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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Victorian Values

Posted by Toby on September 10, 1999 at 10:56
Hello all,
It's nice to be near the beginning of a new board.Felicity's adventure continues with Chapter 8 in which she becomes acquainted with some new friends...!
Chapter VIII - The Village Fair.
Its was soon Sunday and the day of the village fair. Unsurprisingly they had not heard a peep from Mrs Tirde since that last meeting at the house. Nevertheless the village fair was an event not to be missed and Georgina and Felicity dressed in their fine summer frocks. Felicity was unsure of herself that day as Georgina had suggested that they indulge themselves in company who were otherwise unaware of their interests.

"Don't concern yourself Felicity "said Georgina soothingly, "the herbs will prevent anyone becoming aware of your fun and your dress will surely hide any visible signs".
"I know," said Felicity, feeling very unsure of herself. "But I don't know if I can hide the expression on my face as I ease the hard lumps into my knickers".
"Well why not try, or at least watch me" she smiled.
"I might just watch this time" agreed Felicity "I may acquire the nerve to do it myself another time".
The fair was in the midst of activity when the ladies arrived, and Georgina was pleased to see her friend Cathy from London who was visiting her aunt much in the same way as Felicity. However, whereas Cathy was very much into filling her knickers with lovely warm lumps, her aunt was not and so her stay so far had involved some abstinence. Cathy was a pretty girl of twenty-two years with long blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes. She struck up an immediate friendship with Felicity and was so excited by the tales of what they had been up to since Felicity arrived.
"Why Georgina" said Cathy her eyes wide with disbelief, " you two have had a most eventful time I do so wish I could have joined you".
"Perhaps you can" said Georgina her eyes focussed away from the group. "For I do believe I am going to hold a party next weekend". Felicity looked at her with a puzzled expression for she had mentioned nothing to her and she believed she might have confided in her first.
"You haven't said anything before" queried Felicity. Georgina's eyes were still on the distance.
"That's because I didn't know he was here," she said. The two other girls traced her line of sight until it fell upon the most handsome and dashing man Felicity had ever seen. He was resplendent in his bright red military uniform with gold braid and silver buttons. He was a sight to behold. He appeared to be looking amongst the crowd and Felicity watched him scan the gathering until his eyes came to rest on their group. He smiled and made his way directly over to them.
He was a fine looking man with a quick smile and it got broader as he neared them.
"My dear Georgina" he exclaimed as he reached them. "You are as beautiful as ever." Victorian etiquette dissuaded any more affectionate moves between them but it was clear to Felicity that they were more intimate than it appeared. They looked deep into each other's eyes and he barely noticed the two attractive young girls by her side.
"It's about time you returned," said Georgina with a knowing smile. "I've had to make alternative arrangements for my entertainment for far too long". Richard Arcey looked at her and the other two girls.
"Do not worry Richard" said Georgina reading his mind "May I introduce my niece Felicity and my friend Cathy" she lowered her voice to a stage whisper " They are enlightened and enthusiastic participants in our favourite pastime". Richard smiled and gently kissed each of their hands.
"Ladies, I am delighted to make your acquaintance"
Felicity and Cathy excused themselves to take a walk around the fair and to allow Richard and Georgina a little privacy. The conversation quickly came around to the subject of wetting and dirtying one's knickers. They were aware that they had to stop and start their conversation due to the proximity of the crowd.
"I must say that I have had to withhold my pleasure for so long that I cannot wait to indulge. My little hole is quite damp now at the thought of it," said Cathy.
"Have you ever done it in a public place?" enquired Felicity.
"Yes I have actually" admitted Cathy "We were on a boat in the river and Mama and her friends were there too. I was desperate to go and fortunately I had taken some of Georgina's herbs to help disguise my little mess. We were a sitting on the seats when I felt the urge. The seat held it for a few pushes but I realised that I would have to let it out or I would surely burst. I surreptitiously lifted my bottom off the seat on one side and waited for my tummy to start contracting. Soon enough I felt the tip nudging out and pushing above the hard wooden seat then a huge push came from nowhere and quite took my breath away. I nearly gave a big grunt, which would have surely given me away, but instead I was speechless as a long warm soft pile oozed out into my knickers and spread between my legs. After two more pushes I was full and I carefully sat down squeezing that lovely warm mess up my bottom and along my thighs."
"Did you not get discovered?" asked Felicity.
"Oh no, I looked away from everyone so that my face wouldn't give me away." Said Cathy. She looked around her.
"Why don't we go behind one of the marquees and fill our knickers here, She said wickedly "I could easily push some nice lumps into my gusset." Felicity looked around her, well it was quite busy but no one would notice two young ladies in quiet conversation. Why not, she concluded.
The girls walked behind the large tent at the furthest point from the main area. It was shady and it felt quite secure considering, Cathy held her arm and looked about to make sure the coast was clear.
"Here goes, " said Cathy excitedly. She bit her lip and screwed up her eyes and gave a little grunt. She smiled and opened her eyes. Felicity watched as her eyes got wider. She shifted her position to balance and brace herself for the onslaught. Then she gave a hard breathless grunt and Felicity felt her grip tighten on her arm and her tummy contracted. The faint squelching sound emanated from beneath Cathy's dress as she gave two more hard pushes before catching her breath.
"Oh that feels so nice" she gasped, "So warm and soft just sliding underneath me. Mmmm. Come on Felicity your turn now." Felicity was still unsure with a little trepidation she looked about before parting her thighs and squatting slighlty. She gave a hard push looking at Cathy as she did so. Cathy smiled.
"Good girl come on push harder" she said. For a split second Felicity felt she was two years old again. The she felt that familiar movement.
"It's coming," she said almost whispering. Felicity felt the hard tip push out of her little hole and touch the soft cotton of her knickers. Then the big push forced the lump down into her gusset. She felt it sliding down her thigh before it moved along and between her legs easing gently along her body. She forced out another lump, which squashed itself against her. Then she felt herself leak a little as she let a few drops of pee escape. She pushed again and signed as the warm water gushed into her knickers and ran in lovely warm torrents down her thighs and legs to complete the sensation of pleasure.
The young man had just relieved himself in the bushes and fastened up his flap. He made to go back but heard two female voices whispering. He looked through the bushes and saw too pretty young ladies, one with thick auburn hair and a fair-haired girl. They looked to be in collusion about something or other then he noticed the fair-haired one she was up to something and yes, he had seen this before. This little beauty was filling her knickers with her poo. He watched with fascination as she grunted her way into laying a nice pile into her soft cotton gusset. What colour would her knickers be? White? Pink? Well they would be a little brown by now but wait. The girl with the auburn hair was gong to do it too. There was no mistaking her posture, legs wide enough to allow the firm lump to slide out into her little gusset.
He fingered the hard front to his trousers as he heard the sticky squelching as this attractive young girl push some lovely hard lumps into her knickers. What damn good luck!
Then the blonde girl walked off leaving the darker-haired one there. He couldn't resist a challenge.
"I'm just going to clean myself up," whispered Cathy "for I fear I shall pong a little soon without the aid of the herbs. I must renew my supply from Georgina before I depart." With that Cathy disappeared.
Felicity stood for a moment feeling the delight of the warm mess against her skin. Suddenly an arm grabbed her waist and a head rested on her shoulder. She opened her mouth to scream but a hand covered it.
"Hello my little beauty, I've seen what you've been up too and I won't tell anyone if you don't make a fuss." The hand came away and Felicity caught her breath. Her heart beat faster as the arm still gripped her slender waist and she felt a hand slide down to the full load in her knickers.
"Mmm that's a nice soft pile in there," said the voice. He sounded young but not malevolent. In fact Felicity decided he sounded damn cheeky and impudent.
"What do you want sir" she said trying to sound as if she was in control.
"Only to indulge in your soft delights in return for my silence," said the man. With that he pressed the lump squeezing the still warm mess against Felicity's bottom causing it to ooze between her clamped thighs. She gasped at his cheek as she felt the warmth spread over her skin.
"Why you impudent young sir" she said scoldingly beginning to realise that she was enjoying the sensation.
"Why my dear if you think this is impudent then what is your opinion of that?" he moved her hand to the front of his trousers whereupon she encountered the long hard unmistakable lump of his manhood. Felicity began to mellow as he continued to massage the contents of her knickers over her thighs and bottom.
"Well sir I may not think it impudent if you can wield it with some skill." Said Felicity.
"That I can my dear" he said and without letting go of her he began to nibble her ears and neck. Felicity felt her heart beat faster as she concluded that she was going to be ravished by this young buck without apparently seeing his face. His free hand lifted the backs of her skirts and Felicity found herself bending forwards and to her surprise she was still eagerly rubbing his quite hard member. He deftly undid his trousers and fumbled at her gusset tearing a hole just large enough for his intrusion, which Felicity felt nudging at her entrance a short time later. She leant froward unable to see her assailant as he pushed his pole inside her sliding slickly into her warm wet tunnel.
"Oh you naughty boy" she gasped, guessing his youth by now. "Now fill me up hard if you're half the man you claim to be." This did the trick he thrust deeper into her pliant body as she felt her eyes widen at the size and length of his pole. He was truly well endowed. She was bent over supported only by his hands. She could have turned to face him but it was more exciting not to look, not to see the face of her invisible tormentor. At this thought she felt her self tingle and soon she was writhing in the throes of a mighty spend. Soon after he jerked and Felicity felt a warm infusion explode inside her.
He slid out quickly letting go of Felicity. She regained her balance and turned around to catch sight of him, but he was too quick. The bushes swayed showing where he had dived into them but he was gone.
"Shall we go back to join Georgina," said Cathy from behind her. Felicity turned and regained her composure.
"Are you alright Felicity," asked Cathy.
"Yes I am perfectly alright," said Felicity. She smoothed down her dress and took Cathy's arm as they made their way back to the throng of the fair.
"Ahh there you are" said Georgina "we wondered what you've been up too" she said knowingly. Cathy giggled and Felicity smiled still a little moved by her experience.
"I'd like you to meet Richard's younger brother, Felicity this is Ben Arcey" she said indicating a young man with his back to them. On hearing himself introduced he turned around. The look of shock on his face was unmistakable, he looked Felicity up and down and turned bright red.
"P-Pleased to meet you ladies" he said shakily. Felicity looked at him harshly, there was no mistaking that voice. She held her hand out for him to kiss.
"Why sir, I do believe we are already acquainted," she said

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