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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Just a few days ago something really funny happened. I was at my boyfriend's house, watching TV late at night, when he said he had to pee. I askes if I could watch, and he said "I guess so" I watched him as he stood in front of the toilet peeing. When he was done, he sat on the toilet and said he had to poop. I told him "That's Ok, I'll stay here" He started farting, and then I heard a few plops. I started laughing, and explained to him that It was so funny that on toiletstool,all the stories were about a bo watching a girl take a dump, but here we were, doing the opposite. He didn't find it as funny. When he was done, he got up and washed his hands. I already had to take a shit, and watchng someone go made the urge even worse. I said as I slid off my panties and lifted my skirt so I could sit down, "Come here, o I can return the favor" "you do't have to do that" he said. "Actually, I REALLY do." I said. I lifted y bum a little into the air so he could see all the action. BRAAAAAAAAAP...BPPPPPHHHHTTT...PLOPPLOP...SHHHHPLASPLASHPLASHLASHHHHHHHHHH. As the opening farts led into diarrhea. He wiped me down a little, then once his hand was clear, I let out another LOUD wave. Then my BM became a series of short, loud farts and silent pushes of really watery shit. I sked him to rub my ???? to move things along, and It helped me squeeze out one last sputtering fart before a whole lotta soft serve came out.

I peed and pooped with mt hubby in the backyard. he does really long dudies

To Lazy Lizzie:

I loved your story about your aunt Jo who doesn't bother to wipe herself after a poo. Did you ever see her undies in the laundry, and did they have some big skids inside them as you expected??

My girlfriend often gets dirty panties in much the same way. My girlfriend does actually wipe her ass when she takes a dump, but normally she will only wipe two or three times. If she has a firm turd then that's normally ok, but often she will have a slightly looser BM and that's where her problems start.

She likes to wear quite tight shorts or sometimes just panties and a t-shirt around the apartment, and quite often I will notice her picking at a wedgie as her undies ride up her ass. Sometimes I do get to be in the bathroom with her when she's taking a dump (not that often though), and I have noticed that when she has one of her softer, smellier dumps there is normally more wedgie-picking going on later that evening!! Sometimes I also notice a smell if she has been sitting on the same spot on the sofa for a long time and then gets up to do something.

My gf is pretty embarrassed about her skids, though I know for a fact that she knows I have seen her panties when they were pretty dirty in the butt part. Sometimes, if she has an upset stomach or is just going through a phase where she has particularly soft or urgent dumps, she will wear a lot of black panties, as she knows that these disguise the stains a bit. I've never said anything to her about how I find her slightly careless hygiene a turn-on, or that I'm interested in seeing her poo and looking at her dirty undies - not quite sure how she would react to that!

Anyone else have any stories about a friend, girlfriend, family member or significant other who doesn't wipe too well after going #2? Or does anyone sometimes leave skids in their undies and feel embarrassed about it? I'm very interested to hear!


to Laura (Teacher)
as to your question, me, my sister and a friend of mine are all having diarrhea at the start of our cycles. My sister did even vomit before she got her new kind of pill. She says it helps her even to stop the diarrhea, maybe I´ll try it too.

I have had a gastric bypass and the iron pills i take cause ???? cramps is their anyone else

to Marie:
You must have really been restrained compared to what I would have done. First, I would have gagged about there not being enough toilet paper to put over the seat first. I guess I just have this thing about putting my butt on a public toilet when I don't know who or how many others have sat on it. Also, my dad managed a gas station for about 15 years and when I was really young and hanging out there, he would tell me to put paper down first because the toilets were only cleaned like once every like two months! Second, those bugs would have freaked me out to no end. Like I would have gotten up at mid-shit, not even wiped and probably messed my pants a bit, but I wouldn't have cared. How would you know the bugs were not on the seat and running onto you as you sat there? I agree with your final comment. Although we don't like to admit it, our school bathrooms are pretty clean when compared to the alternatives.

I'm male, 22, from the US. And take it from me, caffeine addiction is no joke.

I don't really consider myself incontinent, but there have been some accidents. I have a tendency to go on really bad caffeine binges. Now, we all know caffeine makes you pee. The other night I was working late and decided to get some coffee and stuff in my system. And almost every time I overdo it on the caffeine, I'll be up all hours of the night until I crash. Often times I'll wake up realizing that I wet the bed.

Moral of the story: go easy on the joe!

My previous posts have been about toilet experiences in the past. This one is different because it happened last week and is well worth posting about.

Late in the evening, completely out of the blue, I discovered there was no water coming out of the taps and the toilets would not flush. I phoned the water company who confirmed the problem was a burst main. They said the water supply would not be restored until the early hours of the morning. The problem was made worse because I needed to poo. I had gone in work that morning, but it was a small load which seemed incomplete. I expected that I would need to go again later in the day and I was right. Although I had the urge early in the evening, it was not that great and I thought I would wait until I went to bed. Now I was wishing I had not waited as my poo could not be flushed away. The urge got greater and greater.

I considered the options. The first was to hold it until the water came back on in the morning. That was not really practical because I would have been in some discomfort which would have effected my sleep. I would probably have had to get up in the night to poo in the bathroom and leave it in the bowl. The second option was to use the downstairs loo now and flush in the morning. I would put the lid down to try and mask the smell as much as possible. This would be difficult because I was sure this would be a big dump and I had eaten curry. The third option, which would not leave a bowl full of poo, was to squat over a newspaper and dispose of it and the contents in the rubbish bin. Finally, I could go in the garden. Privacy is assured at the top, even in daylight, because of the cover of trees and bushes. Neighbours would not be able to see me through upstairs windows. I had used the secluded area at the top of the garden as a toilet in broad day light on many occasions before largely out of laziness, because I was in the big garden (gardening, sun bathing or barbecue) and the loo, the other side of the house is such a distance away. But that was always for a wee. This was different.

My mind was made up after my husband said he was going to wee in the garden to avoid filling the toilet. On his return I said I would use the garden too, but it would not just be for a wee. He seemed shocked and said it did not matter if I used an unflushable toilet. I know he meant what he said and would not be the slightest bit concerned by the smell, but the idea of having an out door poo, for the first time in countless years, suddenly seemed very appealing! This was the perfect opportunity! If the weather had not been dry and warm, I would have chosen the indoor newspaper option though. I explained to my husband that I had been wild camping years before I met him and had had to poo outdoors behind bushes, and in broad daylight, out of necessity. I said it is nothing to be inhibited about and quite pleasant. I added that my privacy at the top of the garden was assured and the soiled toilet paper would go into the rubbish. He commented that, on reflection, what I was about to do was very sensible and if he needed to poo he would consider making use of the garden.

I took a toilet roll from the loo, grabbed a plastic bag and made my way out of the patio doors to the top of the garden. In the place where I would normally wee, behind a big tree, I lowered my tracksuit bottoms and knickers to my ankles. On squatting I felt the grass brushing against my bum. We had not mowed this section of the grass yet this spring. This meant that the pile I was about to deposit would not be conspicuous. I would shovel it into a border when it had dried up, in days to come. It felt really good to be on the point of to relieving myself, in the squat position out doors, for the first time in many months. All the more so as I was going to poo and I was not abroad and perched over a hole in the floor toilet.

To start with I emptied my bladder, the urge to poo had somewhat overshadowed my need for a wee which was also considerable. The wee went on for a long time. When finished, it was time for the serious business. I pushed and the turds easily slipped out. There were a lot, and with no breeze, the odour was pronounced. I would have stunk out the toilet big time. I was sure I was not finished so remained squatting in the same place. Sure enough the urge returned and I let out a loud fart, following through at the same time. Yet more poo followed, with another wee. I really did need to go and this was a big load. What I had produced earlier in the day was miniscule in comparison. I remained squatted until I was sure there was no more to come. My poo had taken some time and I felt relieved and unblocked. I stood up to wipe, first the front end and then my bum. It took a lot of toilet paper which I placed in the plastic bag. When finished, I pulled up my tracksuit bottoms and knickers, making my way to the bin. I dropped the plastic bag in the bin, walked into the house and proceeded to the loo to return the toilet roll and wash my hands with soap from the dispenser (no water).

All in all a very satisfying poo and a memorable experience. The temporary lack of a water supply is not all adversity! I would not have had an out door poo otherwise. I'm glad I did not choose to go earlier when the water was running. I nearly always have an urge to poo in the morning but the following day was an exception, no doubt because of the size of my poo the previous night. This was confirmed on a daylight inspection!

AJ :-) Loves Russell ;-)
Lazy Lizzie--The only people I've personally known who didn't wipe were little kids. However, to my knowledge, all of my adult friends and relatives wipe after they poop.

Even when I was a little kid, I didn't feel right unless I applied the toilet paper to my anal opening and surrounding area -- even though I didn't always get the job done and would occasionally leave skid marks. But it certainly wasn't because I didn't try.

In fact, as a kid, I would do my best not to get it on my hands while wiping. I was known on many occasions to use so much toilet paper (as in some to provide distance from my hands and my butthole) that I ended up flushing the toilet.

Back then, I didn't know about a courtesy flush, either. I would simply do my business and not flush the toilet until the paperwork was done -- so you can imagine what kind of mess I created when I flooded the toilet!

To my knowledge, no poop or paper overflowed with the water onto the floor, but it was certainly in there with the paper for plunging around in.

I remember when I was almost ten that I came home from school, did my business in the downstairs half-bath, and looked in the bowl afterwards to find out that I'd used tons of toilet paper.

In the past, I'd flushed the toilet without closing the lid, so I assumed that it was because the lid was open that the toilet was able to overflow.

So I decided to close the lid so that the water would have to go down instead of flowing over.

I closed the lid and flushed the toilet. Problem solved! NOT!

As I was starting to leave after washing my hands, I noticed that the toilet was making funny sounds.

When I looked over at it, I was shocked to find out that my little scheme didn't work.

The lid was closed, but the seat didn't sit right on the rim of the toilet but, instead, had a space in-between, and the water was seeping through that space and onto the floor.

I ran out of the bathroom hollering for a plunger!

By the time I was able to alert anyone, the water from the toilet had become a river that snaked its way out of the bathroom, down the hall, and made a left-hand turn into the living room.

It was pathetic!

Fortunately, I didn't have parents like the paddle-happy ones I see written about here so much, or I probably still wouldn't be able to sit down over 45 years later!

I just got a mild lecture advising me not to use so much toilet paper in the future -- which went in one ear and out the other, as giving myself a clean bottom without getting skid marks all over my hand was more important to me than not stopping up the toilet. But I did try to be more careful.

These days, it's my habit to flush after I'm finished pooping and, then, flush after two or three wipes -- and the wipes are normal wipes where I fold (usually) or bunch up a few connected sheets of toilet paper at a time instead of wrapping it around my hand like a carpal-tunnel post-surgical bandage.

Although I don't personally know any friends or relatives who don't wipe (to my knowledge), I've actually been in university toilets and have seen paperless poop in the toilet bowl on several occasions and couldn't believe my eyes.

Also, when I was a kid, my folks and I went to this smorgasbord that was recommended to us by somebody. Like the four or five year old kid I was, I had to pee before the meal was over, so my mom asked about restrooms.

The smorgasbord was connected to the house where the family who owned it lived, so we were shown to just a regular family bathroom. When we got in there, the toilet had the biggest log in it and no toilet paper.

My mom asked me if I could hold it, and I told her I could, so we went back to our table and finished eating.

We traveled with my johnny pot if we went any distance, so I just used it after we left.

Oh yes! I thought that smorgasbord was wonderful and kept asking my folks when we were going back. It turned out that they thought that it was overpriced and what they ate wasn't that great (even though I loved everything I ate there). On top of that, there were these wooden booths, and we sat in one of them, and they weren't well-sanded, making my mom get a run in one of her stockings when she got up.

To me, though, it reminded me of my grandparents' summer kitchen back when they lived on a farm in Kentucky.

I saw another work-of-art-sans-toilet-paper when I was in kindergarten.

We had a unisex restroom between the kindergarten and first-grade rooms where it could be used by both grades.

I can't remember any sort of sink being in the restroom. We simply came out and washed our hands in the sink in our room.

There were two very private stalls.

There was an actual thick wall between the two toilets, and the door wasn't one that could be looked through.

But they were little toilets (kid-sized).

One day I went into one of them and couldn't believe my eyes! There was this continuous length of poop that must have been at least as big around as my arm, and it wrapped itself around the inside edge of the toilet bowl in a horse shoe shape. No paper with it, either.

I flushed the toilet before I sat down.

Probably the reason that there was no paper with it was that there seemed to be no paper available.

We had toilet paper dispensers where they were in this metal box with a slit in the bottom from which you pulled out as many sheets as you needed a sheet at a time.

I noticed a screw in the bottom part of the box on the side that faced outwards. I turned that screw, and the box opened up. There was plenty of toilet paper in it, but it had just gotten off-track to where it the last sheet didn't follow the previous one down when the latter was pulled out.

For years, I thought that this must be the way that a baby was delivered.

The mother carried the baby in her ????, and the doctor had a special tool for unscrewing her belly-button. When he unscrewed her belly-button, her ????would open up just like that toilet paper box, and he could get the baby out. 

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