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Friday, January 19, 2024

Fiona's New Slave by AnUnturned






Navigating a swamp could be a difficult task, even for a seasoned explorer (which Mat was not). There were blood sucking mosquitos, vines that coiled like snakes around your limbs, and sunken bogs waiting to trap anyone not carefully watching their feet. Travelling through it in the dark would have been downright dangerous; that was why Mat had thought himself so lucky when he had found the small wooden house deep in the trees, glad to have shelter from the wilderness for the night.

With his head buried in the ass of an ogress, however, he did not feel very lucky.


Fiona hummed happily in her sleep and gently wiggled her buttocks, satisfied with her release. She had red hair and green skin, and a large frame; over six feet tall with a thick pear-shaped body and pudgy waist, powerful arms and broad thighs – but most prominent was her enormous ass, with its giant jiggling moons for cheeks and a canyon of an ass crack. And it was in this dirty canyon that Mat lay choking on her latest fart.

He almost screamed. This was not the first of her farts he had been forced to inhale, or even the thirty-first; but no matter how many times he smelled them, he never got used to the gut-churning stench. He wanted to squirm and kick and wrench his way free of his stinking prison; but he was terrified of waking Fiona, and of what punishment he might suffer for disturbing her. So instead he calmed himself, took slow, laboured breaths, and continued to plan his escape.

Even when she wasn’t farting, Fiona’s ass smelled foul. She seemed to be sweating constantly, giving her cheeks a tangy, salty flavour, and there was a strong scent of acrid poo wafting from the centre. Though Mat had no desire to confirm it, he suspected there were brown streaks around her asshole. And somehow, despite his constant sniffing, he was never able to fully eliminate the smell of her gas. Every fart hung slightly in the air and remained trapped with him under the covers, creating a miasma of stink.

Mat remembered how happy he had been to meet Fiona, only a few hours ago. Terrified of spending the night without shelter, he had been overjoyed when she had appeared from the woods and offered to let him stay, and had blissfully ignored the mischievous grin on her face. For a while they had simply sat and talked in her home; she had a kind voice and laughed easily at his tales, and Mat had misjudged her to be a sweet, gentle person. It was at dinner that everything had gone wrong.

“Phew! I’m stuffed,” Fiona had sighed, sitting back and patting her belly, which was bulging slightly after her huge meal.

“Me too,” Mat agreed, though he had eaten only a quarter of what she had. They had shared an unusual meal of cheese, beans, broccoli and other assorted vegetables… Though he had not realised it at the time, they were all foods that would be sure to induce gas. “Thanks again for letting me stay like this.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble,” she smiled at him. “In fact I’m glad for the company. Most humans seem to avoid this place for some reason.” Suddenly a loud growl rumbled through the room and Fiona patted her stomach again. Mat raised his eyebrows.

“Still hungry?”

“Not exactly.” She leaned to the side slightly and lifted a leg.


An airy fart blasted out onto the seat and she sat back down. Mat was taken aback slightly but managed a small smile.

“Sorry about that. These foods always do this to me,” she said calmly, staring directly at him, waiting for his reaction.

“No, that’s ok – “he began to reply, but stopped halfway. The smell had wafted over toward him and he physically gagged; this was the worst thing he had ever smelt, and with every passing second it seemed to be getting stronger.

“What’s the problem? It’s just a fart.” said Fiona, getting up and walking toward him. Eyes watering, he held his shirt to his nose, but the smell seeped through regardless. “Are you saying I stink?”

He shook his head desperately but couldn’t speak; the fart was still spreading like a cloud across the room and every time he opened his mouth he wheezed. Fiona stood directly behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. He could feel the strength in her huge hands and for the first time recognized the sheer size difference between them. Unable to get up, he craned his neck to look up at her, pleading with his eyes. She looked down at him and smiled, then with one hand, reached behind and up her dress.


Cupping her hand around her asshole she let loose a short, sharp poot. Then she leaned forward and pressed the hand into Mat’s face. It was disgusting – creamy and eggy, and far more potent than her first. She was so big that she could easily cover his mouth with her hand while still pressing the fart into his nose, and with her free arm she restrained him as he writhed and struggled to get free. “It’s ok,” she murmured softly as she embraced him. “It’s ok. Breathe deep now. Nice, long breaths.” With no other option he inhaled her thick gas. As he did he felt the strength leave his limbs; her stink was sapping his energy. After a minute she let him go and he slumped forward – barely conscious, it was all he could do not to collapse.

Fiona picked him up and walked to her bedroom. Mat, still woozy, could offer no resistance and simply watched as she set him down, closed the door and began undressing. She removed her green dress and shoes first, then her white bra and panties, which she placed into a dresser on the side. Then she turned toward him and placed a hand on her huge round cheek. “You’ll be spending the night with me, honey.” She said with a smirk. “Don’t worry, though; you’ll have a comfortable pillow.” She pulled him onto the bed and lay on her stomach. Then with one hand she lifted a cheek and with the other shoved his head into her crack; finally she pulled the covers over both of them, sealing him in her stink.

Face to face with the very source of the foul air that was tormenting him, Mat regained some of his energy, and began again to squirm and shout. Fiona let him wriggle for a few moments before blasting him with another hot fart. “Time to go to bed now baby. I’m a pretty heavy sleeper, but if you manage to wake me up, I’ll be mad.” As she spoke she rolled onto her back, and Mat rolled with her; her cheeks sank slightly and spread across his face, and he felt their heavy weight press against him. True to her word though, they were quite soft and comfortable. “Oh, and if I wake up tomorrow and you’re not in my ass, there’ll be a severe punishment. Sweet dreams!” With that she closed her eyes, and was shortly asleep.

Some hours had passed since then, and all Mat could do was inhale her pungent aroma, and think about what he should do. He was terrified of making her angry, but at the same time, this might be his only chance to escape! She might let him go in the morning, but if she didn’t, he couldn’t handle any more time in her butt. In the end he resolved himself; at the least, he had to make an attempt at freedom.

Mat waited patiently until Fiona grunted and rolled over onto her side, so one leg was bent out in front of her and the other lay straight. This, he had decided, was his best opportunity to get out. Her meaty cheeks still had a firm grip on his head, but this was the position in which their hold was loosest. Reaching up he grabbed a buttock with either hand and began to slowly pry them apart. It was not easy; with her thick frame it felt like trying to push boulders apart. He kept trying, however, and after some time, finally he felt he was making progress. Her cheeks parted a small distance, just enough for him to slide his head back and out – but suddenly Fiona mumbled something, and sat up slightly! Mat froze immediately, fear rising in his throat. For a few seconds the two were absolutely still. Then she mumbled again, farted, and lay still.

Mat was so relieved he was almost able to ignore the noxious gas assaulting him. Resuming his escape, he slid backward, inch by inch, and finally – after some time – popped free from her grasp. He took a second to celebrate, then crept out of the covers and onto the floor. Then he tiptoed carefully across the room, staring at Fiona for any sign of movement, until he at last reached the door. This was it. He reached out, grabbed the handle, turned and began to push…

But the door didn’t move. He stared at it for a minute, then tried again. Then again, a little more urgently. Eventually he was forced to accept reality; the door was locked. Mat was devastated. He had come so close, so incredibly close, only to find that he was screwed from the start. He could not give up yet, however. He searched the room, looking for anywhere that a key might be kept, but found nothing of interest. Growing desperate, he pulled open the dresser drawer, and almost collapsed from the stench. The drawer was crammed full of used panties, of many different colours (but all with brown streaks running down the back). Clearly Fiona was not washing her used clothes, simply stuffing them into a draw and switching them out at random.

He closed the drawer and turned away. He scanned the room again; but it was a small room, with little in it, and he had searched it completely twice over. Feeling his heart sink, he turned back to Fiona, and heard her earlier words echo again in his head. “If I wake up tomorrow and you’re not in my ass, there’ll be a severe punishment.” Stifling a sob, he realised what he had to do.

Fiona had rolled back onto her stomach; this would be the best time to do it. Mat slipped his head under the covers and choked, as he experienced again the horrific dutch oven she had built. He shimmied forward quickly but quietly until he was once more cheek-to-cheek with the ogress. He gazed sadly at her crack, before pulling apart her buttocks and exposing her brown hole. As he did so it hissed softly as a silent but deadly fart blew into his face, as though welcoming him home. Breathing deeply he planted his head against her, and settled in for the night.

Sleep did not come easily, however. Attempting to spare his nose, he tried for a while to breathe through his mouth, but when he did a fat cheek spilled into his mouth and coated his tongue in sweat; once he had pushed it out, she farted directly down his throat. He could almost taste the eggs she had eaten earlier. Following that he resigned himself to a night of sniffing her farts directly. Further, every time he began to doze off, her bowels would inevitably groan loudly, and he would awake with a start just in time for her to blast him with another fart.


This one was thick, suffocating and cheesy, and brought tears to his eyes as he unwillingly sniffed it. Every time he thought he had experienced the worst smell of his life, she seemed to try and prove him wrong.

Dawn finally arrived after what felt like an eternity. The rays of the morning sun shone through the window and fell upon Fiona’s peaceful sleeping face. They did not reach Mat, however; beneath Fiona’s ass it was always dark. His only evidence that dawn had come was the sound of chirping birds, chirping noisily as they began their day. Fiona gave no sign that she intended to begin her day, though. As the birds twittered she mumbled incoherently, still dreaming, and rolled onto her side. She frowned slightly and lifted a leg, then released a powerful blast.


Dry, airy, with a tang of cabbage. He despaired at how well acquainted he was becoming with her digestive tract. If he had not experienced it first hand, he would not have believed anyone was capable of producing such horrific farts, or so many. It was inhuman – but then, Fiona was an ogress.

After some hours her eyes fluttered open and she stretched her arms out. She gave a long yawn and scratched herself, and only then acknowledged the poor individual beneath her. “Good morning, Mat. Did you sleep well? I certainly did.” She sat upright, pressing more of her weight onto him, then crossed her legs and put both hands on her stomach, and stopped moving. She remained that way for around a minute, causing Mat to wonder what she was doing – some kind of meditation exercise? But then a deep rumble interrupted his thoughts.


A colossal fart thundered out of her cheeks and into his unprepared face. This was the longest fart he had experienced so far, and also the most disgusting. As the hot air coated his nostrils he lost all control, beginning to writhe and scream, anything to avoid the poisonous gas assaulting his senses. Above, Fiona exhaled deeply and relaxed, smiling down at his futile struggle. “I always have pretty bad morning gas. Still, you should be used to them by now, right?” She laughed, hearing his muffled moan of disagreement. “I’ll just give you a moment to enjoy that last one.”

At long last she rose, pulling him free from her crack and leaving him to lie on the bed. Mat sucked in the (relatively) fresh air greedily, grateful for any kind of reprieve, while Fiona walked around the room, humming softly, dressing herself and preparing for the day. Once ready, she turned to face him, and her face turned to a mock scowl. “Still lying around? It’s time to get up, lazy bones!”

“Please,” he begged her. “Please, I… I did what you asked. Will you let me go home?”

“Don’t be silly, this is your home now! You’re going to stay here with me, and be my new ass toy. Isn’t that exciting?” She chuckled at his horrified expression before walking toward him and patting his head. “I know this must seem pretty scary for you. But given time, and with a little training, I know you’ll be a wonderful butt slave!” She turned her huge rear toward him and lifted her dress, just enough to expose the bottoms of her cheeks. “This is your first lesson, Mat. Put your head where you think it should go.”

His mind raced. He tried desperately to think of any way out, or some words that might persuade her, or anything – anything other than accepting this position. But he came up blank. All he could do was resolve not to give up hope; maybe in time, he would find a way to escape his slavery. She might let her guard down or slip up with security. But right now there was only one path to take. Mat closed his eyes, and leaned forward.