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Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Road Trip- Story


 Hi Everyone, I am a new member to the forum, but I wanted to share a story that I have been working on. I enjoy writing short stories in my spare time and wanted to try writing more explicit things to try and advance my writing. This story is sort of a fantasy of mine that I have enjoyed putting to paper. It is unfinished as of now but I would appreciate some direction and or criticism as to how I can enhance the story. It does feature some teenage characters as well as an adult character so I understand if some of you do not want to read it. The set up is a bit long but I tend to enjoy stories more when there is some extra background information. If you guys enjoy it I can submit the second half of it.

The Road Trip:

It’s Christmas eve, and Carolyn, Emma and their mother Annie, are on their way to spend the holiday with family in Buffalo, New York. Annie is 40 years old, and looks very good for her age. She is 5 foot 8, and about 135 pounds, with a slender frame. She has long dark hair, hazel eyes, and has a cute little freckle under her right eye that her daughter Emma also has. Annie divorced her husband a year ago for his infidelity and she has spent a lot of time getting in shape in the hope of finding another man. Despite the effort she has put into her physique, she has not had much luck dating because of the stresses of being a single mother. Things have been hard for both girls since their father left. Annie has been working tirelessly to make their days brighter and more gleeful but sometimes she feels like she is struggling to reach them. Annie is afraid that if she does attempt to date, her progress with the girls might stagnate. Women however have desires, and Annie has a strong sexual appetite but is able to release those urges by teasing the men at the gym. When the girls are at school, Annie works out at one of the more popular gyms in town. She likes to wear tight yoga pants that emphasize her new physique in an alluring and sexually deviant way. She often leaves the gym with her panties a bit heavier because she becomes extremely turned on by the wandering eyes of all the men sneaking glances. Her new found confidence in her body has made her feel 10 years younger and 10 times hotter compared to how she felt before she was married. She is looking forward to the trip with the girls because Annie can show her new hard body off to her family who have been worried about how she has been handling her recent struggles. She can now show them that although times have been tough, she has been taking care of herself and meeting her goals. It has been an unseasonably warm winter in Vermont and the girls have been enjoying the ability to wear autumn clothes just a little longer. Today, Annie has decided to wear some black yoga pants, white cotton panties, and a tight t-shirt for the road trip to Buffalo.

Annie’s oldest daughter Emma, is 16 years old and is a junior in high school. Emma is about 5 foot 5,120 pounds and petite. She has straight blond hair that goes down to the middle of her back. She got that from her father, as well as his bright blue eyes. Her breasts are rather small but have the ability to become quite perky when she is turned on. Emma is quiet and lacks confidence in addition to constantly overthinking everything. She should enjoy being a teenager instead of constantly worrying about everybody else’s opinions. She is beautiful, and when she feels confident, becomes a chatterbox. Annie always notices when she picks the girls up from school, that the boys can’t keep their eyes off of Emma. Annie worries about Emma and wonders if she will be able to overcome her shyness in order to really blossom into an adult. Since her father left, she has been reverting back to some antisocial habits that she had when she was a child, as well as some babyish habits. Emma hates using the bathroom in public. Sometimes when Annie picks her up from school, Emma is quite desperate to use the restroom. She will grab herself stealthily attempting to avoid Annie’s attention. Annie acts like she doesn’t see it happen, but she does. She chooses not to bring it up to her daughter because it can be a really awkward conversation. Emma would ultimately shy away from the discussion and pull back. Annie is also more worried about how her social habits have regressed after the divorce. Emma has had almost no friends come over in the past couple months and has quit the track team. Annie is worried that Emma’s lack of confidence is attributed to her nighttime troubles. Emma has been a bed wetter since she was 7 years old. She took to potty training rather quickly with very few accidents during her toilet training. After her 7th birthday however, she started to wet the bed habitually. Annie always worried that her daughters issue stemmed from her being a bad mother, but that is just her anxiety talking. She is sure however that Emma’s bedwetting issues are having a negative affect on her sociability. Recently though, Emma seems to have been handling her situation much better. She is definitely wetting much less which has led to Annie allowing Emma to go to bed without wearing protection. Annie decided that since the accidents were becoming less frequent, Emma didn’t need to wear her Goodnites anymore. Instead, Annie purchased a plastic mattress cover that she placed underneath Emma’s sheets. Emma was absolutely ecstatic about the change and seems to be a bit happier now that she doesn’t have to wear her diapers to bed anymore. Emma has been wetting less, but Annie has noticed a couple a times recently that Emma has been hiding a few incidents from her. Annie has found Emma’s sheets in the washer before school more than once in the last two weeks and has wondered how infrequent these accidents actually are. Annie still has a package of Goodnites stashed away in the girls bathroom just incase Emma’s wetting increases in frequency. Hopefully this phase is almost over for Emma, as she continues to blossom into a woman, only a year away from going away to college.

Annie’s other daughter Carolyn on the other hand is quite sociable and outgoing. She is constantly making new friends and enjoying the company of others outside of school. Carolyn is rather skinny, she is 5 foot 8, and 130 pounds. She has dark hair like her mother that falls just above her shoulders, and small breasts which she hates. She is very fond of her ass though which she likes to show off by wearing yoga pants almost everyday. Carolyn is 15 years old and is jealous of the attention that Emma gets from the boys in her class which leads to her to flirt a lot. Carolyn is a good sister but her jealously can sometimes cause the two to argue a lot. You see, Carolyn secretly loves that her older sister has bedwetting issues because it makes her feel better about herself. She maybe the youngest of the family, but she takes pride in not the baby. Carolyn has a tendency as the youngest to push boundaries and question everything. She and her mother Annie tend to also have arguments a lot which usually stem from Carolyn’s habit of challenging authority. She believes that at 15 years old, she is an adult and should be treated like one which leads to the hostility between her and her mother. The girls are excited to be spending Christmas with family as they haven't seen them since before their parents divorce. Emma is wearing a pretty blue dress that highlights her eyes and an old pair of panties with Elsa from Frozen on them that she has had since she was 10 years old. Carolyn is wearing a cashmere sweater and a tight pair of jeans with a lace thong that she begged her mother to buy her from Victoria Secret. Carolyn had also begged her mother to buy those jeans for her birthday this year knowing just how great her ass would look in them. She would have bought them herself but they were over 300 dollars, and she doesn’t have a job. She can’t wait until next year when she can finally work and actually purchase the things she wants. It can be really inconvenient to have to constantly get her mothers approval on everything she wants which sometimes leaves the two arguing. The girls are getting ready to leave and have begun packing up their car with their luggage before leaving for Buffalo.

“You girls excited for the big trip?” asked Annie. “Mom, I told you yesterday that I was excited, why do you constantly ask me the same questions? It’s extremely irritating,” replied Carolyn. “I’m excited mommy,” said Emma. “We’ll I am happy that you both are excited. I just hope this year you two don’t ruin the holidays like in the past with your bickering,” said Annie. “You guys got everything packed up? Your toothbrushes, Soaps, Shampoos, and all your toiletries? asked Annie. “Of course, I made sure to remember everything this time,” said Carolyn. “I am an adult now, you don’t need to be constantly checking everything I do.” Annie replied, “I’m your mother, It’s my job to make sure you have everything with you. I do not appreciate the attitude right now Carolyn. Were about to be stuck together in the car for a while so lets check our negatively at the door. Okay Honey? “Fine,” replied Carolyn. “Emma?” “Yes Mom?” asked Emma. “Did you remember to pack your Goodnites?” Annie asked. “I know you haven't had wet the bed in a couple weeks now, but since were staying at Grandma’s I think you should bring them just in case. Grandma doesn’t have a plastic sheet on any of her mattresses,” said Annie. “MOOOMMMM!!!!!” exclaimed Emma. “I’m 16 now, I don’t need to wear those anymore!” “Honey, I understand your embarrassed and that you have been dry for a while now, but it would behove you to make sure you don’t soil one of Grandma’s beds,” replied Annie. “I also remember about 4 days ago finding your sheets in the washer after you left for school. I didn’t say anything about it, but I think the both of us know why you decided to wash them,” said Annie. There was an awkward silence for about a couple seconds. Emma was nervously looking at the ground ashamed for having been caught by her mother for having another accident. She had been so good for a while but in reality, she has been just better at hiding the evidence. Although she no longer wets the bed as frequently, she still averages a handful of incidents each month. “Fine, I will bring them but I will only wear them at Grandma’s. Once were home I will not go back to wearing them at night anymore,” said Emma. Carolyn snickered at her sisters situation, something about her sisters problems helped to boost her ego.

The girls left their home in Burlington Vermont about 45 minutes ago and have about 5 hours left until they reach their destination. Annie is driving, Carolyn is sitting in the front seat and emma is sitting behind her in the backseat listening to music.

Emma was enjoying her music but she felt her stomach hurting, and she needed to pee. “Mom I need to use the restroom, can we stop somewhere soon” asked Emma. “Mom told us to use the bathroom before we left, why didn’t you listen to her?” said Carolyn. “I did use the bathroom, but I have to go again. What are you the pee police?” responded Emma. Carolyn replied, “I don’t want to prolong this drive anymore then it needs to be, and we left 45 minutes ago.” “Sorry baby, but we just got onto to highway and there isn’t going to be a rest stop for 100 miles,” said Annie. Emma replied, “I can wait to the rest stop.” Emma sat back into her seat, annoyed with her sister. Her urge to use the restroom wasn’t too bad just yet. She looked out the window at the falling snow and wondered why her sister was always so mean to her. Emma put her music back on and closed her eyes trying to think about how great it will be to see her family in just a little while. Carolyn and Emma had fallen asleep while their mother Annie continued to drive and listen to her audiobook.

Emma awakened 2 hours later to horrible stomach cramps. Her urge to pee was almost unbearable. “Mom, I need to use the bathroom really bad, why didn’t you wake me when we passed the rest area?” cried Emma. “Honey you were sleeping, I assumed you didn’t want me to wake you,” replied Annie. “How long until the next rest area?” Emma asked. Annie Replied, “about 45 minutes until the next place we can stop.” “I don’t think I can hold it mom, is there anyway you can pull over to the side of the road, its an emergency?” emma asked. “Im sorry baby but I wouldn’t be comfortable with that. The roads are bad and its snowing like crazy, it would be unsafe. If you really need to pee that bad, maybe I can find a cup for you to pee in,” said Annie. “I have to go number 2, I can’t do that in a cup. Please mom it’s and emergency!!” stated Emma. Emma grabbed her stomach in pain, she hasn’t felt this much stomach pain in her life before. She need to use the restroom very badly and knew that unless she could get out of this car and go, she would make a mess in her panties. If her sister Carolyn were to see that, she would tease her relentlessly and everybody at school would find out. Emma turned over to Carolyn to see if she was awake. Carolyn was sleeping ever so soundly with her head rested against the window. “Honey your going to have to hold it until the next rest area. I have to go to the bathroom too but I will not pull over because it’s too dangerous. What if someone were to side-swipe you while your going to the bathroom on the side of the road. Can you hold it baby?” asked Annie. “I’ll try,” said Emma. At this point she was grabbing her crotch as her need to urinate was growing more intense as that the pain in her stomach was also becoming more severe. She began telling herself that she had to hold it in fear of what Carolyn would say to her classmates. Emma put her music back on, and decided to try and distract herself from her growing need to relieve herself.

Annie was focused on the road, but her own need too relieve herself was a growing issue. Annie turned off the audiobook she was listening to as she became distracted. She was nonchalantly grabbing herself as well trying to make sure she could hold in her pee. She shouldn’t have drank so much diet soda before being her road trip. She cursed quietly to herself about how badly she needed to wee. She thought to herself about how she had judged her daughter Emma and how she frequently who need to hold herself when desperate to go. Humbled was one thing that came to her mind when thinking about the situation.The roads were bad and she knew that unless she drove slowly and safely, it would be dangerous. It was the first real snowfall she had seen this year as this autumn was unseasonably warm. She turned to look in her rearview mirror at Emma. Emma had her eyes closed and her hands on her crotch. I guess we’re twins, Annie thought to herself. She felt bad for her daughter knowing that she knew how it felt to desperately need to use bathroom. She turned to look over at Carolyn who was still asleep. She couldn’t help but think how beautiful her daughter was, and was happy she was resting so peacefully. Annie turned her audio book back on and noticed that the traffic was coming to a stop. She began to get more worried about her own needs and questioned whether she could hold herself without having an accident.

Carolyn woke up to the falling snow and the bright taillights of the many cars parked in the middle of the highway. “Mom, how far away are we from Grandma’s?” asked Carolyn. “About 2 hours away baby. We lost about an hour of time due to this traffic, but we’ll get there,” replied Annie. Carolyn sat up in her chair and cursed under hear breath. She was sick of being in the car and wanted to stretch her legs. “When are we going to be able to stop and use the bathroom? I want to pee and stretch my legs,” said Carolyn. Annie replied, “I need to use the bathroom too baby, and Emma is on the verge of having an accident. Unfortunately we are in stand-still traffic and the sign says the next rest area is 28 miles away.” Carolyn sat up in her seat. Her urge to pee wasn’t too bad as she mainly wanted to stretch her legs. Carolyn turned to look back at Emma and see how she was holding up. Emma had her headphones in, and was holding herself. She looked to be in pain, and Carolyn felt bad for her younger sister. Although she was jealous of her and her looks, she didn’t want her sister to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, plus she didn't want the car smelling of pee for the rest of the ride. Carolyn then turned to look at the road and saw red taillights glowing for miles up the road.
Emma was staring out the window, still holding herself in pain. Her need to pee was getting worse, but the pain in her stomach was unbearable. Emma knew she should have tried to use the bathroom before they left, but she didn’t feel the urge at that time. Emma hadn’t had a bowel movement in almost 4 days. She has always had a slow metabolism, but 4 days was even long for her. She clutched her stomach and could feel four days worth of poop pressing against her abdomen. Emma knew that distracting herself with music wasn’t going to work anymore as they inched closer to a road sign stating that the next rest area was going to be 20 miles away. She grabbed her crotch and thought maybe if she let out a little poop she could focus on holding her pee. If she let out just a tiny bit of poop, her bladder wouldn’t be as distressed having 4 days worth of poop pressing on it. If she peed her pants, her mom and her sister would both know, but if she only pooped a little bit into her panties, it wouldn’t smell and she could hide it. Emma decided that that is what she was going to do. Emma was wearing her Elsa panties, the one’s that she had since she was a kid. She thought to herself about how babyish she would feel once she releases a little poop into them. She hadn’t pooped in her pants since she was 12. When that happened she was really sick and woke up in the middle of the night realizing that she had messed in her Goodnite. She cried so loudly that her little sister Carolyn came to her room to see if she was okay. That only mad her feel worse about the situation as she had always wanted to be a good role model for her sister. Her father was the one who came in and helped her get changed that night. She missed him dearly. Emma grabbed herself again feeling the weight of her bowels pressing harder onto her tiny bladder. She thought maybe she should tell her mother about her distress. It would be worse if she had an accident and didn’t tell her mother before it started to happen. The crotch of her Elsa panties was pressing hard against her privates. She usually wore thongs, but being it was winter and she was wearing a very expensive dress, she needed to wear something that covered all her privates. She was glad that she was wearing full cut panties as a thing wouldn’t contain any poop at all. If she were to let a little poop out it would just go onto the seat if she was wearing a thong. Emma took a deep breath and decided that she needed to relieve some of this pressure. Emma sat up in her seat and the realization of what she was about to do was setting in. She was going to purposely poop in her panties just a little bit. She put her hands on her thighs and leaned against the car door as if she was bracing herself for a hit. “You okay honey? asked Annie. Emma was taken aback as she wasn’t prepared for her mother to catch her about to willingly poop a little into her panties. ‘Yeah mom, I’m just trying to keep comfortable. My tummy hurts really badly, I don’t know how much longer I can hold on, replied Emma. “I know honey, I'm desperate too, just try to hold on till the rest area,” said Annie. Emma wanted to wait till the next rest area but she knew that if she didn’t relieve some of the pressure, she was going to have a very serious accident in her pants that she wouldn’t be able to hide. She was committed, she was going to go through with her plan. Emma then repositioned herself in the backseat with her legs tucked beneath her so she was sitting on them and her knees were facing the back of Carolyn’s seat. Emma took a deep breath and slowly starting pushing. She felt her sphincter open up and the turtle head of her large turd poke it’s head out of her butthole. Emma was not a stranger to large bowel movements as she was what her therapist called, “Anal Retentive.” She could feel it try to push its way out but it was so massive that she needed to give an extra push. She moaned a bit as she felt the tip of it, “touch cotton.” Emma was sweating, she had never actually done this before, at least not on purpose. That night she messed her depend she was completely asleep when it happened, and she was sick. She remembered being very embarrassed by that and couldn’t imagine how embarrassed she would be if she was caught having a huge accident in her pants in front of her family. While she was thinking about that, her turd kept pushing out of her butt and she started to clench her sphincter shut after about a quarter of her poop had come out. She felt her turd snap off into her panties as about 4 inches worth of poop had nestled it’s way between her butt and her panties. Adrenaline started coursing through her veins and her heart was pumping very fast and she felt extreme guilt for what she had just done. She had just purposefully pooped in her panties at the age of 16. Although the turd was the size of a hot wheels car, it was large enough where she knew she may have to throw away her underwear when they get to Grandma’s. Emma could feel the sweat dripping down her forehead, and turned to look out the window. The red taillights of the many cars illuminated the snow. Emma felt ashamed of herself for what she had just done and started to have goosebumps all over her body. She could feel her turd between her butt cheeks, and knew that she was going to have a large skid mark on her Elsa panties. She reached back and felt her butt with her hand and could feel the turd against her panties and she shuddered. Then she thought about the smell that might be emanating from her behind. Emma wrapped her blanket over her legs and hoped that maybe it might contain the smell. A part of her felt a bit of relief despite the shame of having a mess in her panties. She also felt guilty as if she had betrayed Elsa, her childhood hero by making a mess across her embroidered face.

A couple minutes had passed, and Emma felt a bit better. She was unsure whether or not her poop would smell and it would give her away. She tried to stealthily glance at her mothers eyes in the rearview mirror to see if she was aware of any aroma’s in the vehicle. As far as she could tell, nobody in the car knew of what she just did. Emma was still sitting on her legs with her knees pointed at Carolyn’s seat. She didn’t want to sit directly onto the seat incase her mess smeared. If that happened then it might get onto the car seat. Despite her thoughts, she decided to sit down normally and make sure that the smell would be contained between her butt and the car seat. As she sat down, the turd in her pants began to smear between her butt cheeks. She could feel her tiny mess conform to the space between the seat and her bottom. The sensation was unfamiliar to Emma. She was surprised that it didn't feel as bad as she thought it would in fact, it felt kind of nice. Her poo was warm and although it wasn’t a lot of poop, it was enough to where she noticed how it felt between her cheeks. She looked back up at her mother who was focused on driving and then looked at her sister Carolyn who was texting on her phone. They still had no idea about what she had just done, and she felt naughty being in on a secret that only she knew. Emma still had to pee and poop but not as nearly as bad as she did, she felt the front of her panties stealthily from the front of her dress and noticed they were a bit wet. When she was pushing out a little poop, she must have let out a tiny but of pee too, and that helped relieve some of the pressure on her bladder as well. Emma put her headphones back in, and started listening to her music again.

Annie was starting to get very desperate as traffic had not moved much in the last half hour. They were only 15 miles from the rest stop where they could all stretch their legs and use the bathroom, but it was far enough where Annie began to question whether or not she could hold herself. She has had to pee for a while, but now she felt the need to poop as well. She looked into the rearview mirror at her daughter Emma who had her headphones in and seemed to be doing better with her own needs to use the restroom. Annie was worried that her daughter might not make it to the bathroom and may have an accident in her panties. She had thought that if Emma’s need got bad enough that she would ask her to put on a Goodnight. The trunk with all their bags was reachable through the backseat. That way she wouldn’t need to pull over the car in this dangerous weather. Annie herself was now worried that she might have and accident in her panties. She grabbed herself and Carolyn took notice to it. “You okay mom, your looking quite desperate to use the bathroom?” asked Carolyn. “Yeah I’ll be fine, I can make it the last 15 miles until the rest stop,” said Annie. Annie knew that it was going to be a close call, she has had close calls before and has even had an accident or two in her adult life. A couple years ago, she was in Cancun Mexico with her Ex and had shit herself after drinking some tap water. She knew the water there was questionable in quality, but never thought it would happen to her. Her Ex was very mad at her when she had the accident and called her a baby. Annie cried herself to sleep that night, and that day pretty much summed up the relationship she had with her ex. Then Annie noticed the next road sign, “Rest Area 10 miles.”

Hope you guys enjoyed it! LMK if you want the rest of it!

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