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Monday, January 21, 2019

Anna's Fantasy of Farts

Anna’s Fantasy of Farts
    Somebody bumped Trey in the huge crowd. Turning, Trey saw it was his friend John, smiling and obviously drunk. “Dude!” he slurred. “This is one of the best parties ever thrown! Why aren’t you dancing with any girls?” Trey searched through the flashing lights and laughing people, looking for his crush. John threw his arm around Trey’s shoulders and pointed towards the kitchen. There she was.
    Trey nervously looked through the rage of the party at the beautiful brunette he had a crush on. Her name was Anna, and he had known her since he was in fifth grade. She had sat down next to him during lunch and accidentally spilled her milk on his lap, but when he had seen how beautiful she was he had fallen in love immediately. Now in tenth grade, he still hadn’t ever had the courage to ask her out, because she was asked out by a new guy every day and she turned down all of them.
“No man, she’s way too good for me!” Trey argued. “What makes you think she’ll even dance with me?” he asked, watching Anna laugh with her friends and drink whatever refreshments they had in their cups. John laughed uncontrollably, an obvious side effect of the beer he had brought, and replied,        “Well you’re never gonna know if you don’t ask her, right?”
    Trey’s heart nearly stopped when John grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him towards the group Anna was chatting with.  The group payed them no notice until John tapped Anna on the shoulder. Anna turned and smiled at Trey, and Trey smiled back, his heart pumping a million miles an hour.
    “My friend here wants to know if you’ll dance with him!” John shouted to her over the blasting music. Anna looked surprised and looked back up at Trey. She smiled and said, “Maybe in a few minutes! I’m talking to my friends right now, but I’d be happy to dance with you!” Trey was shocked that she had agreed, and felt like a wave of relief had washed over him, but then felt like he was drowned by another wave of excitement before he could even catch his breath. His one wish was about to come true!
     John and Trey walked away from the kitchen and went to the refreshments table, and John refilled his cup of beer while he congratulated Trey. “See? That wasn’t so hard! Congratulations Trey, your crush officially knows you exist!” Trey smiled and put down his cup of soda. “I’m just going to go to the bathroom,” he said, and walked past the kitchen and up the stairs.
As he climbed the stairs, he kept telling himself he couldn’t believe Anna agreed to dance with him. He imagined what it would be like if he danced with her, or kissed her! He opened the door to his right and walked right in. He expected to be standing in the bathroom, but instead he realized he was standing in a large office. Many gadgets and gizmos were lying on shelves, and a lone desk sat right next to the window opposite of the doorway. On the desk stood a little handheld controller on a pedestal along with tons of paperwork.
    Trey was confused at first, but then he realized he must have gone too far down the hallway and missed the bathroom. “This must be Anna’s father’s office,” he muttered to himself. Completely distracted from his main mission, Trey wandered the room and looked at all the gadgets her father had made. Some seemed neat, like a pen that could hear through walls or a homemade flashbang, but his real interest was on the controller on the desk.
    He checked out the very organized desk and picked up the small controller. It was very simple looking: four arrows going in the four different directions, and a small button in the middle. Trey pressed the small button in the middle, hoping whatever happened wasn’t going to get him into trouble. Nothing happened. He looked at the gadget in his hand with disappointment, and tried the right button, hoping something would happen.
    His head suddenly felt a bit dizzy, and he felt like something was off. Nothing had seemed to happen, but he knew something was different about the setting of the room. No, it was the whole house! He couldn’t hear the party anymore! He pocketed the device and went to see what had suddenly stopped the party downstairs.
    As he came downstairs, he was very surprised to see every bit of party supplies gone! There was no refreshments table, no loud speakers, and no confetti everywhere! They couldn’t have cleaned all that up in a few seconds!
    Trey looked at the clock that hung on the wall of the living room. He blinked in confusion and rubbed his eyes, not sure if what he was reading was right. 11:30? He was sure he had gone upstairs at 10:25! How did a whole hour go by without him knowing?
    Trey sat down on the couch and pulled the little device out of his pocket. “Does this thing change time?” Trey thought to himself. He turned it over, looking at how small and simple it was designed. “No, that’s ridiculous!” he thought, nearly laughing at what he had just asked himself. “I mean, what does this button do? Make me go down in history?” he chuckled, pushing the down button on the controller.
    Suddenly, Trey felt like he was falling, and watched as the whole room flew towards the skies as he was dragged quickly down towards the couch. The falling feeling went on for a few seconds, but when it stopped he felt very uncomfortable on the couch now. He sat up and looked around, and realized just what had happened. The couch cushion he had been sitting on was now giant! The whole room was massive, like an underground cavern or something. He stood up shakily and looked down at himself. He was… tiny!
    It was true, Trey was very very small. His average height was pretty tall, about 6’2”, but now he stood up around the height of a plastic army figure! “Did that little remote do that to me?” he wondered in amazement. Now the remote had not only sent him forward a whole hour in time, but it had shrunk him to miniature size! How was he going to explain that to anybody?
    He looked around for the controller, and realized it had fallen out of his hand when he shrunk. He went to the edge of the couch and stared over the edge. To him it was pretty high up! If he tried to jump down and reach the controller, he would break his legs and maybe even his spine!
Just then, he heard footsteps on the stairs. His heart jumped to his throat when he realized that Anna was now home alone, and she didn’t know he was here still! He didn’t want her to see him like this! “Though maybe she could help me!” he thought. It still seemed pretty embarrassing to ask your crush to help you un-shrink.
    Anna stepped down the last few stairs lightly, kicking off her fancy shoes and stretching out her bare feet. She had just had a long day of partying and then cleaning up after the party! It was time to relax! She walked over to the couch and grabbed the tv remote off the table beside it. She turned on the television and flipped through the channels, searching for her favorite show. At that same exact time, she didn’t notice a little voice trying to get her attention from the couch she stood in front of. Trey just stared up at her ass and shouted her name, hoping she would hear, but it was all in vain. She couldn’t hear him, especially not with the tv on now!
    Anna found a show she liked and put the clicker down. “Some real relaxation requires some freedom!”  she thought to herself, imagining she was some wise scholar. She reached behind her back and grabbed the zipper to her dress. Trey had given up trying to call out to her and had sat down to rest for a moment. Just when he looked up he saw Anna starting to unzip her dress. He was shocked at what was going on. “She’s stripping down, and she doesn’t even know I’m here!” he contemplated. Then he realized it was his lucky day, because he was going to see his crush in her underwear up close!
    Anna pulled off her dress, and stared down at her lusciously slim body. Her brown hair rolled down her bare back like a river of chocolate, and just nearly touched the top of her panties. Her panties bulged a nice size as they held a nice size ass that Anna was very proud of. It was considerably large in shape, but she loved the bulge more. Most girls had it wrong and thought size was everything for an ass. Anna knew better. Guys liked bulge better on an ass, because that gave them more of an ass! Her ass stuck out a good length, making her ass deeper than just a long in width ass.
    She patted her large ass and smiled. She had a few fantasies she wished she could fill out with this ass, but unfortunately all guys wanted these days was sex. Her ass had depth, and she wished there was some guy who would let her sit on his face. She had done it once by accident to some random guy in the hallway. The guy was kneeling down at his locker getting his stuff, and she had her back to him while she talked to her friends. Without knowing he was there, she backed into him and fell backwards, landing her ass directly in his face. He might have gotten a back headache from getting slammed into the ground, but all she could remember was feeling the weirdest feeling of his face suddenly being pushed deep between her cheeks, spreading them apart and leaving him stuck deep in her ass. She remembered her yoga pants stretching tightly until she could feel his nose touch her asshole. At first it had felt like a massive pants wedgie, but after a few seconds it felt so strange and so good she almost forgot to get off him. She had been motivated from that day to sit on a guy’s face without her yoga pants on, and she wanted to feel the freeness of being spread apart like that again.
    Trey stared in dumbstruck awe at the polka-dotted panties that showed off the shape of the large ass of his crush. Though it was only above average in it width, the size of her cheeks were breathtaking. Her hips were magical curves that were finely carved with pleasure from the god of workmanship; so smooth and elegant that Trey could swear she could get a suntan in twenty minutes in the summer and not get burned at all by the sun. Her legs were the perfect combination of muscle and slimness, and were so soft looking. He wondered what product she used. Her back was covered by her hair, but from what he had seen when she took off her dress was just as impressive. It curved in a beautiful arch, making a soft and neatly shaven slope of pure desire. He wished he was his normal size so he could see her from the front.
    Anna stretched her arms out and yawned. It was late, and she was getting slightly tired. She did not want to miss this show though, because she had followed it since episode on and was an avid follower since. She bent her legs and lowered her ass towards the couch, letting her back get one last stretch before she sat down.
    Trey immediately knew he was in trouble the second she bent down to sit. He watched the sky fill up for him as her ass came closer and closer to the spot he was sitting. In a panic, he jumped up and tried to back away. He called out to Anna, hoping she’d hear him. He considered running to the side, but her ass was wide enough that he’d be caught under one of her cheeks in mere moments. It was over for him. He watched the ass he had once marveled at now loom over him like it was his fate. He lied down as flat as he could, hoping something would happen and the ass wouldn’t crush him. All hope failed when one lone polka-dot rushed to greet him with a slap in the face. The fabric of Anna’s panties was stretched as her ass started to pull on them, allowing her ass to gain its full size and sit down.
    Anna sighed with relief as comfort spread all over her body. She kicked back and put her hands behind her head, enjoying the beginning moments of her show. Nothing could have felt worse for Trey. Everything was dark now that he had descended to the very depths of the couch. All he could do was stare straight up, but he felt the plastic fabric stretched over his face. He had landed right where he had wanted to be: Anna’a crack. This was the one place on her ass that wouldn’t kill him from weight and allowed him to slightly breathe. However, he couldn’t move at all and he felt ultimately humiliated about being trapped under a hot girl’s ass.
    Anna smiled with glee as her favorite character, Agent Carter, jumped on top of the truck of the villain’s goons and got into a fist fight with one of them. As the goon whipped out a gun, Carter slapped it out of his hand, leaving him weaponless. She cheered for her hero, pumping her fists and bouncing a little on the couch. Her stomach suddenly rumbled when she bounced; a long, low gurgle that interrupted her show for ten whole seconds. Anna laughed and patted her bare stomach, rubbing her slim frame with her nimble fingers. “Well, looks like you’ve stacked up quite a lot of gas, haven’t you?” she asked herself. Nobody was home, so she didn’t have to be embarrassed if she released a few open farts now. Her farts had been told to be really bad, because her stomach had a digesting problem and made her waste smell worse than normal. Besides, she was relaxing! She didn’t need to hold it in.
    Trey’s soul suddenly shook inside his own body when he had heard Anna’s stomach rumble. Her cheeks tensed up after that, and he suddenly was drawn into her crack and crushed between them. He gritted his teeth and cringed, unable to move and being rubbed all over by some girl’s butt. He forced his muscles to move, and he squirmed with all his might, hoping to escape. After a little bit of squirming, he was dropped from the cocoon of rubbery fat and dropped slightly back down onto the couch. Anna’s belly rumbled again, but this time louder. Trey knew what that meant, and he immediately wished her could be uncomfortably rubbed by Anna’s asscheeks forever instead of being in this position now. Anna’s cheeks pressed down harder on him as her ass relaxed for the first time in hours that day.


    Anna laughed out loud at the gross fart that burst out of her butt with ease. “Ooo! That felt good!” she giggled. She released two more from their fleshy prison, and they rushed out with joy and noise.



    Anna laughed really hard at those two, grabbing her bare legs and holding them to her chest. It was funny for her, but when Trey first felt the breeze of gas he felt he had suddenly been hit with a sauna. Everything smelled like sweat and spicy chicken to him, filling the air and everything he breathed. It burned his lungs and his nose, and his whole body drew sweat from his pores from the heat they produced. Two more followed, either just as bad as or worse than the first. It hurt Trey to breathe, and with each whiff of smelly gas he felt like he was being burned from the inside out.
    Anna sighed in pleasure at how good it felt to relax her stomach again. She looked around the room and realized all the windows were covered for the night, and her parents wouldn’t be back for a couple more hours. She sat up the littlest bit and grabbed the band of her panties, tugging them down over her smooth thighs until her whole ass shot out of its captivity. Trey felt the wonderful feeling of Anna getting up, but cried out when he found out it was short lived. He was buried under her bare ass this time, and the panties couldn’t save him or limit him. As her cheeks settled down, they grabbed Trey and sucked him right in, trapping him in what would soon be his living hell.
Anna kicked the panties off her feet and propped her feet up on her father’s footrest. She lightly felt her thighs and smiled at her bare lady parts. How she would love to have some guy between her legs right now. She could order him to pleasure her, and he would have no choice but to warily lick her. She could feel his wet tongue lightly rasping the surface of her pussy, and she closed her eyes and imagined how mesmerizing it would feel to have a slave like that. She looked down at her panties and thought about making her slave smell those panties. She smiled in dominant pleasure at how his face would contort at her horrible concoction, but he wouldn’t have any power to pull away and rest his nose. He would have to continue to smell the terrible punishment, over and over until she felt like he could stop. Then she would drag his face slowly towards the source of his discomfort and pain, watching as his eyes bugged out of his head and he prayed there was a happy afterlife. She would use him like a machine, making him smell her farts and listening to his pained cries as her hellhole released his new tastetest, but there would be no arguing with her. He would have to sit there and take the vulgar activity until she was ready for her next. She was so horny by this point she hadn’t even noticed her fingers wander to her private area and start to lightly rub.
    His face would be her chair; she could imagine sitting on his face as he looked up towards the heavens, his neck bearing so much weight he’d think it would break, and his face completely gone as her ass melted over it like ice cream on a hot pavement, claiming it as its own and never giving it up. She imagined him kissing her bare ass as she read a book, his lips burning and begging for saliva to make them moist again from all the kissing he had done. He would kiss every inch of her ass, making it jiggle as his lips gave respect to each inch of his mighty overpowerer. To her slave, nothing was more important than her ass. Her ass was his pain, his joy, his life, and if she got really into it, his death! She smiled at this and penetrated herself a little bit, allowing her horniness to progress to level 2. She had to do something about this! She didn’t want this horny time to go to waste!
    She imagined an ass slave obediently sniffing her asshole as she perched herself on his innocent face. She tensed up a little and drew forth a large fart, imagining the ass slave was her little brother or someone who really annoyed her. With that, a large boom erupted from her ass.


    She laughed again and ordered her imaginary slave to smell her latest recipe, commenting on how good it was for him to follow her orders. She grinded her ass into the couch, imagining her slave was being rubbed against her asshole as she felt the soft but sexual feeling of wind being drawn in from her ass into some loser’s nose. She laughed out loud as her slave cried out and begged for mercy, begging her to get off and let him never remember this terrible moment, but there was no mercy for him. There was only her ass, constantly wanting more and more of his obedience.
This was exactly what was going on with Trey right now, but since he was so small Anna could not hear his cries for a second chance over her own farts. Trey screamed at the top of his lungs and pounded on the sides of the chamber that trapped him, but that only increased Anna’s horniness because she felt she was imagining it. She laughed so hard she fell over, and rolled onto her side, still facing the television. “Time for the ultimate fetish!” she declared to the empty house. She imagined the couch she was lying on was her bed, and that she had been awakened by the light rasping licks of her bed slave. She ordered the bed slave to lick her pussy, and when he obeyed she knew her ultimate fetish had to happen. She stood up from her bed completely naked and called two slaves forward.
    They crawled to her and bent to lick her feet. They make every part of her soles and toes wet, and she grabbed the one who finished first and shoved him less than in inch away from her pussy. She ordered him to lick, and he carried out his order in a soft and rhythmic fashion that aroused Anna hugely. The one who had finished next knew what she was going for and crawled to the back of her unwillingly but obediently. He stuck his tongue out and forced his face into her ass, reaching his tongue as far as he could to penetrate her asshole. He cringed as he tasted a large amount of sulfur and odor, but quickened his pace and continued to rhythmically penetrate her asshole with his tongue, keeping up with the slave and Anna’s front.
    Anna moaned as both her lady holes her penetrated at the same time, making her whole lower half feel weak with pleasure and make it really difficult to hold her attacks back. At the sound of her moan, the slaves slightly quickened their pace. Anna lightly clenched her teeth as she gripped the desk in front of her, trying to keep her balance. With each passing moment the slaves got quicker and ever so harder, and soon Anna was breathing heavily and trying to hold her finale back. Her ass clenched as her bladder begged to let go, and some organ screamed to release its liquids that were being drawn out so roughly. She had to end this now in pleasure or it would be a bad waste. She grabbed the slaves head in front of her and forced his head backwards and forwards very fast, disturbing the pace and quickening it to twice its speed. The slave stuck his tongue all the way out and just let her slam him into her legs. The ass slave picked up his pace and penetrated her at the same speed. They both took over when Anna grabbed the desk again, and then found the last bit of strength to grab the two slaves heads and force them close to her as she exploded.
With a large scream of pleasure, her pussy exploded and her ass erupted into farts, and as she crammed the slave’s heads into her parts they got the worst of it. The ass slave was driven right to the very source of his nightmares, and it was terrible because he had been forced to build them up.






    Fart after fart exploded from her ass, shooting up the poor slave’s nose and penetrating his senses with horrible and toxic gases. He screamed and wanted to wrench away, but knew how severe it would be to disturb her during her favorite fetish! Tears rolled down his eyes as she grinded her cheeks all over his face, spreading the horrid smell everywhere for him and making him smell every ounce of it. While some farts exploded out of her ass, her grip tightened on his hair, and he would quickly stick out his tongue and stab her asshole with pleasurable speed, making more farts explode out and wetting her asshole, allowing him to taste her farts. This was his life, and he needed to fulfill his job or be punished. Though it was a horrible way to live, he could not allow himself to be punished again, so he kept smelling.
    He only wished he could black out, but the farts hit his like needles up the nose, keeping him awake and alert the whole time she released these vivid nightmares on him. It ended after a while, and he quickly stuck his face straight up her putrid ass and rubbed his face in, allowing the cheeks to rub all over his face. He puckered up and kissed the cheeks with fake yet believable passion, covering the cheeks with wet sloppy kisses like two lovers would do after seeing each other for the first time in years. Finally, he stuck out his tongue and gave his mistress’ asshole a nice cleaning as a sign of thankfulness and submission.
    Anna stopped rubbing her pussy and moaned with such pleasure. That’s when she finally realized her ass’s lovely feeling was actually being rubbed in real life, and she reached into her butt to see what was making it thump. She pulled out a little man, who looked barely alive now. She was confused at first until she saw it was a real living man, and she dropped him with a gasp.
    Trey gasped the sweet and luscious taste of oxygen and stared at the giant girl in front of him in horror. Anna stared down at the tiny man in awe and wondered how long he had been stuck in her cheeks, and then laughed out loud. This is exactly what she had been hoping for! She sat up and stared down at the puny human below her, smiling a wicked and dominant smile. She may not have experienced it like she’d liked to, but now that she had a defenseless little boy in her grasp she could use him for her own pleasure!
    “I am your goddess! Do you understand me?” she shouted, glaring down at the runt. Trey quaked in desperation and gasped, begging her, “No! Please! No more! I’ve already been punished too much!” Anna lifted her ass off the couch and moved it right in front of Trey’s tiny face.


    Her ass cheeks flapped like clothes on a clotheswire as a blast of heat and the smell of grilled potatoes polluted the air all around Trey. He cried out in shock and curled into a little ball, unable to stop himself from tasting the rancid smell.
    Anna sat back down and smiled evilly down on him again, “I am your goddess! My ass will be your very meaning for existence! Is that clear?” she shouted. Trey’s body spazzed uncontrollably, but he managed to yell, “PLEASE! NO!”
    Her ass was right back in his face, releasing a new world of leftover food aromas.





    “Everything I say, you will do! You are a SLAVE now, and there is no mercy or pity for slaves!” Anna screamed at her captive. “It will be hard on you at first, but you will learn that resisting will only make your job harder! No matter what, any job I want will be carried out! I am a GODDESS!”
    Trey screamed at the top of his lungs too, but his was less loud than hers. It was true. She could do anything she wanted to him, and he was powerless to stop her. It was over for him; there would no longer be any Trey. There was only an ass slave, forced to be tortured for the rest of his days by a filthy part of a girl’s body.
    Anna smiled and picked up her tiny man, grinning as she stared at his limp form. Trey stared back at her and hoped she would stop for the night. He was so wrong. Anna rolled over onto her stomach and dropped her little slave onto her ass. He hit it with a thud and a jiggle, and she screamed with happiness inside at her luck. Reaching to the floor, she picked up her father’s little invention, being very careful not to press the middle button, and pushed the up button for a half of a second. Trey grew quickly from a miniature size to the size of an action figure.
    Anna turned back towards her tv show and smiled. She had already missed a lot, and that made her mad. It was good to be mad though, because the fun got started when she got mad. “Lick my ass, slave,” she ordered, and went back to her show. Trey stared at the mountain of heavenly flesh he sat on, and shuddered at the thought of how long it was going to take his to lick her ass completely.


    Anna’s hand shot behind her and shoved Trey’s head deep inside her buttcrack. “Smell!” she ordered with anger in her voice. Tears fell down Trey’s face as he smelled the chasm of farts, and once he was done he sat up and gaped for breath. Anna looked over her shoulder glaring, and reprimanded, “When I say ‘Lick my ass’, you DON’T hesitate! You will immediately start, and when you are finished with the WHOLE ass, you will thank it for all it has given you and all the wonderful things it has spared you from. This ass in not a sexual pleasure,” she said, pausing to jiggle her right cheek. “It’s your very life and world. You will serve it with every ounce of your will!” Trey fell as she jiggled her cheek and was sucked back into the pit that was her crack. His scream was muffled as her cheeks covered him up and blocked him off from the real world.
    Anna chuckled and called out to him, “You can start in there!” Immediately she felt a little coldness, and realized it was his tongue starting to clean the inside of her cheeks. She sighed at how great she felt and propped her chin on her hands, watching the television. There she lay, almost totally naked, but only she knew that her large ass was being worshiped. With each and every lick, Anna was overly glad she had gotten so lucky. She toyed with the little gadget in her hand, and imagined all the fun she could have with this. She had big plans for this new slave, and he would carry them out whether he liked it or not. Trey was barely even finished licking and massaging one half of her right cheek, and already he knew that this was true.

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