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Friday, July 6, 2018

fun day at work

Hello everyone. Im a first time poster here. I ve been reading alot of stories on and off for awhile and i decided to finally post one of my own. Yhis is a story that happened when i used to work for a local college. I worked as a building maintenance person there. I has a coworker named Carrie who i was very good friends with. Actually we re still friends and still keep in touch. Carrie is a very beautiful short haired blonde woman in her mid 50s. She has an athletic body and you can tell she works out often to stay looking so good. Part of what made her so much fun to work with was how we could always talk to each other about anything. She, like myself was always very open about bathroom habits and talking about the subject with no shame. The buildings we usually worked in were dorms that had unisex restrooms. We used the restroom around each other all the time for peeing and thought nothing of it. One day we decided to go out to lunch at an all you can eat pizza buffet and we really stuffed ourselves. It wasnt too long after we got back to work i felt the making of a huge dump coming on. I was hoping i d be able to hold it until our next break time as we had alot of work to do. Break time finally came and i was very relieved because i wasnt sure how much longer i could hold it in. I started walking towards the nearest restroom which was a unisex one. Carrie came up beside me and was apparently on her way in too. Now as i mentioned before we had gone in the presence of each other before but just to pee. Even tough neither of us were very shy about that type of thing i still couldn't help but feel a little nervous about having to poop while carrie was around and her knowing what i was doing. I decided to lighten the feeling by joking around with Carrie about it as i knew at that point i really didnt have much choice. I was already fighting hard to keep it in and theres no way i d make it till the end of our shift. I said hey Carrie im probably going to be here awhile cuz i gotta take a wicked dump. Thats ok said Carrie because im going to poop as well. My nervous feelings quickly turned to excitement. I couldnt believe i was going to get to share a dump with my beautiful friend right next to me. The piazza must have got to her too because she once told me she tries to poop in the morning before coming to work so she ll be good for the rest of the day. As i said we were always really open about talking about this sort of thing to each other. Carrie went into a stall and i took the one right next to her. I pulled my pants and underware all the way down and sat on yhe toilet. I listened to Carrie do the same as she got situated on her toilet. I knew i ate way too much at lunch she giggled. Yea me too i said. Since i was fighting so hard to hold it in it didnt take long at all for my turd to begin sliding out. I heard a tell tale crackling sound coming from Carrie s stall. It sounded like her anus was opening up. Then Carrie left out a soft little moan. Are you ok over there? I asked her. Oh yea she replied giggling its just really streching me out good. We both laughed at that. Just then part of my turd broke off and hit the water with a loud splash. Sounds like your having an easier time over there said Carrie. Yea i think it was about a photo finish for me making it to the toilet i said. We both found that funny. Then Carrie s turd came out and hit the water with a loud splash and she farted. It was a pretty loud fart that echoed all throughout the restroom. We really got a good laugh from that. Just then a girl came in. It looked like she was just checking her makeup or something because she just stood in front of the mirror and left pretty quickly. She was probably in a hurry because we were really starting to stink. I was pretty well done by then so i started getting toilet paper ready for what was sure to be a big job. Carrie dropped some more turds and started tearing off tp top. Oh crap, hey old buudy old pal she said, would you be so kind to spare some toilet paper? Of course i replied. I torn off a long stretch for her and put it in her out streched hand under the privacy stall. Thaks your a life saver she told me. Glad to help i assured her. Do you need more i asked. Yea actually i do she said giggling. I gave her another long stretch and finished wiping myself. Dont flush yet she told me, i want to see whos is bigger. I said ok and laughed. Now i was really excited. Not only did i get to take a dump next to carrie but i d actually get to see the finished product. Carrie finished wiping and oped her door. Man we really stank it up in here she giggled. yea we did i said laughing myself. Carries turds were bigger by far. Ha ha beat ya she playfully sneared. Congratulations i said laughing . then we flushed our toilets and some how they both went down. We washed our hands and went back to work. When we got done for the day we walked out to our vehicles together. That was alot of fun today Carrie said to me with a pretty smile on her face. Yea i had fun too i said. She suggested we do it again sometime and i said i would really like that. Then she gave me a big hug. Unfortunately we never did get to poop together again as i got another job not long after that. We were even closer friends after that day and we still talk at least once a week and stay in close touch. I hope one day we do get the chance to fo that again and relive an awesome day together.

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