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Sunday, September 9, 2012


I have an embarrassing story which happened to me my junior year of college.

Some friends of mine and I were very drunk and had responsibly decided to walk home from the bar we were at since none of us were sober enough to drive. It was only a two mile walk. Well, we all had to pee about halfway home. Both my guy and girl friends just ducked behind the bushes in front of an office building we were walking past. I was too bashful to bare my butt in front of them and decided I could hold it until I got back to my apartment.

We walked for another half a mile or so, and I really couldn't hold it anymore. By that time, though, we were walking past a big parking lot of a supermarket and there wasn't really any cover. I looked around and started getting desperate. Finally, I gave up and just decided to pee on the grass with no cover at all, but just as I started to undo my belt, I lost control and peed in my pants.

I groaned and said, "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" I was so mortified. Luckily my friends were cool about it. I had to walk the rest of the way with my jeans soaked with pee. I learned my lesson, though. After that experience, if nature called, I'd bare my ass in front of anyone!

The Black Flame
Greetings. Krissy, I do remember you. I believe you were the woman who took such good care of her sister when she was sick. I must confess that I was quite impressed by your maturity. Please keep posting, as you definitely have interesting stories.
I never posted this incident, but figured now's as good a time as any. On New Year's Day 2009, as we usually do every New Year, we ate the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch meal of pork and sauerkraut. The next evening, much to my astonishment, my poop smelled exactly like pork and sauerkraut. I've heard of onion smells, but never pork and sauerkraut. Has anyone ever smelled a previous meal after it came out the other end? Have a good day, and keep up the great posts.
The Black Flame

Laura (Teacher)
Hello to everyone,

It has been quite a while since my last post, but, I thought I would re-introduce myself. My name is Laura, I'm a high school teacher for a local private high school in Connecticut. I'm 29, 5'7", petite and I'm engaged to the greatest guy in the world!

Today, as I was teaching class, I had such a stomach ache and I had been needing to use the toilet for quite a while. I had quite a bit of Wheaties cereal for breakfast (high in fibre), and my lunch wasn't helping things either. 45 minutes later, my class finally ended, and I made my way to the faculty women's toilets. While walking, I slowly let out these silent but deadly know, the ones to help relieve the pressure in the stomach.

When I arrived, I realized that I wasn't the only one who needed to move my bowels. There were 2 other stalls in use and from the sounds, they were plopping up a storm (most of us are on the same schedule, and when you have free time, you need to take advantage of it).

Luckily, there are three stalls, so I took a free stall (middle toilet). When I went in, I quickly shut the door, put one of those protective covers on the toilet seat, lifted my skirt, pulled down my, hosiery, panties and sat. Once I got comfortable on the seat I started to pee up a storm. While urinating, I couldn't help the embarrassing farting noises. I could feel my poop move into place, and this huge log crept out of me as if there were no tomorrow. I couldn't but help but hear the women in the other stalls fart and plop away. The woman to my right had to go badly as she kept dropping these little plop balls, one after the other...plop..plop...plop.

Finally my large poop landed in the toilet, but, I was no where near done. I relaxed for about a minute. I felt more pressure in my stomach and slightly pushed. Once again, I farted and many long, large poops came out of my behind (must have been the fiber from breakfast).

I sat for a few extra minutes and realized that I was now completely done. I wiped my front, then my backside. I then flushed, and washed my hands.

As I was washing my hands, you couldn't help notice that there was a heavy smell of poop in the air (I feel that I had to do with a lot of it.. lol). Oh well, like I said before, when you gotta go, you've gotta go.

Talk to you all later!!


Just a Dood
Mike, I liked your story about the girl who stunk up the bathroom. Can you describe what she looked like?

to jessica: i rewally enjoyed your story! that Good that u left the tiolet unflushed! you should do this all the time when u go out in public!


ps. i wish i could have been in the bathroom at that time u had your huge bowl movement!

Little Julie 
Why do I get constipated before my period, and then suffer from gastroentitis? I produce the biggest turds I have ever seen for a teenager - why do they make toilets with such small holes in them?
I have to resort to pooping in public during my period, and I have yet to find a toilet that can handle my big loads...

Me and my friend Mia were out sledding on Friday. Schools were called off because we had just short of a foot of snow. Mia called me from the park and I told her I would get our family's toboggan and meet her there. It was like really tough just crossing the main street to enter the park because there was a lot of traffic and it was moving slow. I cut through a service station parking lot and heard Mia call out my name from behind me. She was pissed. She had just come out of the office of the station, with a painful need to pee (she's like me--the longer I spent outside, the more I need to pee!)and the guy who managed the station had refused to give her the key to the ladies room. He said it was for "paid customers only" and even laughed at her when she started to cry a little.

We headed across the street to the park and the biggest hill that most sledders used. The ride down takes like 45 to 50 seconds and it's great. I told her that after we got down to the bottom and walked to the other side of the frozen lake, there was a small, brick building with a couple of toilets and sinks in it. She said she didn't think she was going to make it and that she would probably be peeing her red snow pants. We'll as we got closer, Mia got more desperate. Finally we got to the building and because we didn't see any footprints in the snow, I thought it might be locked up for the winter. I didn't want to tell her that because it would just upset her more. We got to the ladies room door and sure enough it was locked. Even if it hadn't had the padlock on it, I don't think the door would have opened because there was at least 6 inches of snow and some ice right up against it. We were also freaked out by the remains of a dead squirrel nearby and the tracks made by several animals in the snow.

Once this past fall I went out jogging when I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. While in the park, I needed to take my morning crap and the two stalls in the ladies room had been vandalized and they were also quite dirty, so I went around the other side to the mens room which had its door wide open. It was the first time that I had used a mens bathroom and I had a very satisfying shit. There was no door on the stall but I didn't care because there was no one else around. Well, I told Mia to go over to the door. There was a padlock on it but it wasn't latched. Mia took off her mitten, pulled off the lock, and unlatched the very noisy door that both of us had to put our weight into in order to get it open. She immediately went to the one stall, which as I had experienced earlier, was doorless. She took one look at the stall and its seat and I heard Mia shout out "F###!" Forgetting that I was trying to find the light switch, I ran over. She had her snow pants down to her knees and was about an inch off sitting on the seat when I looked in and found that a coating of snow had blown in from a quarter-sized break in a small window above the toilet and almost completely covered about 2/3 of the big black toilet seat. Also, she had to watch her footing because there was snow on the floor on both sides and in front of the toilet. I quickly took my glove and wiped the snow off and within a second of her dropping her underwear, I could hear a tremendous pouring of pee into the bowl. It was probably the excerise, but we were both sweating a bit despite the cold conditions of the room and I joked to her that I hoped her butt wouldn't stick to the seat. She mentioned seeing an article in the paper or on the TV news about a little boy who stuck his tongue to a light pole on a dare, and after prying it off, the paramedics had to take him to the hospital. Mia's was one of the longest pees I had ever heard. Once she wiped with the cold toilet paper, she said I should probably go because we were going to stay out for several hours and that gas station wasn't going to be an alternative.

I grabbed some toilet paper and like I normally do in public places, I put it over the seat before I sat down. Mia asked me why and I said that it was something my mom learned me to do like when I was really young and in public bathrooms with her. Mia rolled her eyes but admitted that my seat would be warmer than hers had been. I must have stayed on the stool for five minutes but I couldn't get my urine to start. It frustrated me but I couldn't get it going. Mia joked that the option would still be open for me to snow pee. Luckily we were out for another four hours and neither of us had to resort to that option.

Thanks to the wonderful people who have given me advice regarding my son.

Grunty Bogwell : I would love to read of your experience , but you haven't given me the letter number to go to, I would appreciate that so much. I have to say that thinking on what is happening at home with him is 'exciting' me more and more, and to be honest a lifelong of 'peeping' is not a bad thing, to my mind. Please tell me ore on this subject.

Penny: Yes I realise that I must warn him not to become obsessive with his peeping. Not with me anyway, but I see no harm in his peeping in a healthy way on other boys and girls of his own age. Isn't it something we all did as we grew up. Thanks Penny your words have meant a lot to me.

Nobody: I haven't told him not to for that very reason. It actually makes me excited. I have to say that your experience in the toilets with the business women so very exciting. Please tell me more it must have made you feel great inside.

Petite Pooper: Your stories are wonderful, I can't wait to read more of them.

Mr. Clogs
I got a post to share so here goes.

First one was from Sunday, I had to poop. Instead of using the toilet to do my doodie deeds in it, I decided to poop in the container that I got from the Chinese restaurant had lemonade in from a while ago. I had to go really bad, so I waited for my folks to leave and I had the house to myself a bit, I grabbed the container and filled it 1/2 way with water, the container holds 32 oz of liquid so enough room for me to poop in it. I placed it on the floor in my room and slammed the my curtain door (for additional privacy, or lack there of LOL.) I got into a squatting position and let loose into the container. I kept plopping away into the container with water and now some poop in it and my room smelt like fresh poop of the day. So I took the container in the bathroom to wipe up and rinse out the container for next use.

Another story was later that day, I was getting ready to hit the sack for the day, a bit buzzed from the beer I just had. I had to pee before I went to bed. I had the laptop on and figure why not make a video clip of me peeing in a cup. I hit the record button with the software I used to make the video clip with grabbed the cup, slid down the front part of my underwear so I could pee and went to work peeing in the cup! Once I was finished I stopped the video from recording and finished getting undressed and went to bed. In the middle of the night I had to pee again, so I grabbed the same pee filled cup and peed in it again filling up the cup near the brim of it.

This one is from this morning, I would have to say the longest I've ever pooped while sitting over the toilet. Ok I woke up with cramps in my stomach which I know it's time to take a dump. I got out of my bed and made my way to the toilet. I got in and yanked my pj bottoms off and spread my butt cheeks wide and plopped down on the toilet. I let the first big wave of poop out of my system and felt ok. While sitting over the toilet, I kept hearing my stomach gurgling and rumbling and could feel the second wave coming. What was really pissing me off is I had already wiped up from the first one. So I stayed seated and let nature do it's thing adding more to the pile of poop I already made in the toilet. I wiped up, washed my hands, put my pjs on and went back to bed.

Possum: Yeah that is cruel and painful way of disciplining a child like that. I thought the paddle to the butt was cruel, but that's insane and abusive.

petite pooper: Wow it's been a while, I liked your post about your experience with your girlfriend, cool that you're open with your partner about your interest in her bathroom habits. Thanks again for your post.

Take care everybody and happy peeing and pooping.


--Mr. Clogs

Hey Krissy, what an awesome big sister you are!

I've never had a very memorable bathroom-related misadventure personally, but my girlfriend did on the worst night possible! It was our senior prom night. I picked her up at her house. She looked beautiful in her gown, more like we were going to an awards show than a prom.

So, we're in the car on the way and she's telling me how nervous she is, and I'm trying to calm her down. I thought it was weird, she wasn't usually so jittery. We got to our school and parked by the baseball field and started walking up to the back where the entrance to the gym was (where the prom was). We only got part of the way up when she suddenly groaned. I asked what was wrong and she said her stomach felt funny. We stopped and I told her to breathe. I thought she was having a panic attack or something. All of a sudden her eyes bugged out and she said, "Oh ????Fuck!" She looked around and saw the porta-potties by the baseball field and rushed over to them. I followed her.

She yanked open the door to one and stepped inside. The door slammed shut. Standing outside, I heard her suffer through a horrible bout of explosive diarrhea. Just non-stop farting and splashing for a couple of minutes. I also heard her crying. I felt so bad for her. After a few minutes, I knocked and asked if she was okay. She said no. She stayed locked up in there for about twenty minutes before she felt it was safe to come out.

I asked her if she wanted to skip the prom and just go home. She thought about it, and decided she wanted to brave the prom.

We ended up having a good time. She had to make a break for the girls room a few times, but it was never as bad as that first one in the porta-potty. We did skip the party afterward, though.

I took a really big dump this morning. I hadn't gone for a couple days, don't know why, just didn't have the urge. But this morning, while drinking my coffee, the urge hit me quick.

I was reading the morning paper, so I took it into the bathroom with me. I read two sections while I pooped. After wiping, I checked out my load. I was amazed at the size of it. One solid piece, coming up out of the trap, then flopping back across on top of itself. Must have been 2 feet long, easily.

About a half hour later, just before I left for work, I went back in there and dropped a few more logs, about 6 inches long each. Somehow I pumped out about 3 and a half feet of shit this morning.

When you don't go for a couple days, a lot of crap can accumulate back there.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

AJ :-) Loves Russell ;-)
Dave XB--Like you, I haven't posted on here for awhile, either, but have been reading here as I've found time.

Interesting take on White Castles.

Personally, I haven't noticed any changes in my bowel habits when I've eaten them, but I can tell you some doozies about Uncle Don (late uncle married to my mom's sister).

He had always been quite the White Castle fan, so he was known to eat a dozen at a time.

I don't know that White Castles affected him more than just the action of eating, but he could be very gassy.

When I was seven or eight years old, I was sitting on the floor of the hallway and keeping him company while he was painting the hallway and foyer.

I heard this suspicious ripping sound, but I didn't say anything because I was sure that it was unintentional and I didn't want to embarrass him.

"Did you hear that?" he asked me.

"Hear what?"

"The thunderbird flying over the house."

"Oh that noise. Was that the thunderbird? What's a thunderbird like?"

"He's just a big bird who flies around and lets out this sound that sounds like thunder."

Well, at that point, I thought that the sound either WAS produced by some big bird or else Uncle Don was trying to hide his passing gas, so I decided to go along with his story and asked him different questions such as what thunderbirds ate, what their nests were like, etc.

Sometime later (in the next few days or so), he confessed to being the thunderbird. So, whenever he let one rip, I would tell him that I heard the thunderbird flying over.

As I said, he could be a gassy guy at times. He didn't do it constantly, but there were amusing times when it slipped out, and I took his daughter (whom we'll simply call Monster to hide her real identity) on a road-trip to celebrate her tenth birthday back in 1972.

One night, we were up late in our hotel room, and she was telling me tales out-of-school about her dad's slip-outs.

The funniest one was about how he had taken her shopping for school clothes, and she had come out of the dressing room in an outfit, so the clerk asked him how he liked it.

He liked it just fine, but he happened to be standing up, and one of his slip-outs happened in such a way that it sounded as if he were giving the outfit the Bronx cheer!

In 1974, Monster thought that Donny Osmond was all that and a bag of potato chips, so my aunt and uncle got both of us tickets to watch The Osmond Brothers' concert at the state fair.

What Monster didn't know right off was that I had made arrangements to let all of us meet Donny later that night back at the hotel. This was being decided by his manager. When it looked as if all systems were go, she was really excited.

My aunt was staying back in the lobby of the hotel, and my uncle came to pick us up after the concert to take us back there.

We got into his car, and, immediately, Monster noticed that there was a bag that must have contained a whole bunch of White Castles at one time that were now in my uncle's stomach with a couple more on the way there.

"You've been eating White Castles! Haven't you!?! HAVEN'T you!?!" Monster looked like a firebreathing dragon at that point, and I had no idea why she was so upset until she said:

"Why did you HAVE to eat White Castles tonight of all nights!?! You KNOW they give you GAS!!!"

At that point, I started cracking up--and Monster gave me a look that could kill while snapping, "It's NOT funny!!!"

She had nothing to worry about, because Uncle Don didn't toot even once during our visit with Donny, and we all had a great time!

I have some pooping stories to share but no time now. But expect them before long.

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