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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How I Got My New Chair by Robby


This is not a story based on the real person. Just her persona.

Time had long passed since the beginning of the epidemic. Many have dealt with it in various ways. Some found the forced quarantine to be rather bothersome. But there were others that seemed to enjoy it. Others like those who didn't have much need to leave home for work or anything else like that. Someone such as this was none other than the most popular online animator, JaidenAnimations.

Jaiden had pretty much spent all of her time locked away in her home. Not coming out for practically anything and just having any groceries or meals delivered via fast food delivery services. Even after nearly two years since the beginning of panic and everything seemed to have been dying down, she had refused to come out. In doing so, Jaiden went through quite a few changes.

For one thing, she found it a bother to bathe if she wasn't going to be meeting up with anyone so the concept of washing had completely been thrown out the window for quite some time. With so many services ready to deliver food to paying customers, Jaiden also found herself to be eating fast food much more often. Resulting in quite the weight gain during the time period. And lastly, whenever she wasn't busy recording for her next video, animating said video, or stuffing herself like a glutton, she was browsing online for something to fill the more ….dirty side of her. There were times she'd spend hours watching videos of several women performing such disgusting and grotesque on a much smaller and weaker slave. Soon, she found herself hooked on any videos that revolved around women using a man as some sort unwilling slave to tend to their every whim. Whether they liked it or not.

As of now, Jaiden had not only grown wide, but a bit taller as well to fit all that new heaving mass on her body. Her body would reek of unwashed body odor, spoiled food from the stains left on her clothes, and grease from the unwashed filth in her hair, folds, and even her horribly odorous armpits. Her pale belly would easily slip out of her blue food stained shirt almost all the time. Her sweat soaked pants seemed to cling to her body, ready to rip apart at almost any time. All the intake of greasy foods has also turned her into a walking and ticking stink bomb that's ready to blow up whenever she'd like. None of her fans were aware of her drastic change over this time. Still believing her to be thin based on the animations that she still puts out every so often. With of course, an extra amount of cut and muffled audio. Most likely thanks to a burp or fart that had managed to slip out during recording.

All of these changes soon became Jaidens new way of life. She had not a single shred of decency or shame for her unhygienic ways of living. Any chance she'd get, she would proudly erupt with gas from her mouth or rear end. Often taking in the smell of her gas and commenting on how beautifully potent it was. It was during one of her porn viewing sessions that a devious and naughty idea entered her pudgy head.

As she stared into her laptop screen, watching carefully as the weaker man was humiliated by the larger women and forced to ejaculate to their disgusting torment, Jaiden couldn't help but lean to a side and release a large fart just as the woman on the video did to her slave.

"Aaahhh~!" She let out a satisfied moan upon releasing the toxic air. Her pudgy hand began wafting the odor to her face, letting herself take on her own stench. A horny smile appeared on her face as she thought of how amazing it would be to actually live out the performance in the videos and have her own slave to dominate in various ways. That was when the idea entered her mind. "That's it! I'll get a slave of my own! But he'll have to be cute! I wonder…." Pausing her video, Jaiden quickly went onto her social media. Her Twitter still displayed thumbnails of herself back before the drastic change.

She looked up her list of several thousand followers and began searching through them until she found one she liked and could convince to show up to her place. About a good hundred followers in, she came across one that caught her eye. Someone by the name of Ashton Greene. She looked through his social media page, inspecting her possible catch. Not only was he a fan of hers, but he seemed to be a bit of an artist himself and coincidentally lived around the same area she did. To top it all off, the look of his shy and adorable face made Jaidens smelly and unwashed flower drip with excitement. "This is the one! Now, all I gotta do is get him to come over!" Entering his private message section, Jaiden began making her move.

She started out by leaving a long message mentioning that she was rather impressed with his work and offered the opportunity to collaborate with her. Upon sending the message, she was almost immediately given a response of asking if she was the real Jaiden or not. Upon telling him to check her profile, he eagerly agreed to work alongside her on whatever project he was given part of. Jaiden made sure to tell him to not tell anyone where he would be going in order to "keep her location safe". Of course, she just wanted to make sure no leads were found. Agreeing to meet her at the address she gave him, Jaiden sent a final message on how she couldn't wait to see him. It took every ounce of power in her fat body to not send a heart or any other signs of what she was really planning. And now with her soon to be slave on the way, she eagerly went back to her video. Binging through her saved favorites in order to get ideas of what she'd like to do to him first.

After her video binge and a quick pleasure session with herself, Jaiden did her best to at least make herself look presentable. And by best, it looked as if she did the bare minimum. She put on a new shirt that was the same usual shade of purple but still just as covered in stains as the rest of her shirts and tops. She got out of her cum soaked pants and into another pair that at least didn't have one visible on it. With her "clean" clothes on, she did what she usually does to her old ones and tossed them on the floor to clean and put away later. But of course, that "later" never really comes.

Jaiden eventually began pacing around in her living room. Her large mass causing small creaks and tremors to travel across the floor. She eventually began pacing around so much, she actually began to work up a sweat. But of course in her condition, it must've been at least three minutes worth of walking. "Ugh! What's taking my new slave so long?! I'm getting impatient! ….and hungry." Rubbing her flabby and oversized stomach, Jaiden figured she may as well order herself a meal while she waited for him. "A few pizzas should get my mind off of the wait." After placing the order on her phone, she thought of doing something else while waiting for Ashton. Such as preparing for what she had in store for her new "boyfriend."

After a quick trip to her room and back, Jaiden sighed in reassurance as she now had all of her preparations set. She checked her phone again, ecstatic to see a DM message from him telling her that he was close. Her heart thumped with excitement at the thought of finally having someone to toy and pleasure herself with. She sat her massive self on the equally massive couch and continued to wait. Already, she could feel her womanhood tingle from just the thought of him.



Outside in the neighborhood, Ashton walked along the sidewalk while checking his phone to make sure he was on the correct route. Not having a car, he took a bus to get as close as he could to her and walked the rest of the way there. He did just as Jaiden asked and didn't tell a soul about where he was going or how long he'd be gone. (That poor soul….)

As he approached the street name and the street number, he looked at his phone to see the house that belonged to this address. It had a rather nice and trimmed lawn, a good coating of paint, and a rather clean porch. But as he removed his phone from his face, he was shocked to see the home's current state. The lawn is horribly untrimmed with litter scattered around, the paint had been peeling off at some parts, and aside from the litter making itself at home on her porch as well, there rested a few pizza boxes stacked on top of each other as well. From the smell of it, they were recently delivered as well.

As Ashton made his way to the front door, trying to dodge as much as the fast food bags, wrappings, and cups along the way, he began to question how Jaiden would let herself live in such a manner. "Jeez….. hasn't she seen all this junk? It's like she hasn't been out in like…. forever." Stepping onto the porch, his curiosity was replaced with his excitement of working alongside his idol. He had been a fan of hers for a while and always dreamed about at least contacting her for some tips. And now here he was. About to meet her in person and see her in her iconic purple shirt and gray pants.

Once he rang her doorbell, he gulped in anticipation. He began to worry about accidentally coming off as weird or some kind of crazed fan. "I can do this. Just gotta learn to be professional and not try and sound weird. You wanted to come out of your safe space, Ashton. And now look where it's gotten you. You got this." After giving himself a few words of encouragement, he looked down to see the pizzas still resting on the ground. He figured he may as well make a good first impression and bring them in for her. Grabbing them from the bottom, he carefully lifted them up and grunted as he felt the surprise weight coming from them. The thought of why she ordered so much popped into his head for a moment. He put the thought on hold as he heard a thudding beginning to approach him coming from the inside.



Upon hearing the doorbell, Jaiden practically dropped her phone in excitement. She let out a rather girly squeal of excitement as she got up from the couch which let out a creak of relief once she was off of it. She hurried her pudgy self over to the front door, ignoring all of her mess that littered the floor. Before opening the door, she stopped for a moment to make sure she had made herself "presentable". She pulled her messy shirt down to hide any exposed gut, pulled the back of her pants up to conceal any of her crack that was slipping out, and brushed her greasy and messy hair. With everything seemingly in order, she cleared her throat and turned the doorknob. Opening the door to the man who would surely change her life. And introducing him to the slob of a woman that would surely do the same.



As the door slowly opened, Ashton was prepared to meet the popular animator he admired so much. "H-Hel-" before he could even finish his greeting, he was hit with a wave of hot and smelly air. He immediately shut his mouth as he tasted the musky and expired air that attacked him out of nowhere. He could taste the bitter flavors of body odor and sweat. His eyes clenched shut as he backed away a tiny bit to get away from it. His mind was momentarily stunned by such a surprising and unsavory experience. "Ugghh ….W-What was…..thaaaa….." his eyes began to open once again, trying to see the person responsible for allowing the blast of stale wind to pounce on him. He couldn't finish his sentence as he was greeted by the large, doughy, sweaty, and out of shape body of some woman. Dumbfounded, he unknowingly began to make out her features.

The first thing that came to view was her oversized and sweaty stomach that hung over her pants a bit and seemed to be struggling to stay inside her stained and soaked purple shirt. He looked up to see two rather large and slightly saggy breasts. Each resting on this woman's massive gut. Both a bit bigger than his own head. Moving his head, he began to study her lower body. Seeing her pants, which also seemed to be decorated with various stains, seemed to be struggling just as much as her shirt to be able to contain her doughy thighs and legs. Underneath her leg blubber, her feet seemed to only be covered by a pair of filthy and overused socks.

He attempted to see her head to see the facial features of whoever this person was. At first, he thought it could've been Jaidens mother or even one of her friends. He hasn't recalled any recent information or stories regarding anyone in her life going through a weight gain.

Eventually working up the courage and stepping out of his small trance, he cleared his throat and called out to this person who's entire body seems to be covering up the doorway. "U-Uh…..excuse me? I-I'm Ashton Greene. Who may I ask…..are you?" He saw as the person did their best to get out and reveal themselves to Ashton. The entire time this went on, he felt like something bad was about to happen. Eventually, they bent down, revealing their greasy and unkempt hair and groaned as they began squeezing their way through. Thankfully for them, their sweat and grease lubricated their body, allowing them to slip through and provide Ashton the answer to who this was. An answer he wish he never found out….



As Jaiden opened the door, she felt a small gust of wind exit her home. It had been such a while since she last opened the door besides grabbing the next fast food order or snack delivery. With the rancid air that had been built up exiting, she heard her visitors' greeting soon turn to a groan of disgust. Just the thought of him doing that more often made her womanhood quiver with excitement. Even more so when she heard his shy and nervous speech patterns as he asked who she was. Remembering how massive she had grown, she began bending herself down and pushing herself through the doorway. With enough time, she managed to work up a fine enough sweat to help slip herself out and fully reveal herself to him in all of her slobby glory.

She looked down at him, seeing his shocked and pale face. A rather sweet smile appeared on hers, hiding the dark and twisted thoughts she had in her mind on what she was going to do to him. She saw his current clean brown hair, his green hoodie jacket, and blue jeans. All things she couldn't wait to feel and caress with her fat and pudgy hands. He also seemed to be at least four feet shorter than her. Allowing for almost easy domination just like in her videos. For a moment, she continued eyeing him down. She hadn't even noticed the several boxes of fresh pizza in his hands. Both did not speak a word for what seemed to be an eternity. Until at long last, Jaiden spoke. Breaking the silence and allowing their paths to finally meet.

"Hehehe! That's funny! When I ordered my pizza, I didn't remember requesting the cutest delivery boy they had~!" Jaiden opened up with a flirt, however, it sounded like a joke to Ashton. A rather bad one considering the situation he was in. He just stared at her, unaware that his knees were shaking. Slowly, he did his best to give a response. "U-Uhhh ….s-so….. I'm ready to get to work on that collaboration….i-if you want…." He stuttered a bit, still dumbfounded at his discovery of Jaidens true self. A chill went down his back as he received a rather intimate look from Jaiden once he finished his sentence. "By all means, bring that pizza in with you and we can get things going~" she spoke with a bit of tension in her voice. Sounding a bit amorous or even sexual.

Not wanting to be rude, Ashton nodded and began to follow Jaidens lead. He turned his head away as Jaiden squeezed herself through the doorway once again. By the way Jaiden wiggled and shook herself even more than before, he couldn't help but feel like she was trying to show herself off to him. Trying to arouse him in some way. "Oh gosh. Lemme just squeeze my big butt out of the way. Hope it doesn't bug you~" Eventually getting through, she moved behind the door and held her arm out for Ashton to enter. Seeing as she was finally through, he took a few steps into her house and stopped in his tracks.

All around him, he could see piles of old clothes just sitting along the ground or hanging off of furniture. Crumpled up bags and wrappers from several fast food franchises tossed and stuffed inside of other bags. And in the corner of the living room, there seemed to be large stacks of empty pizza boxes. It was finally clear to Ashton as he realized how she had gotten so big. But that still didn't change the fact that he was severely beginning to think this was all a bad idea. The idea of dropping the pizzas and leaving out the door entered his head for a brief moment but was soon tossed out the window as he heard Jaiden shut the door and lock it. It looked like he was going to have to power his way through this. He just hoped it wouldn't last too long. If only he knew how wrong he was…..

"Hear, I'll take those!" Jaiden said as she pushed off several pieces of clothing and more trash off of a table in front of the couch and onto the floor. She then took the several boxes of pizza and placed them in the now open space. She lifted her large ass into the air and plopped her full weight down on the couch, sighing in relief and comfort as she sat in her usual spot. Opening one of the boxes, she helped herself to a slice and patted the side of the couch. Gesturing that she was inviting Ashton to sit next to her. And with how much space she was taking, it was going to be a rather close seating arrangement. Not one to be rude or say no, Ashton forced a smile and walked over to her. He held his breath, hoping not to breathe in anything stronger than the stench that filled the living room and possibly, the rest of her house.

Resting his much thinner and smaller body next to hers, Ashton turned his head away and groaned a bit. He tried placing his arm on the arm rest but removed it with lightning speed once he felt some rather moist and somewhat crusty piece of clothing on it. Clearing his throat, he looked up at her and saw her stuffing her chubby face with the greasy pizza. Her eyes turned to look at him and quickly shot the other way as a blush appeared on her face. Ashton found this a bit odd but later came to the thought that maybe he accidentally offended her with his staring. Trying to find a way to break the silence and perhaps find a reason for her sudden change, he brought up something he had been wanting to bring up for a while now. "So….. I see you're a….bigger star than I thought you'd be. Is there…..a reason for that?"

Jaiden turned her head back to look at him as she stuffed the rest of the slice in her mouth. Swallowing the food, she licked any leftover grease from her lips and spoke what was basically the truth. "Well, it kinda went like this. Ever since the pandemic happened and we were forced into quarantine, I didn't really have any other way to get food besides fast food orders. So I just kept on ordering more and more for practically every meal. And the fact that I didn't have much of a need to go out anymore either had me thinking that there kinda…. wasn't much of a reason to make myself presentable. So one thing led to another. I kept eating, didn't bother going out, stayed inside. I didn't even really NEED to leave. I got everything I need right where I am. A phone to call for food, my recording studio, and my animation supplies! I'm pretty sure even my close friends and family don't even know I'm this big now. And to be honest, I'm pretty happy the way I am now. I may be a bit bigger, a little gassier, and sweatier, but I'm pretty comfortable!"

A rather pleased expression popped on her face as she finished telling him the story of how she came to be who she is now. Her hands reached for the pizza again, grabbing two slices and placing them together like sandwich bread. She took a bite out of the two slices, slurping up the cheese that stretched from slices to her mouth. A large rumble escaped her gargantuan belly, making Ashton feel a bit uneasy. Jaiden looked down at him, a smile on her chubby face. "So, Ashton? What do you think about my change? Am I still an idol of your's~?" She asked with a seductive tone and a wink.

Unsure about how to answer all of what she said and now sure that she was trying to flirt with him, Ashton turned his eyes away from her stare. A bit nervous and to be honest, flustered from her words. She may be the grossest slob he has ever seen, but in a way, she was still someone he idolized. The fact that she was even talking to him was still amazing to him. Forcing himself to take in some of the rancid air of the room, Jaidens B.O., and her gross breath, Ashton mustered the courage to give her an answer while also trying to be polite. "O-Oh yeah ….Y-You're definitely still one of my…..b-biggest idols …." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit worried that he may be leading her on and causing something he's going to end up regretting.

A snicker escaped Jaidens mouth as she heard and saw Ashton's response. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to not only make herself feel a bit more at ease, but to give him a taste of what's to come. "Well aren't you sweet! I think I'll have to give you a little something just for that response. Get ready~" puckering her lips, Jaiden began to move her face closer to Ashton's. Much to his worry and dismay. He stared on as she approached him more and more. The smell of her musky body got stronger with each inch she moved towards him. Her hot and ripe breath greeted him as she opened her mouth for what Ashton was expecting to be a rather sloppy kiss. Deciding that he couldn't decline such an offer, he turned his cheek to her and waited for her to press her pizza grease-covered lips on his cheek. His eyes clenched shut as he felt her breath hit his face. All he could do now was wait…..


A loud and powerful belch erupted out of Jaidens mouth, giving Ashton a good surprise. He could feel his hair get blown back from its strength as the powerful smell of cheese and severe morning breath washed over him. His face cringed as he felt her saliva splash on his face as well. Tears formed in his eyes from the powerful rank smell. He never knew someone could produce such a strong odor just from a belch. But then again, he never knew someone could end up changing so much. Much less, someone like Jaiden.

Once the smell finally seemed to have cleared up at least a little, he let out a few coughs and fanned the air around his face. His mind was still processing the entire thing, thinking he was going to get a sloppy kiss instead of this eruption of stomach gases. "Ugghh ….t-that sure was….. something….." was all he could think to say as he wiped the spit off of his face with his sleeve and did his best to fix his hair.

Jaiden chortled a little at Ashton's reaction to her burp. Seeing him think something small she produces on a daily basis was strong made her eager to see what his other reactions would be to her other gross habits. "Hehehe. If you think that's something, then get a load of this!" Leaning to the left side of the couch, Jaiden placed her hand on her butt cheek. Lifting her right cheek from her left, she left out a grunt and let out something even worse smelling right in Ashton's direction. Much to his dismay.


By the end of it all, Jaiden let out an exaggerated sigh or relief. She repositioned herself back to how she originally sat. Her hand fanned the smell to herself, letting her take in a deep sniff of her own fart. "Nnhh….so strong! I've been holding that in just for you, Ashton. What do you think?" She asked Ashton, still savoring the smell and relief she just felt. Not hearing a word from him, she turned her head to see what had become of him. "Ashton?"

There on the couch, sat a completely frozen Ashton. His face was stuck in an expression of pure shock, disgust, and horror. Tears streaked down his pale eyes as his blue-green face was stuck in a scowl. His hair was stuck pointing to the same direction Jaiden blasted ass. He didn't move except for the slight twitches his body gave off at different locations. He didn't speak, or even emit any sound. The pungent odor of aged fart stuck in his nose, keeping him in an almost coma-like state. It seemed that her assault she blessed onto Ashton had completely stunned him for the time being. Something that made Jaiden feel rather proud.

Feeling accomplishment and pride from the disgusting act she had just done, Jaiden helped herself to the rest of the pizza before her. Finishing it in almost no time, she tossed the empty pizza box with the rest of the litter and leaned back on the ruined couch. She let out a satisfied sigh as she patted her doughy and rumbling stomach.


"Haaahh yeah….pizza gives me the WORSE gas….right, Ashton?" She turned her attention back to her little house guest. He still had the same expression on his face and hasn't moved from the position he was in. "I get you. You just wanna enjoy it for the time being. But don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to enjoy it for sure~" She lifted her arms up and placed her greasy and sauce-covered hands behind her head. With her arms up, her underarms we're now exposed. Radiating a strong fishy, cheesy like stench out of her armpits. The smell traveled out, eventually hitting Ashton with a sample of something he hasn't experienced yet. The new smell was just enough of a shock for him to snap out of his trance and begin clearing his sinuses and throat of the farts Jaiden blasted at it.

He lifted his sweater over his mouth and nose and began to cough into it. Trying his best to clear his body of the foul air he seems to be continuously breathing in regardless of any attempt he makes to try and stop. Jaiden stared on in amusement. Just watching him come to and being able to experience her beautifully potent body odor and gases. "Welcome back, cutie. Smell something you like~?" She asked him in her flirty tone, her arms still raised up and behind her head.

Feeling like he cleared his system enough to the point he could function almost normally, Ashton turned his attention back to the slobby animator. His eyes bugged out of his head once again as he saw the state of her armpit. Underneath her arm, her pit seemed to be stained with some mixture of brown and yellow. There were clear signs of moisture within it as well, letting him know that Jaiden seems to have a constant sweat going on. Even at the distance he was separated from her pit, he could still feel his eyes sting from the strong smell they gave off. All of this, the body odor, the filth, the gas, the odd advances, it was all beginning to make his stomach churn. This was the final straw. No longer trying to be a polite guest and throwing away the fact that this was such a big opportunity for him, he let out a sigh, got up from the couch, and spoke what he thought would be his last words to Jaiden. "Well…..thanks for having me over but…..I REALLY gotta go …."

Jaidens eyes widened as she heard Ashton announce he was ready to leave. This was definitely not going the way she planned. She hadn't even gotten him somewhere where she could finally put the final phase of her plan into action. Seeing as he was trying to see where to step in order to get to the door and leave, Jaiden thought on her fat feet. She needed a way to get him into her room. A thought came to her mind, but she was really going to have to milk it here. "W-Wait!" She yelled as she grunted while getting onto her feet. Her large and jiggly frame bounced as she stood up. She panted from the sudden movement, feeling a bit out of breath from lifting her weight so suddenly. Slowly, she made her way to Ashton who made little progress in walking through the disgusting floor of her home. She reached him after a few massive and heavy steps. Looking down at him, still breathing a bit hard and hitting him with her bad breath once again, she offered him a chance most people would be crazy to refuse (unless they saw the real her). "Haah….Haah….h-hows about….before you leave ...Haah….we go to the bedroom and….fool around a little~?"

Ashton was beside himself at this point. Jaiden had not only unashamedly assaulted him with several odors from her own being, but now it would seem that her advances and flirts weren't just jokes. He had just been offered to have sex with Jaiden and he had no response he could say at the moment. Even if Jaiden was in her old figure, he still wouldn't jump at the offer. He was one to keep to himself at all times. And now that she's grown to be a massive and horny slob, he definitely didn't want to accept her invitation. "U-Uhhhh ….t-that was….. REALLY random but ….. I… thank you." He looked away, avoiding eye contact as he gave her his most honest answer.

Still trying to think of a way to get him alone in her room, Jaiden continued to try and persuade him. "Oh pleeeeease?! It's been so long since I've actually had some dirty fun with someone. And in the state I'm in, it'll probably take a miracle to actually get someone else to come on over or even stay for a fraction of the time you stayed over. And besides ….." a small blush appeared on her chubby and pale face, adding color that wasn't food to it. "..... you're really cute~" She pressed both of her pointer fingers together, appearing rather embarrassed about what she just said.

Ashton listened to every word she said, taking in the problem she was facing. He hated to admit it but she was right. She'd most likely not get any other guy over here. Not even the creepiest of her fans would want to take her up on this offer with how she looks now. Still, he had to draw the line somewhere. And he had already been pressed up against her, burped at, and farted on. He REALLY wanted to take a shower and burn the clothes he was wearing. "Jaiden…..listen…..I appreciate what you're saying. But-"

He stopped as Jaiden collapsed to the floor so suddenly. He thought she was about to crush him but instead, she got on her fat knees and wrapped her fat arms around his legs. She began literally begging him for what she craved so badly. "Come on, Ashton! It'll be quick! I promise! Just in and out! I'll even do all of the work! Just PLEASE give me this! I'll even make my next video about how great of an animator you are! Spread your work and all that!" She went on and on. Saying just about anything she thought that would get him to go to bed with her. Really making a show of how desperate she seemed to finally have some way to get off without doing it alone. And despite all he had endured this past hour, smelling her breath, getting blasted by her ass, and getting hit by her pit stink, he let out a sigh and lowered his head in defeat. "Alright…..let's do it…..But nothing else! Okay?" He looked at her with a surprisingly stern expression for himself.

Hearing that she had managed to persuade him into going along with it, Jaiden let him go and got back up to her feet with a joyful squeal. She walked over to him and spread her large arms out, making Ashton nervous. He backed away a bit only to be pulled into a hug, pressing against her doughy, moist, and soft body. He could feel the sweat sticking to his face as he sunk into her flab. He attempted to call out but the only sound that came out was a muffled cry. "You have no idea how much this means to me, Ashton! I promise this is gonna be something you definitely won't forget!" Letting go of her small ex-fan, Jaiden turned around and began walking off into another direction. She looked back to look at Ashton, giving him a wink and a signal with her hand to follow her.

Trembling from just having been completely engulfed by what felt like a soaking wet marshmallow, Ashton looked up to see Jaiden walking towards what he assumed was her bedroom. "Alright, Ashton…." He said to himself. "This is it. It may be gross and I might pass out….but at least I can tell myself I did it with an online celebrity." Giving himself a small pep talk, he stood up straight and began making his way over to where Jaiden advanced to. He held his breath, thinking that her room would most likely be the worst of them all.

After walking through a rather long hallway, Ashton stopped at a door that seemed to be slightly cracked open. Assuming this was it, he softly knocked on the door for an answer. "Come on in! I'm just getting ready!" Jaiden called out in response. Gripping the uncomfortable greasy doorknob, Ashton pushed it aside and entered the room. There, he saw that the room itself was a bit of a pigsty as well. Not as bad as the living room but there was still a rather large amount of garbage scattered around, clothes tossed aside, and the stench of stale body odor all over the room. There wasn't much furniture aside from the bed. Which seemed to be the cleanest thing in the room, with the exception of some stains of who knows what on the unmade sheets and a large caved in part in the middle. On the side of the bed, sat Jaiden. A red color on her face and wearing a rather lustful expression. It seems that not only did she need this, she WANTED it.

" uh … do we?" Ashton started off, unsure on how to get this done. "Let's get undressed first. Think you can handle my beautiful body~?" Jaiden replied, raising her eyebrows as she began removing her tight and messy shirt. Giving Ashton a full show as the shirt that had been holding in the rest of her overflowing fat within was now being lifted up. Allowing her folds and rolls to be revealed for him to see. On top of her belly rolls and folds, her two large breasts came next. Each now free from their prison and resting on Jaidens soft, marshmallow-like body. With a rather large but still tight light blue bra fighting a losing battle as it struggled to keep her massive and sweaty jugs in place. It's fabric was stained with sweat, among other things. You stared at her in awe, which Jaiden took as a good thing. But in reality, you were amazed someone could let themselves become such a slob. The amount of disbelief you had in you could be said in words from watching her just remove her shirt. And you still had the rest of her to look at.

Taking his silence and shocked expression as being flustered and aroused, Jaidens own expression went to a rather smug smirk. She bent over and began to pull her large pants down. "If you think that's something, watch this~" she said as she turned around, giving Ashton a full few of her colossal ass being freed from it's sweaty and stained prison. She wriggled around, her ass cheeks clapping together as she shook her pants down once she eventually got them down enough. He noticed the more she lowered her pants, the more her leg fat would pop out. Showing that she was actually wider than her appearance led to believe. For what felt like an eternity, you just stared at her removing her pants. Occasionally stopping for a moment to catch her breath and to continue once again. Once she finally got them removed, she stepped out of them and simply kicked them aside. With the top layer finally off, Ashton was given a full view of her panties and their condition.

They pressed on her ass rather tightly, doing their best to not break off and still fighting to not be consumed by her massive crack. They seemed to have either been a light blue color to match her bra or have always been a light brown color thanks to all the stains that decorated the fabrics. Ashton didn't even want to think about how long she must've had them on or what they've been through. He tried to take his mind off of it by turning his gaze to something a bit less off putting. His eyes looked up to see the second pair of breasts that seemed to be growing out of her back. Just as sweaty as her actual boobs as well.

She turned her head around, still wearing that smirk on her face. "Well, what do you think~?" Her body turned back around to reveal her front view. It appeared that even if she wasn't wearing panties, her enlarged belly would do a fine job of covering up her private area with how well it hid her panties. "Pretty impressive, huh~?" She asked, rubbing her soft stomach which let out a soft growl. "U-Uh….. I'm impressed, alright…" was all Ashton could honestly and politely say. "I guess I'll…..undress too…." He began with his sweater, removing it to reveal a dark and blank undershirt underneath. Just this was enough to bring a hard blush to Jaidens face. "Oh wow! I think it just got hot in here!" She said as she rubbed her hands together as if she were a movie villain plotting.

Not wanting to reveal the red in his face from being cat called, Ashton turned his back to her and resumed to undress himself. He went as fast as he could to get it over with. Once he removed his pants and shirt, he slowly turned back around and lowered his head to hide his eyes from her. Now with his full body revealed, minus his underwear, Jaiden could feel herself ovulating right then and there. Her legs shivered at his adorable physique and expression. She was definitely going to have a field day with him. "Mmmm…..I didn't know you were going to treat me to dessert. I could eat you right up~" Jaiden rubbed herself slowly, feeling her excitement beginning to make her feel extremely amorous. "Just hop onto the bed and I'll get the fun started~" She tapped the mattress behind her, inviting him to get on and for things to finally begin.

Feeling immensely nervous for what's about to happen and still flustered thanks to Jaidens constant flirting, Ashton slowly walked over to the bed. He looked at the soiled sheets and fabrics on the mattress and swallowed his disgust as he began to crawl onto it. He stopped by the time he reached a third of the massive bed going up and turned to place himself in a sitting position. His gaze turned to Jaiden who he saw was fondling more of her doughy folds and love handles from her excitement. "Alright, Ashton! Get ready, because I'm gonna rock your world~!" Jaiden leaned down onto the mattress and placed her hands on the bed. She began crawling towards him, closer and closer. It was like a big and blubbery elephant seal making its way to it's challenger. It took almost no time for her to rise up above Ashton. Her large frame covered him in a shadow. He could now see that she glistened with sweat from the trip over here. Her body looked like a dish of gelatin fresh from the fridge. She moved in even closer, making Ashton lean until he was on his back looking up at her. He clenched his eyes, ready to do what he could to power through this.

Jaiden looked down at him, eager to get as much action as she possibly could out of him. "This is it!" She thought to herself as she lowered her doughy body onto his small figure. She immediately let out soft and horny moans as she rubbed her sticky and moist self onto him. Being so close made her feel things she's never felt before. Her flower sprang a leak as she felt the area between her legs begin to get soaked. To her, just rubbing herself on him was such a turn on. But for Ashton, he felt immediate remorse the moment she laid her wet marshmallow-like body on him. Without her clothes on, not only did her body sag down and rest on him, but the B.O. that was being contained by them was now released. He let a small whimper as he took in the smell of her sour body as she rubbed it all over him. At this point, he didn't care what he said or did anymore. He wanted out. "O-Okay! Y'know what? I-I think I've actually had enough!" He placed a hand on Jaidens chubby face and pushed a little on it, forcing her back a little.

Confused at the hand and force on her face, Jaiden moved back from him, taking her large self off of him in the process. "W-What do you mean?" She asked, already knowing what he's getting at and what she plans on doing about it.

Ashton took this chance to slip the rest of him out from underneath her and roll out of bed and onto the floor. He grabbed at his clothes, immediately getting dressed as he spoke. "I just….. don't feel up to it, okay? Plus, I don't think I felt pretty comfortable. You understand, right?" He asked without bothering to look at her as he pulled up his pants. Jaiden didn't really mind much in this matter. She was honestly surprised he lasted as long as he did. But that didn't mean she was going to just let him leave. She got herself out of bed as well and walked over to a pile of her filthy garments. Bending over, she dug into it and pulled something out. Hiding it behind her back, she began to walk over to Ashton who seemed to almost be fully dressed and ready to go. "You know what? I understand completely. But before you go, can you do me one teensy tiny bit of a favor?" She shook herself around a bit, trying to seem innocent towards what she's about to do. "Actually, I kind-" Ashton started but was cut off as Jaiden pulled him in by his sweater and immediately stuffed the object she pulled out of the pile into his face.

It was her dirtiest pair of panties she had hidden away. Despite living in a pigsty, she remembered where she had left the pair and had decided to use the aged stink to her advantage. She held the struggling Ashton tightly while still gagging him on her fermented odor. All he could smell was some awful combination of sweat, ass, farts, and even a strong amount of shit. Soon, his struggles and muffled screams began dying down as his eyes slowly lifted up into his skull. His arms ceased trying to remove Jaidens fat arm from around his neck and the rest of him began to slowly slump back into her soft body. It didn't take long for the rest of his senses to leave him just as the last thing he heard before passing out was "Have a good rest, boyfriend~". And with that, his body had completely turned off….

Slowly, Ashton began returning from his deep slumber. His eyes remained shut for the time being, not looking at his surroundings. He let out a few groans of disgust as he tasted and smelled the awful aftertaste those panties left in his mouth. It was as if his mouth had been slightly coated in some sort of thick and foul tasting mucus that seemed to taste of pure unwashed ass.

He felt his head in a rather uncomfortable position and attempted to move only to find that he couldn't. The same went for his arms as he felt them bound together behind his back. Curious, he slowly opened his eyes and saw he was looking straight up. From there, he could see that he seemed to be in an entirely new room than the one Jaiden had him in before. He saw that just above him was a large desk table similar to the one he had back at his place that he'd often use to animate. Next to that seemed to be recording tools such as a microphone and a panel for sound effects. It didn't take long for him to realize that he had been taken to Jaidens recording and animating room. And once he was hit with that realization, he was hit with an even worse one. If all the set up was in front of him, where was the chair she'd most definitely be using?

Looking left and right, Ashton did his best to see what exactly he was strapped to and why he had so much difficulty moving. "Oh god…..god no!" The truth had hit him like a truck. The thing he was bound to was none other than Jaidens chair. It would explain the moisture he felt on the back of his head and the lingering smell of ass sweat that was most likely stuck to the seat's fabric. Not to mention he found out he could hear the sound of wheels moving slightly when he attempted to get free. But sadly, it seemed that any hope of getting out of this ttap had gone down the toilet.

Speaking of the toilet, a flush could be heard coming from a room just a few feet away. The sound of the pipes struggling could be heard from the other side of the wall. Ashton did his best to turn his head to a side, barely managing to see a door. He figured she must've just finished using the bathroom, which spelled doom for him for a few reasons. One, she'd be back to continue his torment. Two, he has no way of fighting her off in this position. Three, the moment she opens the door, things are most likely going to get to a whole new level of bad. And before he could list off any more bad things that would befall onto him, the doorknob shook and turned. The door began to open, revealing the large animator behind it and letting the ripe odor of her freshly made bowel movement into the room to greet Ashton.

Like when the front door to her house opened, Ashton was once again washed over by a large wave of stink. It was enough to make him tremble and cough where he sat down. He shook his head, trying to get away from the fresh shit smell but to no avail. It was as if Jaidens bathroom was just an outhouse that hasn't been cleaned in ages. He'd bet money that the toilet was in a horrible state. Slowly, he turned his head to look at where a large shadow was beginning to tower over him. His blurry vision allowed him to see the blobby figure of his captor. Once again dressed up in her clothes (which seemed to be dirtier than before), scratching her soft belly. "Aaahhh…..god! I probably shouldn't have ordered so much cheese on those pizzas. Gives me some pretty big dumps. How ya doing, Ashton babe~?" She pushed down on her stomach, attempting to look down at her slave.

Slowly trying to grow accustomed to the fresh stink, Ashton did his best to speak between coughs and sputters. "GAHK! Jaiden! You ca-AHK! can't keep me h-HRGH! Keep me here! Let me g-GAHGHRHRGHRGH!" He didn't manage to say much but the point was very clear. Of course, it didn't matter a single bit to Jaiden. All she did was snicker and reach down to pat his head. "Oh don't be silly, Ashton! I'm sure you'll love being my boyfriend! It may take some time, but I'm sure you'll learn to see it my way. Now stay still! I need to record some audio for the next video I'm gonna animate!"

"Stay still"...... Those words made Ashton's blood run cold. It not only confirmed the reason why he was strapped to her chair, but he was about to have it happen to him right this moment. The moment he saw Jaiden turn around and present him with her enormous and jiggly rear-end, Ashton summoned all the strength he had left inside of him to try and break free or at least move out of the way. But it was too late. Jaiden grabbed a hold of the arm rests and kept him in place. He was doomed as the pair of flabby cheeks slowly descended on his face. The stench that was already radiating out of them increasing to levels he never wished to reach in any lifetime. Before long, the moist pair made contact with Ashton's face. Making a rather unpleasant wet noise.


Jaiden let out a shaky moan as she felt a shiver run through her body. She had dreamed of feeling someone's small face beneath her large frame but never imagined it'd feel this good. Things only got better for her as she felt Ashton's muffled screams and struggles vibrate and shake her ass flesh. She couldn't help but grind and shake herself on him, wedging his face a little deeper up her horrendous ass crack. "Mmmmm~! Ah yeah~! Ooooohhh~! A-All right, Ashton. Let's get recording!" Still moving herself around and enjoying the feeling of him squirming underneath her, Jaiden began setting up the recording equipment up for the video she would soon animate.

Shifting her weight to the side, she removed some of the fat that was drowning Ashton and called out to him. "Make sure you really sell it, okay?" She heard him panting, smiling from his discomfort in all this. "L-LET ME-GMMFF!!!" Not even a sentence in and he was already trapped once again underneath her. Jaiden pressed the record button and began speaking out. "Hey, guys. Thanks a bunch for clicking on this video. As you can tell by the title, I'm going to tell you guys exactly how I got my new chair. And let me tell you, it's the most comfortable chair I've ever put my butt in. The muffled screams REALLY add on to the comfortability. Listen to this!" She grabbed the microphone and lowered it down to her left cheeks and lifted it up slightly. The muffled screams of Ashton were being picked up, adding to the audio and to Jaiden's story.

Placing the microphone to her face, she began speaking once again. "That's right! You heard it! I got myself a LIVING chair! Now let me tell you how it all started." She let out a soft sigh as she leaned back, grinding her moist crack along Ashton's face once more. "I just met this guy online while looking at who followed me on Twitter and the moment I saw him, I just HAD to have him. He's sooooo cute! Like, you literally wouldn't believe how easily he gets flustered and stuff! All he had to do was look at me and he just froze in place! He even doubles as a boyfriend! Let's see if he'd like to talk to you guys. Hey, babe!" Calling out to him, she took the microphone and lowered it down to the base of the chair once again and stood up ever so slightly. Panting and coughing could be heard once she removed herself enough. "Aahh! Haah! ACK! H-HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE! SHE'S A PSYCHO!" At long last, Ashton managed to get a full message through. He was a bit curious as to why Jaiden hadn't plopped back down on him to quiet him down. "Doesn't he sound cute, guys? Hey, Ashton! Tell them how much you love being buried under my ass!" Jaiden continued on as if this was just a simple conversation between two people. Ashton was honestly dumbfounded at this. He wasted no time in taking what could be his only chance at getting his message for help out into the public. "Someone, HELP! She's been doing nothing but trying to come on to me and just generally make me uncomfortable! She's claiming me as her boyfriend for God's sake! GET ME OUT!"

He let out a few gasps and pants from having to still breathe in Jaidens ass fumes while screaming out to the microphone. The rotten smell of what seemed to be unwiped ass clung to his face like Jaidens clothes did to her body. He felt as if he needed to be decontaminated once he got out of this. Or if a worse case scenario came up, it'd be IF he ever got out.

Above him, all Ashton could hear was Jaiden giggling to herself. "Hehehehe! Listen to him! He just loves playing hard to get! But I know how much he loves staying under my fat ass! Let's put him back down there for a while longer. Talk to you later, Ashton babe~"

"WAIT NO! SOMEONE, PLE-" The seemingly endless and extremely soft darkness overtook Ashton once again. His face was once again rammed deep in the disgusting and moist crack of Jaidens pants. "Ooooohhh~ He feels so good up there. I'm telling you, guys. There is no limit to what I'm going to do with my new boyfriend. I'm going to be doing a lot more than just sitting on his face, that's for sure. Each day, I'm going to make sure that he wakes up to a mouth full of something good. Just like this~" placing the microphone between her now open legs, Jaiden leaned back and let something out that she had been holding in for quite some time.


A loud and muffled fart erupted out from Jaidens fat cheeks. The full force being absorbed by Ashton's face. He felt as if someone had placed his head in a bottle and shook it around like crazy. The odor didn't help at all. The rotten stench of pure cheesy shit tainted his sinuses and his mouth. His legs kicked and struggled against their confinements once again. He had already been experiencing her odors all day. But nothing could prepare him for this. Unfortunately for him, he had built up a small immunity to it. Allowing him to still be conscious with his lungs completely filled with the worst tasting and smelling air he's ever had shoved inside him.

Looking at his weak attempts of struggling, Jaiden placed the microphone at her face again and went on with her recording. "Oh my god, guys! He's struggling so hard right now! You won't believe how cute he looks! If he's struggling just from that, I can't wait to see what he'll do when I'm just a walking gas bag. But I'll be sure to keep showering him with it while I tell you guys what I'm gonna do to him~" shaking herself a little more, Jaiden began positioning herself to have Ashton's face as close to her asshole as she could. Once she succeeded, she went on talking about tormenting him as if it were nothing.

"A couple of other things I can't wait to do is to FINALLY get into those pants of his! We were just about to get things going when he had a small change of mind. Pphrrrt! But now that I got him under my control, and under me for that matter, I'll get my chance soon enough! BRRMMBBBT!! I'm gonna enjoy feeling him try to fight me off while I squish and smother him under my folds while I ride his hard cock. PprrrBBBTT!! Feeling it pound the sea of fat that's my fat ass cheeks while I hop up and down on his pelvis. Mmmm~! That's probably gonna be the most activity I'll be doing from this point on. SslrrckbbBBT!! Ooohh~! I think me ass just sent Ashton an extra set kiss~"

The entire time she spoke, she would release fart after fart right in Ashton's face. Some stronger than others in terms of stench and in force. Of course, all of them were unpleasant to sit through. He breathed in each and everyone. Getting the odors of rotten eggs, compost, spoiled cheese, and boiled broccoli up his nose. The last one, however, took the cake. Not only did he feel the wet slap of her wet fart on his face, he got the most unpleasant smell pressed right up against him. He could feel the moisture of Jaidens ass's "wet kiss" smear against him as she rocked back and forth on him. "Nnhhggg~! That's right, Ashton. Make out with my asshole! Aaahhh~" Jaiden grabbed the armrests as she put in a good amount of force and effort into grinding the smell of the shart into him. "Oooooo~! This feels great! But you guys know what would make it feel even better~?" She asked her future audience as she placed down her microphone and began to push up from the chair, once again lifting herself off of Ashton's face and giving him a short break from this neverending nightmare.

Once separated from her ass, Ashton gulped down the clean air like a vacuum. His head shook around, trying to remove any discomfort his face felt from the sweat that soaked his face and any filth that stuck to him like make-up. He swore he could feel a smudge somewhere around his forehead. His eyes were clenched shut, trying to avoid any sight of Jaiden. Making him unaware of the horrors that would soon follow as he ignored the awful deed Jaiden was beginning to perform.

Like earlier before, she began removing her pants. Tugging at them to get down her flabby and pasty body only this time, she didn't have any panties on. Not like they would make a difference with how often her stomach concealed the front and her ass cheeks devoured the back. Once she finally managed to once again remove her pants, she now stood above Ashton. Completely nude from the waist down and nothing to protect Ashton from the horrors of her landfill of an ass.

The entire time, Ashton ignored her grunts and the sounds of her ass cheeks and other folds clapping. He didn't want to bother wasting any time screaming or begging to be let free when he knew it would just be in vain. He instead took the time to try and cleanse his lungs of the rancid farts that Jaidens ass happily supplied him with. The awful tastes of pure garbage and other essences of filth stuck to his tongue like a fly would to honey. Even the air that was already tainted with her lingering stench was like a breath of fresh air to him. Like an old car engine, he sputtered and coughed up Jaidens rotten fumes from his body and did his best to clear his lungs. "Haah…..haaack!.....aahh….J-Jaiden…..I-OH GOD!"

Looking up, he was greeted with the most horrifying view he could imagine. Immediately topping anything he had already seen in his entire life. The large and flabby ass cheeks of Jaiden hovered above him. Glistening with sweat and complete with clear signs of cellulite with her flesh. The strong stench of shit hit him right in the face, making him gag and turn away. "Ooohhhggg! God, your ass stinks!" He said, trying to look away from it. Jaiden looked back at him, smirking as she lowered her ass to his face and brushed the large moon on his face as a tease. The shivers of disgust she felt him make only turned her on even more. "Sorry, babe! Kinda ran out of toilet paper! Probably why it smelled so bad back there. Don't worry, though! It'll be fine~!"

Ashton remain silent, mentally trying to settle his mind as he hear her admit that her ass remains not completely wiped clean. Giving him the truth as to why it stunk so bad when she plopped down on him the first time. The wet fart she released not too long ago most likely must've added on to the mess that was between her enormous cheeks. The very cheeks that continued to grind on his face with slow strokes. He did his best not to speak in order to not risk getting a fart, sweat, or something even worse in his mouth.

After a few more long strokes of smearing her flabby ass on Ashton's face, Jaiden finally lifted herself back up, making Ashton believe it was safe to position his head back up, and grabbed her microphone in order to record this process. "Alright, you guys gotta hear how great this guy is! Listen to how well my ass just smashes against his face!" Reaching back, she used one of her hands to spread one of her cheeks apart from the other. A sickening noise similar to two pieces of ham that were stuck together being separated was made, alerting Ashton to look up. He felt sick as he saw the state of her asshole. She definitely wasn't lying when she said she hadn't finished wiping. But looking at it now, he was having trouble believing that she even started wiping in the first place. It was as if she had literally just filled a toilet and walked over here to share her "leftovers" with him. "Ah god… reeks….." was all Ashton could say. He was so disgusted by what he saw. He didn't even find it in him to struggle or plead as Jaiden once again began lowering herself on him. "Here comes your dessert, babe~!"


The most sickening noise of her moist and messy asshole meeting Ashton's face was picked up into the microphone, giving all future listeners a good idea of just how disgusting and messy she was. But it didn't bother Jaiden a single bit. At the very moment, Jaiden was doing her best to at least not have an orgasm while recording. The feeling of Ashton's bare face meeting up close and personal with her bare ass was sending so many horny emotions through her body. Her pussy dripped a bit as she shook left and right, smearing more of her mess onto him. Aa-Aahhh! Y-Yeah…..Oh yes~! Aaahhh~! SO-Sorry, guys! He's just so….. nhhgg!" She couldn't even complete her sentence with how turned on she was with just sitting and smothering his face. Her body was practically moving on its own with how fluently her hips were moving. "Ah fuck! God! Ashton is such a babe! I wish you other girls out there could feel this! You know what? Heavy set girls out there! Go find yourselves a cute guy, make sure they won't be noticed if they're gone, and just snatch that adorable little guy for yourself! It'll be worth it! I fucking swea-AH! OOH! Mmmhhh~!" She stopped her message to the girls like her as she felt herself orgasm all over her thighs. She leaned back, a satisfied grin with her teeth softly biting her lips. A soft pink blush appeared on her face as she realized just how much joy she was receiving from this man. She felt herself grow even more attached to him just by this orgasm. It made her think that maybe he was a bit too good to just keep to herself. She needed to show him off to at least one other person. One she can trust.

Reaching for the microphone, she pulled it to her fat face and slowly spoke into it. "H-Hahahah-ha…..s-sorry about that, guys. He's just …..oh god, I can't even explain! L-Look! It's been fun and all, but I just…..I gotta have some more fun with him. More than just smothering his face under my ass and drowning him in farts. I'll see you guys some other time, alright? Now let me see if I can get out of this chair. I sure hope Jaiden isn't sore about me stinking up her recording room." She paused for a moment, adding a slight tension in the air. Then she continued on in a rather eerie voice that was uncomfortably calm. "....what? You guys thought I was the real Jaiden? Hah! That's rich! You didn't think the real Jaiden would be doing this…...did you?" And with that, she stopped recording and let out a sigh of relief. Her legs stretched out, making slight cracking noises and causing the chair to creak and Ashton to groan more from leaning back into it and pressing her weight down even harder.

"Nggaahh!!!! What a great recording session! I've always wanted to make a series about a deranged fake me talking about having a boyfriend! I've even recorded a ton of them but never released them! And now that I finally got one, I can share them all and tell them about all the great things we're gonna do with each other! Wouldn't that be fun, Ashton babe~?" She removed herself from the chair at long last, making a wet unsticking noise as her ass meat was removed from Ashton's face. The chair let out a groan of relief along with Ashton as the heavy burden was removed from their beings.

Ashton coughed and gagged harder than he ever has in his entire life. He nearly threw up a few times he did, forcing himself to push it back down and swallow it. The torment he just had to endure just now was worse than anything he could ever imagine. He never thought how much trouble objects like chairs go through on a daily basis. Especially ones that belong to someone like Jaiden.

He could feel the sweat drip down his face. Dripping to the sides and into his hair. Another thing he could feel were blotches of some sticky substance on his face, his hair, and even near his mouth. He didn't want to admit what it was but in reality, he knew what it was. His eyes stung from the sweat that invaded his sockets. If this kept up, he felt like he just may pass out all over again.

Jaiden looked down at Ashton's condition, snickering at the awful and disgusting marks she had left on his face. Just looking at him in this state made her feel all warm inside. He was so good for her. So good, that she needed to tell someone else about him. Someone that she can trust. Reaching down into her pants she had removed, she pulled out her phone from a pocket and began calling someone. She placed it next to her fat face, talking to someone on the other line. "Yeah? Can you hear me? I know it's been a long time and…, I'm not sick……yeah but listen real quick! I finally got a boyfriend! And I want you to meet him! Come over real quick! I'm dying for you to meet him. Yeah, okay……yeah, alright. Love you, too. Bye!" And like that, she hung up and placed the phone down.

"Alright, I got more company showing up soon to meet you. She's a little uptight so let me see if I can make you look a little more presentable." Jaiden said as she picked up her filthy pants from the floor and pulled out the panties from within. Not as dirty as her previous pair but still disgusting. "Hold still and let me see if I can wipe that off of your face." She brought the filthy pair of underwear closer to his face and began rubbing it against his skin. Cleaning off what she could, she took her ruined undergarments and began placing them back on. Followed by her pants.

Not that bothered by the fact that his face was "cleaned" by soiled panties, Ashton still took this time to just catch up on breathing. He felt so light headed and tired in the past hour. There was however, a small glint of hope inside of him now. He overheard Jaiden calling for someone to come over. Surely, they would be in the right mind and help him out of this landfill of a home. All he had to do was keep pulling through and try to hang in there. As he kept thinking of the possibility of finally being saved, his guard began to drop and he began closing his eyes. Soon, he slipped into unconsciousness and passed out once again. Unaware of the things that Jaiden may have planned for him.

Time passed by once again. Jaiden did what she could to make the house more "nice and tidy" by just kicking most to the side and…..that was pretty much it. Aside from that, she didn't bother trying to mask any of the stench in most of the house aside from her bedroom. Which probably wouldn't last long anyway considering all she had was about a half empty spray can of air freshener. And even more so considering she just finished using the bathroom again after using it. But considering she hasn't done a single hygienic thing in about two years, this was actually a big step up.

Feeling actually a little proud of herself, Jaiden decided she earned herself a reward and headed towards the kitchen to spoil herself just as she heard a knock on the door. "Ah crap! She's here!" Pulling her shirt down in a futile attempt to cover her doughy belly, Jaiden hurried over to the front door. Her heavy footsteps sounded like someone repeatedly smashing a blunt object on the floor. Placing her slightly clean hand on the knob, she let out a deep breath and gave herself a small pep talk. "Alright. You can do this. You haven't seen her in a while and she's probably gonna be REALLY judgemental at first. But you gotta make it through it to show him off!" Another knock sounded from the door. Sounding a bit more impatient. "Alright! Here I go!" She turned the knob and opened the door, greeting the shorter woman outside a nervous smile. "H-Hey, Mom!"

Jaidens mother stood there.Wearing a rather nice light red sweater that actually seemed to compliment her motherly figure. Her ample breasts were a bit tight as they seemed to be a bit too big for it. Her stomach seemed to have a small amount of chub but it was definitely nothing compared to her daughter's figure. Her hips were rather wide, definitely giving off that "MILF" style in her black pants.

She stared up at the behemoth that was her daughter. Not believing the sudden and drastic metamorphosis she had gone through. Slowly, she walked in her home and cringed as she caught wind of the smell. Her baggy, tired eyes squinted at the several messes that plagued the floors and walls. She didn't have any idea of what to say. So she just said the first thing that came to mind. ".....h-how did you get a boyfriend living like this?"

Jaiden turned her gaze to the wall and grew a small awkward smile as she fumbled her fingers and nervously laughed. "Uuuhhh…..h-heheheh…..well, let's just say that …..well, you'll see. Come and meet him. He's in my room. And uhh… your step." Jaiden nervously walked in front of her mother, leading the way to her bedroom as she began describing Ashton to her mother. Even after cleaning up a little, there were still so many spots that needed to be avoided just to navigate through the home's interior. Trying to ignore everything that she's seen and smelled, Jaidens mother began following her daughter through the large and filthy home. Groaning in disgust as she felt herself having to occasionally pull her feet off the sticky floor thanks to all the filth that was on it. She thought to herself that whoever this boyfriend was, he'd have to be crazy, extremely depraved, or be held here against his will to be her boyfriend.

Stopping at a door, Jaiden turned to look at her mother. She gave her a signal to stop and kneeled down to talk closely and quietly to her. "So listen…..he's on my bed right now and I don't know if you'd……agree with what he's wearing at the moment. Or this whole situation. But I promise you that once you spend some time with him, you'll see what I like. Are you ready?" She backed up a bit, giving her mother a break from her stale and musty breath. She fanned the smell away a bit and gave her answer. "I think so? What should I be ready for, exactly?" She asked Jaiden, feeling curious about "this whole situation". But her answer was given the moment Jaiden stretched her arm and opened the door to her room. Immediately, Jaidens mother's eyes widened to the size of plates with shock at what she saw.

There on Jaidens bed, Ashton was unconscious, strapped, and bound to the filthy mattress. His arms and legs stretched out to the sides as ropes held him in place. His pants and sweater gone, hidden somewhere in the mess of the room. Leaving his nearly naked body exposed to the nasty elements. The only piece of clothing on him remaining were his boxers.

After taking in the sight she was greeted to, Jaidens mother looked up to her with an expression of complete confusion. "I…..y-you…..w-what made you think any of this was okay?!" She asked with a tone a mother would give to their child who just brought home a failed report card. Nervous, Jaiden took her mother's hand and began leading her over to her unconscious boyfriend. "Mom! I know what you're thinking of me! But before you completely judge him, come and see how great he looks!" At the edge of the bed, she stopped and pointed over to his features. Describing them as she reached out to touch his unconscious body.

"Mom, tell me you haven't seen such a nice looking guy like this and HAVEN'T thought of taking him home. Just look at his hot body. Thin enough to be dominated but not thin enough to be a little twig. He's perfect, mom! Watch!" She pulled on her mother's arm some more, guiding her over to feel Ashton's body. "H-Hey! Jaiden, stop this! A-At once! I-....mmmm…." She paused her griping as her hand traced his chest up and down. Feeling his slightly toned features and young skin. Something inside of her was beginning to be let free. Something she hadn't felt ever since she was young. It began coming out the more she felt him up. Soon enough, Jaiden didn't even need to guide her. She had let her arm go and saw she had begun feeling him up herself.

A more relieved smile appeared on Jaidens face as she saw her mother beginning to notice what she saw in him. "See, mom? Isn't he great? And don't tell me you never had the fantasy of just taking the first cute guy you saw home with you and just tossing him to bed!" She continued on trying to explain to her mother who was almost in a trance as she began rubbing Ashton's face in a rather motherly tone. A soft blush even began appearing on her pale face the more she felt his soft skin. "I…..suppose you're right but….but I….." she began leaning closer to him. Her lips puckered as she couldn't help but give him a peck on the cheek. That's when she caught wind of the smell that was stuck to him.

She quickly backed up and gagged, clenching her nose. "Jaiden! What on Earth did you do to him?!" She looked up at her daughter who was now blushing immensely out of embarrassment. She fiddled with her fingers and did her best to explain. "Well I uh …. I'll just say that…..he's a nice … cushion…." She turned away, feeling completely embarrassed about this whole ordeal. Her head quickly flung back to look at her, trying to regain her composure and talk her mother through why she did this. "M-Mom! It's just a thing I wanted to do! I'm…..dirty! Alright?! So I…..went off on him!"

Having explained herself, her mother let out a sigh and was about to give her another tongue lashing when she looked over to Ashton once again. Seeing his still unconscious face and regaining some of those emotions she was feeling not too long ago. She eventually let go of her nose and thought to herself. Turning to face Jaiden, she crossed her arms and spoke in a calm manner. ".....did it…..feel good?" A bit surprised by this question at first, Jaiden felt like she may actually get away with this whole ordeal. She nodded rapidly like a child who had been asked if they wanted ice cream while answering her mother. "Y-Yeah! Mom! I'm telling you right now. His face isn't just adorable. It's the most AMAZING thing I've ever sat on. And with an ass as big as mine, I've sat on a lot of things!" A thought occurred to her that just might guarantee her to get off unscathed from this. Providing that her mother agreed to her offer. She leaned in to her mother and asked her a question. "You ….wanna try?"

Blushing even harder now, her mother turned away and looked at the horribly stained carpet floor. It's been so long since she's left herself have any fun. Much longer when it was someone so young and attractive. Turning to see Ashton again, she thought about how arousing and relieving it would be to plop herself down onto his face and just let all Hell break loose. Free all these inner feelings that she had in her body. Ready to burst out of her. She could even feel it begin leaking out of her between her legs. A shiver ran through her body as she let out a sigh and looked up to her daughter. "This ……will stay between us…..alright?"

A wave of reassurance washed over Jaiden. Not only will she be able to keep her boyfriend, her mother seemed to be all for it now as well. She shrugged and winked to her mother as she gave her response. "Heck! I won't tell as long as you won't! Just hop on the bed and wake him up. It's a lot more fun when he's trying to fight it!" She walked to the other side of the bed, allowing her mother to climb onto the sticky and filthy mattress and crawl over to his face.

Once she had reached him, her hand gently caressed his face once again as she leaned in to his ear and softly whispered to him. "Ashton, dear. It's time to wake up." She continued to motherly rub his face, causing him to stir a little. His head shook around a bit while his bound limbs just twitched and tugged at the ropes that held him in place. "Nngghh…..what happened?" He asked as he slowly began opening his eyes. He looked around and began realizing where he was. Fear overtook his body as he locked eyes on Jaidens large frame again. He felt his body run cold once he saw her. His gaze met hers, receiving just a smile and wave from her. "Hey, Ashton honey! I want you to meet my mom!" He shivered a bit at the sound of her voice but slowly began to calm down as he turned to his right side to see the one responsible for touching him. "M-Mom?!"

He almost felt himself burst into tears of joy once he saw somewhere else here besides Jaiden. At last, his hopes and prayers had been answered. Someone has arrived to take him out of this hellhole and save him. Or so he thought…..

"M-M-Ma-Ma'am! I-" he spoke in a shaky and nervous tone but was hushed by the mature woman's finger that pressed against his lips. "Ssshhhh……let me try something first." She told him as she began climbing on him. She sat right above his stomach, towering over him and blocking the light from his face with her body. Her large and ample breasts bounced as she wiggled them around. "Jaiden told me she had some fun with you. Now……I want to have a bit of fun myself."

That was it……he couldn't believe his rotten luck. Here he thought he was about to be saved but instead, he seemingly found out just where Jaiden possibly got her amorous feelings from. "W-Wait! You don't mean-" he started out but was silenced once again by Jaidens mother. This time however, it was thanks to her ample and soft breasts as she lowered herself onto him and began to softly another him with her motherly bosom. "Hush now, dear. Let momma make you feel good. And Jaiden?" She turned to her daughter who seemed to have a bit of a blush on her face from seeing her mother softly dominate her boyfriend. She came to and responded with a simple "Y-Yeah?" Wrapping her arms around Ashton's bound body, her mother began sliding her body down his stomach and positioning her crotch onto his. "Pay close attention. Since this is your first boyfriend, I want you to make sure you know how to please him as well. Now watch closely as I get him 'warmed up' for us~." Still holding him tight, she began to wiggle and grind her hips on his crotch. Dry humping the poor young man and caressing his shaft with her own aged flower. She'd let out soft moans as she felt the familiar sensation of a man's rod against her womanhood. Soon enough, she even felt it begin to twitch and throb in excitement.

"Nngghh…..he's such a fighter. N-Now make sure you get him hot and ready for whenever you wish you do more than just sit on him." She continued to softly grind on him. Feeling his cock hardening despite what's about to happen. "Mmmm…..momma's still got it~!" Feeling like she got him ready enough, she lifted herself up from his face and looked over to Jaiden who seemed to be enjoying the whole show. "Like what you're seeing, dear?" She asked, making Jaiden smile and nod rather awkwardly. "Good. Because for what's next, I want you to join in so I can teach you just how you're supposed to rightfully please this young stud~" she looked back at Ashton's sweaty and red face. Her hand reached out and pinched his cheek teasingly. "Get ready, Ashton. Mommy needs her own pillows to be fluffed~"

Gulping from what's to come, Ashton saw as Jaidens mother began turning herself around and backing up to his face. He witnessed as her curvaceous and plush sized rear got closer and closer until it blocked his view. With only a few inches separating his face from her cheeks, he could already detect her motherly ass musk. It wasn't as strong as Jaidens, but it was still something he found unpleasant. However, his downstairs was telling another story. His erection stood up, throbbing underneath his underwear and even already dripping a little from the tip. Whatever she did to him, it seemed to work well considering it wasn't going down despite his predicament. He let out a half whimper, half moan as he felt her soft hand grab at it. "My goodness! He's quite sensitive! Jaiden, be a dear and remove his undergarments while I get more comfortable myself~"

Jaiden was beginning to feel horny all over again but shy at the same time. She looked over at her mother who was beginning to lower her pants just enough to show off her bare ass to Ashton and turned her attention back to the erection that was seemingly begging to be released from the pair of boxers. "U-Uuuhhh……h-here I go!" Her pudgy hands reached over and lifted up his boxers, pulling them down to his thighs and exposing Ashton's large shaft for the both of them to see.

Both of them were in shock at what they were seeing. Jaiden had only seen dick's online in porn and her mother hasn't quite seen a good one in a rather long time. Both immediately felt themselves grow wet at the mere sight of it. Jaiden leaned on the mattress, requiring it for support as her fat legs trembled from being so weak at the sight of it. Her eyes examined every inch of it. Studying it to the very last detail. From the base of his balls to the very top of his head that leaked precum. She'd turn her head in all directions of it, getting different angles of his shaft and following the veins that stuck out of it. There was a rather powerful smell coming from it. It wasn't musk or anything like that. More like a pheromone that drove Jaiden wild. There was nothing more she wanted to do but take it for herself. However, she had no idea what to do with it. With drool dripping from her mouth, hearts in her eyes, and red on her face, Jaiden looked up to her mother who seemed to be wearing the same expression. "S-So what now, mom?"

Entranced by the erection before, she shook her head to try and regain her train of thought. "Ahem! First, I'll start helping myself to Ashton's face and then I'll….tell you what to do. As for you!" She turned back to see Ashton with a seemingly hopeless look on his face. He looked up to see barely a glimpse of her thanks to her matured ass cheeks in his face. The aroma of sweat, stale ass, and her own womanly aroma greeted his nose. It was a slightly better change from sniffing Jaidens stink. But there were still a million places he'd rather be. "You just keep that handsome face still while Mommy makes herself nice and comfy~" Giving him a wink, she spread her cheeks apart and leaned back. Trapping his face in the sweaty and damp crevice that was between her cellulite filled ass cheeks. Showing off the true signs of a MILFs ass.

Upon having his face get lodged into her sweaty crack, Jaidens mother let out a loud moan. Her left hand slipped into her shirt to grope her breasts while her right hand entered her pants to finger herself. She wiggled around on him, shaking his face around and making his nose brush all over the walls of her cheeks. Shivers ran through her like cheese ran through Jaiden. "Mmmm! Y-Yes! That's it!" She moved back and forth, her cheeks clapping from all her movement. After a few seconds, her stomach began to emit a small rumble. A noise that Jaiden was familiar with. "Sounds like I'm about ready for my own fun with his nose as well. N-Now, listen closely. Jaiden, I want you to begin caressing his balls first. Make sure they're ready to empty their contents."

Wanting to do what she could, Jaiden lowered herself down and rested her upper body on the bed. Her fat arms reached out, shaking from how nervous she was to finally be touching his manhood. Her hands eventually made contact with his sack. She began to gently move them around. Even going far enough to tickle them a bit. The entire ordeal of being smothered and having his balls played with was beginning to make Ashton kick around a bit, twitch, and moan underneath Jaidens mother's ass. "Sounds like you're doing good. Get on his legs and try using one hand to stroke him off a bit." Her mother called out as she rubbed her still rumbling stomach, eager to release it onto this handsome young man she was having her way with.

Feeling dirtier than she ever has felt before, Jaiden reached over his balls and began touching up on Ashton's long, hard, and throbbing cock. Her eyes followed the movement of her hand, going up and down with it. She'd play around with it a little by tracing the veins that bulge out with her finger. "I-Its so hard, mom." She said, feeling herself grow wetter than she ever has before. "W-What now, mom?" She looked up to see her concentrating on using Ashton's face as an ass scratching post. She peeked one of her eyes open at Jaiden and continued to guide her. "Now comes the most exciting part. I want you to taste it! Really slobber on it and make him squirm and thrash like a worm on land!"

Jaiden was a bit shocked to hear such a powerful and lustful tone from her mother. But not wanting to disappoint her, she reached over some more and placed her face right next to Ashton's third leg. The hearts in her eyes pulsated to the same beat her heart was going at. She licked her lips, as she leaned towards the head of his cock and opened her mouth. Her soft and wet lips brushed against the head, making it twitch and jump from the sheer excitement it was feeling. Slowly, she began closing her jaw down on it. Feeling the stiff piece of meat tremble more and more the further she slipped it into her mouth. She briefly went cross eyed from the intense flavors she was savoring the more she bobbed her head up and down his shaft. Her pussy began dripping more and more from just sucking on it. Jaiden couldn't explain the amount of pleasure she was experiencing just from sucking Ashton's cock. The same couldn't be said for Ashton, however…..

The moment he felt his dick enter something moist and wet made him shiver with surprise, discomfort, and the smallest amount of pleasure. Just enough, however, for him to remain erect and provide pleasure for the both of them. He did his best to try and break free from these two but he already had so much trouble with Jaiden. Now that her mother was joining in on the fun, there wasn't much he could do but thrash like a fish stuck on land. All the movement only made Jaidens mother moan even more in pleasure as she felt his face brush all over her cheeks. It wasn't until he felt his nose hit her asshole and felt receive a few "kisses" from her pucker. "I think my butt has something to say to you, Ashton. Why not say hello~?" Easing her movement, she leaned back and placed her hands on her hips. She pressed down, making sure that no other air could get to him, and blasted his face. Like mother like daughter.


"Nnggaaah….. I've been holding that in for the whole drive over here! Be a good boy and breathe it all in, honey. I don't want a single little 'kiss' from my butt to go unappreciated~" Pprbbmmt! She shook her hips around, grinding the stench on his face and forcing it to enter his nose just as Jaiden did previously. Ashton's hands did their best to break free from their restraints but it was no use. He was forced to just lay there, take it all in, and keep being used as a fart cushion and sex toy for this mother/daughter team.

During this time, Jaiden hadn't stopped slobbering all over Ashton's member. Her tongue traced his dick and coated it in her saliva. Her moans would send small vibrations through the shaft, causing it to tremble even more. She'd occasionally take it out of her mouth to catch her breath, using her own saliva and his precum as lube to stroke him off more smoothly. During that time, she would lick the tip of his cock like a lollipop. Licking up any precum that would begin escaping out of him. Savoring the strong and manly flavors of his cock as her mind rushed with the thoughts of something of his being inside of her.

She popped it out of her mouth for a brief moment and spoke out her horny thoughts to his cock as if it could hear. "Mmmm…..Ashton, you got such a big dick on you. I'm gonna enjoy having fun with it and you every single day. Sitting on your face while I stroke you off and milk you dry for hours and hours. Nowhere for you to go and nothing to breathe in but my noxious ass fumes. Your lungs will be filled with my love and my asses love for you. I'll keep you forever and ever and I'll never let you go~!" With that said, she went back to sucking the soul out of him. Going down as deep as she could on him and taking in as much she could without gagging and choking herself on it.

With her mother still on his face, practically covering up his entire head, Ashton had a hard time hearing what she was saying. But he knew it was no good with how much force she was putting into sucking him off. That was the least bit of his troubles at the moment. He was still trapped underneath a smaller but still rank ass. Huffing fumes from a soft and aged ass from the very mother of the person responsible for all of this.

PprrrbbbBBBTTT!! "Haahh….I have to say, you were right Jaiden. It DOES feel rather nice to release all these backed up fumes onto someone. Especially someone with such an adorable figure and face~" She began bouncing, further torturing the poor boy underneath her. Her gaze turned to Jaiden who was busy with her own thing. Seeing Jaiden practically pigging out on his dick began making her feel rather parched herself. Up and down, she saw her daughter move her head. Trying to release the flow of Ashton's seed and guzzle it down like it was the best tasting thing in the world. Her breathing began getting heavy as her own thoughts began making her feel more daring. She needed to have a taste. Even if it was just a little. Before she knew what she was doing, she lunged forward and pushed Jaidens fat face to the side.

Surprised once again by her mother, Jaiden stared on with an angry expression on her face as her mother took her turn sucking off Ashton. "MOOOOM! You said I could suck him off!" Not even looking up, she removed it from her mouth to speak. "L-Look! I just need a taste! Consider this another lesson!" Reaching to the base of her sweater, she pulled it up and over his cock. Placing it between her soft and warm breasts and began massaging it her soft bosom. The noise of them clapping against his groin changed pace from being slow and then occasionally being rapid.

Still upset at this, Jaiden looked over to where Ashton's head was to maybe get a turn with his head again. But she was once again disappointed to see that her mother had been using her legs to keep his face lodged between her cheeks this entire time. "Mom! You can't hog him all to yourself!" Jaiden complained as if she were some small child who asked her mother for help on a game, only for her to take over completely. "Nngghh! Jaiden, he's so close! I can feel it!" She ignored her daughter's complaints, increasing her speed in order to get Ashton to release his load. Before either one could say another word, Ashton's body stiffened up and a large amount of white liquid shot out from underneath the red sweater.

Both were in shock at how much of it there was. It sprayed all around, getting in their hair, faces, and clothes. Jaidens mother examined her sweater, seeing a massive wet stain on it and seeing the source of it was still releasing more from the tip. Slowly, she lifted her sweater backup to remove Ashton's now half hard, half flaccid shaft from within. It was covered in his own seed. Covered in a sticky white layer of his cum. Not being able to help herself, her mother reached her hand down and scooped some off with her finger. She held it up to her face and slipped it into her mouth. Immediately, her mind went in a fuzzy haze as she felt herself have her own orgasm all over Ashton's chest. Her body trembled as she savored the hot cum in her mouth, enjoying the taste and the feeling of having one of the most pleasurable experiences in her life.

Her legs released Ashton's head, allowing him to finally take in some clean air at last. He laid back, not even bothering to struggle once again as the whole ordeal left him drained in more ways than one. He's never felt an orgasm that intense before. And he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to again.

Slowly getting off of him, her mother got to her feet on the bedroom floor and slipped her pants back up her exposed regions. She stood there, her chest and crotch both soaked in the juices of sexual pleasure. She knew that she should be ashamed of what she just did. Using some unwilling young man for her own sexual pleasure. But to her own surprise, she wasn't ashamed of it at all. She felt like she had finally experienced something she had been missing her entire life. Something she would want more of soon enough.

Turning to see Jaiden, she saw her with an angry expression on her face and her fat arms crossed over her stomach. "Jaiden, please understand. I haven't had fun like this in…..ever! And you're going to keep him here so you get to enjoy him as much as you'd like! Besides…..I finally see what you like about this." She turned away, feeling embarrassed to the core about what she just said.

Jaidens expression changed from an angry scowl to a rather pleased smile upon hearing her mother realize what she enjoyed from this. "That's great, mom! I'm glad to hear you see things my way now! And if you'd like, you can come over every now and then to have a turn with him! Just….. don't hog him up so much." Pleased by her offer, she turned back to gleam a smile at her daughter. "That's sweet of you to offer, Jaiden. But he's yours after all. And besides….." her smile formed into a rather smug smirk. "I think I'll try my hand at finding one of my own~"

Pleased with each other, the two shared an embrace. Not caring about her daughter's immensely greasy and sweaty body or the fact that their clothes are drenched in cum. Jaidens began walking her over back to the door where they shared a final goodbye before promising to meet again and discuss more of their future experiences and each other's "boyfriend's".

Waving to her mother as she drove off, Jaiden walked back into her home and clasped her hands together. Her mother was gone, she was home alone, night would arrive in about an hour, and she has the boy of her dreams strapped to her bed. Pulling out her phone from her pocket, she began entering the porn site she would often use and entered a playlist she made. She began walking back to her room, starting a video titled "Broken Toilet? No Problem!" as she entered the room. She noticed the still tired Ashton and smirked as she watched the video begin. Taking mental notes for her next activity she wished to do with her new "boyfriend". Someone who won't be seeing much except the inside of this house and Jaidens backside for a very looooooong time.


The End(?)

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