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Monday, June 1, 2015


One month before I graduated high school I lived through the most embarrassing, shameful experience of my life. The day started just like any other. I got up in the morning, took a shower during which I contemplated masturbating but decided not to, got dressed, ate breakfast, and then left for school. I was a little gangling when I was growing up but by my final year I had grown into a very attractive girl. I stood 5’9” tall, weighed only 115lbs, and had developed nice perky breasts that the boys enjoyed quite a bit (I had even let a number of them feel me up during my senior year).
On that fateful and awful day I was wearing a short plaid skirt, a tight long sleeve shirt and a pair of sandals. Underneath my skirt I had on a pair of yellow cotton fullback panties. I like to keep it modest when I wear a short skirt to school in case anything goes terribly wrong. I live only a half mile from the school so I walk everyday with my backpack over my shoulders and my iPod playing.
The school day turned out to be like any other. Classes were mostly boring and all I could think about was what college was going to be like. I had already gotten into USC so I wasn’t concerned with doing particularly well in my classes. I figured that there was no way they were going to kick me out now, especially since my parents could afford to pay the tuition without taking any loans.
I stayed after school that day to hang out with my friends for a while. After an hour we all went our separate ways and I headed back to the school to go to the bathroom. I had needed to poop since lunch but I thought I could hold it until I got home. Now I knew I wouldn’t survive the half mile walk back home without going to the bathroom first. When I reached the door to the school I was dismayed to find it locked. I ran around to the front door and found that it too was locked.
Immediately I panicked. I didn’t think I could make it home without pooping my panties but if I wasted any more time looking for a bathroom and didn’t find one I definitely wouldn’t make it. I decided to go home and use the bathroom there. I briefly debated running but decided against it because it would loosen the muscles down there and I might slip up and let everything out. Instead I chose to walk home with my ass clenched so nothing could squeeze out. It would take twice as long but I thought it was the right decision.
Sadly, it turned out to be the wrong decision. When I was half way home I dropped a book I was carrying that hadn’t fit into my backpack. When I bent over to pick it up I loosened my anus and pooped my pants. Immediately I could feel the heat of my poop and it was distinctly unpleasant. I stood up straight and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. I couldn’t believe I had just lost control of myself like that! Now I was stuck with a poop in my pants and a white hot burning shame running through my body.
I had to walk even slower now so nothing would come out of my panties. I avoided the gazes of people walking by so they wouldn’t notice me but I couldn’t help but think that everyone knew what had happened to me. I felt so embarrassed to have done this; I would simply die if anyone saw. When I heard a voice calling from behind I froze up.
“Hey Jenna, wait for me.” The voice belonged to Ross, the kid who lived next door. We weren’t really friends but sometimes he walked home with me. “Hey Jenna, what’s up?” He said as he settled alongside me.
“Nothing Ross. I’m just going home.”
“Are you okay Jenna, you don’t look right?” He asked with a genuinely concerned tone.
Of course I wasn’t okay but I couldn’t very well tell him what had happened. I just wanted him to go away. I would have been fine if in that moment he had died. It’s certainly what I felt like doing. Instead we just walked the last quarter mile together chatting about nothing in particular. I waved goodbye as I walked up the steps to my house and I swear I heard him laughing. When I turned around he was looking up the street but my face burned hot with shame anyway.
The door to the house was unlocked, which meant my mother was home. I opened the door quietly in the hopes of getting upstairs and changing before she had a chance to corner me.
“Is that you Jenna?” I heard her call out. My heart sank. “Come into the kitchen and talk to me.”
There was no point in resisting my mother. If I had just bolted upstairs and changed quickly she would have been furious. You didn’t ignore her in this household. So I walked into the kitchen and right away she could see that something was wrong. “Jenna baby, what’s wrong? Did something happen at school?”
I tried my best to deny that anything was wrong by telling her that school was great, I was looking forward to graduating, etc so she would leave me alone. She didn’t buy any of it and soon enough she had worn me down. I broke down crying as I told her that I had pooped my pants while walking home from school. I told her of the painful and powerful shame that I felt and that I was sure everyone who saw me on my way home knew what had happened, including Ross.
My mother gave me a hug and told me that everything would be all right, just as mothers do. I changed into a new pair of panties and threw the old ones out and eventually I found myself getting over the shame of the day. Still, for the rest of the school year I was sure that Ross was laughing at me every time he saw me.

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