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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pool Pee Girl

I recently got a pool and this extreme filter someone told me about. It's Amazing! I also got a vacuum for the pool. So, I have been testing it out and it will get just about anything out. One day, as soon as I got in the pool, I had to pee and poop. Not wanting to get out, I decided to do it right in the pool. I was already naked, because I don't need clothes in the privacy of my backyard and fence. I got comfortable and let out my pee and I could see the water turning yellow. Then, I started my poop with a huge fart with many bubbles and a solid piece came out and a few others after. When I was finished the vacuum was already sucking the poop up and the filter was filtering out the pee. I have done this numerous times and plan on doing it more!

One day my son was on the floor in the basment when he started to hold his genitals. My daughter, almost 5 was there also. "I've got to make a poop," he said, pulling his pants off. My daughter didn't even look over. I looked at his BM all ready hanging. "Don't let go, son." I said. I grabbed his regular pooping bucket. I sat it under him and he let go. Then my little girl said, "What's that?" pointing at his groin. He bent over and strained, mush came flying out. Then strained, making poop slither out. "Finished," he said happily. Laying him on his stomach, I wiped his booty. He started to poop again and I pulled it out and I wiped him.About three hours later in the basment, my daughter said, she had to urinate. Pulling pants down, she said, "She couldn't hold it any longer", squatted and peed on the floor. Then my little girl had to pass gas and she dropped little balls of poop. She said, "I've have to doo doo," I said, "I didn't have tissue, don't go doo doo." A long turd was hanging already. Thinking what was I going to do. I pulled over, the pooping bucket. She set it under and started going again. A brown, green and yellow turd started exiting with crackles. The poop is so long that it starts to curl and makes at least three layers before mush started to come out almost filling the bucket. As soon as she finished, she didn't want anyone seeing. She just ran without wiping and nothing on but a t-shirt, and empty the pooping bucket, in the basment, where no one could see and the clean up isn't so bad.

I was driving home to Cincinnati from Pittsburgh from my Grandmothers house today. About 2 hours from home, I felt the urge to poop. I looked for a rest stop, but couldn't find one. In case you didn't catch it from my last post, I dont find pleasure in pooping my pants, but I don't find it disgusting. So I have no problem with soiling myself if there isn't a bathroom around. So I'm about a half hour from my house I get pulled over for speeding. This has happened once before to me, and I got out without a ticket because I got sympathy from the cop when I had an "accident" while stopped. I thought I would try this again. At this point, I did have to poop pretty badly. The cop came up to my car and gave me the whole 75 in a 65 zone talk as well as the how it is unsafe (Although with the speed that everyone around me was going, 65 probably would have been more dangerous). When asked for my license proof of insurance etc. I lifted my butt while pretending to reach for my wallet and gave a small push as I let a large poop into my panties. It crackled loudly and the bulge was somewhat big. But unfortunately, I didn't get any sympathy. I was trying to pretend shocked because I had just pooped myself. But the cop took this as a sign that I was drunk. I begged with him and told him that I just couldn't hold it anymore and that I wasn't drunk at all. But He made me get out of my car with loaded pants and all and do a field sobriety test. I never thought I'd have to do one of those, especially with a load in my pants. Of course I passed it with flying colors. The cop apologized for everything and I drove away with a warning. So I've realized that pooping your pants is a good way to get out of a speeding ticket, its worked for me twice. I rode the rest of the way home. My mom greeted me when I got home. She saw that I had pooped my pants and told me to go upstairs and clean up. She was the one that tought me that pooping in your panties is okay if there isn't a toilet, and sometimes even if there is but you're doing something else. Anybody else ever pooped your pants while pulled over by a cop. If so, was it an accident or was it for sympathy. What reactions did you get from the police officer. Did you end up getting a ticket or not. If so, please tell.

To Keith and others who had difficulties pooping when they were young. My earliest recollection of pooping is sitting on a training potty in our kitchen while my mom went about her house work. I don't remember any problems then but by the time I was about 5 or 6 I had started to hate doing a poo. It always wanted to come out while I was busy doing something important like playing. So I started holding it in as long as I possibly could. I remember being furious with these interruptions and wishing endlessly that I didn't have to poo at all. Of course holding it in until bursting point resulted in lots of accidents and heavily stained underwear. I only recall one instance of totally shitting myself and that was when I was about 8 years old. I wanted to go so bad in class but I tried holding it in and didn't ask to be excused. Eventually after squeezing until I couldn't take the pain anymore I asked the teacher and she let me go. I remember so clearly walking to the toilet squeezing with all my might, but half way there I couldn't hold anymore and it just started coming out. I found a stall and pulled my pants down and saw a huge log in my underwear. I pulled it out with some toilet paper and did my best to clean my pants and my butt. My underpants were constantly stained at that age with all the turtle heads I had, and of course the very loose poops that ooze out no matter how hard you try and keep them in. About the same time I remember that more often than not my poos were very painful. It got so bad I dreaded sitting on the toilet and so I tried even harder to hold it in. On many occasions I remember tears and crying with pain as a huge turd tried to come out, stretching my hole far wider than any little boys butt hole was ever supposed to be opened. This went on until I was almost a teen by which time I guess growing up gave me a different perspective on things. I still held my poo in as long as I could but I got better at knowing my limits and when to get to the toilet. During my teens it hurt less and I settled into the routine I now have quite a few years later. I poo perhaps twice, sometimes three times a week. I still hold my poo in as long as I dare and I thoroughly enjoy the feelings that go with that. I also find a really good long hard shit is now one of life's greatest pleasures and that would take another page to describe.

girl on TV pooped
so someone showed me an interesting video online. it was at a popular video uploading site online, and it was about some european TV personality named Tina. she is a good looking woman, perhaps mid 20s, slim, long brown hair. she has on white pants and a black shirt and heels, and she is interviewing a man in a language i don't understand, i think it may be dutch. anyway, she seems obviously uncomfortable during the interview and occasionally puts her hand over her stomach. eventually, the man is answering a question when she winces and groans and puts her hands on her thighs, then on her bottom. she whines to the camera and groans a little more and seems to be in pain, then she turns around and gingerly runs off with her hand over her butt, and a huge brown stain on her butt too. the guy couldn't believe it. that has to be pretty terrible interviewing a guy for television and having a poop accident right on camera! it was probably pretty awkward for the guy too. eitherway, it was a good watch.

i Mickey: Thanks for comment. I like answering questions from everybody so I do my best. 

1. How often does this happen 
It not happen a lot. My poo mostly firm and 1 long piece. Sometimes 2 pieces. It only happen if I get sick. But it horrible and sometimes burn my bum hole when it happen. 

2. How much splash-back do you get normally. 
When my bum shoot water like that it make big mess everywhere and bum gets very dirty. Also when I am in England toilets seem different to America. In England poo fall a long way from my bum and does huge splash and make my bum very wet. In America its like as soon as poo is coming out of my bum its touching water and there is no splash. 

3. How often have you missed the inside of the bowl and got some on the outside? 
I think you mean when water shoot out of my bum. I made big mess only one time. That was at shopping centre and I get sick and I have to run to toilet. I slam door shut so hard it bounce back open but I already pulling panties down and lifting skirt and I cant shut door. I still bending over and still pulling panties down and bum explode before I sit on toilet and it go everywhere all over bowl and back of bowl and wall and floor behind toilet. After first big mess come out of bum I manage to close door and second mess shoot out. But everything so poopy I cant sit so I still bend over toilet and it not all go in bowl. It make horrible mess and I nearly cry. 

4. How many times have you blown a plug in your panties and shit yourselves? 
I never done that in my panties. I did normal poo in panties. 

5. How often have you blocked the toilet, and was it shit or paper or both that blocked it? 
A few times. It happen most times when I do huge poo and it a bit soft and it make my bum and bum hole very poopy and take lots and lots of paper. 

6. How much have you girls used those Asian squat toilets. Can you tell us about them? 
I come from India and we have lots of toilets like you call Asian. I like them better because they are nicer to use because there is always water to get bum clean and if you use paper it only to dry bum not wipe it clean. It also easier and feel nicer to go poo in Indian toilet and no splash to make bum wet with poopy water. 

HI MICKEY: Thanks for the questions and support. I have answers for you.

1. The shit in last post may not happen like that to often, but I guess several times in year. I usually go every 2-3 days. So if something urgent happens around day 3, like this last time, a lot of shit has piled up. And yes, that toilet may have nearly "died," as that chunk had to go down whole. Just the smell is tough to take even without that butt load.

2. I don't get my back splash on my ass. If you shoot out with higher pressure there is splash but mostly in toilet. Most of my ass mess is just from the shit coming out. Also, I typically do long, thick firm shit every few days, not always the large sloppy chuncky ones.

3. A couple years ago, I shot a chunk on the back of my toilet seat. This is really the only time. I always catch myself in time. Anyway, it was my own toilet when I rushed into my apt late one night and could barely hold longer. When I put my pants down while standing, I just had to shoot out right then. So I was standing, bearing my ass over the toilet thinking it would go right in. It shot past and got on back part of toilet seat and lower part of lid. And I covered that whole lower area. It was a large chunk with mush all around it. None got on the floor. I had to sit "half way on toilet" to let the rest of loose shit out.

4. I never shit my pants since being little girl. I have pretty strong ass to hold in till it's time.

5. I block toilet a lot, or a partial block that will flush but partially clog. I typically have to do couple of plunges. The public high pressure flush toilets may not clog though and some have large toilet holes (the public toilet in my previous post is not like that). But my toilet at home and at home of others I know have difficulty with my shit.

6. I come to US early as girl. Although my English is sloppy because I am always around Chinese culture. I am city girl so our trips to China to see extended family and friends always include modern toilets. I actually used squat toilet in Italy in '97 at small train station, but only had to pee. I guess if I had to shit in one, you really have to aim for that hole.

I hope this help. Ask away if you have other questions.

To IBS: Hey I see exactly what you are saying. I'm circumcised and yes when I'm really excited it's not easy to pee. That's because the little tube is all closed up with the same huge pressure that makes your erection hard. The thing is that with no foreskin there's nothing to slow the pee down and I wanted to pee so bad because I had been holding it in while I was still in bed and getting myself excited. I sure learned a lesson there. I'll never do that again. As for thinking about things to take my mind off the excitement, well that never seemed to work very well for me. Except this time, when I had to clean up that mess, even then it only delayed the inevitable. Thanks for the advice IBS, if you think of anything else please let me know. Mickey

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Here is a story my friend told me the other day. Let's call him Billy. Anyway, last week he had a project to do for health where he had to keep a journal of all the food he ate during the week. I noticed when he showed it to me that he ate pretty much only meat, dairy, and white bread. This was probably the cause of his toilet duress. Starting last Monday, he did not go to the bathroom to poop for six days. His bowels were usually a bit backed up but this was unprecedented. For the first few days, everything was alright; by thursday, he was starting to get skidmarks in his briefs. He attributed this to leakage from around the main load. On saturday, he could feel a mass in his rectum, but could not get it to budge. That night he was with his mom shopping and he started to get cramps. He knew it was just a matter of time before he had to unload this monster, but there were no bathrooms at the store. In the car he tried to suck in the poop, but it kept prairie dogging. When he reached his house, he began to waddle towards the bathroom. AT that moment, an intense urge struck him and the poop began to slide out filling his briefs and making a big bulge in his shorts. He also lost control of his bladder and pee soaked the front of his pants. For some reason he kept the underwear which are now almost totally brown even after washing them and showed them to me. He said that the poop was about as big as 4 potatoes. By the way we are sophomores in high school.

Strange Connor
I started my summer job three weeks ago working in retail. It's a large chain store, some 110,000 square feet of space and they alternate me between stock work and cashiering. The good thing is that I'm getting the maximum hours allowed for a 16-year-old and that's good because I want to save up for a car. Now for the bad: the doorless bathroom stalls! It's not so much a privacy issue with me because we have the doorless stalls at school too. Rather, it's the looks and comments I get when its crowded and there's a line for each of the 6 stalls, and its my turn to go in, and I start pulling off toilet paper to cover the seat with. I guess I'm one of the few guys who does it. Everyone else from the 5 year old child to the 75 year old appliance salesman just pulls his pants down and sits. My mom taught me back when I was in grade school that I should put paper over the seat and it was a habit I got into and I stayed with it. A few of the guys do at school, but not many. Yesterday, while I was preparing my seat, a middle aged man who was next with his son (who was about 8) looked to his son and apologized for the delay and the fact that there probably wouldn't be any toilet paper left for him. He said something like, "******, I just don't know what some of these people are thinking anymore. You've got to learn to be considerate of others!" I've asked two girls who go to my school and work with me about it and they say most of the women just sit right on the seat and don't worry about covering it. Am I that strange???

Like many students, my high school gets out the 3rd week in June. I'm finishing my freshman year, but you could argue that we're still in grade school by the way so many of the students--especially the older ones--treat our school. The bathrooms are the worst and getting worse by the day. My body is such that I crap about 10 a.m. during homeroom each morning. I pee twice; during lunch hour (actually 25 minutes--a laugh!) and right after school before I start my 6-block walk home. Friday morning I got the pass from my HR teacher and went across the hall to the bathroom. Remember, this is only 2 hours into the school day and with each stall I went into, there was a bowl, undoubtedly clogged with unflushed pee and crap. Some of the crap was stacked higher than the bowl's water level which means several students must have contributed to it. With the opening of each stall door, I became more discouraged. And this was at a time when I was feeling more urgency to have my daily crap. I was somewhat discouraged when I opened the 9th and final stall. Only a bowl of bright, yellow pee! I took my left hand to drop the seat and my confidence ended quickly when I felt something very moist on my four fingers and thumb. There was pee on the left side of the seat and I dropped it with a thud. Then I noticed there were a few very small droppings of crap that were dried but still gross on the very back of the seat. With only two sheets of toilet paper on the roll, I wasn't about to chance it. So I went to the stairs and up one floor. I picked up speed as spotted the restroom, outside door wide open (not closed by cleaning...could this be my day?)! Our 2nd floor is more widely used because of the PE complex, the large lecture hall and the auditorium, and wouldn't you know it, 8 of the stalls were in use. One door was ajar. The middle stall. MINE! ****! Another wet seat. Like a 1st time hover pisser who was both mentally challenged and couldn't stand still. But I couldn't wait, I dropped my undees, quickly pulled up my dress and sat just in time for the head to clear my white undees. It was the closest of calls. I even pulled up the front of my dress to make sure some of the crap didn't rub against my undees. My craps are usually over in about 20 seconds. This was fine by me,especially this time since I was sitting in someone else's urine. So I immediately grabbed for the toilet paper and found only four holes in the partition; the dispenser had been completely broken off and probably stolen. My butt was messy, probably about a 4 on a 5 point scale, and getting messier while I continued to sit in the urine, as I thought about the solution. The phone numbers etched into the fading paint on the door in front of me didn't help. All were about sex and one even involved suggesting that a sex act be done on a teacher. The toilet to my left drew my attention because the new user had been reading the school newspaper while she was seated. Once I heard the door open, I used my left flip-flop to slide the paper over. Two half-page advertising inserts fell down in front of my toilet. One was for a summer bowling discount..three games for the price of two..and the second listed some available temp jobs. I tried to imagine how hard the printed paper would be on my butt. While still seated, I made one complete wipe with one and then a second wipe with the other. Yes, they stung a bit and didn't do the complete job of regular toilet paper, they helped keep the skidmarks less in my underwear. I stood up, tore off the back page of the paper and did another complete wipe. It picked up less so I knew I was making progress. I tore off one more sheet, and did a final wipe, which by now, was hurting me more than the earlier ones. I could also see a little blood on it. I concluded that that would be enough. I caught myself just as I put my hand on the flusher ... an overflow was guaranteed. So I didn't flush. I had the door about a quarter of the way open when the next girl brushed by me, saw the collection in the bowl, and swore at me for not flushing. I didn't even stick around to wash my hands because I was starting to cry a bit and the HR dismissal bell rang and my bookbag was still in HR. When I peed at lunchtime, again I didn't dare flush because there was an almost full role of TP that had been dumped into the bowl. My 8th hour class is on 4th floor and I went in immediately after the bell because I had been holding my pee for a good 30 minutes or so. However, the door was locked and there was a sign saying that due to vandalism the bathroom has been closed for the remainder of the year. Although it took me 5 minutes to get over there, I peed at the Cenex station across the street. I've concluded that adults, although not perfect, sure treat their public bathrooms better than teens.

We had a church picnic yesterday. Everybody made and brought food. Cakes and Cookies and desserts were sold and the money was given to the church. It was a very hot day. There was lots of drinking and eating. I was glad we were right near the park building with the bathrooms in it. I made it to the mens restroom just in time. To my horror, the toilet stalls had no doors. When I walked in all 3 toilets were in use. 2 with priests, one with my sons buddy's dad. The room stunk. The layman finished up, wiped, and I sat inbetween the two priests. One was about 45ish, the other about 55-60ish. They were both friendly, but both had stomach issues, as they were both farting and squirting. I joined in the 'symphony" with my farts and shit squirts. After a while , guys started piling in, waiting for bowls, so we speed wiped our asses, and got out of there. I shit later in the daybefore I left. The bathroom was amazingly clean considering all the shit that passed through those toilets.

School's out for me. However, the day afterward, I come down with a nasty nasty nasty bout of diarrhea and vomiting. Big, big fun. It all started last night, at about midnight, I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous, and I ran to the bathroom. I didn't make it, and I puked all over the hall floor. If anyone needs to know, it looked like vegetable soup. My mom heard me puking and she rushed me to the bathroom, where I puked twice into the toilet, with her holding my hair back. I told her my stomach felt lots better, and she went to go clean up the mess. I got up from the toilet and went back to bed. This morning, I was having bad gas, and I just let out farts to take off the pressure. Shouldn't I have learned that there is ABSOLUTELY no safety valve??? I should have, but I didn't. I ran to the bathroom, and plunked my ass on the toilet seat. My butt literally THREW UP with a barrage of sloppy poop, farts, and splashing. It came out so hard, that gooey poo came out all over the sides of the toilet. I groaned as yucky turds rolled out of me, leaving my asshole smelly and icky. I wiped, flushed and left. I have to go again, so I'll continue with my story later. Toodles. Ugh.

Brian at Sears: You mention how Sears does things right for their employees, with the great dinner buffet's and the soft toilet tissue in the men's restrooms. I think they should put stall doors to give you men a bit of privacy during your bowel movements. It's just a small thing, but you never know when a lady might mistakenly walk in and catch you 'on the bowls"

To Brain at Sears;

I look forward to your stories everytime I browsed through this site. I am curious about something. Where do you live as in what city?

P. S.

Congratulations on your first child.

hello everyone! long time no post. it was glitching for a while on my computer. was it doing that for you all too?

first things first: i have to poo badly right now but my brother is in the shower.

next, i blocked the toilet the other day. i was at home waiting for my dad to come home and take me to my friends house. i was home alone and the toilet was just calling me since i hadn't gone in a day and a half or two days or something, and i had eaten a gigantic meal with lots of rice and meat, i was about ready to push a boulder out my backside. i figured this was no problem, so i went into the bathroom, pulled my drainpipes (my only pair, and my only clean pants) to just below my knees, and sat down on the toilet. i pushed until i was out of breath and it pretty much came out half way. by the laws of physics that i understood i figured the halfway point would be the hardest and it would only get easier from there. i did an interesting thing right then, because the pushing from my butt muscles was not enough to get the poo out. i lifted myself off the toilet for a moment, and pushed the poo down through my skin. if you have not tried it, i suggest you do. it kinda hurt my skin but within moments the poo was no longer stretching my hole and was now lying under the toilet water. i sighed in relief then reached behind myself and flushed. i heard that the toilet's flushing was muffled and i figured that was just my bum muffling it. but it did last too long. then i felt cold water touch my cheeks, and no sooner than i could get up it all spilled out from the seat, pouring all over the floor, my legs, and the back of my jeans. 'oh shit.' i said. then i added 'literally'. i didn't have anywhere to rest my stinky unwiped and soaked bottom, so i kinda just stayed on the toilet for ten minutes or so until i figured ishould do something. so i pulled up my pants, and went around the house to search for the toilet plunger. lucky me, it was in garage (what good would it do there???) and then... well actually i'll finish this in the next post. i gotta go! laterz!


Keith D
To Veronika: You're right about different people having different reasons for their interest in all things toilet related. Even my own reasons seem complicated. I went from struggling with going to the toilet and feeling so bad about it, to being fascinated by other people's habits to try and work out what was wrong with me, to learning to enjoy it, and now sharing it with others. Glad to hear that other people enjoy the sensation too.

Again, fantastic description Veronika. Almost a literary masterpiece. So graphic that I feel like I'm there in that little room with you! Everyone here probably does. Loved how you exhaled in concert with your release into the waters below. So how many people here smoke when they're in the toilet? I met someone once who claimed that they only smoke when they're in the toilet. Well almost…

When I was about 19 I was over at a friend's house. We'd been playing video games and his mom had called us into the kitchen for lunch. The three of us sat and had sandwiches and my friend went outside to put his bike in the garage or something. As I sat there his mom pulled over an ash tray and lit up. She said she hoped I didn't mind. She said that she didn't really smoke much anymore, only one or two a day. Then turning sideways away from the table and crossing her legs, she made the comment that "I think that I really only keep smoking to help me to crap." There was kind of an awkward silence with his mom looking sideways out of the window and me staring straight down at the table. I guess I was sitting there imagining her sitting on the pot with her jeans down to her knees, leaning forward with a ciggy in her hand. It's funny, that image seems to be etched clearly into my mind, even though it wasn't a real picture just something I saw in my mind. The silence was only broken when my friend came back in and we went back to playing games.

Keep up the excellent stories!

To Anny: I suggest you start eating raw food instead of cooked food, getting rid of meat, milk, eggs, and wheat. By raw food, I don't mean any ordinary raw food. I mean fruitarian. Just for a while to get you cleaned out.

What I suggest, is that you eat LOTS of papayas, and their seeds. Papaya seeds have a bitter flavor so they should be swallowed (you can stir them into juice or a smoothie) but they are extreme bowel cleansers. Drink lots of cleansing juices and smoothies (no milk or yogurt, I mean get a blender and whip up your smoothies with fruits.

I'm sure this will help you because eating papaya seeds and just has really done the job for me.

I haven't had any trouble pooping this week. I've been going once or twice a day, which is great! I find that if I eat lots of fruit and ???? (not bananas - they made me constipated last week) I go twice per day. Nearly every day this week, I've done a poo in the morning before eating breakfast. Normally I have to eat breakfast first before I cen do a poo.

To Keith D: When I was a kid, I used to go camping with my grandfather quite often, mostly during school holidays. I can remember holding my poo in for a few days one time and then letting it out the day before we came home. I dropped a MASSIVE load of poo right next to my grandfather's 4 wheel drive. I remember he wasn't too impressed that I did a huge poo right next to his vehicle. Plus I didn't dig a hole first before doing my poo. He made me bury it all before we left!

To Poop

Another time when I was older (I was about 20), I went camping with some friends. I slept in a tent that got thrashed around in the wind and it wasn't very comfortable. As there were lots of other people camping in the area, I didn't want to do a poo and risk someone seeing my. I held on for 2 days and then I decided, I really needed to do a poo. On the third day, early in the morning, I went for a walk, well away from the camp site. I pulled my pants down and squatted. I spent about 20 minutes squeezing out LOADS of skinny turds. They were well formed but they came out easily - they just kept coming out!! I felt SO much better after that!

To Pooperazzi: Great story about how you answered the phone with a turd half way out!! I think I would've answered the phone aswell, it sounded urgent. It would be a strange feeling, having a turd poking out of your butt and not being anywhere near a toilet. Have you ever had to break a turd off, when you were in a hurry to do a poo? Have you ever had to do a difficult poo at a friend's place?

Does anyone have any interesting experiences with people who clean the restrooms? Where I work the restroom cleaners are all women and its not uncommon to be using the facilities when there's a knock at the door, it opens a jar, and you hear the call "Housekeeping". This happened to me a few days ago. I was working late and had been feeling rather bloated for most of the day. By evening I was close to finishing my work for the day but decided I needed a break and what better way than to go sit on the toilet, relax and hopefully gain some relief. I hadn't been sitting long when I felt things start to move inside telling me there was a poo coming down and getting ready to come out. I felt the pressure building on the inside of my hole and very very slowly I felt my ring starting to open. Like many others I see here, that to me is one of the greatest sensations, feeling your hole slowly open as your turd starts to poke its nose out. I must have been totally absorbed in the sensations around my hole because I almost jumped off the toilet when I heard the door open and the call "Housekeeping". I was so startled I really didn't know what to say and the first thing that came out of my mouth was a stuttering "'s just starting to come out!" I instantly wished I hadn't been so honest and expected a somewhat caustic response, but to my amazement I got a reply that was unexpectedly sweet and understanding. "That's OK you just take your time...there's no hurry...I'll check back in a little bit". I muttered "OK" as confidently as I could and I heard the restroom door shut leaving me in peace and quiet once more.

I regained my composure, relaxed and went back to concentrating on the task in hand and enjoying the pleasures. During the excitement my asshole had closed up and forced my turd back in so now I had to start again, but I must admit I wasn't sorry, after all I could enjoy the feelings of my asshole opening again. And very slowly it did just that. I leaned forward and lost myself in the sensations in my ass as my ring expanded and my turd started to peek out at the waiting water once more. Slowly slowly it opened my hole and the feelings of it sliding past my stretching ring became quite simply, erotic. I moaned as it got so wide it started to hurt just a tiny bit, but that added even more to the pleasure. I soon realized however that it had stopped coming out. Its head was almost completely out, but not quite. My ring, already stretched wide, was reluctant to open any wider and I was left sitting there with what amounted to a huge stuck turtle head poking out of my hole.

The feelings in and around my hole were exquisite and I must have sat immersed in my pleasure for quite a few minutes because again I heard the restroom door open and the familiar call of "Housekeeping". I was startled once more although this time I managed to regain my composure and replied almost confidently "I'm's still hanging....can I have another minute?" Her reply was even more disarming than before. "OK sweetheart, now don't you worry, you just sit there and take your time and you enjoy yourself for as long as you like, OK? Do you have everything you got enough toilet paper there?" Involuntarily I looked at the rolls on the cubicle wall and replied "Yes, plenty thanks". "OK, I'll go do the ladies room so it'll be all nice and quiet for you", and the door closed once more.

Again I was left to my pleasures and it wasn't long before the pressure increased inside me and I felt things starting to move. Finally I had the full head out, and without a pause, the rest of my turd, ever so slowly, eased its way out. Within a minute I felt the pressure on my ring relax slightly then it was all over. It dropped silently into the waiting water and my hole closed up leaving me sitting there with a wonderfully satisfied feeling.

Finally took a dump last night--but like Punk Rock Girl's story, it was both constipation AND diarrhea.

We had pizza for dinner last night, and sometimes pizza upsets my stomach, sometimes not. Sure enough, about half an hour after dinner I started getting nausea and stomach cramps from hell. I was cringing and at one point where the cramps hit me where I could not get up, I half rolled over and fought the urge to throw up. Finally when I could get myself up I made my way quickly to the bathroom. I sat down--and it was only gas. Figures.

I went back to the couch and watched the movie with my husband and about 10 minutes later the cramps hit me again, worse this time to the point I almost screamed. Instead I held my stomach and went "Ughhh!" Again when the cramps subsided enough so I could get up, I went back to the bathroom and almost lost it in my undies, but I got them down quick enough and sat down.

I had to kind of push at first and it felt like a knife against my hole. I relaxed for a few seconds and pushed gently.

These hard turds shot out, just like Punk Rock Girl described--like a cork shooting off of a champagne bottle. Blat, blat, blat, blat!! They shot out all at once. It hurt like HELL.

Then came a wave of diarrhea, with a lot of noisy gas. Finally I was done so I wiped and it was pretty messy, mixed with a bit of blood.

There was a lot of brown water and 3 or 4 3-inch turds.

My stomach felt a little softer but not by much.

Jessie (male)
hey Brian at Sears, good to hear from you as always. Your posts are great, because they are so 'real" never any talk about looking at each others dicks or other nonsence, just how you guys deal with shitting in doorless toilet stalls on a daily basis. You seem to inject humor when your all in there shitting and stinking up the bathroom (cool how you call it the mens lounge, I suspect your in the south) We had doorless stalls years ago when I worked at Westinghouse,a factory in Pa, but we had rows of cinder block small partitions separating them. the main mens restroom had 10 stalls on each side of the room facing each other, but it was not often that both sides were used at the same time, usually one side was corded off for cleaning, and then reversed, since it was a 24/7 operation plant. Keep up the great posts and good luck with the 'bambino"

To Kathy,Karen and Sue:I really enjoy reading all your posts.So keep on posting!

Keith D
To Pooperazzi: When I get constipated I have the same problem. The main difficulty is getting the head of the poop to emerge. And the problem seems to be that no matter how hard I push, my butthole remains rigid and clenched. Once it opens and the log gains some ground then the whole show moves along by itself. I too really need to concentrate to get my hole to relax and limber up.

To Punk Rock Girl: Ouch! You poor thing! I really sympathise. I've had some painful movements from constipation but nothing like that!. I really shared your pain through such a graphic description.

Karen from MO
Hi everybody!

Well, today was not really an interesting day, just the usual routine, but I do have a little bit of a story to tell. Where I work, which is a fairly small two story office building, there are the normal employee bathrooms on the lower floor, but then there are bathrooms for the executive staff upstairs. Also, up on the roof of the building, in the janitorial storage area is another bathroom that I love using. There's never anyone around, so, even though the door doesn't lock, I never worry about anybody seeing me, because nobody is ever up there. Last night I ended up having to work late and didn't leave until close to midnight. I decided to use the restroom up on the roof before I left (It's not literally on the roof, but it's in a miniature third story, above the second one, and acessed with a spiral staircase) I climbed the staircase, and went in to the bathroom, which, being basically in a janitorial closet, is always the cleanest bathroom in the entire building, which is part of the reason I like using it. Also one entire wall of the little building is a huge glass window, and you can see the entire city while you do your business. It's really neat to watch, especially late at night after the sun goes down. I had just taken off my blazer and settled down on the toilet for a nice relaxing poo when the door opened and one of the janitors came in. He seemed embarrassed and said that he just needed to put some stuff away. I told him to go ahead, as I really didn't care if he saw me on the toilet, I've never been one to be terribly private about bathroom stuff, I mean, everybody has to do it at some point. Anyway, he put away his things and then after he left commented on how odd it was that I was using it, why wasn't I using the executive staff bathrooms downstairs, as I am actually a member of their "executive staff" I said I liked it better upstairs, and he said he could understand why. He left to go home, and I finished pooping, and got up. After I wiped, I pulled my trousers up and washed my hands before heading home.

That's all for now, but I hope I have more stories to tell soon!

P.S I noticed several pages back a Catholic priest named Fr. P was posting occasionally. As a lifelong Catholic, it's really cool to see a priest with interests like mine, I've never seen a priest who wasn't secretive about going to the toilet, it seems they never want you to know they're doing it, though I've never understood why

Ta-ta for now!

To China Girl and Sita: You two girls are awesome. Wow, love the way you both had plugs in your asses that blew out and let all that liquid shit shoot out as well as those other lumps. Sita, I would love to have seen your ass just after you finished, and China Girl I bet your toilet nearly died with what came out of your ass.

Can I ask you both some questions pleeeeeze.

1. How often does this happen?
2. How much splash-back do you get normally? Like Sita had it all over her ass this time..
3. How often have you missed the inside of the bowl and got some on the outside?
4. How many times have you blown a plug in your panties and shit yourselves?.
5. How often have you blocked the toilet, and was it shit or paper or both that blocked it?
6. How much have you girls used those Asian squat toilets. Can you tell us about them?

Thanks Mickey

To Mickey: I can relate to you almost exactly. The only difference is that I don't point up in the air when I get excited. Peeing while having your bowel movement is not easy at all though for guys once they reach puberty. I have been in your situation many times though. About all that I can tell you to do is to completely take your mind off of your "excitement" by thinking about other things such as a math test. I never had that problem though until I was circumcised in 2004. No matter which way it would point when erect, my pee would just dribble out through the foreskin and into the toilet.
If I can think of anything else, I will post later.

Now for stories:
Yesterday was a weird day in the bowel department. I went when I woke up yesterday morning. Somewhere around 2:00 PM, I had to go again. However, I was becoming constipated. So, I finished up and left. Later that evening when I took my shower, I had to go again,but nothing really came out because I was definately constipated by then. I tried several more times to go before I went to bed at 12:30. This morning when I woke up, I was still constipated, so I took a suppository and within about 10 minutes, success! It hit me very fast and I almost had an accident.

A few days ago, I was hanging with a friend. He told me that that he had to take a crap and it was sudden. We have been firends for many years, so we were comfortable about going in front of each other, so he talked me into going with him. Well, about as soon as he got up, he lost control. He filled up his boxer-briefs instanly and left a puddle of pee on the floor. He had a hard time cleaning up and he was totally embarrassed about the accident until I convinced him that I have done the same thing.

Oh well, gotta go. If I have anymore stories, I will post later.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Just a few days ago something really funny happened. I was at my boyfriend's house, watching TV late at night, when he said he had to pee. I askes if I could watch, and he said "I guess so" I watched him as he stood in front of the toilet peeing. When he was done, he sat on the toilet and said he had to poop. I told him "That's Ok, I'll stay here" He started farting, and then I heard a few plops. I started laughing, and explained to him that It was so funny that on toiletstool,all the stories were about a bo watching a girl take a dump, but here we were, doing the opposite. He didn't find it as funny. When he was done, he got up and washed his hands. I already had to take a shit, and watchng someone go made the urge even worse. I said as I slid off my panties and lifted my skirt so I could sit down, "Come here, o I can return the favor" "you do't have to do that" he said. "Actually, I REALLY do." I said. I lifted y bum a little into the air so he could see all the action. BRAAAAAAAAAP...BPPPPPHHHHTTT...PLOPPLOP...SHHHHPLASPLASHPLASHLASHHHHHHHHHH. As the opening farts led into diarrhea. He wiped me down a little, then once his hand was clear, I let out another LOUD wave. Then my BM became a series of short, loud farts and silent pushes of really watery shit. I sked him to rub my ???? to move things along, and It helped me squeeze out one last sputtering fart before a whole lotta soft serve came out.

I peed and pooped with mt hubby in the backyard. he does really long dudies

To Lazy Lizzie:

I loved your story about your aunt Jo who doesn't bother to wipe herself after a poo. Did you ever see her undies in the laundry, and did they have some big skids inside them as you expected??

My girlfriend often gets dirty panties in much the same way. My girlfriend does actually wipe her ass when she takes a dump, but normally she will only wipe two or three times. If she has a firm turd then that's normally ok, but often she will have a slightly looser BM and that's where her problems start.

She likes to wear quite tight shorts or sometimes just panties and a t-shirt around the apartment, and quite often I will notice her picking at a wedgie as her undies ride up her ass. Sometimes I do get to be in the bathroom with her when she's taking a dump (not that often though), and I have noticed that when she has one of her softer, smellier dumps there is normally more wedgie-picking going on later that evening!! Sometimes I also notice a smell if she has been sitting on the same spot on the sofa for a long time and then gets up to do something.

My gf is pretty embarrassed about her skids, though I know for a fact that she knows I have seen her panties when they were pretty dirty in the butt part. Sometimes, if she has an upset stomach or is just going through a phase where she has particularly soft or urgent dumps, she will wear a lot of black panties, as she knows that these disguise the stains a bit. I've never said anything to her about how I find her slightly careless hygiene a turn-on, or that I'm interested in seeing her poo and looking at her dirty undies - not quite sure how she would react to that!

Anyone else have any stories about a friend, girlfriend, family member or significant other who doesn't wipe too well after going #2? Or does anyone sometimes leave skids in their undies and feel embarrassed about it? I'm very interested to hear!


to Laura (Teacher)
as to your question, me, my sister and a friend of mine are all having diarrhea at the start of our cycles. My sister did even vomit before she got her new kind of pill. She says it helps her even to stop the diarrhea, maybe I´ll try it too.

I have had a gastric bypass and the iron pills i take cause ???? cramps is their anyone else

to Marie:
You must have really been restrained compared to what I would have done. First, I would have gagged about there not being enough toilet paper to put over the seat first. I guess I just have this thing about putting my butt on a public toilet when I don't know who or how many others have sat on it. Also, my dad managed a gas station for about 15 years and when I was really young and hanging out there, he would tell me to put paper down first because the toilets were only cleaned like once every like two months! Second, those bugs would have freaked me out to no end. Like I would have gotten up at mid-shit, not even wiped and probably messed my pants a bit, but I wouldn't have cared. How would you know the bugs were not on the seat and running onto you as you sat there? I agree with your final comment. Although we don't like to admit it, our school bathrooms are pretty clean when compared to the alternatives.

I'm male, 22, from the US. And take it from me, caffeine addiction is no joke.

I don't really consider myself incontinent, but there have been some accidents. I have a tendency to go on really bad caffeine binges. Now, we all know caffeine makes you pee. The other night I was working late and decided to get some coffee and stuff in my system. And almost every time I overdo it on the caffeine, I'll be up all hours of the night until I crash. Often times I'll wake up realizing that I wet the bed.

Moral of the story: go easy on the joe!

My previous posts have been about toilet experiences in the past. This one is different because it happened last week and is well worth posting about.

Late in the evening, completely out of the blue, I discovered there was no water coming out of the taps and the toilets would not flush. I phoned the water company who confirmed the problem was a burst main. They said the water supply would not be restored until the early hours of the morning. The problem was made worse because I needed to poo. I had gone in work that morning, but it was a small load which seemed incomplete. I expected that I would need to go again later in the day and I was right. Although I had the urge early in the evening, it was not that great and I thought I would wait until I went to bed. Now I was wishing I had not waited as my poo could not be flushed away. The urge got greater and greater.

I considered the options. The first was to hold it until the water came back on in the morning. That was not really practical because I would have been in some discomfort which would have effected my sleep. I would probably have had to get up in the night to poo in the bathroom and leave it in the bowl. The second option was to use the downstairs loo now and flush in the morning. I would put the lid down to try and mask the smell as much as possible. This would be difficult because I was sure this would be a big dump and I had eaten curry. The third option, which would not leave a bowl full of poo, was to squat over a newspaper and dispose of it and the contents in the rubbish bin. Finally, I could go in the garden. Privacy is assured at the top, even in daylight, because of the cover of trees and bushes. Neighbours would not be able to see me through upstairs windows. I had used the secluded area at the top of the garden as a toilet in broad day light on many occasions before largely out of laziness, because I was in the big garden (gardening, sun bathing or barbecue) and the loo, the other side of the house is such a distance away. But that was always for a wee. This was different.

My mind was made up after my husband said he was going to wee in the garden to avoid filling the toilet. On his return I said I would use the garden too, but it would not just be for a wee. He seemed shocked and said it did not matter if I used an unflushable toilet. I know he meant what he said and would not be the slightest bit concerned by the smell, but the idea of having an out door poo, for the first time in countless years, suddenly seemed very appealing! This was the perfect opportunity! If the weather had not been dry and warm, I would have chosen the indoor newspaper option though. I explained to my husband that I had been wild camping years before I met him and had had to poo outdoors behind bushes, and in broad daylight, out of necessity. I said it is nothing to be inhibited about and quite pleasant. I added that my privacy at the top of the garden was assured and the soiled toilet paper would go into the rubbish. He commented that, on reflection, what I was about to do was very sensible and if he needed to poo he would consider making use of the garden.

I took a toilet roll from the loo, grabbed a plastic bag and made my way out of the patio doors to the top of the garden. In the place where I would normally wee, behind a big tree, I lowered my tracksuit bottoms and knickers to my ankles. On squatting I felt the grass brushing against my bum. We had not mowed this section of the grass yet this spring. This meant that the pile I was about to deposit would not be conspicuous. I would shovel it into a border when it had dried up, in days to come. It felt really good to be on the point of to relieving myself, in the squat position out doors, for the first time in many months. All the more so as I was going to poo and I was not abroad and perched over a hole in the floor toilet.

To start with I emptied my bladder, the urge to poo had somewhat overshadowed my need for a wee which was also considerable. The wee went on for a long time. When finished, it was time for the serious business. I pushed and the turds easily slipped out. There were a lot, and with no breeze, the odour was pronounced. I would have stunk out the toilet big time. I was sure I was not finished so remained squatting in the same place. Sure enough the urge returned and I let out a loud fart, following through at the same time. Yet more poo followed, with another wee. I really did need to go and this was a big load. What I had produced earlier in the day was miniscule in comparison. I remained squatted until I was sure there was no more to come. My poo had taken some time and I felt relieved and unblocked. I stood up to wipe, first the front end and then my bum. It took a lot of toilet paper which I placed in the plastic bag. When finished, I pulled up my tracksuit bottoms and knickers, making my way to the bin. I dropped the plastic bag in the bin, walked into the house and proceeded to the loo to return the toilet roll and wash my hands with soap from the dispenser (no water).

All in all a very satisfying poo and a memorable experience. The temporary lack of a water supply is not all adversity! I would not have had an out door poo otherwise. I'm glad I did not choose to go earlier when the water was running. I nearly always have an urge to poo in the morning but the following day was an exception, no doubt because of the size of my poo the previous night. This was confirmed on a daylight inspection!

AJ :-) Loves Russell ;-)
Lazy Lizzie--The only people I've personally known who didn't wipe were little kids. However, to my knowledge, all of my adult friends and relatives wipe after they poop.

Even when I was a little kid, I didn't feel right unless I applied the toilet paper to my anal opening and surrounding area -- even though I didn't always get the job done and would occasionally leave skid marks. But it certainly wasn't because I didn't try.

In fact, as a kid, I would do my best not to get it on my hands while wiping. I was known on many occasions to use so much toilet paper (as in some to provide distance from my hands and my butthole) that I ended up flushing the toilet.

Back then, I didn't know about a courtesy flush, either. I would simply do my business and not flush the toilet until the paperwork was done -- so you can imagine what kind of mess I created when I flooded the toilet!

To my knowledge, no poop or paper overflowed with the water onto the floor, but it was certainly in there with the paper for plunging around in.

I remember when I was almost ten that I came home from school, did my business in the downstairs half-bath, and looked in the bowl afterwards to find out that I'd used tons of toilet paper.

In the past, I'd flushed the toilet without closing the lid, so I assumed that it was because the lid was open that the toilet was able to overflow.

So I decided to close the lid so that the water would have to go down instead of flowing over.

I closed the lid and flushed the toilet. Problem solved! NOT!

As I was starting to leave after washing my hands, I noticed that the toilet was making funny sounds.

When I looked over at it, I was shocked to find out that my little scheme didn't work.

The lid was closed, but the seat didn't sit right on the rim of the toilet but, instead, had a space in-between, and the water was seeping through that space and onto the floor.

I ran out of the bathroom hollering for a plunger!

By the time I was able to alert anyone, the water from the toilet had become a river that snaked its way out of the bathroom, down the hall, and made a left-hand turn into the living room.

It was pathetic!

Fortunately, I didn't have parents like the paddle-happy ones I see written about here so much, or I probably still wouldn't be able to sit down over 45 years later!

I just got a mild lecture advising me not to use so much toilet paper in the future -- which went in one ear and out the other, as giving myself a clean bottom without getting skid marks all over my hand was more important to me than not stopping up the toilet. But I did try to be more careful.

These days, it's my habit to flush after I'm finished pooping and, then, flush after two or three wipes -- and the wipes are normal wipes where I fold (usually) or bunch up a few connected sheets of toilet paper at a time instead of wrapping it around my hand like a carpal-tunnel post-surgical bandage.

Although I don't personally know any friends or relatives who don't wipe (to my knowledge), I've actually been in university toilets and have seen paperless poop in the toilet bowl on several occasions and couldn't believe my eyes.

Also, when I was a kid, my folks and I went to this smorgasbord that was recommended to us by somebody. Like the four or five year old kid I was, I had to pee before the meal was over, so my mom asked about restrooms.

The smorgasbord was connected to the house where the family who owned it lived, so we were shown to just a regular family bathroom. When we got in there, the toilet had the biggest log in it and no toilet paper.

My mom asked me if I could hold it, and I told her I could, so we went back to our table and finished eating.

We traveled with my johnny pot if we went any distance, so I just used it after we left.

Oh yes! I thought that smorgasbord was wonderful and kept asking my folks when we were going back. It turned out that they thought that it was overpriced and what they ate wasn't that great (even though I loved everything I ate there). On top of that, there were these wooden booths, and we sat in one of them, and they weren't well-sanded, making my mom get a run in one of her stockings when she got up.

To me, though, it reminded me of my grandparents' summer kitchen back when they lived on a farm in Kentucky.

I saw another work-of-art-sans-toilet-paper when I was in kindergarten.

We had a unisex restroom between the kindergarten and first-grade rooms where it could be used by both grades.

I can't remember any sort of sink being in the restroom. We simply came out and washed our hands in the sink in our room.

There were two very private stalls.

There was an actual thick wall between the two toilets, and the door wasn't one that could be looked through.

But they were little toilets (kid-sized).

One day I went into one of them and couldn't believe my eyes! There was this continuous length of poop that must have been at least as big around as my arm, and it wrapped itself around the inside edge of the toilet bowl in a horse shoe shape. No paper with it, either.

I flushed the toilet before I sat down.

Probably the reason that there was no paper with it was that there seemed to be no paper available.

We had toilet paper dispensers where they were in this metal box with a slit in the bottom from which you pulled out as many sheets as you needed a sheet at a time.

I noticed a screw in the bottom part of the box on the side that faced outwards. I turned that screw, and the box opened up. There was plenty of toilet paper in it, but it had just gotten off-track to where it the last sheet didn't follow the previous one down when the latter was pulled out.

For years, I thought that this must be the way that a baby was delivered.

The mother carried the baby in her ????, and the doctor had a special tool for unscrewing her belly-button. When he unscrewed her belly-button, her ????would open up just like that toilet paper box, and he could get the baby out. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Log Launchin'


Being an aircraft mechanic, you can get a call to fix anything.......even shit. One night, got a call that the aircraft lav would not dump into the truck. The ground crew pulled the handle, but nothing came out. I verified the valve worked, and knew something was clogging the line. Well, it was late and my options of finding things to unclog the line, were nill. So, I did the next best thing. I locked the dump handle open, and closed up the aircraft. Started the engine and started to pressurize the aircraft on the ground. I knew when the line became unclogged because the pressure in my ears dropped instantly. I shut down, went outside to survey the damage, and it looked like a porta potty was dropped on the ground from 36000 feet. Their was blue water, toilet paper and ramp buscuits everywhere. One chunk looked like a baseball (do they makes assholes big enough to pass things of this size?). Needlesss to say, we kicked the shit out of the aircraft and it was returned to service.

Hello I went to the movies last night and had to use the hige gross bathroom in the middle of my movie. I didn't want to sit on the disgusting toilet seat to do my poop (im a boy by the way, 15 years old) so i hovered my butt over it and pushed. My poop just kept on coming and coming and seemed to never break off. Finally it did and i heard a loud splat instead of a plop. I looked down to see my gigantic foot-and-a-half long poop sitting on the floor next to the toilet. The guy in the next stall over could see it and yelled "gross"! I got very worried, but had to fart, so i let it out. It was very very loud and once again I heard a splat. I looked down again to see a little but wide wet turd next to my long one. I wiped and threw the paper in the toilet, and wondered what I should do. Now it was starting to smell up the room and people waiting and walking by could see it. The toilet paper was the cheap thin kind so i couldn't use that to grip it. I decided to just leave it and run. When the movie was over my friends went in and said "ew someone pooped on the floor in there". I just said "what a diisgusting idiot" and left with a smile



Hi everyone this my first story.
Well my college room mate is a girl and hell she shit a storm one time went to her house for Christmas and she doesn't like going to the bathroom at her parents house because she always block It so the hole week while we were she held it in it was pretty funny watching her trying to hold it. the day we left I thought asking her out but it want my luck because when asked her she let out a large fart in the car I almost died from laughter . well she blushed and got mad at me for laughing and hit me but I kept laughing. when we got back to our room she ran in to the bathroom lifting her dress and dropping her nice blue panties and sat on the toilet (she left the door open it was a nice view) she started to pee then herd horror she relaxed I yelled out " you better not and she said "to late but you can " she open her leg and saw her poop it was 3 inch. thick and it just kept getting longer and longer . then I left because I couldn't stand there wanting eat lunch and 30 mins. I came back and she was crying on the bed and I asked her Wats wrong and she said "I killed the toilet " then I look in the toilet and yell dam I called a plumber the next day to put in a new toilet the plumber was shocked too and had a good laugh to.

Me and some friends went boating at a lake outside of town since it was another very hot and humid day. It was refreshing to go out on the water and go for a swim. I had a beer as well as two sodas and some water. The boat didn't have a washroom so I was dying to unload my bladder after about an hour and half on the water. I was also needing to shit since I hadn't gone for two days. I tried to hold it in but it was becoming unbearable. I discreetly let out a few farts that were quite smelly. We went to the fuel dock to get some more fuel for the boat. It was a pretty remote part of the lake so me and Kevin ventured off to find an outhouse. After walking half a mile down a gravel pathway I didn't want to go any further because the rocks were quite jagged.

We continued on for another short bit down a small and remote pathway in the brush and tall grass. I was contemplating going in the bushes but Kevin wanted to continue for a bit since we didn't bring the toilet paper off the boat. Eventually we came upon two outhouse toilets completely in the open on a concrete pad at the end of the pathway. The toilets were all plastic and about 5 feet apart from each other. Of course we forgot the toilet paper and there was obviously none at the site. Kevin told me he would go back to the boat and get it. That would be great because I could unload in privacy until Kevin came back with it, although he would see me sitting on the toilet, but I didn't really care as long as I could unload my stinky shit without him being there to listen.

Just as he was about to turn around he said "oh what's this?". I saw him approach a small plastic bin to the side. He opened it up and there were about three or four rolls of toilet paper inside. "Great he said, I didn't want to walk all the way back to the boat". He picked up two rolls and passed me one. I took the far toilet and lifted the lid to see what condition the pit below was in. The smell was pretty strong and the hot day certainly wasn't helping the situation. It was mostly toilet paper at the top with many turds scattered about on the top. The seat was black so I knew it was going to be super hot. Sure enough as I seated myself down it scaled my butt but fortunately I was still wet from swimming so it cooled down a bit. I let out a very loud fart as pushed out two turds in quick succession with no effort. I then pissed for about 30 seconds as I unloaded a wave of soft shit. It felt like someone had lifted a ton of bricks of my stomach. I glanced at Kevin and saw he was straining quite a bit but he sighed a short time afterwards. I wiped about 15 times and unseated myself but I couldn't tell where my load had gone. I slammed the lid closed and went back to the boat while Kevin finished up. Jared went up as well just as I had returned and the two of them both came back about 10 minutes later.

Story Teller
Another story about my beloved aunt. This one took place at a movie threatre when I was about 6 or 7. Near the end of the movie my aunt put her hand on her stomache and said she had to go to the bathroom. Me and one of my cousins asked to go with her since we both had sucked down a coke and REALLY had to pee. Surprisingly, the bathrooms were actually empty, and fairly clean. My aunt was nice enough to let us go first, we both peed for about ten seconds. After we were done our aunt pulled down her pants and took a seat. She peed for about sixteen seconds before it dribbled off. She shifted slightly and gave a little grunt. Since the bathroom was so quiet, the crackling and splashing was unusually loud, up to the point my cousin and me could barely not giggle. After three loud splashes and a smaller one, she grabbed a wad of toilet paper and wiped. She wiped again and we left and didn't miss the ending of the movie.

New poster


To Emmie:
I have a constipation story for you. I was 14 and it happened at a campsite when I used to be in the scouts. I hated using the toilets on site because they were about a 300 hundred yards from our tents so I'd pee in the woods which were just behind the tents. I couldn't poo there as I didn't want anyone to see me and held it for 4 days. I felt quite unwell and very bloated. My stomach was swolen and I was getting cramps. I had to do something about it and went to the to toilets. I sat there for an hour without success and gave up. When I got back to the group I noticed 3 of them were missing. It turns out they had food poisoning and were in the woods pooing for England. I was worried I'd get it and sure enough that afternoon I had to make a dash for the toilets. I just made it in time and the moment I sat down I had the greatest poo ever. It wasn't runny a just a bit loose and I have to say it was the most relieving poo I'd ever had. The entire 4 days worth of poo emptied into the toilet messing it totaly. The bowl was full and when I flushed, it filled about half way up and drained away slowly. It failed to clear all the poo so I waited for it to fill back up and flushed again. That did the trick so I left and went back to my tent feeling a whole lot better and a few pounds lighter.

Mr. Clogs

Peed in a Cup

Last night I needed to pee, I was too tired to walk to the bathroom so I grabbed my trusty 32 ounce plastic fast food cups I keep in my bedroom for that purpose. I put the cup up to you know and peed a nice stream into the cup. I was finished about a minute later, I placed the piss filled cup on my computer desk. I got up the morning and poured out the cup to reuse later. Hope you enjoyed my little post, take care.

Mr. Clogs


fear accidents

i was just wondering do fear accidents actually occur. I've seen them in movies and heard people say they had the shit scared out of them so i was just wondering if people actually wet or mess themselves from fear in real life. also in films it seems to happen to men more often than women, is it a case of it being a thing that happens to males and not females. any info or stories would be appreciated. thank you

Happy Dude

Replies and birthing story

TO ANIME FAN: Welcome to the sight. You are probably constipated and need more fiber in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and grains. I find eating sweet potatoes, mangoes, or even just getting a fiber supplement like phsyllium fiber works well. If you get constipated and have to push a lot, hemoriods develop. Those are blood vessels near or on the surface of the skin or in your rectum that bleed easily under stress. If I let myself get too constipated, and it's easy to do being a choco-holic, I have had bowel movements where the entire toilet in filled with blood. Yeah, it's gross and disturbing, but as long as I make changes in my diet, it will clear up when I start going normally again. Never told anyone, but I joke to myself that I must be on my period.

TO FERAL GIRL: And everyone else who is interested. When my wife was pregnant with my son, I took time to watch baby delivery videos online to prepare myself for what's going to happen in the delivery room. Let me tell you, every delivery is different and my wife's was no exception. Anyway, the answer to your question, when pushing the woman will just start erupting with pee or poop if the need arises during labor. Nurses and doctors don't mind. One video a nurse just takes a small container and puts it under the woman's butt as the poop comes out and catches it while she is spread eagle and the baby's head is crowning. I would think in the heat of the moment, most women don't take into consideration whether they are peeing or pooping while trying to give birth. Trying to pass a baby that feels like a watermelon out the vagina is probably all they are aware of. As for my own wife's delivery? Her pregnancy only lasted 8 months because my wife had preeclampsia. The doctor had to induce labor and we all thought it would be vaginal delivery, but wound up being C-section in the end. So no pushing or peeing or pooping. At one point the doctor broke her water and my wife had to lay on these hospital pads and let the fluid drip out. She said it felt like she was constantly peeing herself and it went on for awhile. I had to keep changing the pads for her. And I remember the smell the most. The room turned hot and humid smelling and had the same odor like a rain forest. I thought it very odd, but that's normal.

TO CAR MOM: Even though the stories might seem the same, the number of times they happen make it impressive and something to talk about. I'm always amazed at how many times your stuff has been peed on! One question though. Do you pee in the car and on the couch too? We always hear about the girls and your friends peeing, but don't remember stories of you, yourself peeing.


Mr. Clogs

Questions about wiping

I've got a question to both women and men here. When you wipe after taking a dump, do you wipe from front-to-back or back to front? Also have anyone taken a dump other than a bathroom like your bedroom, kitchen, basement, etc? Me I wipe from back-to-front. Your thoughts please. Thanks.

Mr. Clogs


Latest news

Hi everyone, its me Abbie again with another post, its really late but I can't sleep for some reason.
Emma and Leanne- enjoyed your stories and thanks for your comments.
Brandon T- thanks for your nice comments, I've told my cousin Amy about this site and she has posted once and will hopefully do so again soon, shes due to visit at the weekend. I'm trying to pluck up the courage to tell Lucy but I'm not sure quite how she'll react, I have written some quite personal things about her on here and I think she'll be cool with it but I need to find the right way of telling her.
Disappointed poster- sorry you haven't enjoyed my latest posts as much, I'm sure you can understand I enjoy posting but want to try to make sure I don't end up constipated all the time, as I don't think its very good for me. Although my poos are a bit easier at the moment it probably won't last long, normally going back to school throws my bowels right out of any routine I've managed to get going in the hols and I end up struggling again. This September its probably going to be even worse as I'm moving schools, the one I'm at isn't too good for the A levels I want to do so I'll be going to a different school over the other side of town.
Anyway, as nothing much has happened recently I thought I'd post about a few years back when I was really constipated not long after the summer hols at the start of Year 9, so I was 13. Back then the only loos available were the main girls toilets which were and still are horrible, I was absolutely adament I would only use them for a wee and hold in my poo till I got home even though by morning break I was usually bursting for a poo. The trouble was I got so good at putting off my need to open my bowels that after a few weeks I didn't feel like I wanted a poo any more by the time I got home so it was easy to forget to go, the need would always come back a few days later and I knew then I couldn't ignore it but by then it could well have been 4 or 5 days since my last poo so it would be a real struggle to push it out and I'd have to strain on the loo for quite a while. I remember one day probably at the end of September, I went to the toilet at the start of break as I was bursting for a wee, I also wanted a poo pretty badly as I'd been putting it off and I realised it was at least 4 days since I'd last opened my bowels. When I got to the loos they were almost deserted as we had actually been let out a couple of minutes early believe it or not, so I managed to get one of the few decent cubicles with a door that would lock. I put down my bag, lifted my skirt and then dropped my knickers and sat down, quietly sighing as my wee gushed out of me. I was feeling quite relaxed as the toilets were still really quiet, and I got this crazy idea that I could try to have the poo I knew I so desperately needed to push out, so I took a deep breath and bore down. After a lot of pushing I managed to work maybe a couple of inches out, of course by this time a load of girls had come into the loos as other lessons had finished so I didn't feel quite so happy sitting there with a huge fat turd sticking out of my bum, I knew there would be a queue and that other girls would be waiting for my cubicle. I relaxed and hoped that the turd would get sucked back in but it just stayed there stretching my bumhole wide open. I got some loo roll, reached round and broke it off then lined my pants with some paper as well as I knew that I would end up with a massive skidmark otherwise. I flushed, pulled up my pants and let down my skirt, as I went out I got a few looks which was pretty embarasing, as I washed my hands I looked in the mirror and saw that I was red from all the pushing which just made me blush even more and made it look worse. I spent the rest of the day at school feeling really uncomfortable and couldn't wait till I could get home and push this massive poo in peace. After school I shot in through the front door, kicking off my shoes and dumping my bag before dashing upstairs. I went straight to my room and took off my skirt and school shirt so I was just in my crop top and knickers, if I know I'm in for a hard time on the loo I prefer to be just in my underwear. I went to the bathroom and took off my knickers, some poo had leaked into the paper I had put in them and gone through so I quickly rinsed them out and dumped them on the floor ready to wash after I was done. I sat on the loo now naked from the waist down and started to push, with each push I could feel the monster turd sticking out slightly more but it was really hard going, the turd was getting really wide now and stretching my bumhole to the limit. I stopped for a rest after a while and looked underneath my legs, I could see a huge knobbly log hanging down, it looked to be about four inches long already and I knew that there was loads more to come. I wrapped some loo roll around my hand, lifted my bum off the seat and tried pushing as hard as I could and pulling the turd. After a few pushes which felt like giving birth and made me grunt really loudly (I was glad I was on my own in the house, my sister was round a friends) I felt the turd move more quickly, and a few pushed later it slithered down into the bowl. I had to sit back down quickly as all at once some runny poo and a sudden spurt of wee came out. I looked into the bowl and saw this humungus poo, I knew it would never flush away so I quickly wiped my really sore bum, got dressed and went out into the garden to find a stick. I returned to the bathroom and chopped the poo up and luckily after a couple of flushes it did all go away. I went to lie on my bed to recover from the ordeal, I was feeling really weak and tired but at least my belly felt a lot better after getting rid of 4 or 5 days worth of poo!
Thanks for reading this, I'll post again soon, bye for now!!


Not allowed to poo. Old stories

To Enmie, DR.DM:
I used to hold my poo for several days at a time and ended up so constipated it took another day of laxatives to get things moving. It made my bowel movements so big it often blocked the toilet and if my mum knew I hadn't been for a few days she wouldn't let me use our toilet. Instead she would make me wait untill the next day and go at school or in a public toilet. I remember one time it had been 4 days since I last went so I took a laxative in the morning and went to school. By home time I still hand't been able to go so I went home feeling very full and bloated. When I got home my mum asked me he I'd had poo yet and I said "No." She lectured me about holding my poo and as usual she refused to let me go in the bathroom. Holding it untill I got to school the next morning wasn't an option as it was Friday so I decided to wait untill it got late and my mum would be asleep and do it in my waste bin. Well she was watching a late night film on tv and didn't go to bed untill 1:00 am. By then the laxative was working with a vengance and I really had to go. I waited an hour for mum to get to sleep and lowered my bum onto the bin. It was very soft almost liquid and it came out fast. I pood for quite a while and the relief was absolute heaven. I had a box of tissues on my bedside table so I wiped and tied up the bag ready for disposal in the morning. I went back to bed and had a really good sleep now my discomfort was gone. In the morning I got up and my mum found the bag all tied up and knew I'd used it for a toilet and was mad at me for it but it was worth it for the shear relief.

Hello. My name is Lauren. I am new to this site. My friend reads it all the time but has never posted and she told me about it. Thought I would try it out. Anyway I grew up in a home that was very strict about bathroom policies. We were to quietly pee or poo at home without any talk about it. If we were out somewhere, we were not allowed to announce we had to go or use any public bathrooms. We had to wait until we were home. My brother, sister, and I always thought my parents strict rules were ridiculous and I vowed when I had kids to never be like that. I always secretly enjoyed peeing and thought, if we have to do it anyway, why can't it be fun.
Well, fast forward and I have three daughters of my own. Maysa is eight, Story is six, and Jagger is a year and a half. Maysa takes after my parents. She is very shy about her bodily needs and does not like to talk about it. However, Story is like me and will pee anywhere. I read through some old posts and was immediately drawn to Car Mom. Car Mom, I also allow my kids to pee in my car. It started about two years ago. We were on a road trip and Story, then four, announced she needed to pee. I knew she could not hold it very long. Even to this day she has a very small bladder. We were on the highway making good time and I really did not feel like stopping. I told her she could just pee right into the seat (it was a booster seat at the time.) She loved that idea and it is something we continued to dom even when she was out of the booster. Well Maysa was very embarrassed and refused to pee in the car. She held it until we reached our destination.
I have a ton more car peeing stories, as well as some stories from my work. I will post those at a later date if anyone is interested. I just wanted to introduce myself for now.


shitting behind a dumpster at the airport

Funny story. I was a security guard working at a Houston airport and one night while I was on post I had to take a dump, so I call my supervisor who comes over but says he can't drive me to a restroom cuz he's the only supervisor on duty. He asked me if I had to take a leak or whatever and I said nah man I gotta take a shit. So he kind of laughed and said well, I can't take you anywhere but you could go behind some dumpsters which have a cinder-block wall around them if you have something to wipe with and I was like, cool, I've got some baby wipes in my patrol bag I keep for such an occasion so he was like, ok now I'm not telling you to do this and I said, cool, I understand, so I went back behind one of the dumpsters with a newspaper I was going to put on the ground but then I saw some boxes in the dumpster so I took one out and hung my ass over the side and shit a big load then wiped w/ the baby wipes. I threw the newspaper on top of it and put it back in the dumpster, then went back to my post and told my supervisor 'mission accomplished!' he started laughing.

I agree with James violent ass-cannon shitters are annoying even when one is standing at the urinal. worse when they're in the stall next to you though or if you're in the middle stall and two are on either side.

Thanks for your reply, Car Mom.

That's cool that you have at least one place you can still call your own away from pee. I've peed in bed before on purpose, and that's why it came to mind.

A little about me before my story. I'm male, 28, and I occasionally like to pee and poop in my pants. Unfortunately, my wife disapproves extremely, so I won't get into any more specific details about me personally.

Now onto my story. After reading posts on here, and also messages on a polling website, I decided to try something at work. I work in a shipping department at a warehouse. Some posters have talked about letting pee slowly into their pants all day to keep them warm and wet all day, and I decided to try that a few weeks ago. I was wearing gray boxer-briefs and these heavy blue jeans that were flannel lined. (I live in Phoenix, so I call them my "weight loss pants", lol.) For the beginning half of the day, that's just what I did, release a little pee at a time into my pants. I eventually had to go more than just a little at a time, and because I was feeling slightly apprehensive, I decided to finish up in the bathroom. My boxers were soaked in the crotch, the flannel was damp, and there was a small, barely noticeable spot around the base of the zipper in my jeans. I thought I was good to go. I didn't go anymore between then and lunch, and when I went back after lunch I needed to pee again. I started to go a little at a time, and then I got more bold. I looked down at one point and noticed that pee had run down my legs a little, but it hadn't yet reached my knees, it was still mostly in my crotch. I still had to go, so I figured that the game was up and I was going to be found out anyway, so I finished peeing in my pants while I stood there working. On my last break for the day, I was thinking "What the hell am I going to do now? A friend is going to be giving me a ride, and he'll know for sure I pissed myself at work. He might not want me in his car." I got the creative idea to pour a bottle of water on myself, but to make it look a little less obvious, I poured it over my head and on my shirt, then on my pants. That way it wouldn't look too obvious. The only thing my friend said was that I had to be working hard, because he saw a giant sweat stain on my shirt. I did tell him it was water, and he didn't make any other comments about it.

I don't think I'll try that again, though. Like I said, my wife hates it, and she still doesn't know about it.

Until next time.


Happy Dude
TO FERAL GIRL: Forgot to thank you for sharing your toilet stories. I agree that peeing and pooping while naked is the most fun. FREEDOM! Lol!

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Samantha great story about you peeing in that urinal I bet that guy probaly thought smart thinking why wait in line when you just do it there and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.

To: Melinda great pee story sure you had an accident but you made a friend from someone and lucky she was nice enough to help you and please post anyother stories you may have thanks.

To: Christine great story about you pooping on the side of the road but if you did mess yourself you would have been stuck in the car for the rest of way with big load in your pants which probaly would have stunk the car up so my thoughts are its better to have a little embarrassment then a much bigger just my thoughts I hope that made since it sounded alright in my brain m but not always when type it or write it out and please share anymore stories you may have thanks.

To: Amylee as always another great tale from the ladies room and it sounds like almost everyone there has two sides to them there normal side and there bathroom side like you said with Lydia its probaly because the bathroom is the one place everyone has to go to at some point and those sounds and smells are expected in there and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: UKN Guy as always another great post and I look forward to our next one thanks.

To: Kyle From WA as always another story and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: New Poster you are a true boyfriend helping your girlfriend out and she is lucky to have you someone who cares for her that much and please post anymore stories like that if you have any thanks.

To: Anime it all depends on the colr of the blood if its light red you probaly just tore something or its a hemoroid but if its dark then you should she a doctor right away because it could be something bad so I hope you feel better soon.

To: Wendy & Kirsty Wendy I bet you felt silly for not remebering where the spare key was and I bet next time you will remember or at least have a key with but sometimes it can be hard to remember something like that when all you can think is holding it in and as always I look forward to your guys next posts thanks.

To: Amanda M I hope you can that poop out I know that feeling its right there but dosent want to come out for me it usually comes out a little while later and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Upstate Dave as always another great story a question who was the first girl ever saw go to the bathroom please share the story if you havent already thanks and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: The Listening Ear as always another great story and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Leanne as always another great story and I look forward to your next one thanks.

To: I>3 Pooing as always another great and WOW I bet you felt alot better after that and but I bet your toilet didnt and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To everyone keep up the good work with all these great stories thanks.

Well thats all for now

Sincerly Brandon T

PS. I love this site

Rag Muffin Reanna

3 a.m. amusements--Part 1

Two weeks ago our debate teacher had teams start coming up to school in the afternoon to prepare for the new season. Since I don't have that much to do during the week because I work for my dad on weekends as a mobile DJ, going up to school a couple of weeks before the others come back for the start of the new year isn't that bad, In addition, my debate partner Tank and I remain really good friends so we're at each other's houses a lot and we're together a lot anyway. Both his family and mine don't have enough money for regular vacations because of the bad economy.

Last Wednesday night I had dinner with Tank's family and after messing around a while in the back yard with his big lab, we went back to his room, got on line with our computers and started researching our case. His mom came in like at 1 a.m. and said we should call it a day and asked me if I wanted to stay over. Severe weather was threatening outside so I didn't want to call my dad so late so she knew I would take her up on the stay over offer. She already had a couple of pillows and a blanket on the rec room sofa and I thought I would be tired enough to sleep 12 hours of so, at which time Tank and I would get to work again. Tank's dad has a great sense of humor just like my dad and when Tank's mom remarks about how many hours we put into debate preparation, Tank's dad reminds her that it's better than him spending his time down at juvee and having to put up bail bond money that they can't afford.

Shortly after I laid down, the thunder and wind storm hit hard. The wind and rain beat against the side of the house and you could hear the lightning strike nearby. The storm continued for like an hour and I saw an old neon beer sign they had in the hallway had gone off and that meant the power was out. I figured I would eventually have to get up and pee, but I wasn't alarmed because I got to know the house quite well over the past year and I figured I could find my way through almost anything. Once the storm ended, I found myself getting much warmer and I recognized that the AC was off, so I quietly got up and in my bare feet, found my way out to the back porch. I figured it would be good for me to sit outside on one of the porch chairs for a few minutes before I went in and tried to go to sleep. The chair was dripping wet, but I didn't care because even though the water penetrated my jeans and helped cool off my legs, I still liked the crisp, clean air the storm had left. I enjoyed watching the storm's lightning and hearing the thunder as it struck in the next county.

After several minutes, I heard a rustling and thinking it was Tank's black lab, I put my hand out and was surprised when Tank started licking it and rubbing his nose up to me. At the edge of the roof, I saw a rain gauge hanging and I asked Tank how much rain we had received. He said it looked like just under an inch. I told him I was surprised and thought it was more. The gauge, he said, went up to 10 inches and he said he could make it happen. Since we frequently tease one another, I asked him if she could do a rain dance or whether he knew where the ammo was for his rifle and whether it could hit a cloud. He jumped up on the porch chair and pulled the plastic gauge down. "I'll give you 9 inches," he said. I quickly told him, "Let's see you do it!" He immediately dropped his shorts and briefs, had his penis out, and told me to hold the gauge while he inserted his dick in the 1-inch wide plastic bottle. I had both hands around the gauge as I put it up for him to insert his organ. The connection was easy and he was squirting away almost immediately.

Tank's urine was warm, almost hot, and the intensity of the stream increased so much that it actually forced me to hold the gauge tighter. When we got toward the 10-inch mark and I was worried that he wouldn't be able to cut him off, I told him we were full. This came none too soon and he directed the last 25 seconds of his piss into the hedge just too my right. A rabbit quickly scampered off from under the bush and I told Tank I hoped his pee didn't burn the rabbit. He put his organ back in his underwear and said for me to hang the gauge back up and that if his parents checked it, they would probably freak. I hung it, but very carefully.

Then Tank took the chair next to me. Neither of us was sleepy so we decided to put our heads together and decide what else we might want to do.

I'll tell you about that in Part 2 of the story.

Michelle (Formally M.S)

Natural toilet & a few comments

A few weeks ago on page 2080 I posted a story called "Oops" and at the bottom of it I stated that I was holding my poo in and I would post about it soon and well you've guessed it, this is what this post is about, even if it is a bit late which I apologise for.

Anyway I was able to hold it in for a total of 4 days and it happened while I was walking home from work on a Friday evening with a desperate need to poo. It had been so busy at work that day which meant I didn't have time to go to the toilet and when my shift ended I thought I could make it home but I underestimated my need & knew I had to find somewhere to relieve myself before it was too late. There were no bushes to hide in (apart from in peoples gardens, but I couldn't poo there) but it had been raining all day so I had a crazy idea that I might be able to poo in a puddle & not be seen. I came across several large puddles that would be perfect to go in but they were all in full view of houses so I could be easily seen but I had to find somewhere to go or I would soil myself. As luck would have it I walked down an alleyway which had large walls so it was out of sight of beading eyes; I then found a large puddle that was relatively deep so I walked around it and stood on the edge of the puddle and slid my work trousers down to my knees together with my knickers. I squatted so my bum was hovering over the puddle and relaxed; I soon started to pee and when it hit the water it splattered back at me causing me to be covered in a mixture of wee and rain water. A couple of seconds later I let out a long loud fart and my anus began to open and I felt a turd emerge which dropped into the puddle causing another splash; this was followed by three more average size turds. Once I had pushed out my last turd I looked at my creation with amazement; it was a huge floating mess and the top of the poos was sticking out of the puddle. Unfortunately I had nothing to wipe with so I had no choice but to pull my clothes up and walk home with a dirty bum. It felt sticky between my bumcheeks and slightly damp from the back splash and by the time I got home my knickers had stuck to my anus so I went straight to the bathroom to clean up and when I pulled my knickers down to inspect the damage they were a real mess. I had a huge skid mark right across the seat of my knickers and my bum was covered in poo and I wondered if it would have easier just to have loaded my knickers but the experience of pooing in a puddle was sensational. I wiped my bum for ages but I had to throw my knickers away as they were beyond saving.

Abbie - I enjoyed reading your post on page 2086 called "Poo on the way home from Olivia's". I have had many experiences like that and I find it frustrating when the public toilets are closed for some reason or another; but I'm glad you were able to relieve yourself albeit on the grass. I'm just wondering if you have ever pood yourself as there hasn't been anywhere appropriate to go and you just couldn't hold it for long enough.

Wendy - I enjoyed reading your "Locked out desperation" post in which you pood behind a wheelie bin as you couldn't get inside to your toilet and you couldn't hold it in for long enough. I bet you were annoyed when Kirsty reminded you that there was a spare key under a stone but then you wouldn't have had the thrill of pooing behind a wheelie bin. Your experience reminded me of something I did a couple of years ago when I was walking home from the pub at night with a desperate urge to poo and being a little drunk I went into someone's garden and walked over to their wheelie bin. I opened the lid and noticed it was empty so I sat on the top; putting my hands on the rim to hold myself up in the process. I then proceeded to release my smelly load into the bin which landed on the bottom with a thud but when I had finished I noticed I had nothing to wipe with so I walked home with a dirty bum.

I <3 Pooing - I'm glad you made it to the toilet to "unleash the big brown beast within" or you would have had a very messy accident, although I bet your knickers were slightly stained after those "rank wet farts" you were having.



College privacy

OK here is my story: I'm a freshman from a medium size college. Ive only been here for about a week and I have to share a bathroom with 3 girls, the forth being myself. It would seem doing #2 in a shared bathroom is kinda wrong in some ways in my opinion. Anyway, I been holding in #2 for about 2-3days of my week being here. I have been managing to hold it in but lately the urges have been stronger than ever. I have been thinking of ways to do #2 without being smelled or heard and I have been unsuccessful. I was worried about getting caught and the gestures that would have been done if anyone had found out. In the end,I had to find another way to release what was a monster of a #2. So today I was looking on the Internet to find maybe someone has been in my shoes and I found this website. I read some of the experiences on the site and I felt much better abut my situation in a way. when I left to go to my next class, i found out it was due till next week.Then a urge hit me and I knew what needed to be done. So I was searching around the building trying to find empty bathrooms when I came across the restroom with a waiting room inside but the toilets were behind a another door. Needless to say I did what was needed to do for a long time.The conclusion is I would not have done #2(unless somehow I got off campus) without the needed boost in support for natural functions without this site. Thanks..

Desperate to poop

Desperate train poop

Oh I had a desperate poop the other day. Coming back on the train and I hadn't had chance to go before the train arrived (I only just made it in time).

I needed a poop but found the toilet closest to my carriage out of order. So I had to walk 2 carriages down to find another toilet and a queue 3 deep waiting for the toilet. 1 gent a young 20 yr old lady and a 40 yr old lady blonde. My stomach was rolling and I really needed the toilet by know

The chap went in after 2 mins and spent a good five minutes in so must have been pooping I figured.The young 20 yr old wasplahying with her (a sign of desperation) but the 40yr old didn't show any signs of desperation. When the chap came out the girl hurried in but only needed a pee and that let the lady in.

She hadn't seemed desperate but boy did she take ages. I sat waiting as another lady came and asked was I waiting I said yes. 5 minutes passed and still engaged. I was clenching my buns at this point as I was very desperate. A further 5 minutes and still not joy and now a queue of 3 agan. The lady whispered she's taking ages and I said yes and I really gott a go.

A further 5 minutes passed and still we were waiting. A couple of ladies left to find another toilet but there wasn't one and they soon returned. Finally after another 5 minutues she flushed and came out apologising. I dashed in locked the door opened the seat to find plenty of skidmarks and let rip with some extremely soft poop. Oh the relief! I was in for 5 minutes

Happy pooping

The Listening Ear

Part 18

The business where I was working was sold to a large group, and I was told that the new owners "didn't understand" what our department did. My boss thought that was hilarious, but I saw straight through it, and quickly got a job working for a government agency in another town for a bit more security! The new place was a low, rambling building. On the positive side, the Ladies and Gents toilets in our corridor were next to each other, with the stalls back-to-back. But on the negative, the offices were small, so following people out would have been too noticeable. So I was entirely reliant on coincidence, and overall there isn't much to report.

There was a rather lovely Frances, who played the viola in a string quartet, and appropriately, when I listened to her peeing with my ear to the wall of the Gents, she peed straight into the water with the tone moving very tunefully up and down the viola register. The other girl I remember was called Mich, a blonde who looked as if she had had a very hard life. She slopped slowly along the corridor just like Diane and Clare before her, and sure enough, her pee sound - which I heard often - was just as lazy. I wrote about this on page 2057.

When I went to the toilet after lunch and put my ear to the wall, there was often some plopping to be heard from the Ladies, but whenever I timed my exit to see who had been responsible, it was always one of the grey-haired old biddies from another department who looked as if they should have been past retirement age. One day as I entered the Gents I noticed one of the stall doors was closed and there was a guy washing his hands. There was a sudden explosion of plopping from behind the closed door, and the hand-wash guy exclaimed "Sounds like the bottom just dropped out of your world!". After a pause, a voice from the stall said "I reckon it has, John. I reckon it has." I then entered one of the other stalls, sat down and released my own after-lunch pffvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrrrrattat BOOFfloploploploploplop-plop-plop-plop plop plop plop, plop, plop, to which the comedian replied "Blimey, I'm getting it in stereo now!"


To Brandon T: No, it isn't true that I'm always in the right place at the right time. Far more often I'm not, but I don't tell you about that because it's boring!

TLE (Why do I keep calling myself TLI? It is a Freudian slip for The Listening Idiot?)

Firecracker Girl

Butt-sticking survey

I find Frantic Francine's butt-sticking survey to be immensely interesting.

The #2 option of wiping the seat off is going to do nothing but stir up particles of sludge that you are going to sit on/in. The only way to assure that your butt is not going to have contact with the toilet seat is to place paper over it or to squat.

It comes down to a matter of individual preference.

Brandon T

Toilet Dream

I had a dream last night about a woman pooping in the mens room well it didnt start like that it started out with me leaving the libary and realizing I forgot my bag there so I went back to there and when I come in the building I see a woman enter the mens room so I follow her in to tell her its the wrong bathroom but when I do she says she dosent care so she then goes in the stall and starts having diarrhea and then I wake up I think my brain wanted to make sure my bag was there at home which I knew it was but my brain didnt and I tried to go back to sleep to finnish the dream but you know how that is it dosent usualy work but it was a great dream even though it didnt start out that way.

Hi again everybody. I had another very satisfying poo today! I was surfing the internet and got a slight urge so I waited until it got a bit stronger and I could feel my poo moving down. Then I went and sat on the loo and had a short wee. My first log started to come out so I let it get half way and then held it short. Then I let go and it rushed out and felt great! Another one followed and then two quick pieces. Then there was a blast of soft poo that came out in two loads and I was done. I looked at my load. The first log was quite chunky and long, the second a bit thinner and shorter. The mushy stuff had sunk to the bottom and there were some loose fragments floating around.

Nothing else much to say for now, but I'll post again soon.

Thursday, August 18, 2011