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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Curious Cathy

Cathy stared wistfully out of her bedroom window at a young couple walking hand in hand down the hiking trail that ran past the house about half a mile away. Through her father’s binoculars she could make them out quite easily, and her breath caught in her throat as they turned to face each other, and kissed…

“Oh wow,” she whispered. “Yeah, kiss her! Kiss the heck out of her, man!” Then, as she saw his hand slide down to the small of his girlfriend’s back, Cathy almost squealed. “Yes!” she hissed. “Grab her butt! Feel her up! Better yet, strip her naked and … and fuh … fuck her!” As always, whenever she used that filthy word, she felt goose pimples springing up all over her body. Pulling up the front of her dress, she shoved her hand down inside her panties and began rubbing her pussy furiously. “Have sex with her! Go on!”

But to her disappointment, the young couple disengaged from each other, and resumed their walk. With a sigh, Cathy lowered the binoculars, then she stiffened as she heard footsteps approaching. Hurriedly shoving the binoculars under her bed, she tiptoed over to her desk, sat down, and picked up her bible.

“Ah, here you are,” said her mother, entering the room. “And reading the Good Book! Excellent. Well I just wanted to tell you that Mrs Baker is here with her son Toby – would you mind coming down and helping me get the tea things ready?”

Cathy scowled. Ordinarily she would be excited at the thought of a boy visiting the house – her home-schooling and her parents’ strict rules about social contact did not permit many interactions with members of the opposite sex – but Toby was four years her junior, and an annoying little brat. Nevertheless, at twelve years of age he was probably starting to get interested in girls – perhaps he could be persuaded to put his hand in her panties or something… That would be fun!

But when, after sipping tea in the living room for half an hour, she had the temerity to say, “Want to come up to my room, Toby?”, she was surprised to see her mother frown with disapproval.

“You’re too old to be running off to play,” said Mrs Tennyson. “You can stay here and keep us company.” And don’t scowl – it doesn’t become you.”

Cathy sighed, and stuck it out for another ten minutes before saying, “Mom, may I please go to my room? I’m actually not feeling very well.”

“Oh?” said her mother, concerned. “Is it another stomach ache?”

“Yes,” lied Cathy. “I think it would help if I lie down for a while. I’d like to continue reading the bible, too.”

“Okay then,” said her mother. “You are excused.”

Returning to her room, Cathy lay down and opened her bible at one of her favourite parts. In a quiet whisper, she read aloud: “Lot went outside and closed the door behind him. He said to them, ‘Friends, I beg you, don’t do such a wicked thing! Look, I have two daughters who are still virgins. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do whatever you want with them.’” She shivered, and hiked up her dress again so that she could put her hand in her panties. “I can’t believe he would offer his own virgin daughters to the men of the city! Imagine if my dad took me into the city and offered me to a mob of lustful men! Oh wow…” And she rubbed herself in great excitement until she was shuddering in a delicious orgasm…


“All right,” said Brett Connelly, grinning around at his friends. “So that’s the plan. The old doc’s whiskey is already spiked with sleeping pills, thanks to the ingenuity of Danny here. Tomorrow morning I’ll get him all worked up so that he gives himself a dose of his ‘special medicine’, and then it’s sleepy time for the old pervert!”

“And then – photos!” said his friend Will gleefully.

“Revenge!” said Danny.

“Justice!” said Eddie, the fourth member of their conspiracy. It was his humiliating experience at Doctor Linney’s hands that had precipitated their little plan. He had never actually told his friends what the doctor had done, but it was enough for them that he had been humiliated – they were always up for a good prank, and had taken very little persuading to enact a sadistic plan of retribution.

“This is going to be so much fun!” said Brett. “Goodnight bros – see you bright and early tomorrow!”


The next morning, Cathy was awakened by her mother’s voice. “Up you get, Cathy! It’s Math day!”

Cathy groaned. She hated mathematics with a passion.

“What’s wrong?” asked her mother through the bedroom door. “Are you still feeling unwell?”

Cathy leapt at the opportunity. “Um, yes!” she replied. “Still got this stomach ache, I’m afraid.”

“Hmm – well perhaps you should see the doctor then!” said Mrs Tennyson.

“I think maybe I should,” said Cathy cautiously. A trip to the doctor’s office would be a welcome alternative to a morning spent learning mathematics, but what if the doctor told her mother that she was faking it?

“All right – I’ll call Doctor Linney’s office right away.”

“Thanks Mom,” said Cathy. She climbed out of bed and started to get dressed for breakfast.


“Now, what seems to be the trouble?” asked Doctor Linney, smiling kindly at Brett.

“Uh, well, it’s a bit embarrassing,” said Brett, “but I have this erection that won’t go away.”

“Oh!” said Doctor Linney. “Well, Brett, aren’t you a bit young to be on the Viagra?”

“I haven’t been taking Viagra!” said Brett. “I swear it! Or anything else like that. It’s just – I woke up this morning with raging wood, and I can’t seem to get it down.”

“Uh, I see,” said the doctor, looking a little uncomfortable. “Well, let’s take a look at it then.”

Brett had, indeed, taken Viagra that morning, and his penis was impressively rigid as he pulled it out in front of the doctor. “What do you think, Doc?”

The doctor licked his lips as he stared at Brett’s erection. He bent down to take a closer look at it, then, after a few seconds, he got to his feet and said, “Well yes, it does seem to be fully erect. Um, excuse me one moment.” He hurried through a door on the far side of his office – a supply closet, perhaps – and Brett grinned as he heard a bottle cap being unscrewed.

“So what does it mean?” he asked, when the doctor returned.

“Well,” said Doctor Linney, trying and failing to avoid staring at Brett’s still-exposed cock, “the condition is called priapism, and there are two types. Um … have you been taking any drugs at all? I don’t just mean for erectile enhancement…”

“No drugs at all,” said Brett, shaking his head.

“Okay, okay – then have you been injured at all?” asked the doctor. “Have you suffered an impact to … that area?”

“Nope – nothing like that,” said Brett.

“Then it’s not likely to be non-ishy … non-ischemic,” said the doctor. He shook his head as if trying to clear it. “That leaves ischemic priapism, which is … um…”

“Which is what?” prompted Brett after a moment.

“I’m sorry – I’m feeling a little funny,” said the doctor, frowning. “Sorry. Um, well there could be a clot, which could be very dangerous if left … untreated. Um…” His eyes started to close, and he shook himself. “Sorry!” he said again. “Not sure what’s come over me. Um…” Then his eyes started to close again.

A minute later, he was fast asleep with his head on his desk. Brett tucked his penis away, then he hurried to the window and opened it. Spotting his friends looking anxiously around the side of the building, he beckoned to them. As they trotted towards him, he grinned at them. “Worked like a charm,” he said. “The old faggot just couldn’t handle the sight of General Sherman.”

“General Sherman?” inquired Danny, quirking an eyebrow.

Brett chuckled. “Never mind. Come on in.”

Danny handed him a bag, then climbed in through the window. Will and Eddie followed. “Right, let’s get this guy into his new outfit!” said Will.

All four men shuddered at the sight of the old man’s wrinkly nudity as they stripped off his clothes. “Ugh,” said Brett. “Now that I didn’t need to see! Quick, get him into his diaper and cap.”

A dummy in the doctor’s mouth was the finishing touch to his adult baby outfit, and then the young men stood back to admire their handiwork. “Come on,” said Will, “let’s take some pictures and then get out of here.”

“How do I look?” asked Brett with a grin as he tried on the doctor’s white coat. “Like a real doctor?”

Danny chuckled. “Yeah, you kind of do, actually.”

At that moment the phone rang, and when Brett glanced at the digital display, he saw the word “Reception”. “Shit,” he said. “The receptionist is calling.”

“Ignore it!” said Eddie, as he took another photo.

“But if he doesn’t answer, she’ll come to investigate!” said Brett. “Danny, how’s your Doctor Linney impersonation?”

“I think I can pull it off,” said Danny, nodding. He was an excellent mimic and often entertained his friends with impressions of movie stars and politicians. He cleared his throat, then picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Hello Jack!” said Cindy, the receptionist. “I had to go to the restroom, and wasn’t sure if Mr Connelly was still with you?”

“No, he left,” said Danny. Cupping the earpiece, he whispered, “Alibi – just in case!”

“What? No!” said Brett urgently.

“Okay thanks! I’ll just send your next patient in, then,” said Cindy.

“Oh,” said Danny, his face falling. “Um … no, don’t do that. I’m afraid I’m not feeling well. I think I’m going to need to go home.”

“Oh no! But what about your patients?”

“Apologise to them for me, will you? And reschedule their appointments.”

He heard Cindy sigh. “All right,” she said. “In that case would you mind if I take the rest of the day off?”

“No, not at all,” said Danny. “You go right ahead.” He hung up.

A moment later, however, there was a knock on the door, and all four men froze in panic. “Hello?” came a woman’s voice, sounding rather stern.

“Jesus!” whispered Danny.

“Into the closet!” Brett urged his friends. “Quick!”

Danny, Will and Eddie all piled into the closet, closing the door behind them just as the other door opened. A woman in her early forties walked in, accompanied by a shy-looking teenaged girl – presumably her daughter. The mother was dressed rather severely in a jacket and knee-length skirt, and wore rectangular-rimmed glasses that emphasized her somewhat angular features. The daughter, a pretty blonde, was wearing a blue and yellow dress that came down to mid-calf.

“Oh my good Lord!!” exclaimed the mother, when she saw Doctor Linney slumped, unconscious, over his desk. She turned to Brett and demanded, “Who are you? And what’s happening here?”

Brett, thinking quickly, sighed heavily. “I was really hoping nobody would see him like this. Didn’t Cindy tell you that Doctor Linney was indisposed?”

“She said he wasn’t feeling well!” said the woman.

“Rather an understatement,” said Brett. He held up the doctor’s whiskey bottle. “I found this in his hand.”

“He’s drunk?” said the woman, aghast.

“Why’s he dressed like that?” asked the teenager.

“A good question!” said her mother, folding her arms.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” said Brett. “He was like this when I arrived. Poor Jack – the pressure seems to have got to him somewhat.”

“But who are you?” repeated the mother.

“Oh – I’m Doctor Talbot,” said Brett, extending his hand. “A friend of Jack’s. Well, he’s my father’s friend really, but he’s been sort of a mentor to me. Anyway he called my dad about an hour ago and sounded weird, so my dad sent me down here to check on him, since he was busy with a patient. And this is what I found … more or less. He was still awake and talking when I arrived.”

“Will he be all right?” asked the mother.

“Oh sure,” said Brett. “He just needs to sleep it off. In the meantime, I’m really sorry, but you’ll need to reschedule your appointment with Cindy.”

“Well that’s no good!” said the mother, frowning. “My daughter needs a doctor today!” She looked at Brett with an appraising expression. “What’s your specialty, young man?”

“Oh I’m in the same line of work as Jack,” said Brett. “Just started my own practice, actually.”

“Good!” said the mother. “Well in that case, would you mind taking a quick look at my daughter?”

Bugger, thought Brett. But he smiled. “Of course – I’d be happy to, Mrs…?”

“I’m Matilda Tennyson, and this is my daughter Cathy,” said the mother.

“Hello Cathy,” said Brett. “So, what seems to be the problem?”

“Cathy’s been having issues with her stomach.”

“Can Cathy not speak for herself?” inquired Brett.

“Well yes of course she can,” said Mrs Tennyson, a little taken aback, “but as her mother…”

“I mean no disrespect,” said Brett, “but if your daughter’s health is the issue here, then I’d rather speak with her privately about whatever problems she is having. We in the medical community find that teenagers, and teenage girls in particular, are rarely as candid about their health with a parent present, as when they are alone with their doctor.”

“Cathy has no secrets from me,” said Matilda a little stiffly. “But very well – I will wait in the waiting room.”

“Thank you,” said Brett. Once Mrs Tennyson had left the room, he turned to Cathy. “Now, what seems to be the problem?”

“Oh, it’s nothing really,” said Cathy, blushing with embarrassment. Her reddening cheeks were partially due to the fact that she had made up her symptoms, and partly because Doctor Talbot was much younger, and very much more handsome, than Doctor Linney.

“Well let me be the judge of how important it is,” said Brett, smiling. “Is it a sharp pain, or a dull ache?”

“Just sort of an ache,” said Cathy, shrugging and not quite looking Brett in the eye.

“Okay – well why don’t you hop up on the table there, and I’ll take a look,” said Brett, gesturing towards the examination table.

Cathy got up, and slipped her shoes off before dutifully climbing up on to the table and lying down on the table, carefully arranging her dress so that it did not hang down off the side. Brett smiled to himself as he stood up and walked over to her. He pressed down gently on her stomach with his hand. “Does this hurt at all?”

“No,” said Cathy truthfully.

“How about this?”

“No,” said Cathy again, feeling a little foolish. If the doctor told her mother that there was nothing wrong with her, then she might get into trouble.

“How about this?” asked Brett, trying a different spot.

“Um – that’s a bit sore,” said Cathy.

“Interesting!” said Brett. “Right then … well, I’ll need to get a better look. Could you pull up your dress please?”

Cathy gasped. “I’m sorry?” she said, thinking she must have misheard.

Brett raised an eyebrow. “I can’t adequately assess your symptoms through your clothing, Cathy. I’ll need access to your bare skin. Come on – there’s no need to be shy. I’m a doctor.”

“Um … okay!” said Cathy, trying not to show her excitement as she pulled up the hem of her dress, revealing her knees, then her thighs, and then … her panties! She bit her lip as she saw Brett looking at them – they were white cotton bikini-briefs, almost new. Her cheeks flushing, she continued lifting up her dress until her belly was exposed.

“All right then,” said Brett, affecting a dispassionate look as he felt her bare skin with his hands. “Hmm – let’s have a listen.” And he bent down, getting a nice close view of her panties as he placed his ear against the flesh of her belly. “Breathe in deeply,” he said. “Good – now breathe out.”

“What are you listening for?” asked Cathy curiously.

“Irregularities,” said Brett vaguely. “And I think I hear something … but it’s hard to tell. I think I need to listen to your heart. Would you mind taking your dress off?”

Cathy’s eyes widened. Doctor Linney had listened to her heart before, on several occasions … but he had never asked her to take off any clothes in order to do so. “Can’t you listen to my heart through my dress?” she ventured timidly.

“Ordinarily, yes I could,” said Brett, nodding. “But when a possibly stomach problem is the issue, it’s not just a case of counting the beats. I need to listen to the quality of the sound – for which it’s best to have as little as possible between my ear and your chest. So, dress off, please.”

Cathy was practically quivering in excitement as she climbed off the table and unzipped the back of her dress. She could feel her vagina moistening in anticipation of revealing even more of her body to this handsome young doctor. Slipping her dress off her shoulders, she let it fall, then stepped out of it and draped it over the back of a nearby chair. Now wearing only her white bra and panties, she climbed back on to the table and lay down.

Brett pressed his ear to her chest, just next to the left cup of her bra. “So, have you been a patient of Doctor Linney’s for long?”

“About eight years,” said Cathy. “Since we moved here from Newfield.”

“Ah, so he saw you through puberty then,” said Brett. “I’m guessing you’re, what, seventeen years old?”

“Sixteen,” said Cathy. “And two months.”

“I assume, then,” ventured Brett, “that he’s given you a breast exam?”

Cathy gasped again, and blushed. “No!” she said.

Brett stood up, his brow furrowing. “Really? Has another doctor, then?”

“No!” said Cathy, rather shocked, but secretly delighted at the thought that perhaps Doctor Talbot might ask to examine her breasts.

“Hmm,” said Brett, scratching his chin. “Well, you should get that done pretty soon, you know. Problems can arise in puberty that are easy to resolve if caught in good time, but can be serious if left untreated.”

Cathy bit her lip, and said, “That sounds bad. Um … would you mind doing it?”

Brett affected a look of surprise. “Well … I suppose I could,” he said thoughtfully. He shrugged. “All right then – sit up and take off your bra, please.”

Cathy’s fingers were shaking as she fumbled with the clasp of her bra. As she pulled it down her arms, exposing her round, soft, E-cup breasts, she found she was breathing heavily with excitement, and she forced herself to calm down. If her mother could see her now, she would totally freak! Best not to mention this part to her, she thought…

Brett tried not to grin like an idiot as he stared hungrily at the young girl’s heaving breasts. He reached out and cupped them in as professional a manner as he could muster. “Hmm,” he said thoughtfully, as he began to squeeze and knead them. “No sign of any abnormalities at first glance, but I’d better do a thorough exam. And for that I’ll need some baby oil. I wonder where Doctor Linney keeps that…”

He opened a couple of cupboards, and soon found a large tube of surgical lubricant, along with a few unopened spares, but although this would do in a pinch, he would really prefer to use baby oil. At last, in a cupboard devoted to infant-related equipment, he found exactly what he was looking for. “Here we are!” he said. “Now if you would just lean back a bit – put your hands on the table behind you to brace yourself.”

Excited to be sitting here in just her panties, Cathy did as she was asked, and then she watched with bated breath as Brett poured a liberal quantity of baby oil over first her right breast, then her left. He caught much of the oil with his free hand as it cascaded down her chest, but even so, plenty still trickled down her belly and started to soak into her panties.

Putting the bottle down, Brett started to massage copious quantities of baby oil into Cathy’s ample but perfectly formed breasts. Once he had got them glistening slickly all over, he happened to glance down, and noticed that her panties were beginning to turn slightly transparent as a result of the oil they had soaked up. Picking up the bottle again, he poured an unnecessarily excessive amount of oil over both breasts again, saying, “This may seem like an awful lot of oil, but believe me: the more I use, the more useful the exam will be.”

“That’s okay,” said Cathy, her cheeks burning with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. She did not notice that the oil pouring down her belly was rapidly turning her panties almost completely transparent … nor would she have minded much if she had. As Brett resumed his massage, she had to force herself not to sigh happily.

“Hmm – nipples in excellent condition,” mused Brett, playing with them between his fingers. He was taking his time over the massage, and it was nearly five minutes later when he said, a little reluctantly, “Well, that’s it – and I’m happy to report that your breasts are perfectly healthy.”

“Good!” said Cathy, her eyes shining.

“Of course, at sixteen you should really be having your first pelvic exam,” said Brett, tapping his chin. “If Doctor Linney didn’t examine your breasts, I’m guessing he didn’t do that either.”

“What’s a pelvic exam?” squeaked Cathy, hoping it had something to do with her bottom, so that she would have an excuse to take off her panties.

“It’s an examination of your ‘down below areas’ – specifically your vulva, clitoris, vagina, and anus,” said Brett, hoping that Cathy would not notice the sweat beginning to bead on his brow. “You should really get everything checked out as soon as possible.”

Cathy stared at him with her mouth open. The thought of a man closely examining her private area was utterly obscene … and deliciously erotic! Her mind started to run wild – perhaps he would even stick his fingers inside her! She forced her vocal cords to work. “Um, um,” she stammered, “if you think it’s something I really need, would you mind doing it?”

Brett looked at his watch, and said, “Hmm, I should really get back to my own practice.” But then he looked up and saw a flash of disappointment in her eyes. He smiled. “All right – I suppose I might as well, since I’m here. You’ll need to take your panties off.”

Cathy tried not to hurry as she tugged her oil-soaked panties down her legs. She threw them on top of her dress, then lay back on the table, tense with anxiety and anticipation. She watched Brett calmly walk to the end of the table and pull out two arms with padded half-pipe attachments, which he spread wide apart and locked into position. “What are those for?” she asked with wide eyes.

“Scoot to the end of the table,” said Brett, “and put your calves in those. Then you’ll be in the correct position for the examination.”

Now completely naked, Cathy shuffled her bottom all the way to the end of the table, and arranged her legs as Brett had directed her. Spreading her thighs wide apart, she felt extremely vulnerable and exposed, and almost deliriously excited. She hoped, hoped, hoped that he would not just look at her pussy, but touch her, feel her, probe her with his fingers… The thought made her shiver.

“Hmm,” said Brett, staring closely at her pussy. “The hair’s a problem – would you mind if I shave it off? It will be hard to examine you properly otherwise.”

Cathy immediately realised that he would not be able to shave her without touching her, and she nodded quickly. “Okay!” she said. “If you think that’s best.”

“Good girl,” said Brett with a smile. It did not take him long to find a razor and some shaving gel, and he squirted a generous amount of the gel into his hand. As it began to foam up, he applied it to Cathy’s pubic area, making her gasp. Wide-eyed, she watched him shave her until her pussy was completely bald. “Now,” he said, having rinsed her off and wiped her dry with a hand towel, “let’s check out your labia and clitoris.”

Cathy was blushing to the roots of her hair as she watched, and felt, Brett teasing her pussy lips apart with his fingers. When he pulled back the hood of her clitoris, and lightly blew on her most sensitive area, she almost shuddered with excitement.

“All perfectly normal,” he said eventually. “Now I need to lubricate you thoroughly for the vaginal exam.”

“Okay!” said Cathy breathlessly.

Brett poured more baby oil on to her pussy, and worked it into her labia and around her vaginal opening. Then he slowly slid his middle finger into her vagina, causing Cathy to start shaking in near-orgasmic pleasure. “Are you all right?” he asked, pausing for a moment.

“Yes!” said Cathy. “I’m sorry – I’m just not used to this!”

Brett smiled. “That’s perfectly understandable. I’ll try to go as slowly and gently as possible.” He eased his finger all the way in, then he began to feel around inside her, brushing against her g-spot in the process. When this made Cathy moan, he returned to the spot and started to rub it rhythmically. “Did this bit hurt?” he asked.

Cathy’s eyes bulged. “No!” she squeaked. “It just…” She could not bring herself to admit that she was getting pleasure out of the experience, but she did not want Brett to stop rubbing her there. “It feels … I don’t know…” she finished awkwardly.

Brett continued rubbing, at a slightly increased pace. “Well could you try to describe the sensation?”

“It … sort of … tingles…” said Cathy, her breasts heaving as she clutched the sides of the table. “Oh … oh my goodness … ohhhh … OOHHHH!” Suddenly her back arched and her pelvis shuddered as a powerful orgasm wracked her body. It was her first, and she did not know quite what to make of it … except that she liked it, a lot!

“Ah I see,” said Brett, trying to hide his amusement. “It appears that I inadvertently hit a sensitive area inside your vagina, called the ‘g-spot’. Like the clitoris it gives pleasure when rubbed.”

“Well it was very nice!” Cathy admitted, panting for breath as she lay, limp and naked, with Brett’s finger still inside her. “I don’t know what happened at the end there, but it was … brilliant!”

“That was an orgasm,” said Brett. “Haven’t you had one of those before?”

Cathy shook her head. “No, I haven’t!” she said. “Is it normal?”

“Oh yes, quite normal,” said Brett. “I’m surprised your mother hasn’t told you about them.”

Cathy pouted. “Mom doesn’t tell me about anything,” she said.

“Oh dear,” said Brett. “Well, it sounds like she’s rather old-fashioned. In which case, perhaps she would not approve of me giving you a pelvic exam.”

Terrified that the doctor would stop fingering her, Cathy said quickly, “Oh but you said this was important! If Mom had her way, I wouldn’t know anything about anything until I was twenty-five!”

“All right,” said Brett with a sigh. “You’re old enough to make your own decision about this, but I still don’t want to antagonise your mother. Perhaps this exam should be a secret between the two of us.”

“I think that’s a very good idea,” said Cathy.

“Well,” said Brett, removing his finger, “your vagina seems all right on first inspection, but I really ought to open you up with a speculum to take a look at your cervix.”

“What’s that?” asked Cathy, nervous at the phrase ‘open you up’, which sounded uncomfortably surgical.

“The cervix is the entrance to your uterus, or womb,” said Brett. “It is, unfortunately, a common site of cancer in women, which is why women need to have regular Pap smears. You’re a little young to be needing one of those, but I’d nevertheless like to take a look at your cervix to make sure nothing is untoward.”

“Okay…” said Cathy. “And what’s a speculum?”

Brett found one in a drawer. “One of these,” he said. “I insert it into your vagina, then crank it open so that I can see all the way to your cervix.”

Cathy bit her lip. “That sounds a little … painful!” she said.

“It can be somewhat uncomfortable,” acknowledged Brett, “but it shouldn’t be too bad as long as you’re not a…” Then he stopped, and looked thoughtful. “I should have thought to ask. Are you a virgin?”

Cathy nodded, feeling very embarrassed. “Sorry,” she said.

“No need to apologise!” said Brett. “It’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. But perhaps we shouldn’t do the cervical exam today.”

Cathy felt both relieved and regretful. For a moment she was afraid that the fun was all over, but then she remembered something. “What about my stomach?”

Brett snapped his fingers. “Of course! I almost forgot the entire reason you came here! Silly me.” He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “You know, it’s possible the problem is lower down. I should really give you a colonoscopy to eliminate any intestinal issues.”

“What does that involve?” asked Cathy.

“It involves inserting a fibre-optic camera into your anus, and basically pushing it along your intestine while looking at the images to see if there are any problems,” explained Brett.

“Eww … but wouldn’t it encounter … stuff?” asked Cathy, screwing up her face.

“Very true,” said Brett, nodding, “which is why we’d have to give you an enema first.”

“What’s an enema?” asked Cathy.

“We basically insert a big syringe into your anus and fill up your bowel with water, causing it to expand – this makes you feel very uncomfortable and full, with a powerful urge to defecate. Doing so will completely empty your bowels of the water and any faecal matter.”

This did not sound very pleasant at all, but Cathy was keen to spend as much time as possible with her handsome new doctor. “Can we do that, then?” she asked.

Brett shook his head. “Not here – I’d have to send you to the hospital for a colonoscopy. Or I could take you back to my own practice … but that wouldn’t really be appropriate.”

“Why not?” asked Cathy, who much preferred the latter idea to being sent off to the hospital.

“Well, you’re Doctor Linney’s patient,” said Brett. “I wouldn’t want to poach you away from him. Also, I doubt your mother would permit it. And … to be honest … you’d really need to fast for about ten hours before such a procedure anyway.”

“Oh,” said Cathy, disappointed. “Well – couldn’t I come and see you tomorrow, then?”

Brett shook his head. “Tomorrow Doctor Linney will be his usual self again, and you might as well see him about it.”

Cathy wracked her brain, trying to think of a way to stay longer, but she could not. “Oh well,” she said glumly, “I suppose I’d better get dressed.”

“I suppose,” mused Brett, “I could suggest to your mother that I need to keep you under observation overnight. Do you think she could be persuaded to leave you in my care until tomorrow morning?”

Cathy’s heart started pounding at the thought. “It’s worth a try!” she said, trying not to seem too excited.

“Okay, stay there,” said Brett. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay!” said Cathy.

Brett, keeping his fingers crossed that Cindy had really gone home, walked out of Doctor Linney’s office and headed to the waiting room, where he found Mrs Tennyson sitting alone. “Ah, hello,” he said.

“What’s taking so long?” asked Matilda rather peevishly.

“I’m having trouble determining the cause of your daughter’s stomach issue,” said Brett solemnly. “I have a theory, but in order to prove it, I’ll need to take her to hospital for a scan, and then back to my own office where I have some rather more sophisticated equipment than Doctor Linney has here. All in all, I fear I’ll need to keep Cathy overnight for observation.” He stopped and held his breath, nervous about how Mrs Tennyson would react to this.

“Overnight?” inquired Matilda. “Goodness, that seems rather extreme – and expensive!”

“Well here’s the thing, Mrs Tennyson,” said Brett. “You’re not patients of mine, so I can’t actually charge you for this. I’d be doing it gratis, just because I’m concerned about Cathy getting the correct diagnosis.”

“Well that’s very generous of you!” said Mrs Tennyson. “But you’re making me worried – just what do you think Cathy’s problem is?”

Brett had had a few minutes to come up with something plausible-sounding. “Well it could be one of two things,” he said seriously. “The best case scenario is that it’s simply a pH imbalance which is causing an uncomfortable reaction in Cathy’s stomach. If that’s what it is – and I think it’s the most likely possibility – then it should clear up by itself in a matter of days.”

“All right,” said Mrs Tennyson uncertainly. “And what if it isn’t that?”

“Then,” said Brett, “it could be because of a condition called gastric endocallidosis, which causes ulcers to flare up in certain parts of the digestive tract. I hope it’s not that, because it’s hard to treat effectively, but if it is, we really need to try to catch it in its early stages.”

“Then by all means do whatever tests are necessary!” said Mrs Tennyson, looking anxious. “But if you’re keeping her overnight, then I’d like to be present throughout that time, in case she needs me.”

Brett gulped. “I’m not sure that’s necessary,” he said quickly. “Cathy will only be a phone call away, if she needs you. But really, we’re not going to be doing anything drastic. Just a series of rather boring tests. I’ll drop her back at your house tomorrow morning, if that’s all right.”

“Well, you’re the doctor!” said Matilda. “I’m sure you know what’s best. Very well – I’ll try not to worry in the meantime. Take good care of my daughter, won’t you?”

“Absolutely,” Brett promised. “I have her very best interests at heart.”

Matilda smiled as she got to her feet. “Good,” she said. “That is reassuring. All right – please give her my love, and tell her I’ll see her tomorrow.”

“I will,” said Brett. He watched as Mrs Tennyson left the building, went to her car, and drove away. “Awesome!” he muttered to himself. Then he returned to where Cathy was still lying naked on the table with her legs spread and her calves resting in stirrups.

“What did she say?” asked Cathy.

“She’s gone home, leaving you in my care,” said Brett. “I told her I would drop you off at your home tomorrow morning.”

Cathy could hardly have been more delighted, but she attempted to keep her cool as she said, “Okay! So, what happens now?”

“Now,” said Brett, “we get in my car and go to my own office.”

“Um, is it okay if I go to the restroom first?” asked Cathy.

“Sure!” said Brett. He looked around and spotted a hospital gown hanging on a hook by the door. “Here, why don’t you put this on? There’s actually nobody else in the building besides us, but I’m sure you’d find it a little uncomfortable walking naked to the toilet!”

Cathy would not have minded walking naked through the whole building, but she could not of course admit to such scandalous thoughts, so she merely said “Thank you” as she climbed off the table. She put her arms through the gown as Brett held it out for her, and then she tied it at the back.

“Oops!” said Brett. “I think that was designed for a child – it’s a little short on you!”

“It’s fine,” said Cathy, secretly delighted at the fact that it was barely long enough to cover her pussy and buttocks, and did not even fully come together at the back. “Like you said, there’s nobody else here. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Once she had left the room, Brett hurried over to the closet and opened it. Out came Danny, Will, and Eddie, looking rather disgruntled.

“Dude, seriously!” said Will. “Nice going with the chick … but still!”

“Hush, keep your voice down,” urged Brett. “Think you can all play doctors too?”

“I guess,” said Eddie, shrugging. “Why, what’s your plan?”

“Get your asses over to the psych hospital,” said Brett, “and ask Anna on reception to direct you to Doctor Forbes’s office. He’s touring Europe at the moment so we’ll be quite safe using his office. Remove his name from the door and from anywhere else you see it – he’s got certificates on the wall, for instance. We’ll pretend it’s my office. Then find yourselves some coats like this one, so you look the part, and I’ll meet you back at my apartment.”

Eddie’s brow furrowed, but Danny nodded. “Got it,” he said. “Come on guys!” He led them out into the corridor, and they crept quietly towards the front entrance.

A moment later, Brett heard a distance flush, and it was not long before Cathy re-entered the room. He smiled at her. “Ready to go?” he asked her.

She nodded. She almost asked “Should I get dressed?” but then thought better of it – she didn’t want to risk the doctor saying yes.

“All right,” said Brett. “Well, you might as well leave your clothes here – you won’t be needing them. We’ll pick them up from here tomorrow morning before I take you home.”

“Okay,” said Cathy, suppressing a happy smile. With one last glance back at the sleeping figure of Doctor Linney, she followed Brett out of the room and through the building to the front door. As she stepped out into the car park, she saw a car leaving – inside were three men, who were all staring at her curiously. She shivered.

Brett was thanking his lucky stars that he and his friends had decided to take two cars – his and Danny’s – to get here this morning. He unlocked his own car and climbed in, while Cathy got into the passenger seat. Setting off, he drove towards his apartment, but as he neared Jimmy’s Diner, however, he realised his stomach was growling. “You know,” he said, “I didn’t get any breakfast this morning and I’m kind of hungry. Do you mind if we stop here for a few minutes so I can eat something?”

“No, not at all,” said Cathy. “Can I come in too?” She had never eaten at Jimmy’s, and knew nothing about it except that her mother had referred to it, rather archly, as “not the sort of place civilised people frequent”. Which, of course, had made her very curious about it.

Brett chuckled. “Aren’t you worried about being seen wearing so little?”

Cathy was actually very excited at the thought of entering an uncivilised establishment while wearing so little, but all she said was, “My gown covers everything … pretty much. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

Brett smiled to himself. “All right then,” he said, as he parked the car near to the diner’s entrance. “But you can’t eat anything – you have to fast for ten hours, remember.”

Inside, Cathy stared around wide-eyed, but was rather disappointed to see no obvious reasons for her mother’s disapproval. The only customers were a young couple sitting in a far corner, and an overweight middle-aged man in a lumberjack shirt and baseball cap, who unfortunately had his back to her, his attention focused on the wall-mounted television.

She walked, barefoot, up to the counter after Brett, where a man in his late forties was staring with interest at her. She blushed, but then the man turned his attention to Brett, who had just cleared his throat.

“Ham and cheese omelette please,” said Brett. “And coffee.” He turned to Cathy. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Oh, I don’t have any money,” said Cathy.”

Brett shrugged. “It’s okay – my treat.”

Cathy smiled. “Thank you. Could I have a glass of milk, please?”

Brett laughed. “I’m not sure that’s on the menu,” he said.

“I can do a glass of milk, no problem,” said the man behind the counter.

“Thanks Jed,” said Brett. He led Cathy to a booth, and Cathy shivered as she imagined Jed’s eyes on her partially bared bottom. As she sat down, her naked pussy pressed against the leather seat, and she could not help wondering how clean it was.

“I’ve never been to a diner before,” Cathy confided to Brett.

“Really?” he said in amusement. “Used to the finer things, are you?”

Cathy felt rather embarrassed by this remark – mostly because there was a lot of truth to it. Her parents did not often take her out to dinner, but if they did, it was always to a restaurant where neither jeans not t-shirts were allowed.

A red-haired woman in a short waitress outfit came out with their food a few minutes later. She looked disdainfully at Cathy, then said to Brett, “Hey Brett.”

“Hey Jill,” said Brett.

“This one escape from your asylum or something?” asked Jill.

Brett’s face paled. “She’s a patient of one of my dad’s friends. I’m just helping her out.”

Jill shrugged. “Not my business, I guess. Enjoy your meal.”

Cathy watched her go, then she turned to Brett with a grin, and said, “Wow, her uniform’s quite short, isn’t it?”

Brett relaxed, and smiled. “I suppose it is,” he said. “Not as short as your gown, though!”

Cathy giggled. “No,” she agreed.

Brett, who really had skipped breakfast that morning, did not take long to finish his food. As he fished out his wallet, he said, “All right, let’s head back to my apartment.”

“We’re not going to your office?” asked Cathy.

“No point,” said Brett. “Not until you’ve been ten hours without food. What time did you finish your breakfast?”

“Um, about eight thirty I think,” said Cathy.

“Then I can’t give you an enema until six thirty,” said Brett. “We’ll head over to the hospital at about three-ish – there are a few things I’d like to do with you before the enema.”

Cathy liked the sound of this. “Like what?” she asked.

“Well,” said Brett, “I have to be frank with you: I’m not impressed with Doctor Linney’s lack of attention to detail when it comes to assessing the development of his young patients. Given that he has never given you a breast or pelvic exam, I can’t help wondering what else he has not done. For example, has he ever assessed your RMR’s.”

“I don’t know – what does that mean?” asked Cathy.

“Sorry,” said Brett, “it’s short for ‘resting muscular responses’. It’s a series of tests analysing how your muscles react under certain stimuli.”

“No,” said Cathy, her brow furrowing. “No, I don’t think he’s done that – except for bashing my knee with a little rubber hammer.”

Brett chuckled. “That’s not the same thing. All right – well, let’s take care of that today, then, while I’ve got you. It can only be done when you’re completely limp and relaxed, so I’ll need to give you a very thorough full-body massage beforehand, with scented oils. We doctors find that such a massage is by far the best way to achieve a complete state of relaxation in a patient.”

“Okay!” said Cathy, absolutely loving this idea.

Brett led her back to his car, and then drove her the remaining distance to his apartment. Cathy felt deliciously exposed as she walked past a trio of young men who wolf-whistled at her.

“Assholes,” Brett muttered. “Just ignore them, Cathy.”

Cathy giggled as she waved at the three men. “It’s okay, I don’t mind,” she said.

Following Brett into his apartment, she was surprised at how messy it was, but she was much too polite to say anything. “What are we going to do between now and three o’clock?” she asked.

“Well,” said Brett, “something occurred to me. If you’ve never had a colonoscopy or an enema before, you might find the experience a little uncomfortable. You might tense up, and it will hurt. It would be better if we could loosen up your anal sphincter a bit first.”

“Okay…?” said Cathy. “How?”

“Do you know what a dildo is?” asked Brett. When Cathy shook her head, he said, “It’s basically a plastic or latex instrument in the approximate shape of a man’s penis. Women use them for pleasuring themselves, but they are also very useful to doctors when performing exams or other procedures on women’s nether regions. They do a wonderful job of loosening up the anal sphincter, for example.”

Cathy smiled at the thought of having an object shaped like a man’s penis inserted into her anus. “I think that’s a good idea,” she said. “Would you mind doing that for me?”

“Sure,” said Brett. But then he snapped his fingers, “Oh heck, I don’t have a dildo here. Well, I did have one, but it was starting to perish so I threw it out.”

“Oh,” said Cathy, disappointed. “Can’t you use something else?”

“Hmm,” said Brett. “Well, the obvious alternative would be a real penis, but I’m sure you don’t want some old doctor sticking his penis into your anus.”

“I don’t mind,” said Cathy, her pulse quickening. “You’re not old!”

“Even so,” said Brett, looking troubled, “it’s not a very appropriate thing to do. Your mother…”

“Don’t worry about her,” said Cathy quickly. “I won’t tell her about it. Or about any of this, actually. Honestly, she’d freak out if she even knew I was in your apartment wearing only a hospital gown.”

“She would?” said Brett, seeming startled. “Oh dear – I knew I should have let you get dressed before we left Doctor Linney’s office.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Cathy reassured him. “I’m not going to tell her a thing.”

Brett sighed. “All right,” he said. “Well, let me fetch some baby oil, then I’ll start loosening up your anus with my penis.” He walked through to his bedroom, where he kept a bottle of baby oil in his bedside table. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” he whispered to himself, hardly believing his luck. Just how naïve was this girl? Was she really this clueless, or did she actually want this as much as he did?

Straightening his face, he went back through to the living room, where he found Cathy in the process of taking off her gown. “I thought this might get in the way,” she said, a little sheepishly.

“I could have worked around it,” he said, “but it’s fine. You being naked will actually help me to maintain an erection, actually, so it’s probably a good idea.”

“Oh good!” said Cathy, pleased. “So … how do you want me?”

“Why don’t you just bend over the couch?” he suggested. “And spread your feet apart a bit.”

“Okay,” said Cathy, her breasts bouncing as she skipped over to the couch. She bent over and rested her hands on the seat of the couch. “Like this?”

“Spread your feet apart a little more, and arch your back,” said Brett.

“Like this?” she asked.

Brett could now see both her anus and her vaginal opening, exposed to his gaze. “Perfect,” he said. He poured some baby oil into his hand, and sensuously rubbed it around Cathy’s anus, buttocks, and pussy. Then he unfastened his trousers, pulled them down along with his jockey shorts, and rubbed some more oil into his erect penis. Placing its tip against Cathy’s anus, he began to push.

“Try to relax,” he said. “This may hurt a little, but it won’t be so bad if you bear down a little, as if you are trying to defecate. Not too much, though!”

“Okay,” said Cathy, wincing slightly. Then she gasped as Brett’s cock slid through her anal sphincter and deep into her rectum. “Oh gosh!”

“Sorry, did that hurt?” asked Brett in concern.

“No – it’s all right!” said Cathy. Actually it felt quite nice, in a way. Weird, but nice.

“Good,” said Brett. “Now I’m going to start sliding my penis in and out, slowly. This will give your anus a chance to get used to the feeling of having something hold it open.” Pulling his penis almost all the way out, he poured a little more baby oil on to his shaft, and then he slid it back in again, even deeper this time. Withdrawing a few inches, he buried himself again, and then he settled into a rhythm of thrusting that made Cathy close her eyes and smile.

“Is this what sex is like?” she asked, a minute or so later.

“Actually this is, technically, a form of sex,” said Brett. “It’s called anal sex. Of course, most people do it for pleasure rather than for medical reasons.”

“So … technically … I’m not a virgin any more?” inquired Cathy.

“Oh, you’re still a virgin,” Brett assured her. “Good heavens, I’m not going to take your virginity, Cathy! That would be terrible!”

“Oh,” said Cathy, trying not to seem disappointed.

“If I stuck my penis in your vagina,” continued Brett, “then I would be taking your virginity. But there’s no reason for me to do that, unless I planned to give you a cervical exam and needed to loosen up your vaginal opening. But as I’ve already told you, you’re too young to need a cervical exam.”

“Oh,” said Cathy again.

By now Brett was getting a little over-excited, and he stopped thrusting. “Better not do any more,” he said. “One of the disadvantages of loosening you up this way is that it stimulates my penis. If I carried on, I would shortly ejaculate inside you, which would be highly inappropriate.”

“Would it make me pregnant?” inquired Cathy.

“Goodness no,” said Brett. “I’d have to ejaculate in your vagina for that to be a risk.”

“Then,” said Cathy, “I don’t mind if you squirt your stuff inside me. I’ve already told you I won’t tell my mom about this.”

“Hmm, well, all right then,” said Brett, and he resumed his thrusting. About a minute later he groaned and shuddered, pumping his semen deep into Cathy’s rectum. Panting from effort, he withdrew his penis, and Cathy’s anus quickly closed up.

“Is that enough, do you think?” asked Cathy. “I feel like my anus needs more loosening.”

“It does,” agreed Brett. “To be honest, every bit of loosening will help. But I only have so much stamina for the job. I’ll do it again later, once I’ve had a chance to recover.”

At that moment the door opened, and in walked Danny, Eddie, and Will, all dressed in white coats. Pulling up his underwear and trousers hastily, Brett turned to face them. “Doctors!” he said. “What an unexpected pleasure!”

Cathy squealed as she stood up, turning to face the newcomers with her left arm over her breasts and her right hand covering her pussy. She looked slightly panicky.

“No need to be shy,” said Brett. “These guys are all doctors, and very used to seeing naked people of both genders. This is my Doctor Boyd, who shares this apartment with me. And this is Doctor Willis, and that’s Doctor Edwards. Gentlemen, this is my patient Cathy Tennyson.”

“Hey, how are you doing?” said Danny, managing to keep a straight face as he extended his hand to Cathy.

To her credit, Cathy uncovered her pussy so that she could shake his hand. “Pleased to meet you,” she said. Then she shook Will’s hand, followed by Eddie’s. If she was bothered by Will’s broad grin and wide-eyed glances down at her pussy, she did not show it.

In truth, she was not at all bothered – now that she was getting over the initial shock, she was actually feeling delighted about being naked in a room with not one but four grown men. As she dropped her arm, uncovering her breasts, she hoped Brett would not make her put her gown back on.

Brett was, of course, contemplating no such thing. “I think I’ll go and make some coffee. Cathy, why don’t you get acquainted with my friends? I warn you, though – Doctor Boyd is an expert on women’s breasts, so he’ll probably try to feel yours at some point. Just be firm with him, okay?” And with that seed sown, he headed into the kitchen.

A couple of minutes later, he was joined by Eddie. “Wow, that chick’s something else!” Eddie whispered. “She’s totally letting Danny feel her boobs!”

Brett chuckled. “I thought she might. She seems to like being touched – literally anywhere!”

Eddie nodded, then said, “Um, dude, we couldn’t get into Doctor Forbes’s office. It was locked?”

“What?” said Brett. “Fuck!”

“Relax! We took care of it,” said Eddie. “We improvised. We set up an office in the basement for you –we found some medical equipment in the storage closets down there, and set up the room pretty well I think.”

“Hmm,” said Brett, rubbing his chin. “How am I going to explain to Cathy that my office is in the basement?”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something,” said Eddie, patting his friend on the shoulder. “You seem to be pretty good at thinking on your feet. Oh, which reminds me – Danny introduced himself as Theo.”

“Good to know,” said Brett, nodding. “We don’t want to accidentally refer to each other by our real names, or multiple false names, or the game will be up.” He finished making five mugs of coffee while Eddie returned to the living room.

Shortly after that, he walked carefully through to the other room, holding two of the mugs, which he set down in front of Will and Cathy.

Cathy, who was sitting on the couch between Will and Danny, said, “Um, Doctor Talbot? I was wondering if it would be all right if Theo – I mean Doctor Boyd – helps me to loosen up my anus?”

“That’s fine with me,” said Brett, nodding. “The more loosening it gets, the better. Do you mind helping Cathy out in that way, Theo?”

“I don’t mind at all,” said Danny, keeping an admirable poker face. “Cathy, perhaps you could lie down on your back, with your knees up to your chest. Andy, would you mind moving?”

Will, who was slightly slow on the uptake, looked blank for a moment, but then he said, “Oh! Of course – yes.” He got to his feet, and Cathy lay back with her head resting on the couch’s well-cushioned arm. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she smiled as Danny lubed up her anus and his penis with baby oil. Then she gasped as he sank his thick erection, a little larger than Brett’s, into her rectum. Soon he was fucking her in earnest, as Brett, Eddie and Will watched in fascination.

Cathy looked around, excited that they were all looking at her breasts and pussy, and at the penis thrusting in and out of her anus. She had never felt so alive, so adventurous … this was truly the best day of her life! And the fucking! She was loving every sensation, every thrust of Theo’s penis. She did not want it to stop – she wanted it to go on, and on, and on…

She could tell when he was getting close to his orgasm. “You can ejaculate inside me if you like,” she said. “I don’t mind at all.”

“Okay!” gasped Danny, and he groaned with pleasure as he climaxed, spurting ropes of semen deep inside her bowel. Then, to Cathy’s disappointment, he pulled out of her.

“Anyone else like to take a turn?” asked Brett. “Cathy’s anus could use all the loosening it can get.”

“I’ll have a go, if it’s all right with Cathy,” said Eddie.

“Yes please!” gasped Cathy.

“Thanks Jim,” said Brett.

Danny took Brett aside as Eddie sank his erection into Cathy’s rectum. “Um, dude,” he said, “don’t forget I’ve got a club meeting at eleven. My hockey buddies could be arriving at any minute.”

“I’d forgotten!” whispered Brett. “Wow – that’s awesome!”

“Well – perhaps, if Cathy doesn’t freak out,” said Danny. “But perhaps not. Aaron Solstein and Vic Costigan are in the club, remember – and they might just have an issue with what’s going on. Lenny Nixon, too, maybe.”

“Shit,” muttered Brett. “Can you call them and tell them the meeting’s off?”

“What, just those three?” asked Danny in surprise.

“Sure! Why not?” said Brett.

Danny thought about this. “Actually that’s a good idea,” he said, pulling out his phone. “I have them all in my contacts.”

Five minutes later, it was all taken care of. And twenty minutes after that, while Cathy was in the bathroom, there was a knock on the door, and Brett opened it to see Myron Higson, one of Danny’s hockey friends. “Come in, Myron,” he said.

“Hey Brett,” said Myron. “What’s with the coat?”

“Let me explain,” said Brett, and he did so, briefly.

“Jesus!” said Myron, his eyes wide. “Hold on though – I have to call you Dave now?”

“Yes,” said Brett firmly. “And Danny’s Theo, and Will’s Andy, and Eddie’s Jim.”

Myron shook his head. “Dude, this is complicated!”

“Well you barely know Will and Eddie anyway, so forget about them,” said Brett. “Just remember that I’m Dave, and Danny’s Theo.”

“Okay – got it,” said Myron. “But dude, you’re going to have to explain this to all of us!”

“I know,” said Brett grimly, “but I can do that. Just try to keep Cathy occupied so she doesn’t notice anything else.”

“I’ll do my best,” said Myron with a grin.

Cathy emerged from the bathroom, and she squealed as she saw Myron. But she only covered her pussy this time, and she soon uncovered it as she was introduced to him. “Are you a doctor too, Myron?” she asked him.

“God no,” said Myron. “I work in a factory that makes cutlery. I play hockey with Theo on the weekends, though – that’s how we know each other.”

“Ah, I see,” said Cathy.

“Um, dude,” said Brett, “Cathy’s going to have a colonoscopy later, and we’ve been preparing her for it by loosening up her anus with our penises. Obviously we’re all spent now, but perhaps you could give it a go…? If that’s all right with you, of course,” he added, turning to Cathy. “I mean, he’s not a doctor…”

“I don’t mind,” said Cathy cheerfully. “I want my anus to be as loose as possible.”

While Myron was gleefully fucking her rectum, the next two hockey guests arrived. Brett hastily explained the situation to them, and they excitedly nodded their acquiescence to going along with the charade.

“Cathy, this is Mike and Tony,” said Brett, leading them towards the couch. “Guys, this is Cathy, a patient of mine.”

“Oh dear!” said Cathy, blushing in embarrassment, but secretly thrilled to be introduced to two strange men in such a way. “Hey guys. Are you all having a hockey meeting or something?”

“That’s the plan,” said Danny. “Sorry, I’d forgotten about it until Myron arrived.”

“That’s okay!” gasped Cathy.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” groaned Myron. He shuddered for a few seconds, then collapsed on top of Cathy.

The young girl smiled. “My bottom’s getting a bit sore,” she said, “but if you guys wouldn’t mind helping me loosen it up some more, I’d be very grateful.”

“How about I loosen up your vagina instead, if your ass is sore?” asked Mike with a grin.

“Now now, behave Mike,” said Brett sternly. “Cathy doesn’t need her vagina loosening up. She’s a virgin, for one thing, and also she doesn’t need a cervical exam.”

“Why not?” asked Eddie.

“She’s too young,” said Brett, hoping that Eddie would not fluff his lines.

“Not really,” said Eddie. “Instances of cervical cancer have been reported in girls as young as fourteen. I know what’s generally accepted procedure, but I’m personally in favour of giving cervical exams from the onset of puberty.”

Perfect! Brett thought to himself. Well done Eddie. Aloud, he said, “Hmm, well I don’t know … I suppose it’s up to Cathy. What do you think, Cathy?”

Cathy could barely contain her excitement. “I don’t want cancer!” she said. “I think you ought to give me a cervical exam.”

“Hmm, well, if you say so,” said Brett. “But in that case, we should really loosen up your vagina first. And as your doctor, I think I should be the first one to do that.”

“Does that mean you’ll be taking my virginity?” asked Cathy breathlessly.

“Technically, yes,” said Brett. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay – I don’t mind!” said Cathy. “But … I’m a little scared about getting pregnant. Shouldn’t you wear one of those condom things?”

“That depends,” said Brett. “When did your last period end?”

“Start?” inquired Cathy. “Um – about a week ago I think. Yes – eight days, I’d say.”

“Then you’re not going to get pregnant,” said Brett. “Ovulation occurs on Day Fourteen, and sperm only lasts for a couple of days if it doesn’t find anything to fertilise.”

“Good, that’s a relief,” said Cathy. “All right then – go for it!”

“You know,” said Brett, “that couch is not the most comfortable place for this kind of activity – for either of us. Shall we go through to my bedroom?”

“Sure,” said Cathy, getting up from the couch. “Yes, that does sound more comfortable.” She followed her handsome doctor through to his bedroom, and did not mind at all that his doctor friends, and the hockey-playing friends of Theo’s, all trooped in behind her and took up places around the bed as she lay down on her back and spread her legs wide apart.

Brett poured some baby oil into his palm, and liberally applied it to Cathy’s pussy, rubbing it around her labia and the opening of her vagina. He pushed a couple of slippery fingers inside her, then he took them out and rubbed some oil into his erection. Lying on top of her, he slowly eased himself inside her.

“Ow!” gasped Cathy, but then she added, “No it’s okay! Keep going!” when Brett stopped.

He buried himself deep inside her, and said, “Well, that’s it – you’re no longer a virgin.”

Cathy smiled happily. “Fuck me, Doctor Talbot!” she said, savouring the words. “Fuck me!”

And Brett fucked her – gently at first, and then more powerfully as he approached his climax. To his surprise, though, Cathy actually came first, suddenly moaning in ecstasy as she clutched his shoulders so tightly that her nails dug into his flesh. Then, with the tip of his erection, pressed up against her cervix, he emptied his testicles into her young and highly fertile womb. Panting for a moment, he pulled out of her and climbed off the bed, trying not to grin.

“Again, again!” said Cathy excitedly. “That was the best thing ever!”

“Well I’m no good to you for a while,” said Brett. “Mike?”

“I’d be glad to,” said Mike, pulling his jeans down along with his boxers.

Cathy happily accepted him into her vagina, and cooed with pleasure as he fucked her, though she did not climax this time. Once he had spilled his semen inside her and withdrawn, she said, “Who’s next?”

More hockey players were arriving, and Eddie was intercepting them at the door in order to explain to them what was going on. As they crowded into the bedroom, craning their necks eagerly to see the naked sixteen-year-old, Cathy noticed the extra faces and giggled with glee.

Two hours later, however, she was feeling quite sore and exhausted, though still happy. Everybody – which meant sixteen men – had by now come inside her vagina, and most had also fucked her anus. “I think maybe I’m ready for my enema and my cervical exam now,” she said, a little regretfully. Her spirit was still very willing, but her flesh was unfortunately all too weak.

“You’ll be a little raw inside,” said Brett, “after all that. But fortunately, semen has wonderful healing properties. If we put a pillow beneath your bottom, that will tilt your vagina upwards and keep most of the semen inside you. You’ll recover more quickly that way.”

“Okay,” said Cathy, nodding, and she lifted her bottom so that Brett could slip a pillow beneath it. Then, at his suggestion, she lifted her knees up to her chest.

“Hold that position for as long as you comfortably can,” said Brett. “We’ll leave you alone for a bit.” Turning to the others, he said, “Okay guys, let’s leave the girl in peace for a while.” Once he had ushered everyone out of the room, he left too, closing the door behind him.

“Best. Club meeting. Ever!” said Marty, the hockey club’s star player.

“Yes, well, the meeting’s over,” said Brett. “Sorry you didn’t get to talk hockey.”

“Fuck hockey!” said Mike, grinning.

Once the hockey club had left, Brett and his three ‘doctor’ friends sat down in the living room to discuss Cathy. “What do you plan to do next?” asked Danny in a low voice.

“I’ll take her to the hospital,” said Brett. “I’m not on shift there today, but Cindy won’t know that.”

“How will you sneak Cathy in?” asked Will.

Brett smiled. “I have a plan,” he said.

“Do we get to be involved in this plan?” inquired Eddie.

“Only to the extent that you’ll be ‘borrowing’ my car this afternoon,” said Brett. “When I get Cathy downstairs and into the car park, I want to find myself without a means of transport.”

Danny’s brow furrowed. “Then how will you get Cathy to the hospital?”

Brett smirked. “The subway.”

“Wearing what – that little hospital gown?” asked Will, shocked.

“What else?” said Brett. “I think she likes the exposure, anyway.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to keep her to yourself for the rest of the day,” said Eddie, disgruntled.

“Oh don’t pout,” said Brett. “Keep your cell phones handy – I might need one of you to pay us a visit at the hospital. Or later, when we’ve got back here – though Danny of course will be here anyway … at least I hope so…?”

Danny chuckled. “You think I’d go out anywhere, when there’s a chance to bang a pretty sixteen-year-old blonde if I stay in?”

“Good point,” said Brett. “But for the moment I need you to go out … otherwise I could just borrow your car instead of taking the subway.”

“All right,” said Danny. “How long should I be gone for?”

“Let’s say two hours,” said Brett. “Just to be on the safe side.”

“Okay,” said Danny. “See you later, then!”

Half an hour after his friends had left, Brett checked on Cathy, and was not surprised to find her lying on her side, fast asleep. He retreated from the room, and watched television with the volume low for another forty-five minutes or so. Then he got up and tiptoed through to his bedroom again. Cathy was still asleep, so he gently touched her shoulder. “Cathy?” he whispered.

She started, and opened her eyes. “Oh, I fell asleep!” she said. “Sorry.”

“No need to apologise! My friends and I gave you quite a workout – I’m not surprised you were tired.”

“Is it time to go to the hospital?” asked Cathy.

“Yes,” said Brett. “But if you’re feeling like you’ve had enough, I’ll totally understand. I’ll take you home right now if you want.”

The memories of her fucking by sixteen men came flooding back to Cathy’s mind, and she smiled happily. “No no!” she said. “I don’t want to go home yet. I want you to give me whatever exams you think I need.”

“Good!” said Brett. “Let me take a look at your vagina, then.”

Shyly, Cathy turned on to her back and spread her legs wide for him. Brett pulled her labia apart, and then teased her vagina open. It was still awash with semen; her entire pussy was getting crusty with the stuff. But as much as he wanted to keep her full of sperm, he had other plans for her.

“Why don’t you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up a bit?” he suggested. “Then we’ll be on our way.”

“Okay,” said Cathy, climbing off the bed.

When she emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, Brett handed her the hospital gown. “Put this on,” he said, and she did so. Then he led her out of the apartment, locking the door behind him, and down the stairs to the car park. But his car was nowhere to be seen. “What the heck?” he said. “Where’s my car?”

“Has it been stolen?” asked Cathy anxiously.

“Borrowed, more likely,” said Brett grimly. He pulled out his cell phone and dialled Eddie.

“Hello?” said Eddie, a moment later.

“Dude, where’s my car?” demanded Brett.

“Huh?” replied Eddie. “You said … oh, I get it. Um, sorry bro, my folks invited me to dinner and they live out of town. I needed a car, and you were nice enough to cut me a key…”

“I didn’t give you that key so you could just take my car whenever you felt like it!” said Brett. “Seriously dude!”

“Sorry bro,” said Eddie. “I can get it back to you in an hour or so…”

“Three hours?” said Brett. “Damn it, bro, I can’t wait that long. Never mind – we’ll take the subway.” He hung up.

“We have to take the subway?” asked Cathy, wide-eyed.

“Yeah, I guess so,” said Brett. “Sorry – I know you’re hardly dressed for it.”

Cathy gulped, but her vagina was beginning to lubricate like crazy. “Don’t worry – I’m sure I’ll be fine like this.”

“Good girl,” said Brett with a smile. “Come on then – the station’s quite close.”

The streets were hardly crowded, but even so, Cathy attracted a lot of strange looks, and some pointed comments, as she walked nervously alongside Brett. She was relieved when they reached the train station and boarded the escalator. Not too soon, either – a police car cruised by behind them, just after they stepped on.

Brett bought a return ticket for Cathy, and they both passed through the barrier unchallenged. Brett, who had been fantasizing about keeping Cathy naked for this trip, was now very glad he had not succumbed to that foolish notion – the girl was attracting enough unwelcome attention as it was. A uniformed security officer frowned at the sight of Cathy as the two of them passed, but when Brett grinned at him and gave him a little thumbs-up, the guard relaxed and smiled back. It was a close call, Brett knew – not every guard could be counted upon not to question him about Cathy’s age and what she was doing in such a ridiculous outfit.

They had to wait just two minutes for their train, but when it arrived, Brett was alarmed to discover that all of the carriages were full, their occupants being mostly football supporters. Normally trains at this time were relatively empty. “Damn,” he said. “Sorry, I had no idea the train would be this crowded. Let’s wait for the next one – hopefully it will be more empty.”

Cathy was eyeing the jostling male bodies with a mounting sense of excitement. “Oh I’m sure there’s enough room for us,” she said.

“Really?” said Brett, feeling a little nervous. “Well, if you say so…”

The doors opened, and a few people got off, but the carriage in front of them was still quite packed. As Cathy got on, however, the astonished football fans parted to allow her to pass. She pushed her way into an aisle between inward-facing seats, and reached up to grab one of the hanging straps.

Brett, behind her, had no such luck with the fans. They closed ranks once Cathy had passed, and Brett was lucky to get on at all. As the doors closed, he found himself pressed up against them, unable to follow Cathy, who was now at least ten feet away from him.

As the train lurched forward, Cathy almost fell, despite hanging on grimly to the strap with her right hand. Finding her feet, she reached up with her left hand, too, and grabbed a metal bar which was long enough for her to hold comfortably with both hands. Of course, this meant that her hospital gown rose up until her pussy was fully exposed to the astonished young man sitting in front of her. He grinned broadly, then looked up at Cathy’s face. She knew where he had been looking, and giggled.

Encouraged by her demeanour, the young man reached forward and began to caress Cathy’s thigh with the back of his hand. When this merely made her smile, he slid his hand between her legs and started to stroke her inner thigh, moving higher and higher. Cathy closed her eyes and began to breathe heavily, savouring the man’s gentle touch on her flesh. Then she jumped as she felt another hand, this time belonging to someone behind her: it had just touched her left buttock. The hand was withdrawn, and she cursed herself for jumping like that – she hoped it would not discourage another attempt.

Within a few seconds, however, the hand was back, this time cupping her buttock. When she did not react, it began to squeeze and caress her, and another hand started to stroke her back. She was not sure whether it belonged to the same person or not, but she hoped it was somebody else. Then she gasped as the man in front of her reached her pussy, and slid one finger between her labia.

Things were happening quickly now. The hand on her bottom was now sliding into the cleft between her buttocks, and the hand on her back was reaching around her ribcage, inside her hospital gown. It soon found her left breast, which it cupped and squeezed. Her gown seemed looser, now, and she realised that the strings at the back must have been untied.

Almost delirious with excitement, she spread her feet apart a little, and was rewarded with a finger being slowly inserted into her vagina. There were now two hands on her chest – one fondling each breast – and her gown was being pulled off her shoulders. She released her grip on the bar overhead, and allowed the gown to be slid down both arms, and off. She was now naked, and there were hands all over her. She moaned with pleasure and excitement.

She was being pulled into a more central location, and was now surrounded by hungry-eyed men with grasping hands. One of them planted his lips on hers, and stuck his tongue into her mouth. It was her first kiss, and it tasted rather gross, but she loved it anyway. She responded inexpertly but with enthusiasm, swirling her tongue around his.

There were now two fingers in her vagina, and one in her anus. Her breasts were being squeezed quite firmly, and her nipples pinched hard enough to make her wince. The thought occurred to her that these men might rape her, and she shivered with pleasure – she had for a long time fantasised about being raped. She just wished that her vagina were not already so sore…

The train stopped, and a few people got off. Brett was now able to elbow his way through the crowd until he reached Cathy. “Hey, what the heck?” he demanded, glaring angrily around at Cathy’s molesters.

None of them seemed anxious to challenge his authority, and the hands touching the teenager were quickly withdrawn. Cathy pouted. “I was having fun,” she said. “I thought perhaps these men might help me loosen up my vagina and anus.”

“You’re going to be really sore down there if you keep this up,” said Brett with a sigh. “In any case, we’re getting off at the next stop. Where’s your gown?”

Cathy looked around. “I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe someone just got off the train with it.” She shivered at the thought of having to remain naked, and hoped Brett would not think of offering her his coat. A hand crept between her legs, and started to stroke her pussy. She smiled as she felt a finger being inserted into her vagina; Brett could not see what was happening as he was standing directly in front of her.

The slow finger-fuck lasted only a minute, however, and then the train slowed as it approached the next station. “Come on,” said Brett, and Cathy reluctantly walked away from the finger, heading for the doors. They opened, and she stepped out, naked, on to the platform. There were few people here – it was not a popular stop – but the dozen or so men and women standing around on the platform stared at her in astonishment as Brett hurried her towards the escalator.

Cathy ascended in wide-eyed excitement. “I can’t believe I’m completely naked in such a public place!” she whispered, half to herself.

“Just wait until we get out on to the street,” said Brett. “Silly girl, losing your gown like that.”

Out in the bright sunshine, Cathy giggled at the reactions of the passers-by as Brett hurried her along the pavement, her breasts bouncing freely since she had no desire to cover them with her hands. This was just about the most exciting moment of her life, and she did not want to spoil it with a show of modesty. She revelled in every astonished stare at her naked pussy, at every lustful look at her plump breasts. She even enjoyed the looks of contempt and the derisory remarks. Owing to her arousal and the light breeze, her nipples were hard and prominent, which made her feel even more exposed. She sighed happily.

Brett almost panicked when he saw a police car parked up ahead, but a glance to his left gave him an idea. “Come on,” he said, taking Cathy’s arm and pulling her into the entrance of JC Penney. “We need to get you something to wear.”

“Aww!” said Cathy, pouting in genuine disappointment at the thought of having to stop being naked. “But I don’t have any money! And I can’t expect you to buy clothes for me.”

“We’ll just get you something simple,” he said. “A cheap dress will do.”

“All right, fine,” she said sulkily, folding her arms as she followed him into the store.

“Hey, you can’t wander around in here like that!” exclaimed a scandalised young woman with a name badge reading ‘Amanda’.

“She just got stripped on the subway,” said Brett quickly. “We came in here to get her some clothes.”

“Oh my God! Um, okay,” said the woman. “But please be quick about it!”

“We will,” said Brett.

Cathy was inclined to refuse any item of clothing that Brett picked out for her, but as she passed the lingerie section, she was distracted by all of the sexy panties that her mother would never let her wear. In particular, she had always been fascinated by thongs. They just seemed so naughty! But her mother always bought her underwear, and they were always boring full-cut cotton panties, frequently with pictures of bunnies or puppies or something of that ilk, which always made her feel like a little girl.

Her eye was caught by a shiny pink garment labelled “Flirtitude Sequin Bikini” – it was not a thong, but it had an outrageously small triangular front, which was all shiny with pink sequins and was attached to the back by very slender black strings. Grinning, she called after Brett, “Can you get me these too?”

Brett glanced back at her. “Um, sure,” he said. “How much are they?”

Cathy checked the label. “Nine ninety-five,” she said.

Brett nodded, and headed towards the dresses section. He picked out a dress at random. “How about this?”

“Eww!” said Cathy. “No thanks.”

Brett rolled his eyes. “How about you pick something then?”

“All right,” she said. She wandered slowly up and down the aisles, casually looking at various dresses, but with no intention of actually choosing one. Each time she saw someone walk past out of the corner of her eye, she heard a gasp or a muttered exclamation of shock, and this made her giggle.

But then a tall uniformed man approached her. “You’ll have to leave,” he said firmly. “Now.”

Cathy felt her loins tingle. “All right,” she said. “But can I buy these panties first?” She half hoped he would say no.

“No,” he said firmly, grabbing the skimpy garment from her hand. “Just leave, and be quick about it!”

“Doctor Talbot!” said Cathy, hurrying over to Brett. “That guy’s kicking us out.”

“Damn it!” said Brett with a frown. He hoped the police car had moved on.

Having left the store with Cathy close behind, Brett looked up and down the street, but could see no sign of the police car.

“Should we try another store?” asked Cathy.

“The hospital’s quite close,” said Brett. “Might as well go straight there.”

Two blocks further down the street, having drawn astonished and angry stares and comments from a couple of dozen more pedestrians, Brett led Cathy about fifty yards down a side street, then down a short, dirty alley to the back of the hospital where he worked as an orderly. “I can’t have you going in the front entrance looking like that,” he said. “Stay here and wait for me – I’ll pop around to the front and then let you in.”

“Don’t you have a key?” she inquired.

“Not to this door,” said Brett, who in fact did not have any keys to the hospital. “It’s a delivery entrance, and I don’t generally have anything to do with deliveries.”

Cathy shivered at the thought of being left alone here in this filthy alley. What if Doctor Talbot didn’t show up at the door? What if a gang of homeless men came along, and decided to make her their sex slave? Her breathing started to quicken, and she said, “Okay – see you in a bit.”

Brett hurried around to the front of the building. Taking off his coat, he folded it up tightly and then entered, flashing a smile at Anna, the receptionist.

Anna looked up and peered at him over the top of her glasses. “Aren’t you off today, Brett?” she inquired.

Brett nodded. “I think I must have left my phone here last night,” he said. “No idea where, but I’m going to go and look for it.”

“Uh-oh,” said Anna. “Well good luck!”

Brett walked down the corridor, and nodded to a passing real doctor. “Doctor,” he said.

“Hey Brett,” said the doctor absent-mindedly, barely taking his eyes off the chart he was carrying.

After a couple of turns in the corridor, Brett found himself alone, and, having put his white coat back on, he hurried to the back of the building. Opening the door, he smiled at Cathy, who was staring in fascination at a dumpster. “Come on Cathy,” he said.

She shook herself, and trotted towards him. “Ready to examine my cervix and give me an enema, Doctor?” she asked.

“Yes indeed,” he replied. “But unfortunately we can’t use my office. Apparently they’ve been finding cockroaches in the building, and my office is currently being fumigated.” This was actually not far from the truth – the building’s cockroach problem had been steadily worsening over the past few months, and a piecemeal fumigation strategy had been attempted, without much success. Really, the entire building needed to be evacuated for a couple of days while the job was done properly, but the hospital had neither the logistical resources nor the funds to spare for such an undertaking. Evacuating three hundred psychiatric patients, some of whom were at a high risk of absconding or hurting themselves or others, was not an easy or inexpensive task. “There’s an unoccupied office in the basement which we doctors have been making use of while our own offices are out of action.”

“Oh!” said Cathy, a little nervous at the thought of cockroaches. She had never seen one, and knew nothing about them except that they were creepy and would infest houses if given half a chance. She followed Brett inside, and down a short corridor to a lift, which they entered and took down to the basement level.

It was poorly lit. Brett was not very familiar with the layout of the basement, but he had received clear instructions from Danny on how to find the office his friends had set up. One out of the lift, he turned left and walked purposefully down the corridor, stopping outside the second door on the right. Taking a deep breath, he opened it and entered.

He found himself in what was clearly an old storage room. The paint was peeling off the walls and ceiling, dust and cobwebs were everywhere, and he could see cockroaches running all over the floor and walls. He shuddered, but tried not to show his anxiety as he said, with forced cheerfulness, “Well, here we are.” He had to admit that, despite the awfulness of the room, his friends had done a reasonable job: they had dragged a desk and chair in here, along with an exam table (complete with stirrups, already set up). A coat stand in the far corner bore a white coat with a stethoscope draped over it. A filing cabinet stood near to the desk, and he hoped his friends had filled it with medical equipment.

Cathy stepped into the room, looking around with wide-eyed wonder. “Are those cockroaches?” she asked in horrified fascination.

“Yes,” said Brett uncomfortable. “Sorry – this building really does have quite the roach problem, doesn’t it?”

Cathy squealed as one of the insects ran over her foot. She shook it off, and said, “So what are you going to do with me first? The cervical exam?”

Brett nodded. “Yes, that’s probably a good idea. Why don’t you climb up on the table there?”

“What are the straps for?” asked Cathy curiously, as she lay down and placed her legs in the stirrups.

Brett noticed for the first time the restraining straps on the bars running down the sides of the table, and on the stirrups. “This is an old table,” he explained. “This used to be a mental hospital, and some of the patients could be a little … shall we say, uncooperative? The straps were to protect the patients from hurting themselves while undergoing procedures.”

“Interesting!” said Cathy. “Can I try them out? I want to see how it feels to be strapped in.”

Brett looked at her in surprise. “Um, I suppose so,” he said. He reached over and strapped her right arm securely to the bar next to it, then he secured her left arm. Then he moved down to the stirrups, brought the straps over her shins, and fastened them tightly. “There,” he said. “How does that feel?”

Cathy tried to free herself, and could not. She giggled. “I can’t move!” she said. “I’m entirely at your mercy, Doctor Talbot. You could do anything you liked with me, and I wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it.”

Brett chuckled. “You could always scream,” he said. “Someone would come running, I’m sure.”

“True,” agreed Cathy thoughtfully. “Perhaps you’d better gag me too.”

Brett laughed, a little uncomfortably. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Cathy.”

“Oh please?” said Cathy, warming to the idea. “I want to be completely helpless.”

Brett sighed. “Cathy, you’re not here to indulge some fantasy of yours. You’re here for a legitimate medical procedure.”

“Please?” she repeated, batting her eyelashes at him.

He rolled his eyes. “Oh very well,” he said, and after some searching, he found a half-used roll of duct tape in a drawer. Cutting off a six-inch length, he taped it firmly over Cathy’s mouth. “Happy now?” he inquired.

Cathy nodded excitedly.

“All right,” said Brett. “Now, let’s get you lubricated so I can insert the speculum.”

But while he was searching for a suitable lubricant, his cell phone rang. “Damn,” he said. “This could be important. Excuse me one moment.”

Actually he was not that much interested in the phone call, but it was a good excuse to leave Cathy in her current naked and helpless state for a while longer. He walked out of the room and pulled out his phone. It was Danny.

“Brett!” said Danny. “How’s it going?”

“Fine!” replied Brett. “She’s unbelievable – I’ve got her naked, gagged, and strapped to an exam table – and she’s loving it!”

“No way! That sounds awesome!” said Danny. “But unfortunately I have to cut short your fun, for which I apologise. Your dad just showed up, pretty confused, with a lump on his head the size of an egg.”

“What the fuck?” said Brett. “What happened?”

“I don’t know, but I think you’d better get back here right away.”

“Shit!” muttered Brett. “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as possible.”

Returning to the basement, he sighed with regret as he looked at Cathy’s naked body. “I’ve been called away on an urgent case,” he said. “I’m sorry, Cathy, but we’re not going to be able to do your cervical exam and enema today.”

Cathy groaned her disappointment into her duct tape gag, which Brett then removed. He unstrapped her arms and legs, and helped her off the table. “We’ll take the subway back to Doctor Linney’s office. You can get dressed there, and we’ll call your mother and have her pick you up.”

“But … you were going to keep me under observation overnight!” objected Cathy, crestfallen.

“I know,” said Brett, “and I’m sorry. But perhaps it’s best – you’re really Doctor Linney’s patient, not mine.”

“But please!” said Cathy desperately. “I don’t want to go back to boring old Doctor Linney! I want to be your patient instead! Can’t I switch to your practice?”

This was very tempting, but far too risky. Brett shook his head – there was really no way he could get away with continuing to play doctor with Cathy on an ongoing basis. “I’ll see what I can do,” he said, just to keep her spirits up.

“Thank you,” said Cathy, smiling. “Um, so do you think it’ll be okay to go back on the subway like this?”

“There’s no time to find you a gown,” said Brett. “Sorry, you’re just going to have to stay naked a while longer.”

“Okay!” said Cathy happily.

Having left through the hospital’s back door, she and Brett made their way back to the station by means of sparsely populated side streets, since Brett was nervous about another police car driving along the main street. Back at the station, he picked a moment when the man behind the ticket window was not looking, before rushing Cathy through the barriers. Even so, the gasps and cries of dismay as fellow travellers noticed Cathy’s nakedness had Brett worried that they would get into serious trouble very soon.

Taking the escalator down to the platform, he was glad to see the lights of a train about to pull into the station. But as it approached, his face fell as he realised it was going the wrong way – instead of taking them back in the direction of Doctor Linney’s practice, it was heading into the roughest, most crime-ridden part of the city. But as the train slowed to a stop, an idea occurred to him.

“Come on,” he said, as the doors opened. And he stepped on to the train.

Cathy followed, her eyes widening as she saw several nasty-looking men with shaved heads and scary-looking adornments such as wristbands with metal spikes. They all looked up at her with interest, and unpleasant smiles broke out upon their faces. Shivering, she stepped forward into the middle of the carriage, and took hold of a vertical metal bar.

“Bye Cathy,” said Brett, as he stepped back off the train.

Cathy whirled around in shock, only to see the doors closing between herself and Doctor Talbot. “Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed. She felt a stab of betrayal – he had tricked her! Why had he done that?

A nagging suspicion, that she had been burying up until now because she had been having so much fun, now rose to the surface of her mind. Doctor Talbot, she could not help thinking, might not be a real doctor after all. Would a real doctor have done all of these nasty things to her? Would a real doctor have sex with her, and let his friends do the same? She thought the answer to these questions was probably a resounding ‘no’.

And now he was sending her into danger, completely naked, in the company of a bunch of men who would probably rape her and do all sorts of nasty things to her. Perhaps they would keep her, and not let her return home. Perhaps they would get her hooked on drugs, and make her work as a prostitute. She shivered again, and then smiled as a pair of hands reached around her and grasped her breasts. This day was just getting better and better!


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