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Friday, October 10, 2014

I Huge Poop In Panties

Did Huge Poo In Panties 

For awhile now i havent had much poo fun, i mean deliberate pooing in pants, even tia mentoned that i had become boring and no fun anymore ofcourse i promptly beat the crap out of her and tied her up and peed all over her screaming whos boring now ehhh?  (well it coulda happened that way) seriously though even i knew deep down that maybe things had been a bit quiet lately. SOOOOOOO i thought one day at work little miss blonde tramp (thats me according to tias mother) needs to liven things up a bit he he.  So saturday afternoon i casually mentioned to tia maybe we could go for a stroll along the lake front stop some place for lunch and have sex on the beach, this she readily agreed to (but not the sex part for some reason---at least not on the beach lol) we stopped at roses waterfront pub and had a huge lunch steak sandwich,fries,gravy an order of chicken wings then key lime cheese cake for dessert (oh and a few beer /glasses of wine yadda yadda yadda etc etc) Now i have to admit we went a bit overboard ordering even tia admitted maybe we shouldnt have ordered that last glass of wine and beer to which we both burst out laughing saying naaaaaayyyyyyy.  Anyway we both left roses very stuffed "jesus mells iam gonna have to jog for a month just to get rid of todays lunch, i feel sooooooo fat and full"  (she does have a way with words ehhh) "i know iam stuffed, my tummys hurting too" she gave me a quick worried look "you ok hon? i mean do you need to pee or poo?" i laughed "iam ok i peed before we left roses remember" (i casually forgot to say but i didnt poo). Now we were both dressed in short shorts and skimpy little tops, the first time this year, it was a gorgeous day nice and warm and very sunny, as we strolled along the waterfront i could feel my stomach aching for relief, i said nothing to tia just kept casually talking. As we walked i could feel my bowels wanting to evacuate, the pressure was getting intence, by now i was getting good at holding my poo the operation had been a success, but even i knew that i shouldnt push my luck --at least not for a while (i was told i would have to slowely build up the muscels in my bladder/bowels not to hold it too long). We came to the natural area park that is to say supposedly this area was made for wildlife they have look out points to watch the turtles,beavers etc swimming around, you even see huge ugly fish swimming by (i think there sucker fish allthough some people say there catfish  dont know and i dont care really there just ugly to look at).  We leaned against the wooden railings enjoying the warm sun, it was here i decided the fun would begin, tia was talking about the heron birds that had been nesting up on the pole near by ( i think there herons long legs huge wing span etc) when i quietly strained  UUUUUNNNNGGGHHHH i farted--a loud one--tia laughed and held her nose "babe thats gross--you stink" i smiled and strained again---very slowely a huge thick light brown poo reluctently dropped into my yellow and white bikini panties, i slyly felt the rear of my white short shorts i could feel a huge warm moist bulge, a gentle smell wafting up through my little top, my stomach cramped, i strained now closing my eyes as i felt another huge poo drop into my now very full panties, and stll more came out--i couldnt stop it now even if i wanted too.  Iam sure i pooed out a ton, my panties were sagging from the weight even i was supprised by the amount i was doing, it was here tia started to clue into what i was doing (she finally gets it sooner or later lol) she stared at me her eyes open wide a huge smile on her face, then she caught the smell her eyes closed as she inhaled my sweet aroma she inhaled deeply not wanting to miss one bit of my smell, "honey its been so long" she whispered but  was not done yet (i thought i was but----) my stomach cramped again and i mean really bad this time i actually clutched my stomach as pain shot through me, a huge loud fart erupted from my little thin body followed by another massive solid poo, it was too mch for my panties to hold, i felt the load start to slide down my legs making a splat sound on the wooden deck we were standing on, as it dropped we noticed steam rising from the light brown poo the smell now very intence, tia actually massaging between her legs groaning softly to her self.  Luckily no one else was around and a good thing too because as i continued pooping in my shorts and panties making one hell of a mess on the deck and a helluva smell to boot tia lost control, she threw her arms around me kissing me and humping me she had became possesed before i knew it she had unzipped my white shorts and had her hand in my panties jlling me off, i tryed to stop her (not very hard i admit) too late i climaxed right there and then, we both knew it was the point of no return we couldnt stop even if we wanted too, even if someone had shown up at that point it wouldnt have mattered, i unzipped tias shorts my hand now furiously exploring her inner regions allmost at once she took a sharp breath threw her head back eyes closed as she too climaxed in her pants.  We slowely came back down to earth our shorts now wet but we didnt care that warm sun would take care of that sooner or later, she continued to inhale my aroma, my poo now finished, tia still held me kissing me and holding me so very tight at that moment i think we both didnt want to let go ever again.  WELLLLLLLLLL am i still boring?" i said laughing tia looked at me "your a nut you know that-- a class A 1 nut--- but your never boring babe"  we kissed each other again and then tia gave me a supprise sort of,  she led me to a secluded spot surrounded by trees/bushes etc she pushed me against a bush and unzipped my shorts pulling them down to my ankles then my poopy panties, she then knelt down in front of me and kissed me beween my legs stickng her tongue in me i panicked a bit looking around " hon not here--what if someone sees us?" she did not reply just carried on tasting me, then she slowely pulled up my poopy panties to my knees and buried her face in them, to say i was shocked was to say the least, she looked up at me her face red "iam sorry hon i just couldnt resist it ive been wanting to do that for so long to you"  stared at her i was speechless (for once) i slowy pulled her up her face now just inches away from mine "i think" i said "i think we may have found something new to explore".  I squatted down and quickly peed then i got up and quickly pulled up my panties (now crusty and hard lol) and shorts and just in time for at that moment two old woman appeared on the scene walking there dog. We said hi and left the area in a daze and a dream we both couldnt believe what we had just done, as for me i still was coming to terms with what tia had said and done, my mind was a whirlwind going a mile a minute, i looked at tia she was looking straight ahead but with a satisfied smile on her face.
mellsmells 31-35, F

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