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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Cave by Breeze







 In the hot and humid month of July, Emma and her younger brother Steven were on vacation with their family. For their vacation the family had decided to go camping in the woods. Steven was extra thrilled by the idea because camping was something he had wanted to do for a long time. So the family packed up anything, and everything they would need to survive for aweek out in the wilderness. They loaded themselves into their family van and headed out into the woods.
Out in the woods, Steven was the first one out of the van and was first to set up his things and start putting up the two tents. One tent for he and his Father, the other for his Mother and Sister. By night fall the family was all set and ready, and had set up a small area which included their tent, their supplies, and a fire to cook some meals on. By the time the family had eaten all of them were full and tired so they headed off to bed. They all said their goodnight's and went off to bed.
It was around 2:30 in the morning when the still excited Steven having a little trouble sleeping, and the fact that he had stayed up playing his portable video game he had brought with him, thought he heard something outside the tent. So he removed his headphones and stopped playing his game and listened for a moment. *zip, followed by footsteps*, indeed he had heard something, he peeked out of his tent to find his older sister Emma leaving the camp site and disappearing into the night with a flash light in one hand and something else in the other. Steven then snuck out of his tent, very carefully so not to wake his Father and followed his sister. When he caught up with her, she was still unaware he had followed her. He noticed that she looked around made sure everything was clear, set the flashlight down on the second item she was carrying so that the light beam shown out and up into the darkness. She then pulled down her shorts and panties and Steven watched in awe as his sister squatted, farted twice loudly and quickly in a row, peed, and then there was another hiss of gas as a 6 inch turd emerged from his sister's butt. The turd had such a width though that her butt cheeks were forced open to make way for this mammoth turd. The turd broke off from her ass, and fell to the ground with a loud *thud*. Steven still remained transfixed at what he had just seen, when suddenly he became aware of something else. His penis was having a little camping trip of its own and had made its own tent in the crotch of his shorts. This feeling was too new to Steven. Sure he had had hard ons before, but never caused from seeing someone shit, and certainly never from his sister. In a sudden flash of shame Steven watched as Emma took the second item which turned out to be toilet paper and began to wipe. Steven quickly walked off in shame at what he had just watched, and what happened to him when he saw it.
The next day the family was out hiking through the woods and up the side of a near by mountain when suddenly his Father turned and announced that they should all take a break. Steven was a bit relieved because he had grown tired and was in serious need of a rest, especially considering he didn't get much rest the night before.
He was suddenly made uncomfortable when Emma announced she was going off to go to the bathroom. At the sound of those words he found himself uncontrollably getting hard. He tried to resist the thought but his now stiffening and rigid member continued to grow and expand to a new level of erections. In shock at the seemingly doubled size of his penis at the thought of his sister going to the bathroom he suddenly in one motion flipped his backpack around and used it to cover his front area. Emma then returned from the woods, obviously she only had to pee.
Once again it was night and once again at about 1:20 a.m., Steven heard the same sound, only this time he tried to ignore it. He however found himself peeking out of his tent to find Emma once again disappearing into the night. Despite every attempt he made to ignore what he new was happening he left his tent and followed his sister out into the woods. Hidden in the shadows and some shrubs just like before he watched as once again his sister relieved herself.
She squatted and peed for what seemed like a minute straight before she began to push and grunt. Steven watched stunned and amazed as his sister was obviously having trouble pooping tonight. He was hit with this unbelievable surge of hormones when he snapped out of his trance and became aware that Emma was switching positions. She was now on all fours, and had dropped her upper body to the ground pointing her butt up in the air, and seemingly, right at him. She paused, tensed, and grunted and loud violent fart erupted from her butt with a loud winded, deep droning tone. She pushed and.... nothing. She pushed again, and once again blessed Steven's ear's with an window-shattering fart. Steven could no longer help himself. He took his blood-engorged penis out of his pants and began to jerk-off furiously. His sister finally got her shit to come out and Steven stood watching and masturbating as a huge turd, the same width as before but this time it was about 8 inches long slowly emerged from his sister's ass with a crackling sound and the periodical hiss of gas escaping from around the mammoth turd.
At the site of this Steven lost control and began to spew his 13-year old cum all over the shrubs and ground, and all over his hand. He then composed himself, cleaned himself, and headed back to camp before his sister realized he had followed her.
The next day the family was once again hiking through the woods when Emma asked if she could go explore "that cave over there". Her Mother & Father both told her "No", and that it would be too dangerous. Steven found himself speaking up and saying that he could go with her. His self-esteem was a little shot when his Mother & Father both broke out into a mocking laughter. His mother then told him "Steven, you're only 13, and Emma, you're only 16. Honestly, neither one of you is sufficient enough to go off exploring some cave on your own. So the answer is, No"
That night Steven heard the familiar sound and got very excited, but was rather disappointed when he saw it was Emma, but she was carrying all her hiking gear and was going in a different direction than her toilet area. He quickly grabbed his clothes, stepped out of the tent so not to make any noise, and got dressed as quickly as possible. He then got a flashlight and followed his sister off into the night.
When he caught up to her, he found her at that same cave their parent's had told them not to go into. He watched as she entered the cave and followed her in. Steven then over heard Emma talking to herself, "Wow!" "This cave is so cool. I wonder how old it is? And what kind of animals live in................." Steven was a bit unnerved at how her voice had trailed off. He quickly turned the bend that he was hiding behind to find his sister was nowhere to be found. A little bit nervous, and afraid, he began to call her, in a whisper at first then in his normal voice, then in a yell. "Emma.............Emma..........Emma......EMMA!"
Still no answer. Steven then started walking forward when suddenly he felt his feet slip from out under him and he fell backwards and began sliding down some kind of hill in the cave. This hill was extremely slippery and was coated with some kind of slime and he also noticed that this hill was obviously a long way down and also that he was picking up speed. Then *thud*, he hit the ground, HARD!!! He was out cold for an unknown amount of time. When woke up he found Emma looking at him.
"You jerk! Why did you follow me?" "Now we're both lost and trapped in here, and I'm gonna get double the blame for this because you followed me"
"I'm sorry Em, I thought.............." Steven caught himself before he said anything he didn't want her to know, "I was curious as to where you were going. And I thought you were just gonna look inside and come right back out"
"We have got to get out of here" Emma said.
The two began searching for an alternate exit, or back entrance to the cave once they realized they obviously could not go back the way they came. Their search brought them to what seemed to be a light at the end of a tunnel. Emma looking at her watch said, "Look. Light. It's 7:30 a.m., it's light outside" Steven replied, "It's 7:30, we've been lost and looking that long? Mom & Dad are gonna kill us" "Shut up, you jerk. That's not the point right now. Come on, all we have to do is get to the end of this tunnel and were outta here" The two began to walk towards the end when suddenly Steven, who had taken the lead hit his head on the ceiling on the cave. "It's getting lower. Here! Feel the ceiling. It's starting to slant down, were gonna have to crawl out" "Ok, let's go" Emma replied in a rushed tone.
The two began to walk down towards the end of the tunnel, until the ceiling became too low and they had to crawl. "Let me go first" Emma said. Steven's heart raced, his eye's widened, and he managed to say "Ok" as his voice cracked from the nervousness.
Steven was now facing his sister's perfect, round, firm yet bouncy ass. Her shorts had ridden up into her crack from the crouching and crawling and her butt was only a few inches to a foot away from his nose. He quickened his pace in an attempt to smell her ass. She stopped short causing him to stick his nose right in the crack of her ass. He inhaled, the smell was unusually strong and incredibly dense in odor. He then backed up and acted surprised and disgusted:
"Gross Sis. You could have warned me you were gonna stop"
Emma just stopped there snickering at something.
"What's so funny" He asked
His heart was stopped and he broke out into a cold sweat when his sister said "I want you to know, I just farted. Sorry" And with those words she broke out into a school girl like, yet devilishly mocking laughter.
"That's why I wanted to go first. I never got to go to the bathroom last night because we got lost in this cave. So my system is backed up and I have a lot of gas. Sorry little brother", She said with a grin as she cramped her neck to turn and face him.
They continued to crawl and then "Phuuuurt" "Ahhhhh, that felt so good" "How does it smell back there lil bro" And once again she began to laugh. As they crawled down this never ending tunnel, Emma continued to bombard Steven with farts, although he was so hard if he went any lower, his dick would fuck the ground. He began to choke from his sister's gas. Which only made her laugh more and fart more. As they were crawling Emma stopped short again and this caused Steven to once again ram his nose up her ass, then "Blllaaaaaapppppppptststwststst" A loud violent fart slapped Steven's nose, and burned his nose. That loud fart ended with a wet tone, and Emma remained perfectly still, and a silence fell over the cave.
"What's wrong Em?" "Did you shit yourself?" Steven said with a smile. He was even more surprised and aroused when she replied "Yes"
Steven looked in anticipation as Emma began to whine and tried to crawl faster, but it was too late. She began to fart uncontrollably as little "quark" farts continuously erupted from her butt in an effort to hold back her poop. Her attempts were suddenly silenced when a forceful wet fart made an escape from her bringing her poop with it. Steven watched as her panties from the inside were slapped by something causing her shorts to bounce out, then they began to slowly but steadily inflate in size. This was accompanied by a steady feed of wet, nasty sounding, intestinal gut wrenching farts. Emma had lost it and was now rather, erotically for Steven, filling her panties. Her tan shorts now had a huge brown stain growing on the back. Emma was completely gone, she continued to shit. Her panties and shorts just got fuller and fuller, and stuck further and further out. Steven lost it, a chill went down his spine, he grabbed Emma's hips, thrust his nose into her poop-stained shorts, inhaled deeply and began to cum uncontrollably. His body shivered as his dick pumped out semen shot, after semen shot, after semen shot of thick pubescent cum into the front of his shorts.
"Oh my God! Steven, did you just cum" Emma said through tears with a tone of curiosity in her voice.
"I'm sorry Sis. I couldn't take it anymore." "You kept farting in my face, then you shit your panties. It was all too much for me. I'm sorry! Please don't tell Mom and Dad"
"It's Ok little brother. I won't tell Mom or Dad. BUT!"
"But what?" Steven asked now a little afraid.
"But, you have to clean my ass" "You have to wipe me with your tongue"
Steven without hesitation pulled down his sister shorts to reveal her panties. The back was completely brown, and there was some squidgy poop seeping out from the leg bands. But inside lay a monster load of his sister's sexy poop. Steven yanked down her panties to find a huge load completely filling the panties, and a thick pasty poop sticking to his sister's butt. Steven took out his penis, which was now hard again, and he stuck it into his sister's shitty panties and began to bathe her ass with his tongue, Steven ate all of the thick frosting-like poop from his sister's ass, then cleaned the inside between her cheeks, in every crack, every crevice. It was then she squirmed and turned around allowing him to clean the shit from her pussy and suck it free from her shaven mat-like pubic hairs.
"Fuck me little brother. Fuck your big sister right now"
That was all Steven needed. He took his dick from his sister panties moved over her, scrapping his back on the cave roof and lie down on top of his sister slowly impaling her with his 13-year old cock. "Uuungh" Emma said as the tip of his shitty dick entered her pussy. "Now fuck me little brother, Make me cum!!!!!!"
Steven began to forcefully fuck his sister and she began to wildly buck her hips up at him, causing him to hit his back on the ceiling of the cave. "Oh, I'm cumming..........AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
Emma screamed, and before he knew it Steven felt his dick filling with cum, his body tensed. "Emma, I'm gonna cum"..............."EMMA!"
Emma was too far gone, she locked her arms around her brother and he lost it. Steven shot his cum deep into his sisters young teenage body.
Filling her with jet after jet after jet of his young cum, until they both lay there tired and exhausted.
When the two awoke they had a brand new out-take on each other. After they got out of the cave and faced their parents, and the Police with a search party, the two returned home and for the remainder of the years that Emma lived at home before moving out, the two engaged in numerous sexual acts, and Steven became Emma's sex toy, toilet, and Fart sniffer. After she left home, Steven was sad until he left home. The two later reunited and live in the same city and frequently visit each other for some sexual favors from one another. But neither one of them will ever forget the family camping trip, and the seven and a half hours they spent in the cave together.

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