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Friday, December 29, 2017

Accident on the Tube by Arthur Saxon

The train was packed. There was standing room only as dozens of commuters shuffled into the fourth car from the front, which Sally Evans and her older brother Sam had boarded at the previous stop.

�Jeez,� muttered Sam, as he was jostled from all sides. �You okay there sis?�

�I'm fine!� replied Sally, struggling to hold on to the nearest overhead strap. She felt a hand on her buttock, giving it a brief squeeze, and she gasped and looked around ... but she had no idea who the culprit was. Quickly she pulled her phone out of her handbag with her free hand and fired off a text to her brother: �someone just groped me!�

Sam, about two feet away, felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and pulled it out. As he read the text, his eyes widened. He looked over at her in shock, then he scowled, and texted her back: �who was it? I'll beat the crap out of him!�

Sally shivered as she saw his reply. Then she smiled warmly at her overprotective brother, and texted: �No idea. And no beatings! I don't want you to get into any more trouble on my account.�

Sam, at six foot four, was a star of his university's rugby team, despite being in his first year. He was blond and good-looking, and very popular. Yet he always had time for his little sister, and he had been thrilled when she told him she was coming to London for a visit.

His attitude around her was almost comical. Any of his friends who got too close to her was given a stern warning, and the one lad bold enough to put his arm around her shoulders (uninvited) found himself on the floor in a half nelson. Some girls might have found this behaviour smothering, but Sally, who idolised her brother, was quite happy to forgive him.

Half nelson boy, however, had filed a complaint, and Sam had received a verbal warning from the head of his hall of residence. So, while Sally appreciated and enjoyed Sam's protective streak, she certainly did not want it to get him in any more trouble.

Besides, she had more pressing things to worry about than some random groper. Perhaps as a result of the vibration of the train, her bowels had at long last decided to start moving. It had been days since her last poo, and she was feeling terribly full. And now, with her monster turd pressing hard against the inside of her anal sphincter, she was getting desperate to find a toilet.

�Damn!� she texted her brother. �I really need to get to a toilet!�

�None on tube,� replied her brother. �Want to get off at next stop? Or can u wait till Regent's Park?�

�I'll try to wait,� replied Sally, gritting her teeth and clenching her anus tightly shut.

Sam warily eyed the men surrounding Sally. One of them had groped his baby sister, and if he found out which of them it was, that guy was in a world of trouble!

At seventeen years old, Sally was turning into a beautiful young woman ... and Sam had been shocked by the lecherous looks aimed at her by the male students at his hall of residence. Never mind that they were only a year or two older than she; as far as he was concerned, his sister was off limits to, well, everyone.

It did not help, of course, that she had inherited their mother's large breasts, and had a penchant for wearing minidresses that showed off not only her cleavage but also an eye-popping amount of her legs. On their first night out with his friends, he had expressed concern that bending over or even sitting down would be, to say the least, problematic.

�It's okay,� she had replied airily. �I'm wearing panties.�

�But you don't want people to see them, surely?� he had inquired anxiously.

�Who says?� she had said with a naughty giggle.

Sam had hoped she was just joking, but since then he (and several of his friends) had caught plenty of glimpses of Sally's panties, and Sam was not at all sure that she was not flashing them deliberately. The sight had made him rather uncomfortable, and he could only too easily imagine what his friends were thinking.

He had been inclined to get annoyed at Sally for her flirtatious behaviour, but one look at her cherubic face, framed by waves of tawny hair, and her big brown eyes with their long eyelashes, and her cute little nose, and her dusting of freckles which you could barely see unless you were up close ... well it was enough to melt even the hardest of hearts.

But now that gorgeous face was contorted with the effort of trying desperately not to defecate. As the train pulled into the next station and slowed to a stop, sweat broke out on Sally's forehead. A thick turd began to force its way through her anus, and she clenched harder, shuddering with effort as she squeezed her buttocks together. Slowly but surely, her poo retreated back into her rectum.

The doors closed, and the train started again. Sally felt another hand on her buttock, and she froze, fascinated. She was not remotely worried � she knew that one yell from her would bring the full force of Sam's wrath down on her groper � and she was curious to find out what this bold pervert would do next.

It always amused her no end to see how boys acted around her, and she enjoyed teasing them with little flashes of her panties. She enjoyed teasing her brother, too � it was kind of hilarious how uncomfortable he became whenever he caught a glimpse of white between her legs. It was almost more fun to tease him than his friends.

This was the final evening of her visit, and Sam was taking her to a fancy restaurant. For the occasion she had put on her shortest minidress � a flowery sundress with a flared skirt that only just covered her bottom. The look on Sam's face when he saw it was priceless � a mixture of shock and embarrassment � but all he said was that she looked beautiful. Which was just one of the reasons why she loved him so much.

The hand on her bottom had slid down to her thigh, but now it slid up again, under her dress, cupping her right buttock through her panties. The nerve of the man! This was an outrage! She should really call out to Sam for help. But then the fun would end...

The hand stroked and squeezed her buttock for a few more seconds, then it slipped beneath the elastic leg-band, and slid inside her panties, creeping around her buttock until its fingertips were pushing between her buttocks.

The urge to defecate came on again, even stronger than before. Once again, Sally fought it ... but her face betrayed her mounting horror as she realised that her best efforts were not enough to prevent her anus from slowly expanding around her emerging turd. She hastily reached down and pushed the hand in her panties away; she needed to concentrate.

The blunt tip of the poo met the cotton/Lycra material of her panties, and she gulped, no longer sure if she would be able to get the monster back inside. Her anus was still expanding, despite her battle to close it back up, and her poo was steadily sliding out, making a tent in her white panties. She looked over at her brother, a panicked expression on her face. He caught her eye, and raised a questioning eyebrow.

She feverishly sent him a text: �Poo's coming out � can't stop it!� As she hit Send, the widest part of her poo passed through her anus, and the next few inches came out in a rush. �Oh God!� she whispered. By now, she guessed, there was probably quite a bulge in her panties; one that was undoubtedly visible beneath the hem of her dress ... or would be if she were not surrounded by people. She began to hyperventilate; she had to stop her poo before any more came out!

But there was no stopping it now. Her tired anus had no more fight in it, and was powerless to prevent the turd from slithering out like a snake from its burrow. Looping back and forth, it piled up on top of itself, forming an increasingly massive bulge that spread out across the full extent of the back of her panties. By now it was sagging down almost four inches below the hem of her dress, and the men around her were starting to sniff and recoil in disgust from the smell.

By now Sam had replied: �What???� and then, �Seriously??? We have to get you out of here!�

In a frozen state of panic, Sally was barely aware of anything except for the continued inexorable flow of her poo through her anus. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop it; her panties were already heavily loaded with poo and she had no way of covering it up. She was going to be laughed at. Mocked. Humiliated. A tear ran down her cheek.

But then, wonderfully, Sam was there, having shouldered his way through the crowd. He took her in his arms and held her ... and her panic quickly ebbed away. Of course � Sam would never let her suffer! He was her steadfast protector. But ... was he secretly disgusted?

�I'm sorry!� she sobbed.

�Hush,� he whispered in her ear. �It's all right.�

The train stopped again, and there was a rush to escape the smelly car. Yet many people remained, perhaps fascinated by the sight of Sally's bulging panties, now highly visible thanks to a large space having been cleared around her.

�We should get off here,� murmured Sam.

Sally shook her head. �We've only one more stop to go � might as well wait.�

�That's disgusting!� complained a man in his forties, holding his nose and staring at Sally's panties.

�Quiet, you!� barked Sam ferociously. �She's had an accident! How do you think she feels? And how DARE you make it worse for her!�

�Had?� grumbled a young woman sitting next to the man. �She's still having it! Dirty little strumpet.�

�Look,� said Sam angrily. �If you can't say something nice, don't say anything. This girl is the most beautiful, intelligent, funny, and talented young woman I know.�

Sally's heart skipped a beat to hear these kind words. Suddenly, it did not seem to matter that she was still emptying her bowels into her panties. She was warm and safe and loved and protected � and no amount of humiliation could overcome that. �Thank you,� she whispered into Sam's chest. �My hero.� She sighed, and hugged him tightly. Then, feeling her panties start to slip downwards under the weight of her poo, she hastily clenched her anus in an attempt to stop any more from coming out. By now her poo was softer, and she was able to pinch it off.

Nobody else dared to say anything until they arrived at Regent's Park station. Then, arm in arm, Sam and Sally walked out of the car and on to the platform, where dozens more jaws dropped at the sight of Sally's overloaded panties swaying back and forth beneath her sundress. Sam scowled fiercely at anyone who looked like they might say something.

Sally hiked up the sides of her panties as they began to slip, and for a few moments, her poo, having spread forward along the gusset of her panties, rubbed against her pussy as she walked. At first she was grossed out by this on principle, but the sensation had an undeniably stimulating effect, and she found herself tugging her panties up a little more firmly, so that her pussy got a better rubbing.

On the escalator heading up to street level, Sam said, �Once you've cleaned up in the toilet, if you prefer, we can just go back to my room and order pizza or something.�

�And miss out on a restaurant meal?� asked Sally in surprise. �Why would I want to do that?�

Sam shrugged. �I'm sure this has been quite traumatic for you,� he said. �I would totally understand if you wanted to hide yourself away for a bit.�

Sally smiled. �I'm not the least bit traumatised,� she said. �With you here, I'm not afraid of anything. I feel completely safe.�

Sam grinned. �Then I'm doing my job well,� he said.

�I suppose,� conceded Sally reluctantly, �I am just a little afraid of what you must be thinking of me...�

Sam pulled her into his arms. �My precious sister,� he said. �I don't think any the less of you for this. What kind of a brother would I be if I let a little thing like this change my opinion of you?�

Sally turned tear-filled eyes up towards him. �Oh Sam,� she sighed happily. �I love you so much.�

He smiled down at her. She looked so sweet, so loving, so beautiful ... he could not help planting his lips on hers, kissing her tenderly. Then, coming to his senses, he pulled back in alarm. �Oh God!� he said. �I'm so sorry!�

Sally was stunned. �What ... what did that mean?� she asked him, wide-eyed.

�Nothing!� he said quickly, backing away as far as the narrow escalator would allow. They were reaching the top, now, and both of them stepped off.

�You can't kiss me like that, then say it means nothing!� protested Sally. �That didn't feel like nothing!�

�Forget it,� said Sam firmly. �Just go to the toilet, clean up ... and forget about it.�

Sally looked around. �I don't see a toilet here, Sam,� she said. �Looks like I'll have to use the one at the restaurant.� She shivered at the prospect of going out on to the street like this.

Sam tutted anxiously. �Sally, there'll be hundreds of people out there. I can't subject you to that. Perhaps you could tie my shirt around your waist...� He started to unbutton it.

Sally laughed. �I don't want you to have to go shirtless, Sam. Don't worry about me � I can handle being seen like this if you're with me.�

�Are you sure?� asked Sam dubiously.

�Quite sure,� she told him firmly. �Honestly, I'm much more focused on that kiss right now than the poo in my panties.�

Sam sighed. �You're not going to let that go, are you?�

�Nope!� said Sally.

They climbed the steps up to street level, and found themselves next to the park. Sam pointed at the park entrance. �Let's talk in there,� he suggested. �We might actually be able to use the park to get to the restaurant practically unseen.�

�Okay,� said Sally.

In the park, on the grass beneath a tree, Sally said, �That wasn't just brotherly affection, was it?�

Sam groaned. �I don't know what it was.�

�Do you ... have romantic feelings for me?� ventured Sally.

�You're my sister!� exclaimed Sam. �Don't talk nonsense.�

�But do you?� she pressed him. �Forget whether it's right or wrong. I have to know, Sam!�

Sam clutched his hair with his hands. �I don't know!� he said. �I love you, certainly ... but anything else, I just need to suppress...�

�So there is something to suppress?� she asked him earnestly.

�I suppose there is,� he replied miserably. �God help me.�

Sally reached up and grasped his face in her hands. �If you want me,� she said softly, �I'm yours.� And, standing on tiptoe, she planted her lips on his.

Sam's eyes widened. He pulled away from the kiss. �You have feelings for me too?�

�For a long time,� she said, nodding. �Don't you know you're my hero? No other boy I know has a hope of measuring up to you.�

�Holy shit!� said Sam, shocked.

�Like you, I've suppressed it,� she continued. �I've even told myself it's just a crush, that I'll grow out of it. But it's not a crush, Sam. I love you.�

Sam appeared to be wrestling internally. �God, Sally,� he said, staring at the ground. �I love you too. We can't ... act on it though...�

�Why not?� she asked. �We'll just have to be secretive about it.� She stepped up to him, and placed her hands on his chest. �Kiss me again, Sam.�

He did so, and it was wonderful. This time there were tongues involved, and as Sam easily lifted Sally off her feet, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. They continued kissing passionately, with Sam's hands both supporting and caressing Sally's back. Her dress was riding up higher and higher, and her hugely bulging panties were fully exposed, along with the skin of her lower back.

The park was quiet, but far from empty, and several astonished passers-by either hurried on their way in disgust or stopped to watch curiously from a distance. But Sally was beyond caring about how many people could see her poo-filled panties. She was in heaven.

When the kiss finally ended, her eyes were shining. �So, what happens now?� she asked.

�Um ... we go to the restaurant?� suggested Sam, slightly out of breath.

�Fuck the restaurant!� said Sally. �I want to fuck!�

�Oh God,� groaned Sam.

�Don't you want to?� inquired Sally, prepared to feel hurt.

�Yes,� Sam admitted. �But ... it's so wrong!�

�Well it feels very right to me,� said Sally. �Come on � let's get back to your room. Suddenly I'm liking your pizza idea.�

Sam chuckled. �What about your poo?� he said, gently setting her down. �We need to find you a toilet.�

�I'll clean up back at your hall,� said Sally. �I totally don't care how many people see me like this. I've never been so happy as I am right now. Unless ... the smell is grossing you out?�

Sam shook his head. �Surprisingly, no it's not,� he said. �In fact ... no, never mind.�

�What?� said Sally. �Don't 'never mind' me, Samwise Evans! Spit it out.�

Sam chuckled. �You'll think I'm weird,� he said.

�Try me,� replied Sally.

�Well,� said Sam, turning a little red in the cheeks, �strange as it may seem ... it's actually turning me on a little.�

�What, the smell of my poo?� asked Sally in surprise.

�Not exactly,� said Sam uncomfortably. �It's the fact that you've done a poo in your panties, and your dress is too short to cover it, so you're going about with your panties showing, and you have no way of hiding what you've done ... it's all rather ... erotic.�

Sally grinned. �Somehow I knew you liked seeing my panties,� she remarked. �Well good grief, Sam, if I'd known it would turn you on, I'd have done a poo in my panties years ago!�

Sam chuckled. �Well now you know my shameful secret,� he said.

Sally stood on tiptoe to kiss him. �Thank you for telling me,� she said. �It certainly helps me to feel less embarrassed about my accident. And, you know, it feels quite nice in my panties actually. I'm happy to poo in my panties for you whenever you like.�

�Awesome!� said Sam, grinning. �Would you ... um ... mind posing for a photo...?�

�Sure!� said Sally happily. �Where do you want me?�

Sam looked around. Spying a bench, he said, �Can you lean against that bench? Put your hands on the back, and smile back at me over your shoulder.�

Sally was happy to oblige, and she stuck her bottom out slightly (and unnecessarily) to give Sam a better view of her bulging panties. He chuckled as he took a photo with his phone. �Mind if I take another?�

Sally giggled. �You really think it's a sexy look?�

�I do!� said Sam, slightly embarrassed. �Sorry... I just realised I'm taking pleasure from your misfortune � it's rather selfish of me.�

Sally smiled warmly at him. �My darling brother,� she said, �I don't mind a bit. If this turns you on, then I'm happy for you to keep looking and taking photos.�

�I'm sure you'd rather be back in my room, though,� said Sam. �Come on � let's head home.�

Sally smiled happily. �I won't argue with that plan!� she said.

�I'll order a pizza for us to pick up on the way,� he said. �What do you fancy?�

�Anything with feta,� she said. �No olives though.�

Pablo's Pizza was in Sam's contacts, so he called them up and ordered a pizza for each of them. Then he took Sally's hand, and they walked back to the station. Gasps and mutters accompanied them as they headed for the platform, but Sam's glares kept potential critics quiet.

On the train, although there were a few seats available, Sally did not take any of them as she did not want to make a mess. So she remained standing, in the open section next to the doors, holding on to Sam, who was in turn holding on to a strap. And they kissed, and kissed ... and at one point, Sam reached down with his free hand and cupped Sally's panty-bulge. Then he pressed it gently upwards, squishing her mass of poo against her bottom, and Sally giggled as she felt her poo oozing between her buttocks.

�That feels kind of nice,� she murmured coyly.

Behind her, in a seat on the opposite side of the car, a gentleman in his fifties stared in disgust at the sight of Sam kneading Sally's poo through the flimsy material of her panties. Sitting next to the man was a teenaged boy, who was also staring, but looked like he was having the best day of his life. Sam glared at both of them.

�People are watching us,� he muttered, between kisses. �We should turn around so your back's to the door and I'm blocking their view.�

Sally, breathless with excitement, whispered back, �I don't mind having an audience. It's always turned me on to know that people are looking at my panties ... and it's actually even more exciting when my panties are full of poo!�

�Okay then,� said Sam with a little chuckle, and he continued massaging his sister's buttocks through her panties and the thick squishy wad of poo inside them.

When the doors opened at Wembley Central, Sam and Sally disembarked, and walked hand in hand up the street towards Pablo's Pizza. This was an area with a large student presence, and fending off unwelcome attention was not easy, even for Sam. Outside the pizza place, he stopped and turned to Sally.

�I doubt we'll get away with you going in here, this being an eatery and all,� he said. �Do you think you can handle being on your own out here while I run in and grab the pizzas? I'll be just a minute or so.�

Sally looked around them. Grinning male students seemed to be circling like a pack of hyenas, waiting for the opportunity to charge in and steal the lion's prey. She swallowed nervously. �I'll be okay,� she said.

Sam glanced at the hyenas, and felt uneasy. �Say the word, and we'll forget the pizza and just go back to my room together.�

�No, don't be silly,� said Sally. �You go on in � I'll be fine.�

�Okay � I'll be right back,� he said, and he hurried inside.

�That's a lot of poo!� remarked one of the nearby lads. �You must have been saving it up for a while!�

�Yeah,� said Sally guardedly. �A few days.�

�Bummer that your dress is too short to cover it,� said another young man.

�I don't know � I think it's quite a sexy look,� remarked a dark-skinned lad with dreadlocks.

�You do?� asked Sally in surprise. �I think most people would be grossed out!�

�Not me!� said the young man cheerfully. �Of course, it helps that you're a beauty with fantastic legs...�

Sally was about to thank him when an angry voice to her left said, �Hoi! You can't walk around in public like that, you skank! It's not decent!�

Dreadlocks rolled his eyes. �Give it a rest, Mo,� he said.

Sally turned to see a young man with light brown skin and a thick black beard walking towards her. He seemed upset. �This is a decent neighbourhood, yeah?� he said. �Kids live here! They don't need to see your shitty knickers hanging off your arse!�

�I'm sorry!� said Sally, taken aback. �I had an accident. �I'll be cleaning up as soon as I can get to a toilet.�

�Someone needs to teach you a...� began Mo.

�Leave her alone, Mo,� said Dreadlocks, stepping in front of Sally. �Not everyone shares your morality.�

�Oh don't turn this into a Muslim thing!� said Mo angrily. �By any decent person's standards she shouldn't be parading her faeces in public. It's disgusting!�

The two of them were still arguing when Sam emerged from the doorway behind Sally, carrying two pizza boxes. �Everyone back the fuck off!� he said sharply. �That's my sister, and there's nothing I won't do to protect her!�

�Look, man, I can respect that,� said Mo. �But look how she's dressed! And flaunting her shitty underwear! You should keep her under better control, that's all I'm saying.�

�Control?� echoed Sam. �I don't control my sister, Dickhead. You people need to get yourselves into the 21st century!�

�Did you really just say 'you people'?� said Mo in disbelief. �Meaning Muslims, I suppose? The Islamophobe shows his true colours!�

�Well pardon me if my interactions with various members of a group have caused me to form an impression of the group as a whole!� said Sam. �If you don't want to reinforce a stereotype, stop conforming to it! Now why don't you just piss off and mind your own business instead of harassing strangers?�

�Well said,� said Dreadlocks.

�All I'm doing is taking a stand on behalf of decent people!� protested Mo. �Why are you turning this into a religious issue?�

�Unless you're the elected representative of the 'decent people' you purport to speak for,� said Sam, �you're just a busybody. Come on Sally, let's go.�

He took her hand, and Sally smiled happily as they continued down the street. �You were great!� she said.

Sam chuckled. �I'm not an Islamophobe, you know,� he said. �But they don't do themselves any favours by getting offended at everything.�

As they walked back to Sam's hall of residence, Sally squeezed her brother's hand and smiled to herself. It was very exciting to be out in public with her full panties sagging into view. Even the derogatory comments she was hearing were sending little thrills through her. In fact, it was those remarks � like �dirty skank�, �panty-pooping slut�, etc. � that excited her the most and made her want to do something even more outrageous � like taking her dress off entirely. If she were on her own, it might be scary and unpleasant ... but Sam was with her, and she felt like she could get away with just about anything.

They encountered just a few people on their way to Sam's room. Some of them said hi to Sam, and some smiled at Sally, too ... but nearly all of them looked suddenly shocked as they drew near enough to smell her poo. One young man cursed in disgust after they had passed him.

Back in Sam's room, he said, �Well, I suppose you'd better go and clean up.�

Sally pouted. �But ... what if I don't want to...?�

Sam chuckled. �You'll stink up my room something awful if you keep your messy panties on.� Then his expression grew thoughtful. �You really want to keep them on?�

Sally nodded. �Well, I'll take them off so we can have sex. But I don't want to empty them out just yet.�

Sam smirked. �Would you like to keep them on while we have sex? I'm sure I can work around them.�

Sally's eyes widened in delight. �Yes please!� she said. �You don't mind your bed getting messy?�

Sam shook his head. �I can always change the sheets.� He put the pizza boxes down, opened the window as wide as it would go, and then turned the fan on his desk up to maximum.

Sally was taking her dress off. As Sam watched with growing arousal, she then removed her bra, exposing her deliciously large breasts.

�Wow,� said Sam appreciatively. �Your boobs are incredibly beautiful, Sally. What cup size are you anyway?�

�G,� Sally confessed. �Which is too big, really. But if you like them, then perhaps I'll reconsider the reduction surgery idea I've been toying with.�

�Oh goodness, please don't mess with that perfection!� said Sam.

Sally giggled, and climbed into her brother's bed in just her full panties. Lying down on her side, she drew her knees up to her chest, rolled over on to her back, and spread her thighs apart. With wide, eager eyes, she said, �Fuck me, Sam.�

Sam hurriedly disrobed, deftly rolled a condom on to his already-hard cock, and climbed carefully on top of his sister. But Sally reached down, grabbed the condom, and pulled it off. �No condom,� she said firmly. �I don't want anything between your flesh and mine.�

�Are you on the pill?� Sam asked in surprise.

�No,� said Sally. �But I'm willing to take the risk of getting pregnant.� She pulled his face down towards hers, and kissed him, while he pulled the gusset of her panties to one side. His cock had to push past the mound of her poo in order to reach her vaginal opening, but he did not mind getting a little messy for his sister's sake.

Sally's vagina had been lubricating like crazy, and Sam had no trouble sliding his erection inside her. Nevertheless, she winced. �Slowly!� she gasped. �This is my first time.�

�Seriously?� Sam inquired. �I kind of assumed that you and Harry had done it...�

Sally shook her head. �He fingered me a few times, and we did oral ... but he wanted to wait for the 'right moment'. Which never actually came before he had to move to Japan.�

Sam eased his erection deeper inside her, until he was fully buried. �God,� he muttered. �We're totally going to hell for this, Sally.�

�We can repent later,� gasped Sally. �Just fuck me!�

Sam began to slide his cock in and out of Sally, who closed her eyes and pursed her lips, clearly in some discomfort.

�Sorry,� said Sam gently. �First time hurts, unfortunately. I promise it gets better.�

�I did break it in with a dildo,� she said, �but that was over a year ago.�

�Just try to relax your body,� suggested Sam. �I'll stop thrusting for a bit.�

�Thanks,� she said. Then she grinned naughtily. �Do you mind if I do another poo? I didn't finish in the Tube.�

Sam laughed. �Goodness!� he said. �You're quite a poo factory! Go on then � I don't mind at all.�

Sally strained. Her anus opened up, and a fresh turd began to emerge into her overcrowded panties. �Okay,� she said breathlessly. �Start fucking me again.�

Sam resumed thrusting, and Sally arched her back in pleasure at the sensation of being fucked while a turd was sliding out of her rectum. �Ohh, this is good!� she murmured.

The pace of Sam's thrusts increased as his excitement grew, and soon he was hammering his loins against hers with powerful strokes. �Ohhh!! Ohhhh!!!� cried Sally in pleasure, wrapping her legs tightly around his back.

�Should I pull out?� gasped Sam.

�Don't you dare!� panted Sally. �I want all your cum inside me! Make a baby in me, Sam!�

�Oh God � ohh God!� groaned Sam, and he pressed the head of his cock up against her cervix as his semen erupted out of the tip. In a series of thrusts and spurts, he unloaded all of his semen deep inside his sister. Then he collapsed on top of her, and she held him tightly while grinding her pussy against his pelvis.

For a few minutes, neither of them said anything. Then, as his cock began to soften, Sam finally pulled out of her. Climbing off the bed, he grabbed a tissue and wiped his penis clean. Then he smiled sheepishly at Sally. �How do you feel?� he asked.

Sally sighed happily. �Wonderful!� she said. �That was just ... amazing. I thought I might feel some regret, but I totally don't. What about you?�

Sam smiled as he pulled on his jockey shorts. �I was prepared to regret it, if you did,� he said. �But now I'm glad we did it. And if there's a pregnancy...�

�We'll decide together what to do about it,� said Sally firmly.

Sam nodded. �I was going to say the same.� He turned to look at the pizza boxes. �You hungry? It won't be terribly warm by now, I'm afraid.�

�I'm sure it'll be fine,� said Sally. �It hasn't been that long.�

Sam picked up his phone. �Mind if I take a photo of you first? Commemorate our first time?�

Sally smiled happily. �Sure!� she said. �Take as many as you want. Just tell me how to pose.�

�Just like that's great,� said Sam. �But ... would you mind exposing your pussy?�

Sally pulled her gusset out to one side, exposing not only her pussy and vaginal opening, but also part of her mass of poo. �How's this?� she asked.

�Perfect!� said Sam, and he took a photo.

If he had been any other boy, Sally would have been at least a little worried that the photo would eventually find its way on to the Internet. But Sam was not any other boy � he was her big brother, and she trusted him absolutely. His love for her was unconditional. As was hers for him.

Sam took a couple more photos, then he put his phone down and said, �Come on, let's eat.�

Sally rolled on to her side, then carefully got up, holding on to the sides of her panties to prevent them from slipping down. �Oops, my poo is too heavy now,� she said with a giggle. �My panties won't stay up by themselves!�

�We'll have to glue them to your hips or something,� said Sam with a grin.

Sally laughed, but as she munched on a slice of pizza, her expression grew thoughtful. �Would that work, I wonder?� she mused. �Gluing my panties to my skin?�

�You want to try it?� asked Sam. �I don't have any glue, but I'm sure we can get hold of some.�

Sally nodded. �I think I'd like to try it. If we glued all the way around inside the waistband, and all around each leg hole, I could do as much poo as I wanted without worrying about any of it falling out.�

Sam smirked. �Nice idea,� he said, �but then how would you have a wee?�

Sally shrugged. �I could wee through the fabric, and dry the wet patch afterwards with tissues.�

�I suppose so,� Sam conceded. �But what about sex?�

�You'll just have to unglue me enough to pull the gusset of my panties aside,� replied Sally with a smile, �and then glue my panties back in place afterwards.�

�Fair enough!� said Sam. �Wow. Let's find you some glue then! I'll ask Morgan if he has any � he's usually pretty well stocked with stationery.� He pulled on his jeans, followed by a t-shirt, socks, and trainers.

Morgan's room, Sally knew, was just down the corridor from Sam's. �Want me to come with you?� she asked mischievously.

Sam chuckled. �If you want. He might not let you in his room like that though!�

Managing to keep her panties up with one hand, Sally used the other to fetch a pale blue tank top from her overnight bag. She put it on, and turned back to face Sam. �How about now?� she inquired impishly.

Sam regarded her in amusement. The top was very short, barely reaching her navel. Several inches of bare skin separated it from her panties. �I think the poo might be more of an issue for him than your bare boobs,� he said, �but I suppose we can give it a try.�

Sally giggled in delight. �Okay!� she said. But as she started toward the door, a chunk of poo fell out of her panties via the left leg hole, and landed on the floor with a soft thud. �Bother!� she exclaimed.

�Yeah,� said Sam, �you're about to lose a bunch more of it, too, judging by how much of it is hanging out of the leg hole.�

�Perhaps I should take them off and leave them here?� suggested Sally reluctantly. �At least until I've got them properly glued on...�

�Might be best,� agreed Sam. �Just put them in the corner by the desk, then they're unlikely to accidentally get stepped on.�

Sally carefully lowered her panties, stepped out of them, and placed them where Sam had indicated. Then she wiped her bottom and pussy clean with a few tissues (some of which she had to soak in warm water first), and she used another tissue to pick up the fallen chunk of poo, which she returned to her panties. Finally she fetched a fresh pair of white panties from her bag, and put them on. �Acceptable?� she asked.

�Morgan will be thrilled,� said Sam with a chuckle. �But it occurs to me that my neighbours all know you're my sister; what will they think of the sounds we were just making...?�

�I don't want to make life difficult for you,� said Sally seriously. �If you want to hide our new relationship from your fellow students, then I'll behave myself � and try to be less noisy during sex.�

Sam thought about this. �The lads are pretty cool,� he said, �but I'm not sure I'd trust them not to talk. Best keep it a secret, I think. Hopefully Jeremy and Blake, in the rooms either side of me, aren't in right now. They're probably at the bar, actually, if I know them.�

�We can knock, and check,� suggested Sally. �You could ask them for glue.�

�Good idea,� said Sam. He looked down at her panties. �Are you really going to walk out of here like that?�

�Not if you don't want me to,� said Sally earnestly. �If you don't want me to show my panties to your friends, then I won't. I'm your girlfriend now, Sam, and I'll be completely loyal to you.�

�I know you will,� said Sam, taking her into his arms. �And yes, you are my girlfriend now. God knows how we're going to make it work, but we'll figure it out somehow.� He kissed her tenderly. �If it makes you happy to show off your panties, then I won't stop you. But if anyone hassles you, or gropes you ... they'll be sorry!�

Sally blushed. �Actually I sort of enjoy getting groped, as long as it's not too aggressive. My groper in the train got his hand in my panties, and I'd have let him go further if I hadn't had my accident.� Then, seeing Sam's shocked expression, she added, �But if you don't want other men touching me, then of course I'll stop them from now on.�

Sam scratched his head. �Wow, Sally, you're just full of surprises! Look, if you want to let other chaps cop a feel, then that's up to you. I'll turn a blind eye if it's not too obvious. But I won't let any chap grope you blatantly in front of me. That's too much of a challenge to my authority.�

�I understand,� said Sally. �But ... remember we're pretending we're not a couple. Make sure you don't come across as possessive, rather than just protective.�

�Oh � right, right,� said Sam, nodding. �Let's go, then.�

They knocked on Blake's door, then Jeremy's. Neither answered. �Whew!� said Sally. �I guess we can still plausibly deny that we're lovers.�

�Come in!� called Morgan, when Sam knocked on his door.

�Hi Morgan!� said Sam, entering the room. �Do you happen to have any glue? Sally's broken the little box she keeps her hair bands in...�

�Hi Morgan,� said Sally, stepping into the room.

Morgan's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He was a short, stocky, but nonetheless good-looking young black man with a ready smile and a quick wit. Now, however, he seemed a little lost for words as he wrested his eyes away from Sally's panties. �Um...�

�Sorry about my state of undress,� Sally apologised. �I had already got ready for bed, and I couldn't be arsed to get dressed again.�

�That's ... quite all right,� said Morgan, glancing back at her panties. �But I'm afraid I don't have any glue. At least ... I have Pritt Stick, but that probably wouldn't be strong enough for your needs.�

�Bummer,� said Sam. �Well, thanks anyway.�

�You might try Andy Nolan in 204,� Morgan suggested. �He's very creative � probably has all kinds of craft-type stuff.�

�Oh yes, I know Andy,� said Sam. �Okay then � thanks Morgan.�

�Bye Morgan,� said Sally.

�Bye Sally!� said Morgan, taking a final, lingering look at her panties.

Outside in the corridor, Sam said, �I'll just run down to Andy's, then � I'll be back in two minutes.�

�You're going to leave me alone?� asked Sally, pouting. �Can't I come too?�

�Like that?� said Sam, raising an eyebrow.

�Good point,� conceded Sally. �Wait here a second � I'll put something else on.� She hurried back to Sam's room.

Less than a minute later, she returned, having put on a pair of trainers. �All right then, let's go.�

Sam stared at her. �Well you can't exactly explain this away as having just got out of bed!� he remarked.

Sally giggled. �I'll think of something,� she said.

They took the lift down to the second floor, and knocked on the door of 204. They could hear music playing inside, and several voices.

�Come in!� came Andy's voice.

�Not too late to change your mind,� said Sam.

Sally bit her lip, then shook her head. �Go on,� she said.

Sam entered. �Hi Andy,� he said. �I don't think you've met my sister, Sally...�

�Hi!� said Sally shyly, entering behind Sam with her hands clasped in front of her panties.

Andy looked astonished, as did his friends. �Um, hi Sally!� he said.

�Sorry for my state of undress,� Sally apologised awkwardly. �I shut myself out of Sam's room and had to go looking for him like this! But when I found him I happened to mention that I need glue, and he said you might have some...�

�Sure!� said Andy. �I have glue sticks and a glue gun. What's the job?�

�Fixing a little ornament,� said Sam. �The glue gun � that would be hot glue, right?�

�Yes � well, the glue has to melt,� said Andy. �Mind your fingers with that stuff!�

�Ah � that's not going to work,� said Sally, looking at Sam.

�Right � yeah � I think it's too delicate for that,� agreed Sam. �What are the glue sticks?�

�Pritt,� said Andy. �Good for paper, but not much else. Sounds like you need a general purpose glue, like a PVA glue. WH Smith would carry that.�

�So would Fields, and that's closer,� said one of his friends.

�Yes! Fields,� said Andy. �And they're open late, so if you need it tonight, they might be your best bet.�

�Thanks,� said Sam. �Come on, Sally.�

Back in the corridor, Sam said, �You want to wait in my room? Or fetch a skirt to wear over your panties...?�

Sally grinned. �How about option three � I go out like this?�

Sam chuckled. �I knew you were going to say that,� he said. �I think you're asking for trouble, though...�

�I want trouble!� said Sally, pouting. �A little bit of trouble anyway. Those lads in there � and Morgan � are all way too gentlemanly. I want to get groped!

�That's unlikely to happen while I'm around,� said Sam. �And I'm certainly not letting you go out to Fields on your own.�

�What if you let me walk ahead of you?� suggested Sally. �Like, fifty yards or so � so it wouldn't look like we're together, but you could come to my rescue if necessary?�

Sam grimaced uneasily. �I don't much like that idea,� he said. �But I may have a safer option.�

�Oh?� said Sally, intrigued.

�I have this friend, Julian,� said Sam. �Right little pervert. Loves cosying up to pretty girls, and it's got him in trouble a few times. He was my lab partner for the first semester, and I got to know him pretty well. He's been through a lot of shitty stuff. He's not a bad guy, really, but I certainly wouldn't trust him around my girlfriend. But I'm guessing that's exactly the type of chap you want to hang out with.�

�Yes please!� said Sally, grinning.

�Okay,� said Sam, �let's come up with a plan...�

Five minutes later, they were knocking on the door of room 409. Voices inside fell silent. �Come in!� called one of them.

Sam entered, with Sally following. �Hi Julian,� said Sam cheerfully. �Just doing the rounds � have you met my sister Sally?�

�Whoa!� said Julian, staring at Sally's panties. �Hello Sally!� He was an odd-looking young man, with a face cratered with acne scars, eyes that seemed far too close together, and amazingly bushy eyebrows. His shoulder-length hair looked rather unwashed.

�Sorry for my state of undress,� said Sally, affecting embarrassment. �I locked myself � and Sam � out of his room.�

�And Francis has popped out, apparently, so I can't get a spare key until he gets back,� said Sam. �So we're just killing time.�

�Well come in, come in!� said Julian. His two friends � one white, one Oriental-looking � both leered at Sally. �This is Werner, and this is Takeshi.�

�Nice to meet you,� said Sally politely. Then she glanced at Julian's desk. �Oh, you have an Xbox One? What games do you like?�

Julian grinned. �Lots of things. Right now I'm into Fallout 4. What do you like?�

�I like racing games,� said Sally. �They're so much fun!�

�I have Need for Speed,� said Julian. �Have you played that?�

�No!� said Sally, wide-eyed. �But I'd like to!�

�Come in and have a seat!� said Julian. �I'll pop it in.�

�We should really be going,� said Sam.

�Oh Sam, can't I just play it for a little bit?� asked Sally. �Please?�

�Fine � just a few minutes,� said Sam, frowning.

Sally smiled as she say down on Julian's bed, between Julian and Werner. Werner was blond, and fat, and he had rather bad body odour. �Hi!� he said, looking thrilled that such a scantily clad pretty girl had sat next to him.

Julian put the game in, then said, �Either of you want a drink? I've got plenty of booze here.�

�No thanks,� said Sam, but Sally said, �Sure! What have you got?�

�I make a mean vodka and orange,� said Julian, grinning.

�Sounds good!� said Sally.

Twenty minutes and two vodka and oranges later, Sally was feeling a little light-headed.

�Come on Sally,� said Sam impatiently. �Let's go.�

�I'm in the middle of a game!� said Sally, staring at the screen. �You go if you like � I'll see you back in your room after I'm done.�

Julian and his friends looked very hopeful at this, but their faces fell as Sam shook his head. �Nah, I'll stick around.�

Shortly afterwards, however, his phone buzzed. It was actually his timer, which he had set for half an hour, going off, but he frowned as he looked at his phone. �Bugger,� he said. �I have to go and take care of something. Come on Sally.�

�You go,� said Sally, not looking up from the screen. �I'll see you later.�

�Sally...� said Sam.

�Oh come on, Sam!� said Sally irritably. �I'm having fun here! And this is my last night! I'll be fine � I don't need you watching over me every minute.�

Sam looked uncertain. �Well ... okay. But I'll be back soon, all right?�

�Okay,� said Sally. �Bye!�

Sam got up and left the room. But he did not go far � just around the corner of the corridor, where he sat down to wait, and listen. If he heard Sally cry out, he would come running.

Back in Julian's room, the three young men grinned at each other. �Another drink, Sally?� asked Julian.

�Yes please,� said Sally. �That vodka and orange is lovely!�

After another two drinks, Sally was feeling tipsy, but she was acting more drunk than she felt. �Oops!� she said. �Didn't mean to do that!�

�Never mind,� said Julian, putting his hand on her thigh. �You're doing very well!�

�Thanks,� said Sally. As she continued playing, she ignored the fact that he was now gently stroking her thigh.

When he began to get bolder, however, stroking up almost as high as her panties, she said, good-naturedly, �Hey, stop that � you're just trying to distract me.�

�Is it working?� asked Julian.

�Nope!� said Sally, giggling.

�How about this?� inquired Julian, reaching up to grasp her right breast through her top. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

�Hey...� said Sally, still focused on the screen. �Don't make me tell my brother on you!�

�You'll have to forgive him,� said Werner, placing his chubby hand on her left leg. �He's never had a pretty girl in his room before.�

Sally giggled again. �Thank you Werner,� she said. �Ohh! I crashed! Bother it � now I'm back in last place!�

�Haha!� said Julian, while massaging her breast. �Looks like I distracted you after all.�

�Don't mind him � you're doing really great!� said Werner, caressing her upper thigh.

�Thanks!� said Sally, concentrating hard on the game. �I won't let him distract me again!�

�Wanna bet?� inquired Julian mischievously. Moving around to kneel behind her, he reached around her, pulled up her tank top, and grasped both of her bare breasts in his hands.

Sally gasped. �You cheeky bugger!� she exclaimed.

�Concentrate!� Takeshi urged her. �Don't let him distract you.�

�Yah,� agreed Werner, now rubbing the front of Sally's panties with the side of his hand. �Just ignore that arsehole.�

�If my brother walks back in and sees you doing that, Julian,� warned Sally, �you'll be in a heap of trouble!�

�I'll take my chances,� said Julian, squeezing and kneading her breasts.

�You too Werner,� said Sally.

Werner, who was now cupping her pussy through her panties, began to slowly stroke her. �I'll take my chances too.�

�Yeah!� said Sally, bouncing up and down. �That's two more overtaken!�

�Good job!� said Werner, sliding his hand down inside the front of her panties.

�Hey!� gasped Sally. �Now that's really distracting!�

�Is it?� asked Werner, gently rubbing her clitoris. �I'm very sorry.�

Sally, feeling very aroused, closed her eyes and began to breathe heavily. �Stop that...� she said, as her car crashed into a tree.

�Isn't it nice?� inquired Werner, still rubbing gently, while Julian played with her nipples.

�It's not bad...� Sally conceded, leaning back against Julian and subtly easing her thighs apart.

Werner pushed his hand further down into her panties, and slipped one finger into her vagina. �Ohh, you naughty boy!� gasped Sally, feeling wonderfully out of control. She did not resist as Julian pulled her top up over her head, then laid her down on the bed. He took off her shoes, then pulled her thighs wide apart, while Werner began finger-fucking her in earnest.

Little moans escaped Sally's lips. �Ohh ... ohhh ... don't ... please stop...� she whispered.

Takeshi now came over and joined in for the first time, bending over and sucking her left nipple into his mouth. Meanwhile, Julian was pulling her panties down. Once he had got them over her feet, he tossed them into the corner, and then pulled her legs wide apart.

�Ahhhh!!! Ahhhh!!!� moaned Sally, her naked body writhing in pleasure as Werner rapidly thrust two fingers in and out of her vagina.

�These boobs are unreal!� said Takeshi, before going back to slurping on her left breast while massaging her right.

Julian had just pulled his jeans and boxer shorts down, and now he lay down on top of her. Sally, with her eyes closed, felt that something was different when Werner withdrew his fingers and Julian sank his erection inside her, and she opened her eyes to see what was going on. �Oh my God!� she exclaimed.

�Surprise!� grinned Julian, as he thrust vigorously inside her.

�Don't! Sam will kill you!� she said urgently.

�You really want me to pull out?� asked Julian, pouting a little as he continued to fuck her. �Doesn't this feel good?�

�Oh dear!� fretted Sally. Sam would no doubt be terribly upset at her, too.

�Just don't come inside me, please!� she gasped. �I'm not on the pill!�

�Well I have to come somewhere,� panted Julian. �How about in your arse? Uhh ... getting close now!�

�Fine!� said Sally quickly. �Pull out, and stick it in my arse.�

Julian withdrew his cock, then waited as she turned over on to her hands and knees. Lubricating her anus with a mixture of her juices and his own saliva, he slowly sank his erection deep into her rectum.

�Ohh God,� muttered Sally. �This feels weird.�

But it also felt crazy, and dirty, and naughty, and wild ... and so much fun! She pushed to the back of her mind all thoughts of her brother's ire, and smiled as she revelled in the depravity of her first anal fucking.

Takeshi, having removed his jeans and underwear, now attempted to slide himself beneath Sally. He lifted first her right arm, then her right leg, as he worked his way under her. Then he pushed her knees apart, so that her pussy sank down to meet his cock. Getting his penis inside her was tricky, but he managed it, and now Sally found herself being fucked by two young men at once.

�Oh gosh!� she gasped. �You lads are going to get us all in so much trouble!� But she was loving this � every sordid moment of it.

Julian groaned as he poured his semen into Sally's rectum. After a few more leisurely thrusts, he pulled out and climbed off the bed. Takeshi rolled Sally over, so that he was now on top of her, and he fucked her excitedly until he was approaching his orgasm. �I don't want to put my cock in your arse,� he grunted. �Can I come in your mouth instead?�

�Ugh � okay,� said Sally breathlessly. Takeshi pulled out, shuffled up the bed, and pointed his erection at her face. She took it into her mouth and began sucking on it, while Werner climbed on top of her and began to sink his cock into her vagina.

Takeshi was in no hurry to come, and he thought about his engineering homework in order to delay his climax. Two minutes later, however, Sally's tongue and oral suction had done their job, and he groaned as he spurted his semen all over her tongue and tonsils. Sally eagerly swallowed, and she smiled beatifically as Takeshi pulled his cock out of her mouth.

�Ohhhh!!� groaned Werner, as he ejaculated forcefully inside Sally's vagina. He thrusted again, and again, as the last few drops of his semen dribbled out, adding to the pool surrounding Sally's cervix.

�Oh God!� exclaimed Sally in horror. �You came inside me, Werner?�

�Yeah,� he said with a bashful grin. �Sorry.�

Sally groaned. �Oh no,� she said. �I need to get back to my brother! Werner, could you pull out of me please?�

He smiled slyly. �Sure ... for a kiss.�

Sally sighed. �All right � just a little one.� She gave him a short peck on the lips.

�Nah, a better one than that,� he said. �A proper one!�

Sally chuckled. She might as well complete her descent into depravity, she thought to herself. �Fine,� she said. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him long and deeply, while Werner gently eased his softening cock in and out of her. Eventually, after he had thoroughly explored the inside of her mouth with his tongue, Werner pulled his penis out, and climbed off her.

�How about kisses for me and Takeshi?� asked Julian hopefully.

Sally shrugged. �Sure, why not?� And she French-kissed them both in turn.

�I need to go now,� she said, a little breathlessly, after breaking off from her kiss with Takeshi. �Thank you for a ... lovely evening.� She picked up her panties and put them back on, followed by her top and shoes.

�Come back anytime!� said Julian.

Sally left the room, and headed down the corridor. Round the corner she found Sam playing a game on his phone. He looked up. �How did it go? You okay?�

Sally hung her head, suddenly feeling horribly ashamed. �I'm ... I'm so sorry, Sam!� Then she burst into tears.

Instantly he was on his feet and holding her. �What happened?� he demanded. �What did they do? I'll kill them!�

�No!� she said anxiously. �You're right to be upset and angry, but only at me. I could've stopped it at any time ... but ... I'm sorry � I was so excited, and horny, and a little bit drunk, and lost in the moment...�

�Did one of them ... have ... sex with you?� asked Sam, trying very hard to keep his cool.

�Oh Sam,� wailed Sally tearfully. �They all did! First it was just groping, but they got me so excited, and ... and ... when I realised Julian had stuck his dick in me, I could have objected ... but I was so horny...�

Sam held her close, and stroked her hair. �No, it's my fault,� he said. �I left you alone in a room � in your underwear � with three horny guys, and I let them ply you with drinks, knowing � even intending � for them to have some fun with you. I can't blame you for this, Sally my darling. I'm just sorry � for you � that it went further than you wanted it to. All I wanted was for you to have fun.�

�That's just the problem,� said Sally dolefully. �I had too much fun! It was an absolutely amazing experience, and I loved it. The only bad part is this horrible guilt.�

�Oh. I see.� Sam took a moment to process this. �Well, Sally, I think maybe next time, we should just be more clear beforehand about rules and expectations. I can totally get how it spiralled out of control for you in there, and heck � this is all new for you � I'm not surprised you had a blast. So, try not to feel guilty. My main concern is that you're okay.�

�But ... your new girlfriend just had sex with three other men!� said Sally. �Aren't you, like, really angry with me?�

Sam kissed her on the lips. �You may be my new girlfriend, but you've been my sister for your whole life. I know you. And I know you didn't do this to hurt me, and I know you're beating yourself up about it now. So stop. I forgive you. Let's just move on.�

Sally hugged him tightly. �Thank you, thank you,� she whispered. �Oh God � what if I get pregnant now? We won't know if it's yours!�

�We'll talk about that later,� said Sam. �But first ... do you still want to go out and buy some glue?�

Sally gasped. �Oh! Isn't it a little late?�

Sam shook his head. �It's only eight-fifty, and they're open till ten.�

�Eight-fifty!� echoed Sally. �Is that all? It feels so much later � so much has happened this evening!�

�Yes it has,� agreed Sam. �And I'm sure you're worn out. Do you want to call it a night?�

Sally shook her head. �No,� she said. �I really want to glue my poo-filled panties on.�

�Want me to run out to Fields on my own, then?� asked Sam.

�No, I'll come with you,� said Sally after a moment's thought.

�Would you like to put a skirt on, then, at least?�

Sally grinned naughtily. �Not really!�

�Come on then,� said Sam. �Let's show off those panties around Wembley.�

�Okay!� said Sally with a giggle.

They took the lift down to the ground floor, where Sally's panties attracted the attention of several people in the TV room, which was adjacent to the lobby. Gasps and comments erupted, but when one spotty lad got up to come and take a closer look, Sam glared him back into his chair.

The sun was setting as they walked through the front gate and out on to the street. There were still plenty of people out and about, including a group of about a dozen young men coming in the opposite direction. Sam saw mouths fall open and grins break out on the approaching faces; he clutched Sally's hand and set his jaw grimly as he pulled her through the crowd, which seemed to close in, jostling them both from all sides.

Once they had passed through it, Sam turned to look at Sally, and saw she was giggling. �Did you get a nice grope?� he inquired.

�Several!� she replied happily.

Her panties continued to attract attention all the way to the convenience store. As they entered, the proprietor stared at Sally, a broad leer breaking out on his face. �All right there?� he said. �Anything I can help you find?�

�Just looking, thanks,� said Sam, regarding the man warily.

�Oh � there's the glue,� said Sally, pointing to the bottom shelf of the nearby stationery stand. She bent over to take a closer look, picking up a white bottle with a red cap. The man behind the counter stared in delight at her cum-soaked gusset, which, Sam was sure, she was fully aware she was showing off.

�This popular adhesive will make a great choice for those who love crafts and DIY,� she read aloud. �Copydex Ultra is a safe, solvent free adhesive that is ideal for bonding an array of materials such as wood, plastics, metal and fabric, amongst many other materials.�

�Oh, Copydex!� said Sam. �I'm familiar with that � we used to use it for sticking on false beards in the school plays.�

�Well it sounds perfect,� says Sally.

Sam reached down and started rubbing her labia through her panties � in full view of the proprietor. �Having fun, are you?�

�Mmm, that's nice,� murmured Sally, undulating her hips and grinding her pussy against her brother's fingers.

Sam chuckled. �You're insatiable,� he said, gently massaging her clitoris. �How many times have you come today, anyway?�

�Actually, none,� Sally confessed. �Probably why I'm so desperately horny.�

�Wow!� said Sam. �Well then, we need to fix that!�

�Not yet,� said Sally. �I want to stay horny.�

�Okay,� said Sam, smiling. �Let's buy this glue and get back to halls.�

Sally straightened up and grabbed a bottle of glue. �Sorry, you'll need to pay � I don't have anything with me.�

�No problem,� replied Sam.

But the proprietor had other ideas. �You can have it for free if you flash your boobs for me,� he said, grinning.

Sam was about to object, but Sally had already lifted her top up to her armpits. �Like this?� she inquired with an innocent expression.

The man stared hungrily at Sally's breasts. �Blimey, those are flippin' marvellous!� he remarked appreciatively.

�Can we get two of them?� asked Sally. �I've no idea how far one bottle will stretch.�

�Sure, help yourself,� said the proprietor, still staring in delight.

As Sam fetched a second bottle, Sally cupped her breasts and said, �Do you think my boobs are too big? I've been thinking of having them reduced.�

�Oh, please don't,� said the man. �Me mate's wife had that done; the surgery left terrible scars.�

Sally shuddered as she pulled down her top. �Oh, I don't like the sound of that,� she said.

�Come on then, Sally,� said Sam. �Let's get back to my room and try this out.�

As they left the shop, Sally rubbed her abdomen. �You know, I never actually finished my poo,� she said.

�Really?� Sam was surprised. �After all you've produced so far, there can't be too much more, surely?�

�Only one way to find out,� said Sally with a grin, and she began to strain.

�Here?� said Sam, looking around nervously.

�You're right,� agreed Sally. �This place isn't nearly public enough. Can we go back on the Tube?�

Sam laughed. �Funny,� he said.

�I'm serious!� said Sally. �I want to do my poo with an audience, like last time.�

�Jeez, Sally,� said Sam, shaking his head. �Your transformation this evening has been ... something else! I confess I'm a little concerned � are you going to regret all this tomorrow?�

�The only thing I'm going to regret,� said Sally, �is leaving all this until my last night here. We could have been having sex and panty-pooping adventures all week!�

�We'll have plenty of time together this summer,� Sam promised her. �Maybe we'll take a holiday together � just the two of us.�

�I'd like that!� said Sally excitedly. �But for tonight � can we please go back on the Tube?�

�Okay,� said Sam with a smile.

Stares and shouts followed them all the way to the station. As they entered, Sam said, �Are you hoping to get groped? Would you like me to enter through a different door?�

Sally giggled. �Yes please, if you wouldn't mind. Then you can come and rescue me if things get out of hand.�

But to Sally's disappointment, the Tube was nowhere near as crowded as it had been three hours ago. She and Sam boarded the same car of a southbound train via different doors, but there were plenty of seats available, and nobody was standing.

Sally took a seat between a young man in a suit and a middle-aged Indian woman, and sighed. She glanced over at Sam, who shrugged. Sally did not respond; she still wanted to convey the impression that she was on her own.

The handful of people in the car had stared at her as she entered, but none of them seemed keen to check her out more closely.

�You seem a little underdressed, dear,� remarked the Indian woman.

Sally was unprepared for conversation, but she improvised quickly. �My skirt got caught in the escalator at Wembley Central,� she said. �Bloody thing would have pulled me in, too, if I hadn't managed to get my skirt off.�

�How awful for you!� said the woman sympathetically.

�Yes,� agreed Sally.

�And now you're having to ride the Tube skirtless!� said the woman. �What a predicament.�

�It is,� said Sally, hoping the woman would stop talking.

�Poor girl, having to ride the Tube with nothing covering your panties,� continued the woman. �It must be so embarrassing for you! To think that every man you pass is staring at your panties, thinking perverted thoughts about you.�

Sally perked up a bit. �Yes,� she agreed. �I suppose they are.�

�An awful lot of perverts ride the Tube late at night, you know,� said the Indian woman. �Hoping to sit opposite the girls going clubbing in their tiny little skirts. Trying to peek at their panties. I've seen it over and over.�

�Really?� inquired Sally.

�Oh yes!� said the older woman cheerfully. �Of course, when they see you they'll think they've hit the jackpot!�

Sally smirked. �Earlier this evening I had one guy put his hand up my skirt,� she said.

�You see?� said the woman, patting Sally's arm. �Perverts! I suppose he felt your bottom, did he?�

�Through my panties, yes � at first,� said Sally. �Then he actually got his hand inside my panties and started fondling my bare buttock.�

�What a disgusting pervert!� the Indian woman tutted, enthralled. �I suppose you were too afraid to stop him?�

�Actually I did stop him, at that point,� confessed Sally.

�Oh,� said the woman, looking slightly disappointed. �Well, good for you.�

�You see,� explained Sally, �I was really desperate for a poo, and it was starting to come out. Being groped was bad enough, but imagine if my groper had found himself with a handful of poo! I dread to think what he'd have done.�

The Indian woman turned to stare at Sally. �You ... defecated in your panties? On the Tube?�

�Yes!� said Sally. �It was terribly humiliating. Everyone was shouting at me and calling me names.�

The woman looked stunned. Eventually she licked her lips. �I can hardly imagine a more embarrassing situation,� she said. �You poor child � you must have been beside yourself!�

�Oh yes, it was very upsetting. I stopped it coming out as soon as I could, and cleaned myself up ... but I haven't actually had a chance to ... you know ... finish what I started. So right now I'm as desperate as ever!�

The Indian woman's eyes were like saucers. �Really? Aren't you worried you'll have another ... accident?�

�I am, yes,� Sally confessed. �In fact ... oh dear ... just thinking about it and talking about it seems to have reminded my bowels to start moving again. Ugh...� She frowned, gritting her teeth. �Oh God...�

�It's happening now?� inquired the woman, astonished.

�Not if I can help it!� gasped Sally, screwing her face up and balling her fists. She pounded on her right knee. �No ... not now ... please!� she begged her bowels.

The older woman laid her hand gently on Sally's arm. �Best not to fight it, girl � you'll give yourself a hernia! Never mind the embarrassment � you'd better just let it out.�

Sally clutched her abdomen in apparent pain. �Ugh � I think you're right!� she said through clenched teeth. �I don't want to make a mess of the seat though...� She got to her feet, then turned and climbed on to the seat, kneeling where she had just been sitting. Resting her hands on the back of the seat, she spread her knees apart, bowed her head in concentration, and strained.

Sam, watching surreptitiously from a few yards away, smiled as the back of Sally's panties began to tent downwards. The lump in the white material continued to grow downwards, and spread outwards, expanding into a large, fairly uniform bulge. At this point the lad sitting next to Sally, looking disgusted, got up and moved further down the car. The Indian woman, however, was staring at the growing bulge in fascination.

�Go on, push it all out,� she encouraged Sally. �You might as well finish what you've started.�

Sally, who had paused for a short rest, nodded in agreement. �Okay,� she said. She resumed pushing, and the bulge expanded and descended even further.

�No wonder you were so desperate!� marvelled the Indian woman. �That is a lot of poo right there.�

Sally squeezed out the last of her poo. �That's it,� she said. �Gosh, I feel so much better! But ... oh dear ... I must look quite a sight! And I'm so sorry about the smell...�

�Don't worry about it,� said the Indian woman firmly. �But will you be able to get home safely? I am a little concerned...�

�My brother's meeting me at the Kilburn Park station,� said Sally. �I'll be fine � thanks.�

�Okay,� said the woman, relieved.

Sally had picked Kilburn Park because it was the next stop, and she wanted to try a different train. �Bye,� she said. �Thanks for being so kind and understanding.�

The Indian woman smiled at her. �Nice to meet you, dear,� she said.

Sally disembarked, as did Sam from the other door. Once the train had moved off, Sam came over, took her into his arms, and kissed her. �You were fabulous!� he said. �Shall we head back? There might be more people on the northbound.�

�Sure,� said Sally with a smile.

With Sam following some distance behind, Sally walked to the northbound platform, where just a handful of people were awaiting the next train. They all stared at her, but nobody said anything.

The train arrived a minute later, and Sally boarded. There were indeed more people on this train, but there were still a few empty seats. The passengers all stared at Sally; she received lustful looks from several men of various ages, but one by one those looks turned to disgust as they spotted her bulging panties and caught their first whiff of her poo. Only one man actually seemed more excited when he saw her loaded panties: he looked about fifty years old, and he was wearing a suit and tie.

He continued to watch Sally as she took hold of a vertical pole a few feet away from him. As the train began to move, he said, �Hello there! Are you all right, Miss?�

Sally turned and smiled at him. �I'm fine now that I've done a poo,� she told him. �Before that, I was feeling terribly full and uncomfortable.�

�Better out than in, eh?� he said with a chuckle. �I must say, I do like your outfit.�

�Thanks,� said Sally, blushing a little. �I like to show off my panties.�

The man shifted in his seat. �That's a refreshing attribute,� he remarked approvingly. �Would you mind coming over here so I can get a closer look?�

Sally shyly took a few steps toward him, stopping directly in front of him. She turned away from him, then bent over slightly, presenting her bulging panties for his viewing pleasure.

�Hmm, yes, that's quite impressive!� He remarked. The other passengers were by now all staring at him and Sally from both ends of the car. �Now turn and face me.�

Sally complied, wondering what he had in mind.

�Now put your right foot up on here,� said the man, patting the seat to his left. Sally did so, and he smiled. �Good.� Reaching out with his right hand, he cupped her pussy through her panties, and gently rubbed it for a few moments, making her gasp. She did not, however, object or attempt to stop him. Then, to her further astonishment, he hooked a finger into the right leg hole of her panties, and pulled it across towards her left thigh, exposing her pussy as well as the mass of poo nestling in the back of her panties.

Sally could scarcely believe how brazen he was being. She stared down at him as he peered closely at her pussy.

�Very nice,� he said, using the fingers of his other hand to tease her labia apart. He rubbed her clitoris with one finger, then ran his fingertip back until it found the entrance to her vagina. Pushing his finger inside her, he slid it in and out for almost a full minute, while her breathing steadily quickened. �You like having poo in your panties, don't you?� he asked softly.

�Yes,� whispered Sally, closing her eyes.

�Why don't you come home with me?� suggested the man. �I have a great big dog � a bull-mastiff � that loves to fuck pretty young girls like you.�

�Ohhh...� Sally had never considered having sex with a dog, but it sounded ... interesting.

�If you come and live with me,� the man continued, �then I'll let you wear whatever you like. You can go out shopping in just your panties, if you want. Every day will be an erotic adventure. And you wouldn't even have to pay me any rent.�

Sally moaned with pleasure. �That does sound tempting...� she gasped.

�Take off your top,� he said.

Without hesitation, Sally pulled her tank top up over her head, and dropped it on to the seat. The man picked it up with one hand, wadded it up into a ball, and, as the train doors opened at Willesden Junction, he tossed the garment out on to the platform. The doors closed, and the train began to move again.

�The next stop is mine,� said the man, inserting a second finger into Sally's vagina. He gently thrust both fingers in and out of her as she uttered little moans of excitement. �You have two minutes to decide.�

As the two minutes ticked away, he brought Sally closer and closer to orgasm, but he slowed his pace, not letting her reach her climax. Her knees buckling, Sally was desperate to come. �Please...� she begged.

The train slowed to a stop. �My name's Rupert,� said the man, pulling his fingers out of her. He stood up as the doors opened. �Come with me. Step out on to that platform with me, and I'll give you an amazing orgasm.�

He walked to the doorway, stepped out, and turned. �Last chance,� he said, smiling at Sally.

Sally smiled back as she adjusted her panties to cover her pussy once more. She had no intention of going with Rupert, so she merely gave him a little wave as the doors closed. Then, as the train set off, Sam strolled over and put his arm around her. �Well that was interesting,� he said. �What did the nice gentleman have to say?�

�He wanted me to come and live with him,� said Sally. �Said I could have sex with his dog.�

�Whoa!� exclaimed Sam. �Um ... did that appeal to you?�

Sally giggled. �A bit,� she said.

�Were you tempted to go with him?� inquired Sam.

Sally turned to face him. �Not even slightly!� she said. �Think what I'd be leaving behind. The love of my life!�

Sam kissed her tenderly. �I'm glad to hear you say that,� he said. Then he kissed her again, and this time it was passionate, and deep, and long ... and he reached down, placed his hand beneath the bulge in her panties, and pressed it upwards with his palm, squishing Sally's poo against her buttocks. Then he carefully kneaded the poo through the material, working some of it towards the front of her panties.

�You two are sick!� someone yelled from the rear end of the car.

Sam broke off the kiss. �Turn around,� he whispered. Sally did so, and Sam reached down between her legs, worked a tennis ball-sized chunk of poo into the front of her panties, and began to massage it into her pussy through the cotton/Lycra blend.

Sally moaned in delight at the sensation. �Ohh yes...� she murmured huskily.

With his other hand, Sam fondled each of her bare breasts in turn. Then he glanced up towards the passengers at the end of the car. All were watching � a couple with undisguised disgust, but most with a kind of horrified fascination.

Sally writhed against her brother, then turned her face upward. Leaning over her, he kissed her again, continuing to mash her poo into her clitoris and smear it around her labia while he entwined his tongue with hers.

Eventually Sally pulled away. �It's our stop,� she said.

The train was coming to a halt. �So it is,� said Sam. He took her hand, and as the doors opened, the two of them stepped on to the platform.

Astonishment was the predominant reaction of the few people they passed on the way to the station's exit. Sally, feeling very exposed, nervous, and excited, made no attempt to cover her breasts, which bounced and swayed freely as she walked. In truth, they were so distracting that, in all likelihood, fewer people noticed the huge bulge in her panties than might otherwise have.

In the deepening dusk, they left the Tube station and made their way back towards Sam's hall of residence. On the way, they passed numerous people � mostly students � who stopped in their tracks and stared open-mouthed at the big-breasted teenager dressed in nothing but shoes and a pair of poo-laden panties. Much of the male attention was positive (at least until her 'accident' was noticed), and much of the female attention was negative � Sally heard a few choice insults thrown her way � but nobody directly accosted them until they were almost back at the hall.

�Hey! Sam!� came a voice from behind them.

�Oh bugger,� muttered Sam, immediately recognising the Scottish accent. He put on a smile and turned around. �Rhona!� he said. �How are you?�

His slender, dark-haired, green-eyed, fair-skinned ex-girlfriend was looking scandalised. �What are you thinking, letting your wee baby sister go around like this?� she demanded. �She's bloody nearly fucking naked! And with her knickers full o' shite!�

�Hey, I'm not a baby, and I can speak for myself, thank you very much!� said Sally hotly. �Sam's not 'letting' me walk around like this � that's my own choice! He's with me to make sure I'm safe and don't get into any trouble.�

�Fine,� said Rhona, folding her arms and turning to Sally. �So why are you choosing to act like a complete slut?�

�Maybe because I am a complete slut!� replied Sally defiantly. �Is that any business of yours?�

Rhona looked taken aback. �That's not something to be proud of, Sally,� she said. �You won't get a good man by being easy to shag!�

�I've already got a good man,� said Sally airily. She squeezed Sam's hand. �A truly wonderful man, actually. And he loves it when I act this way.�

�Who's this 'good man', then?� inquired Rhona. �Last time we met � which was, what, Tuesday? � you said you didn't have a boyfriend! And where is he now, if he likes you doing this so much?�

Sally blushed, and smiled at her feet. �Oh he's ... not far away,� she said.

Rhona gasped. �No!� she said.

Sam, aware that a small crowd was gathering around them, started to panic. �Not another word from either of you. Rhona, Sally's right � this is none of your business. Sally, let's get back to my room, okay?�

�Okay,� said Sally.

Leaving a stunned Rhona behind them, Sam and Sally hurried through the gate and made a beeline for Sam's hall. In the lobby, they found the lift conveniently already on the ground floor, so they stepped in, and Sam heaved a sigh of relief. �Of all the people to run into!� He sighed.

�Never mind,� said Sally. �I don't care if she knows.�

�I do!� said Sam. �She could make life ... difficult. If she starts spreading rumours...�

�Hopefully she cares about you more than that!� said Sally. �Didn't you say the two of you parted on good terms?�

�Yes!� said Sam. �And I'd say we're still friends. But ... incest isn't a subject you just shrug off...�

The lift came to a stop, and they stepped out. Sam fished in his pocket for his key as they walked down the corridor, and a moment later, they were safely inside his room.

Sally pulled her panties down, stepped out of them, and carefully placed them next to her other full pair. �I'm just going to the toilet,� she said, heading to the door. �I need a wee, and I might as well give my bum a good clean while I'm there.�

�Um, okay,� said Sam. �Naked? Perhaps I should come with you...�

�I'll be fine,� she assured him. �I'll be back in five minutes. In the meantime, you can be getting undressed � I need a good fucking!� She left the room, and Sam disrobed, then climbed into bed.

When Sally returned, she climbed in with him, lying down on her back. �Now fuck me, my darling brother,� she whispered into his ear.

He was inside her in a moment, thrusting hard as she wrapped her legs around his back and clung tightly to him, uttering happy little moans with each thrust. They kissed, and caressed, and smiled into each other's eyes � for both of them, it felt like a beautifully intimate moment after their undeniably exciting, but not very romantic, adventures since their first lovemaking experience.

Sam groaned, pumping more of his semen inside his sister, and then he lay cuddling with her while they basked in the afterglow of their union.

�I think I'm going to take a morning-after pill,� said Sally.

�I understand,� said Sam, nodding. �Incest pregnancies are ... risky.�

�Oh no,� she said. �It's not that. I totally want to have your baby. I just want to make sure it's yours, and not some weird German boy's.�

�Oh!� he said. �Okay!� He smiled at her. �I know it's wrong, but I so want to make a baby inside you.�

�Good,� she said with a smile. �But right now ... I'd like for you to do a poo on me.�

�What?� said Sam in surprise. �You haven't had enough of poo for one evening?�

Sally shook her head. �I'm still horny,� she said, �and I'm totally in the mood for more gross stuff.�

Sam chuckled. �Perhaps it's time you had a nice good orgasm.�

Sally nodded. �Yes,� she agreed, �and I have a plan. But first you need to do a poo on me.�

Sam shrugged. �All right,� he said. �Where? I mean, on what part of you?�

Sally thought for a moment. �On my tummy is fine.�

�Okay...� Sam climbed out of bed, then squatted over his sister's belly.

�Wait!� said Sally. �Do it on my pussy. Or...� She gasped. �Even better � do you think you could do it right into my vagina?�

Sam chuckled. �Holy shit, Sally!� he said. �Okay, I'll give it a try. But we'll need to prop you up or something.�

�That shouldn't be too hard,� said Sally.

While she drew her legs back and raised her bottom off the bed, Sam stuffed his pillow and part of his duvet beneath her, so that her vaginal opening was facing directly upwards. Then he climbed on to the bed, squatted over her again, and pushed.

As his long, firm turd descended, Sally carefully guided it into her vagina. Then, when it had reached ten inches or so in length, he lowered himself down, thrusting the poo deep inside her.

�Oh my God!� gasped Sally. �This is intense!�

Sam started to bounce slowly up and down, fucking her with his turd. He had only just climaxed, so he was not especially into this experience, but he very much wanted to make his sister happy, so he did not mind doing it.

Then there was a knock at the door. �Sam!� came Rhona's voice.

Sam clenched involuntarily, and his poo broke off. �Shit,� he muttered.

�I know you're in there, Sam!� said his ex sharply. �I want a word � with both of you!�

�Go away, Rhona!� he said. �This isn't any of your business!�

�You're my friend, and I care about you, so I'm making it my business!� said Rhona. �Now hurry up and let me in; I don't want to have this conversation through a closed door.�

�Later!� said Sam desperately. �I'll come and see you tomorrow.�

�Not tomorrow; now!� said Rhona. �If I'm right about this, I'm sure you don't want me speculating about it with my friends without being in possession of all the facts.�

�Oh God,� muttered Sam. �She's right about that.�

�Let her in,� said Sally with a shrug. �I don't mind her seeing me like this.�

�That's not really the point...� said Sam.

�Sam, if you don't let me in right now I'll leave here yelling at the top of my voice that my ex-boyfriend, Sam Evans, is fucking his...�

�All right all right,� said Sam nervously as he opened the door. �Feel free to come in � but you won't like it.�

�God it stinks in here!� exclaimed Rhona, stepping into the room. She looked Sam up and down. �As I suspected, then!� She walked around the corner of the sink and mirror unit, and then stopped, aghast, at the sight of Sally, lying naked on Sam's bed, with her pelvis elevated and a long turd sticking out of her vagina. �What ... the ... fuck!!!�

�It's totally what it looks like,� said Sally with a mischievous grin. �Sam was fucking me with his poo. And it felt ... lovely!�

Rhona collapsed into a chair. �What's happened to the two of you?� she asked in amazement. �On Tuesday the pair of you seemed completely ... normal!�

Sam sighed. �Well ... a lot's happened this evening,� he said. �It's a bit of a long story...�

�We should tell her everything,� said Sally firmly. �Otherwise she just won't understand.�

�I'm willing to listen,� conceded Rhona. �But do you think you could ... uh ... clean yourself up first?� She nodded towards the poo half-buried in Sally's vagina. �That's a little distracting!�

�I'm not moving,� said Sally. �You interrupted us; you'll just have to hear this story on our terms.�

Sam took a seat at the end of his bed, on the part of his duvet that was not tucked up beneath his sister. �Well, it started on the train this evening...�

�It started well before that,� said Sally. �You see, I've been in love with my brother for years. He's always been my hero. When I hit puberty and boys were starting to hit on me, all I could think about was how I wished they were more like Sam. And then I realised that the boy I wanted ... was, actually, Sam. I fantasised about him ... but didn't dare let him know how I felt. Eventually I just decided it was a silly, hopeless crush, and I buried my feelings deep down.

�But this week ... seeing him all grown-up and mature ... it's reawakened my feelings for him. I've acted all flirty with his friends, flashing my panties and whatnot, but it was all really for Sam's benefit � I was hoping he was looking, and enjoying.�

�And I was, now that I can allow myself to admit it,� said Sam.

�Then, on the Tube tonight, on the way to a restaurant near Regent's Park,� continued Sally, �I had a terrible accident in my panties. Number two, you know. I was mortified, but Sam was amazing � so supportive and non-judgmental � and suddenly I was just so filled with love for him! And then � totally unexpectedly � he kissed me! HE kissed ME! It was the most delightful surprise!�

�It surprised me as much as her,� said Sam. �I wasn't planning anything of the sort. But in that moment, with our emotions running so high ... she just looked so beautiful, so wonderful ... I felt so much love for her ... and I just sort of lost my head and kissed her.�

�Suddenly,� said Sally, �I was no longer remotely worried about the poo in my panties. I only wanted to find out what the kiss meant. And then it came out: Sam was in love with me, too.�

�I didn't realise it until the kiss,� said Sam. �I mean, it's incest! It's wrong! But once we realised we both felt the same way, we just knew it was right for us, and society could just fuck itself.�

Sally nodded. �And a weird thing happened then. I realised that I was no longer grossed out by the poo in my panties. In fact, I loved that I had had an accident! It had brought Sam and me together. I literally had my poo to thank for my current happiness. And the fact that everyone could see it ... well, suddenly that was an exciting thing � an erotic thing, even! I've always had an exhibitionistic streak � I love showing off my panties � and now it felt even more exciting to show them off when they were full of my poo!�

�And, I have to admit, it's a very sexy sight,� conceded Sam.

�So, we came back here and had sex,� said Sally. �My first time. And it was wonderful! But I was still horny, and I wanted to continue my erotic adventure.�

The story continued, and Rhona listened in rapt attention. When Sally had finished, Rhona shook her head slowly.

�It's crazy,� she said. �And wrong. So wrong! On so many levels! But I can't find it in my heart to pour cold water on your newfound happiness. I suspect other people � particularly your parents � will do that. So I'll just ... wish you luck.�

�Thanks,� said Sam, leaping up and coming over to give Rhona a hug.

�Ugh � Sam, you're still naked!� said Rhona, recoiling.

�Oh yeah � sorry,� said Sam, abashed. �But it's nothing you haven't seen before.�

�Not the point!� said Rhona. �We're not together now.�

�How's your quest going, Rhona?� asked Sally.

Rhona looked puzzled. �Quest?�

�Sam told me you were on a quest to explore your lesbian side...?�

Rhona raised an eyebrow. �Oh he did, did he? Well, it's been a mixed bag. I've had two girlfriends and a boyfriend since then...�

�Really?� said Sally in surprise. �It's only been six months!�

Rhona shrugged. �I still haven't found what I'm looking for,� she said. Then she gave Sally a wry smile. �Ideally I want a nice girl who feels about me the way you feel about your brother.� She sighed. �But good grief, you two � you're going to have a hard time of it! You'll be like societal outcasts if this gets out!�

�It'll get out,� said Sam grimly. �Neither of us has any interest in being secretive.� He reached over, took hold of the end of his poo, and began to pull it out of Sally's vagina. Then he pushed it back in, pulled it back out a few inches, thrust it back in ... and Sally closed her eyes and smiled beatifically.

�You're seriously going to do that in front of me?� inquired Rhona, disgusted.

�Why not?� giggled Sally. �Having an audience is fun!�

Rhona shook her head. �You're clearly in love,� she said, �and I can understand that ... but I'll never get the poo thing.�

�Ah but you haven't tried being fucked by a poo!� gasped Sally. �It feels ... lovely!�

Rhona chuckled as she stared at the turd sliding in and out of Sally's vagina. �I'll take your word for it,� she said. She felt like she should probably leave, but the sight was ... fascinating.

�Ohh ... ohhh!� panted Sally. �Yes Sam � harder! Make me come!�

�Jesus!� said Rhona, unable to wrest her eyes away from the sight of her ex-boyfriend fucking his sister with his turd. �This is the most fucked-up thing I've ever seen, I swear to God.�

�Ohhh!! Ohhhh!!!!� moaned Sally. �More, more...�

Sam was thrusting the turd very rapidly, but it was starting to lose its shape.

�Rub her clit, Sam!� said Rhona urgently. �Or she won't come before that turd breaks up!�

Sam shot her a glance of annoyance, but he did as she suggested. She was, however, unimpressed with his technique, and as Sally winced slightly, Rhona pursed her lips. �Mind if I help?� she asked.

�Feel free!� gasped Sally in delight.

Rhona leaped off her chair and scooted he knees forward on the floor, until she was kneeling next to the bed. Reaching out to Sally's pussy, she hesitated, looking up at Sam.

He shook his head, chuckled, and withdrew his own hand. �Go on then,� he said.

Rhona gently massaged Sally's clitoris through its fleshy hood, then carefully gauged the younger girl's reaction as she intensified the speed and pressure of her rubbing. Sally arched her back, crying �Oh God ... oh God!� and gyrating her hips as Sam continued fucking her with his turd. But the brown object was breaking up, and then its lower half broke off inside Sally. Sam pressed the rest of it down, pushing it into his sister, squashing it so that it expanded laterally inside her, until the whole thing was buried in her vagina.

Rhona, noting that Sally's clitoris had managed to remain poo-free, bent over and took it into her mouth, licking it and sucking on it hard as Sally finally crashed over the edge into an explosive, mind-blowing orgasm. She literally screamed, her body arching upwards and going rigid for several seconds, before collapsing and shuddering in ecstasy.

�Dear Lord!� she gasped, wiping tears from her eyes, when she could finally talk again. �That was the absolute best thing ever! Thank you both, so much!�

�Anytime,� said Sam with a smile.

�You're welcome,� said Rhona, once she had removed her lips from Sally's pussy.

�Come here, Rhona,� said Sally, holding her arms out. �Give me a kiss.�

Rhona, with a slight smirk, walked forward on her knees until she was close enough to kiss Sally. Their lips touched, and Sally opened her mouth. Her tongue met Rhona's, and for the next couple of minutes they kissed deeply and enthusiastically. Sam, watching from the foot of his bed while he wiped his hand with a tissue, found his arousal growing, though at the same time he was slightly disconcerted by this new development in Sally's sexuality.

Rhona broke off from the kiss. �Well, this has been interesting, to say the least!� she remarked. �Good night to the pair of you ... and good luck!�

�Goodnight, Rhona,� said Sam.

�Night night Rhona,� said Sally, smiling happily.

Rhona regarded Sally with a warm smile. �Sweetheart, you're something else.� She turned and gave Sam a stern look. �Look after her, Sam.�

�I intend to make that my life's work,� he replied.

Rhona's face softened. �Yes � you two are maybe right for each other after all. I just hope you can convince others of that!�

She left the room, and Sam turned to Sally with a quizzical look. �You're a lesbian too, now?�

Sally laughed. �I thought it would be fun to try kissing a girl. And it was! But as to being a lesbian ... or bisexual even ... I'm not sure I'd go that far. I definitely like having a cock inside me. Specifically, yours.�

�Fair enough,� said Sam.

�Now,� said Sally, �let's glue a pair of panties on to me.�

Sam fetched a fresh white pair from her bag, and pulled them over her feet. �Do you want to take my poo out of your cunt first?�

�Absolutely not!� said Sally. �And please don't say 'cunt' � horrible word.�

�Sorry � vagina,� said Sam. He tugged her panties up around her bottom, then he pulled a bottle of glue out of his pocket. �You sure about this?� he asked.

�Completely,� Sally confirmed. She adjusted her panties until they felt comfortable, then she said. �Okay � glue the leg holes in exactly that position.�

Sam unscrewed the bottle's cap, and pulled out the brush, which was attached to the underside of the cap. �Huh � I remember this smell,� he remarked.

Lifting the elasticated leg band of Sally's panties, he carefully painted its inner side with glue, coating it liberally all the way along, until he had worked his way from her crotch along the top of her thigh to her hip, round behind her buttock, and back along the top of her inner thigh to where he had started. Then he repeated the process for the other leg hole.

�Now keep still,� he said, �for half an hour.�

�Half an hour?� echoed Sally, dismayed. �Good grief. Well in that case, let's watch some TV.�

After an episode of Arrow, Sally climbed off the bed. She tugged experimentally at her panties. She tugged a little harder, then she grinned. �It worked!� she said. �Awesome � this stuff is pretty strong!� She tried pulling her panties down, but the leg bands were now very firmly attached to her skin. �Fantastic!� she said, grinning. �Now let's fill them up!�

She held out the back of her panties, and Sam picked up her first poo-filled pair. He carefully upended them, and Sally squealed as her huge chunk of poo dropped into the panties she was now wearing and thudded against her buttocks. �It's cold!� she giggled.

�I suppose it'll warm up with your body heat,� said Sam.

Sally nodded, then she bounced up and down a few times, causing her poo to settle down and shift further beneath her buttocks. �Okay,� she said, �now dump the rest in.�

Sam put down the newly emptied pair of panties, and picked up the pair that contained Sally's second poo. �Ready?� he asked.

�Go for it,� said Sally.

Sam flipped the panties over, and the huge lump of poo therein fell with a damp thud on top of the first chunk. The two poo-masses merged and spread out sideways, but could not escape beyond the sealed leg-bands.

�Holy shit that's a massive bulge!� said Sam.

Sally grinned. �Good! Is it safe to let go?�

�No!� said Sam. �I mean, the poo is all inside � it doesn't reach as high as the waistband � but I'm pretty sure it'll all collapse and fall out the back if you let go. There's just so much of it.�

�Okay,� said Sally. �So, what � should I just hold it against my skin while you glue it?�

Sam thought for a moment. �We'll glue the front first, and around both hips,� he decided. �Yes, hold the waistband in place, but you may want to bounce it down a little more.�

�Okay,� said Sally. �Though I'm a little afraid I'll break the seal if I bounce too hard.� She bounced a few more times, and her poo settled further downward. She giggled. �Ooh, it's creeping forwards!� she reported. She pressed the waistband against her skin, just above the top of her buttock cleavage. �How's that?�

�Hold it there,� said Sam, �and turn towards me.

She did so, and he generously painted Copydex all around the inside of her waistband, from her left hip, along her abdomen, to her right hip. �Now stay still for half an hour,� he said.

�Seriously?� said Sally with a pained expression. �You're going to leave the back until the front gets dry?�

�With all that weight in there,� said Sam, �it'll be too hard to keep the waistband from shifting around while the glue is setting. Trust me.�

Sally sighed. �Fine.�

They watched another episode of Arrow.

As the credits rolled, Sam said, �Okay, lie down on the bed, on your tummy.�

Sally raised an eyebrow, but complied. �What now?� she inquired.

�Just stay there,� said Sam, readying the Copydex once more. �With your poo sitting on your bottom, it's not pulling down on your waistband so hard � so I can glue it in the right place and it won't keep wanting to slip downward.� He hoisted the waistband of her panties up, until it was not much lower than where it would normally sit if her panties were empty. Then he carefully glued it in place. �There!� he said. �All done. Now we just need to wait another half hour, and that'll be it � your poo will all be very firmly sealed in your panties.�

Sally grinned. �Awesome. Arrow?�

�Sure,� said Sam with a chuckle. �Can you see the TV okay from there?�

Sally propped herself up on her elbows, looked across at the television, and nodded.

After the third episode, Sally got up and tested her panties. They were indeed firmly sealed all over, and she giggled gleefully. But then she pouted. �But now I need a wee again!�

�Well it was bound to happen,� said Sam. �May I suggest wadding up some paper to wick your pee away from your panties? It might help to reduce stainage.�

Sally nodded. �I'll try that,� she said. �And I'll dry my panties very thoroughly afterwards.� She turned away from him, then smiled back at him over her shoulder. �How do they look?� she asked.

Sam stared at the hugely bulging material, stretched to balloon-like proportions. �Like an elephant's defecated in them,� he said. �I don't know how you've managed to produce so much poo in one evening, but it's kind of amazing and wonderful. It's a very sexy sight.�

Sally beamed. �Good! Thank you, Sam.�

�How does the glue feel, now that it's dry?� Sam asked. �Any itching?�

�Nope!� said Sally. �Well, not much, and it's easily relieved. Back in a tick.� She left the room, and Sam got ready for bed.

In the toilet, Sally reached between her legs, and kneaded her poo through her panties, pushing its foremost extent backward into the seat of her panties, uncovering her vagina. She then squatted down on to the toilet seat, facing backwards and straddling it, so that her poo-bulge rested on the front of the seat and partially overhung it. Grabbing a handful of toilet paper, she wadded it up and pressed it against her pee hole. Then she relaxed, and began to pee.

The paper became soaked and then sodden almost instantly; Sam's idea about wicking the pee away was clearly not going to work � at least not with toilet paper. She dropped it into the bowl. Fortunately, her pee seemed to be pouring straight through her panties pretty well, rather than pooling in the gusset.

Once she had finished, she wadded up more paper, and pressed it against her panties. Once it was quite wet through, she dumped it in the bowl and went back for more. She continued this process until the dampness of her panties was only barely discernible. Then she flushed, washed her hands, and returned to Sam's room, where she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and climbed into bed.

It was a single bed, but they managed to get comfortable enough, lying side by side. Sally, not wanting to squish her poo too much, lay on her front � a position in which she normally had a hard time getting to sleep. But after all the excitement she had had this evening, she was exhausted, and sleep came quickly.

The next morning, she was a little disoriented at first, but then she smiled as she remembered the events of last night. She realised Sam was stroking her hair. �Morning my love,� she murmured.

�Good morning, my darling,� he replied. �Fancy some breakfast?�

�Mmmm, yes,� she replied sleepily. �Fuck first, though, please.�

Sam chuckled. �How do you expect to accomplish that? Not only are your panties sealed on, your vagina's full of my poo!�

�True,� conceded Sally. �I was thinking we could just unseal and reseal the glue .. but perhaps we'd better just settle for something else...�

�Such as?� inquired Sam.

�How about I give you a blow-job!� Sally suggested brightly. �We haven't done that yet.�

Sam grinned. �That does sound nice,� he admitted. �All right then.�

Sally clambered out of bed and knelt on the floor, pulling back the duvet to reveal her brother's growing erection. She eagerly took it into her mouth and began to suck, swirling her tongue around its moist tip. Sam closed his eyes and sighed with pleasure.

She was extraordinarily good at this, he could not help noting, and he wondered just how much practice she had got in with her former boyfriend. If they were refraining from actual sex, then it could conceivably have been quite a lot.

It was not long before, with a series of orgasmic groans, he fired several spurts of semen into the back of her mouth. She eagerly swallowed it all, and continued to suck him for a minute or so afterwards. Then she got to her feet.

�Sam,� she said, �I want you to know that I'll happily suck you off whenever and wherever you want. I don't care if we're out in public, or with your friends, or with my friends, or with family � even if we're in the middle of dinner with Mum and Dad � if you say 'Sally, suck me off', then I'll immediately get down on my knees and start sucking. That's a promise, Sam.�

�Good grief!� said Sam, startled. �Wow. Um ... I'll certainly bear that in mind.�

�And take advantage of it, I hope,� said Sally with a mischievous grin.

�Gosh,� said Sam. �Well ... I'm going to take a quick shower before breakfast. Obviously you can't...�

�I'll give myself a sponge-bath sort of thing with a flannel in front of the basin,� said Sally.

�Okay,� said Sam. �See you in a bit.�

Ten minutes later, Sam returned to his room and got dressed while Sally applied some make-up. �Shall we go and grab some breakfast?� he asked.

�Would you mind grabbing some for both of us?� she said. �I don't want to sit down in the refectory to eat � it might squish the poo too much and break the glue seal, and then we'd have to contend with an almighty clean-up. And I have a train to catch. Besides,� she added with a grin, �the students eating in the refectory might not be too happy to have the smell of poo in their nostrils as they're eating their eggs and bacon.�

�Very considerate of you,� said Sam. �Sure � I'll be right back.�

He took the lift down to the ground floor, headed to the refectory, and picked up some food for both of them: a cooked breakfast for himself, and yogurt and fruit for Sally. Returning to his room, he found Sally trying to decide what to wear for her journey home.

�How about this?� she inquired, holding up a blue miniskirt. �I think it'll cover my panties � just!�

Sam smirked as he sat down with his food. �You weren't so concerned about keeping your panties covered last night,� he said.

�No,� agreed Sally, �but you were with me. Now I have to travel on my own to Derby � and Mum and Dad will be meeting me!�

�Very true,� said Sam, nodding. �Good points. In that case I think it's an excellent choice.�

Sally put on a white bra and a pink t-shirt, followed by the blue skirt, which she very carefully pulled up around her bulging panties. Once she had fastened it, she turned around. �How's that?� she asked.

Sam knelt down. �Yup, it covers your panties,� he reported.

�Okay then,� said Sally.

The two of them ate their breakfast, and then Sally finished packing her bag. Then, about to stuff a black-and-white patterned miniskirt into her bag, she paused thoughtfully.

�I wonder how this one would work,� she mused aloud. �It's a little shorter, but...�

�Wouldn't hurt to try it,� said Sam.

Sally removed her blue skirt, and put on the black and white one. When she had tugged it up around her waist and zipped it up, she turned her back on Sam. �How's that?�

Sam crouched down to get the skirt's hem at his eye level. The underside of Sally's bulging panties was sagging about an inch below the skirt. �It's showing,� he said, �but only just. People would only see it if they were crouching down.�

Sally giggled. �Okay,� she said. �It's fun to think my panties are showing, even if it's just a little bit.�

She zipped up her bag. �All right,� she said, �let's go.�

The walk to the Tube station was not nearly as exciting as it had been the night before. In fact, it was entirely uneventful; nobody saw Sally's bulging panties, and if they commented on the smell of her poo, it was not until she was out of earshot.

The Tube journey itself was more interesting; several people could be heard muttering about the smell, and one or two of them stared suspiciously at both Sally and Sam. Eventually a man in his thirties loudly said, �Will whoever has crapped themselves PLEASE exit the train at the next stop!� There was a muttered chorus of agreement.

Fortunately the next stop was Oxford Circus, where they were due to change lines.

�That wasn't so much fun as last night,� said Sally, as they disembarked. �I do hope I don't get kicked off the train to Derby.�

Sam had been thinking about this. �You know what?� he said. �It's the weekend. Why don't I come home for a night? Then I can make sure you get home safely.�

Sally beamed. �Yay!� she said. �But ... you don't have any of your stuff...�

Sam shrugged. �I've got a spare toothbrush at home. What else do I need, really?�

�Okay then!� said Sally happily.

They took the Victoria line to St Pancras, arriving with twenty minutes to spare before Sally's train was due to depart. Sam bought a return ticket to Derby, and then Sally said, �I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back.�

�Okay,� said Sam.

Sally entered the ladies' toilet, and Sam played on his phone while he waited. A few minutes later, Sally returned, looking wide-eyed with excitement, in a different outfit: a peach-coloured t-shirt and a very short, dark grey, flared miniskirt that was almost as short as the sundress she had worn last night. When she performed a slow twirl in front of Sam, he gaped at the sight of her bulging panties hanging down at least four inches below the skirt's hem.

�If you're going to be with me,� she said, �I want to show off my panties � and my poo!�

Her panties were very obviously full of poo. Aside from the lumpy roundness of the bulge, the material had been stretched so much that the brown colour of the poo within was quite evident.

�Very nice,� said Sam with a smile. �Glue still holding up all right?�

�Yup!� Sally confirmed. �Shall we board, then?�

To the astonishment of all who happened to be looking in her direction, Sally climbed aboard the train to Derby, her heavily-laden panties wobbling with each step she took. �Probably best if I remain between carriages,� she said.

�Probably less likely to get us kicked off,� agreed Sam, putting his phone away, �but won't you get tired of standing up for so long?�

�It's only an hour and a half,� said Sally. �I'll manage.� Then she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. �Were you taking photos of me?�

�Yes,� Sam confessed. �You just looked so awesome, boarding the train with your panties hanging down way beneath your skirt.�

Sally chuckled. �Can I see?�

�Of course,� said Sam, pulling out his phone and handing it to her.

She looked through his photos, and laughed. �Gosh, you have been busy! I didn't realise you were taking all these.�

�Couldn't help it,� said Sam. �You're just so damn sexy.�

Ten minutes after the train had set off, the ticket inspector came through the door nearest to them. �Tickets please,� he said. Then he wrinkled his nose. �Whoa � that's some smell, innit?�

�It's me,� said Sally. �I did a poo in my panties.� She turned around and � quite unnecessarily � bent over.

�Jesus!� exclaimed the ticket inspector. �Blimey, that's... Couldn't you have used a toilet?�

�I didn't make it in time,� said Sally. �I could dump it out now, but ... I'd hate to block it up. There's rather a lot, you see.�

�I see, I see!� said the man. He scratched his head. �Well, you do have a point. Maybe it would be best to keep it ... where it is ... until you get off. Where are you headed?�

�Derby,� said Sam.

�Yeesh,� said the ticket inspector. �But all right � just stay here and don't go wandering through the carriages, please.�

�Fair enough,� said Sally.

Shortly after the ticket inspector left, a young boy of about seven entered the inter-carriage space, and found Sam and Sally holding each other and kissing. He took one look at Sally's panties, stared in astonishment, then ran back the way he had come. A minute later, he returned dragging his mother by the hand. But they found only Sam, playing on his phone.

The boy's mother swatted the back of his head. �Don't tell disgusting lies,� she snapped at him. �Now come on back to your seat.�

�But Mum...� he protested, as she ushered him back into the carriage.

Sally emerged from the toilet. �Was that strictly necessary?� she inquired.

�I don't know,� said Sam. �She just looked like the type that might cause trouble. Flashing grown-ups is one thing, but I can understand people having a problem with you showing your loaded panties to their seven-year-olds.�

Sally shrugged. �With this skirt being so short, I can't be terribly selective about who sees my panties. But I take your point.�

The next people to come along were three teenagers � two girls and a boy � and they found Sam taking a photo of Sally's panties while she bent over to maximise their exposure.

�What the heck?� said the boy, startled, while the two girls squealed in horror.

Sally, looking back over her shoulder, said, �Sorry about the smell.�

�But what are you DOING?� gasped one of the girls. She was blonde, and looked about fifteen.

�I had quite a spectacular accident,� said Sally. �My brother here thought it was worth filming, just in case the Guinness chaps are interested.�

�Do you have any more to push out?� inquired Sam.

Sally thought for a moment. �I do, as it happens,� she said. �One sec.� She strained, and her anus opened up once more. A fresh turd slithered out, immediately hit the huge lump of poo in her panties, and was diverted downwards, sliding beneath her poo-stuffed vagina and onward between her labia. As it nudged against her clitoris, it was finally brought to a halt by friction.

With nowhere else to go, the rest of Sally's emerging poo piled up atop the older poo, pushing it away from Sally's bottom. It spread outward around both buttocks, all the way up to the waistband, where it was stopped by the still intact glue seal.

Sam and the younger teens watched with amazement as the already enormous bulge grew even more gigantic, stretching the material of Sally's panties to its limits. Sam had switched his phone to video mode, and was capturing the expansion in glorious close-up.

�That's it,� panted Sally. �No more to come.�

�How are your knickers even staying up?� asked the blonde girl in disbelief.

�I glued them on,� said Sally cheerfully. �Didn't want anything leaking out.�

The other girl shuddered. �You two are weird!� she said.

�How did you even do all that in one go?� asked the boy, fascinated.

�Just talented, I suppose,� replied Sally airily.

�Well you can keep your 'talent',� said the blonde girl. �I certainly wouldn't be proud of it if I were you! Come on Theresa, let's get out of this stink before it sticks to our clothes.�

The trio left, and Sam and Sally went back to kissing and cuddling. Sam even reached between her legs, cupped the poo nestling against her pussy, and gently massaged it into her clitoris. Sally loved this, and after ten minutes, she climaxed with a muffled scream into her brother's shoulder.

Several other people passed through, but none stayed long. And all too soon, the train was pulling into the station at Derby. Looking out of the window, Sally waved excitedly. �There's Mum and Dad!�

Sam shivered. �Now things get interesting,� he muttered.

As the train came to a halt, Sally opened the door, got out, and trotted over towards her parents, who smiled and waved as they caught sight of her. Sam grinned as he watched her bouncing panties, which were now sagging fully six inches below her skirt. Lugging Sally's bag, he disembarked and walked over to join his family.

�Goodness,� said Mr Evans, as he hugged his daughter. �You seem to have brought a bit of a smell with you!�

�I had an accident in my panties, I'm afraid,� said Sally. �Please don't be cross.�

�Goodness!� said Mrs Evans. �You're a little old for that sort of thing, surely?�

�I'm not cross,� said Mr Evans, �but if you could clean yourself up before we all get in the car, I'm sure we'll all be grateful.�

�Well � I'm not sure I can,� said Sally apologetically. �You see, it's rather large and I'm afraid of blocking up the toilet. I don't want to cause a flood.�

�That's just silly,� said Mrs Evans dismissively. �I'm sure they have a plunger you could use.�

�I'm not sure a plunger would help much,� said Sally. �Not with this amount.�

�Well good grief Sally, how big could it possibly be?� inquired her father impatiently.

Sally turned around and bent over slightly.

�Good grief!� gasped Mr Evans, staring in shock. �What an enormous...�

�Oh my Lord!� exclaimed Mrs Evans, looking around anxiously. �Darling, your knickers are hanging out for all to see! Let's get you in the car � quickly!�

�Okay!� said Sally in delight.

�Heavens, dear, she can't sit down, though!� said Mr Evans anxiously. �Think of the upholstery!�

�Perhaps she could lie down across the back seats?� Mrs Evans suggested, before smiling warmly at Sam. �Hello dear.�

�Then where would Sam sit?� inquired her husband.

�Sally can put her head on my lap,� said Sam, giving his mother a hug. �I don't mind.�

�All right then,� said Mr Evans. �That sounds suspiciously like the rudiments of an actionable, dare I say it workable, plan.�

�You could always just say 'Sounds like a plan' like normal people, Dad,� said Sally in amusement.

�I could,� Mr Evans acknowledged.

They climbed into the car, and set off. Sally, lying more on her side than on her back, with her knees tucked up and her head on Sam's lap, lost no time in unzipping his jeans, pulling out his cock, and massaging it to life. Then she took it into her mouth, and began sucking.

�Ohh,� muttered Sam, grasping one of his sister's breasts and giving it a squeeze.

�So how was your trip, Sally?� asked Mrs Evans.

Sally pulled her head off Sam's penis long enough to say, �Great fun, thanks!� Then she remembered something. �Oh � can we stop at the chemist's on the way home?�

�Certainly,� said her father. �But you're not going in like that! What do you need? I'll pop in and get it for you.�

�It's ... personal,� said Sally awkwardly.

�Oh don't worry about that,� said Mr Evans cheerfully. �I've been buying your mother's tampons and whatnot for years. So what's it to be? Pantyliners? Sanitary towels? Menstrual...�

�Dad!� Sam interrupted him with a pained expression. �Don't embarrass Sally! I'm sure she'd much rather shop for those things herself.�

�Well she can't do it like that!� said Mr Evans sternly.

�Perhaps I could,� said Mrs Evans. �Do you want to text me what you need, darling?�

�Not really!� said Sally. �Sam knows what I need � can he go?�

�Sure, that's fine,� said Mr Evans with a shrug.

Sally resumed sucking her brother's penis. Five minutes later, Sam climaxed in her mouth, and she hungrily swallowed every drop of his semen. By the time their father had parked the car outside the chemist's, she had discreetly tucked him away and zipped him back up.

�I'll be right back,� said Sam, and he opened his door and got out.

In the shop, he approached the pharmacy counter and smiled at the woman standing behind it. �Hi,� he said. �I'd like to get a morning-after pill please.�

�For your partner?� she inquired.

�Well it's not for me, clearly,� he replied with a smirk.

�I'm sorry, but she'll have to come here herself,� said the woman. �There are a few questions I'll need to ask her.�

�Oh,� said Sam. �Um, can you try me? I might know the answers.�

�I'm sorry,� the woman said politely. �It really does need to be her.�

�Okay,� said Sam. �Thanks.� He left the shop, and returned to the car. �Sorry, Sally,� he said as he got in. �Apparently you need to get it yourself.�

Mrs Evans turned around and stared sharply at Sally. �What exactly are you trying to get, Sally? Emergency contraception?�

Mr Evans gasped. �Surely not!�

But Sally's guilty face was enough for her mother. �Good grief, Sally!� she exclaimed. �After all the talks we've had about being careful!�

�Damn it, Sam!� exclaimed Mr Evans. �You were supposed to be looking out for Sally!�

�Let me handle this, Owen, please,� said Mrs Evans. �Sally's old enough to make her own decisions, and it seems she's made a poor one. Unless ... you were coerced...?�

�Not at all!� said Sally quickly. �It was just, like you said, a poor decision. I'd had a couple of drinks and got lost in the moment.�

�Well then, you'd better get into the shop, poo and all, and get your pill,� said Mrs Evans. �Who's the boy responsible? One of Sam's friends?�

�Yeah,� said Sam quickly.

�Damn it, Sam!� exclaimed Owen again.

�Owen!� snapped his wife. �You and Sam can have a man-to-man about this later. Right now let's make sure Sally's looked after.�

�For the record, Dad,� said Sally, �Sam did a wonderful job looking after me in London. He was very protective.�

�Hmmph,� said her father.

�I'll come in with you, darling,� said Mrs Evans.

�Okay Mum,� said Sally.

As they walked into the store, Mrs Evans shuddered at the sight of her daughter's grossly distended panties wobbling back and forth beneath her skirt. �Ugh,� she said. �Couldn't you have worn a longer skirt?�

�None of my skirts are long enough to cover my panties, what with them sagging so low,� said Sally. �And obviously jeans are out of the question.�

�'None of my skirts IS long enough',� her mother corrected her. �Don't they teach grammar at St Austin's?�

Sally rolled her eyes. �Yes Mother,� she said.

As she walked toward the pharmacy counter, Sally could feel Sam's turd, still in her vagina, gently easing in and out a little with each step. It was a wonderfully exciting sensation, in part simply because it was a constant reminder that her brother had done a poo inside her, and fucked her with it. Such an erotic experience!

�Hi,� said Sally to the woman behind the counter. �Um, are you the right person to talk to about a morning-after pill?�

�Yes indeed,� said the young woman. �Was it your boyfriend who was just in here?�

Sally's cheeks flushed red. �No, that was my brother,� she said.

�Oh!� said the pharmacist. �Well � I'll need to ask you some questions before I can sell you emergency contraception.�

�Fire away,� said Sally.

But the woman was sniffing the air. �Is that ... you?� she asked.

�My daughter had a bit of an accident,� said Mrs Evans briskly, �and hasn't had a chance to clean up yet. Just ask your questions quickly, please, and we'll be out of your shop.�

�Ugh � okay,� said the pharmacist, looking flustered. �Um ... what was the date of the start of your last period?�

�It finished last weekend,� said Sally, half to herself. �I think it started on the Tuesday before that.�

�Are you currently taking a contraceptive pill?� was the next question.

�Nope,� said Sally.

�Are you on any other form of contraception?� inquired the pharmacist.

�Nope,� said Sally.

�And when was it that you had sex?�

�Last night,� said Sally. �Around seven o'clock-ish. It was my first time.�

�Really?� said her mother, looking surprised. �We sort of assumed you and Harry...�

�No, we never did,� said Sally.

A few minutes later, Sally and her mother emerged from the chemist's. �Thirty-five quid!� exclaimed Sally. �What a rip-off!�

�A bargain, compared to the alternative,� remarked Mrs Evans wryly. �You know, Sally, I'm disappointed that you let this happen ... but I don't want to dwell on that right now. Clearly there's someone new in your life, and I'd like to hear about him!�

�Ah,� said Sally uncomfortably. �Well ... I'll tell you about him when I'm ready ... I'm just afraid you won't approve...�

�Why not?� inquired her mother. �As you know, your father and I are quite liberal-minded people...�

�We'll talk later,� Sally said, as she opened the car door.

Once they were moving again, Mrs Evans said, �Well, what does everyone want to do today? We should take advantage of the fact that we're all home at the same time. How about a family outing? The zoo, perhaps?�

�Dad, we're not twelve and ten anymore,� said Sam, as he fondled Sally's breasts. �I think Sally and I would rather hang out at home.�

�Suit yourself,� said Mrs Evans, sounding disappointed.

Fifteen minutes later they were home. Mr Evans trotted upstairs, Mrs Evans disappeared into the kitchen to make lunch, and Sam and Sally went into the living room, hoping to have a quiet moment alone together. But it was not to be; their father came back downstairs after less than a minute, and entered the living room.

�Hadn't you better get rid of that huge ball of poo in your knickers, Sally?� he inquired.

�Ugh,� said Sally. �It's probably going to take me at least an hour to dispose of it all and clean myself up.�

�I imagine it will be quite the ordeal,� agreed her father. �But you can't exactly have lunch like that...�

�Why not?� said Sam. �It's a nice day � couldn't we eat out on the patio? The breeze will carry away the smell. As long as Sally sits downwind of us...�

�That's all very well,� said Owen, �but she can't even sit down! I mean, she could, but think of the mess!�

�I could just stand,� said Sally with a shrug. �I don't mind.�

�Couldn't we take the seat out of one of the dining room chairs?� suggested Sam. �Her panties could hang down through the hole.�

Mr Evans shook his head. �The bare frame would be terribly uncomfortable to sit on,� he said. �The hole would be too large and too square, and the frame is too narrow to provide much support anyway.� Then his eyes lit up. �Wait a minute though � I have an idea.� He hurried out of the room, then he popped his head back in. �I'll need the dimensions of ... the, um...� He gestured towards Sally's panties.

�The poo-ball?� suggested Sam.

�Ugh � let's not call it that,� said Sally, grimacing. �I mean, it's far from spherical.�

�What would you prefer?� asked her father politely. �Poo-lump? Poo-mass?�

�Panty-bulge?� ventured Sam.

�How about just The Bulge?� said Sally. �I think we'll all know what that means.�

�Fair enough,� said her father. �Anyway I need to know its size in inches.�

Sally shrugged. �Well, feel free to measure it,� she said.

�Okay I'll just get a ruler...� he hurried out of the room, and returned a minute later after a quick visit to his study. �Um...�

Sally bent over the side of an armchair. �Go ahead.�

Rather hesitantly, Owen raised his ruler towards his daughter's bulging panties ... just as his wife entered the room.

She stopped in her tracks, looking shocked. �Whatever are you doing?� she demanded. �Not giving her a spanking, surely?�

�No!� said Owen hastily. �You'll see shortly.� He quickly held the ruler against Sally's panties. �Eight ... call it nine inches,� he muttered. �Be right back!� Then he hurried out of the room, and, a moment later, out of the back door of the house.

�What was that all about?� inquired Mrs Evans.

Sally shrugged as she stood up straight. �He has an idea about how I can sit down without making a mess.�

�Oh!� said her mother. �But darling � aren't you going to clean up?�

�I don't have time before lunch,� said Sally. �It's going to be quite a mammoth task.�

�Well, I'm sure, but ... the smell...�

�We thought we might eat out on the patio,� said Sam.

�I can sit on the downwind side of the table,� added Sally.

�Ugh,� said Mrs Evans. �But good heavens, surely you can at least take off your messy knickers and have a wash? You can deal with the mess after lunch!� The sound of an electric saw filtered through from the back garden. �Good grief, whatever is your father doing?�

�We'll find out soon!� said Sam cheerfully. �As for Sally's poo � if she doesn't want to deal with cleaning herself up right now, I personally don't mind if she waits until after lunch. I've been around the smell long enough now that I barely notice it anyway.�

Mrs Evans threw up her hands. �Whatever,� she said. �I just came through to tell you lunch will be ready in five minutes. If we're eating outside, Sam, perhaps you could lay the table out there.�

�Righto, Mum,� said Sam.

A few minutes later, he and his mother were sitting down to a light lunch of bread and sandwich-making ingredients, plus boiled eggs, vegetables and dip, and fruit. At that moment, looking very pleased with himself, Mr Evans emerged from the shed with a wooden chair that Sally recognised as part of their old dining chair set.

�Look!� said Owen, turning the seat of the chair towards them. He had sawed out of it a circular section, making a hole about ten inches across. He came over and put the chair down beside the table. �Take a seat, Sally,� he said, �and let me know if that's comfortable.�

Sally carefully sat down, lowering her bulging panties into the hole. Plenty of the seat remained to support her thighs and the edges of her buttocks. �Yes!� she said. �That's very comfortable. Thanks Dad!�

�You're welcome,� he said, smiling happily. �I knew it was worth hanging on to those old chairs.� He sat down and started making himself a sandwich.

�So, will you two be coming to church with us tomorrow?� asked Mrs Evans.

�Sure,� said Sally, while Sam merely shrugged noncommittally.

After lunch Mr Evans washed the dishes, then disappeared into his study. Mrs Evans, thwarted in her attempts to organise a family outing, announced that she was going to visit her friend Pixie.

�I'll be back by tea-time,� she said to Sam and Sally, tucking her purse into her handbag. �Have a fun afternoon.�

�But,� said Sally, �I love Aunty Pixie! Can't I come too? I haven't seen her in ages!�

�Oh, she'd love to see you!� said Mrs Evans. �But ... do you think you could clean up first? I can wait a little while...�

�Ugh,� said Sally, pulling a face. �Never mind. I just can't face dealing with all that poo right now, right after I've eaten. It'll make me feel ill.�

�Mum, Aunt Pixie's like the most non-judgmental person on Earth,� said Sam. �Don't you think she'd rather see Sally with poo in her panties than not see her at all?�

�Probably true,� conceded his mother. She sighed. �All right then. I can't believe I'm going along with this, but let's go and see Aunt Pixie � poo and all. Are you coming too, Sam?�

Sam thought for a moment. �Sure,� he said.

It was a short drive to Pixie Davenport's house. The grey-haired fifty-year-old welcomed them warmly. �So lovely to see you all!� she said. �Come in, come in. I'll put the kettle on. Would any of you like to try my new rose-hip tea? It's gorgeous, just gorgeous.�

To their surprise, Pixie was not alone. �I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Covenant,� she said of the bearded, heavily tattooed man who emerged from her kitchen. He looked rather like a young Gandalf, if Gandalf had been a biker.

�Nice to meet you,� said Sam, shaking his hand.

�Is Covenant your real name?� inquired Sally.

�It's not the name I was given by my parents,� said Covenant, �but it is absolutely my real name.� His voice was soft, with a West Country lilt.

�I apologise for the smell,� said Mrs Evans. �Sally did quite a large poo in her panties, and she hasn't got round to cleaning it up yet. Don't worry � she won't be sitting down anywhere.�

�I can stay outside if you like,� Sally offered.

�There's no need for that,� said Pixie with a smile. �But you're welcome to use my bathroom to clean up.�

�Thanks,� said Sally, �but there's rather a lot of poo, and it's become quite firm. I'd certainly block up your toilet and cause a flood � and I wouldn't want that.�

�That's very thoughtful of you,� said Pixie. �But the offer stands nonetheless. Anyway, after we've had some tea, perhaps we could all go for a little birdwatching walk? There's a pair of ospreys on the lake � with a chick in the nest!�

�Ooh, now that I'd like to see!� said Mrs Evans.

It was not long, of course, before Pixie and Covenant caught their first sight of Sally's panties.

�Goodness me!� said Pixie. �I see what you mean about the quantity! You'll struggle to find a loo that will cope with that much, I should think!�

�Yes,� agreed Sally. �The upstairs toilet at our house has a pretty strong flush, but I'm worried it won't be up to the job!�

After tea and biscuits, they all (except for Covenant) went outside and started down a nearby public path which ran along the floor of the valley. Soon, however, Sam and Sally got a little impatient with the slow pace of the older women. When they came to a fork, Sam said, �Which way now, Mum?�

�Left,� said Pixie, �towards the lake.�

�Do you mind if Sally and I press on ahead?� asked Sam. �We're not so into birding and we'd prefer to move a bit faster.�

�Oh but darling,� said his mother, �you'll scare away all the birds before we get to see them!�

�It's fine,� said Pixie. �They'll soon be far enough ahead that it won't matter.�

�We can always take the other path,� suggested Sam. �Do they meet up?�

�No,� said Pixie, �but don't let that stop you � it's a lovely walk.�

�All right then!� said Sam. �See you back at the house in a couple of hours?�

�Okay,� said his mother, nodding.

Sally and Sam set off up the right-hand path at a brisk pace, and were soon out of their mother's sight.

Sally laughed. �This is so much fun!� she said happily. �I can't believe I've got away with keeping my full panties on for so long! I wonder how much longer I can keep it up.�

�I don't know,� said Sam with a chuckle, �but I love watching people's faces when they see The Bulge for the first time!�

Sally shivered, then looked around. �Hey � we're all alone out here ... would you mind carrying my skirt?� She unzipped it, and carefully took it off.

�Not at all,� said Sam, taking the skirt. �I don't mind carrying your top and bra too, if you like.�

Sally giggled, and quickly removed both items. �What now, my love?� she asked.

Sam rolled up all three garments together. �Let's carry on walking,� he said. �Perhaps we can find a nice, pretty, secluded place where we can have a little fun.�

�Yes please!� said Sally, clapping her hands.

Twenty minutes later, after a gentle climb through a short stretch of woodland, they found the perfect spot: a shallow, grassy bank next to a crumbling stone wall, with a nice view of the lake. Sam spread out Sally's clothes on the grass, then he took her into his arms. As she gazed, smiling, up into his eyes, he said, �I love you, my beautiful sister.�

�I love you too,� said Sally. She put her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

Meanwhile, Pixie was pointing to the ospreys' nest. �Can you see the chick?�

�Oh yes!� said Mrs Evans, peering through her friend's binoculars. �Wow. Not really a chick anymore, is he!�

�He's getting big,� agreed Pixie.

They continued onward, until Pixie squinted into the distance. �What's that?� she wondered aloud. �Deer?� She raised her binoculars to look. �Oh � it's just Sam and Sally. And they're hugging � how sweet! Uhhh ... wait a moment ... what are they ... oh my God!�

�What?� said Mrs Evans, alarmed.

�Um,� said Pixie, handing her the binoculars. �I think you need to see this, Trish.�

Tricia Evans raised the binoculars to her eyes, pointing them at the distant figures on the hillside overlooking the lake. She paused, her brow furrowed, then she gasped. �Oh my God!� she shrieked. �My babies!�

�I'm sorry,� said Pixie awkwardly. �Perhaps I shouldn't have shown you...?�

Tricia handed her the binoculars. �I need to go and see them!� she said. �What's the quickest way there?�

�Back to the fork,� said Pixie. �But wouldn't it be better to talk to them later? If you catch them 'in the act' it might be more traumatic for all concerned...�

�But I need to try to prevent the act!� exclaimed Tricia, running back down the path. �See you back at the house, Pixie!�

Sally was uttering muffled moans of pleasure, her thighs spread wide apart, while Sam's fingers massaged her poo against her clitoris through her panties, when the air was rent with their mother's anguished cry: �Stop it, you two! What do you think you're doing?�

Sally instantly pulled her mouth off her brother's erect cock. She jumped to her feet guiltily, covering her breasts with her hands. �Oh shit,� she muttered.

Sam, too, leaped to his feet, tucking his rapidly wilting erection away in the process. �Mum!� he said nervously. �Hi. Um ... this is all my fault.�

Sally swatted him with the back of her hand. �Don't you dare take the blame for this!� she said. �Mum � Sam and I are in love. Properly in love, I mean ... not just brother-and-sister type love.�

�No you're not!� snapped Tricia. �How could you possibly be? You're brother and sister! That's incest!�

�We know what it is, Mum,� said Sam. �And I do feel awful about that ... but Sally's right. We are in love. Truly, deeply, passionately. We want to be together always.�

�But you can't!� said Tricia sharply. �Not like that.� She turned to Sally. �Is Sam the boy you had sex with?�

Sally nodded. �And it was wonderful.�

�Did you take your morning-after pill?� asked Tricia.

�Yes � at lunch,� said Sally. �But Mum, I do want to have babies with Sam at some point.�

�Sally, you can't do that!� exclaimed her mother. �This is very, very wrong! Any babies would be likely to have defects and genetic problems � there's a reason incest is illegal! You could both go to prison for it!�

�So we'll have to keep it a secret,� said Sam. �But Mum, we're in love. Nothing is going to change that. You're going to have to get used to the idea.�

�Sam,� said his mother sternly, �you have no idea of the seriousness of the situation. We're going to have to separate you. Since Sally is under eighteen and still at school, she'll remain living with us. You, I'm afraid, will have to move out permanently, and you won't be allowed any contact with Sally except under strict supervision.�

�What the fuck, Mum!� exclaimed Sam. �You can't do that! Why do you want to destroy our happiness?�

�It's for your own good!� said Tricia. �To keep you out of prison!�

�Mum, if you kick Sam out of the house and try to keep us apart,� said Sally fiercely, �I'll never speak to you again! I'll drop out of school, and Sam and I will move somewhere you'll never find us!�

�The Netherlands, perhaps,� said Sam. �Incest is legal there � I looked it up.�

�Sally, don't you dare drop out of school!� said Tricia. �You'll do as you're told, young lady!�

�In six months I'll be eighteen!� said Sally. �In a year or so I'll be leaving school anyway. Do you think you can keep me under your thumb forever? I'm pretty much an adult, Mum, and you can't make my decisions for me! What happens in five years, when Sam and I are in our twenties and both out of university? We'll be together, somewhere ... and the question is, do you want us to still have a relationship with you and dad then, or not?�

�If you try to drive a wedge between us, Mum,� said Sam, �you'll only succeed in driving a wedge between you and us. Sally and I will end up together, somehow, with or without your support, and we'd much rather not hate you for trying to keep us apart. I suppose you could tell the police about us and have us sent to prison ... but who's benefitting from that?�

Tricia glared at her son. Then she said, �Get your clothes on, Sally. We're going home to talk to your father!�

After a quick walk back to Pixie's house, Tricia ushered her children into the car � insisting that Sam take the passenger seat, while Sally lay on her front across the back seat, as before.

�Don't be too hard on them, Trish,� said Pixie. �Sam and Sally are both wonderful young people.�

�But this has to stop!� said Tricia urgently, keeping her voice low. �I can't let them be together � can I?�

�Well it's one of two things,� said Pixie. �Either it's just a phase they're going through ... or it's something real and permanent. If it's a phase ... then it will run its course and the problem will go away on its own. If it's real love ... then you're fighting a losing battle and you'll just end up ripping your family apart.�

�It's just a phase, I'm sure of it!� said Tricia grimly. �It had better be! But while it lasts, I've got to protect them � from pregnancy, from discovery ... from letting it get too deep...�

�A natural impulse,� agreed Pixie. �Just be careful you don't alienate them forever in the process.�

Tricia sighed. �I'm not sure I know how to do that,� she said. Tears sprang to her eyes. �I don't want to lose my children, Pixie! What am I going to do?�

Pixie hugged her. �You might consider negotiation,� she suggested. �If ultimatums and threats won't work, then compromise might be necessary.�

�Compromise how?� asked Tricia.

�Set some ground rules,� said Pixie. �If they see you're willing to let them have a relationship, they will probably jump at the chance to make a deal. You can set the terms � no sleeping together, no alone time longer than five minutes ... whatever you choose to do.�

�And tomorrow, they go their separate ways anyway,� said Tricia, nodding. �It's certainly less drastic � it's not ideal, but I think I like it better than the nuclear option. Thanks Pixie.�

�Anytime,� said Pixie.

Tricia drove her children home in silence. Then, having asked them to wait in the living room, she went to in search of Owen, and found him in the study.

�Owen,� she said, �we have a problem.�

�Oh?� he inquired.

�Promise me you won't fly into a rage and storm off to lecture Sam and Sally before you and I have had a chance to get on the same page.�

�This sounds serious!� said Owen. �Very well � I promise.�

�Sam and Sally say they're in love,� said Tricia.

�What?� asked Owen, puzzled.

�I caught them ... together, if you know what I mean,� said Tricia. �And, apparently, they've had sex.�

�WHAT?� shouted Owen, jumping to his feet. He made a move for the door.

�You promised!� Tricia reminded him.

Owen ground his teeth. �But ... we can't leave them alone together!�

�Five minutes won't make a difference at this point,� said Tricia, �and you and I need to figure out our plan.�

�Send Sam back to London!� said Owen. �Right now � I'll take him to the station myself!�

�And how do you think Sally will react to that?� inquired Tricia.

�I don't care how she reacts!� said Owen hotly.

�You probably should,� said Tricia. �They're in love. Sally is likely to rebel outright � maybe run away to London to be with Sam. If we don't handle this right, Owen ... we could lose both of them.�

Owen sighed, and scratched his head as he sat down. �However did this happen?� he asked.

�They've always been inordinately fond of each other,� said Tricia with a shrug. �Hardly ever fought � very unusual in siblings. You know Sam's always been Sally's hero, and he's always been there for her, looked out for her. We've noted for years how close they are � perhaps we should have seen this coming.�

Owen groaned. �They'll never forgive us, will they, if we permanently separate them?�

�Nope,� agreed Tricia. �And we can't keep them apart forever anyway � they won't be under our roof for much longer.�

�Well we can't just let them be together!� exclaimed Owen. �Surely?�

�Pixie suggested a compromise,� said Tricia. �Setting ground rules.�

�Ugh,� said Owen. �Pixie knows?�

Tricia nodded. �I think it's a reasonable idea. Better than making our children hate us forever, anyway.�

�What sort of rules?� asked Owen. �No sex, of course, for a start!�

�Yes, that would be the main one,� agreed Tricia. �And limit their alone time.�

�To zero!� said Owen. �Heck, Tricia, they could have sex in as little as a couple of minutes!�

�Probably not with all that poo in Sally's panties,� said Tricia, �but if we're going to make a deal, we need to trust them to uphold it.�

�Hmm,� said Owen. �Good point about the poo. As disgusting as it is, it could actually work for us in this particular situation.�

�How so?� asked Tricia guardedly.

�Well, as long as Sally has all that poo in her panties, they're not likely to have sex, right?� said Owen. �So, for this weekend at least, perhaps we should only let them be alone together while her panties are ... full. I know it means she'll probably spend the entire rest of the weekend with full panties, but...�

�Ugh!� said Tricia. �We can't tell Sally not to clean herself up!�

Owen shrugged. �Does she seem in a hurry to clean up?�

Tricia shuddered. �You don't think she ... enjoys it, do you?� Then she remembered seeing Sam with his hand between Sally's legs, rubbing a squishy mound of bulging panty-material against her pussy. �Oh God, you're right � she totally does enjoy it.�

�Then let's make use of it,� said Owen. �Those panties stay full � and on � or else there's no alone time.�

Tricia nodded. �Okay � what about kissing, fondling ... that sort of thing?�

�They can keep that confined to their alone time,� said Owen. �I don't want to see my son snogging my daughter!�

�Then how much alone time do you think they should be allowed?� asked Tricia.

�Let's say ... five minutes every couple of hours?� suggested Owen.

Tricia nodded. �Okay � I think we're ready.�

They headed down to the living room, where Sam and Sally were standing together, hand in hand, looking anxious.

�Okay!� said Owen, with an air of taking charge. �So, you two think you're in love, is that right?�

Sam nodded.

�We ARE in love, Dad,� said Sally. �It's real.�

�I'm sure you think so,� said Owen. �But you must realise it's impossible, right? Society would never accept you.�

�Only if they know about it,� said Sam. �But if necessary, we'll move � we'll find somewhere we can be together ... even if that means moving to the Netherlands.�

�No incest laws there, apparently,� said Tricia.

�Well, here's the thing,� said Owen. �We don't want to chase you out of the country. We love you and want you to be happy. But that doesn't mean we'll let you just do whatever you want, when we think it will be harmful for you. You do understand that, right?�

�I understand,� said Sam. �But please understand that we're not going to let anything keep us apart. Not you, not the police, not society...�

�I figured as much,� said Owen, nodding. �So your mum and I have decided on a compromise position � an agreement between all of us that will allow the two of you to remain together � as boyfriend and girlfriend if you wish � while keeping you safe from trouble with the law, the community, and so on.�

Sam and Sally looked surprised. �Okay...?� said Sam. �We're listening.�

�First,� said Owen, �let's be clear that this is provisional, and for now will apply to just this weekend. Tomorrow you'll be going back to school, and university, and for a while it will all be academic ... and things may be different when the summer hols begin.�

�Okay,� said Sally, nodding.

�The first rule,� said Owen, �is: no sex. That's non-negotiable. We can't afford to risk Sally getting pregnant with your baby, Sam. You can see that, I hope. It'll ruin her education, quite aside from the very good chance that there will be something wrong with the baby.�

Sally pursed her lips. �Dad, there's such a thing as safe sex...�

�Which, apparently, we can't trust you to practise,� said Owen pointedly.

�But we will!� said Sally.

�That's the deal,� said Owen firmly. �If you can't agree to it, then Sam goes back to London this very hour, and we'll have to keep the two of you apart.�

�Dad...� said Sam. �I'm not sure I can agree to it. I love that you're willing to compromise ... and I really do want to work this out so that everyone can be happy ... but Sally and I are so incredibly in love and we want to be able to express that physically. I don't want ... can't have ... half a relationship with her. If you like you can supervise me putting on a condom, or whatever you want to do to make sure our lovemaking is safe ... but I just can't agree to complete celibacy.�

�For one weekend?� exclaimed Owen. �Good lord, Sam, can't you just keep it in your trousers for another day??�

�Don't get upset, dear,� said Tricia quietly. �Remember the poo...�

�Right, right,� said Owen. �Look ... Sally ... are we correct in thinking you like having poo in your panties?�

Sally blushed crimson. �Um,� she said, �yeah, I suppose I do.�

�All right,� said Owen. �Well, we're willing to let the two of you have some alone time together this weekend ... as long as Sally keeps her messy panties on. Five minutes, every two hours, we'll leave you alone to get your kissing and cuddling fix ... but the panties stay on. Is that clear?�

Sally's eyes had widened. �I can live with that,� she said quickly.

�You're agreeing to no sex?� asked Sam, turning to her in surprise.

�No!� she replied. �I'm just agreeing to keep my panties on.�

Tricia frowned. �But the idea of that is to prevent you from having sex!� she said. �If you think you can have sex anyway, with Sally's poo-filled panties on � as gross as that sounds � then we'll need to come up with a different way to keep your genitalia apart.�

�But Mum, surely the morning-after pill I took will ensure I can't get pregnant this weekend?� said Sally.

Tricia shook her head. �The lady at the chemist said it'll stop anything in progress, but after you've taken it, if you have sex again, you can still get pregnant. And it's not 100% effective anyway.�

�But that's all beside the point,� said Owen. �As far as I'm concerned, if the two of you have sex again, the deal's off and we'll have no choice but to separate you.�

�Dad!� said Sam, annoyed. �You can't bully us through this. I'm willing to listen and compromise, but you're just being dogmatic right now.�

�It's you that's being dogmatic!� said Owen. �I've offered you a reasonable compromise, but you're basically refusing to budge from your position!�

�So are you!� Sam shot back. �Dad, Sally and I are going to have sex again tonight. Somehow you're going to have to reconcile yourself to the fact that we're a proper couple � or say goodbye to us, because we won't be able to go on living here with you if you can't accept our love for each other.�

�For heaven's sake, Sam...� began Owen, turning red in the face.

�Sam,� said Sally quickly, �I think Mum and Dad are really trying here. I can make it through this weekend without sex, and you can too, if it means keeping the family peace and still getting to kiss and cuddle and have some alone time.�

Sam hesitated, then nodded. �All right,� he said. �I suppose this must be very hard for you, Mum and Dad. I'm sorry for being stubborn.�

�Spoken like a gentleman,� said his father, looking relieved. �Now � why don't we do something ... safe? Like, I don't know, a board game or something.�

�Risk?� suggested Sally hopefully. She loved playing Risk. �I can sit on my chair with the hole in, that Dad made for me.�

�Good idea,� said Tricia.

Two hours later, Sam had conquered North America, and was amassing troops in Venezuela in preparation for an assault on Owen's forces in Brazil. Owen, with only Africa under his control, was desperately trying to acquire Europe. Sally was not about to let that happen, however; having conquered Asia, she was building up troops in Ukraine. Tricia had been forced to retreat to Australia, and had divided her remaining forces between Indonesia and New Guinea. Even combined, however, they were no match for the huge army facing them in Siam.

�This could go on for a while,� said Tricia. �Shall we break for dinner?�

�Fine with me,� said Owen.

�I'd like to take some alone time with Sally, if that's okay,� said Sam.

Owen grimaced. �Go on then,� he said.

After Sam and Sally had gone upstairs, Owen sighed. �I do hope we're doing the right thing, Tricia,� he said.

�I think we are,� said his wife. �It's a bad situation, but we're making the best of it.�

�Five minutes ... it's easily enough time for them to have sex,� remarked Owen.

�I honestly think the poo will make that tough to accomplish,� said Tricia, �but if we can't trust them for five minutes, what are we going to do overnight? Lock them in their rooms?�

�Good question,� said Owen.

In Sally's room, Sam had already stripped his sister down to her panties, and was kissing her passionately while massaging her breasts with his hands.

Sally tugged her brother's trousers down. �I want to swallow your cum,� she said. Kneeling down, she took his erection into her mouth, and began sucking.

But Sam had not yet reached his climax when there was a knock on the door. �That's your five minutes!� said Tricia.

Sam groaned in frustration. �Just a couple more minutes, Mum!� he pleaded.

�No, Sam,� came the reply. �Come on � out of there.�

Grumbling to himself, Sam pulled his trousers up and zipped them. �Sorry Sally,� he said, stooping to kiss her lips. �Maybe next time?�

Sally nodded, and Sam left the room. Downstairs, the game continued for another half hour, until Tricia had to leave to make dinner.

They ate in the dining room. Sally sat on her special chair, and Owen set up a portable fan to waft the poo-smell away from the table. It worked perfectly, and even Tricia agreed that this arrangement would be fine for future meals.

After dinner, Sam and Sally tried another blow-job in Sally's room, but once again, they ran out of time, and Sam was cursing as he left the room. �Five minutes just isn't enough time!� he complained to his mother after returning downstairs. �Can't we make it ten?�

�'Not enough time' is precisely why we're keeping it to five minutes,� replied his mother.

The game of Risk having finished, the whole family sat down to watch television. Sally, tired of her customised chair, opted to lie down on the floor on her front, her mound of poo nestling atop her buttocks and upper thighs. Since she was lying between the sofa and the TV, her brother and parents had a constant and unobscured view of her bulging panties. Everyone was quite used to the smell by now, so the fan had been deemed unnecessary.

Sam and Sally had one last five-minute period alone before bedtime. This time, however, they simply talked ... and then they went back to the living room to see their parents.

�Mum, Dad,� said Sam, �we need to talk.�

�Okay...?� said Owen.

Sally squeezed Sam's hand. �We really want to have sex,� she said. �We've tried the five-minute thing and it's just not enough. We're getting quite miserable and frustrated, and we hope you will be open to reconsidering the deal.�

�It's been six hours!� exclaimed Owen. �You can't tell me it's some great hardship to abstain from sex for six hours!�

�But what's it in aid of, Dad?� asked Sam. �What's the point? Just to punish us? Teach us a lesson? What?�

�Mainly, to prevent a pregnancy!� replied Owen.

�It's to keep you both safe, dear,� said Tricia.

�Safe sex would accomplish that,� said Sally. �There's no need to deprive us entirely.�

�As I said before, Sally,� said Owen grimly, �we apparently can't trust you to keep it safe.�

�In perpetuity?� inquired Sam. �No second chances? We're not allowed even one mistake?�

Owen pursed his lips. He knew all too well that his own words were being rubbed in his face; ordinarily he was fond of waxing vocal about the inevitability of mistakes and the importance of second chances. But this was different.

�Is it perhaps just that you don't want us having sex because you have an aversion to the idea of incest?� suggested Sally.

�Probably!� said Owen. �But there's a good reason for our aversion! Incest is immoral and wrong!�

�Why?� asked Sam. �Apparently the Netherlands doesn't think so! Could it be that this is another thing like gay marriage, where an unjust prohibition is destined to be overturned in one country after another?�

�Yes but there's a valid ethical reason behind bans on incest,� said Tricia. �Any resulting babies could have birth defects.�

�Any babies at all could have birth defects,� argued Sam. �The chances increase with close relatives, sure, but even with siblings, birth defects are not inevitable. And the argument is rendered null and void for couples who cannot have children � whether because of infertility or sterilisation. Yet it's still illegal. Why? And for incestuous couples who choose not to have children � who unfailingly practise safe sex � the argument is also pretty irrelevant.�

Owen and Tricia looked at each other, a little nonplussed. �The Bible's pretty clear...� began Tricia

�The Bible is also pretty clear that we shouldn't eat shellfish,� said Sam. �And that we shouldn't wear clothes of mixed fabrics. And yet those impressively sturdy panties of Sally's are a mix of cotton and Lycra. And you don't seem to have much of a problem with eating prawn sandwiches, Dad.�

�The law, then!� said Owen desperately. �There's no getting around the fact that it's against the law!�

�As was gay sex, until not so long ago,� said Sam. �Do you blame gay couples, back then, for having sex?�

�Bloody hell, Sam, you should be in politics,� muttered Owen. �You've got an answer for everything, haven't you?�

�I'm very passionate about this,� said Sam. �And I'm very passionate about Sally.�

�But Sam,� said Tricia anxiously, �Sally's only seventeen!�

�An argument that might have worked,� said Sam, �had you not both been fully supportive of my relationship with Sophie, when I was seventeen and she was twenty. You even gave me condom advice, Dad.�

Owen nodded. �A fair point, Sam, but it's different with girls...�

�Oh, don't even go there, Dad!� said Sally, frowning. �That's highly sexist.�

�She's right, Owen,� said Tricia. �She's certainly as mature now as Sam was at her age, and both of them would be responsible for any pregnancy.�

�Are you saying we should just ... let them have sex?� inquired Owen.

�Well...� said Tricia hesitantly, �Sam makes very good points ... but I'm still concerned about them being ... unsafe.�

�I assume you have condoms, Sam?� said Owen.

�Not with me,� admitted Sam.

Tricia frowned. �You came home with Sally, expecting to have sex with her ... and you didn't bring condoms with you?�

�That's a little suspicious,� said Owen. �Could it be that you actually ... want to get Sally pregnant?�

�Dad,� said Sally uncomfortably, �if we wanted to get pregnant, would I have taken a morning after pill?�

�But if you don't, then why didn't Sam get condoms at the chemist this morning?� asked Tricia.

Sam and Sally looked at each other awkwardly. �I ... I don't like Sam wearing a condom inside me,� Sally confessed. �I don't want anything between us.�

�So how do you plan to avoid getting pregnant?� asked Tricia politely.

�I'll pull out before ... you know,� said Sam.

�Why do I doubt that?� said Owen, folding his arms. �I suppose that's what you intended to do last time?�

�It was our first time!� said Sam. �I got a little carried away...�

�I'm sure you'll forgive our scepticism with regard to your ability to pull out next time,� said Tricia.

�Would it be so bad, if I got pregnant?� asked Sally cautiously. �I mean, we'd know if there were something wrong, in time to do something about it...�

Tricia gasped. �Sally, are you telling me you actually want to have Sam's baby?�

�Well, of course I do!� said Sally. �I want to spend the rest of my life with Sam. I want to be his wife and the mother of his children.�

�But you're seventeen!� said Owen. �You can't start all that now!�

�I know,� said Sally. �Of course. And we'll wait.�

Tricia looked at Owen. �Well I don't know about you, dear, but I'm not exactly filled with confidence.�

�Nor am I,� agreed Owen.

Sam felt his argument had lost some momentum. �Dad, I can't deny that we want to have a baby together. But we decided not to, didn't we? And we certainly don't want to do the morning-after pill every time � that's not going to be good for Sally. Don't worry � I'll pull out in time.�

There was a long silence. Owen looked at Tricia, who shrugged.

�I suppose you've made your case,� said Owen. �But our tolerance is very much contingent upon the two of you acting responsibly. If you fail to pull out this time, Sam ... then I swear to you, we will do everything we can to keep you two apart.�

�Dear, that's all very well,� said Tricia, �but how will we know if he does or doesn't? He's hardly likely to admit it if he doesn't pull out.�

�Oh,� said Owen, deflated.

�Would you like to watch?� inquired Sam with a wry smirk.

�Don't be vulgar, Sam,� said Owen.

�He has a point, though,� Tricia remarked. �If you're going to let them have sex, you're either going to have to trust them to do it safely, or supervise them while they ... do it.�

�That's not how I would put it,� said Owen with a frown. �I would put it like this: since I don't trust them to be safe, they'll have to choose between having sex under supervision, and not having sex at all.�

�Then I choose sex under supervision,� said Sally immediately.

�Me too,� agreed Sam.

Owen stared at them. �You're joking!� he said, astonished. �Who the heck wants their parents watching when they have sex?�

�We don't, of course,� said Sam. �But if it's a choice between that and not having sex at all...�

Owen stared at him with knitted brows. �If you're trying to call my bluff,� he said, �it's not going to work. I'm prepared to follow through on this if necessary!�

�So are we,� said Sally.

Owen looked to Tricia for support, but she merely shrugged. �They've made their choice, dear,� she said. �Now you need to make yours.�

�All right!� said Owen, throwing up his hands in annoyance. �Supervised sex it is, then!�

Sally smiled happily. �I'll go and get ready,� she said. �My room, in ten minutes?�

�Sure!� said Sam.

Sally bounded upstairs, her poo bouncing and slapping against her buttocks with each step. Then Sam said, �I'll just pop to the bathroom.�

When he had left the room, Owen turned to Tricia. �Sorry dear,� he said. �I know this isn't ideal...�

�It isn't,� she agreed. �But we just have to make the best of it. I'm not sure how happy I am at the thought of you watching our children have sex...

�Then you supervise them,� said Owen quickly. �You're their mother; probably more appropriate anyway.�

�Oh no,� said Tricia firmly. �You're not backing out now. You made the deal.�

Owen ground his teeth. �Then let's do it together,� he said. �Show of support. Solidarity. United front, and all that.�

Tricia hesitated, then nodded. �I suppose that would be better than you watching them on your own.�

�Whew!� said Owen, relieved. �Thank you.�

Five minutes later, they were sitting in chairs next to Sally's bed. Sam entered in his jockey shorts, holding a tube of lubricant; he cleared his throat uncomfortably, then climbed into bed. Under the covers, he removed his underwear, and then he lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, while his parents assiduously studied the posters on Sally's wall.

A couple of minutes later, Sally entered, naked and beautiful. She shyly climbed into bed with Sam, sliding under the covers. But then she said, �Um ... won't Mum and Dad need to see ... what's going on?�

�Oh,� said Sam, nodding. �You don't mind?�

�Go ahead,� she said.

He kissed her tenderly on the lips, then he threw back the sheets, uncovering them both. Climbing on top of her, he pushed himself up on to his knees, and opened up the tube of lube. Sally drew her knees back, spreading her legs and exposing her pussy and vaginal opening to him (and to her increasingly uncomfortable parents).

Sam rubbed plenty of lube on and around her labia, and she gasped as he stroked her clitoris. Then, as Owen and Tricia watched with wide eyes and gritted teeth, Sam slid his erection into Sally's vagina. He thrust a couple of times, then he lowered his torso down towards hers as he planted his hands on the bed either side of her chest. Stopping, he kissed her again. �I love you, Sally,� he whispered.

�I love you too, Sam,� she replied, wrapping her legs around his back. She put her arms around his neck, and held him closely as he began to fuck her in earnest.

He covered her face with kisses; she stroked his hair. They moved in synchrony, their bodies writhing against each other as they made love in their own private universe, completely ignoring their watching parents. Sally's breaths came in gasps, her excitement mounting, as Sam pounded his cock into her with more powerful strokes.

�Oh God!� moaned Sally. �Sam ... Sam ... my darling ... I love you so much...�

�My precious girl...� Sam responded, panting, his voice husky with emotion. �I adore you...�

Their lovemaking grew more passionate, more vigorous, and considerably louder, until Sam suddenly said, �I'm getting close!�

Sally clutched him tightly with her arms and legs. �Oh please, please Sam � please come inside me...�

�You know I can't,� he replied softly. �Baby, we just can't...�

�Please...� she begged.

He began to slow down. �Hush, precious,� he whispered, nuzzling her earlobe. �One day we will � one day I'll give you a baby, I promise ... but it can't be today...�

�Then ... put it in my arse,� said Sally. �Please?�

�Okay,� said Sam. He knelt up again, and Owen and Tricia stared at his cock as he slowly withdrew it from Sally's vagina. He pushed her knees further back against her shoulders, then slowly sank his well-lubed erection into her anus. Burying himself deep, he lay back down on top of her, and resumed thrusting.

Sally ground her pussy against her brother's pelvis as he fucked her rectum. �Oh Sam...� she sighed.

�Sorry,� he muttered. �I know it's not the same...�

�It's wonderful,� she replied gently, kissing him on the lips. �Thank you...�

He gradually rebuilt his momentum, until he was slamming his cock deep inside her bowels with each thrust. �I love you Sally! I love you!� he cried, as he felt his climax approach.

�Yes! Yes!� moaned Sally, arching her back in blissful excitement. Her orgasm came suddenly, and she shuddered and screamed, her nails digging into Sam's back as he himself also climaxed, spurring his semen deep inside her.

They held each other close as their orgasms wound down, caressing each other's faces and kissing, sweetly and gently. Then they just held each other, panting, while their parents looked on, both with rather flushed cheeks.

�Wow,� said Tricia.

Owen cleared his throat. �Well, it's obvious the two of you are very much in love,� he remarked.

�That was just ... beautiful,� said Tricia, dabbing at the corner of her eye with her sleeve. �I actually feel rather privileged to have witnessed that. And now, I truly get it � the two of you belong together. As lovers. I have no doubt of it now.�

�Thanks Mum!� said Sally, looking a little teary herself.

�As strange as it sounds, I agree with your mother,� said Owen. �That was quite something to watch. And as weird as it must have been to have your parents in the room, I honestly think we needed to see it, in order to really understand.�

�Thank you, Dad,� said Sam, smiling at his father. �That means a lot.� He got up on to his knees, then slowly pulled his cock out of Sally's anus. It was surprisingly clean � no trace of poo except for a faint, pale brown streak � but Sally immediately sat up and bent over, taking Sam's shrinking penis into her mouth and cleaning it thoroughly with her tongue.

�That's a dedicated girlfriend!� said Owen, staring in fascination.

�We should probably give them some privacy, dear,� said Tricia.

�No need for that,� said Sam, looking down at Sally's head bobbing up and down on his cock. �You've already seen us both at our most private and intimate. By all means stay, and let's talk about this.�

�Well I think I've made myself clear,� said Owen. �I'm a convert. I now fully support your relationship, and damn it, if it comes to it, I will fight for your right to live together, and even get married.�

Sally stopped sucking Sam's cock; she climbed out of bed, and threw her arms around her father. �Thank you Dad!� she exclaimed happily.

�As will I,� agreed Tricia. �Your love for each other is clearly genuine, and deep, and your lovemaking ... wow, so beautiful.�

Sam smiled. �I was feeling rather self-conscious about you watching, but now I'm very glad you did.�

�Me too!� said Sally happily. �And if you want to watch us again, feel free � I don't mind at all.�

Owen chuckled. �Thank you Sally, but I don't think that will be necessary. It was an amazing and wonderful thing to watch, but also rather uncomfortable.�

�I don't know,� said Tricia. �I could stand to see that again. And it might even be necessary. Sally was very keen for Sam to come inside her, and very persuasive ... and Sam might not be as resolute next time.�

�I'm not sure I'm even against that anymore,� said Owen. �Part of me was actually rooting for Sally's pleas to be successful!�

�Me too,� Tricia admitted, �but Sam did the right thing, and for all our sakes we should hope he stays strong.�

�Having you present did help, actually,� said Sam. �I hated to disappoint Sally, but you provided some extra motivation.�

�Well there you go,� said Tricia. �I think we're all agreed that it's fine for the two of you to have sex, but please could you make sure either your father or myself is present whenever it happens.�

�Okay Mum,� said Sally.

�And now,� said Tricia, �I'm going to bed. I have no objection to the two of you sleeping together � in fact I believe it would be downright cruel to make you sleep apart tonight. Tomorrow you'll be going your separate ways; you won't even get to see each other again until July.�

�Thanks for the reminder,� said Sam glumly. �But thank you � we'd love to sleep together of course.�

�Goodnight, both of you,� said Owen.

�Goodnight Dad,� said Sally. �Goodnight Mum.�

Sam and Sally got ready for bed, and Sally put on a fresh pair of panties. �Will you help me fill these up and seal them please?� she asked Sam, a little tentatively; she was not sure if he would want her sleeping in poo-filled panties again.

She need not have worried. �Absolutely,� he replied. �But aren't you forgetting something?�

She looked puzzled for a moment, but then she giggled as she grasped his intent. �You want to do another poo in my vagina?�

�Of course,� he replied with a grin. �I imagine the other one isn't holding together too well anymore.�

�It did get a little mushy,� she admitted. �But my darling Sam � it'll make sex harder to accomplish ... and I do so want you to fuck me a few more times this weekend.�

�I think it'll be worth a little extra effort,� said Sam. �But I totally understand if you'd rather not feel my warm poo slowly sliding deep into your vagina.�

Sally giggled. �All right, you've talked me into it,� she said, taking her panties off. �Come on then, fill me up!�

Sam grinned as they got into position on the bed, and he pressed his anus against his sister's vagina. He strained, and strained ... and after a few seconds, a thick firm turd began to emerge. It started sinking almost immediately into Sally's vagina, and shortly afterward it bottomed out against her cervix. �Are you full?� he inquired. �There's plenty more to come...�

�The more, the merrier,� said Sally, smiling happily at the sensation of her brother's poo filling her. �We'll just add it to my panties.�

Sam pinched off his poo, and Sally used her fingers to squish into her vagina the inch or so that was sticking out. Then she wiped her hand on a tissue, and put her panties back on. �Help me with the glue?�

With the benefit of a little experience, Sam sealed the leg-holes of Sally's panties, as well as the front of the waistband, from one hip to the other. Half an hour later, once the glue was dry, he squatted over the back of her panties while she held them open, and pushed out all the poo remaining in his bowels.

Sally fetched from the bathroom her old poo-filled panties, which also contained the mushy turd of Sam's that she had squeezed out of her vagina. Then she held open the back of her new panties, while Sam carefully tipped in the entire contents of the old pair. This had to be done in a couple of stages, since there was so much, and Sally had to spend some time working a considerable volume of poo forward via her gusset into the front of her panties, until her entire pussy was surrounded by a layer of poo more than an inch thick.

Even then, by the time all of the remaining poo was transferred, the back of her panties was incredibly full and stretched almost as much as the material would allow. Sam sealed the waistband with glue, and Sally held a somewhat uncomfortable position, lying on her front but angled upwards, for the next half hour while the glue dried.

Finally, she got up from the bed, and bounced a little to test the strength of the seals. They were holding perfectly. �Awesome!� she said happily. �How does it look?�

�Fantastic,� said Sam with a grin. �I can't wait to see you show off that bulge in public. How was the removal process, by the way? When you took off your other pair?�

�Not easy,� Sally admitted. �The glue was really welded to my skin. I had to use nail varnish remover, which fortunately dissolved it pretty quickly.�

�Wow,� said Sam, climbing into bed. �That's good glue! Nice to know it's not likely to come unstuck at inconvenient times.�

�Indeed!� said Sally. She climbed into bed next to him, and they kissed and cuddled until they fell asleep.

Sally was still asleep when the smell of bacon awoke Sam the next morning. He got up, went to the bathroom, then he headed to his own bedroom and got dressed. Before going downstairs, he peeked in on Sally � she was lying on her front, uncovered, with her panties bulging upward to a height of several inches above her buttocks. He pulled the sheets over her, kissed her forehead, then went downstairs to breakfast.

He was in the middle of his toast and apricot jam when Sally appeared, wearing just a peach-coloured tank top and her full panties. �Morning,� she said sleepily.

�Good morning Sally,� said her father.

�Goodness, Sally!� said Tricia. �You put your messy panties back on? I thought you would have flushed that poo away by now!�

Sally shrugged. �There's far too much of it to flush,� she said. �If I sat by the loo and laboriously broke it up into about fifteen sausage-shaped chunks, then I could I'm sure get it all flushed away without blocking the U-bend. But I haven't the stomach for that right now. And, frankly, until I do get around to taking on that task, I'm rather enjoying having it in my panties.�

Tricia rolled her eyes, and chuckled. �Yes, we know,� she said.

Sally sat down carefully on her special chair, her poo-bulge fitting neatly through the hole her father had cut. Then she helped herself to some cereal and a cup of tea.

�You're not planning to come to church like that, I hope?� said Tricia.

�Of course not!� said Sally. �I'll put a dress on.�

�Glad to hear it,� said her mother, �but that's not really what I meant. I don't want you stinking up the whole church.�

�Understandable,� said Sally between mouthfuls. �I'll just stay home then.�

�I'll stay home with you, in that case,� said Sam.

�Perhaps I should stay home too, to keep an eye on these two,� said Owen.

�Good grief,� said Tricia with a sigh. �Fine, Sally, you can bring your poo to church. Will you at least sit near the back?�

�Sure,� said Sally with a smile.

After breakfast Sally went upstairs to get ready for church. When she returned, she was wearing a pretty turquoise sundress that stopped just short of mid-thigh.

�Very nice,� said her mother approvingly. Then she frowned. �Wait � turn around.�

Sally did so. �Are my panties showing?� she asked innocently.

�Just a bit!� said Tricia, noting that the dress was at least two inches too short to cover Sally's bulging panties. �Do you have something knee-length?�

�Mum!� said Sally with a pained expression. �I'm not going to wear a knee-length dress. I'm seventeen years old, not forty! Even this dress is longer than I'd prefer. I'm young and I have nice legs and I like to show them off!�

�We're all well aware of that, darling,� said Tricia, �but this is church! Church services require a little ... modesty.�

�False modesty, if you ask me,� muttered Sally. �What do you think, Sam?�

Sam, in the living room, had heard the whole exchange. �I'm not sure there's much point in trying to hide it,� he said. �The smell will give you away anyway. And it occurs to me that people will be less upset at a bad smell if they can readily identify the source. A bad smell with no obvious source is frustrating, to say the least, while you're trying to figure out where it is coming from.�

�A fair point,� conceded Tricia, �but the fact remains that it's just not decent to expose your underwear in church.�

�I have very little interest in being what you call 'decent',� retorted Sally. �To me, being decent is about being nice to people � being helpful, generous, supportive, kind, considerate ... that's the only sort of decency I'm interested in.�

�Well said, Sally!� said Owen, coming down the stairs. �I believe Jesus himself would approve of that philosophy. I've met way too many 'Christians' who value their personal appearance and social stature way more highly than doing good for their fellow humans.�

�But dear, look what she's wearing,� said Tricia. �Turn around please, Sally.�

�Good heavens!� said Owen, staring at the curve of brownish-white material peeping out from below Sally's dress. �That could be a little off-putting, I must admit. You know, since it's church, perhaps you could wear something just slightly more ... modest?�

Sally rolled her eyes. �The concept of 'modesty',� she opined, �is patriarchal bullshit.�

�Language, darling,� Tricia chided her gently. �But what about the concept of not deliberately offending people? Does that not have a place in this conversation?�

�The smell's going to offend people worse than the sight,� said Sam. �Let people see where the smell is coming from, then they can choose whether to stay away from what is very obviously the source, or to come over and talk to Sally about it.�

�That's actually very wise,� said Owen. �No point in Sally hiding her poo, I suppose, if people are going to be able to detect it anyway, with their noses.�

�I suppose not,� acknowledged Tricia with a sigh.

�I'd go further,� said Sam. �I think it's actually a good thing she's not hiding it. The Bulge, if we're still calling it that, ought to be on display, just so it's clear where the smell is coming from, to avoid confusion and dismay and witch hunts and so on.�

�Probably true,� agreed Owen.

�In that case,� said Sally, �honestly, this dress is probably too long. My panties aren't showing all that much � people could easily overlook them. I'll go and put on something a little shorter.�

�Oh good grief,� muttered Tricia, as Sally bounded up the stairs. �Be quick please, Sally! We're leaving in three minutes!�

Sally dashed into her bedroom, stripped off her dress, then started rummaging through her wardrobe. Since sundresses were her absolute favourite thing to wear in the summer, she had acquired quite a few of them over the years. Some were now too small, but she hated throwing away clothes she loved, even when they got too small to wear.

Her eyes lit on a pale purple sundress with spaghetti straps. She had not worn it in years as there was not much room in the chest ... but it was wonderfully, deliciously short. She quickly unzipped the back, then pulled it on over her head. Tugging it down over her breasts took some effort, but she managed it after removing her bra. Her chest now felt rather constricted, but she could breathe, at least.

Then she checked the hem. To her delight, it did not even fully cover her buttocks. �Oh wow!� she muttered to herself. �I wish I'd taken this one to London!�

�We're leaving, Sally!� her mother shouted up from the foot of the stairs.

With almost the entirety of her massive poo-bulge hanging out of the bottom of her dress, Sally trotted back downstairs. �Ready!� she announced brightly.

�Oh good heavens!� groaned Tricia.

Sam stared at his sister with a big, happy grin on his face. Even when she had reached the bottom of the stairs, he could still see the front of her panties, bulging down beneath the hem of her ridiculously short dress. �You look spectacular, Sally,� he said. �Can we see the back?�

Sally turned around, showing off the grossly distended back of her panties. �How does that look?� she inquired.

�Sally,� said Owen sternly, �ordinarily I would not permit you to come to church in such a short dress. Since it does, however, serve a purpose on this occasion � namely to allow people to easily work out where the poo smell is coming from � I'll let it slide. Particularly since we're in a hurry.�

It was a five-minute drive to the church. Sally lay across the back seat with her head in Sam's lap; as soon as they set off, she pulled Sam's cock out and put it in her mouth.

�We should probably decide what you're going to do about communion...� began Tricia, craning her neck around to look back at Sally. She stopped, her eyes widening, as she saw her daughter's head bobbing up and down.

�Sorry Mum,� Sam apologised. �She just...�

�No need to apologise, darling,� said Tricia firmly. �We're not out in public � yet � and I fully support the two of you being intimate with each other in the little time you have left before you go back to school and university.�

�What's going on...?� inquired Owen curiously.

�Sally's giving Sam a quick blow-job, dear,� said Tricia.

�Oh, jolly good,� said Owen.

Sam shuddered and groaned, his semen cascading over Sally's tongue, just as the car was pulling into the church's car park. �Oh wow,� he gasped. �That was awesome. Thank you, Sally!�

Sally sucked him dry, then she tucked him back in his trousers. �You're welcome,� she said.

�Please behave yourselves in church,� said Tricia, a little anxiously. �Our friends won't understand the love you two have for each other, and they might be inclined to be a little ... judgmental.�

�Have no fear, Mum,� said Sam. �Sally and I are under no illusions about the social acceptability of our relationship. At some point we'd like to fight for our right to be together ... but today isn't the right time.�

�Good � I agree,� said Owen, sounding relieved.

Sally climbed backwards out of the car, and then she and Sam followed their parents into the church. Inside, old Mrs Winslow was handing out service sheets. �Good morning Tricia, good morning Owen,� she said with a warm smile. �And you brought Sam and Sally! Lovely to see you both ... oh my!� Her friendly smile suddenly turned to a look of shock as she stared at the small bulge at the front of Sally's panties, which was just peeping into view.

Sally turned to show her the back of her panties. �I'm afraid I had a bit of an accident,� she said. �I do hope you'll still let me come in. I'll sit at the back...�

�Well � it's not up to me,� said Mrs Winslow, staring in amazement at the huge bulge. �But ... that's quite an accident!�

�I know!� said Sally proudly.

They continued into the church, and occupied the rearmost pew. Sally, not wanting to make a mess, knelt down on a kneeler, with her bulging panties resting on the seat behind her.

Alan and Pauline Stott, good friends of Tricia and Owen, stopped to say hello as they made their way down the aisle. When they saw Sally's bulging panties, however, their jaws dropped. �Dear me!� said Alan, before quickly shepherding his wife away from the scene.

Martha Watson, who had brought her two teenage daughters, also took one look at Sally's panties before chivvying her offspring to seats nearer the front. Danny and Maureen Finch, however, stopped for a moment to ask what was going on.

Tricia explained. �She's dreading the clean-up. And look at how much there is � it'll take an entire geological epoch to flush all that poo. She offered to stay home to spare everyone's nostrils ... but I really wanted her to come to church. And we all agreed that if she was going to be smelly, she shouldn't hide the reason why. Otherwise the entire congregation would be driven bonkers, not knowing where the awful smell was coming from.�

�Probably true,� said Danny. �Seems a shame for you to be sitting all the way back here though.�

The members of the choir � all four of them � filed into the choir stalls, and then Reverend Lester Purvis entered, as the organist began playing the refrain for the first hymn. The congregation rose to its feet.

�See you later,� whispered Danny, before he and his wife hurried away down the aisle.

�O God our help in ages past...� sang Sally, trying not to giggle at the fact that she was in church with a gigantic lump of poo in her highly exposed panties.

After the first hymn, the minister unfolded a piece of paper, and began his announcements. �Mrs Cox, I'm terribly sad to say, broke her hip on Wednesday,� he said in his customary rushed, breathless, exquisitely posh voice. �We're all of us, I'm sure, ever so fond of her scones ... as we are indeed of the lady herself. Please do go and visit her at the Royal Derby Hospital if you can � she'd love to have visitors, I'm sure. Her absence for the next few weeks will of course mean that the Youth Club will no longer be meeting at the Coxes on Wednesday night. Instead they will meet in the church hall, and the weekly Bridge Club meetings will now take place on Thursday ... I say, I'm sorry about the smell in here � goodness knows where it's coming from � did somebody step in something?�

Sally, almost quivering in excitement, put up her hand. �I'm sorry, Reverend Purvis,� she said, �I'm afraid it's me. I've done a big poo in my panties and I had to choose between coming to your service, and staying home to clean up. And I really didn't want to miss your service. But if you wish, I'll go and wait outside.�

�Bless my soul!� said the astonished minister, while Tricia and Owen shifted uncomfortably in their seats and stared up at the ceiling. �How extraordinary! Well, um, Sally, I'm most gratified that you would forgo your clean-up in order to come to church ... but I have to think of the other congregants. Um ... perhaps we could have a quick show of hands. While I would like to reward Sally's forbearance, I cannot demand everyone else's. Who among you would prefer to cast Sally out, rather than tolerate this admittedly unappealing odour?�

The congregation stirred and murmured uneasily. People looked around at each other, perhaps hoping someone else would raise their hand.

�Will nobody cast the first stone?� inquired Reverend Purvis. He paused for a moment, surveying his flock, then he smiled. �Apparently not. You may stay, Sally.�

Sally beamed. The minister finished his announcements, led the congregation through the liturgical prayers, and then announced the second hymn.

The service continued, and eventually, inevitably, the time came for the congregants to take confession. �I totally understand if you'd rather wait back here,� whispered Tricia to Sally.

�No, it's fine,� Sally whispered back. �I'll go up.� And, with mounting excitement, when her turn came she walked sedately up the aisle towards the communion rail, where she knelt next to Sam. She tried not to giggle at all of the gasps and whispers that she could hear behind her.

Having eaten her wafer and taken a sip of wine, she got up and returned to her pew, noticing that nobody could bring themselves to look her in the eye ... except for Mrs Watson's daughters, who were staring at her with a mixture of disgust and awe. Sally grinned and gave them a cheerful little wave.

During the third verse of the final hymn, �To Be a Pilgrim�, Sam was idly contemplating having sex with Sally as soon as they got home, when suddenly she collapsed next to him. Alarmed, he dropped his hymn book and tried to catch her, but she had already folded herself over the back of the pew in front of them. Her bulging panties were sticking up into the air like the dome of St Paul's Cathedral.

The sound of her head thunking against the seat of the pew was loud enough to turn a few heads their way, and murmurs of consternation rippled through the church. Sam quickly lifted Sally up and carried her into the aisle, where he laid her down on the carpet on her side. Tricia and Owen hastily exited their pew and crouched down to check on their daughter.

As the hymn ended, Reverend Purvis came hurrying down the aisle. �I say, is she all right?� he asked anxiously.

Sally was beginning to recover. �I'm fine, I'm fine,� she said hastily, feeling rather embarrassed. �That was weird � I don't know what happened. I just sort of felt a warm prickly feeling in my face, and my vision went all blurry, and then dark.�

�You fainted,� said her mother. �Probably weren't getting enough air, I shouldn't wonder. Just how tight is that dress anyway? I'm surprised you were able to fit your chest into it.�

�It's pretty tight,� admitted Sally.

�Then you'd better take it off before you black out again,� said Tricia. �Lester I hope you don't mind � I know it's not very church-appropriate, but under the circumstances...�

�No no, it's quite all right, I completely understand,� Lester assured her.

Sam helped Sally to unzip her dress, and then he helped her out of it as she got up on to her knees. Now wearing only her shoes and bulging panties, Sally took a deep breath. �Ah, that's better, I can breathe again!� she said, relieved.

Sam stared hungrily at his sister's breasts. Sally noticed him looking, and grinned impishly. �I do hope my breasts didn't get too squished,� she remarked. �Sam, would you mind checking to see if they feel okay?�

�Sally...� Tricia warned her, while Owen quickly said, �Don't you dare, Sam!�

�I wasn't going to!� said Sam indignantly.

�I was joking!� said Sally. �Good grief, Mum!�

�It's not a thing to joke about,� said her father sternly. �What if Sam...� Then he broke off, with a nervous glance at Lester.

The elderly minister was sharper than he looked. �Well I confess this is a rather disturbing development,� he said. �For some reason, Owen, you assumed that your son was about to touch his sister inappropriately.� He looked at Sally, then Sam. �Tell me honestly � has the spectre of incestuous attraction raised its ugly head between the two of you?�

Sally's jaw dropped. Her cheeks turned crimson. �Of course not,� she said quickly, not looking him in the eye.

�Bless my soul!� said Lester. He looked at Tricia, then at Owen. �And you two know about this?�

Owen, looking rather panicked, said, �Well it seems there's no point in denying it. We just found out yesterday. But Lester � we were horrified at first, naturally ... and yet ... you should see them together! They're so in love � it's actually a very beautiful thing.�

�Lester, please keep this quiet,� said Tricia urgently. �Let us handle it.�

Unfortunately, the church had excellent acoustics, and even a whisper could be heard with clarity from several pews away. And ever since Lester had rushed to Sally's side, the entire congregation had been straining to hear what was going on. So now, the whispers were spreading.

�Did you hear that? Sam and Sally are having an incestuous affair!� �The Evans's children are in love � with each other!� �Yes, dear, that's what I said � Sam and Sally Evans have been having illicit liaisons!�

Sam, realising that the cat was out of the bag, got to his feet. �Yes!� he said loudly. �You heard right. Sally and I are in love. Properly, romantically in love. She means the absolute world to me.�

With a nervous gulp, Sally got up and stood next to her brother, putting her arm around his waist. �And Sam means the world to me,� she said.

Tricia quietly groaned in despair. But then she stood up next to her children and said, �I love my children and want them to be happy. And what makes them happiest is, it seems, each other. I was highly upset when I found out about this yesterday, but they've convinced me that what they have is real, and good.�

�But it's incest!� shouted old Mr Gregson.

�The Bible forbids it!� added Maddie Chalmers, a teacher at the local secondary school.

�It also forbids homosexuality,� said Owen, now also on his feet, �yet this church was one of the first in the country to perform a gay marriage � and we were all very proud of that fact!�

�But my dear chap,� said Lester, �incest is also against the law!�

�So was homosexuality, not that long ago,� said Owen. �What if incest is the next moral frontier that this country, and its churches, have to face?�

�Honestly,� said Tricia earnestly, �you should see them making love together! It's a beautiful thing. I defy anyone to watch that and come away still thinking they should not be together.�

�You watched them ... making love?� asked Lester in astonishment. �I do hope you mean that in the old-fashioned sense.�

Tricia blushed. �No � we watched them have sex,� she admitted. �It was very uncomfortable, but we felt it was necessary ... and afterwards, we were both very glad we did, because it was only by watching them that we truly understood how beautiful a thing their love for each other is.�

Sally saw nothing but scepticism on every face she looked at. Stepping forwards, she held out her hands in a gesture of supplication. �You all know me,� she said. �You know my brother. A lot of you have known us since we were babies. You know that Sam's always been my hero. As a lot of younger siblings tend to do, I followed my big brother around like a puppy. But unlike most older brothers, Sam never got cross with me or told me to stop bothering him. He always found time for me, involved me in his games, let me ride on his back if I got tired � he looked out for me, kept me safe, helped me with my homework, stood up for me to Mum and Dad.

�And then he grew up ... and turned into the impossibly handsome young man you see before you now. Is it any wonder that, as I too grew up, I fell deeply in love with him? I did try to get interested in other boys � I never thought Sam could feel the same way about me � but none of them could compare to my darling brother. Can you blame me for wanting nobody else but him?�

Now Sam spoke up. �I tried to suppress my attraction to Sally,� he said. �Of course I did. She's always been so beautiful and sweet, and when we were little I wanted nothing more than to be her knight in shining armour, to see those gorgeous big brown eyes look up at me with such love and trust ... and, honestly, it broke my heart to go off to boarding school and leave her behind.

�As Sally became a woman, she developed in all sorts of ways that were pretty hard to ignore. But whenever I felt the slightest smidgen of sexual attraction to her, I buried it, deep deep down. I knew I couldn't possibly entertain such thoughts � or at least I thought I did.

�But then she accidentally did a poo in her panties, in a very public place, and she was scared and vulnerable, and ... well, I did what I do best. What I suppose I've always felt like I was born to do. I supported her, and protected her, and loved her ... and all these feelings welled up to the surface. And, in a moment of weakness, after she expressed her love for me ... I kissed her.

�That got us talking, of course ... and we realised we both felt the same way about each other.� He looked down at Sally's upturned face, and smiled. �She's beautiful, kind, sweet, intelligent, talented ... can you blame me for being utterly and completely in love with her?�

There was a moment's stunned silence. Then, to almost everyone's surprise, Martha Watson began to clap her hands. Her daughters almost immediately joined in, and they were quickly followed by almost the entire congregation. Sally was astonished to see several pairs of misty eyes; Martha was even dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.

As the applause died down, Lester himself looked rather teary. �Yes, well,� he said, �the two of you make a good case for yourselves, certainly. The love you have for each other ... well, it's really rather affecting. As to whether I, as a man of the cloth, can endorse your relationship ... that's something I am frankly struggling with.�

Sam pulled Sally into his arms. �We understand,� said Sam. �This is all very sudden, I know.�

�If you could only see them make love,� sighed Tricia. �All your doubts would vanish, Lester, I'm sure of it.�

Lester chuckled. �The last thing your wonderful children want, Tricia, is an elderly minister observing their lovemaking, I'm sure!�

�I don't mind,� said Sally. �If there's a chance it would result in you supporting our relationship ... and maybe even marrying us in your church someday ... then I'd be more than willing for you to watch us.�

�My goodness!� said Lester. �What an extraordinary idea. And highly inappropriate, I might add.�

�For my part,� said Tricia, �in all seriousness, I would trust you to view the proceedings with an objective eye. And I think it would really help you to understand that ... Sam and Sally belong together.�

�Are you sure, dear?� asked Owen a little uncomfortably. �I mean, it's one thing for us, their parents, to watch...�

�Dad,� said Sam. �It doesn't get any weirder than having our parents watch! Having the minister watch is no worse.�

�I'd like to watch, too,� piped up Ruth, Martha's eldest daughter.

�And me!� chimed in her sister, Hannah.

�You're both too young!� said Martha sternly. �I, however, would be curious to see.�

�I would too!� said Perry Rhodes, the twenty-year-old son of longtime church members Doris and Steve Rhodes.

Sam turned to Sally. �What do you think? The support of the whole congregation would be even better than just Reverend Purvis's.�

�It would!� said Sally excitedly. �All right then � I'm game.�

�Upon my soul!� said Lester, his eyes widening. �Do you really intend to ... couple ... in front of the entire congregation?�

�With your permission, of course,� said Sam.

�In my church?� asked Lester.

�Another place would be fine,� said Sally. �But since we're all here...�

�Let them do it, Lester,� said Martha. �Perhaps we could all learn a thing or two about love ... and lovemaking.�

�Well I don't know,� fretted Lester. �The children are in Sunday School, at least...�

�Ruth and Hannah are the youngest here,� said Martha. �They should probably wait outside.�

�Mum, I'm sixteen!� said Ruth. �I'm old enough to get married!�

�All right,� said Martha reluctantly. �You can stay. Hannah, wait outside.�

�Mum, that's not fair!� objected the younger daughter. �I'm only a year and a half younger than Ruth, and I've got more experience than she does!�

�Yes, I know,� said Martha disapprovingly. �More than you should at fifteen. But all right, I take your point � you can stay too.�

�Where should we...?� Sally asked Lester.

�Um, that's a good question,� said the minister. �We don't have a bed in here, obviously, and the pews are too narrow...�

�The floor?� suggested Owen.

�Oh dear, no,� said Tricia. �That'd be too tawdry for words. What we're about to witness is something beautiful � sacred, even � Sam and Sally should absolutely not be grubbing around on the floor!�

�What about the table at the back, near the entrance?� suggested Mr Appleby.

�Not sturdy enough,� said Mrs Winslow. �I don't think it would hold their combined weight.�

�The altar?� said Bernard Colley, the church's treasurer.

�Good heavens!� said Lester, appalled. �Surely we can find somewhere less ... holy?�

�Actually I think it's perfect,� said Tricia. �It'll add an air of solemnity to the occasion, and help everyone here to realise that there's nothing obscene or prurient about it. I truly feel that if Jesus himself were watching, he would bless this union.�

�I hope you're right,� said Lester. �Very well � let us all gather around the altar.�

He led the way to the front of the church, where he solemnly removed and stowed away the candles and other items that were sitting atop the altar. He then removed the altar cloth. �I'm concerned about it getting ... messy,� he said apologetically.

�That's fine,� said Sally. She climbed up on to the altar, lay down on her side, then rolled on to her back with her knees in the air. Her bulging panties settled down on the altar in front of her bottom, spreading out like a huge lump of dough.

�Darling, shouldn't you take off your panties first?� inquired her mother pointedly.

�They're glued on,� said Sally. �It'll be too tricky and messy to try to get them off. But don't worry � Sam can work around them.�

�You glued your panties on?!� exclaimed Owen.

�It was the practical solution to prevent any poo from falling out,� explained Sally. �You wouldn't want me dropping chunks of poo everywhere I go, would you?�

�Well no,� admitted Owen, �but...�

�Does anyone happen to have any nail polish remover?� inquired Sally. �It dissolves the glue.�

�I think I might have some,� said Tina Naismith, an attractive woman in her early twenties. She hurried back to her pew, looked in her handbag, and returned with a small plastic bottle. �Here,� she said, handing it to Sam.

As Sally spread her legs wide, Sam carefully applied the nail polish remover along the near edge of the gusset of his sister's panties. As he worked it in, the glue gradually began to detach. Soon, he was able to pull back a five-inch section of the gusset, exposing the lumpy pile of poo inside, which was currently covering her vaginal opening.

�Ugh!� exclaimed Hannah Watson. �Look at all that poo! That's gross...�

�Hush, Hannah,� her mother admonished her.

Sam carefully used the panty material to squash down Sally's poo until her vagina was revealed. Then he said, �Um, you'll need to...�

�Yes I know,� said Sally, and she squeezed her vaginal muscles in order to push out Sam's turd. As its rounded brown tip started to emerge, a gasp rose up from the gathered congregants.

�Oh my God � she's got a poo in her vag!� cried Ruth. �That's just nasty!�

�Sally!� squealed Tricia in horror. �Whyever do you have ... that ... in there?�

Sally paused, with the turd half out of her vagina. �Sorry,� she said, her cheeks turning red. �It feels nice.�

�But it's disgusting!� said Owen. �You're not doing your cause any favours here, young lady! We're all here to watch you have sex with your brother, not birth number twos from your you-know-what!�

�Well I'm sorry,� said Sally a little huffily, �but the one can't happen until the other has been taken care of.�

�I'll help you get it out,� said Sam. Taking hold of the turd, which was by now rather soft and squishy, he attempted to gently tease it out of her vagina. Little by little, it slid slowly out of her, until it was resting entirely in Sam's hand. He squished it down on top of the main pile of poo in the back of her panties, then he looked to his mother. �Do you have a tissue...?�

She did, of course, so he wiped his hand thoroughly, then he took off his clothes, and climbed on to the altar. He did not notice Ruth and Hannah (as well as several of the adult women, though they were more discreet) eyeing up his naked body appreciatively.

Easing his erection into Sally's vagina, Sam ignored the gasps and wide eyes of the onlookers as he smiled at his sister. �Hello, my darling,� he said.

�Hello ... my Sam,� breathed Sally, wrapping her legs around his back. �Oh yes...� She took his face in her hands, and kissed him on the lips.

�Baby...� whispered Sam, pressing his forehead against hers. �I'm all yours...�

A couple of the younger women uttered heartfelt sighs at this; everyone else was silent, spellbound at the sight of Sam and Sally's tender lovemaking. Some, particularly the men, could not help staring in fascination at Sam's poo-streaked cock sliding in and out of Sally's vagina. Others, especially the women, took note of the gentle touches, the clasped hands, Sally's cheek nuzzling Sam's neck, Sam's fingers lightly brushing Sally's nipple, the little phrases they whispered in each other's ears. Many noticed when Sam, his hand in the small of Sally's back, lifted her torso almost clear of the altar-top as she arched her back and moaned with pleasure.

The minutes seemed to fly by. Not a word was spoken by the minister or his assembled congregants. Sam's thrusting was becoming faster; Sally's moans louder and more high-pitched. Sweat had broken out on both their brows. �Oh my sweet darling!� cried Sally, her voice saturated with emotion. �I love you so much! You're my whole world! My Sam!�

�Mum,� said Ruth quietly to Martha. �This ... this is something rather special, isn't it?�

�It is,� Martha replied, nodding.

�I've been doing it wrong,� murmured Jack Morton. �All these years � I've been doing it wrong.�

�We both have,� replied his wife fervently, as she squeezed his hand.

�Sally, my precious girl,� gasped Sam, now thrusting hard inside his sister. �I love you � I love you!�

�Oh Sam!� cried Sally, gripping his waist tightly with her thighs. �Please don't pull out. Please come inside me!�

�I can't!� he replied, pressing his cheek against hers. �Baby, you know I can't � you might get pregnant...�

�I want to be!� moaned Sally. �I want your baby, my darling! Please � please come inside me! Give me a baby � please...�

�Go on, Sam!� said Hannah, looking highly excited. �Come inside her! You can't pull out now � it wouldn't be right!�

�Actually I'm inclined to agree, Sam,� said Owen. �A moment this special deserves not to be spoiled. I think you should come inside Sally.�

�Yes,� said Tricia, nodding. �If there are consequences, we'll face them. But Sam, I really believe you should come inside Sally.�

�Come inside her, lad!� said old Mr Gregson encouragingly.

�Yes,� said Lester thoughtfully. �I rather think it would be the right thing to do.�

With almost everyone now vocally imploring him to come inside Sally, Sam could hold back no longer. He groaned, and climaxed, pumping multiple spurts of semen deep into Sally's vagina. Sally screamed with pleasure as she shuddered in her own orgasm. �Oh thank you, thank you, my darling, my Sam!� she cried, tears running down her cheeks.

Spontaneous applause broke out among the watching congregants. As Sam and Sally held each other, even Lester joined in, nodding and smiling with approval.

�Unorthodox, perhaps,� he said, �with all the poo involved ... but that was undeniably powerful. I have never seen such a moving, tender, loving performance. Well done, both of you.�

�You see?� said Tricia triumphantly. �You see, Lester? You understand now?�

�I do,� he admitted. �The love your children have for each other is ... palpable. I cannot stand in the way of their happiness. They will be welcome in my church, as a couple, for as long as I serve here. And if it ever falls within my power to marry them, I will be more than happy to do so.�

Tricia beamed, and threw her arms around him. �Thank you, Lester!� she said. �You don't know how much that means to me.�

�Bless my soul!� said Lester in surprise, gingerly patting her back.

�Thank you, Lester,� said Owen, extending his hand for the minister to shake. �It's most gratifying, not to mention quite a relief, to have your support.�

Sally, who had got up on to her knees, now bent over and took Sam's poo-smeared penis into her mouth. Ruth and Hannah Watson watched with priceless expressions as Sally sucked and licked off numerous streaks and small chunks of poo. �Ewww!� said Hannah, disgusted.

�Oh stop it,� said Ruth. �I think it's very sweet and brave of her to do that.�

Lester turned and addressed his congregation. �I think we've all been enriched by this experience,� he said. �I'd like to thank Sam and Sally for showing us what true romantic lovemaking looks like ... and I want to reiterate that I fully support their relationship. And I hope you will too.�

�Hear hear,� agreed Mrs Winslow.

�Can you put your poo back inside me?� Sally asked Sam, having finished cleaning his cock.

He shook his head. �It was too mushy � I just added it to your own pile.�

�Oh,� she said glumly.

�Can you manage one of your own?� Sam inquired.

�I could,� she said, �but I really want it to be one of yours.�

�I think we might be pushing our luck if I squeeze one out, straight into your vagina, right here,� said Sam. �Also, I'm not sure if I can rustle one up just yet.� He hopped down from the altar and began putting on his clothes.

�I agree,� said Sally. �Think you can manage one at home, before I leave for school?�

�You want to go back to school with my poo in your vagina?� inquired Sam. �Awesome!�

He helped her down from the altar, and for the next few minutes they chatted amiably with several of their fellow congregants, none of whom had anything negative to say about Sally's toplessness or poo-filled panties.

Sally was thoroughly enjoying her continued exposure in front of so many people, but all too soon it was time to go home. Still wearing nothing but her panties and shoes, she climbed into the back seat and lay down with her head in Sam's lap.

As Owen drove them all home, Tricia said, �Well, it seems like we all agree that Sam should get Sally pregnant � and sooner rather than later. Would I be right in thinking we're all on the same page there?�

Sally smiled. �For my part, yes. I very much want to have Sam's baby.�

�And I want to make a baby inside Sally,� said Sam. �With all my heart.�

�I think it's going to present practical difficulties,� said Owen, �but if that's what the two of you want, then you have my wholehearted support.�

�And mine,� said Tricia.

�It's rather a shame you took that pill, Sally!� said Owen. �Pity we didn't have this all out sooner.�

�I think it's just as well,� said Tricia. �While it's not impossible that you could get pregnant from this weekend's sex, Sally, I think it's unlikely. That buys us a little time. Now let's assume you conceive during the first week of your summer holidays � the middle of July � that would mean you'll be giving birth in mid-April, at the beginning of the summer term. The last month of your pregnancy will fairly neatly coincide with the Easter holiday. You should spend as much as possible of that time revising for your A-levels. You'll have covered the entire curriculum by that point, as I understand it, but we can check that. In any case, we'll make arrangements with the school so that you can sit your exams at the appropriate time. I suggest you take a gap year so that you can be with your baby...�

�Mum!� said Sam, chuckling. �Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We can address these issues as and when they come up.�

�All the same,� said Sally, �it doesn't hurt to think about these things. I like the sound of a gap year, Mum, but where would I live?�

�At home with us, obviously,� said Tricia in surprise.

Sally shook her head. �Mum, I'll want to be with Sam. Whether that means applying to KCL or finding a cheap place in London, I don't know ... but Sam will have every right to live with his baby.�

Tricia thought about this. �Fair point,� she conceded.

�Clearly there's a lot to think about and talk about,� said Owen, �but Sam's right � let's not get ahead of ourselves. When Sally gets pregnant, we'll have a better idea of a timeline and we'll be able to make better plans.�

�Sounds good,� said Sam. �For my part, I just want Sally to be happy. I'd also like to complete my education, so I'm hoping those two things are compatible. But Sally's happiness comes first, so if I have to leave university...�

�Silly thing!� said Sally. �I wouldn't want you to leave university. We'll figure something out.�

At home, Sally took off her shoes, and came to Sunday lunch in just her poo-laden panties. As she carefully sat down on her special chair, her poo-bulge fitting neatly into the round hole in its seat, her father looked at her in surprise. �Are you warm enough, Sally?� he asked.

Sally opened her mouth, prepared to defend her state of undress, but to her surprise, her mother jumped in.

�Hush, dear, let her be,� said Tricia. �Clearly, Sally is a free spirit who enjoys exposing her body. And you have to admit, she does have a fabulous body. I don't mind her exposing herself, as long as she does it safely, isn't upsetting anyone, and isn't breaking the law. If you're willing to let her have sex in front of our church friends, then how can you object to her being naked in front of just her family?�

�Well � the church thing was for a good cause,� said Owen, �but I take your point. Not much sense in being prudish after that.�

�I do like to show off my body,� agreed Sally with a smile. �Thank you both for being so cool about that.�

After lunch, Sally and Sam went up to Sally's room, where they kissed and cuddled for a while, and talked about their future plans. Then they had sex again, after which Sam managed to push out a good-sized turd, which he slid into his sister's vagina. With the help of some more glue, they re-sealed the right leg-hole of Sally's panties, and she held still for the next half-hour while it dried.

�Time to get ready to go back,� said Sally regretfully. �I'm going to miss you terribly, you know, my darling Samwise.�

�And I'll miss you too,� said Sam. �This is going to be a very long six weeks!�

Sally put on a bra, and a t-shirt, and then one of her shortest skirts. Her bulging panties sagged six or seven inches below the skirt's hem. As she put on her shoes, she giggled. �I can't wait till my friends see me like this,� she said. �And what will the boys make of it, I wonder?�

�It sounds like you're going to have quite the erotic adventure,� said Sam with a smile.

�I hope so!� said Sally, grinning.

�You know, Sally,� said Sam, �if you're going to be flirting and flashing your panties and all that ... you're going to get a lot of male attention. Boys will be feeling you up ... and, I know you � you're not likely to stop them, or even discourage them.�

Sally's face fell. �I won't be unfaithful, Sam,� she said.

�You won't mean to be,� acknowledged Sam, �but in the heat of the moment I think it's likely that you'll slip, get carried away, lost in the moment ... and I just want you to know that it's okay. You've discovered a wild new side of yourself, and it's going to be hard to keep that bottled up for six weeks. So if you slip, don't worry about it ... but please, try not to let any more boys come in your vagina. I really do want to be the one that gets you pregnant.�

�And you will be,� Sally assured him. �I want that too � more than anything.� Then she smiled, a little sheepishly. �So, my arsehole and mouth are fair game?�

Sam chuckled. �Yes, my love,� he said.

�Well if you're going to let me play around with other boys,� said Sally thoughtfully, �then you should play around with other girls.�

Sam shook his head. �You're the only girl I want,� he said.

�But that's not fair,� said Sally, pouting. �I'll feel terribly guilty about letting some boy stick his dick in my bum, if I know you're staying celibate for me.�

�Then feel guilty,� said Sam with a smirk. �But not too guilty, because I'm seriously okay with it. I have faith in our love; I'm not even a little worried that you'll find someone you like better than me. In fact, I'm so secure in our relationship that I'd even like to see photos of you with other boys � if you're willing and can arrange that.�

Sally's eyes widened. �What ... you mean, like, explicit ones?�

Sam shook his head. �You know what � never mind � it's too much to ask. I don't want to push you beyond where your own eagerness would naturally take you.�

Sally giggled. �Sam, if you want pictures of boys' cocks in me, then you have only to ask � I'm happy to oblige! I'll send you video clips, too! I'll ask my friend Drew to help � he's been trying to get into my panties for a couple of years now. He's very sweet, and would do anything for me, but I've always been clear to him that he's just a friend. He can be my photographer � and perhaps I'll pay him with a little bit of sex.�

�I like the sound of that,� said Sam, smiling. �But ... what are you going to do about your poo? I'm sure they won't let you keep it in your panties for long...�

�I'll keep these panties on for as long as possible,� said Sally. �After that, whenever I do a poo, it will be in my panties, and I'll keep it there as long as possible. I'll send you photos of that, too, if you like.�

�Yes please!� said Sam.

�I think I'll also shorten my school skirts,� Sally mused, with her finger on her chin. �The rule is that skirts should come down at least to the level of your fingertips, when your arms are hanging by your sides. But nobody enforces that, and I've seen plenty of skirts that would break that rule. So ... I'll push my luck just as far as I can. I want to be wearing the shortest skirts in the school!�

�I'll need photographic evidence of that, too,� said Sam.

�Of course,� agreed Sally. �And I'll be flashing my panties a lot, naturally. I'll station Drew at a good vantage point so that he can photograph not only me showing off my panties, but also the reactions of the boys and girls around me. Ooh!� She suddenly looked excited. �Maybe Drew can even film me filling my panties in public, with people watching me and making comments!�

�I'd love to see that,� said Sam, �but please don't get yourself expelled!�

�I'll be careful,� said Sally nonchalantly. �Anyway � we should get moving.�

Downstairs, Tricia looked anxiously at Sally. �You're going back like that?� she asked. �They'll tease you mercilessly, darling!�

�I don't mind,� said Sally with a shrug.

On the drive to the train station, Sally sucked Sam's cock again. Once Owen had parked the car, he and Tricia waited patiently until Sam had come in his sister's mouth.

Sam and Sally unloaded her bags from the boot, and headed to the platform. While they were waiting for Sally's train to arrive, Sally suddenly said, �I need a poo.� And she began to strain.

�Good heavens!� said Owen, as he watched her gigantic poo-bulge grow even larger. �I fear those panties may burst!�

But they did not burst. They merely swelled, gradually, to even greater proportions, sagging down almost to the backs of Sally's knees. After a minute, Sally stopped pushing, and sighed happily. �Ahh,� she said. �That's better.�

Her train came, and she boarded with her bags. Then she turned and stooped to kiss her mother and father goodbye. �Bye Mum, bye Dad,� she said. �Thank you for being such wonderful, understanding, supportive parents.�

Owen hugged her. �Goodbye Sally,� he said.

Sam stepped forward next. He put his arms around Sally, and kissed her passionately. �I love you, Sally my darling,� he said.

�I love you too,� she whispered back.

�Keep in touch,� he said.

�Of course,� she replied with a grin. Then her face seemed to crumple a little, and she blinked back tears. �I'll miss you!� she gasped. �You don't know how much. This is going to be harder than I thought!�

�We'll call, we'll facetime,� Sam said reassuringly. �We'll get through the next six weeks. And then ... the summer...�

�I can't wait!� smiled Sally, wiping her eyes.

Sam stepped off the train as it started to move. �Bye baby,� he said.

Sally's face, sticking out of the window, slowly retreated into the distance, and then was eclipsed as the train rounded a bend in the track.

Sam sighed, and found to his surprise that he, too, was crying. He hastily wiped his eyes on his sleeves, and turned to his parents. �Gosh, Mum and Dad,� he said. �I feel ... such a wrench! Seeing her disappear like that. I feel like I just want to take off running after her train!�

Tricia pulled him into a hug, while Owen reached out and patted his shoulder. �Yours is obviously a powerful love,� said Owen. �And that's something to celebrate ... but it does of course mean partings are difficult.�

Sam nodded. �I'd best get to the other platform,� he said. �My own train will be arriving soon.�

His parents accompanied him to the platform, and in due course bade him farewell as he boarded his train. Once it had departed, they returned to their car.

�Quite an eventful weekend!� remarked Owen.

�I feel bad for them,� sighed Tricia. �Six weeks apart � and they've only just begun their romance. It'll be hard on them.�

Owen nodded. �At least they have Skype and whatnot to keep in touch. I'm sure they'll manage.�

�Are we doing the right thing, I wonder?� asked Tricia. �By supporting them so fully?�

�How can you doubt it?� said Owen. �After what we've seen, it's obvious to me that if we didn't support them, we'd lose them. But it's not just fear of losing them that makes me support them; I really believe in them! Their love for each other is genuine, and beautiful. If one were to attempt to mount a legal challenge to the laws against incest, one could find no better test case.�

�As long as Sally doesn't show up in court with her panties very visibly full of poo,� remarked Tricia with a wry smirk.

�Even if she does,� said Owen, �and she probably will, do you doubt that she'll still manage to charm a judge and convince them of the righteousness of her cause?�

Tricia laughed. �She and Sam are pretty persuasive, aren't they?� she said. �I'm so proud of them � they're becoming quite wonderful young adults.�

�They are,� agreed Owen. �They really are.�


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