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Sunday, October 9, 2011

my first time ever, in college

Posted by maryb on June 21, 1998 at 07:19
My very first panty pooping as an adult came in my first semester away at college.
I was pretty regular about going every day but at least once a week or so I would skip a day. So, when I didn't have to go that morning I thought nothing of it. I spent the day doing the usual - going to classes and labs, some studying, talking with friends. After a big dinner in the cafeteria I headed for the library to study and do some research for a paper.
Perhaps your colleges or universities were different from mine - but at mine (except during finals weeks) there was nowhere on the campus that was more quiet or empty of students than the library! I went up to the 4th floor, got the books I wanted to work with, and settled myself at a study table at one end. There were a few students wandering around but none stopped to stay in this particular section.
At about 9:00 I got the first signals that it was time to head for the toilets but I ignored them. By 9:30 the signals became quite insistent but sitting in a firm chair meant that I could continue to wait them out. It's not that I was so serious about my studies - I just didn't feel like using the 'public' toilets of the library to do a poop. I intended to get back to my room to use 'my' toilet, which I shared with 3 other girls.
At 10:00 or so I finished up what I was doing and gathered my things. As I headed for the elevator a serious wave hit me. I had to stop at some shelves only halfway there and pretend to look at books while squeezing my legs and cheeks together! It took a full 30 seconds to recede. I hurried to the elevator where another wave hit and once again I squeezed hard and began to sweat a bit. I leaned against the wall of the elevator and tried to look casual but I felt anything but!
Another wave hit as I headed out the main floor of the library. Once again I had to stop to hold it in. This time I pretended to be interested in the art display in the center of the lobby. I was desperate now and regretful of my preference for 'my' toilet. I would have used public toilets gratefully now - but there were none on the first floor! I could head back upstairs or try to make it back to the dorm room. I decided it was going to take about the same amount of time to do either so I headed on out the door as soon as the spasm ended.
I made it only to the benches outside the library before another wave hit. More intense than any of the previous waves. I knew I was going to lose the battle to keep my panties clean. I decided that I needed to do it as gracefully and unobtrusively as possible. If I did the least amount possible I could still get to my room and clean up without anyone noticing.
Alas, it was not to be! Though it was late fall and late in the evening I had worn a pair of jeans (light blue rayon panties) and a sweatshirt. I stood up and walked a few feet toward a bulletin board that dominated the space in front of the library. I stood there pretending to read the notices when the next wave hit. I had intended to do a 'controlled release' letting out only enough to ease the pain. But a day and a half's worth of poop came barrelling out! The first bit was quite firm, even hard, but the rest soft and squishy. Realizing it was hopeless I went ahead and pushed the remainder out into my panties.
The poop formed a big lump in my jeans. I had no way of knowing whether or not it was obvious to anyone but I knew turning and trying to look would only call attention to it! I pulled my sweatshirt down as far as I could but it covered only the top half of my butt. As casually as I could I now turned and walked toward the dorm.
As I walked the poop began to move in my panties, some creeping toward my pussy and more slipping out of my panties and heading down my legs. I realized that I had a lot of cleaning up ahead of me.
I encountered few people that I knew well along my way and stayed away from everyone lest the smell alert them to the situation. I had to walk up about 15 steps to reach the dorm entrance which caused more poop to squish around between my legs and a lump to fall all the way down my jeans legs and out onto the walk! Fortunately no one was there to see it come from me! I just kept going.
I headed straight for the steps to get up to my room on the second floor. I did not want to chance getting into a small elevator because the smell was now very strong. When I reached my room I was relieved - I had made it! NOT!
As I opened the door 2 of my 3 roomates were there and their boyfriends! I tried to hurry past them to the bathroom but before I had gone a few steps one of the boys said "Mary, what happened?". I lost it completely. Broke down in tears and could only get it out a minute later that I had had an 'accident'. One roomate shooed the boys out and took me to the toilet. She got my shoes and socks off and my sweatshirt. Then we slid my jeans down - there were poop streaks down my legs and smears along my inner thighs. Poop all over my rear and pussy. I stepped out of the jeans and Joanne slid them to the side. We moved a few feet over to the toilet and she slid my panties down carefully and dumped what she could into the toilet. She tossed the panties onto the jeans and flushed. She started at the top and began to wipe me clean with the toilet paper. All the time comforting me "It was only an accident. It happens to everybody sometimes. . .". It must have taken 20 minutes of wiping and flushing to get the obvious stuff. Then she filled the sink with warm soapy water and began to use the washcloth. She soaped up my but, my crack, my pussy, my thighs. As she did so I began to realize how turned on I felt - by the accident, by the embarrasment, by being cleaned up so intimately and gently by another girl! I bent over to hold the sink while she rinsed and the sensuousness of the washcloth cleaning out my pussy made me come with extraordinary intensity. Joanne seemed aware of my orgasm but said nothing about it.
She got me some clean panties and my nightshirt and helped me put them on. She tossed the dirty clothes into a garbage bag and put them out immediately. I went to bed.


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