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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Best friend farts

I was sitting on the couch with my best friend Ashley. She is smoking hot. Thin body, tight ass and big tits. We were watching tv together. She was wearing tight black spandex pants. I’m a shy guy who doesn’t get many girls or any I should say. I’m always to afraid to ask them out. I really liked Ashley and I mean I have a huge secret crush on her but I can’t admit it to her cause were best friends. She probably would never like me like that anyways. I’m just a loser. It’s amazing that were even friends. She’s cool and fun and just amazing. Who am I? I don’t know I guess we actually get along really well. Buuuurrap. What was that? Did she just fart? I tried to sit there and act like nothing happened. I didn’t know how to respond. The smell started to reach me. It was horrible. I can’t stand it. I sat there and smelled it for a bit trying to ignore it but then I caved, I couldn’t take it. I plugged my nose and tried to breath as little as possible.
“Haha, smell it bitch.” She said laughing. “You actually lasted for a bit there.” She knew what I was doing. I was a little embarrassed and said nothing. There was a pause of silence. “How long do you think you could smell it up close?” She said kind of calmly.
“What?” I asked. “I dunno, probably not long. I wouldn’t want to smell your farts up close.”
“What if I gave you a hundred bucks if you could keep your face in my ass for 5 seconds after I farted?” I sat and thought about it for a bit. A hundred bucks but I would have to smell her fart up close this time. That last one actually smelled so bad. Is it worth it? I started thinking about getting close to her ass. I would get to press my face against it. Even if she was farting that would be pretty hot and then I could get a hundred bucks. There bad but I think I can do it.
“Alright, challenge accepted.” She smiled. She had kind of an evil look to her. I didn’t think much into it though. She laid down on her side putting her legs on top of mine kind of kicking me without much worry of invading my space. She’s happy to make me uncomfortable. She does that sometimes anyways if she wants to lay down, she’ll take away my space. This was it. I get to put my face in her ass now. I was excited but I tried not to show it. I laid down, pulling my legs out from under hers and then stretched them out across the couch. They hung out over the edge. I started to get a little nervous, putting my face in her ass. Alright just do it. I pushed my face in. It was firm. She works out. I was enjoying it. I couldn’t help but get a little hard. Hopefully she doesn’t bump my dick with her legs. She started moving her bottom leg underneath me. I wasn’t sure what she was doing? I just let it happen. I was too busy thinking about her ass. Suddenly, in a quick motion, she scissored me around the neck. She had gotten her bottom leg underneath my neck and then moved her other leg over top and squeezed her thighs tight. My face was trapped inside her ass. She pulled me deep into her crack. I squirmed to get free. I had fallen for into a trap. There was no escape. I can’t break free.
“Ha, I got yeah now. You’re gonna have to smell my farts for a lot longer than 5 seconds.” Burrraap. I felt the hot air on my face. It traveled up my nose and into my mouth. The smell was overwhelming. I desperately tried to break free but there was nothing I could do. I grabbed at her butt trying to push away and to try and plug my nose but I was to deep into crack. I couldn’t get away or even get my hand to my nose. I was forced to take it all in right up close. She just laid there enjoying this, watching her show. “Too much fun. I could do this for hours.” No, please no. I want free immediately. Burraap. Another fart. I started squirming again. “Squirm all you want, you’re not getting free. You’re just making this more fun for me.” Burrap. Oh my god! This was so horrible. I couldn’t help but to continue squirming. The smell was so strong. It filled my nostrils.
“Let me go.” I said muffled into her ass.
“What was that? Sorry I can’t understand you. There is something wrong with the way you’re talking. Speak clearer.”
“Let me go.” I said more forcefully trying to get it out through her ass. Buurrap. I squirmed a little less this time. It still smelled horrible. I wasn’t getting used to it, just starting to accept that I’m trapped and my squirming really is useless.
“Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my fart.” She farted after I said it.
“Let me go!”
“Awe, but I’m having so much fun. Don’t you want me to have fun.”
“Just let me go!”
“Ok, fine. How about you kiss my ass and then I’ll let you go.” I hesitated a bit and then obliged. I gave a quick to her ass. “Oh no. You’re gonna have to do better than that. I want a nice big kiss.” I moaned. “What was that? Are you moaning? No! You have to enjoy it. Now you got to give me a bunch of kisses.” I didn’t hesitate this time. I don’t want to make things any worse. I started kissing her ass over and over again. Buuurrrraap. This was the biggest and stinkiest fart yet and it went right into my mouth. Apparently I was kissing her right on the asshole which I just realized now. I tried to pull away. The taste was putrid but I couldn’t get any distance from her asshole. Her grip was to strong and I was forced to just take it even though I couldn’t even remotely stand it. “I didn’t tell you to stop kissing! C’mon back to it.” I started kissing again. “You have to keep kissing even when I fart. Speaking of which.” Buuuurrrap. I still couldn’t help stopping for a couple seconds but I forced myself back to it as quick as I could. “Good boy. Nice little fart slave.” I didn’t like being called a fart slave but I was in no position to stand up for myself. This was humiliating.
It had now been at least ten minutes and I was still kissing her ass. She had been farting frequently. I was getting better at kissing through the farts though. “Ok, you can stop.” She loosened up a bit and let my face pull away from her ass. I gasped for breath. It still stunk but was no where near as strong as having my nose pressed right into ass. This was fresh air to me now. She pulled her pants down just far enough so that her whole ass was hanging out revealing her pink trimmed white panties. She then pulled my face back in and wiggle it around, positioning it and then pulled it in tighter. I felt my nose press into a hole, her asshole. “Now I really want you to smell it.” Buuurrrrap. It smelled so much worse now. I couldn’t get used to it before because of how bad it was and now it just got so much worse. “Now sniff it. I want to hear you take a long deep whiff and then I promise I’ll let you go.” At this point I wasn’t sure I could trust her but still I sniffed it. I took a long deep breath in through my nose. I gagged and choked on it and started coughing into her ass. “Heehee. One more. That was fun. This time I want you to smell it right when I let it out. I’m going to count to three. One…two…three.” I started breathing in deep. Burrrraaap. I inhaled fresh hot fart through my nose and almost through up. “Hahaha. Oh my god. So much fun. Now tell me my farts smell good. C’mon, admit it. You love smelling my farts don’t you, now tell me how good they smell.”
“They smell amazing.” I told her what she wanted to hear.
“Good, then there is no reason to stop anytime soon when we’re both having so much fun. Right isn’t this fun.”
“Yeah, so much fun.” Burrrap.
“C’mon smell it. Don’t you like my farts. Sniff it. Sniff it.” I started to smell it as deeply as I could. Great now I’m expected to sniff all of them. “Start kissing my ass again.” I started to kiss it repeatedly. Buurrap. I paused on the kissing to sniff her fart and then went back to kissing. She started to pay less attention to me and got into her shows. This went on for about an hour. “We should do this all the time now. Right!?”
“Yeah, for sure.”
“You should come over tomorrow.” Damnit I was hoping to at least get a few days away from this.
“Definitely.” I’m so timid. Why don’t I stand up for myself. I’m just a loser. Buuurrap. I sniffed it.
“You’re gonna be my little fart boy. Oooooooh I’m so excited.” This is bad. “Here I have one more surprise for you.” She let me go. Thank god. She’s not really going to make me her slave. I’m free. She’s gonna let me go. “Ok now put your legs up and over the back of the couch and lay your head down over the edge of the front.” I did as instructed. Fuck what is she doing now. My head hung down over the edge just keeping a little bit on the couch for support. She sat down on my face and again positioned her asshole directly over my nose. Buuuurraaaap. This one stunk more than the others. A lot more. Then I felt something wet with my nose. It was a wet fart. “Breath it in. This is why I’ve been so gassy.” I took a long deep inhale through my nose. It was absolutely disgusting. I then heard a bunch of spitting noises as she began to fill her panties. The smell got ten times stronger. “Breath, c’mon breath.” I couldn’t. I actually couldn’t. I expected her to get mad at me but she was actually quite pleased with this result. She then sat down heavier on my face. I was smothered. I couldn’t breath at all now. She held me for a good minute. I felt light headed. She let up enough to let me breath again and I desperately gasped for breath and started choking on the air that I had to breath. My face was still pressed quite firmly into her shit filled panties making it hard to breath. The shit was diarrhea and was now starting to soak through and drip down my nose as I was gasping and then sucking it down into the back of my throat. “See I can make you breath it in if I want to.” She then proceeded to smother me again. She held me until I felt like I was going to pass out and then released. I gasped for air again. I was starting to swallow all the shit that was coming down through my nose. She held me here for hours repeatedly smothering me to make me gasp for air. She finally let me go and then pulled her panties down. They were full of stinky mushy shit. At this point I wasn’t even interested in the naked hot girl in front of me. I just wanted to go home. She turned around showing her ass to me. “One more kiss.” I stared at the shit covered ass. I didn’t want to touch it let alone with my lips. I did it though. I kneeled down and kissed her on the cheek. “No silly. On the lips.” Ah fuck. I knew what she meant. I pressed my face into her ass, shit covered my face and I kissed her right on the bare asshole. “Now lick it all clean.” How does it keep getting worse. I proceeded to licking it all clean nearly puking many times but I did it. “And my panties to.” I stared at them. They’re full. That was actually a huge shit.
“I don’t want to eat all that.”
“Excuse me!” Oh shit. Did I say that out loud? “You are going to eat it and now you’re sleeping over so you can cuddle my ass all night and then we’ll spend all day together tomorrow.” Son of a bitch. My life is hell. I ate the shit in her panties and licked them almost spotless. “Now lets go to bed, it’s late. I’m going to sleep in the nude tonight.” Great. We went up to her room and got into bed. She made sure she got my nose as deep into her asshole as she could get it and farted all night. Many of them were wet. I didn’t sleep one bit.

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