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Thursday, May 11, 2017



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Hi everyone, I've only been back at uni for a week following the Easter holidays, but I've come back home as it as a bank holiday weekend over here.
Imogen- glad you managed to get out of the mens loos before anyone noticed!!
To be honest things haven't been going that well pooing-wise since I've been back at uni, having done quite well with my constipation over Easter I've been struggling again these last few days. On Thursday I had a heavy feeling in my belly by the end of my first lecture, normally thats the first sign that I'm starting to want a poo so I went to the toilets as soon as the lecture was over. I got a cubicle quite quickly, pulled down my jeans and pink knickers and sat on the loo, I had a wee and then tried to relax. Nothing was coming so I started to push but still nothing, I knew I should need a poo as I hadn't been since Sunday. After a while I could feel the tip of a log starting to poke out but by then I was already late for my next lecture so I had to suck it up which was really annoying, I wiped quickly and pulled up my knickers and jeans before leaving my cubicle and washing my hands. I obviously tried again after the lecture but by then my bowels were like concrete and I couldn't even push the tip out for some reason. Friday morning came and I felt bloated and uncomfy but still didn't really have an urge for a poo, even though I definitely knew I must need to open my bowels by now. Towards the end of my lecture that morning I suddenly needed to have a poo, as soon as the lecture was finished I went to the toilets and started to queue for a cubicle, I was clenching my bum but could feel the tip of a log starting to poke out despite my efforts. I could feel my knickers were stuck up my bum and I knew I would probably end up with skidmarks, so I reached round behind myself, put my hands down my leggings and pulled my knickers down a bit, I was leaning against the wall so I don't think anyone noticed! I made it into a cubicle just in time, I quickly dropped my jeans and white knickers and couldn't help moaning as I sat on the loo, almost at once I felt the log starting to make its way out. I looked down at my knickers and I did have a bit of a skidmark but luckily it wasn't that bad, I've certainly had a lot worse!! It didn't take me long to realise that I was likely to be there a while, as the log felt really fat and hard and when thats the case I know I'm in for a really hard time and it will take a lot of pushing to get it out of me. The girl on my left had just finished a long hissing wee and then stayed sitting, so it looked like I wasn't the only one in need of a poo, I just hoped that she might need to strain as well so that it wouldn't just be me grunting away! I tried to relax and let the log come but quite soon I could feel it getting fatter and I knew I'd have to start pushing, so I took a deep breath and bore down hard, as I expected I couldn't help grunting once I'd stopped pushing which was a bit embarasing as I knew the girl next to me would probably have heard. I listened to hear if she was making any noises and sure enough a few seconds later I heard her making a grunt of her own which made me feel better! For the next few minutes we both kept on straining and grunting, by now my first log was almost ready to drop and as I did another hard push it fell into the bowl with a splash and I moaned with relief. Next door I could hear my neighbours grunts getting louder, she sounded really constipated but was obviously determined to go. As I pushed out my second log she still hadn't managed to produce anything, I really hoped that she was going to enjoy some success soon. As I took some toilet paper and started to wipe my bottom I heard her making more grunts and then there was a splash, I heard her moan with relief as well and then shortly after I heard her doing some runny poo, I sometimes get the same if I'm badly constipated. I finished wiping and then pulled up my knickers and jeans before flushing and coming out of my cubicle, leaving the other girl to finish off.
My next story is actually from last night when my friend Lucy was staying the night, we ate loads of leftovers and then took a box of chocolates up to my room to eat while we watched a film. I could feel the urge for a poo building steadily and knew I'd have to go before long. "My jeans are digging in me, I'm going to have to take them off" said Lucy when we got up to my room, she unbuttoned them and pulled them down then sat on my bed in just her white top and yellow flowery knickers. "Yeah, mine are pretty tight too" I replied, starting to unbutton and unzip them. I took my jeans off and sat back on my bed next to Lucy, I was wearing pink and yellow stripey knickers. By now I was wanting a poo quite badly and I could feel that my knickers had gone up my bum, as I stood up I made sure I pulled them out and down a bit so that I hopefully wouldn't get skidmarks. "I really need a poo" I said to Lucy, "Come in with me and keep chatting, it might take me a while, I struggled a bit last time I went!"
As I walked over to my ensuite I could feel my poo starting to poke out and was glad I'd pulled my knickers down a bit, even though I could feel the top of my bum showing! Luckily Lucy was the same, after I'd dropped my knickers to my knees and sat on the loo she turned her back to me to get a drink from the tap and I could see her bum showing above her knickers. Lucy sat on the floor and kept talking to me while I started to push. I weed for a bit then I could feel the tip of a massive log starting to make its way out, I took a deep breath, bore down and pushed for as long and as hard as I could, the poo slid out really slowly and was stretching my bumhole to the limit. I kept straining and could feel I was going a bit red, after about 10 minutes I thought I'd probably pushed half of the massive fat log out, by now it definitely wasn't going to get sucked back up so I had a bit of a breather. "Don't worry, I know the feeling, I still get constipated quite a bit" said Lucy sympathetically, "Actually I'd better try to go when your done, I haven't had a poo for a while either."
I started pushing again and a few minutes later I could feel that the widest part was out, it sped up now and shortly after splashed down into the bowl and I caught my breath. I did a long fart and then pushed out a few more pieces which must have taken another 10 minutes and then took some toilet paper and wiped my bottom. I flushed and pulled up my knickers then went to wash my hands, by the time I'd turned back round Lucy was on the loo having a wee. She did a couple of loud farts and we both giggled. After a few seconds her wee stream trickled to a stop and she started to push, it looked like she was going to have a pretty hard time too so I started to chat about all sorts of stuff to distract her. After about 10 minutes of straining and going red she gasped "Its nearly out," shortly after I heard a splosh as her log dropped and she moaned with releaf. She stayed sitting so I guessed she needed to do some more, shortly after she farted again and then I heard a couple of loud plops. She then reached for the loo roll and started to wipe her bum. When she'd flushed and washed her hands we both went back into my room and got ready for bed, then watched a film. Hope you liked this story, will post again soon, bye for now!

ol fella

To Emily and Molly in response to "Questions"

This might fit,
1/ It was our wedding day and we were standing at the altar, I was in a dark suite and my wife in her lovely white gown looking stunning. The preacher had just declared us man and wife and I went in for a kiss, as our lips met my wife lost it and a log slipped out into her panties. Oh course no one knew at the time and the dress and train hid it all. I am sure the preacher could work out where the smell was from but the family never knew it was her.
She kept her cool right through. When we got into the car and drove off she leaned over and told me she was sitting there with a smelly log in her panties and was about to do the rest. I pulled into a gas station and parked down the side. We got out the car and I went with her into the single person ladies. I held the back of her dress and train up while she sat and pushed out the rest, first time I ever saw her making logs. Oh she was embarrassed to start with but soon caught on that I was interested. She threw her panties in the trash and thought it was wicked and not lady like to go out with none on. I helped her wash her bum and legs with wet paper towels. She went the rest of the night with no panties on, right through the reception and we have been pretty much watching each other go ever since where possible.

2/ public poo. we were out in the truck, my wife's heavily pregnant with our daughter at this time, when she asks me to pull up for a emergency poo. I pull into this side road and stop, she grabs the bog roll from under the seat and makes a dash for the long grass. she drops her overalls I see her squat. unbeknown to her at the same time a bus pulls up on the main road with a flat. now being a taller vehicle all the ball players on board are looking down into the grass as my wife's unloading butt. Now I don't know how much they could see but it was like birds on a wire, all eyes watching her. She finishes and stands up to wipe. It was about this point that the bus erupted in cheers and whistles. She continued to wipe, pulled up her overalls and turned and bowed to the cheering crowd. Walking back to the truck as if nothing happened.
nothing more was ever said.

ol fella


The Hike

When I was a freshman in college I was on a day hike with my friends in Hawaii. After a long day of hiking and jumping off of waterfalls, we were staving. We packed up and headed back up the mountain. As we were walking, I was hit by a big urge to poop. The urge got worse and worse as he headed up the steep mountain. About halfway up, I couldn't walk another step. I told my friend to go on ahead and that I would catch up. The trail was narrow, without a lot of cover, so I had to wait until I was sure that I was alone. Once the last group had passed me, I made my way to a bend in the trail that had a small nook loosely covered by trees. I pulled my shorts and swimsuit down to my knees and squatted down. Almost immediately, a huge pile of mushy poop slipped out of me. For a moment, I savored in my newfound relief. Then came the next problem: I had nothing to wipe with. I knew that my friends would be worried about me by now, so I had to make a decision, and fast. In one fluent stroke, I pulled my shorts and swimsuit completely off. I used my bikini bottom to wipe my messy butt and then threw it down the hill into the woods. I pulled my shorts back up, going commando underneath, and made my way up the mountain to meet up with my friends.

Steve A

Girl had an accident or not?

I was about to leave to join my friends for a late lunch/early dinner until they messaged me saying that they didn't leave yet. So, I put my bike away and then headed back upstairs to meet them at their dorm room. After I put my bike away, I saw this girl come inside and she had a wet spot on the back of her shorts. She knew about it, but didn't look nervous about it. She probably sat on a wet surface or had an accident, but either way, she didnt have a jacket covering it up because it was warm outside.

Emily and Molly


Women, please take a moment to answer these! We appreciate it!

1. Do you remember a time when you looked your absolute best and you HAD NO CHOICE but to unload a tremendously huge, smelly bowel movement? We have heard of the "girls don't poop" myth that some of the guys, especially our high school students, try to suggest. So, we really wanted to know when you looked stereotypically like a creature that could not possibly poop, and when you did, it was a ferocious monster! Haha!

(Or, perhaps, the bowel movement happened when you were getting ready to be the stunning knock out you were that night!)

2. We've all had to have a bowel movement in public, whether or school, church, out shopping, at a concert or a sporting event. But do you have a story about being somewhere that you could not possibly imagine that nature would issue a call that you could not decline? The first thought is that you cannot believe that I'm having to go number two here (wherever that place would be). The second thought is that it is incredibly (exciting/embarrassing/memorable - whatever the emotion) that you are having to go number two there.

Thank you! We have stories we'd like to share but we would love to hear from you first!

All the best,

Emily and Molly xoxo

ol fella

peeing in the corn

Was changing the motor on no4 pump yesterday its in a hut over the bore, when I hear a car pull up and the two doors thump. Didn't pay too much attention to it at first, till I could hear these two women talking. I looked around the door to see them disappear into the corn. My first thought was here we go there going to help themselves to the crop, seems to be happening more often out this way. So I walk into the corn about 20' from where I saw them go in. suppose I was in 4 rows before I looked along and saw them. They had were still nattering away to each other but were both squatting. One had her dress up around her ears with her lilly white ass pointing at me, the other was out of view in front of her.
As their conversation continued I could see a thick golden stream of pee come from under her. Reckon she must have been holding it for some time. Her pee hit the black soil with such force, it cut its own furrow. It formed a foamy pool under her growing larger and larger. She hissed away for a good five minutes like this before the flow slowed. She'd done so much it pooled and her shoes were now swimming in it ! Her pee dribbled and her friend asked if she was done she responded with another dribble "yes". With one hand holding the dress up she fumbled to wipe herself with some tissue. Then slowly stood up, let her dress fall and pulled up her panties. It was then she realised her shoes were swimming and took a step back to clear the puddle.
She had tossed her tissue into the corn and it caught on the leaves. I couldn't see the other woman doing hers but she must have done it at the same time cause after they left there were two wet spots soaking into the ground.
I went back to the pump hut. Least these two did it in the field not in the hut.
Last year I was having trouble with one of the older pumps and when I went up to the hut and opened the door. I found a woman had left me a present, a pair of size 20 panties with a pad and a semi squashed huge triangle of firm poo in them. By the amount of poo smeared tissues and wet wipes, She'd used the hut to clean herself up. That hut does look like an outhouse thou opposed to the tin garden sheds over the other ones.
ol fella

ol fella

what happened when they both wanted the toilet

We're a very open family, there's me my wife and our girl child, we have never close doors or hide our bathroom habits or been ashamed of our body's. My wife and I like to watch each other on the toilet, I think she quite attractive sitting there and I think she likes to show off what she's doing a bit too.
My wife hadn't been for a couple of days she said she could feel a poo but it wasn't ready but this morning after breakfast she felt really full and thought that she might sit and see if it would come out. We both went up to the bathroom, I did a quick wee while my wife watched then I sat on the bathtub in front of but just off to the side of the toilet to watch. She took her night dress and panties off and sat on the toilet, getting comfortable she relaxed and waited. Her ???? was full and she could feel her poo moving down. A feeling that she was clearly enjoying. She sat there for 20min just letting it come down before she felt like she could start to feel it ready to come out, I could hear it crackle as opened her. she was in heaven feeling it, her poo was going to be thick and long, She had managed out about 1" of it when our girl child came in. She could see mum's poo under her had just started and see what was out of her but she still asked for the toilet for her own poo. mum sighed and tried to cut off the poo but it stayed there. Girl child had her panties off ready for the seat her poo was close she held her cheeks together and begged mum to shift. My wife still had a lot more to do and there was no way she could get it to suck back in but she got up, the start of her poo between her cheeks and let girl child sit. My wife turned her bum towards where I was sitting on the edge of the tub 90 deg to the toilet right in front of girl child, I could see my wife's poo was holding her open. We both looked at the girl child who had taken her mother's spot, she was peeing wildly and we could see and hear she was starting her poo . It was a mirror of her mums solid and thick, she relaxed and it slowly started out. Seeing girl child's start coming out mum started to do more and they were both pooing at the same time mum standing my girl sitting, I held the trash basket under mums bum so if her poo did break it wouldn't go on the floor but it was sticking straight out behind her like a tail. Girl child and mum were watching each other poo intently. Mum had 12" out and girl child's was into the bottom of the bowl. It was an impressive site both my girls doing their poos at the same time, my wife's poo hung from her as did girl child's. Neither was showing any sign of finishing. The girl child felt her poo get harder to do when it hit the bottom of the toilet and tried to curve into the hole my wife's was hanging down nearly 18" when it broke into the trash she still had more thou. the girl child was grunting more out when mum told her to stand up a bit. she did and the end of it left her bum and sat about 2" above the seat. Girl child rolled off some paper and wiped her kitten and bum several times and tossed the paper in the waste paper basket my wife did 10" more before saying she was done and took a lot more to clean up. They both dressed and the cheeky pair say can you clean that up !
I went and got some gloves. My wife's poo was in the basket it was solid and quite firm then I looked in the toilet, there was no way girl child's poo was going to flush it was blocking the hole and standing up above the seat, I carefully removed it to the trash bag, it too was solid and firm like my wife's. I then tipped the gloves in. I took the whole lot out behind the shed to the grass clipping pile dug a hole and tipped it all in. next time I will dig a hole and they can both do it out there cut out the middle man.
Girl child comes up to us later on and says sorry to her mum for making her get up and how cool it was to be able to poo with mum at the same time. My wife kissed her forehead and said don't make a habit of it but I know she enjoyed doing it too.
I love them both very much and am thankful my girl child still thinks boys stink, horses are the best thing in the world, she still talks to us, doesn't live inside her phone and is confident enough to make independent decisions.

ol fella

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Marissa great story it sounds like you had a good poop and got it out without being caught I wonder if anyone found it later on,

To: Just Made It Meg first welcome to the site and great story about your big poop pleas post anymore stories you have thanks.

To: Mina as always another great story about you and your friends.

Well that's all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site

Victoria B.

The Mother of Monsters, cont.


Last time I promised a story about a massive loaf pinched by my very own butt. Here it is!

I finished a particularly exhausting day of classes on Wednesday and the stress was starting to get to me. The lab portion of the final for my last required science class had gone as well as predicted. In other words, I held on for dear life and barely scraped through it. I got home and decided to go for a walk in order to replenish my drained spirits. A stop at home to drop off my bag and purse and go for a quick pee was the only detour. I noticed while I was on the toilet that I would need a number two at some point in the near future. At that moment it would've been all pushing on my part so I decided to hold off for awhile. I'd been pushed enough already. I wiped my front, pulled up my leopard-print underwear (so much for lucky panties!) and jeans, and flushed.

A brief trip to the sink for some handwashing and a stop for a hoodie was all that stood between me and my walk. I went on a trail that I'd been down before; familiarity meant comfort in such a state of mind. I breathed in deeply, trying futilely to smother anxiety in forest air. My heart pounded; a few stubborn tears escaped. My walk turned into run. Away from what I still can't tell you. But I was sprinting away from something with tears flying down my cheeks. I hadn't intended to go for a run, but yet there I was. I just kept running until I ran out of breath. There it was. Better. I realized during my halt that my small need for a poop had reached critical mass and that I needed to return home to avoid having to bare my bottom along the trail. It had been done before and probably again, but it's still something I like to avoid if at all possible. So I ended up running back hoe, cheeks clinched under cover of denim and fake leopard skin. This was going to be the bomb to end all bombs, a potential clogger even before its splash landing.

I fumbled with the key to unlock the back door, conveniently located closer to the bathroom than the front. Home at last! I ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and ripping my jeans and undies down to ankle level before I more threw my butt onto the seat than sat down. I stretched and leaned all the way back on the contoured black seat as a thought entered my head: the huge log in my hole was all the tension and emotional strain of the day. It was a huge piece of poop that was going down the drain while I remained here, alive and well, stronger from the difficult experience of the day. I got to work after about five minutes of sitting in silence with my eyes closed and glasses off. The biggest turd that has ever passed between my cheeks began slithering out of my puckered-up rear and it more than took its time. It didn't hurt at all, in fact, the feeling of relief and release was almost orgasmic. I went into an unbridled moan that sharply crescendoed as the log landed with a satisfying *thud!* Two tiny pieces escaped shortly thereafter, one landing on top of the monster and the other hitting porcelain after a brief plip. I was done and remained sitting for another couple of minutes to savor the feeling and process everything that had happened.

I got up and surveyed the damage. The thing was a least a foot (30 cm) long and about the diameter of a beer can. It was perfectly formed, all smooth and somewhat folded back on itself in the shape of the letter "C." The smell was unreal. There was no way this thing was gonna go down as it was. So I (must confess, I took a picture on my phone!) grabbed my trusty plunger and got to work smashing everything up. The pink of my plunger's cup looked really cool against the black of the toilet bowl! Then, the moment of truth. I pushed the flush down and held my breath... Everything made it! Everything except for the most wicked skidmark I'd ever laid in a toilet bowl, that was. I sat back down and wiped, appreciating that the Mother of Monsters had been kind enough to not leave too much behind. I noticed the second flush took care of the paper and skidmark as I pulled my panties and jeans back up. Hot water and soap was last on the agenda as I washed my hands and left the bathroom after fifteen of the most relaxing minutes of my life. I then got on here and made the first post, knowing that I was too spent to do a proper writeup that day!

To Mina: It's a date if I'm ever in Japan! Have fun in Italy!

Love, Victoria




Steven A's Reaction Survey

1. A bathroom with no stall doors?
When necessary, I will use one in my school. Each bathroom has stalls with the door off. I just get up on the toilet, do my thing, and get off ASAP.

2. A bathroom with no barriers? doors?
Sometimes I've used them when I'm out on my bike for a ride. Some parks have them to discourage people from hanging out in the bathrooms for sexual or criminal reasons.

3. If someone besides you has an accident in public?
That's happened with some of the children I babysit. At 5 or 6 they say they want to do it on their own, but then something goes wrong. With one girl it was that the seat was so loose that she fell off.

3B. Would I help them out if not in a rush? If I didn't know them at all and was not responsible for them (babysitting) I think I might.

4. If a guy or girl is in the wrong bathroom?
Outside of parents who take a little kid of the opposite sex in, I don't like it. I've had a couple of situations at the park. One involved this drunk guy who was so far drunk that he couldn't figure out how to turn around, leave and go into the guys' room on the other side.

5. Your thoughts on those who hold it all day at school or work and don't go until they get home?
I'm somewhat sympathetic when they are in pain or have an accident. But I know what they are doing is foolish.

6. If you accidentally clog the toilet in public or another person's house?
I think it has only happened to me once. I was at a friend's house. I think I was in middle school with him. Instead of telling his mom, I found the plunger and luckily it worked.

7. When you're waiting in line at a port-a-potty outside and you have to poop while others are waiting behind you?
This has happened to me several times. My craps are soft so finally when I get inside the unit, I latch the door and most of the time I'm only seated 15 or 20 seconds before I empty. When there's toilet paper, I might spend more time wiping than I did sitting.

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