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Sunday, June 26, 2022


This is a story posted on Experience Project by WetgirlEP. I posted another of hers back in June 2016. She was (and I assume still is) a Canadian girl, then in her mid-20s, who had a well-paid job as a high-level coder, or something similar. She must have written about 150 mostly very long posts by the time EP was wound up, and she made me smile when I read them- she had a lovely personality which came across very strongly. I know on that forum, and of course elsewhere, there were/are lots of men posing as women, but all her posts had the ring of absolute truth about them.

I hope she’d forgive me for surmising that she was a little bit “on the spectrum”- probably something that made her a very successful coder. It also meant that she wrote in incredible detail about her activities, often with long, amusing detours into semi-irrelevance. She wasn’t just into peeing and pooping her pants- what she enjoyed went far beyond just doing it in her pants- so a lot of what she wrote was too strong for me. But her reflections on pants-pooping, from childhood to the present, were fascinating.

I hope she doesn’t mind me reposting some of her work. She went to a lot of trouble to write, and it seems a shame that it might get lost forever. I think EP is still limping along, so some of her posts may still be accessible, but she herself was pretty cross that towards the end they started to remove posts like hers, especially the poop-related ones.

Here she writes about messing her pants in public for the first time. I think anyone who’s ever done this will relate to some if not all of it. She always writes from the heart, and gives an incredibly detailed description of how it feels to be her, caught up in a potentially hugely embarrassing predicament of her own making.


Last night I did something that is probably one of the most daring things I have ever done. I pooped my pants in public. Well truthfully its probably the least public you can get while in public. But on my scale it still counts as quite daring and I will probably never do something this daring for a long time.

I had a late night of work and I planned this event for a couple days now. Or at least was thinking about it. Due to my parents work schedule and this week in general. But yesterday I knew I would be home alone at night. At first I planned on pooping my pants during the walk from getting off the bus to my front door. Which is like a 2 minute walk. And I have kind of done that before but back when I was in school and I would only soil a little just in case if I got home someone was there. This time I wanted to do a full soiling though but my plans changed in two key ways.

I was waiting for the bus thinking of what I was going to do still deciding. Should I stand near the closed plaza near my house after getting off the bus and spend a good 5 minutes pooping my pants their? No… I could be questioned by police or one of the many boys that hang out in that area could come up to me and bother me. I did not want to be near anyone while I had poop in my pants , let alone while actually in the process of pooping. This event was planned though because I put on an extra dark pair of tight jeans. My coat covers my butt fairly well and its very dark out. So it would be unlikely anyone could see an bulge or tell what I did except for smell. Even then i did not want to get close to anyone. I wore a dark pair of jeans just in case some urine found its way out while I was pooping but I planned to avoid wetting as much as possible. Suddenly I started to think what would it be like if I just soiled now? No.. That would be way to risky and dangerous if someone I knew was on the bus they would come to talk to me and I would probably get caught. I was quite far from home so it was out of the question.

While telling myself that the idea kept circling my head. Reading stories on experience project has made me want to get a little more daring with public stuff but I needed to do it slowly. Heck I know I will never grow to the point that some people here are at. But the stories interest me quite a bit. Being able to let go in front of other people, even strangers in malls, outside. Its something that is beyond what I could ever do. But I wanted to feel just a pinch of the same excitement that they do.

So with my heart actually racing I pushed and a decent size lump of poop made its way right out into my panties. Such a familiar feeling in such an unfamiliar surrounding. I thought of immediate regret. But it was not to late. It was such a small amount and I could not smell anything. It was more solid then normal. So it would smell less. So I though thats it for now. I just wanted to poop enough so that I would have some poop to keep my company until I got off the bus. I could feel it moving around in my jeans a little as I walked around trying to keep warm. It was a cold night last night. And I could feel the heat from the log I pushed out and I knew my bum was already messy now.

I reflected on the situation I just did such a naughty thing. I knew my bladder and bowel were not empty but I had no urge to go. So this was such a deliberate act. Not that I ever have accidents or anything but in most situations I at least have some urge to pee or poop when I choose to do it in my pants etc. But I had 100% no urge. I could not even sense that my bowel or bladder had much or anything in it. But at the same time I knew they did but my body had yet to send me any signs that nature was calling even in the least. But here I was purposely pooping my jeans anyhow just for the fun and excitement of it and sexual taboo.

When the bus came I was glad it was quite cold out. Taking the bus often I knew it would be empty or close to it at this time and this route. And I was right. There was one passenger on the bus. I was quite worried about paying my fare. I did not want to get close to anyone. But I did, then I moved to the back of the bus. I sat down on the right side of the bus just behind the back door in the first set of seats that are raised up a little. The seats that have the panel of metal in front of them providing some privacy. I had to hold my breath in anticipation as I sat down letting the poop in my pants spread around and mush a little. At that moment I was hesitant at doing anymore in my pants even after getting off the bus. What if I ran into someone? I thought I could always pass it off an accident so I regained my control over the situation.

It must have been the pleasuring feeling from the poop mushing around in my pants because without even realizing it to much I was purposely moving my bum around against the seat playing with the feeling. Its not often I can do something like this in public. So I might as well make the most of it. I moved over to the next seat to see if by any chance any evidence was left on the seat. I was not shocked when I noticed that my jeans were doing there job holding the mess in. I was disappointed a little. I wanted to make a little mess. But poop does not magically seep though jeans , unless its really runny which was not the case. At the same time I did not want to leave a mess for someone to clean up or someone else to accidently sit in. And I knew that now sense the bulge was sat on there was little visible proof of any mess in my jeans.

Having been on the bus for 5 minutes now getting about 10 minutes from my street, I realized there was only like four more stops until my stop. Being so late and being in such an under populated area of town I almost knew no one else could get on the bus. I shifted over one seat again to were I first sat down. The bus driver was male an around 45 years of age by the looks. The only passenger was female probably around 30 years of age. She was sitting in one of the front seats on the left side of the bus. One of the seats that face sideways. She had a poor view of me from were she was. With only a little more then 5 minutes until my stop I let the naughtiness inside me take over.

I wanted to wet my pants a little. I don’t really know why but I just wanted too. Wetting was something I really wanted to avoid. But I new it would make a bigger mess in my jeans if I added some urine and let it mix with my waste. I carefully kept my eyes open for passengers and keeping my eye on the female passenger and bus driver. I rethought the situation then gave in to temptation and began peeing my jeans. I kind of had to force it out even more then normal. My bladder was begging me to stop. My mind did not like what I was doing. It was like my first time peeing my pants or first time peeing into my bed. It came out harder then I thought it would because I was trying so badly to pee my pants.

After the first jet of pee it took a good minute to get some more pee to come out. I knew I made a mess of the seat now. I was very horny and I tried so hard to maintain a tired nothing is different casual look on my face. But in reality I had purposely pooped my jeans and ride the bus with a log in my pants. And now I was deliberately wetting in my bus seat. It was even worse then doing it in the theater. At least then it was mainly soaking into the seat and I was wearing a skirt. Not to mention I did not had poop smeared all around my bum.

I felt very daring and could not stop. I kept keeping my eye out and my bladder seized up again. I am not sure exactly why but probably because my bladder was getting closer to being empty , I was so god darn scared and this was so wrong that in the process of trying hard to continue to wet, I accidently let out an other small piece of poop. It oozed right out into my panties and was much more soft then the first one. But at the same time a rush of urine made its way out and my face went pure red. I looked down trying to avoid any possible eye contact. I could feel my own embarrassment. The last jet of pee made a small hissing sound and I could see the pee now pooling on my seat a little. And it was not seeping in much at all. Meaning the seat could not absorb fast at all, or the seat had already absorbed all it could for now. I once again kind of regained control of the situation. I calmed myself down and felt sorry for the mess I made now. I looked around it I did not think anyone heard or smelt anything. At least not yet.

It was probably the adrenalin rush I was having but it took me a good 20 second to feel the burning urge to take a dump. I actually felt like I could not hold it back. It faded after a moment which made me happy. For a second I thought I was going to have a little semi-accident. I did not want to ruin the seat any more. My stop was coming up in like 2 minutes. I slowly stood up turning back trying not to draw ANY attention. I looked down at the seat. It was really wet but I could not see an details of poop on the seat. I think most of the damage was just urine. So it would dry. I heard the sound of someone requesting a stop and a moment later the woman got off the bus.

I was really close to my stop now and I looked at my jeans. They were now noticeable. Being dark or not it was defiantly at least somewhat possible for one to tell what I did. And I had a small bulge from the two small loads I did in my jeans. I could tell that the poop was getting runny from mixing with my urine so the situation was well beyond what I planned. Anything could go wrong. But at that moment it did not matter. I could feel a decent urge to defecate some more. And I might as well do it. So I made the decision to do everything right there. Well as much as I could before the bus passed my stop. Or if fully soiling and wetting created to much noise I would stop and wait until I was off the bus to do it.

Just before I started going again I started to actually get a strong smell of what I have done. For some reason the air circulating the bus must have kept it from being to strong until now. But with two open windows and the air system going I was not to worried. Standing there I gripped the yellow bar and the metal board in front of me and pushed not to hard but I applied a constant force on both my bowel and bladder letting everything out. I tensed up when I realized the poop was much more runny now and bubbled out of me at a decent pace filling my panties.

I only had a tiny amount of pee left but it quickly ran down my dark jeans. I could see them glisten even in the shadow of the metal board in front of me. And my shoes got wet. Which I did not even think about. I laughed out loud as I felt my socks absorb my pee and run into my shoes. I was like darn I planned to soil not wet so of course I did not expect my shoes to get wet. They were expensive and new. And now had a small amount of pee in them.

Before I was sitting and wetting in my seat so it was not until now that I realized I may have just caused myself to kind of waste a good $70 pair of shoes. I just suffered the consequences and released more urine knowing it would make its way down my jeans into my shoes some more. I did not want to sit down and I could not change positions enough. Squatting would be to obvious to the bus driver that this young lady was doing her business in her pants and on my bus! and it looks like she is enjoying it?? God she scares me she must be a freak…

So I wanted to avoid letting the bus driver know. I tried so had to hold back my facial expression of pleasure, guilt and shock. But I knew they were still showing every now and then. I kind of hated the fact that my bowel was causing me discomfort and I was still pushing letting more ooze out into my jeans. The feeling of discomfort vanished when I realized I was done. No more would come out. Same for my bladder. The intire thing felt like a dream to well planned. I was only half a street and one corner from my stop. At the next stop my manager from work, a police officer , my mother, and my brother as well as my best friend all got on the stop together…. Kidding!! I would pull the emergency window lever and jump out!

Waiting for my stop to come… I stood there with a now what look on my face. I just did something so horrible but so thrilling. And it went against my plans in every single way except not getting caught. Which was the most important. I thought about what I should do now and how to not screw it up. I normally planned to walk home pooping myself in the process perhaps waiting near the mailbox or near the trees for a moment to do it. But now I was done. So I guess I needed to just walk home. I had so much in my pants and I knew my panties did not hold it all. I did not want to track feces all over. But I think my jeans and panties both worked together to keep any waste from running down my legs. Well at least any lumps that is.

I looked on the floor and there was only a tiny wet puddle at my shoes very tiny. Probably because the rest was in my fucking shoes. And my bladder was not that full to begin with and the seat took on a fare bit before I stood. I did like the fact that even from standing I could tell the puddle was yellow and pee. But I did not see any signs of brown from my waste mixing with it. Until I rubbed the back of my hand on the back of my jeans and looked to see traces of poop on my hand. So I knew I had quite the mess in there. But the floor and seat looked only wet. So I was carrying the worst of it.

I pulled the wire for my stop and slowly stepped off the bus. While I was exiting I told myself to avoid everyone possible and slowly go home. I did not want to run to risk spreading the mess and I felt very funny just walking to the exit of the bus. Like my pants were full of a wet BM! And thats because they were. So I was like stay calm , walk slowly you will be home in 3 minutes if you just walk slowly. Then I got off the bus and was like run!!!! I am a fairly fast runner doing great in school running events. But I could not run my fastest in this situation but regardless I still jogged to say the least. It was not the fear of getting caught that made me run or the unpleasant feeling of poop soaked urine running down my legs. And it did make me feel unpleasant at least in public. It was the freaking cold air!!!!

My urine was just cooling off while I was exiting and outside was cold enough for a coat. So now I was just wet and uncomfortable outside in cold weather. I could see my breath in the air which did not happen before I got on the bus. So I think I was breathing more hard. I could just barely see my breath but it was still proof of how cold it was. I was freezing. I slowed down when I got near the only area I could possible run into anyone. I did not want to make any mistakes so I took my time. It was only 10 seconds sense getting off the bus and I looked down and I was shocked to see that there was steam or heated moister leaving my crotch and I could see it just like my breath. So my mess was giving off heat still enough to be seen in the cold outside.  It was mainly my urine that must have been giving off the steam because even my legs were doing it a little. I am sure the BM in my pants also helped give off some heat to. Soon I started to run again reaching my house in record time. I was so glad once I got inside and quite tired. It took a long time for my heart to stop pounding.

The cold air hurt my throat from running. So I was tired and it took me a while to realize I was still horny. So I went up and got into the shower right away and masturbated in my dirty jeans. I peed a little while the shower was spraying me. And I got my hands really dirty while I masturbated. So thats the long experience I enjoyed last night. Now I need to log off. I don’t plan on ever doing it again. I know I will do something like it though someday but not for a long time. Jeez I am really stupid sometimes. I went against all my protocols. But it was really enjoyable. Still I like doing it at home better! I am short for time so I have a few more things I will post in comment tomorrow. My shoes are not doing so well…. I will add that I could feel my pee in them on the way home………..

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