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Monday, April 4, 2022

The Nanny: BDSM Fantasy




Please note: this is a fantasy. I do not intend to encourage or inspire abuse. If you decide to act any of these out, make sure you get consent from everyone.

Day 1: Spanking, Farting, Masturbation

Alex POV

"Alex, I am heading out this morning, and your nanny will be with you by the evening." Mom told me standing in the doorway, with her packed luggage already at the entrance.

She was off to a holiday - I am not sure with who - may be alone, maybe with someone else. I did not care where she went after our ordeal last year; I was happy not to see her. What bothered me was the nanny she hired.

"A nanny? Mom, I am 20 years old! I don't need a nanny!" I protested. I was a responsible adult already. I had a part-time job in a fast-food joint, and I was going to college soon - if I had access to my allowance.

"Oh, don't give me this 'I am an adult' nonsense." She rebuked. "We both know how quickly you turn delinquent when you are alone. Please, remember: the nanny's review is conditional for your college allowance."

"What? You can't do this with me!" I shouted; I couldn't believe my mom was icing my college year if the nanny didn't like me.

"Of course, I can. You live in my place, and you spend my money. You have no power here. The nanny understands this too, so you better behave and do everything she asks you to." Mom shut me down, then turned around and retreated to her room to finish packing.

I gasped. I got nothing but scorn and discipline from my mom over the past year. She humiliated me in front of my friends - including my ex, Anita - and relatives. I had so little left, and I could hardly wait to leave this town.

It took me some time to find something good regarding my situation. As I walked to work, I fantasized about a hot college-age nanny who was interested in more than just cleaning. I smiled and entered the fast-food joint.

After work, I headed home whistling, already forgotten about the argument with mom and the whole nanny thing. Secretly, I expected this to be some ruse.

As it turned out, it was no ruse. Mom indeed went on a holiday. The nanny was there, standing in front of me. It was Anita, my ex.

Nanny POV

I dated Alex for a short period. It did not work out; he was too immature and aggressive for my taste. When I heard of Alex's punishment last year, I got in touch with his mom and asked to be involved. Now, I was standing there in the hallway, itching for a bit of revenge. It was my time to be aggressive.

"Here is how this will go, Alex." I started but paused quickly. I took my precious time to scare the crap out of Alex. He needed to recognize that I was in control here. "I am your boss, and you will do whatever I ask you to. Your mom told you everything about your allowance, right? If so, you understand I don't want to hear a squeak from you."

Alex gulped and nodded. He placed his workbag on the side and walked inside his room. I followed him and asked, no, ordered him to climb on the bed.

"Here is something for the old times' sake. Do you remember our last fight?" I asked as I grabbed him and smacked him on his behind.

"What the fuck, Anita?" He screamed at me, but I quickly came over to him. Seconds later, his pants and underwear were on the floor, and my slaps turned his butt red like a rose.

"Ouch, please stop!" He pleaded, but I did not stop. The power of having the upper hand overwhelmed me; I prolonged the spanking as long as possible.

Following a powerful hit, Alex farted, and I felt the wind hitting my arm. His fart felt intentional and disgusted me. It only took me a second to find a counter to his disgusting behavior. I jumped on the bed and sat next to Alex's head. It took him a second to realize what I was doing.

"What the hell?" Alex cried as I farted on his face as a punishment.

"You deserve this, you little brat! Now, stand up and listen!" I demanded him. He coughed several times and pushed himself into a sitting position. My flurry of strikes left red marks on his behind. I bet he found it hard to sit there. I have also noticed his erection.

"Ah, these are the things that turn you on nowadays, eh?" I teased him. "Talking of excitement, look what I found."

I rummaged around his room before he arrived and found a porn magazine. It was old and sticky, just like you expect from a pathetic man like him. I wondered if his mom saw the porno magazines.

"Why don't we look at this together, hm?" I slid back on the bed and opened the magazine in a random place. "I cannot believe you have one of these! I thought these didn't exist anymore! I guess you never heard of the internet is? Is this what you are thinking about, dirty boy?"

Alex shied away, acting like it wasn't his magazine. He got up to find his pants. I found some pleasure looking at the deep red blotches my palms left on his ass. Then I realized he wasn't listening to me.

"Obey me, remember?" I reminded him. He stood there for a second - his erection mindlessly pointing in my direction - then sat down again. He knew the price he would pay if he didn't follow my rule.

"What do you want?" He sighed.

"I want you to masturbate." I smiled and placed the open porn mag in front of him.

"What? How? Why?" He looked shocked and puzzled.

"You heard me. Masturbate. Go ahead."

Alex shrugged and leaned back. He slowly stroked his penis while looking at the naked woman on the magazine. Alex was uncomfortable in my presence. I knew he wasn't enjoying it.

"This was enough." I stood up and grabbed the magazine. "This is going to the trash." I walked out on the gasping and confused Alex, still holding his penis. I didn't allow him to finish. He won't be satisfied this easily.

Day 2: RT, Humiliation, Masturbation

Alex POV

I thought Anita couldn't top the masturbation-humiliation yesterday, but I was wrong! As I opened my eyes in the morning, I noticed her sitting next to me. Thinking she would fart on me again, I attempted to roll on my side, but she kept me in place. I noticed her pushing a cold object inside me. It was a thermometer!

"What the hell? Jesus, please, no..." I begged her. She smiled.

"Oh no, no, Alex. I will take your temperature every day from now on; to monitor your health. Don't move because I will mark it in your obedience book, and your college fund will go bye-bye."

I took a deep breath and buried my face in my pillow. I tried thinking of the last movie I watched, but my memories kept returning to Anita watching me masturbate yesterday. It was so embarrassing.

Anita's stronghold on my ass cheeks sent pulses of discomfort through my body.

"The instrument already measured your temperature, but I am keeping it inside you for a little while because I am enjoying it." She smiled as she gently smacked my backside left and right. The marks of her spanking from yesterday flared up, and now my whole lower half was sweating.

I rushed to work and hoped to forget what had happened. When my shift had ended, I took my time to pack up and leave the store. Just as I stepped outside, I heard Ani's voice.

"No, I am not his girlfriend, but his nanny. Yes, I am here to pick him up. He should be at home a long time ago and hoped he did not escape, haha." She joked with some colleagues of mine who were having a cigarette break.

I flushed angrily and walked past her. She quickly followed and grabbed onto me. As we entered my apartment, our neighbor's popped her head up, recognizing Anita as my ex-girlfriend.

"Ah, we are not together anymore. Alex had an issue between his legs." She giggled. I had no patience for further embarrassment and marched into the apartment.

"By the way... so you know..." Ani stood in my doorway, making eye contact. Her voice dropped in pitch and sounded almost trusting. "Everything I said about your penis... I meant it. You are not great. I am so happy that my new boyfriend, Eric, has a bigger one. The only problem I have with him is that he is nowhere near as adventurous as I'd like."

"Why do you torture me, Ani? Why are you trying to control me?" I had enough of her embarrassing routines. I needed some answers to know what was up. Why was she REALLY here?

"Ah, you are cute when you think you have a say in any of this. Relax and take a break for tonight. I won't have time for you tonight." As she hit the last word, the doorbell rang. It was Eric.

I shut the door and crawled under my bedsheet. I covered my ears as much as I could.

For the next hour, I heard Anita moaning and Eric pumping away. They banged against the wall, and the whole apartment resonated from their lusty games. The noises excited me, but I felt too depressed to touch myself. I needed Ani's reign to be over as soon as possible.

Day 3: RT, Ginger Punishment, Butt Plug, Pony Play

Nanny POV

I had a satisfying night - and a little morning workout. At 7 a.m., I said goodbye to Eric and grabbed the thermometer. I was ready to get back to playing with my ex, Alex.

I walked into Alex's bedroom and inserted the thermometer. The speed at which his bum swallowed the object impressed me. This boy's ass eats everything up!

"Ouch, this is weird. It is burning my ass!" Alex shouted, realizing something was off.

I wanted to spice things up, so I dipped the thermometer into some ginger paste beforehand. It turned his insides into a burning and pulsating mess. He struggled to push me away, but I held him until I got an appropriate measure.

"Go, little man, run away from the challenge! I want to see what you produced over there, so don't flush!" I shouted as he sprung up from the bed.

He rushed to the toilet, farting like a machine gun and howling from a burning butt hole. Finding the toilet bowl empty after his visit was disappointing; I took a note to fix his bowel issues in the following days.

He insisted on leaving quickly afterward, but I insisted on applying some soothing cream on his hole. I did not let him do it himself. He had to lie on the bed and wait until I spread and rubbed it in thoroughly. Once his behind was slippery enough, I was ready to advance my plan.

Before letting him leave for work, I pushed a butt plug inside him. He was upset, so I reminded him - with some spanking - that he had to listen to me. He left the apartment with rosy-red bum cheeks and a clogged ass.

I was worried that he might take the butt plug out during his working hours. So I asked him to take pictures of his butt plugged in every hour.

He learned from the previous days and did what I had asked. He sent me seven pictures of him wearing the butt plug during the day. I probed him with questions: such as 'How does it feel to have it in?', Are you excited?', and 'Do you co-workers notice your wobbling?'.

"Now that you are at home, we have to do a few things." I started in the evening. "Take your pants off; I desire to watch you wearing the plug. I will make a few pictures of you to share with your mom." I have carefully used 'desire' to give Alex hope for a sexy time.

"Ani, please, can we remove this stuff? My ass is aching. I had it in all day." He begged as the throbbing butt plug in his ass made him uncomfortable.

"Sure, darling. Get on your fours, and I can remove it."

"I can do it myself," Alex stated and reached towards the bottom-stopper.

"No, no, I will do it," I protested. "It isn't as easy to pull it out. It needs lubing first." I applied lube graciously to pull the butt plug out with no internal damage. I had to do this quickly; as soon as the butt plug was out, I pushed another one in - a bigger one in this case.

"What the fuck?" Alex screamed in surprise.

"How dare you swear in my presence?" I scolded Alex, followed by a spanking. Once finished, I ordered him to stay on the fours and walk around like a pony. I found some 'My Little Pony' music and played it while he galloped around the house. I took a video of this for a later day.

"Everything has to end at one point; I am getting bored with this stupid horseplay." I moaned and stopped the game. By grabbing the hair of the butt plug, I could pull the toy with full power. As the pony plug flew out, I heard a loud fart sound followed by a squeal.

He had laid on the floor shaking. Around him was a pool of piss mixed with cum spreading on the floor. I spanked him for having an orgasm and sent him to his room. I spent the rest of the night recalling how funny the fart sounded and how embarrassed this little man-let looked when he realized: I am in total control of his body.

Day 4: Suppository, Bondage, Pissing, Feminization, Panty Poop

Nanny POV

I started with a bang in the morning. I sneaked into Alex's room without waking him up; he was exhausted and slept super deep. By the time he opened his eyes, I had finished cuffing his legs and arms to his bed.

"Oh my god, please no!" He cried up.

"What's the matter? You don't even know what is coming." I laughed and pulled a suppository from my pocket. "This is a vitamin suppository I made with your mom's help. It is extra-large, so it will be difficult to push in, but the size guarantees it will stay in."

"Why? I don't need vitamins!" Alex resisted.

"Of course you do! What else would I put inside you? The butt plug stretched you out nicely yesterday, so you are ready for this." I inserted and pushed the medicine inside him. He shrieked and begged me to stop.

"I need one more minute!" I told him. "The suppository turned out to be too big, so I need to wait until your ass accepts it."

Thankfully, I worked the pill inside 3 minutes later.

"Now lay here until I found something for you to wear today." I rummaged around the house and encountered a pretty skirt, a frilly blouse, and a large enough pantyhose for Alex. By the time I returned, Alex had pissed on the bed.

After a bit of spanking and cleaning up, I turned Alex into a decent human being - a female specifically. He looked - weird, but I concluded he would pass as a female; unless you look too closely.

"Let's go to the park now. I must show you to everyone, my dear Alex or Alexandra!" I teased him as we walked out of the apartment.

"Anita, can I do something for you so that I don't have to do this?" He groveled while tearing up.

"Yes, you can! You can give me the best girl impression imaginable. Your penis is small enough to make you a girl, so now you just have to act like one."

Alex POV

The walk to the park was super embarrassing. Thankfully, there was no one there, and Anita got bored quickly.

"We are not going home yet," Anita told me. "Let's visit an old friend first!"

We arrived at Alice's place. Alice was an old friend of both of ours from school. I don't think I saw her for years. Based on how she looked at me, I did not want to see her ever again.

"Ah, you are so cute! I love your skirt!" Alice clapped as we entered her apartment. We sat around the kitchen table and started eating and drinking.

Anita had sunk into some deep gossip with Alice while I tried avoiding eye contact with both of them. Instead, I chugged several cups of tea. I figured I should use the bathroom soon.

"Don't be silly. A well-behaved lady like you can't use the bathroom at someone else's place," Anita smiled. "Alice, I think we have to leave now. Alex will go all over himself in a few minutes. I don't want to dirty your floor."

"Of course, I wouldn't want to stop you guys - I mean girls - from doing your thing." Alice chuckled and said goodbye.

"What do you mean going all over myself in a few minutes? I don't have to pee that much; I can hold it until we arrive home!" I argued as we descended the staircase.

"I said nothing about peeing. But the laxative Alice and I put into your tea makes sure that you wouldn't last on the number two front." Anita informed me. We barely stepped out of Alice's apartment complex when I released my bowels. The mushy, brown liquid covered my pantyhose, even reaching my shoes. The shoes - covered in disgusting mud - made a 'plop-plop' sound for the rest of the trip.

"I hope you realize you ruined a perfect panty. I will reduce your allowance to cover the cost of replacing it." Anita warned me as she removed and threw out the female clothing. I remained silent, but my eyes betrayed me: all I had, was hatred for her.

Day 5: Suppository, Fisting, Strap-On

Alex POV

I was apathetic the following day. I realized I only had one day left before mom was coming home. I had to endure whatever Anita had for me so that I could get the allowance and flee the fuck from this place.

Anita did not take my rectal temperature or had played with my ass. She served me breakfast while wearing lingerie.

"I realized that I might have gone too far yesterday." She apologized while I was busy filling my face with her amazing pancakes.

"Uh, UHM." I could have forgiven her, but why exactly? She had abused me for days; am I supposed to be happy suddenly?

"Your mom is coming home this evening, so I thought we could pay a little." Anita smiled. I smiled back.

Anita went on a shopping spree while I had played video games at home. Although my butt hurt from the previous spankings, I got a nice buzz about the evening.

"Your mom expects you to poop before she gets home." She told me an early afternoon as I was finishing my game.

"Eh, why? Can we tell her I did it?" I enquired.

"No, I am afraid. I have to take a picture of it and send it in an email. You know, bureaucratic process." She laughed.

"But I had a poop yesterday. Don't you remember?" I bet she did, but she was playing innocent. To be fair, I probably wanted to forget about the mess I made the day before more than she did.

"I know, but we have to do this. May I give you another suppository so that we can get over this?"

Painfully aware of the power difference between us, I stood up and pulled my pants down. Anita inserted a glycerine suppository inside me. She was super gentle and giggled when finished.

"You know, sometimes I use these too. This stuff is not bad to regulate your bowels." She confessed. I marched to the toilet and quickly relieved myself. Upon returning, I recognized the handcuffs in her hand. I also noticed that she was not wearing panties. I got incredibly hard.

"Let me tie you down and give you a massage." She offered, but I was cautious.

"Why would you need to tie me down? I promise I won't move while you massage me." I wondered.

"I like the idea. It makes me kind of horny when I see you tied down." She grinned. "But if you don't want to, I guess we can just watch TV."

"Oh, no, you can do it!" I told her, fearing missing out on getting laid.

I laid on my belly and let her cuff my arms and legs. I was in a spread eagle on the bed, looking ahead of the pampering.

However, instead of a gentle rub, something else happened.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I demanded answers as Ani inserted one of her fingers in my ass.

"Your mom needs you to be clean. Completely. I need you to be super-clean." She said with a completely different tone and inserted another finger in my ass.

I shouted as she slowly pushed her whole fist inside me. She moved her hand a little, sending waves of stress upon my bowels.

"Ouch, oh no, please, stop!" I screamed, but she was unstoppable. I can't remember how long we were there, but snot and tears covered my face when she finished.

"Oh, come on! You will be fine. I want to make sure I get everything that the suppository did not." Anita explained as she kept moving her hands in and out.

I never got fisted before. I could barely handle the pain in the beginning. However, a minute or two of fisting in, the pain morphed into a weird and satisfying numbness.

Nanny POV

After fisting, I took the dirty tissues out to the toilet. I took some photos of Alex's product and the clean-up I did. I think I did well. I fisted no one before, and it felt empowering.


I finished with the must-haves, and I could finally look at my purchases from earlier. I took my little toy from the shopping spree and introduced it to Alex.

"Please, not again." He begged me as I stretched his bum hole.

"Relax, I am not fisting you again; this is something different!" I reassured him.

"What are you doing? Holy crap, my ass is blowing apart!" He screamed.

"Ah, you are so silly. I am pegging you with a strap-on. This toy is my gift to you for being obedient over the week. Eric would never let me do this, but you do, right?" I announced and started rhythmically riding his behind.

It did not take long, and Alex came on the bed. The strap-on gave me an orgasm with its vibration and massages his prostate as well.

"Ah, this was so good. I love you." Alex has whispered to me as I lay on top of him after I finished.

"Ah, you are sweet, but I am your nanny and nothing else. This whole thing was part of the plan. Your mom installed a hidden camera in your room so she will be able to re-watch everything that had happened here." I stated. I heard him crying quietly. "My job is done, now."


I returned from the five-day trip refreshed. I got a beautiful tan and finally spent time with my new partner. I have closely monitored Anita's messages over the week, and I was satisfied with her results.

I entered the apartment and found her packed up, ready to go. She smiled and hugged me.

"Alex behaved well. He deserves the allowance." She informed me.

"Good to hear. What is Alex doing now?" I asked curiously.

"I left him inside, tied down. He will need to clean up after himself, but that should be easy-peasy after what I made him do this week."

We both laughed and said our goodbyes.

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