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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Swimming pool toilet experience, and my sister in law.

This might be my last post for a while, unless the webmaster comes up with a solution to allow posts via the UK Virgin internet network. It's really frustrating being able to read, but not post. 

For Yan..... 

You obviously enjoyed my are about the same age now as I was then, and it's probably the only time of your life when you might find same sex toilet experiences interesting and exciting, so make the best of gets more interesting though when you are older if you get the chance to listen to, or watch girls use the toilet. If you want to have the best chance of hearing someone else doing a poo, I found that 9-half 9 in the mornings was a good time...quite a lot of boys in my age group seemed to need to go at that time. 
There was only about one more swimming pool toilet experience that sticks in my mind, it was round about the same time. I decided I'd go on my own one day do swim some lengths. I had been a bit constipated, and felt uncomfortable, so I decided to go and sit on the toilet before getting in the pool. All 3 cubicles were empty, so I took the middle one, took my shorts off, and sat down. I strained a little, and managed to pass a few small hard lumps of was quite an effort. I'd been sitting there a few minutes, when I heard someone running up to the toilets, and the door to my left slammed shut. Almost immediately, I heard PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP about 6 quite heavy plops in quick succession......I peeped under the cubicle, and could just see a pair of very wet feet, about my size, with a pair of green shorts above them.....obviously someone who had been in the water, and had a desperate urge brought on my the exercise...He started wiping, and had finished and flushed, all in probably less than 2 minutes....I was surprised that anyone could know there was no more poo waiting to come out...I often do some more, even after I think I've finished. Again, I was really jealous that someone could poo so easily when I always had a struggle......That really is all that I can remember about swimming pool toilet experiences. I'm still quite happy to have a poo at the pool, but prefer it if no one is next to me nowadays... 

Now, for something in more recent years, I have a lovely sister in law called Sandra...petite, thick shoulder length red hair, pretty face,wears glasses, about 5'2" and very open about her toilet habits, much to the disgust of her eldest wife, who is very uptight about such things. Sandra is a bit pun intended... about having a poo....she often goes about 3 times a day...she says if she feels the slightest sensation in her bottom, that she has to go and get rid of it. She will actually say that she is going for a poo... so needless to say, I have heard her doing a poo when she has stayed, or visited our house, also heard her at very close quarters when we all had a canal boat holiday and caravan holidays together, but the best one, was when we stayed at her house. It was a few years ago, when she was about 40....we were all working on a local 1940s weekend...our sons were camping on the exhibition field with their uncle, and I, my wife and daughter were staying with Sandra for the night. I decided to sleep on the sofa downstairs, my wife and Sandra, sharing the main bedroom so they could talk about whatever sisters talk about. The flush on the upstairs loo was broken at the time, and in the morning, I heard Sandra tell my wife that she had to use the downstairs toilet as she needed to poo. Sandra came down, wearing nothing but a very short night dress...have to say she's a real hottie :) We chatted a bit, before she said 'I have to poo' and went in to the downstairs loo and locked the door. I tiptoed to the door which was dead opposite the kitchen door, so it wouldn't look odd if someone else came down....I was just on my way to put the kettle on......anyway...I heard Sandra start to release a very long, hissy wee. it was very quiet in the house, so I could hear everything. After she had finished dribbling, all was quiet for a minute, then I heard her start to grunt softly...nnnnffff.....nnnfff Plop..plop...plop...plop.....nnnffff...plop.plop....MMMnnnfff KERPLOPPPPPP.......plop.plop.plop........she had obviously had a very satisfying poo, starting with little hard lumps, before passing a big heavy log. I thought she would start to wipe, but instead, she was very quiet....after a couple of minutes, I heard nnnfff.....and she did a small wee.....closely followed by SSSSSSPLAAAARTTTTT!!! pliplopploplopplopliplipplop....she obviously had still felt full and needed to wait awhile for a semi liquid poo to work it's way through her system. At his point I heard her whisper to herself 'that's better' and she started to pull paper off and wipe herself. She wiped about 6 times, and flushed. I expected her to wash her hands and come out then, but was surprised to hear her pull more paper off and wipe about 6 more times...she must have got quite sticky...before flushing again. 
I settled back on the sofa...she came out, and smiled at me. I said I was glad she wasn't any longer, as I needed to go. she said I might want to wait, as she'd left a strong smell...well....she wouldn't realise that suited me fine. I went in to the loo, and locked the door....there was a nice strong healthy smell of Sandra's poo, and just a few browny/yellow poo streaks in the bottom of the pan. I sat down on the nice warm seat...she'd been on it for 10 minutes, and had a really satisfying poo myself, and made the best of the moment in another way, thinking how lucky I was to be able to go straight after my lovely sister in law.... 
I'll tell about some of my experiences at work another time....and the poo I heard my youngest sister in law take on a caravan toilet last year. 


What come in will come out

Well Steven A it's my diet and I don't like to wait for long periods to poop, basically I'm a almost vegetarian just eat some meat, Thanks Brandon T 

Tinfoil Hat

To Anatomy Student, first fact details

Wow. That's impressive for sure. I wonder what that special diet could be, having tried nearly any combination of fiber increments in varying quantities to no extreme results, never holding it in on purpose of course (not willing to risk ending with an impaction or with constipation issues). Abnormal amounts of roughage and protein together, perhaps? 
Not everyone comes with such hi cap bowels, anyway. 


Dolls That Poop

Hi everyone, 
I'd like to know if any of you as a child played with a doll that pooped, or peed. I'm an adult, but I still enjoy dolls. Currently, I have a talking baby alive one that can poop, or pee. I used the diapers she came with, so she hasn't wet in awhile. She has a tube that runs from the back of her mouth to her butt, so the poop, and pee can feel real (the doll comes with food packets you mix with water). My favorite phrase is "I love you mommy!". This is one of her shut off comments, not one that is heard periodically while she's on. I also had a pee-only doll a year ago that cried when water touched a sensor somewhere around his pee-pee area (yes, it had a boy's pee-pee

#George: tell more swimming pool stories. I am 12. I cannot wait until I try a public pool in the United States.

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Althea as always another great story it sounds like you and Camille both had really good poops that day and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Linda I bet once you got that monster out you felt a ton better. 

To: THE CURIOUS SKIDMARK GAL as always another great story it sounds like you really had to go bad and alot to and i bet you felt pretty good afterwards to and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Thirty Something Female great story as always. 

To: Big Girl great fart story. 

To: Bianca great pooping story. 

Well thats all for now. 

Sincerly Brandon T 

PS. I love this site 


Close Encounters

Tth reason for this post title is that I dedicate it to Megan. In your case hun it was "Close Encounters of the Turd Kind" bearing in mind the dodgy locks you encountered! I must say again its good to have you back because you always tell it well. 

As for me my turds have taken on a different stance these past couple of days; the usual couple or three logs but of the tarry consistency which means that the clean up is actually taking more than the production! And my diet hasn't changed. Any comments would be welcome guys! 

Love each and everyone of you on this forum. John b 

Saturday, March 22, 2014


2nd poo in swimming pool toilet.

Hello Again. 

Thought I would post this while I can still access the site. It was round about the same time as my previous post, but during the school holiday. I had decided to go swimming one morning with a couple of friends, Lee and Keith. It was still at the time when I was constipated as well, and I had taken a couple of Senokot laxatives the night before. For anyone who doesn't know, this is a natural laxative, that doesn't bulk up poo, but makes it very soft, it also can cause quite bad belly cramps. Well..I tried to go poo that morning before I went out, but no I set offto meet my friends.....Lee said he nearly didn't come, as he'd had really bad diarrhoea that morning...lucky him I least he'd had a good we got nearer to the swimming pool, my belly started to cramp, and I wanted to fart, but I knew there was a poo on it's way. Anyway, we got there, changed, and handed our baskets of clothes in to the attendant, in the days before lockers...a bit embarrassed, I told my friends to go on ahead, as I needed to sit on the toilet and I'd got bad belly ache. Lee laughed, saying I know how you feel.Out of the 3 cubicles, the middle and left were vacant, the third being in use, so I went in the left one. Things were getting a bit urgent, and I knew I'd poo a lot, so to make sure I was really comfortable, I took my shorts right off and hung them on the door lock. 
I sat down, and leaned back slightly, my legs wide open, and just relaxed. A few drops of liquid poo came out of my bum, followed by a few small lumps, then a massive explosion of runny poo, that when I looked, had coated the front of the toilet pan above the water. I felt instant relief, but my belly still hurt. I changed my position to leaning forward, hands and forearms pressing my belly, and feet tucked sort of towards the back of toilet pan. 
While I was trying to poo some more, there was the noise of a small group of boys who were talking excitedly, and stopped near the toilets. I heard one say don't wait, I have to go No.2. the others were taking the mick out of him, but went anyway, and the one needing the loo came in to the cubicle next to mine. I was a little surprised to see a pair of shorts almost come under the partition...he had obviously decided like me to take them off, but had thrown them on the floor. I heard him sit down heavily. 
Straighaway came the sound of..PLOP.....PLOP......plop..plop..plop...plop.....then a long pause...then plip.plop.plop.plop.plop.plopplipplipplop..I heard him sigh with relief....he must have been pretty desperate to poo..... and start pulling paper off the roll. 
He seemed to be messing about during must have been 6-8 times with a long pause between each wipe. In the meantime, I had wiped, and wanted to get out before my neighbour, as I had made quite a smell, and felt a bit embarrassed about being seen. I flushed and opened the door to then go and wash my hands. I was a bit put out to find my neighbour had decided to open his door, and come out at exactly the same time, and without flushing.....he was a small blond haired boy, about a year younger than me. I got the feeling he was curious to see who was doing a poo next to him. I was even more surprised to see him hare straight off to the pool without washing his hands.... 
I had washed my hands, when my belly suddenly cramped again, and I knew something wet wanted to leave my bum pretty damn quick.....I ran back to the toilets, and was dismayed to find only the one that my young neighbour had used was vacant. I slammed the door shut and slid the bolt, and was shocked to see what my neighbour had done.....he had as I guessed produced a bulky poo...a couple of biggish, smooth light brown logs, probably about 8 inches long, and an inch diameter, some smaller 'sausages' and some small fluffy lumps, but the crazy thing was that he had laid the used toilet paper all around the pan above the water, so his poo was clear to see. I was about to flush, but was about to explode, so just pulled my shorts down, squatted, and released a small, gassy diarrhoea explosion, most of which went all over the used toilet paper.....There was only a mild, healthy poo aroma left, by the other boy, and I sat there for a further few minutes releasing a little more diarrhoea. Finally, I wiped a few times, and out of character for me, did just the same as he did with my toilet paper, and didn't flush...for some reason, it felt good having a poo on top of someone elses...and leaving our joint effort for someone else to see....Pleased to say I grew out of doing such things....Hope some of you found this interesting or amusing....If I get chance, I'll write about my experiences with hearing ladies toilet activities in unisex or individual toilets at work in later life.... 

Wiping [to Kennady]

I have been keeping count of my bowel movements for some years now, including the number of wipes I use. A wipe is a pad of three or four sheets of toilet paper folded into a single square. Once having pooped, I make as effective a pass as I can to get as much remaining poop as possible off my anus; then I refold that pad and make another pass, getting (I hope) much less poop the second pass. That constitutes my first wipe, which I drop into the toilet, generally as far forward as possible so I can still see my movement when I stand up. Then I take a second pad of 3 or 4 sheets and repeat the process: two passes over my anus, with the paper folded for the second one; that's the second wipe. Most of my movements require 3 wipes, or 6 passes with toilet paper; for the last pass, I apply a small dab of Noxzema or similar cleansing cream on the paper and use that to clean my anus and my anal canal (that way I can also feel up into the lowest portion of my rectum to see if I have emptied it well). So: 3 wipes, 6 passes of paper across my anus; that usually gets it reasonably clean, though of course to get it really clean requires a shower. 

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