap.

"Leave it on, could you, please? I need to wash my hands."

"Oh, they're filthy. That's my mess. Sorry about that."

"Don't mention it."

"You know, I'll probably be all right now, if you've got other things to do. I feel a lot better now, and I'm just about all cleaned up."

"Well, I do need to get on with my shopping." I turned off the tap and went to pluck a paper towel from the dispenser only to find it empty. I wiped my hands on my skirt.

"Thank you so much for helping me. God knows how I would've managed this alone."

"No problem. I'll get going, then."

"It's been nice meeting you, Jenny. You've really restored my faith in humanity. Thanks for the panties, too."

"That's quite all right. It's been nice meeting you as well, and I hope it's a very long time before this happens to you again."

"I hope it never happens again."

"Oh, it will. But you'll know how to deal with it next time." I unlocked the cubicle door. "I'm off, then."


On my way out of the ladies' I passed the first stall she had gone to and saw the poop on the floor. I had forgotten all about it. I called out to her to remember to clean it up. She said she would.

Exiting the ladies', I took the corridor leading back to the shopping centre. I felt the need to fart again and pushed.

No sound. But wetness bloomed between my butt cheeks. I stopped dead. Clenching my buttocks, I pinched off the gassy, liquid stool.

In denial I put a hand up my skirt and touched the crotch of my panties, hoping to find them dry. They had to be dry. I couldn't have pooped my panties just after giving away my reserve pair. Not even I could have such bad luck.

When my fingers touched fabric, however, they detected dampness. Yet I refused to believe the signals the nerves in my fingertips were relaying to my brain. I couldn't have had an accident. It was impossible.

With mounting apprehension I withdrew my hand from under my skirt and raised it to eye level. Were they brown stains on my fingers? I rubbed them together. Sticky. I sniffed them. Stinky.

"Nooo." It came out as a polysyllabic whimper, though I had intended it to come out as a scream.

I ran back to the ladies' and pounded on the door of the handicapped stall. "Jodie? Jodie, are you still in there?"

"Yeah. Is something wrong?"

"Listen, I hate to do this to you, but I need those panties back. I've had an accident."

Laughter erupted on the other side of the door.

"What are you laughing at, you ungrateful bitch?"

The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Look, I'm sorry I got angry, but I'm being serious. I've pooed my pants and I need those knickers back. Could you please pass them to me under the door?"

"I don't know. Can't you just go commando?"

"No, I can't go commando. I'm having my period, and it's really heavy at the moment."

"Aren't you wearing a tampon?"

"Well, yes, of course I'm wearing a tampon, but I'll have to throw it away because it'll be all shitty now, and I only have a pad in my handbag."

"Couldn't you just buy a new pair?"

"I could ask you the same question, Jodie. And besides, I'm having my period. How do you suggest I go shopping for panties? Should I leave here with blood dripping down my legs? Or should I walk around with one hand holding a pad to my crotch? Can you imagine me walking into a store like that and saying, 'Excuse me, what aisle are panties in'?"

"You don't understand. I can't leave here without panties. If my boyfriend finds out.... Let me explain something. My boyfriend once found out I cheated on him when he caught me without panties after I lost them having sex in a toilet stall. He's been suspicious of me ever since. You don't know what he's like — how he gets — when he's mad. If he thinks I'm cheating on him again, he'll kill me."

"Well, then, you'd better buy some new underwear."

"I can't. He doesn't let me carry any money. I'd have to ask him for the money, and then he would want to know what it was for. And then―"

"Okay; I get the picture. But that's not really my problem. I need those panties more than you, and I'm not leaving here without them. So again, if you could just pass them under the door, please."


I heard the swishing of fabric. It sounded as if she was hurriedly getting dressed.

"No? I'm sorry, Jodie, that's the wrong answer." Getting on my belly, I crawled under the stall door.

Now fully dressed, Jodie was slipping into her shoes. "What are you doing in here, you crazy bitch? Get out!"

From my position on the floor, I could see up her skirt, see the crotch of the pale blue cotton panties I had given her. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, crawled over to her, and reached up her skirt for the panties; but she jumped up onto the toilet seat, leapt over me, and ran to the door. Panicked, she pushed and pulled on the door, but it wouldn't open. She didn't think to unlock it. This allowed me time to get to my feet, wrap my arms round her torso, and throw her to the ground. The strain caused another leak of gassy, liquid stool into my panties. Whimpering, she rolled onto her belly and crawled under the partition into the neighbouring stall. I unlocked the door and, running parallel to the stalls, cut her off just as she emerged from under the partition of the stall she had first entered, the one with the poop on the floor. Sobbing silently, she got to her feet. Shit was smeared down the front her top, her skirt, her legs.

"Get out of my way!" she screamed, lunging forwards.

I stepped aside, hands in the air as if surrendering. "Oh, don't touch me!"

Once she had passed, I came up behind her and, reaching up her skirt, grabbed her — my — panties and yanked down.

Jodie stumbled. The panties came away in my hands. She spun round, her jaw hanging loose.

The panties had torn along the hip seams.

"Look what you've done!" I said, pushing the torn edges together then pulling them apart, pushing them together then pulling them apart, as if I could will them to rejoin.

"Great! Now how am I going to face my boyfriend? Well, if I have to leave here without panties, so do you."

Absorbed in the torn panties, I didn't notice Jodie approach, didn't sense her reach up my skirt; but I did feel the tug on my panties, did hear them tear. They plopped to the floor. Poop splattered onto my shoes.

Jodie fled.

"Come back here, you bitch! You can't just leave me here like this! Not after I helped you!"

But it was no use. The woman had no conscience.

What do I do now?

Don't panic, Jenny; think! What is the first thing you must do?

Get these filthy panties off the floor.

Good. And then?

Head to the handicapped stall to get cleaned up.

Excellent! You'll get through this.

Using the panties I had taken from Jodie as a glove, I picked up the pair on the floor and, carrying them at arm's length, my nose wrinkled, disposed of both pairs of ruined panties in the handicapped stall's tampon bin. It was then that I had an epiphany.

Jodie's panties! You could use Jodie's panties! They're dirty, yes, but still intact. All they need is a wash.

Fishing them out, I rinsed them in the sink, then rung them dry. I draped them over the handicapped rail. Squatting on the toilet, I finished pooping and then cleaned myself up with wet toilet paper. I donned Jodie's panties. Though still damp, they nicely supported my fresh pad. And I left the ladies' room ― with poop still on the floor ― confident to face the world. Whereas Jodie, I like to think, got slapped around by her boyfriend for cheating again. Bitch!


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Lexi's Shitty Ride Home




Lexi had been holding it in all day, waiting for a chance to hit the bathroom. Her waitressing shift was almost over, but it had been a long day. She had a full section of tables all night and only the most difficult customers, so on top of having to take the biggest dump of her life she was majorly losing her patience. There was not a single moment she could have taken to hit the toilet. Thank God she was about to be cut.

When her manager did cut her Lexi was so relieved, she finally had a chance to go. She went straight for the girls bathroom but was stopped by the one thing she wasn't expecting. The maintenance man.

"Sorry missy but you'll have to wait til ya get home to do yer business, it's a real mess in there," he said.

"Oh God no," she thought to herself.

"It's ok, no biggy," she replied sweetly, doing her best to conceal her discomfort. She'd just go when she got home rather than everyone knowing she totally blew up the men's bathroom.

This was bad. She still had to finish all her side work before she could leave. She was going to be cutting it close.

So Lexi got started banging out all the little things she had to get done. Fill the condiments, check. Fill the ice bin, check and so on. By the time she got to rolling silverware she was clenching her cheeks with all her might. Occasionally she would loosen up a little to silently let out some gas. That relieved a little of the pressure but she knew if she kept it up she'd be pressing her luck.

Eventually she finished everything she had to do. Now all she had to do was make it home. She rushed to her car and got in. She strained to keep it all in as she bent to get in her seat.

She started it up and got moving, but as soon as she hit the road she knew this wasn't going to end well. Bumper to bumper traffic as far as the eye can see. As she slowly made her way home her discomfort grew. The pressure in her abdomen was killing her but she was almost there.

She got through the traffic now she was fifteen minutes away. Just fifteen minutes and she'd be home in her own bathroom free to dump this monster load into her own toilet. She was speeding at this point, desperate to make it. She was letting out some more wet little farts when suddenly she hit a huge pothole that bounced her in her seat.


A loud fart blurted from her ass as she plopped back down in her seat. She felt a hot little squirt of shit spread between her cheeks.

This was the point of no return for Lexi because once she started shitting there was no stopping it. She tried so hard to hold on but she couldn't stop the farts from escaping her asshole.

Her stomach churned as she let it go. A long juicy fart filled the car with the stench of her shit.


Lexi leaned back in her seat as a hot mound of soft shit blossomed between her butt cheeks.

Her asshole erupted like a volcano as she drove. A wave of arousal washed over her while her excrement flowed into her tight leggings. She breathed heavily as her monstrous load of poop filled her panties, slowly making its way toward her pussy.

It just felt so damn good to her. Better than anything she had felt before. It was so dirty and wrong but she couldn't deny the immense pleasure she was getting from it.

Lexi's stomach tensed.

"Might as well get it all out now," she thought as she pushed out another gigantic load of creamy diarrhea into her pants. Her molten river of shit oozed its way up engulfing her dripping wet pussy in warmth.

She moaned in unexpected pleasure while doing her best to stay in control of the car. Her bladder emptied as she grinded her vagina into the mushy pile filling her panties until she came.

Shlick shlick shlick shlick

Lexi orgasmed over and over as she slid back and forth. The sound, the smell, the feel, all these things aroused her so intensely by the time she pulled in the driveway she was sweaty and out of breath from her dirty little experience.

Waddling to the door she readied her keys. Suddenly the door swung open to her surprise. Her girlfriend Dana stood there shocked at the mess Lexi had made of herself.

"Oh my God! What happened baby?!"

Lexi fell into her arms and cried a little telling Dana all about her ordeal, minus a couple of minor details.

"You poor thing, let's go in the bathroom and get you cleaned up."

" Thanks, I'm so embarrassed but kinda glad you're home," Lexi said as Dana let her to the bathroom.

"Yeah I wasn't feeling too hot at work today so I dipped out early. I've been super nauseous all day."

"I'm sorry, you don't have to help me, this is so gross."

"Nonsense, you're a wreck! Now let's get those leggings off you."

Dana carefully peeled off Lexi's soiled leggings and tossed them aside. Her panties were literally filled to the brim with the biggest load of shit she had ever seen. The smell stung her nostrils.


Dana burped, choking down a little bit of puke that came up.

"Are you alright?" Lexi asked.

"I'm fine I'm fine," Dana said with a laugh.

"It's just a bit... much. I mean when was the last time you pooped?!" She exclaimed as they both started cracking up.

When they were done laughing Lexi looked at Dana innocently.

"Can I tell you something? It's kinda weird and I don't want you to freak out."

"Come on, you know you can tell me anything. What could possibly be so bad?"

"Well when I had my little accident it felt sorta... good? Like... really good."

Dana looked surprised.

"That's... um... different," she replied timidly.

"It felt good?"

"Yeah! Like really really good! Like I've never cum so hard in my life good!"

Dana put her arms around Lexi.

"That's so dirtyyyy," Dana teased as she ran her hands down Lexi's back until she was palming the massive load in her panties.

"I guess I never thought about it too much but pooping does feel really good. It must feel so naughty doing it in your pants like that," Dana pondered.

"Touching your poopy bottom like this feels so weird. Like I should be grossed out but because I love you and find you so irresistible it's okay somehow. It just feels really bad... like when we were kids and we knew we were doing something we knew was wrong... you know, bad in a good way. In a fun way."

"Yeah exactly! I'm telling you it was such a rush just letting loose like that!"

Dana pulled her close and kissed her deeply as she mushed her fingers into Lexi's humongous bulge.

She let out a surprised whimper as they kissed.

Then Dana started pulling away.

"I'm sorry, the smell is just getting to me a little. I think I might be sick."

"It's okay," Lexi said pulling her closer. "I want you to puke all over me."

"You what? I'm warning you I ate a lot today."

"Just do it," Lexi said rubbing her tits.

She reached down into her panties, scooped a handful of shit, and smeared it on her chest. The stench wafted into Dana's nostrils making her gag.


"Oh God."

"Yes!" Lexi said pulling them chest to chest as they kneeled on the cold tile floor of the bathroom.


Dana retched.

"Come on baby! Cover me in your HOT CHUNKY PUKE!"

Dana's cheeks puffed up as her mouth filled with puke, she tried to swallow it back down but couldn't. A torrential waterfall of meaty vomit burst from her cheeks streaming down Lexi's bare chest.

"Oh geez, there's so much coming u-"


Another wave of puke shot up her throat before she could finish.

Diarrhea rocketed from Dana's ass as she retched. Hot liquid shit poured from the sides of her panties plopping onto the tile floor of the bathroom.

"Mmmm your puke feels so good," Lexi said as she ran her hands over her slimy body.

"It felt really good to get that out," Dana replied.

They started kissing again, dancing their tongue around each other while they embraced. The taste of Dana's ejected stomach contents stung Lexi's tongue as they made out.

Dana's hand made its way down the front of Lexi's crap filled panties. Her fingers sank into the warm shit until she could feel her pussy beneath the mess.

Lexi squirmed with pleasure as Dana rubbed her clit until she was nice and wet then slid a finger in her tight little hole.

Her pussy gushed as she fingered her. Between excited breathes Lexi told her to go into the drawer under the sink. She pulled a long hot pink dildo from the drawer while continuing to finger Lexi's sloppy shit covered pussy.

"Stick it in my mouth baby, I want you to throat fuck me til I'm sick!" Lexi exclaimed.

The long neon cock flopped around awkwardly as Lexi followed it around with her mouth open and tongue out trying to catch the tip of it.

Once her lips caught it she slurped it down vigorously plunging it deep into her throat over and over.


She throated the dildo deeper and deeper gagging and burping as it hit the back of her throat until her stomach lurched.

She pulled the long slimy dildo from her throat with a tidal wave of puke right behind it. She tilted her head back and projectile vomited straight up in the air letting her stomach contents erupt from her mouth like a geyser. A thick stew of chunks flowed down her body as she rode Dana's fingers.

When she was done barfing all over herself she pounced on Dana, pinning her down and kissing her deeply. She kept kissing her all down her body until she got down to her dirty pussy.

Lexi peeled off Dana's shitty panties and started licking her filthy cunt and asshole until she squealed.

"You eat my pussy so fucking good, yeah lick my shitty asshole. Open your dirty little mouth!"

Lexi wrapped her lips around Dana's butthole just as a thick stream of rotten smelling diarrhea came shooting out into her mouth. Her cheeks puffed up as her entire mouth filled with shit and the rest covered her whole face.

Lexi gulped down her mouthful of liquid diarrhea.

"Mmmm, that was tastyyyyy," she joked.

"Now it's your turn."

She kneeled over Dana and sat her big panty bulge right on her face getting into 69 position. She went down and started eating Dana's pussy some more while she pulled Lexi's panties to the side and did the same.

Dana licked and licked amidst all she shit filling her panties. Eventually she took them off her and smeared the rest of the shit all over herself.

They squirmed and licked and moaned and groaned covered in shit orgasming over and over as they ate each other out. They went all out licking their shit covered tits and fucking each other with their big floppy dildo for hours. They got in every position they could from doggy style kneeling on the toilet to legs spread on the bathroom counter. They smeared gobs of crap around their pussy lips while they took the length of the long pink cock and dumped assloads of smelly shit on each other after taking it in the ass. They did it all.

Lexi and Dana fucked shit and puked everywhere until they were satisfied. Neither of them knew what came over them that night but they knew it was the start of a whole new lifestyle for them. They got in the shower to rinse the shit of their naked bodies with the hand held shower head. They giggled and scrubbed each other clean while pushing the hunks and chunks of poop down the shower drain with their toes. The girls had experienced a level of pleasure neither of them thought possible that evening and they wanted more.




Sunday, June 26, 2022


This is a story posted on Experience Project by WetgirlEP. I posted another of hers back in June 2016. She was (and I assume still is) a Canadian girl, then in her mid-20s, who had a well-paid job as a high-level coder, or something similar. She must have written about 150 mostly very long posts by the time EP was wound up, and she made me smile when I read them- she had a lovely personality which came across very strongly. I know on that forum, and of course elsewhere, there were/are lots of men posing as women, but all her posts had the ring of absolute truth about them.

I hope she’d forgive me for surmising that she was a little bit “on the spectrum”- probably something that made her a very successful coder. It also meant that she wrote in incredible detail about her activities, often with long, amusing detours into semi-irrelevance. She wasn’t just into peeing and pooping her pants- what she enjoyed went far beyond just doing it in her pants- so a lot of what she wrote was too strong for me. But her reflections on pants-pooping, from childhood to the present, were fascinating.

I hope she doesn’t mind me reposting some of her work. She went to a lot of trouble to write, and it seems a shame that it might get lost forever. I think EP is still limping along, so some of her posts may still be accessible, but she herself was pretty cross that towards the end they started to remove posts like hers, especially the poop-related ones.

Here she writes about messing her pants in public for the first time. I think anyone who’s ever done this will relate to some if not all of it. She always writes from the heart, and gives an incredibly detailed description of how it feels to be her, caught up in a potentially hugely embarrassing predicament of her own making.


Last night I did something that is probably one of the most daring things I have ever done. I pooped my pants in public. Well truthfully its probably the least public you can get while in public. But on my scale it still counts as quite daring and I will probably never do something this daring for a long time.

I had a late night of work and I planned this event for a couple days now. Or at least was thinking about it. Due to my parents work schedule and this week in general. But yesterday I knew I would be home alone at night. At first I planned on pooping my pants during the walk from getting off the bus to my front door. Which is like a 2 minute walk. And I have kind of done that before but back when I was in school and I would only soil a little just in case if I got home someone was there. This time I wanted to do a full soiling though but my plans changed in two key ways.

I was waiting for the bus thinking of what I was going to do still deciding. Should I stand near the closed plaza near my house after getting off the bus and spend a good 5 minutes pooping my pants their? No… I could be questioned by police or one of the many boys that hang out in that area could come up to me and bother me. I did not want to be near anyone while I had poop in my pants , let alone while actually in the process of pooping. This event was planned though because I put on an extra dark pair of tight jeans. My coat covers my butt fairly well and its very dark out. So it would be unlikely anyone could see an bulge or tell what I did except for smell. Even then i did not want to get close to anyone. I wore a dark pair of jeans just in case some urine found its way out while I was pooping but I planned to avoid wetting as much as possible. Suddenly I started to think what would it be like if I just soiled now? No.. That would be way to risky and dangerous if someone I knew was on the bus they would come to talk to me and I would probably get caught. I was quite far from home so it was out of the question.

While telling myself that the idea kept circling my head. Reading stories on experience project has made me want to get a little more daring with public stuff but I needed to do it slowly. Heck I know I will never grow to the point that some people here are at. But the stories interest me quite a bit. Being able to let go in front of other people, even strangers in malls, outside. Its something that is beyond what I could ever do. But I wanted to feel just a pinch of the same excitement that they do.

So with my heart actually racing I pushed and a decent size lump of poop made its way right out into my panties. Such a familiar feeling in such an unfamiliar surrounding. I thought of immediate regret. But it was not to late. It was such a small amount and I could not smell anything. It was more solid then normal. So it would smell less. So I though thats it for now. I just wanted to poop enough so that I would have some poop to keep my company until I got off the bus. I could feel it moving around in my jeans a little as I walked around trying to keep warm. It was a cold night last night. And I could feel the heat from the log I pushed out and I knew my bum was already messy now.

I reflected on the situation I just did such a naughty thing. I knew my bladder and bowel were not empty but I had no urge to go. So this was such a deliberate act. Not that I ever have accidents or anything but in most situations I at least have some urge to pee or poop when I choose to do it in my pants etc. But I had 100% no urge. I could not even sense that my bowel or bladder had much or anything in it. But at the same time I knew they did but my body had yet to send me any signs that nature was calling even in the least. But here I was purposely pooping my jeans anyhow just for the fun and excitement of it and sexual taboo.

When the bus came I was glad it was quite cold out. Taking the bus often I knew it would be empty or close to it at this time and this route. And I was right. There was one passenger on the bus. I was quite worried about paying my fare. I did not want to get close to anyone. But I did, then I moved to the back of the bus. I sat down on the right side of the bus just behind the back door in the first set of seats that are raised up a little. The seats that have the panel of metal in front of them providing some privacy. I had to hold my breath in anticipation as I sat down letting the poop in my pants spread around and mush a little. At that moment I was hesitant at doing anymore in my pants even after getting off the bus. What if I ran into someone? I thought I could always pass it off an accident so I regained my control over the situation.

It must have been the pleasuring feeling from the poop mushing around in my pants because without even realizing it to much I was purposely moving my bum around against the seat playing with the feeling. Its not often I can do something like this in public. So I might as well make the most of it. I moved over to the next seat to see if by any chance any evidence was left on the seat. I was not shocked when I noticed that my jeans were doing there job holding the mess in. I was disappointed a little. I wanted to make a little mess. But poop does not magically seep though jeans , unless its really runny which was not the case. At the same time I did not want to leave a mess for someone to clean up or someone else to accidently sit in. And I knew that now sense the bulge was sat on there was little visible proof of any mess in my jeans.

Having been on the bus for 5 minutes now getting about 10 minutes from my street, I realized there was only like four more stops until my stop. Being so late and being in such an under populated area of town I almost knew no one else could get on the bus. I shifted over one seat again to were I first sat down. The bus driver was male an around 45 years of age by the looks. The only passenger was female probably around 30 years of age. She was sitting in one of the front seats on the left side of the bus. One of the seats that face sideways. She had a poor view of me from were she was. With only a little more then 5 minutes until my stop I let the naughtiness inside me take over.

I wanted to wet my pants a little. I don’t really know why but I just wanted too. Wetting was something I really wanted to avoid. But I new it would make a bigger mess in my jeans if I added some urine and let it mix with my waste. I carefully kept my eyes open for passengers and keeping my eye on the female passenger and bus driver. I rethought the situation then gave in to temptation and began peeing my jeans. I kind of had to force it out even more then normal. My bladder was begging me to stop. My mind did not like what I was doing. It was like my first time peeing my pants or first time peeing into my bed. It came out harder then I thought it would because I was trying so badly to pee my pants.

After the first jet of pee it took a good minute to get some more pee to come out. I knew I made a mess of the seat now. I was very horny and I tried so hard to maintain a tired nothing is different casual look on my face. But in reality I had purposely pooped my jeans and ride the bus with a log in my pants. And now I was deliberately wetting in my bus seat. It was even worse then doing it in the theater. At least then it was mainly soaking into the seat and I was wearing a skirt. Not to mention I did not had poop smeared all around my bum.

I felt very daring and could not stop. I kept keeping my eye out and my bladder seized up again. I am not sure exactly why but probably because my bladder was getting closer to being empty , I was so god darn scared and this was so wrong that in the process of trying hard to continue to wet, I accidently let out an other small piece of poop. It oozed right out into my panties and was much more soft then the first one. But at the same time a rush of urine made its way out and my face went pure red. I looked down trying to avoid any possible eye contact. I could feel my own embarrassment. The last jet of pee made a small hissing sound and I could see the pee now pooling on my seat a little. And it was not seeping in much at all. Meaning the seat could not absorb fast at all, or the seat had already absorbed all it could for now. I once again kind of regained control of the situation. I calmed myself down and felt sorry for the mess I made now. I looked around it I did not think anyone heard or smelt anything. At least not yet.

It was probably the adrenalin rush I was having but it took me a good 20 second to feel the burning urge to take a dump. I actually felt like I could not hold it back. It faded after a moment which made me happy. For a second I thought I was going to have a little semi-accident. I did not want to ruin the seat any more. My stop was coming up in like 2 minutes. I slowly stood up turning back trying not to draw ANY attention. I looked down at the seat. It was really wet but I could not see an details of poop on the seat. I think most of the damage was just urine. So it would dry. I heard the sound of someone requesting a stop and a moment later the woman got off the bus.

I was really close to my stop now and I looked at my jeans. They were now noticeable. Being dark or not it was defiantly at least somewhat possible for one to tell what I did. And I had a small bulge from the two small loads I did in my jeans. I could tell that the poop was getting runny from mixing with my urine so the situation was well beyond what I planned. Anything could go wrong. But at that moment it did not matter. I could feel a decent urge to defecate some more. And I might as well do it. So I made the decision to do everything right there. Well as much as I could before the bus passed my stop. Or if fully soiling and wetting created to much noise I would stop and wait until I was off the bus to do it.

Just before I started going again I started to actually get a strong smell of what I have done. For some reason the air circulating the bus must have kept it from being to strong until now. But with two open windows and the air system going I was not to worried. Standing there I gripped the yellow bar and the metal board in front of me and pushed not to hard but I applied a constant force on both my bowel and bladder letting everything out. I tensed up when I realized the poop was much more runny now and bubbled out of me at a decent pace filling my panties.

I only had a tiny amount of pee left but it quickly ran down my dark jeans. I could see them glisten even in the shadow of the metal board in front of me. And my shoes got wet. Which I did not even think about. I laughed out loud as I felt my socks absorb my pee and run into my shoes. I was like darn I planned to soil not wet so of course I did not expect my shoes to get wet. They were expensive and new. And now had a small amount of pee in them.

Before I was sitting and wetting in my seat so it was not until now that I realized I may have just caused myself to kind of waste a good $70 pair of shoes. I just suffered the consequences and released more urine knowing it would make its way down my jeans into my shoes some more. I did not want to sit down and I could not change positions enough. Squatting would be to obvious to the bus driver that this young lady was doing her business in her pants and on my bus! and it looks like she is enjoying it?? God she scares me she must be a freak…

So I wanted to avoid letting the bus driver know. I tried so had to hold back my facial expression of pleasure, guilt and shock. But I knew they were still showing every now and then. I kind of hated the fact that my bowel was causing me discomfort and I was still pushing letting more ooze out into my jeans. The feeling of discomfort vanished when I realized I was done. No more would come out. Same for my bladder. The intire thing felt like a dream to well planned. I was only half a street and one corner from my stop. At the next stop my manager from work, a police officer , my mother, and my brother as well as my best friend all got on the stop together…. Kidding!! I would pull the emergency window lever and jump out!

Waiting for my stop to come… I stood there with a now what look on my face. I just did something so horrible but so thrilling. And it went against my plans in every single way except not getting caught. Which was the most important. I thought about what I should do now and how to not screw it up. I normally planned to walk home pooping myself in the process perhaps waiting near the mailbox or near the trees for a moment to do it. But now I was done. So I guess I needed to just walk home. I had so much in my pants and I knew my panties did not hold it all. I did not want to track feces all over. But I think my jeans and panties both worked together to keep any waste from running down my legs. Well at least any lumps that is.

I looked on the floor and there was only a tiny wet puddle at my shoes very tiny. Probably because the rest was in my fucking shoes. And my bladder was not that full to begin with and the seat took on a fare bit before I stood. I did like the fact that even from standing I could tell the puddle was yellow and pee. But I did not see any signs of brown from my waste mixing with it. Until I rubbed the back of my hand on the back of my jeans and looked to see traces of poop on my hand. So I knew I had quite the mess in there. But the floor and seat looked only wet. So I was carrying the worst of it.

I pulled the wire for my stop and slowly stepped off the bus. While I was exiting I told myself to avoid everyone possible and slowly go home. I did not want to run to risk spreading the mess and I felt very funny just walking to the exit of the bus. Like my pants were full of a wet BM! And thats because they were. So I was like stay calm , walk slowly you will be home in 3 minutes if you just walk slowly. Then I got off the bus and was like run!!!! I am a fairly fast runner doing great in school running events. But I could not run my fastest in this situation but regardless I still jogged to say the least. It was not the fear of getting caught that made me run or the unpleasant feeling of poop soaked urine running down my legs. And it did make me feel unpleasant at least in public. It was the freaking cold air!!!!

My urine was just cooling off while I was exiting and outside was cold enough for a coat. So now I was just wet and uncomfortable outside in cold weather. I could see my breath in the air which did not happen before I got on the bus. So I think I was breathing more hard. I could just barely see my breath but it was still proof of how cold it was. I was freezing. I slowed down when I got near the only area I could possible run into anyone. I did not want to make any mistakes so I took my time. It was only 10 seconds sense getting off the bus and I looked down and I was shocked to see that there was steam or heated moister leaving my crotch and I could see it just like my breath. So my mess was giving off heat still enough to be seen in the cold outside.  It was mainly my urine that must have been giving off the steam because even my legs were doing it a little. I am sure the BM in my pants also helped give off some heat to. Soon I started to run again reaching my house in record time. I was so glad once I got inside and quite tired. It took a long time for my heart to stop pounding.

The cold air hurt my throat from running. So I was tired and it took me a while to realize I was still horny. So I went up and got into the shower right away and masturbated in my dirty jeans. I peed a little while the shower was spraying me. And I got my hands really dirty while I masturbated. So thats the long experience I enjoyed last night. Now I need to log off. I don’t plan on ever doing it again. I know I will do something like it though someday but not for a long time. Jeez I am really stupid sometimes. I went against all my protocols. But it was really enjoyable. Still I like doing it at home better! I am short for time so I have a few more things I will post in comment tomorrow. My shoes are not doing so well…. I will add that I could feel my pee in them on the way home………..

Monday, April 4, 2022

The Nanny: BDSM Fantasy




Please note: this is a fantasy. I do not intend to encourage or inspire abuse. If you decide to act any of these out, make sure you get consent from everyone.

Day 1: Spanking, Farting, Masturbation

Alex POV

"Alex, I am heading out this morning, and your nanny will be with you by the evening." Mom told me standing in the doorway, with her packed luggage already at the entrance.

She was off to a holiday - I am not sure with who - may be alone, maybe with someone else. I did not care where she went after our ordeal last year; I was happy not to see her. What bothered me was the nanny she hired.

"A nanny? Mom, I am 20 years old! I don't need a nanny!" I protested. I was a responsible adult already. I had a part-time job in a fast-food joint, and I was going to college soon - if I had access to my allowance.

"Oh, don't give me this 'I am an adult' nonsense." She rebuked. "We both know how quickly you turn delinquent when you are alone. Please, remember: the nanny's review is conditional for your college allowance."

"What? You can't do this with me!" I shouted; I couldn't believe my mom was icing my college year if the nanny didn't like me.

"Of course, I can. You live in my place, and you spend my money. You have no power here. The nanny understands this too, so you better behave and do everything she asks you to." Mom shut me down, then turned around and retreated to her room to finish packing.

I gasped. I got nothing but scorn and discipline from my mom over the past year. She humiliated me in front of my friends - including my ex, Anita - and relatives. I had so little left, and I could hardly wait to leave this town.

It took me some time to find something good regarding my situation. As I walked to work, I fantasized about a hot college-age nanny who was interested in more than just cleaning. I smiled and entered the fast-food joint.

After work, I headed home whistling, already forgotten about the argument with mom and the whole nanny thing. Secretly, I expected this to be some ruse.

As it turned out, it was no ruse. Mom indeed went on a holiday. The nanny was there, standing in front of me. It was Anita, my ex.

Nanny POV

I dated Alex for a short period. It did not work out; he was too immature and aggressive for my taste. When I heard of Alex's punishment last year, I got in touch with his mom and asked to be involved. Now, I was standing there in the hallway, itching for a bit of revenge. It was my time to be aggressive.

"Here is how this will go, Alex." I started but paused quickly. I took my precious time to scare the crap out of Alex. He needed to recognize that I was in control here. "I am your boss, and you will do whatever I ask you to. Your mom told you everything about your allowance, right? If so, you understand I don't want to hear a squeak from you."

Alex gulped and nodded. He placed his workbag on the side and walked inside his room. I followed him and asked, no, ordered him to climb on the bed.

"Here is something for the old times' sake. Do you remember our last fight?" I asked as I grabbed him and smacked him on his behind.

"What the fuck, Anita?" He screamed at me, but I quickly came over to him. Seconds later, his pants and underwear were on the floor, and my slaps turned his butt red like a rose.

"Ouch, please stop!" He pleaded, but I did not stop. The power of having the upper hand overwhelmed me; I prolonged the spanking as long as possible.

Following a powerful hit, Alex farted, and I felt the wind hitting my arm. His fart felt intentional and disgusted me. It only took me a second to find a counter to his disgusting behavior. I jumped on the bed and sat next to Alex's head. It took him a second to realize what I was doing.

"What the hell?" Alex cried as I farted on his face as a punishment.

"You deserve this, you little brat! Now, stand up and listen!" I demanded him. He coughed several times and pushed himself into a sitting position. My flurry of strikes left red marks on his behind. I bet he found it hard to sit there. I have also noticed his erection.

"Ah, these are the things that turn you on nowadays, eh?" I teased him. "Talking of excitement, look what I found."

I rummaged around his room before he arrived and found a porn magazine. It was old and sticky, just like you expect from a pathetic man like him. I wondered if his mom saw the porno magazines.

"Why don't we look at this together, hm?" I slid back on the bed and opened the magazine in a random place. "I cannot believe you have one of these! I thought these didn't exist anymore! I guess you never heard of the internet is? Is this what you are thinking about, dirty boy?"

Alex shied away, acting like it wasn't his magazine. He got up to find his pants. I found some pleasure looking at the deep red blotches my palms left on his ass. Then I realized he wasn't listening to me.

"Obey me, remember?" I reminded him. He stood there for a second - his erection mindlessly pointing in my direction - then sat down again. He knew the price he would pay if he didn't follow my rule.

"What do you want?" He sighed.

"I want you to masturbate." I smiled and placed the open porn mag in front of him.

"What? How? Why?" He looked shocked and puzzled.

"You heard me. Masturbate. Go ahead."

Alex shrugged and leaned back. He slowly stroked his penis while looking at the naked woman on the magazine. Alex was uncomfortable in my presence. I knew he wasn't enjoying it.

"This was enough." I stood up and grabbed the magazine. "This is going to the trash." I walked out on the gasping and confused Alex, still holding his penis. I didn't allow him to finish. He won't be satisfied this easily.

Day 2: RT, Humiliation, Masturbation

Alex POV

I thought Anita couldn't top the masturbation-humiliation yesterday, but I was wrong! As I opened my eyes in the morning, I noticed her sitting next to me. Thinking she would fart on me again, I attempted to roll on my side, but she kept me in place. I noticed her pushing a cold object inside me. It was a thermometer!

"What the hell? Jesus, please, no..." I begged her. She smiled.

"Oh no, no, Alex. I will take your temperature every day from now on; to monitor your health. Don't move because I will mark it in your obedience book, and your college fund will go bye-bye."

I took a deep breath and buried my face in my pillow. I tried thinking of the last movie I watched, but my memories kept returning to Anita watching me masturbate yesterday. It was so embarrassing.

Anita's stronghold on my ass cheeks sent pulses of discomfort through my body.

"The instrument already measured your temperature, but I am keeping it inside you for a little while because I am enjoying it." She smiled as she gently smacked my backside left and right. The marks of her spanking from yesterday flared up, and now my whole lower half was sweating.

I rushed to work and hoped to forget what had happened. When my shift had ended, I took my time to pack up and leave the store. Just as I stepped outside, I heard Ani's voice.

"No, I am not his girlfriend, but his nanny. Yes, I am here to pick him up. He should be at home a long time ago and hoped he did not escape, haha." She joked with some colleagues of mine who were having a cigarette break.

I flushed angrily and walked past her. She quickly followed and grabbed onto me. As we entered my apartment, our neighbor's popped her head up, recognizing Anita as my ex-girlfriend.

"Ah, we are not together anymore. Alex had an issue between his legs." She giggled. I had no patience for further embarrassment and marched into the apartment.

"By the way... so you know..." Ani stood in my doorway, making eye contact. Her voice dropped in pitch and sounded almost trusting. "Everything I said about your penis... I meant it. You are not great. I am so happy that my new boyfriend, Eric, has a bigger one. The only problem I have with him is that he is nowhere near as adventurous as I'd like."

"Why do you torture me, Ani? Why are you trying to control me?" I had enough of her embarrassing routines. I needed some answers to know what was up. Why was she REALLY here?

"Ah, you are cute when you think you have a say in any of this. Relax and take a break for tonight. I won't have time for you tonight." As she hit the last word, the doorbell rang. It was Eric.

I shut the door and crawled under my bedsheet. I covered my ears as much as I could.

For the next hour, I heard Anita moaning and Eric pumping away. They banged against the wall, and the whole apartment resonated from their lusty games. The noises excited me, but I felt too depressed to touch myself. I needed Ani's reign to be over as soon as possible.

Day 3: RT, Ginger Punishment, Butt Plug, Pony Play

Nanny POV

I had a satisfying night - and a little morning workout. At 7 a.m., I said goodbye to Eric and grabbed the thermometer. I was ready to get back to playing with my ex, Alex.

I walked into Alex's bedroom and inserted the thermometer. The speed at which his bum swallowed the object impressed me. This boy's ass eats everything up!

"Ouch, this is weird. It is burning my ass!" Alex shouted, realizing something was off.

I wanted to spice things up, so I dipped the thermometer into some ginger paste beforehand. It turned his insides into a burning and pulsating mess. He struggled to push me away, but I held him until I got an appropriate measure.

"Go, little man, run away from the challenge! I want to see what you produced over there, so don't flush!" I shouted as he sprung up from the bed.

He rushed to the toilet, farting like a machine gun and howling from a burning butt hole. Finding the toilet bowl empty after his visit was disappointing; I took a note to fix his bowel issues in the following days.

He insisted on leaving quickly afterward, but I insisted on applying some soothing cream on his hole. I did not let him do it himself. He had to lie on the bed and wait until I spread and rubbed it in thoroughly. Once his behind was slippery enough, I was ready to advance my plan.

Before letting him leave for work, I pushed a butt plug inside him. He was upset, so I reminded him - with some spanking - that he had to listen to me. He left the apartment with rosy-red bum cheeks and a clogged ass.

I was worried that he might take the butt plug out during his working hours. So I asked him to take pictures of his butt plugged in every hour.

He learned from the previous days and did what I had asked. He sent me seven pictures of him wearing the butt plug during the day. I probed him with questions: such as 'How does it feel to have it in?', Are you excited?', and 'Do you co-workers notice your wobbling?'.

"Now that you are at home, we have to do a few things." I started in the evening. "Take your pants off; I desire to watch you wearing the plug. I will make a few pictures of you to share with your mom." I have carefully used 'desire' to give Alex hope for a sexy time.

"Ani, please, can we remove this stuff? My ass is aching. I had it in all day." He begged as the throbbing butt plug in his ass made him uncomfortable.

"Sure, darling. Get on your fours, and I can remove it."

"I can do it myself," Alex stated and reached towards the bottom-stopper.

"No, no, I will do it," I protested. "It isn't as easy to pull it out. It needs lubing first." I applied lube graciously to pull the butt plug out with no internal damage. I had to do this quickly; as soon as the butt plug was out, I pushed another one in - a bigger one in this case.

"What the fuck?" Alex screamed in surprise.

"How dare you swear in my presence?" I scolded Alex, followed by a spanking. Once finished, I ordered him to stay on the fours and walk around like a pony. I found some 'My Little Pony' music and played it while he galloped around the house. I took a video of this for a later day.

"Everything has to end at one point; I am getting bored with this stupid horseplay." I moaned and stopped the game. By grabbing the hair of the butt plug, I could pull the toy with full power. As the pony plug flew out, I heard a loud fart sound followed by a squeal.

He had laid on the floor shaking. Around him was a pool of piss mixed with cum spreading on the floor. I spanked him for having an orgasm and sent him to his room. I spent the rest of the night recalling how funny the fart sounded and how embarrassed this little man-let looked when he realized: I am in total control of his body.

Day 4: Suppository, Bondage, Pissing, Feminization, Panty Poop

Nanny POV

I started with a bang in the morning. I sneaked into Alex's room without waking him up; he was exhausted and slept super deep. By the time he opened his eyes, I had finished cuffing his legs and arms to his bed.

"Oh my god, please no!" He cried up.

"What's the matter? You don't even know what is coming." I laughed and pulled a suppository from my pocket. "This is a vitamin suppository I made with your mom's help. It is extra-large, so it will be difficult to push in, but the size guarantees it will stay in."

"Why? I don't need vitamins!" Alex resisted.

"Of course you do! What else would I put inside you? The butt plug stretched you out nicely yesterday, so you are ready for this." I inserted and pushed the medicine inside him. He shrieked and begged me to stop.

"I need one more minute!" I told him. "The suppository turned out to be too big, so I need to wait until your ass accepts it."

Thankfully, I worked the pill inside 3 minutes later.

"Now lay here until I found something for you to wear today." I rummaged around the house and encountered a pretty skirt, a frilly blouse, and a large enough pantyhose for Alex. By the time I returned, Alex had pissed on the bed.

After a bit of spanking and cleaning up, I turned Alex into a decent human being - a female specifically. He looked - weird, but I concluded he would pass as a female; unless you look too closely.

"Let's go to the park now. I must show you to everyone, my dear Alex or Alexandra!" I teased him as we walked out of the apartment.

"Anita, can I do something for you so that I don't have to do this?" He groveled while tearing up.

"Yes, you can! You can give me the best girl impression imaginable. Your penis is small enough to make you a girl, so now you just have to act like one."

Alex POV

The walk to the park was super embarrassing. Thankfully, there was no one there, and Anita got bored quickly.

"We are not going home yet," Anita told me. "Let's visit an old friend first!"

We arrived at Alice's place. Alice was an old friend of both of ours from school. I don't think I saw her for years. Based on how she looked at me, I did not want to see her ever again.

"Ah, you are so cute! I love your skirt!" Alice clapped as we entered her apartment. We sat around the kitchen table and started eating and drinking.

Anita had sunk into some deep gossip with Alice while I tried avoiding eye contact with both of them. Instead, I chugged several cups of tea. I figured I should use the bathroom soon.

"Don't be silly. A well-behaved lady like you can't use the bathroom at someone else's place," Anita smiled. "Alice, I think we have to leave now. Alex will go all over himself in a few minutes. I don't want to dirty your floor."

"Of course, I wouldn't want to stop you guys - I mean girls - from doing your thing." Alice chuckled and said goodbye.

"What do you mean going all over myself in a few minutes? I don't have to pee that much; I can hold it until we arrive home!" I argued as we descended the staircase.

"I said nothing about peeing. But the laxative Alice and I put into your tea makes sure that you wouldn't last on the number two front." Anita informed me. We barely stepped out of Alice's apartment complex when I released my bowels. The mushy, brown liquid covered my pantyhose, even reaching my shoes. The shoes - covered in disgusting mud - made a 'plop-plop' sound for the rest of the trip.

"I hope you realize you ruined a perfect panty. I will reduce your allowance to cover the cost of replacing it." Anita warned me as she removed and threw out the female clothing. I remained silent, but my eyes betrayed me: all I had, was hatred for her.

Day 5: Suppository, Fisting, Strap-On

Alex POV

I was apathetic the following day. I realized I only had one day left before mom was coming home. I had to endure whatever Anita had for me so that I could get the allowance and flee the fuck from this place.

Anita did not take my rectal temperature or had played with my ass. She served me breakfast while wearing lingerie.

"I realized that I might have gone too far yesterday." She apologized while I was busy filling my face with her amazing pancakes.

"Uh, UHM." I could have forgiven her, but why exactly? She had abused me for days; am I supposed to be happy suddenly?

"Your mom is coming home this evening, so I thought we could pay a little." Anita smiled. I smiled back.

Anita went on a shopping spree while I had played video games at home. Although my butt hurt from the previous spankings, I got a nice buzz about the evening.

"Your mom expects you to poop before she gets home." She told me an early afternoon as I was finishing my game.

"Eh, why? Can we tell her I did it?" I enquired.

"No, I am afraid. I have to take a picture of it and send it in an email. You know, bureaucratic process." She laughed.

"But I had a poop yesterday. Don't you remember?" I bet she did, but she was playing innocent. To be fair, I probably wanted to forget about the mess I made the day before more than she did.

"I know, but we have to do this. May I give you another suppository so that we can get over this?"

Painfully aware of the power difference between us, I stood up and pulled my pants down. Anita inserted a glycerine suppository inside me. She was super gentle and giggled when finished.

"You know, sometimes I use these too. This stuff is not bad to regulate your bowels." She confessed. I marched to the toilet and quickly relieved myself. Upon returning, I recognized the handcuffs in her hand. I also noticed that she was not wearing panties. I got incredibly hard.

"Let me tie you down and give you a massage." She offered, but I was cautious.

"Why would you need to tie me down? I promise I won't move while you massage me." I wondered.

"I like the idea. It makes me kind of horny when I see you tied down." She grinned. "But if you don't want to, I guess we can just watch TV."

"Oh, no, you can do it!" I told her, fearing missing out on getting laid.

I laid on my belly and let her cuff my arms and legs. I was in a spread eagle on the bed, looking ahead of the pampering.

However, instead of a gentle rub, something else happened.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I demanded answers as Ani inserted one of her fingers in my ass.

"Your mom needs you to be clean. Completely. I need you to be super-clean." She said with a completely different tone and inserted another finger in my ass.

I shouted as she slowly pushed her whole fist inside me. She moved her hand a little, sending waves of stress upon my bowels.

"Ouch, oh no, please, stop!" I screamed, but she was unstoppable. I can't remember how long we were there, but snot and tears covered my face when she finished.

"Oh, come on! You will be fine. I want to make sure I get everything that the suppository did not." Anita explained as she kept moving her hands in and out.

I never got fisted before. I could barely handle the pain in the beginning. However, a minute or two of fisting in, the pain morphed into a weird and satisfying numbness.

Nanny POV

After fisting, I took the dirty tissues out to the toilet. I took some photos of Alex's product and the clean-up I did. I think I did well. I fisted no one before, and it felt empowering.


I finished with the must-haves, and I could finally look at my purchases from earlier. I took my little toy from the shopping spree and introduced it to Alex.

"Please, not again." He begged me as I stretched his bum hole.

"Relax, I am not fisting you again; this is something different!" I reassured him.

"What are you doing? Holy crap, my ass is blowing apart!" He screamed.

"Ah, you are so silly. I am pegging you with a strap-on. This toy is my gift to you for being obedient over the week. Eric would never let me do this, but you do, right?" I announced and started rhythmically riding his behind.

It did not take long, and Alex came on the bed. The strap-on gave me an orgasm with its vibration and massages his prostate as well.

"Ah, this was so good. I love you." Alex has whispered to me as I lay on top of him after I finished.

"Ah, you are sweet, but I am your nanny and nothing else. This whole thing was part of the plan. Your mom installed a hidden camera in your room so she will be able to re-watch everything that had happened here." I stated. I heard him crying quietly. "My job is done, now."


I returned from the five-day trip refreshed. I got a beautiful tan and finally spent time with my new partner. I have closely monitored Anita's messages over the week, and I was satisfied with her results.

I entered the apartment and found her packed up, ready to go. She smiled and hugged me.

"Alex behaved well. He deserves the allowance." She informed me.

"Good to hear. What is Alex doing now?" I asked curiously.

"I left him inside, tied down. He will need to clean up after himself, but that should be easy-peasy after what I made him do this week."

We both laughed and said our goodbyes.