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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Joys of a Bidet (bidet fiction)

by Lisa on Sat Jun 6, 1998
(This isn't REALLY fart fiction, but it dose have farts! You shouldn't read this story if you're under 18. Thanks to BoBday for all his help.)
 Joy quickly rushed of the plane and into the terminal. She couldn't wait...two weeks with England, no less! It was Joy's first trip away from the States and she was very excited. Joy was a very cute blond,23, and had meet Cynthia, 5 years her senior, in New York, in a bored room. They found themselves spending more and more time together ("strictly for business, of course") but they had really connected and...well...that last week wasn't business. But, all to soon, Cynthia had to go back to England.
Joy was heart broken, but the two decided to try the long distance relationship thing. Now, finally, after two months of e-mails and letters, Joy was visiting Cynthia's home turf. She was so excited! Joy quickly scanned the terminal and spotted Cynthia. It wasn't difficult...the pretty, dark haired woman stood nearly a head taller over almost everyone in the crowd. She wore her black hair down and had on a pair of dark sunglasses that hid her pretty blue eyes. Joy smiled, jumped up and waved, rushing over to Cynthia, throwing her arms around her. "Hi. I missed you" she said. Cynthia kissed her head. "Me too. Lets go!"


'Wow, a limo!' Joy thought. 'Cynthia really pulled out all the stops. The two held each other. Joy's tummy gurgled, and she winced. Cynthia brushed Joy's hair from her eye's. "What's wrong?" she asked, concerned. Joy clutched her tummy. "Uh...airline food" Joy moaned. A small PHUUURP! Escaped from Joy's hinie. "'s given me a bad case of the winds. Oooooo.... I think I should get to the bathroom REAL soon. Oh!" PLURP! "Well, It won't be long till we're home. Then, you can go to the bathroom, catch a nap and then we'll go out for dinner." "Sounds great!" Joy said.
Joy passed gas umpteen times on the ride back to Cynthia's. Each time, her face reddened, but Cynthia wrapped her arm around Joy's shoulders and reassured her everything was alright. Soon they pulled up to Cynthia large home. They took Joy's luggage from the trunk of the car and Joy rushed in. She was fidgeting like a child, and that amused Cynthia. While The pressure on poor Joy's bumhole had been uncomfortable before, it was quickly becoming too much. Cynthia pointed down a hall. "Right down there. First door to the right." "Thank you!"
Joy bolted into the bathroom and dropped her pants and panties. She quickly planted her bare butt on the cool porcelain and sighed. PURRP "Ooooo!" she squealed as she let out a fart that echoed within the bowl. She strained slightly, letting out a loud zipper fart. She didn't have to strain long; a hot, gooey light brown log quickly poked it's head out of her pink hole. It popped and crackled as it came out, dirtying up her pretty white ass cheeks and landed in the bowl with a KER-PLUNK! "Ahhhh!" she sighed. Just then, Joy's ass exploded with smelly gas. POOOOOOOO! PHURT! POOOOOM! BLORT BLORT BLORT!POOOOOOoooooOOOoooOoooOoOOONT! Joy giggled, but hoped that Cynthia didn't hear her. Some light brown, sticky balls of poop began to fall from her pink hole. They hit the water. PLIP PLOP PLOOSH! Finally, she peed.
SISSSSSSS! Joy sighed and rubbed her belly. 'All better' she thought. With her right hand, she began to feel around for the roll of toilet paper while her big green eyes surveyed the room. 'Wow, pretty sweet set-up. It's got nice tile floors, it's roomy it's got a hot tub' she spied something on the opposite wall. It looked like a toilet without a tank. On top it had taps like a sink. 'Hmmmm... wonder what that is?' she thought. Meanwhile, she still hadn't found any toilet paper. She turned her head away from the contraption on the wall and looked for toilet paper. And found none. Picture her for a moment; pretty blue pants around her ankles, pink panties, slightly stained, around her calves, sitting on a white toilet. With no paper. "Ohhh noooooo" she moaned out loud.
Joy took a deep breath. "Ummm, Cynthia? I..." Suddenly, the door opened and Cynthia stood, looking down on Joy, who was still sitting with her pants around her ankles. Startled, Joy tried to cover her privates. "Yes, sweets? did you have a good poo-poo?" she asked. She gave the air a sniff. "Ohhh, it must have been a big one!" Joy was shocked and embarrassed. "What can I get you Darling?" Cynthia said. "Uh...well the...there's no toilet paper and I was..." "'Toilet paper?'" Cynthia interjected with a giggle. She pointed to the thing on the wall. "Why, sweetie, don't you know this is a bidet?" She turned on the taps and tested the water. Joy shifted uncomfortably. "Oh, uh, yes, of course I knew" she lied."But..whenever I used one before, I wiped. Can't be too careful."
Cynthia give a slight smile and turned off the water. "Well, I don't believe in toilet paper. come on," she patted the rim and walked over to the toilet and extended her hand to help Joy up. "have at it." She pulled Joy to her feet. Joy walked across the cold tile to the bidet. Cynthia glanced into the toilet and flushed. Joy was so embarrassed! "Can you manage, dear?" Cynthia asked. "Uhhhh...." Joy looked at the bidet. She could figure this out. She'd gone to Harvard! Graduated at the top of her class! She had mastered going to the bathroom years ago! "Yeah, I'll be fine." Cynthia smiled and left the room, closing the door behind her.
Joy looked at the bidet. She turned her back to it and sat as one would on a toilet. With a SPLASH she fell in. Cynthia burst through the door with a concerned look on her face. "Darling are you...." She saw Joy, bum inside the bowl of the bidet, legs sticking out. She burst out laughing. "Are you ok?" she asked between giggles. Joy turned red. "Yeah, I think so." Cynthia, still grinning extended her hand. "Here, let me help you, dear." She pulled Joy out and put her into a startling position, her back facing the wall. Cynthia stroked her hair. "Just relax"she whispered in Joy's ear. She flicked it with her tongue. Cynthia pulled a lever at the back of the bidet. Water began to squirt up and lap at Joys asshole and pussy. 'Ohhhhh!' Joy thought 'this is nice!'. The water gently tickled her bum and pussy. "Uh..." she moaned. Cynthia smiled and stroked Joy's hair. "Do you like that sweetie?" She asked. "Mmmmm Hmmmmmmm" Joy moaned. The water continued to gently tickle her underside, cleaning poop from her bum and pee from her pussy. Brown,mud-like poop was coming off her and was quickly turning her hole back to pink. "Had enough, honey?" Cynthia asked. " Don't stop..." Joy moaned.
Cynthia grinned and her hand found its way to Joy's pussy and gently slipped it in. It was so nice; Cynthia fingering her and the bidet gently licking at her bum hole. "Uhhhhh...God...don't stop. Please..." Cynthia smiled. "That feel good, sweet?" "Ohhhh wonderful!" She was consumed with just...God, she didn't know what! Pleasure. Yes. That was it. Intense pleasure, centered at her crotch and bum, spreading all around her body in ripple's of pleasure. Getting stronger and stronger until she couldn't stand it any longer! She moaned, her hips thrusting, water going all over. She screeched! This was too much. She fell back, exhausted.
Cynthia turned off the bidet. "Did you like that?" "Ohhhh, yes, very much!" she moaned. Cynthia smiled and helped Joy up."Come on, pet. Time for a nap" Cynthia said, taking Joy (who was still quite weak from her ordeal) by the hand and leading her away. Joy was still in such shock, she didn't notice the half a meter or so of toilet paper that was sticking out from under the door of the small closet by the bath tub.

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