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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Amy's Accident

Posted by Mr. Brown on September 15, 1997 at 19:29:22:
When the pretty young school teacher left the hotel restaurant, she realized how much she had had to eat and drink. It had been quite an evening and she was very full. At first, Amy planned to stop off at the ladies’ room before retiring to her room but instead she headed for the elevators. She had to go pretty bad, to pee and also to have a bowel movement, but it would only take her a few minutes to get to her room. Or so she thought.
She was having a good time at the convention. There were lots of friendly guys and gals, mostly other teachers, to talk to. And she knew she would have no trouble finding a companion for the night if she so choosed. But she wasn’t that kind of girl. There had been a few one-night stands during her college years and she wasn’t a total prude, but this just wasn’t something she was interest in this week. And besides, it wouldn’t look good if anyone saw her taking a man to her room.
No, Amy was resigned to the fact that her sex life had become pretty much a solo thing in recent months, ever since she broke up with David. And she was very busy with her school work and didn’t really need a relationship right now. Anytime she needed “satisfaction,” she knew how to take things into her own hands, so to speak.
But right now, sex was the farthest thing from her mind. She just wanted to get to her room, go to the bathroom, relax, watch a little TV and to sleep. (Well, maybe she might enjoy herself alone in her bed later, but she really wasn’t even thinking about it.
She really needed to pee. And to go potty. She had drunk several margaritas during the happy hour earlier, then had a big dinner with Judy and Janae, and then a couple of after-dinner cappacinos with cheescake for dessert. And she felt so stuffed after the Mexican dinner with all those beans. Several times she had been tempted to let a little gas loose, just to let off the pressure, but she had decided to wait. She didn’t want anyone to smell it. That would not be very lady-like.
The 28-year-old teacher was wearing a beige satiny blouse with a navy blazer. Very businesslike. And a tight, just-above-the-knee white skirt. Underneath she wore a pair of very thin lacy white bikini panties and nude-colored panty hose.
When she saw the line waiting for the elevators once again she thought about going to the restroom in the lobby, but just then the doors opened and everyone started getting in so she joined them. Most of the crowd were other teachers she knew from the convention and there was a little small talk and friendly chatter as the elevator began to rise, with each passenger pressing the elevator to their floor. Amy’s was number 26, the highest number of the group.
There were six other people on the elevator, each one stopping on a different floor. It seemed to take forever. And Amy needed to go really bad. Especially, she had to pee. The cramping in her bladder and the burning sensation in her crotch were really intensifying. Why did she drink so many margarits? And the capacinos?
She was actually beginning to think that she might pee in her panties. Amy was a little drunk, and actuallys smiled at the thought of peeing in her panties.
Someone got off on the sixth floor. Then the ninth.
The cramping in her stomach was suddenly tremendous and the pressure on her sphincter was increasing. Oh, God!, she thought. I may have to fart in the elevator with all these people in here! Why did she eat all that Mexican food? Those beans? Oh, she wanted to shit so bad.
A lady got off on the sixteenth floor. Three more to get off before she got to her floor.
Amy felt a few drops of pee begin to leak out into the lips of her vagina. She was getting close to wetting herself.
The elevator stopped on the nineteenth floor and the last woman got off. There were two men in the elevator with Amy.
She now felt a trickle drip into the crotch of her panties. She couldn’t hold off any longer. She was pissing in her panties. But no one had to know.
The elevator stopped on the twenty-first floor and the older man got out. That left Amy on the elevator alone with a young teacher from Cleveland.
“Slow elevator, huh?” he said.
“Yes.” Amy murmured. “And I need to get to my room quickly. I need to go to the bathroom pretty bad.” She smiled weakly as she felt the flow increase into her panties.
It was now beginning to run down her thighs. She was really pissing in her panties. She really was. Oh, God! How embarassing! And she could feel the pee running all the way down her legs.
And this good looking man was with her as she did it! But, of course, he didn’t know.
Amy began to tremble. She was now peeing profusely, making a puddle on the floor as the piss ran down her legs.
“Are you o.k.?” the man said. He was looking down at the wet spot on the carpet between her feet. He knew!
“Oh, God!” Amy said. “I’m so embarassed! I didn’t think you could tell. I’ve had an accident, I’m afraid. I’m so sorry. I’ve...I’ve... wet my panties.”
“You poor thing, don’t mind. Accidents happen.”
The elevator stopped on the 25th floor and the man looked down at the puddle on the floor as he stepped out into the hallway. He had a curious look in his eye. And Amy couldn’t help but notice that he had a bulge in his pants.
He had an erection! An erection from Amy peeing in her panties!
The thought made her both angry and excited.
What was happening to her?
“Well, good night,” he said as he walked away. Amy thought she could feel his eyes on her skirt. Oh, God! She suddenly realized there was a wet spot! She looked at him as the automatic door closed. There eyes met for an instant and she thought she saw him reach down between his legs and squeeze his erect penis through his pants! Oh, my God! Amy realized that man was going to go to his room now and masturbate as he thought about her peeing in her panties!
The idea made her head swim. She took advantage of the moment alone and tried to let out a little fart. It wouldn’t come, so she strained.
That was a mistake. A tiny tird poked out of her anus as she farted. Oh, God! Now she was shitting in her pants! Well anyway, the elevator was arriving at her floor. She started through the door. Another man was there! An older gentleman carrying a cane. She almost bumped into him. “Good evening,” the man said.
“Good evening,” she answered. She saw his eyes look down at the wet spot on the elevator carpet as she stepped out. He looked at her eyes, the wet spot on her skirt, and smiled as the elevator door closed.
Amy hurriedly walked toward her door. But she was still pissing in her panties. And she had shit in them a little. But then suddenly, as she began to reach into her purse for her room key, the most awful thing happened. Amy sneezed!
And that did it.
She couldn’t help it.
She tried to hold it back but she just couldn’t.
The soft little turd rolled out into the back part of her thin little bikinis, pressing against her anus as it strained against the thin material.
“Bless you!” a voice said. She turned around and saw the older man! He had gotten off the elevator!
Amy jumped, and for an instant was fearful of the old man. Her knees began to shake and she just totally lost control of her sphincter muscles. A loud fart was very audible as a really big load now squirted out into her panties, a firm yet wet pile that was quickly filling up the backside of the tiny panties and spreading over her ass-cheeks and even up forward into the lips of her pee-soaked vagina.
Oh, God! She had peed in her panties and now she was shitting in her panties and this old man was watching her do it! And, she didn’t know why but it was getting her hot! Af
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she whimpered. “I don’t know what happened! I’m so embarrassed! I... I... I’ve never had anything like this happen.... ahhhhhh....”
Then another wave hit her and she dumped more into her panties, now feeling the little thin piece of underwear sag down between her thighs with the weight of the shit now pulling her panties down further and further. She turned away and continued to walk very carefully to her door. But she was afraid of the old man. What if he followed her into her room? She was so vulnerable right now, shitting and pissing in her panties right there in front of a stranger! Yet, she was beginning to feel a familiar tingle deep inside her vagina. What was happen to her! She must really be drunk, getting a thrill out of losing control of her bladder and bowels in front of a perfect stranger!
And the feeling in her panties felt sooo goooooood! The big pile up against her anus, the pressure up into her vaginal lips! Oh, dear God!
“It’s o.k.,” the old man said. “Bless you my child, you are making an old man very happy.”
She then looked down and saw a wet spot on the front of the man’s slacks, a wet spot that was before her very eyes growing larger and larger.
The old man was pissing in his pants! He was now staring at the growing bulge and brown stain on the back of Amy’s tight skirt and was getting pleasure from watching her accident. Amy watched in amazement as the old man bent slightly over and began to strain. The sudden loud noice from his backside told her quickly that he was also shitting in his pants!
Quickly she reached her door and put the key card into the slot. She looked at the old man and was amazed to see that he had his half-erect penis out and he was masturbating. A thin stream of come was flowing out over his fingers and dripping on the carpet. He looked into her eyes as she closed the door and said, “Thank you! Thank you!”
As she closed the door behind her Amy began to come! She leaned her back up against the door and pushed her hand into her crotch through her skirt, now frantically rubbing her hand up and down as she came! More and more shit flowed out into her panties and she gradually lowered herself to the floor, sitting down now into the bulging pile of shit and pee as she still pissed and shit and came all at the same time! The most fantastic come she had ever had, all from peeing and shitting in her panties in public!
She knew it would not be the last time.

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