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Monday, May 23, 2011

Story Time! Three short ones

by Melanie on Sun Apr 25, 1999
It's story time. Gather round friends, and listen to what your pal Melanie has to tell you. Hi everyone, Sorry for not being around lately, I've actually just not been around. There was no reason for it, I just chose not to use my computer, well other than for school. But there is an upside to this. I haven't been on in so long I've accumulated some fart stories, 3 of which are interesting enough for me to tell you, so get comfortable friends and let Melanie tell you 3 stories of magical girl's letting loud farts.


The first story is about me ( of course). I figured you'd all get a kick out of this one. On Friday, my Father, brother, and me, finally saw the Matrix. Very good movie ( but then again, I think Keanu Reeve's is cute). So after the movie my little overly mature 13 year old brother was acting his age, and trying some of the martial art's move's he saw in the movie. Only problem was he was trying them on me, and I wasn't playing. He kept kicking me in my claves, and then when I would hit back he would try to block it all with one hand ( like in the movie), but I got really irritated at him, and just kept kicking and kicking me. Now where's my Father? In the bathroom, You know how people always go after the movie. So he keep's kicking and pushing me, and I just SCREAMED at him, got some people's attention and he stopped, and we saw my Father coming so we walked out and went into the parking lot.
He started to bother me again, poking me in my side and pushing me trying to get me fight him, and I calmly kept saying stop when, Euuuuurrrgurgle! My stomach made a loud noise. Caught his attention and he stopped hitting me and stared at my stomach, then he looked at me, He knew what that meant, and here's my favourite part, the look in his face was priceless. It was a scared, pleading, have mercy, and a I should have stopped when I had the chance look, all mixed into one. I rushed and pinned against the car, he was saying No, I'll tell Dad, when before he could say another word I had him on the ground in the parking, me on his face and blasted a loud sputtering Blapppp pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop!!!! There were so many little pop farts after the initial blast I thought my Father would get to us before I stopped farting. They were all loud and snapping.
Well when we got home I took a huge poop, and then got yelled at. My little brother didn't tell them I farted on him ( I think he was embarrassed)but, when I slammed him to the ground he hit his head and cut is arm. Oooops!!! Well Hey, He started it LOL!!!!!


Of my group of friends this next story is about the one who's name you all should remember. My friend Karen, the one who ratted me out when i farted in class all those month's ago, and the one who I got revenge on by causing her to let one slip in front of her boyfriend. HA HA!!!!! Karen is also the one out of us who farts the least. She's not that much fun in this area, because while the rest of us joke around about farting, and between the 7 of us (that includes me & Karen)are constantly farting, she does the least. Well this story is about one of her moments in the sun. A few days ago we ( Jenny and I) were at Karen's house. Jenny another of the groups members. While we were there Karen was walking around with a bad stomach, this was destined for trouble. She didn't fart right away but her stomach kept making gurgly and watery diarrhea like noises. Then while we were watching Titanic on HBO, with absolutely no warning Karen perks up as if to warn us, get's real wide eyed then Brreeeeeevprdddt Blaaaaaaap POP SNAP!! Pooooooooooooont! She let out this series of 3 completely different farts one right after another with little pops in between. It was so funny, that is the first time Karen, or any member of the group for that matter has farted around one another and turned red, not just red, she turned bright red. But then she started laughing too, so it was Ok.


It's another one about me. The entire family ( Mom, Dad, Brother, and me) were coming back from a trip to the mall. We ate Burger King in the mall. There mistake. Were in the car on our way home when a gas bubble hit my rectum and wanted out so I gave a gentle little push and ptssssssssssss. Just a gentle hiss. About 10 seconds later, the car was in an uproar over who farted. Window's were rolled down and accusations were made. No on exactly knew which of the 4 of us did it yet, but they soon would. Not even one minute later ptsssssssss, more silent gas hissed out of my butt. I swear my seat literally was getting hot. Then, my Mom say's "Alright, Which one of you is doing this?" And the windows went back down.
While they were down ptssssssss, This time I giggled to myself, and just enjoyed the feeling of this hot putrid gas that was killing everybody passing from between my cheeks, through my panties, then through my jeans, and bouncing off the seat and finally permeating the air. My brother made a wild accusation and got it right, but no one knew yet, he shouted "God Mel you stink" The fact that i didn't reply to that should have told everyone it really was me, but I just looked out the window, my face now red from suppressing laughter. Then more fun the final fart. I had a few more but after this no more in the car, it happened shortly after my brother's accusation. I gave a gentle push and PSHHHHHHHHHHHHTSSSSSSSssssssssssss! A long, and I mean long, one of those, I ran out of breath pushing it out this long fart came out. And it was the rankest of them all, literally by far.
Then it happened, My Dad said "Alright, I know most of you think it's me, But I swear to you all I would never sit here and try to kill you all, because which ever of you two kid's is doing this, cause I know it's one of you, is killing everyone, I'm up here choking, your Mom doesn't know whether she's gonna puke or pass out, so please, and I mean PLEASE STOP, you're killing us all" I lost it over my Dad's little speech, I blew my own cover, I laughed until tears came down my face and when it was all over and I came back to reality, I was getting some icy stares in that car. Then my Dad said "No more Burger King for you until your 21" That was funny.
Hope you've all enjoyed my true accounts of the last two weeks.

School-Girl's Sweet Revenge

By Terry on Mon Apr 26, 1999
Aileen was a large girl. Very large. This is not to say that she's fat, very much the contrary. She could in fact be said to have the perfect body proportional to her size. She was 6'10" tall and about 255lbs. She always wore her longish strawberry blonde hair in a pony tail, and wore what clothes she could find to fit her. She had an amazing body, but though magnificent to behold her size intimidated most men. On this particular day, she wore what was pretty much the standard outfit of her private school, which was a short plaid skirt (Very short on her) white knee socks, little black shoes and a white pull over sweater. She was still angry with her parents making her come back here for her senior year when she specifically told them she wanted to attend public school. Being 18 and almost a foot taller than the school's largest male made it impossible to get anything resembling a date.
It was Tuesday afternoon, and two of the girls who teased her the most about her height regularly, calling her freak, and stilts etc., passed her in the hall way. "Aileen," said Tara who was the most cruel of the two, "We were wondering if you'd like to join us at Julie's place tonight to work on the biology poster. We need a third person." Aileen was nearly knocked off her feet with astonishment. Though she was leary of their offer, she smiled meekly and said ok. "Great" said Tara. "We'll expect you at 6. Bring some CD's too, if you have anything cool." Aileen couldn't believe it. All these years in school these two had treated her like trash and now this. Maybe it was a sign they had grown up and things would be different. If only she knew how wrong she was.
Not wanting to screw up her chance to have popular friends, Aileen was at the door at the dot of 6:00. She nervously stepped up to the door and rang the bell. She wore the same schoolgirl outfit she had worn earlier in the day. "Just a minute" came from inside in a cheery voice. Just then, the door flung open and Aileen was greeted with a bucket full of stinking brown dishwater, and the sight of Julie, Tara and Cynthia (who was holding the bucket) standing there laughing to kill themselves as poor Aileen dropped her CD's on the stone porch, smashing all of the cases and spreading wet plastic everywhere. Aileen had started baking cookies as soon as she got home from school and the fine china plate of her mother's splintered into a thousand shards on the ground as she lost her grip on that too. "What a gullible FREAK!!hahahah" shrieked Tara amid the laughter and slammed the door closed while Aileen stood there mortified. She began to pick up her mess and sob.
A few minutes later as she was walking down the back path from Julie's place to her home, she heard footsteps coming down the path after her. It was Tara, also on her way home. Did this mean that the ONLY reason they got together in the first place was to humiliate her? Something inside Aileen snapped, and where she would have run in humiliation before, she whipped around and started towards the approaching Tara. "How DARE you do something like this to me?" she yelled at Tara. "My clothes are RUINED!!" Tara just laughed and said "Oh, go cry to mommy you freakish bitch."
Now Aileen became furious. She went up behind the giggling Tara and grabbed her hair with both hands. Then by brute force she yanked her backwards so hard that she fell flat on the hard stone path. She planted her lovely foot square on Tara's chest and held her to the ground. "Wha...What are you DOING??" shrieked Tara. "You tell me you're sorry for what you did, and replace my CD's and my mom's china plate, and I'll let you go home. If you don't, you're going to be VERY unhappy." said Aileen with a mischievous look on her face. Her lovely red lips hugger her words as she spoke down to the frightened Tara. "Fuck you! GET your big fat foot off me NOW!" she ordered. "Wroooooong!" Aileen chirped in a playful voice. She turned away from Tara and stood over her prone body. Looking up Tara saw Aileen's pillar-like legs go up to her curvy hips and sweet round ass. She noticed that her cheeks were straining the fabric of her panties, with most of them riding up her crack.
Aileen just dropped from her stance right onto Tara's chest with her incredible ass. "CRUNCH!". All of Tara's wind was knocked out of her, and at least two of her ribs were broken. "Tell me you're sorry or I'll sit on you head." she chirped in a sweet little voice to the now gasping Tara. Obviously with no air in her lungs Tara could not respond. "Ok, I'll just slide back a bit so the world doesn't have to see your ugly face for awhile." said Aileen matter of factly. Slowly Aileen began to shift backwards towards Tara's face. When her butt reached the base of her chin she grabbed the back of her skirt and said "Floop." in a cute little voice as she flipped it over Tara's face. "...n..n..noo.." croaked Tara in protest, as Aileen sloooowly slid her ass right onto her face. "Ohhh, man I needed to get off my feet" said Aileen slowly settling more of her weight onto Tara's upturned face. Her ass spreading out more as she continued to sit. "baking all afternoon is tiring. Mind if I sit here for awhile?" she said settling the rest of her weight on poor Tara's skull, the back of her head pressed into the unyielding concrete-like ground.
As Aileen's butt spread over Tara's face, she adjusted herself slightly every few seconds, and Tara's face slipped ever farther between her cheeks. "...mmmff...mmmm" squeaked Tara from under her captor's behind. "Oh my..your face seems to be disappearing somewhere. I'm sorry about must be getting difficult to breathe." said Aileen with a giggle. About another two minutes passed and Tara began to thrash. Aileen stood up from Tara's face and looked down at her. Tara gasped for air and started to cry and sob. Aileen smiled and said "Oh my! All those tears for only a couple minutes?" Tara replied " rotten bitch...just wait till I get my friends." Enraged again Aileen said sternly "Oh dear, I'm getting SO tired again. I just Have to take another rest. She looked down at the terrified Tara with her hand on her hip and hiked up her skirt again. "No...wait..please" cried Tara, but Aileen planted he but right on top of her face settling quickly this time, her cheeks enveloping Tara's face and head like a snake swallowing a rat.
"Now look what you've done. You've gone and given me an upset stomach with all you've put me through." Aileen put her legs out in front of her and made sure every ounce of her weight was crushing Tara's skull into the ground. Her head was not visible underneath Aileen's butt at all. "Uh oh..I really would get off you to do this, but I'm just SO tired right now, and your little head is so nice and comfy to sit on..oh well." Aileen smiled and a slight strained look came across her face. Braaaapppptttt! "Oh yeahh...that feels good. hmm..but dear I feel so bad for must smell dreadful, what with your face in my ass like that." Tara felt like she was in hell. A sulfury shot of noxious air washed over her face and into her sinuses. "mmmmm!!!mmmmmfff!!" she shrieked under Aileen. Phrappapapapppphhhttt! Another, longer and more smelly wave of gas shot over her face as Aileen said "My...I'm going to stain my panties at this rate..let me adjust them". Aileen leaned over to the side and Tara gasped for air and sobbed openly. She slid her panties down to her knees and looked down at Tara. "Why, I haven't even gotten STARTED yet...I'm going to sit on your little face again and try to shove your nose into my colon. I'll sit there until I get rid of this dreadful gas or I crush your head flat. Now hold still." Tara croaked "'t...nooo...*cough*" and was cut off by Aileen's ass sitting squarely on her face again. "Ohh, that's better" said Aileen as her cheeks sucked Tara's face between them. She felt the tip of Tara's nose against her little asshole and wiggled a bit until it slid inside its moist pungent ring. " where are you putting your nose THIS time miss gossip!. This'll teach you to keep it out of other people's business!." Aileen strained slightly her anus vibrated around Tara's nose giving a moist sound Apapapapapapapppphhrrttt! Tara shrieked again as more of her nose and face slipped into Aileen's widening anus. "Stop resisting it! You're wasting my gas!" she said and pounded Tara in the stomach with her fist three times. She then wiggled her ass back and fourth on Tara's face, scraping the back of her skull on the ground and attempting, it seemed to shove Tara's whole head up her ass. "Ok you bitch!! this is for the last ten years!!" A look of extreme concentration came over her face. She tossed her pony tail over her shoulder, closed her eyes, clenched her fists and bit her lower lip and she began forcing a torrent of gas out of her asshole. She sat with all of her weight on Tara's face and formed a seal between her ass and Tara's nose. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff....ffff.....fffuupupupu.pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Tara felt the rush of gas straight up her nasal passages. The smell was a constant fountain of sulphur and rotten cabbage. Her lungs began to inflate and in her weakened state she could do nothing but lay there in agony. "Ohhh yeahhhh" said Aileen as she continued straining with all her might.
Tara's lungs were painfully full now, so Aileen's continuing barrage had nowhere to go but over her face. Brrrappppppppttapapapapaphrutututapapapppp!!! A mist of brown liquid sprayed over Tara's face like a spray from a perfume atomizer. "Ahhhhhhhh." sighed Aileen and stood up off Tara's crushed face. ..schhhhllluckk! The seal formed between Aileen's ass and Tara's face pulled apart. Aileen bounced once with her ass on Tara's chest, dragging her crack over her shirt leaving a smelly skid mark for all to see. Tara rolled over on her side, gasping, wheezing, coughing and began to vomit. Calmly Aileen put her panties back on and straightened her outfit. Tara was crying hard, in between gasps for air and bouts of puking. She clutched her chest and sobbed. "Now I think I'll visit Julie." said Aileen and kicked Tara onto her back. Aileen put her foot right on Tara's head and did a flamingo stand on the side of it, on the pavement. All of her 255 lbs crushing down on it while Tara screamed a shrill scream of pure agony. "I'll see you in school tomorrow dear." said Aileen and walked off down the path towards Julie's place, leaving Tara sobbing and curled up. She'd be smelling nothing but Aileen's ass for weeks.
Aileen quickened her pace up the path leading back to Julie's place, the staggered sobs and choking coughs of Tara now faint in the distance. A little smile came across her face as she thought how wonderful it felt making Tara pay for all those years of torture. Walking up onto the porch or Julie's house now, taking note that her parents were vacationing in Florida, Aileen calmly rang the doorbell. Seconds later the door opened. Julie stood there and started to say "Did you forget something Tara..." when Aileen pushed her inside with all of her might. Julie fell flat on her back and Aileen quickly closed the door behind her locking it, and removing the key from the bolt assembly. "What in the HELL do you think YOU'RE doing you crazy bitch! Get out of my house NOW or I'll call the police! Just wait till I tell Tara what you just did! We'll all crucify you at school tomorrow!" But before another word could come out of Julie's mouth, there came a feeble knock at the door. "I'll get it.." chirped Aileen, knowing all too well who it was. She unlocked the door to reveal poor broken Tara standing there hunched over and looking like a mess. Before she could protest, Aileen grabbed her by her hair, dragged her inside and securely locked the door again.
"Wha...what happened to you??" asked Julie, shocked beyond belief at the state of her friend. "...she...did" wheezed Tara, and collapsed onto the floor. Without speaking, Aileen grabbed Julie's arm and dragged her into the living room, confident Tara was no threat. Julie grabbed Aileen's leg and tried to topple her onto the floor, perhaps giving her a chance to get to the phone. But in doing so, Aileen lost her balance and fell ass first right onto Julie's mid-section. "Ooooofff!!" wailed Julie as she felt a wave of pain shoot through her. Spittle shot from her mouth and nose into the air. "Thanks for breaking my fall Julie. I may have hurt myself." said Aileen mockingly. With that, she stood up and placed both feet squarely on Julie's sore abdomen. "Ieeeee!!! Stop!!" she squealed as Aileen's weight crushed into her. "*sigh* ok you little wimp." Aileen said and stepped off the winded Julie. Next, she climbed up onto the sofa. "Now you snotty little bitch! Let's see if you can take THIS!" Aileen jumped into the air almost smacking her head on the ceiling. As she reached the apex of her jump, she put both legs out in front of her for a massive ass drop on poor little Julie. For Julie, all seemed to move in slow motion...Aileen's words, then her leap, and then her skirt flying up as she fell. Aileen's gorgeous panty clad rear was coming ever closer, and as she descended she looked down between her legs at Julie's terrified face with a devilish grin. Then she landed, with one cheek on Julie's collarbone, and one cheek right on her face. Her ass spread out over Julie's face and upper chest and compressed Julie into the hard wooden floor. *BAM!* Aileen folded her arms while continuing to sit on Julie. She looked over at Tara who was watching in from the hall floor and said "Your little friend here is TWICE as soft a seat as you were." which got an agonized groan from Julie underneath her. She stood up to reveal Julie's bruised face, and looked down at her from behind with a satisfied smile on her face. Aileen grabbed Julie and placed her face up on the plush sofa across from the TV. "It's time for Friends, my FAVORITE show. I hope you like it too Julie..and you Tara. Tara?"
Aileen looked over and saw that she had passed out on the floor, with her mouth hanging open and a small puddle of drool forming in front of it. "Don't you make me miss my show Tara! I asked you a question!!" yelled Aileen, and stormed across the room to where Tara lay. She nudged her with her foot, but got no response. The then shoved her onto her back...still nothing. "Ok then missy.. we'll see if we can't just wake you up then." Aileen stripped off her panties and tossed them to the side. She then stood over Tara's face, looking towards her feet. Next, she squatted over Tara's nose and let the tiniest puffy fart go. Pfft. Two seconds passed, then Tara stirred. Once the point blank smell hit her and she remembered the path's events of earlier, she let loose a blood curdling scream that was cut short by Aileen's intrusive anus planting itself firmly over top of her open mouth. Aileen remained squatting, but was sure to exert enough force on Tara's face to keep her mouth and jaw wide open. She then placed her elbows atop her knees, rested her chin in her hands and let loose a horrific gas bomb into Tara's mouth. Brrrrowowowfraappapapapappphhttttpap! As she released the gas, the look of stern concentration on her face changed to a wide contented smile. She closed her eyes and reached back letting her long hair out of its pony tail and shook her head as her locks came to rest on her shoulders. One more deep gutted rumbler seeped into Tara's mouth as she lay there helpless. It tasted as though Aileen's gas was pure sulphur, as its sour presence coated Tara's little mouth. Browwwwwwwowowowowwwwopppp! Aileen rose to her feet and looked down at Tara who's mouth was still wide open...but not as wide open as her eyes which were swelling and bloodshot. She rolled over on her side and began to convulse in attempts to push whatever remnants of food were left in her stomach out onto the floor.
Aileen turned her attention to Julie on the couch, and she made eye contact with her, attempting to get up. Aileen lowered her head slightly and her expression turned to a glare. She began walking towards Julie who's face bore an expression of sheer terror. " Please Aileen... I'll give you my diamond it! Please!!" She ripped the jewelry piece off of her own neck and held it out to Aileen who was now standing right beside the couch. Tears streamed down her bruised face and her eyes looked sad, like those of a small puppy hungry for food. Aileen gently took the necklace and looked it over. It WAS pretty expensive looking... She turned away from Julie and put the necklace on. As she was clasping it shut behind her head she began to sit down. "Tell ya what Julie..I'll take the necklace, and I'll only sit on your head until Friends is over.And if you're real good I won't leave a skid mark on your cute little nose." said Aileen. And with that she sat her ass fully down on Julie's face and spun around lifting her legs to rest the length of her body. Aileen clicked on the TV with the remote and began to watch Friends. "Mmmmmfff!!MMMFFF!!!" mumbled Julie in pain and protest. "Stop making noise or you'll regret it." replied Aileen. "MMMMMMMFFFF!!!" squealed Julie. " asked for it" Brappppttftt! Aileen grunted and let one rip over Julie's face which was nowhere to be seen, compressed a foot into the soft plush pillow of the couch. She adjusted and started to let Julie's helpless face slide deeper between her cheeks. "MMFFF!!" cried Julie, and received an immediate Brrappptt!! in response from Aileens behind. Her face sunk deeper still. "MMMFF!!" Braaappptt. "MMMMFF!!" Braaapt. and so it went for five minutes until Aileen's anus slipped over Julie's nose and held it within it's smelly grip. "I've had enough of your interruptions Julie. Get this through your conceited little head. I am, and I will continue sitting right on your face with your nose inside my ass. Not another sound from you or I will fart constantly straight up your nose until you pass out or die!! You will smell nothing but the smell of my asshole for months! Do YOU GOT ME?!?!" There was silence for about another 2 minutes, when Julie began to thrash. Her free arm flailed wildly and grabbed onto Aileen's thigh. Then, her nails dug into Aileen's flesh causing her to scream. A trail of blood trickled down Aileens leg onto the couch and she grabbed Julie's hand and bent it painfully backwards. Tendons snapped and crackled, causing a cry of intense pain from Julie, muffled by the immovable ass crushing her head into the furniture. "Ok...Ok..."said Aileen. "Now, you are going to pay dearly. You are going to wish you were Tara in a few minutes." Then she braced her elbows on the arm of the couch to give her leverage. She began lifting herself off Julie's face, then dropping down again, hard, using Julie's nose to basically fuck her in the ass.
With every bounce she would go higher, each time exerting more force on poor Julie's face. All Julie saw was Aileen's ass lift into the air, hold there for a fraction of a second and then come crashing back down. She was crying openly now as her face was being mashed to oblivion. Aileen closed her eyes as her pace quickened. Her hair jostled this way and that and she felt her orgasm building. She was flying 2 feet off of Julie's face each time now, and began to cry out in sheer pleasure. She loved knowing that Julie was forced to endure every second of her wild orgasm, in pain with every bounce. Finally, she slowed her bouncing to a rhythmic gyration of her hips, and came to a rest on Julie's face. Without saying a word, with Julie's nose squarely inside her anus, she let loose the barrage of farts to end all things. BRAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTFFRRRAPPPAPAPAPAPPPFTTTT!!! Aileen's eyes were closed and her mouth hung open in sheer relief. "Ahhhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhh, Yeaahhh!" she whispered in a breathy voice. Julie, nor any other being who has ever lived smelled such a stench. It permeated into her sinuses and washed over her battered face like a wave of latex paint. Pupupupupupupufffrrttttphhhhh....sptz..sptzzzapapapsptz..PAP! Aileen shot volley after volley of putridity right into Julie's nose. Tiny squirts of brown squalid liquid trickled into her nasal cavity. At last, with one final Phooottpapapafrt Aileen smiled widely and said "Mmmmmm...I feel sooo much better. Thanks Julie." She stood up and Julie's nose slipped out of her gassy grip. Julie did not respond. Her eyes were rolled back and her face was so badly swollen she wasn't immediately recognizable. Aileen listened, and heard breathing, so she knew she didn't cause any permanent damage. She found her panties in the corner and slipped them on, then walked over to the couch and sat on Julie's head to adjust her socks and shoes before saying "It's been fun girls, I can't wait for the next project!". With that she unlocked the door, dropped the key on the floor and started home.
Kind of violent I guess, but let me know what you think anyway. Cheers folks. -Terry

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