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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Brandon T comments & stuff

To: Heidi as always another great set of storiesyour first one it sounds like you made with just miliseconds to spare and your very lucky you didnt fart before that other wise it wouldve been alot worse and great story about your work bathroom it sopunds like it may be an inconveince for you and maybe others if soi they may have to change it and as always I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To:Susan as always another great story it sounds like your brother really helped you out in your time of need and it was lucky you had that kfc bucket to use and as always I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Jessica first welcome to the site and great accident story it sounds like your firend was really there for you shes a true friend and and I bet you learned not hold it for so long and please post anymore stories you may have thanks. 

To: mrs. Toilet Trooper as always another great story I wonder if that girl didnt like you or was jealous of you who knows and it sounds like she pooped alot and I bet she will think twice before doing that again cause she may get taped again and as always I look forward toy our next post thanks. 

To: Tyler great story about you hearing your friend pee and poop I bet that memory weill last forever. 

About an hour ago I heard 3 women poop I think the first sounded like she had diarrhea caused she flushed quickly after doing to minimize the smell probaly the 2nd I think pooped im not sure it sounded i heard some plops and the 3rd may have just farted after peeing but they sounded wet and all this happened at that bookstore. 

Well thats all for now. 

sincerly Brandon T 

PS. I love this site 


My crap schedule

Hey! I'm Daniel and I'm new here. I'm 14 years old and a freshman in high school. I get out of school at 2:25 PM. When I get off the bus and get home, I'm usually ready to poop. It usually comes out firm and a medium brown color with little effort to push. That's all. 


Request/Question (ann)

To ANN (bathroom attandent): 

Can you post more stories of working as a restroom/bathroom attandent ? 

also do you have anystores of tthen that involves women caught/you saw/watched them go while working as attaendent or anythat used or had to do business in the trash or sink ? 


Just a guy
Sabrina - Welcome to the site. Wow, it sounds like you and Eve really both had to go badly. It was a great story & I look forward to future posts.

Anne - Sorry to hear that your pregnancy is making it difficult to poop, but it sounded like that was a really relieving dump you had.

Ann - wow, you were a ladies room attendant for a hotel. I bet you have some interesting stories for this site. I'm not into the vomiting stories, but if you recall any interesting stories about pooping or farting, please do post.

Desperate to poop - As usual, that was a great story with lots of detail of what was going on. It sounds like you had a really relieving dump after an unfortunately long wait.

Hermes - another great story. As Mrs. J said, it really sounded like she was busting to go.

Abbie - I'm glad to see you're still posting - it was a great story about you and your friend, Olivia.

Mina - wow, 5 poos in one day - with one being a quite large one. I'm glad it wasn't diarrhea - I usually go 1 to 2 times, but 3 times has happened on occasion. I also can recall a very few occasions of having to gone 4 times in a day, but don't think I can top your 5 (excluding diarrhea trips, that is).

Megan - as usual, I enjoy your posts and appreciate your replies. It sounds like both Sophie and you had good dumps while you spent your Saturday out.

Catarina - another great story - sounded like a nice big relieving dump. Sorry your friends rushed you out. If it was me, I would have just finished up.

Sebastian - Wow, great story. It sounds like your friend's wife really had to go!

So.. I'm a long time lurker, and I've finally got a few stories to add to this site, since I've just gotten on some meds that darken your turds, and give you either diarrhea or constipation.

Well, before I took these meds, I used to have bowel movements about every 3 days, and would only push out about 1-2 turds.
When I started on them, I started to be able to have a bm at least once a day, usually 1-3 now, and it's usually dark with very soft turds. Well, beats having to feel full all the time, and not being able to go!
Weirdly enough, I haven't been constipated at all as my doctor warned me about, but I've gotten diarrhea (the type that keeps you constantly running to the bathroom)for the first two times in my life.

Other than that...
A while ago, I heard somewhere that there might be female urinals installed in some public washrooms near where I live... Quite interesting, although I'm pretty sure it's just a rumor...

also, my mom is VERY open about her bowel movements, up to the point of talking about the consistency, how many turds she pushes out...
I found that out when we were on vacation, and she kept on telling us how she had/didn't have a bm that day, etc. Me and the rest of my family had to repeatedly tell her that we didn't want to hear that(although some people on here might).
I want to keep this relatively short, since it's my first post... so CYA for now.

Mr. Clogs

Making emergency a pit stop

I was out yesterday (Wednesday) going to a client's house to set up their computer. I was on my way when my desperation to pee grew strong. I pulled to a gas station to "unload" some fluids. So I went inside and asked a attractive young woman about late 20s early 30s about my height, tan completion, nice long black hair and glasses where's the restroom. She said it around the building and to take the key and bring it back. I said thanks and took the key and made my way to bathroom. I unlocked the door and found restroom remarkably clean with nice toilet paper and a hand drier. So I unzipped pull out the woody and released a hard steady stream of pee into the toilet. I was going for about 30 seconds strong to the last few seconds started to slow down and taper off. I felt relieved and gave the woody a good shake. I zipped up and washed my hands and dried my hands off. I made my way back to the cash register to give back the key and say good bye to the lovely cashier and bought a pack of gum and left to go to the client's house to setup their computer (I can tell she liked me :)). Oh well that made my day special. 

Susan: Interesting story about peeing and pooping into the KFC bucket as a kid. 

Heidi: I enjoyed your 35th story about having diarrhea in the bathroom. Hope you feel better. 

zip: WOW! That was sneaky of your friends to do that, at I hope you've enjoyed using the squat toilet. 

Mrs. Toilet Trooper: I really enjoyed your story about your neighbor surveying her and literally catch her and her dog in the act! She and her dog is nasty neighbors. 

That's all for now enjoy your day. 

Mr. Clogs 


Evening Poop with my Fiance

So it's Thursday, and yesterday evening I had my first poo since Sunday in the park portajohn. I was watching TV with my fiance (he way my boyfriend in previous posts; since we discovered I'm carrying his child we decided to get married this coming spring.) and my dinner of a large cobb salad got things moving in the bowel department. I've been trying to eat more fiber, especially raw vegetables, to prevent the pregnancy constipation (which I hear is quite commom) from getting unmanageable. 

I went into our bathroom and pulled my bright pink cotton panties to my knees (otherwise I had just a bra on, it was a hot evening and we don't have air conditioning.) I relaxed, and pretty quickly a large but comfortable log was sliding out at a moderate pace: I'd say it took perhaps two minutes to exit without any pushing, much quicker than my portajohn behemoth but not as quick as my poops of a month ago. I peed a bit at the end, but not much because I had peed right after dinner perhaps an hour before. 

I stood up and looked in the toilet: it was a solid log a foot by two inches, the color of a supreme dark chocolate bar. I called my fiance in to take a look. He really likes to see my poops and I indulge him whenever he's there when I poop at home. He looked in the toilet and said "Nice one, honey!" and gave me a thumbs up. I crumpled up some toilet paper and said "would you like to do the honors?" He enthusiastically replid "Would I?!" 

I handed him the paper, then I put my hands on the vanity for balance as I bent over a little bit. I could see him clearly in the mirror as he wiped me slowly all the way up my crack, then he closely inspected the paper, folded it over and wiped me one more time. The second wipe had just a small trace of brown on it so he said "I think that'll suffice" and I pulled up my panties and washed my hands. He did the honor of flushing as well. We went back to the couch and snuggled as best we could in the heat. 

I'm so happy I have a partner I can share my poo with! 

Mrs. Toilet Trooper

Mr. Clogs

Hey. It's Lt. Toilet Trooper with another situation. Three weeks ago, I saw a question proposed by one of my favourite posters on, Mr. Clogs, about the odour of urine on page 2216. Of course, Mr. Clogs, this one is for you. Apparently, Mr. Clogs, this post is long overdue because you asked this question ages ago, but it's overdue for good reason because it resulted in me conducting "pissperiments." Shortly after I considered Mr. Clogs' question when I returned from the natural hair convention in Raleigh noted in my story "Take One Down, Pass It Around" on page 2217, I consumed over two cups of fresh iced tea while I watched flicks on MAX GO. About halfway into the movie, the urge to piss instantly attacked my bladder walls, forecasting an upcoming tropical storm. However, instead of using the toilet, I grabbed the McDonald's cup that I just sipped from, positioned it under my womanhood, and unleashed a stable stream of dark golden piss for about 25 seconds, filling the cup more than halfway. I sniffed the piss in the cup, and, to my surprise, it smelt almost identical to popcorn, almost fresh from the movie theatre. I thought to myself, "WTF? I know my piss doesn't smell like this all the time." Thus, I decided to conduct experiments on the scents of my piss based upon what I drink. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a long cup from the dish drain, and downed eighteen full cups of ice water at once without even leaving the kitchen. Apparently, when I down such large amounts of beverages, I usually spend the rest of my night pissing, which unleashing is one of the greatest feelings ever to me. With my stomach hard and bloated from downing so many cups of cold water, I trekked upstairs, where even before I reached the top, the urge to piss attacked me. If you know me well enough, you would know that my bladder is crackhead teeth-weak to the point where the first urge I experience feels like an accident in the making. 

I gathered another large McDonald's cup that I used for pencil shavings, and too placed it under my womanhood. I unleashed a heavy stream for about 30 seconds, filling the cup with clear piss. I smelt the piss, which, at that time, was practically odourless. Due to downing so much water, I spent most of the day giving the people that work at the Charlotte sewer plant extra work because I kept pissing non-stop. The next day, I wanted to experiment piss scent from other beverages. Brandon and I shared bottles of Coruba Original, the best Jamaican dark rum in the market, when a while afterwards, the urge signalled to unleash another Hurricane Ebony, complete with air raid sirens and all. I went upstairs, gathered the same cup I used to analyse the clear piss, and placed it under my womanhood, overworked from releasing so much water like the levy broke. I sighed in relief while I unleashed a chaotic stream, with droplets of piss spraying wildly on the carpet. I raised the cup a bit higher to control Hurricane Ebony to keep more innocents from dying. The storm continued slowly for nearly 40 seconds before it reduced to mere drips, leaving a cup full of dark golden piss. The piss's smell, courtesy of the rum, smelt strong and unpleasant, although a hint of molasses, the main ingredient, was still slightly present. More recently, namely throughout this week, I conducted another pissperiment after drinking tea, water, and rum, and the odours were the same. Therefore, my pissperiment concludes with the fact that my piss smells like popcorn when golden after sipping ice tea, is odourless when clear after sipping water, and seriously stinks when dark golden after sipping rum. I plan on conducting more pissperiments, so Mr. Clogs, or anyone else, if you're interested in my results, just let me know. 


The Constipated 15 year old


When you say that you have been constipated for 16 days....what exactly do you mean? Do you mean that you have not had any sort of bowel movement for 16 days? No marbles? No balls? No nothing? you mean that you have not had a "normal" soft complete BM over that time? 

If you have not had any BM at all for 16 days....that is a serious situation for someone your age. I'm glad that you're seeking help. 

Although; your situation is not at all unusual...I think that if you knew the truth...there are some of your friends who are similarly impacted. For many kids...they've been constipated to some degree for most of their life...and their colons have gotten enlarged to the point where there can be an enormous amount of waste in there. So much so that their bellys bulge. There are a lot of teens with distended ????s...but today's loose fitting clothes covers it up. 

If your stool is at your rectum and you can feel it...the solution is pretty simple. Take a finger and work it out...piece by piece. You can do it. Wait for things to move down a bit...and do it again. I think that once you get some of it out...your body will take over and finish the job. at getting yourself completely empty. Then...over a period of 6 months to a year....through the use of stool softeners and diet changes...keep yourself very loose and empty. Over that time...your colon will shrink back to a more normal size and you will find things a lot easier. 

Good luck makes me sad to think that you apparently don't have anyone in your life to look after you. 

To Jessica:

Shopping Accident Story


I was just wondering if this was your first accident you've had as an adult? I gotta give you credit, takes alot to admit to an embarrassing accident online! 


squat toilets

Hi Zip - you are adventurous for searching out the squat toilets. I've tried them in the middle east. I couldn't figure out how to urinate while squatting without peeing right into my pants. I had to pee and poop separately. Plus hard to read or text in that position. Maybe we can get some advice from some regular users? 

Brandon T

heard a woman poop

about 45 minutes I was at the library by the magazines when an elderly woman entered the bathroom she quickly took a stall and starting having diarrhea acompanied with deep low farts and splashing it sounded like really had to go bad and just made to bad it wasnt at that bookstore then I couldve seen if there were skidmarks other wise great catch 


Big poop repost

I wrote this post about my poop from a few days ago but for whatever reason it wasn't posted. As far as I know I didn't do anything wrong or put anything dirty/perverted. It was just a normal post, so I don't get why it wasn't posted with everyone else's. *shrug* 

The other day I drank a bottle of water as soon as I got up in hopes to get my bowels moving, and it definitely did! Before dinner I got a strong urge to go and it didn't take much pushing or effort to get it out. It felt like I couldn't stop going! After not going for over a week I know I had a lot in there. And a lot came out! 

I had 4-5 fairly big turds with some mushy stuff on top. That was the most I've pooped in a long time, if ever! I guess I really had to go! 

Your last post was posted and has at least one reply.

Brandon T

heard another woman pooping

about an hour ago I heard another woman poop at that bookstore I saw a woman enter the bathroom first she peed then she let out a quick burst of diarrhea and then I went to poop myself and it kinda stunk but not that bad. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Looks like I forgot to put my name on my last post where I replied to Abbie and Desperate to Poop. Now you know- it was me!

Today I was shopping and found myself needing my first poo of the week pretty urgently. I went to the shop's toilets to take care of it. In the ladies were two cubicles, both taken, and a girl of about my age waiting. She was quite tall with bright red hair and lovely long legs which made me jealous! She was there because she had to have a number two as well; she had her hand on her stomach and I heard her fart while we waited. Both women in the cubicles were pooing too so we had a bit of a wait before we could go. I needed to poo pretty bad now. After 5 minutes both cubicles opened up pretty much together. I went in as the other girl sat down. I heard her fart then drop two logs with big plops as I sat. I let out two pieces too. She farted quietly and then unloaded a lot of little plops. I pushed out four more turds over the next few minutes. Looking under the cubicle I could see she had dropped her shorts and black knickers to her feet while she pooed. I had my shorts and pink knickers at my feet too. I had two more pieces to get out and the other girl had a few more little pieces and then one log. She was done first and I heard her wipe then flush. She was washing her hands when I came out. She looked a tiny bit embarrassed but not too much!

Hello everyone its John from the uk with the story I promised earlier. Well a couple of weeks ago I was in Truro visiting my elderly mother. This particular day she didn't want to go out for lunch but insisted I should. So I had a mooch about and just before 2ish decided to have something to eat. I started of with cream of wild mushroom soup a mackeral salad main course and a dessert of Eton Mess with clotted cream finished off with a coffee. Now I hadn't had a poo for 2 days, change of routine, water etc but during the course of the meal I loosened my belt a notch or two. Anyway it was poo time and as i approached the sliding door to the unisex facilities a woman in her mid 40s with shoulder length loosely curled blonde hair arrived from the downstairs part of the eaterie. "Great minds" she smiled as I slid open the door to be confronted by two cubicles the left one for men and the right for women. This Connie Booth look alike said "umm very cosy" and I felt myself reddening as I knew I was in for a flatulent poo! We took our respective cubicles which although they gave the illusion of being hermetically sealed certainly weren't soundproof as I could hear her clearly unzip her dark green cargo shorts and lower these and her panties and sit down. I started to pee aiming my willie at the porcelain, I could hear the hissing of her stream which went from being forceful to a mere trickle. We both sat in silence as if waiting for each to make the 1st move. Then she farted a boomer and giggled and said "oh well, game on then" at which point I relaxed, farted and there was a cascade of plops and farts from our respective stalls for the next 5 mins or so. I only needed a couple of wipes and I believe she did about 5 or 6. We washed our hands and exited and I said to her "wow, we both needed that". "Not half" she laughed and we both exchanged pleasantaries and arranged to meet up later for a drink, all inhibitions gone. We spent a pleasant evening together and met up again a few times nothing sexual as we're both married.


35th Story

So after school I was walking with my boyfriend to his place. At lunch I tried pooping but I was constipated. But on our walk I was getting major pressure in my bum for a poop. I knew it was going to be diarrhea. It was hard to hold it. We got into his house and nobody was home. I said I needed to use the bathroom. I took my shoes off and went down the hall and into the bathroom. I pulled my red shorts down to to my ankles which I usually don't have down that far. I sat down and a second later I couldn't help but just explode all of the diarrhea at once in 1 big push. It was really bad and really loud. It lasted 10-15 seconds and was just non stop wet diarrhea and weird half silent and half normal farts I can't describe the sound. At the same time I also had a pee. I was embarrassed because there is no way he didn't hear that from the other room. I sat there embarrassed and relieved. I realized I still had some poo. I pushed out a 6" smooth poop. The toilet look awful it had poo all over the inside. I wiped really well and flushed but it didn't. I had to plunge and scrub it all. It really smelled to. When I got out he asked me if I was sick and wanted to go home. I said I was fine. He said alright and turned it to a different topic to end that. See you later. 

I was only 5 years old at the time of this story and am now 53 years old.My family (mother,father,I and my 7 year old brother Tim)where out on a long drive in an old "V W Bug" . My dad was driving with my mom up front and me & my brother in the back seat of the car.I was had on a semi-short skirt at the time and i had one leg in a cast. We had stopped at a KFC and picked up a barrel of chicken earlier that day and had the empty barrel still in the car. Later on we got stuck in (the middle lain of a 5 lain highway)in a long traffic tie up . In the meantime i really felt a desperate need for a pee and a crap really really bad . It finally got to the point that i just couldn't hold it in much longer so i spoke up with my need and made it clear that i couldn't hold on much longer.Well to make a long story short.Tim remembered still having the empty KFC Barrel in the car reached for it.Because of the limited space in the back seat of the car and my one leg in a cast i couldn't move around very well.So Tim (my 7 year old brother) had to reach under my semi-short skirt to help pull down my panties and to move my body to positing me properly over the KFC Barrel while i let go of a long strong stream of piss and a large crap into the bucket (Thank God it didn't smell to bad).Then Tim took some napkins and helped clean my but and then helped put my panties back up.I was so embarrassed of having Tim see me like that.He did promise me that he would not tell anyone and admitted to me that he to was embarrassed of having to do so yet what other thing could you do (for when you Really Really have to go you Have To GO . That made me feel so far much better.


used a squat toilet!

I traveled to France with a couple of buddies and over the time here had mentioned in passing that I heard they had squat toilets in some places and I had to find one to try it out. They just laughed about it of course. Then today we went to one of the Chateaus. The one with the awesome gardens in the Loire region. I had to use the restroom and saw one of the stalls was a squat toilet. Well, I just had to try it out! I closed the door and wondered how far to lower my clothes. I went for just below the knee. I undid my belt and pulled my shorts and briefs just below the knee. I squatted down and dropped my load into the pan. My anus was directly over the hole, so most of it went right in. It was actually quite comfortable! 
The only problem I had was was trying to pee while still squatting. It wasn't working out too well. I finally did pee, but it took some time. Too much pressure on my bladder or something like that. 
I was able to wipe easily and the flush was strong enough to get everything down the drain. Nice! I pulled up my shorts and briefs and went out to wash up. 

When I came back out I told my friends that I had found my squat toilet and was able to use it. I wasn't sure when I would get the chance again, so I photographed myself taking a dump while using the squat toilet. One guy laughed and said, "no you didn't!". I told him that I sure did and pulled out my iPad and showed him the photo of me squatting. It didn't show my "junk", or any actual poop, but you could definitely see that I was squatting bare assed over the squat toilet, with my briefs and shorts pulled down. My briefs were orange Jockeys and were definitely quite noticeable! 
He laughed again and said I should send it to him so he could forward it around. 
The other guy was grossed out about the idea of using a squat toilet so he wouldn't even look. Later though, I was going through my pix and came across it again. I said that I should probably get rid of the pix and he asked which ones. I turned the iPad toward him and showed him the ones of me on the squat. He just kinda laughed and said he wasn't expecting to see that! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Desperate need to poop

I've been pooping fairly regularly now and I don't really have to struggle and strain anymore to go. You know what changed? I drink a bottle of water, sometimes two when I get up before I eat anything. You have to do this on an empty stomach for it to work. And within half an hour to 45 minutes I get a strong urge to go, usually stomach cramps and a strong urge to poop. 

Yesterday (Thursday) I didn't go for whatever reason but on Wednesday I was quite desperate to go. The usual time that I need to go after I finished my bottle of water, I got a really, really strong urge to poop. But my husband was in the bathroom and taking a long time because he was constipated. He must have been sitting in there for half an hour or so, and I *really* had to go. I had stomach cramps and seriously felt like I was going to explode. It was hard to hold and I was moaning and sitting on my foot to try to hold it in. Finally I went to the bathroom where my husband had the door open. He asked me what's wrong and I said that I had to poop really bad. He was like oh and he got off the toilet and had to wash his bum in the bathtub because it was so messy. He said I could come in to use the toilet. I would have preferred my privacy but I had to go too bad to care or have time to be picky, so I did. 

Pretty much as soon as I sat down it came out. It took maybe 2 minutes to do my business. I hadn't realized my husband had been watching me, because he said "Why do you make faces like someone's stabbing you?" I didn't really have an answer for that, so all I said was "I have stomach cramps". Wiping was pretty messy. And of course naturally I stood up to check out what I made. The water was pretty murky so it was hard to see the exact length of the turd but it looked pretty long and soft. I tried to get my husband to look but he didn't want to ;) I usually show him my poops when they're really big and long :P He can't believe I can poop that much. 

It feels good now that I'm pooping every 1-2 days as opposed to 1-2 weeks like before. I can poop easily and with no straining when before I had to sit on the toilet and strain with often no results and when I did go I would clog the toilet with my monster turds. I don't even have to use stool softeners anymore to go. It's great :) Hopefully I can keep this up, then I'll feel like a normal person like everyone else, people who poop every day. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012