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Monday, May 9, 2011

The Art of Watersports [feature by April Showers]

We know that Forum readers have open minds and healthy sexual
appetites. We also know that the human imagination seems to have
hardly any limits when it comes to interesting sexual variations -
this is, of course, borne out by your letters. If, however, we had
to compile a Top Ten of readers' favourite things, we are pretty
sure that damp delights, non-accidental accidents - in short, good
old knicker-wetting -  would be fairly high up on the list. The
appeal of knicker-wetting is not that hard to understand. The
delicious naughtiness, the sexy shock value of breaking this
taboo, which is the first and foremost instilled in us by our
parents, can be tremendously thrilling. Also, the physical
sensations can be fun as well: the warmth; the wetness; the
slippery, sticky feeling of sopping fabric against the skin.

However, to the mundane world, this is still something strange,
something secret, something pretty sick, even. In reality, it's no
stranger than anything else. The romantics who want sex to be all
pink clouds and rainbows forget that even the straightest of
missionary sex involves sweat, strange sounds and, unless you. are
using condoms, a damp patch or two on the sheets. Still, as quite
a lot of people still find this a difficult subject to - er -
launch into, as it were, we have prepared this guide to the
practicalities of piddling for pleasure. The first difficulty that
some people, particularly women, have been known to encounter is
the widdle that won't -having agreed with their partners that they
would like to at least experiment with watersports, they find, at
the crucial moment, that their bladders simply will not oblige.
Toilet training is, after all, a deep-seated reflex, and the
conditioning can be very strong. Usually, breaking the taboo for
the first time means that subsequent occasions will be easier.
It's probably best to try your first time somewhere private, and
easy to clean - like your own bathroom. Wear old clothes, or ones
that are very easily washed. Relax, and give yourself plenty of
time- perhaps indulging in a little foreplay while the urge to
urinate gets stronger. When you really feel as if you are
bursting, go to the bathroom and stand in the bath. Plenty of
encouragement from an enthusiastic partner will help, and
eventually, nature will take its course.

Alternatively, you could follow the example of the lady who told
me this splashing story. "I'd been going out with Peter for about
three months, and I knew he was a Forum reader, and very broad-
minded - I'm pretty broadminded myself, and I often used to read
his copies of the magazine. What I did notice after a while,
though, was that the mags always seemed to fall open at pages with
letters about weeing yourself! I mentioned it to him, and he
admitted that he'd always been really turned on by the idea of a
woman wetting her knickers - the upshot of it all was that he
asked me if I'd do it and let him watch. Well, we tried several
times, but no matter what, I just couldn't seem to let go. Peter
was very nice about it, and told me not to worry, but I felt a bit
mean, spoiling his fun - and I have to admit, I was starting to
like the idea of doing something so naughty. So, one Saturday
evening, when I was going to meet him in the pub and then stay the
night at his flat, I put on my old, very tight jeans, which had a
bootlace in place of the zip. Carefully, I knotted the bootlace so
nothing on earth would get it undone again, tucked a clean pair of
knickers into my bag and set off. Pete had stopped mentioning
knicker wetting at all by now, so I reckoned I'd give him a really
good surprise.

"We had a couple of pints apiece, and a game of pool, and then it
was time to go home. I actually nipped into the ladies', suddenly
thinking I didn't have the nerve to go through with my plan, but
I'd tied up that knot even more tightly than I thought - nothing
short of scissors would get me out of those jeans. I wanted to wee
quite badly, so I hurried back to Pete and asked if we could leave
straight away. Once we'd got out of the pub, and were setting off
through the park, I confessed my predicament to him.

'"I can't get my jeans undone - and even if I could bhe rest of the way home!" I
wailed. Pete was sympathetic, and said we'd walk as quickly as
possible, but he had this funny, excited kind of look in his eyes
as we hurried down the hill, and I knew he was hoping I'd wet

"Well, I held on until we got to the bottom of the hill, by which
time I was keeping my thighs so tightly pressed together that I
was taking little shuffling steps like a geisha girl. Peter
stopped, turned round, and looked at me. '"There's no-one around,"
he said. "If I were you, I'd do it - you'll never make it home. Go
on - do it in your jeans."

"Just those simple words - "do it in your jeans" - had an amazing
effect on me. Almost without thinking about it, I spread my legs,
and simply let the whole lot flood into my jeans, soaking my
crotch and splashing on to the path. God, I didn't know it was
possible for a human bladder to hold that much! Anyway, when we
got home, and he cut me out of my poor jeans, we had the most
marvellous fuck - and ever since then, our sex life has been lots
better. I pee my pants quite regularly -- and Pete just loves to
watch me."

The human bladder can certainly hold a lot of pee, though it has
to be said that the gallons and torrents and oceans described by
some correspondents perhaps owe a little more to imagination than
to biology. One trick that is definitely inadvisable for wetting
fans is the use of diuretic medicines. The over-the-counter ones,
especially the herbal variety, are generally quite mild but still,
a healthy bladder shouldn't need any more assistance than a
reasonable intake of fluids - and any lager and cider drinkers
among you are off to a head start here. If you don't like lager or
cider, then any beer or wine can be relied on to make you want to
go - and if you don't drink alcohol, plain old water will do. A
couple of pints of water, or beer, or three glasses of wine, can
be drunk as a preliminary to a wetting session, and will usually
have the desired effect within about half an hour. I remember
reading some time ago that prostitutes in exotic foreign brothels
had access to various pills that would transform their urine into
all the colours of the rainbow; unfortunately, I have no idea what
these were composed of, or whether they worked. I'm not sure
they'd be a good idea, anyway...

So much for letting go - how about the consequences on the
material world? Well, you can freely flood any washable clothes,
but caution is advisable with fabrics like velvet, leather or
things that have to be dry-cleaned. On the whole, it's a good idea
to wash widdle off clothes before it has a chance to dry; if
you're concerned about smells or staining, use one of the
commercial brands of nappy soaking solution. Household furnishings
are a different matter; it's better on the whole to put down
plastic bags, or several thicknesses of old towels, before
flooding your living room. Lino floors are okay - but with kitchen
roll and wipe down later with household detergent.

A lady reader with a passion for wetting sent in the following
tale: "Last summer I was watching Wimbledon on my own at home, and
was literally dribbling pee in my pants rather than miss the last
few games. Something snapped inside me and, without a second
thought, I slipped off the sofa and squatted in front of the TV,
flicking up the corner of the rug out of the way before giving up
the struggle. A spreading warm feeling and odd gurgling sounds
told me that I was definitely making progress, and I glanced down
to see the crotch of my pants soaked, and ballooning out with the
force of my piss gushing into them. After the match ended, I
mopped up the pool on the vinyl floor and rinsed out my sodden
pants, but not before reaching a climax almost without touching my
warm, pee-soaked pubes, half out of the excitement oand stayed where it was for absolutely
ages. I was wriggling in my seat and biting the back of my hand -
it's a good job no one was there to see me, I must have looked
like a loony.

"In the end, I couldn't hold on any longer, and was wondering
whether to piss on the floor of the carriage, or on the seat , and
what I'd do if someone got into my carriage at the next stop. Then
I remembered that I had a big bath-towel in my holdall - and three
or four plastic bags. I grabbed the towel, gasping aloud, now, I
wanted to go so badly, then rolled-it up, rammed it between my
legs - didn't even think about taking my knickers down, there
wasn't time. I just pissed and pissed and pissed into this towel.
The relief was incredible - and the physical sensations were
great, just so much pleasure, from relieving the pressure, and not
only that, the roughness of the towel on my sensitive labia and
clit was very exciting, very stimulating. I ended up rubbing
myself to a climax with the towel, through my dripping knickers!

"I dumped the wet towel and my knickers in a plastic bag, tied it
up tightly and tucked it back in my holdall, then when I got home
I just popped it in washing machine. Now, sometimes when I'm home
on my own, I'll drink gallons of tea and water, until I'm
bursting, then stand in the bath and piss into a rolled-up towel,
before rubbing myself off. It's fun, and I guess it's fairly safe
sex as well."

In fact, a great many of our correspondents on the subject have
discovered the thrill of knicker-wetting, literally, by accident.
For some, the thrill is compounded by passers by knowing their
"disgrace," others prefer not to be seen or interrupted in full
flood. It is just possible that you could be charged with public
indecency or insulting behaviour if you deliberately pee in public
- remember the Rolling Stones? On the whole, though, this is
unlikely if you are sensible, so don't pee somewhere you could
cause distress or offence to others if you can possibly help it -
such as in swimming pools or near picnic areas. Dark alleys, bus
shelters and so on are generally in the sort of grotty, grubby
state where a pint of pee won't make much difference in terms of
annoyance to other users - but most plant life objects to becoming
a toilet. The exception to this is your ecofriendly compost heap,
which is much improved by the addition of ammoniacal substances
such as human pee. Oh, and should you ever be stung by a
jellyfish, I am reliably informed that fresh urine will lessen the
pain of the stings. Happy accidents, everyone, and keep those
letters flooding in.

Forum, Vol 24, No 7 (1991) pp 50-53.

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