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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Jasmin K

School Toilets

Ive been quite busy lately and have a new BF who seems to understand or accept my stomach and poo problems, he comes in the bathroom with me and gives massages my ???? and also squeezes and presses on my ???? especially if its swollen due to hard poo inside.More on that later. When I went in the toilets at the morning break there were a pair of knickers on the floor nect to one of the toilets which were full of poo. It looked quite firm, not a diarrhea accident,and they wernt there before school started. I was on the toilet for about 40 minutes,right up till the buzzer went, they were in the cubical next to the one was in and the girl who went in there only left just before me and I heard her straining and pebbles dropping followed by more straining and a log splashing down. I am assuming it must have been someone who got excused from lessons and did it on the way to the toilets.. If I hear any more I will post. 
Ive got bad, really bad constipation again which Ive now had for over a week. I had tried that morning but just had a small log, however on Wednesday evening I had a ???? ache and sat on the toilet straining but It just wouldnt come out,my bum hole bulged down like there was a big lump of poo to come out but even pushing up on eitherside of my bum hole as I strained didnt help. I heard the door bell and my sister answered it letting my BF in who went in the front room. I heard him ask her where I was and she giggled and said shes in the bathroom. I texted his phone and said he could come up if he wanted as my mum was out (he seems to like watching and helps and doesnt get pissed off when I pass wind during straining)I told him I had a belly ache and needed to go before going out. He rubbed on my ???? whilst I strained and strained making my bum really bulge and the inside like a red pipe protrude out. After straining hard again a couple of pebbles came out. I decieded to leave it and used 2 fingers to push the protrusion back up inside and wiped. We went to my room and had fun!! - this BF, unlike previous ones, is not phazed by my ???? or the inside pushing out.. anyway despite my usuall toilet routene i didnt manage to poo untill this morning when it took me about an hour to produce a huge thick hard knobbly log.I had taken the precaution of taking paracetamol before breakfast as I knew this poo was going to hurt. As soon as I sat and strained the tip poked out but as I strained and strained my bum bulged and the tip dissapeared ( i know I was feeling with my fingers as I strained) I pushed up the bulge and strained and the tip and about 3 inches of log emerged which was getting fatter, I strained again and it moved another couple of inches stretching my already sore bum. When the fattest bit came through it made my eyes water. it was about 10 inches long and in the middle it was like my arm in thickness. 
Jas K 


Massive Library Dump

I had a couple of days this week where I had the feeling I wanted to have a poop then went to the ladies and sat, pushing, resting, straining to go, feeling my anus start to open then, as my effort to push got the better of me and I relaxed, my anus would close again. As usual I tried the soft spot between my vagina and my anus, massaging with my index finger to stimulate a bowel movement, I tried to squat with my knees tucked right into my stomach, bum almost touching the floor of the toilet, all failed. I hate to take any laxative, suppository or other, except when I am menstruating, so the first two days of the week passed with me feeling more and more bloated, constantly in pain, nagging, tormenting ???? aches all day. 

Eventually, after two days, in the evening I took a double dose of Lactulose, the laxative I first had in the hospital when I had terrible constipation after an operation to set a broken leg. It had really emptied me in a way cleaner and more thoroughly than any laxative I had ever bought over the counter in the local chemist shop. This was a few years ago and when I tried to buy it I found it could be obtained by prescription only, so I had to get a prescription from my doctor. This bottle of Lactulose was also old and I had not spotted the 'used by' date. So I did manage to sleep that night but at about four in the morning I had to run like never before to the bathroom. Squatting I felt as though my stomach had fallen out of me. My poop, more like muddy water, splattered into the pan. I sat on the toilet, alternatively, clutching my ???? and gripping the sides of the pan. I must have been on the toilet over an hour and a half before I was able to, weakly, wipe my anus clean. I was so sore that just touching my anus was very painful. I crept back to bed and lay there dozing, my knees high, tucked into my ????, arms clenched around my knees, rocking, eyes closed, until at last the pain eased enough for me to drop off to sleep. When the alarm went in the morning my first thought was to phone in and tell my boss I was too ill to work that day. I didn't want to skip work, my company had been reducing their staff and I was afraid I might be one of the check out women to go. 

Somehow I got out of bed, stomach still aching, rolling over all the time. At least I didn't go to the toilet again. I drove to work without any problems and actually felt better when I went to my check out post. I forgot how sore my bum was and sat on the chair before the till. Immediately I got up my anus felt as though somebody had run a poker up my bum. I had to stand, I couldn't sit down. I got through the morning and at lunch time I went to the library to see if the latest Mills and Boon was there for collection. Alice took one look at me and asked: 

"What's the matter Yvonne, you look ghastly." 

"I feel ghastly," I told her. As I was telling her this my stomach churned over again, unmistakeable signs that I had to go again. I excused myself and made a hasty way to the female toilets in the library. Only one of the three cubicles was occupied and she was flushing so that my gasp of pain as I squatted and pooped was drowned by the sound of the toilet flushing. My poop felt a lot thicker now, not the watery poop in the night, now it was like thick sludge, plopping into the toilet. Now the smell was terrible, in the night there hadn't been a lot of smell, but now I almost gagged on the smell, glad that I was alone. Everytime I gave the slightest push, muddy poop plopped into the pan. I heard somebody coming in. I reached behind me and pressed the cistern lever, flushing the toilet as I sat on the pan, hoping the smell would go away. 

"Yvonne, are you alright honey?" I recognised the voice of Alice. 

"I feel terrible," I muttered. 

"Let me in, Yvonne," I heard Alice say, knocking on the cubicle door. 

I opened the cubicle door and Alice stepped inside. She closed the door and then turned back to me. 

"I'm on my break now, I'll stay with you." 

I only knew Alice from playing darts against her in the local league. But I was so glad to have her near me, talking to me. She saw that I was rubbing my stomach and she knelt and massaged my stomach, crouching close to me, comforting me. I'm not sure how long I was on the toilet, I know that I felt really empty inside, weak, but much better, and feeling better by the mminute. Alice took the toilet paper when she saw my hand going for some paper. She told me to stand and bend a little. Then she lifted my skirt right up and started to wipe my bum. When I flinched because her hand was like fire on my anus she understood at once. She took a handkerchief from her own bag and gently, so gently, wiped me clean, folding the handkerchief first in half to wipe me , then again in quarter to wipe me a second time. Her fingers were so gentle, I sighed with relief, as she finished and told me to pull up my panties. She gave me a quick hug as I left the toilet. 

I managed to get through the rest of the day without having to go to the toilet again. But I was so grateful for the help and comfort Alice gave me that day. I was almost back to normal the next day, but I have learned my lesson about doubling any dose of medicine again. 

I was 12 at the time and I'd been sent home from school because I wasn't feeling well. My mum picked me up in her car and as soon as we drove off I felt a cramp in my stomach. I told my mum I had to poo and she told me to put the floor mat under me in case I had an accident. I held it for a while untill another cramp came on and I felt a squirt of diarrhoea come in my pants. She heard the noise and asked me if I'd had an accident and I felt my face burning red as I admitted I had a bit. My stomach really hurt from trying to hold it and my mum could see by the expression on my face that I was desperate. I doubled over in pain and she told me if it was hurting me to hold it, I could just go in my pants. I really didn't want to do that in front of my mum but the pain and the effort of holding it was overwhelming me. I pleaded with her not to tell anyone and she promised to keep it a secret. I still felt nervous and embarrassed but I had to go so badly I decided to do it. I relayed for a second and felt a big load of hot burning diarrhoea flood my pants before I could stop it. I felt a bit better but I'd only just started and still needed to go very badly. I felt so embarrassed but at least I could control the rest. The journey home took 20 minutes I had to sit in my own mess untill we got there. My mum had to open the window to get rid of the smell and by the time we parked the car on our driveway I needed to go again and urgently. I slowly got out of the car and my mum distracted my sister by asking her to look at her book while I sneaked off to the bathroom. I got in and locked the door behind me and took me my soiled trousers and pants. I then sat on the toilet and released a flood of watery diarrhoea into pan. It was a huge relief and I took a shower to clean up while my mum brought me some clean clothes. Once I was changed I went downstairs and my mum discretely disposed of my pooped on clothes so my sister never found out I'd pood myself.


Camping Dare

Hi, Tim here with a story about another camping trip. When Sally and I were 16 years old, we decided to go camping for part of the summer. We had already been with our families to a camping park, as I told in a previous story, so we decided to do something a little different. We were heading out into the forest with a minimum of supplies, and we were going to live rough for 21 days, just the two of us, as a bit of a challenge. So we set off and as soon as we arrived, we pitched the tent next to a running river, so that we would be able to swim and wash in it as well as using it as our toilet. For dinner that night, we had tinned corned beef that we cooked over a fire. "You're a great cook, Tim." Sally said, and I felt proud of myself, though in truth it was not exactly high cuisine. Also, I might add here, to make it even more challenging for ourselves, we both wore nothing but loincloths that covered our genitals and most of our buttocks, but other than that, we wore nothing. After eating the corned beef, we both went to bed in the tent, only blankets, no sleeping bags. At about 3 or 4 in the morning, Sally suddenly woke up groaning and holding her stomach. "I'm having hot flashes and I don't feel very well." she told me. "I suggest you drink water, that might help." I responded. After drinking some water from her bottle, she suddenly stood up and said to me, "I have to go to the bathroom urgently." to which I responded, "So do I." as the cramps suddenly hit me and I too groaned and held my stomach. We both jumped up and ran out of the tent as fast as our legs could carry us, down to the water's edge, where we both squatted down next to each other, pulled the back part of our loincloths out of the way, hung our naked bums over the water, grasped each other's hands and let loose. Brown slush flowed out of our bums and we were shaking and moaning softly from the pain. I finished before Sally and splashed water to clean my bum. Sally, however, kept having diarrhoea for another minute, then she told me, "I take back what I said about your cooking skills", before turning around and vomiting into the river. I held her while she puked, rubbing her stomach and pressing down firmly on it from time to time to help her bring up all the vomit. Then I told her, "I'm not much of a cook, sorry I did this to you." She just hugged me and told me she was feeling much better. We walked downstream of where we had pooped and puked, stripped naked an skinny-dipped for about an hour before lying on the grass to dry off. I can't describe it in detail here, but let's just say that we did more than kissing while we lay on the grass. We walked back to camp for dinner, which I took much greater care with, and then we went to bed. There is more to tell about this camping trip, but that is for another time! 


For Steven A

Hey still out there? I miss your posts! What have your poops been like? Hope you decide to keep posting.....if only to say that you're still around and pooping LOL! 

Today I encountered mu first unisex toilet, in england i have never seen one that is not a single occupancy one. I was playing in a consert and backstage there was 2 dressing rooms. I was in the right one (with members of my band). I needed to pee so i went left and down the corridoor was the toilets. The sign said ladies and gentlemen in it. I persanly thought there would be a little ladies and gents room but through the door was the toilets.
There was 4 stalls that were relatively clean and 4 sinks oposite the stalls. When i entered there was a couple of girls at the sinks, they didnt seem phased by me entering, i went a stall, peed and went out again, there was seperate ladies and gents toilets on the other side of the building and i saw a few girls using them rather than the unisex room. I was wondeing what do you prefer if you have to shit in a public restroom a large one or a small one? I prefer a large one because even though it might be a bit dirty you wont get noticed or embarraced when coming in/ out of a stall (more for men) also if you using the only cubical in a toilet i have noticed some people get impatiant if you take your time.

Lots of people say men have the advantage when using a public toilet, i think men definately have a advantage peeing because they dont have to sit. But when it comes to pooping women have the advantage 1. In lots of mens rooms there is only one stall which means only one person can poo while in the womans room there might be 2-3 stalls meaning if someone is pooping no problem. Also at school girls might stand a chance of not being found to be pooping but boys its pretty obvious what they have just done if they come out of a stall

DJ Splash

Where's Diane?

Where's Diane the NHS domestic? I hope you are still reading these posts because I loved your stories!!!! 
Please can you post some more - perhaps about you and a friend having to use a cubicle together, or having to do your No. 2's on two toilets in a place where there weren't any cubicles. 
Or how about going together outdoors? 
I can't wait!! 



Your description in your 'live poop post' would basically fit the experience many of us guys - including the prologue (pardon the pun in this context, but should it be pro-log?). 
You obviously enjoy every minute of your morning 'sit' - as I do. I also sometimes mix Number 1 and Number 2 while I sit. And I lift up each buttock to make sure there are no pieces left behind (another pun!). Sometimes I stand up to look at the fruit of my labours, to check that it looks healthy, before it is covered by the paper I will use. 
Unlike you, I do sit down to wipe. I've tried standing, but it doesn't work for me. My bottom closes up, and I can't push the paper in. Sitting to wipe I sit again, and I push the paper right in and wriggle it around. I look at each piece of paper I have used, and use more until it's absolutely clean. 
It was the way I taught my little brother. In fact, I told him what I was doing for each stage in the process - starting with pulling my trousers and underpants down to my ankles. Then I would ask him what each stage was. 
From when he was small, I took him in with me, and he sat on his potty facing me, when I sat on the toilet. With our own sons, we took charge of their toilet training (our wives teaching the girls). They need to know that boys as well as girls sit on the toilet. He learned to wipe well before he was 3, though to begin with he dropped the paper on the bathroom floor. 
He was excited when our parents agreed that he could sit on the toilet - it was a kind of graduation. (To begin with, he put his feet on a stool, to push, or I would hold his hand. 
We chatted about this recently, and he always says he was glad I taught him to pull his trousers and underpants right down to his ankles, and also to sit down to wipe. 


From childhood, my brother and I trained ourselves to have our bowel movement before going to school. I always have wished, but never succeeded, to do that first thing in the morning, before my shower. I don't like doing that function when visiting people's houses, which sometimes I have to do as part of my work. 
On the few occasions when I have to sit on a public toilet with no lock on the door (and there are plenty of those in the UK), I still pull everything down to my ankles. If I don't, I can't empty myself properly, and often need to go again during the day. In those circumstances it's better if you can reach with your foot against the door, but that isn't often possible. 
I like to fidget, and spread my legs. (Though I have known toilets in English youth hostels where the cubicles were only as wide as the toilet pedestal. Many of these were schools, where things in general were pretty primitive.) 


The better facilities for 6th formers - including toilet paper - than for younger boys is appalling. And there ought to be teachers and prefects on duty during lunch time and mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks when most - if they are sensible - will at least use the urinals. 
Having said that, part of our training in life IS to feel comfortable about using public facilities. 'Holding it in' isn't healthy. 
You also mention the doorless stalls in New York's Central Park. I have never visited USA, but there seems an ironical difference between America and the United Kingdom in its 'toilet culture'. In the USA, the expression 'going to the bathroom' is used (whereas in UK, we say 'going to the toilet', or 'the loo', or 'the bog'). On the other hand, there are no doorless toilets that I know of in the UK. This suggests that USA is more fastidious about words, and the UK more fastidious about actions. 

Pretty Woman

Training Trip

Hello I have two stories to tell from a trip my company sent me on this past week for training. They sent me to training in a state that was about a day's trip from where I live but they were too cheap to fly me there. Oh well, they paid for the gas, and I don't mind to drive. So anyway, I was about halfway through the trip and had made a couple of stops for food and a pee break, but now I could feel that feeling in my gut that it was about time for a poop. I was letting off some silent gas that smelled a little but not too bad, and I stopped at the next rest stop which was just a rinky dink rest stop off the highway. I make my way into the ladies room, and to find that there were 4 doorless stalls. I had never actually been to a bathroom that had no doors. The stalls were two on one side and two right across from the others. As I walked past a stall, there was a lady already sitting there, with her arms folded into her stomach and a face all red from pushing. She immediately stopped when she saw me walk by. I apologized, and walked past, so I took the one next to her so we couldn't see nothing but eachother's feet. I pulled my pants and underwear down to my knees, and sat down, and I let my pee flow out which lasted only a few seconds, and then I could feel my hole opening up as a large log was coming out. I was only doing soft pushes to keep it moving and after only a few seconds it landed with a sploosh. I couldn't hear any noise from my neighbor so I'm not sure if she had stopped what she was doing or she was just a quiet pooper. Meanwhile my hole opened up again after a few pushes and another large log was making its way out, this one a little wider than before for I could feel my hole stretching wider, so I had to push a little more making some soft grunting noises now. As I was pushing it out, the door opened and in walked a girl who looked to be 16 or 17, and she stopped in her tracks when she saw there were no doors, but she headed to the toilet across from me anyway. She just avoided making eye contact with me, but she pulled her shorts and panties only to her knees and sat down, and she began to pee, and as she stared at the floor, I saw her eyes tearing up and her face going a little red, and I knew why when I heard a loud crackling noise and a few seconds later a floomp, then immediately another loud crackling and another floomp then 3 loud floomps right in a row. My second log had just landed in the toilet with a loud kersploosh as it had gotten stuck and I had to push hard to get it to move. I felt like I was done for now, and started to wipe. The girl across from me let out 2 more loud splooshes as I was wiping, and began to wipe as well. I finished and flushed my two large logs down the toilet. As I passed my neighbor her face was still red, and her toes pressed hard on the floor, so she must have just been constipated. I washed my hands and left the bathroom. 

Here is my second story, which took place at the hotel. I did not know that I was sharing a room with another member of the same company but from another state, but I found out when I got there. She seemed quite shy and didn't talk much, so I just decided to keep to myself, and 2 days into the week, I had already taken 4 or 5 good dumps and she hadn't had any in the hotel anyway. So, either she was poop shy or she was just pooping at the training. Anyway, the 3rd night into the week, I woke up hearing a door closing. It was the bathroom door. It was very quiet in the room, and I could hear every noise coming from the bathroom even the toilet lid hitting the back of the toilet. I heard a weak stream of pee that only lasted a couple of seconds. Then it was quiet. After 2 minutes of silence I heard grunts and then a sploosh, and then more grunts and another sploosh, and then every few seconds there would be a sploosh along with some grunts as well. My guess was that she hadn't pooped all week. For 20 minutes she was pooping, making grunts and splooshing sounds every few seconds the entire time. Then I hear the rustling of toilet paper, and she flushes 3 times. I'd imagine all her poop was struggling to go down. Then She washed her hands and came out and went back to bed. The next morning I got up to take my morning dump and she was still sleeping, and I went in there and there were skidmarks in the toilet. So, she must have felt very relieved after that. 


For Ultra Dad

I have a sister who was born on my last year of high school now she is almost 13. And a few years ago when she was 9 me my Mother and Sister was at a Dollar store. Well it was on a Monday and they was going to close school down for a week because of a stomach virus. Anyway we was at the store and I was looking around and my sister ask my mom something and she told me that we had to leave. I asked why, and she said Mae (which is my sister)had to Fart or her stomach is hurting. I laughed and Mae poked me in the shoulder. But all it was that she needed to go home and poop. 
And when she was 4 she was at school pretending to be sick and my Brother had to pick her up. But it was that she needed to poop, and didn't want to poop at school. 


in my own home

I had a really embarrassing accident this morning. I turned 30 yesterday and had a lot of food and drink while celebrating..and I woke up to a strong and very urgent need to poop. I quickly sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed and a couple of farts escaped in quick session as I got up. I never had to poop so bad in my life! I clenched my butt and rushed down the hall to the bathroom, turned toward the toilet and reached back to slide my panties down when I noticed there was no to!!! I panicked and quickly searched the bathroom while clenching my butt as hard as I could. I needed tp because it was gonna be messy and I had white underwear on. I quickly rushed to the kitchen to go to the garage and get a roll when I major cramp stopped me dead in my tracks. I held my stomach with one hand and my butt the other while clenching super hard and I hunched over, trying to ride out the cramp without losing it in my underwear. I cut a few pre-poop farts that I couldn't contain and the cramp passed and I had new life..I abandoned the journey to the garage and grabbed a handful of napkins off the table and turned back toward the bathroom, and began the home stretch...I got within 5 feet of the bathroom door when I got another immobilizing cramp...more farts squeezed past my grip and then, the unthinkable happened... I absolutely could NOT hold it in for one more second, and I stood there in my kitchen the day after my 30th birthday and pooped in my pants, 5 feet from the bathroom. It came out really fast and with a loud blurting fart, and formed a loose, wet bulge in my underwar about the size of an orange that caused them to sag slightly. It felt really warm and soft against my butt, then also a little sticky between the cheeks. I was shaking from the shock of what I had done and my heart was racing, and I made my final move for the bathroom, now with cleanup the priority. As I stepped into the bathroom a glob of poop slid out from the leg hole of my underwear and down my inner left thigh and onto the floor. It landed on the threshold between the bath room and hallway, and a little got on the carpet :( just to add insult to injury. It was the worst accident I've ever had, and I've had a couple bad ones. I dropped my messy panties to the floor and proceeded to furiously wipe myself with the napkins. I got as much off of my body as I could and even wet some napkins in the sink. I then turned the shower on and as it got up to temperature I wrapped a towel around myself and went out to clean the poop that came out of my underwear. After that I took my shower then dressed in fresh clean panties and got my clothes on. It felt nice to be clean. I had removed the soiled pair from the bathroom in the plastic bag from the trash can, with all the napkins. Anyway, I felt really bad for pooping myself on my first day of being 30...I figured it might happen to me when I'm old but not now! My husband knew I did it because I stunk up the kitchen and hallway and he saw the poop on the floor before I cleaned it up. SO EMBARRASSING!!!! 

The only other time I ever pooped my pants I was 14...I was at the theme park busch gardens with my family and I had to go pretty bad while waiting in a long line for the roller coaster the big bad wolf. I told my mom and dad I had to go to the bathroom but we'd waited so long at that point they asked me if I could make it til after the ride. I had to go really bad, but we were almost on, so I said I could hold it. We finally got our time to go and i was super nervous that in was gonna have a bad accident on the ride. I held on for dear life in more ways than one, and it actually wasn't so bad. The adrenaline actually made it easier to hold it in and I enjoyed the ride. It was nice. But then at the end, the train came to a stop just before going up to the platform and was just sitting there waiting to go in after the train before us left. That's when the pressure got really intense again, and I felt by cheeks start to twitch a little as if they were prepared to open up to relieve my bowels. I frantically said to my mom "I think I'm gonna poop my pants!" And then I did. It was a firm, solid log that crackled its way out slowly and smooshed into my bikini bottoms and jean shorts against the seat of the ride, and spread all over my butt. I was pretty mortified....I finished pooping in my shorts as the ride came back to the platform but I wound up peeing my shorts too before our harnesses were released. That killed me because my poop flattened out from me sitting, and the material of my bathing suit and my shorts didn't have a stain, so by peeing myself it soaked my butt making it obvious to everyone that I'd gone to the bathroom on myself on the ride. But it wound up being a surprisingly easy cleanup. I went to the nearest bathroom and emptied my bathing suit into the toilet. It came out in one flat pancake. I rinsed my shorts and swimsuit at the sink and dried them at the hand dryers as much as could as I wrapped my moms jacket around me to cover up. That was a much easier cleanup than today's accident . 

To Shweta

To Shweta Enjoyed your story... You're definitely not alone here! Please share more if you would like to. 


the phone calls

it was Friday and just got home from work and about hour later the call start I hung up and thought it was them telemarketers calling well the keep calling and I tried to be nice but it didn't work then I got tied of them calling the phone ringed they was yaping about something then I got an idea how make stop I pulled my pants down put the phone to my ass and started farting loud and nasty for about 4 or 5 mins then I check the phone they hung up and didn't call back 


Greg Military Ladies Toilets

I am answering to Greg's questions about ladies military toilets. Since my posts on 2285/2286/2287 I have posted three times without success. I do hope I can get this post published for Greg's sake. 

I was in the W.R.A.C. for four years from 18 years old to 22. I was stationed at several old locations, notably at Oswestry, Knutsfield, and finally at Woolwich. These were pre-war barracks and the plumbing arrangements were to say the least basic. I was in RHQ at Oswestry and the toilets there were two lines of 8 stalls facing each other. They all had doors originally but when I was there in 1997 there were just a few that had doors. I have posted before about buddy dumping, in the WRAC's it was all buddy dumping, if you were shy or nervous and waited for the toilets to clear you poop yourself, you just had to 'muck' in, forgive the pun. Often there'd be a shortage of paper, having to ask for somebody to find some for you soon made you less shy. 

Knutsford was very similar to Oswestry except that there was a row of showers and the other side a row of stalls. Again few had doors but the best for me in Oswestry was it was nicer, more friendly, to see the girl you were chatting to as you had a poop, this wasn't possible at Knutsford. 

Woolwich, although an older barracks by far was, because of its vicinity to General Headquarters Royal Artillery, immaculate. All the toilets had doors on the stalls, I never went into one that wasn't spotless and with toilet paper on the holders. 

I hope I have in a small way answered some of your queries Greg, but if you have anymore please post them and I will try to answer them for you. 

Anonymous College Guy

Live poop

Sup everyone, never done a live poop post before so figured it's time. Enjoy :) 

Sitting on my bed with a warm runny feeling in my gut 

Walking to the bathroom and closing the door 

Feeling the urge getting stronger as I approach the toilet 

Pulling down my boxers and basketball shorts down my hairy legs 

Sitting on the toilet seat now, feeling a lot of the pressure go from my stomach to my anus 

Trying to hold back the pressure until it's just right to let go 

Letting my hole open up giving way for the poop, the force is very strong as it slides out 

Not too much noise except for a little bit of trapped gas and crackles 

Log after log is coming out in a continuous motion, looks like I'll get it all out with one push! 

The last of my dump gets pinched off and falls into the toilet water 

Letting out a stream of pee now that wasn't present before 

Sitting on the toilet now gently flexing the opening, deciding if there's anymore waste to push out 

A tiny piece gets pushed out into the now urine-filled toilet 

Now I feel a tiny urge to PEE! Again... 

I quietly concentrate til another stream comes out slowly, lasted a couple seconds 

Standing up and looking in the toilet to inspect what I had just given birth to 

Several light-brown medium sized logs, can see pieces of food in them from the previous night 

Finally getting ready to wipe my butt while standing 

Ripping off a medium piece of TP and scrunching it up to wipe the crack 

Still not clean so going in with another piece, this time pushing deeper 

Almost there! Grabbing another piece to spit on and get wet 

Rubbing gently back and forth to make sure it's 100% clean 

And... done! 

Flushing the toilet watching my product swirl down the toilet 

That was pretty fun typing as everything was happening, I may do this again. Hope you all enjoyed it. 


Observant Guy

New Observations

Hello everyone, 

I have three new stories about my observations that occured this week. 

My first was my 40 year old sister inlaw. I was away on a camping trip over the past weekend when my wife sent me a text on Sunday morning at 6am to let me know that my sister in law had stayed the night to do laundry on Sunday. She just didn't want me to be surprised if I came home early. Well my sister in law has a history of leaving a mess for my wife & I to clean up. We learned this after she lived with us for a year just after we got married. Yeah she's a slob, but she is still family. 

I drove home to check on things because I was camping 45 minutes away from home. When I got home my sister inlaw was sleeping on the couch. I asked her to walk and feed my dog while I headed to my master bathroom to take off my shorts which were under my camo pants. As I was in there I heard her enter the other bathroom start and the laundry. Just after the machine started I heard the obvious tinkle of pee. I sat and waited to see if there would be more. About 10 minutes later there was a flush of the toilet and the sink running. As I left my room she had the bathroom door opened a crack which let out the smell of a very healthy stinky poop. I went in to check after she stepped outside to smoke and walk my dog. She left a few small flecks of poop in the toilet. 

Then on Tuesday this week I caught up with an old friend named Anne. Anne had recently had a baby and was going through custody and child support litigation. We had some wings and a beers at Buffalo Wild Wings. On the ride home I got called into work on emergency and as she dropped me off she asked to use my bathroom. She slipped in and 5 minutes later she left, but she forgot to flush. She left in a hurry because she and my wife don't get along. I checked the bathroom to be met by the funky smell of another healthy poop along with 2 long turds in the toilet. One was about 6 inches long by 1 inch thick and the other was about 5 inches by an inch thick. I flushed it away and it left a few small skidmarks in the bottom of the toilet bowl. 

As normal my wife came home later and actually took a dump that had some funk to it. Normally hers don't stink really bad at all.

Happy pooping and peeing to all, 

Observant Guy 

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Aubrie as always another great story it sounds like you and your friend Katie both had alot of fun going to bathroom in different places and as always I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Ultra Dad it sounds like your daugther had a rough day but you handled it really well and im sure she will enjoy clothes shopping she just needed time to herself to settle down and realise it happens to everyone at some point. 

To: Carina great story it sounds like you had a really great cleanout of all the poop in you I bet once you were all done you felt pretty good and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Maritka first welcome to the site and great story please share anymre you may have thanks. 

To: Tim another great story. 

To: Natasha it sounds like you had a really good poop and as always I look forward to your next post thanks. 

Well thats all for now. 

Sincerly Brandon T 

PS. I love this site 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

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