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Monday, February 15, 2016


This story contains:
Panty-pooping, Incest-ish

     Danielle briskly skipped down the stairs, her bouncy
movements making her young, budding breasts jiggle a bit in
the loose confines of the pink sundress she wore.  The dress
was one of the few brightly colored dresses that she had
recently inherited from her older sister, Jessica, and being
a gift from her older sister, Danielle loved it completely
and wore it constantly, to her mother’s dismay and her
father’s embarrassed discomfort. It was somehow too big and
too small at the same time, an aspect of physics that
neither of her parents could understand.  It had fit Jessica
properly up until she grew out of it, and yet, somehow that
just wasn’t the case with Danielle, even though they were
not too different in height and build – not enough that the
parents could see a reason for the dramatic difference in
the dress’s fit on the younger girl.

     The hemline was much too high, just barely covering her
panties when she stood straight, and even as she came down
the stairs, the slight breeze her movement made the material
drift upwards, exposing her crotch and thighs to everyone
around.  The top was too loose and tended to fall down a
little too much, exposing the round mounds of Danielle’s
developing boobs – usually enough to see the very hint of
her pert nipples, though from time to time, depending on her
position, her entire breast was exposed to any casual eyes.
When she bent over, it was even worse – you could see
straight down the front.  The waist seemed a bit tight,
snuggly hugging her body and clearly showing her waist and
hips.  The fabric was sheer enough that her underwear could
be seen through it, faintly, no matter what color she wore.
Fortunately, she was still young enough to be wearing plain
white panties, but even those were visible.  Dark colors
would have been completely obvious.

     And in all the time her parents wondered how those sun
dresses suddenly seemed so indecent on their thirteen year
old daughter when they had looked fine on their sixteen year
old daughter, all that time from when they first saw
Danielle wearing one of those hand-me-downs, they never once
considered – nor would they even think to consider – that
the change was done, and done very purposely, by Jessica
before handing the cloths over to her sister.  Nor would
they ever think that Danielle had modeled the dresses,
conspired in the alterations, and even helped Jessica make
the changes.

     Danielle was impossible cute – a doll of a girl, a
pleasant, cheerful, and in all ways delightful girl.  She
was care-free and easy-going.  She had the most darling
golden curls that bouncy around her pale face as she walked.
Her smile was bright and huge, and made her pale-blue eyes
sparkle.  She was a bit of a waif, almost frail-looking in
the thinness of her arms and legs, but her belly held the
pleasant curves of ‘baby fat’ that had yet to go away.

     Jessica was a bit darker, having brown, wavy hair and
tan skin.  Her breasts were much more developed that her
sister’s, filling out a C-cup and not showing any signs of
stopping yet.  She was in peak shape from playing soccer on
her high-school team.  She had been playing the sport since
she was six, and was one of the best players in her school.

     This evening, as Danielle bounced down the steps, her
older sister and parents were watching TV in the living
room, all of them having a clear view of her as she came
down – and thus having a few good shots of her breasts as
the jiggled up out of the low-hanging top, and her panties
and the hem of her dress flittered up to her waist.  Her
mother shook her head and sighed, perturbed by what she saw,
but unable to bring herself to tell Danielle she couldn’t
wear the dresses she adored so much.  Jessica smiled, proud
of her sister and of her own handiwork in making the dress.

     Her father’s eyes devoured the girl’s body in open lust
and hungry desire, but he turned away as she reached the
bottom of the staircase – afraid to meet her eyes and
embarrassed by the feelings she stirred in him.  He had
always thought his daughters were very beautiful, and he
loved them very much.  He had a hard time watching Jessica
develop into a woman before his eyes, but she had never so
obviously – if unknowingly – displayed her budding body to
him, so his lust had been easier to control.  Danielle
seemed to be flaunting herself before him, teasing him
mercilessly with fleeting glimpses of her wondrous self.
His physical desire for her disturbed him, but he couldn’t
help the way he felt.  He just did his best to avoid
thinking about it.

     Danielle skipped into the living room and immediately
threw herself into Jess’s lap – she had been sitting cross-
legged on the loveseat with her mom and now had her sister
sitting in the nest of her legs.  The two girls were very
close, and neither of their parents thought it odd that
Danielle would sit in Jess’s lap like that – the did it all
the time.  Jess’s arms immediately wrapped around her
sister’s waist, hugging her in like she was a favored plush
animal.  Their father, who was sitting in the recliner next
to the love seat, tried his hardest to focus on the TV and
not on his daughters cuddling right next to him.  He was
sort of succeeding.

     “What are we watching?” Danielle asked, having come
down right in the middle of a commercial break.

     “Some movie that happened to be on,” Jess explained.
“It’s good.”


     Danielle sat quietly, shifting a little in her seat to
get comfortable.  Wiggling her ass down in the space between
Jess’s legs until his round little rump was pressed up
against Jess’s crotch.  Jess was wearing an old t-shirt and
a very small pair of gym shorts – they barely covered her
ass, and were so thin they often seemed like they were about
to evaporate right off of her.  Danielle’s dress had risen
up a bit, and her panties were pressed up against Jess’s
shorts – Danielle could tell from the way the contact felt
that her sister wasn’t wearing underwear.

     “Comfy?” Jess asked, peering down at her sister, her
voice implying that she wasn’t.

     “Yes, quite,” Danielle replied, nodding for emphasis
and keeping her eyes locked on the screen.  If Jessica
wanted her to move, she never said anything more about it.

     They sat there for nearly half an hour, watching the
movie with their parents, neither one saying much or moving
except then an the occasional shift of weight.  That was
long enough for Danielle.  Since she had gotten up this
morning, she had felt the building pressure deep inside of
her, but she had held it in.  Jessica had been at her game
this morning, then at the victory celebration this
afternoon, and there had been no time alone before or after

     And as she sat there, waiting for bedtime, the pressure
was just building more and more, and now she was just
boiling over.  She had thought she could hold it, but after
four days of not going, there was just too much inside of
her and her bowels begged to be free of their cargo.
Without any out word sign or show, Danielle relaxed and gave
a gentle push.

     Her young anus slowly parted, puckering up like a
virgin’s lips ready to receive their first kiss.  And that
kiss was warm and gentle and sweet, sending a slight shiver
through Danielle’s body, just as always.  She felt the
comforting warmth engulf the soft skin of her bum as the
first, thick head of the slithering beast emerged from her
whole and caress smooth globes as it wormed out and into the
tight confines of her underwear.  There was little room for
the turd to go, her ass was pressed against her sister’s
crotch after all, and this first thick piece slid straight
out, pressing hard against the fabric.  It kept straining,
pushing harder and harder against the impenetrable barrier
with mounting force as the poo constricted on itself,
becoming thicker and fatting and spanning out in all

     The hot flow through her tight anal passage felt
remarkable.  Danielle had always loved the feeling of her
dirty waste pushing wide her ass and breaking free of her
rectum, but it was so much better when it didn’t just fall
away in a hollow, intimateless splash.  She felt full and
stretched and relieved as her bowels emptied, and her poo
was warm and satisfyingly squishy as it smashed against her
panties and filled empty space.

     She was straining now to push the shit out – there was
so little room for it to go without assistance, and she
needed to push to keep the rush going out of her.  She never
made a sound and never showed her effort on her face, but
she was pressing down for all she was worth, packing her
underwear a dull with the dense mess as she could.

     Jessica was not unaware of Danielle’s activities, not
for a second – though she was taken completely by surprise
when that first thick chuck pressed hard into her clit
through the thin fabric of her shorts and her sister’s
underwear.  She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning
with that shocking touch.  It was so hard and warm and
thrust right into her, right where she liked it.  Since
then, she had felt the hot mush expanding, filling out her
sister’s once-white panties, and spreading out where it
could.  The heat against her skin felt tremendous, and she
wished that she wasn’t wearing her shorts at all and that
her sister was pantyless.  But then again, feeling her
sister shit in her panties while sitting in her lap – that
was so hot!

     Jess could feel how much was mounting, and judging by
the pressing she was feeling against her cunt, she knew
Dannielle was pushing hard.  Her pussy was wet and the
fabric of her shorts was quickly getting drenched by the
juices.  She shifted a bit, humping Danielle’s ass with her
crotch.  It was a small movement, but it did the deed.
While it only looked like she was shifting in her seat
trying to get more comfortable, Jess was smearing Danielle’s
poo inside her panties, smushing it together and spreading
it all across Danielle’s soft ass cheeks.  Soon, every inch
of Danielle’s bum was covered in her poo and there was again
room for her flow to continue easily from her ass.  In the
process, Jess’s soaked shorts had moistened Danielle’s
panties with her streaming cunt-juice.

     Danielle looked back at her sister, smiling happily at
her, a silent thanks for making room in her underwear for
more and for coating her ass with her filthy, dirty poo.
Jess grinned back, expressing her own delight at the

     Danielle, her attention returning to the movie, let the
shit continue to spread her ass canal and invade her undies.
She had a bit more room after Jess had shifted, and though
he regretted that her ass was not directly on her elder
sister’s cunt anymore, she did enjoy the feel of the heavy
bulge that was growing in her panties.  The first turd
finally ended, and her ass closed up, but Danielle knew it
wasn’t over.  She bit her inner lip to keep from making
noise or showing any hint of stain, but she bore down with
more force.

     Her anus opened up and quickly spit out two soft, wet
turbs, that joined the mess in her panties.  These were much
more moist and, having landed directly on her ass cheeks
after their explosive expulsion, felt like two giant, slimy
slugs against her skin.

     She strained again, and another, harder, thicker piece
pushed against the inside of her sphincter.  She wasn’t sure
she could release suck a monster without alerting her
parents, but the hands around her waist, hugging her tighter
into her sister’s chest and pressing her back into the soft
pillow’s of Jess’s tits, the hard nipples poking against her
skin, gave her the determination to try.

     She pushed again, felt her ass open, only to close
again as her muscles relaxed and she lot grip on it.  She
bore down again and then again, each time feeling the tip
closer and closer to breaching.  One of Jess’s hands was
rubbing her tummy, the other was a bit lower, caressing the
mound just above her pussy, pushing a bit on her intestines
as if trying to squeeze the turd from her body like
toothpaste from the bottle.

     With one last, great strain, her asshole stretched out
impossible wide, stinging for a second as the round, blunt
head of the chunk of poop pushed its way out.  Jessica
sucked in a hard breath right in Danielle’s ear, a sound of
shock and surprise.  Jess’s hips rose to meet this new piece
as it emerged, and once more she found herself wishing they
were both naked so she could feel this against her skin,
maybe even take it inside of her even as it left her sister.

     Jess’s waist pushed the turd, and as thick and sturdy
as it was, it actually moved back into Danielle’s laboring
asshole.  Jess eased back, and the natural motion of the poo
returned, bring it out again.  And then she humped back,
pushing the thick thing back inside her sister.

     Danielle was again biting the inside of her mouth, her
eyes not even able to focus on the TV anymore as her sister
fucked her ass with her own emerging turd.  She sat there
for a good five minutes, letting the poo slowly ease out of
her gapping ass, only to have Jess push it right back in
before it was out completely.  It was like being fucked up
the ass by a strap-on, only better because it was her owe
poo and not a hunk of cold, lifeless rubber or plastic.
This was organic and real and dirty, which got her juices
flowing and her body hot and flushed.

     When Jess finally let the poo empty from her younger
sister’s ass, her shorts were soaked right through, with
barely a dry spot at all.  Danielle’s panties seemed just as
saturated, and no doubt there was a huge wet spot on the
couch.  Danielle’s shit had probably stained through her
panties and was covering her shorts.  She was wondering how
they would be able to get up and leave without there
parent’s noticing something.  She was surprised her mother
had yet to comment on the smell.

     Danielle made the first more, and without even a
warning to Jess, she leapt out of her sister’s lap.  The
bulge in the back was huge and raised the hemline of her
dress to just above her crotch, making her now-brown panties
very visible from the back.  And the spring from her
sister’s lap not only got her breasts bouncing out of her
dress for a few jiggles, but the motion nearly caused the
great weight in her panties to cause garment to fall right
down to the floor.

     “I’m tired,” she said, stretching her arms above her
head, which caused her dress to rise up even more.  “I’m
turning in.”

     Jess couldn’t help but stare at the huge brown bulge as
the dress rose up to reveal it completely and then fell to
conceal most of it.  She was glad that the lights had been
turned off for the movie, or else her sister could have
gotten in real trouble – and probably her too for letting it
happen in her lap no less!

     Her mother’s eyes were locked on the TV screen, even
when Danielle leaned over to give her a kiss goodnight.  Her
father, it seemed, was more interested in Danielle’s tits
and trying to see if they popped out of her top again.
Neither one noticed the lump distending from Danielle’s
panties, though Jess couldn’t take hers eyes off of it.  Her
mind seemed lost until the moment Danielle was out of her
sight upstairs.

     She faked a yawn then, and stretched out her arms.  “I
better turn in too.  Feeling sleepy – might as well get
ready for bed while the light’s on.”  Jess got up, kissed
her parents goodnight, and then followed Danielle up to the
room they shared.  There was still some fun to be had

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