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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Permanent Fart Slave by Unknown


Part 1

When I was 19, I was going to school at San Diego State. I had just moved into my own 2 bedroom apartment. I got a 2 bedroom, because California is a rather expensive place to live and I figured I could get a roommate to live in the other room and split the rent with him in order to save money. I posted flyers all over campus looking for roommates and eventually also placed an ad in the local paper.

Finally one day I got a call from a man who was interested. We arranged for him to come over the next day to see the apartment. I was expecting him to be a student also and around my age, but it turned out he was 27 and worked in the area. His name was Raul. I opened the door to greet him. He seemed nice enough and told me that he really liked the place, though the weirdest feeling came over me that he was more interested in me than the apartment. He wasn’t checking me out, but he appeared to be examining my facial features.

I didn’t think too much of it, and I didn’t have any room to be picky since the rent was almost due and I had no other prospects, so he signed on as the other tenant on the lease and moved in 2 days later.

We got along fine; I pretty much kept to myself in my room studying when I was home. One afternoon I came home from school to an empty apartment and lay down on the couch to watch some TV, but I was so tired I fell asleep. When I woke up, Raul was bending over in front of me, with his butt right in front of my face, when he saw my eyes open, I saw a quick smirk flash across his face and that was the last thing I saw as his big ass crushed down on me, sitting right on my face.

“What the hell are you doing man?” I said in a panic.

Raul just laughed and said, “I’ve got a gift for you” Then suddenly he released a high pitched sounding fart, right on my face.

“Ugh, get up man, that smells”

He just laughed and ground his ass into my face. With no warning he farted again, this time the smell was even worse. After that he finally got up.

“Why the hell did you do that?” I asked as I quickly stood up.

“Oh, just testing ya out” he replied with an evil look on his face.

“Testing me out, what the hell? Testing me out for what?” I exclaimed in anger and confusion.

“Oh never mind, don’t worry about it… that sure was fun though” he said.

I went to my room to go back to sleep. I couldn’t sleep though. I was still pissed off about what he had done to me, and I was racking my brain trying to figure out what he meant by testing me out.

When I came home from school the next day Raul was in the kitchen wearing nothing but skintight white briefs. I did a double take… wow maybe he could help me beef up I thought to myself, he was very buff, big built arms, a six pack, and the beefiest muscular bubble butt I had ever been. I had always wanted to beef up a little, cause of how thin I am (about 5'9, 105lbs) I dropped my school shit off in my room, and went into the kitchen, “What’s up man?” I said.

Raul said, “Oh hey, just finishing off the deviled eggs.”

“Is that part of your body building diet?” I asked.

“No, I just like me cuz they give me bad gas” He replied.

I started laughing; thinking he was joking, but he had a very serious look on his face.

“No, seriously they do… you’ll find out in a minute.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

He stood up intimidating, I backed away, but he grabbed me and pushed me to the floor, then he quickly sat on my face once again pushing my nose against the crack of his skin tight briefs. He immediately released a long gassy fart that went right into my nostrils. It smelled sooo bad. All the while I was struggling below him, but it was no use, he was much bigger than me. Every time I would manage to barely escape his ass crack, he would just shove my face right back in. He farted on me for about an hour, and then finally let me go.

“Well, gotta go check my e-mail” he said, as if nothing had happened. He was online for hours, as usual, and I needed to sign on to do some homework, so eventually I was pissed enough that I went into his room, and asked him to please get off the internet so I could log on and do my homework.

“Nah, you can go on in couple hours when I’m done” he said back to me. I didn’t fight with him about it because I didn’t want him pinning me again. As I turned to walk out the door I saw an odd looking bar mounted to his wall. It was made of steel, and very tightly secured. It had two openings that looked like nails or pins could be fascinated to them with a lock at the top of each side.

This guy is so weird, I thought to myself. Then I started to continue towards the door when Raul said, “Ya know, I’ve been thinking, I have more stuff then you, I should have the master bedroom, and you should have this little one.”

“No way, I signed the lease originally, this is my place! And that room is mine!” I shouted back at him in anger and left the room. I went into my room and went to bed.

The next day as soon as I got home from school Raul rushed right up to me, he was sooo excited.

“Yes I finally made it!” he exclaimed.

“Made what?” I asked.

“A harness for strapping someone’s face to my ass.” he said very matter-of-factly. It was something that looked like a jock strap but there was a second piece, a head harness with extra straps that connected it to the jock strap part. “You want to give it a try this is something I always wanted to do.” he said.

I told him absolutely not, but he said, “Oh come on, you’ll only be in it for a minute or two, I promise. Besides… if you don’t want to do it I could always just tackle you down and sit on your face for a couple hours. Up to you... a couple hours in my ass or a couple minutes.”

I thought about it for a minute… I really didn’t want him to pin me again and make me smell it even longer so I said, “If I do it, to you promise not to pin me down ever again?”

He said, “Ok, if you try it and stay in it as long as u can, then just let me know when you want out, then I’ll let you go and never pin you again.”

After looking at him reluctantly I finally said ok. He pulled out a gag and said, “First let me put this on you so you’ll have to breathe through your nose.”

“But then how will I be able to tell you to let me out?” he told me

“Don’t worry, just tap on my ass cheek and I will let you out of it.” he then continued… he put the gag strap in my mouth and secured the strap of the gag around my head. He then handed me the head harness part while he began to undress and put on the jock strap part. As I fit it to my head he handed me some wrist cuff telling me to put them on. I reluctantly put on the cuffs. Here we were, him totally nude and standing with me kneeling behind him. He said get against the wall facing out to make sure he could get it good and snug. I did as I was told and he started to back his ass up to my face. He looked over his shoulder and moved one of his hands behind my head pushing my face into his ass. I started to feel the same situation as before when he had pinned me… his ass cheeks wrapping around my face, my nose right next to his hole. All I could see was his huge muscular ass cheeks. I could feel him starting to strap the two hardness together pulling my face in slightly harder against his ass. He then told me to put my hands on his hips. I did as I was told. I noticed he somehow clipped the straps on my wrists to his part of the harness.

Once he was done he did a slight side to side wiggle saying “In there good?”

I nodded yes with a muffled mmmm mmm sound. But he said I was still able to move my face a little and then he started to back up till I felt the wall on the back of my head. I wondered what he was doing but then I felt his ass push back hard on my face. I pulled on the straps which only forced my face tighter up against his ass, pushing my nose right up to his asshole. I could barely even breathe. The feeling of his ass hard on my face was so tight. I knew right then that I had made a mistake. I couldn’t stand the smell of his ass crack. It was so bad. Crusty, dirty, sweaty… rank!

Then he began to walk around as I was forced to crawl behind him feeling his ass cheeks wiggling side to side. I had no idea where he was walking to and crawling behind him was starting to hurt my knees. He stopped in the kitchen, opened up the fridge and pulled something out. “Ahhh, deviled eggs, my favorite!

You know how bad I had gas from these the other day Johnny boy? Well that was only from eating four of them, I think I should finish off this entire batch of 3 dozen!” He said.

My heart was racing with fear… I shook my head no as much as I could, but he just acted as if nothing was happening. He was eating them rather quickly… “yummy, so that means I’m eating 9 times more than yesterday so I should have at least 9 times as much gas and they should be at least 9 times smellier, boy aren’t you lucky John?”

Oh God, I was panicked, but then I remembered he said just to tap on his ass cheek if I wanted out. I started tapping his ass cheeks with my palms, but he just stood there finishing off the eggs as if he had no idea what it meant. I continued banging my wrists against his cheeks to remind him of his promise.

Finally he said, “Are you trying to say something?” and he came up with a signal. He would ask the question and if I took one big long sniff it meant no, and 2 big long sniffs meant yes. He then asked me if my face was tight in his ass. I took 2 big sniffs.

“Good” was his only reply. He then continued to walk and never asked a question that would give me a chance to get free.

I walked into the living room, dragging me behind him, he stopped… standing in the back of the room, watching TV for a minute, then I faintly heard him say “Yessss, that didn’t take long” in a satisfied voice and he ripped a loud rank fart right on my nose. “Does that smell good Johnny?” he said as he giggled a little, I didn’t want to answer him cuz that would mean I’d have to take an even bigger breathe.

This made him angry, “I asked you a question dammit, and does that fucking smell good?” I took a long sniff as to say no, and I could smell the nasty fart even more fragrantly.

“Oh, poor baby, so sad to hear that you don’t like your new home. Oh well” he said.

What the hell I thought? My new home, what is he talking about? Then he bent over just slightly, letting his rank asshole open up around my nose and released a long low sounding gassy fart that went straight up my trapped nostrils and burned my lung with the hot sulfuric gas.

As his next long smelly fart escaped his smelly butt crack he wiggled his ass around in my face as to emphasize his power over me. He then lowered his ass rather quickly into an almost squatting position, the sudden motion pushing back on me caused me to naturally react by pulling on my wrist straps which in turn pulled my face deeper into his now wide open bending ass crack, and securing my harness even tighter to his insanely stinky ass. As a result my nose was pushed directly into his fragrant butthole. Exactly what he had planned. He stood up again, pleased that I was now secured even tighter, making it even harder for me to breathe and making the air that I could breathe smell even worse. If you could even call it air… I wasn’t breathing oxygen, it was pure ass fumes. I could faintly hear him chuckling to himself. So proud of the predicament he had me stuck in. Suddenly he let loose a loooong smelly fart right on my nose… I could actually feel his asshole open as the gas came rushing out, it was one of those really nasty ones that smell like rotten eggs. I squirmed like hell with all my strength, but Raul was a mastermind when it came to this stuff, he had engineered the harness to make me his ass prisoner for as long as he wanted, keeping me trapped securely in his smelly butt crack.

“Oohhhh Johnny” ppppssssffff “those” hsssssss “eggs” rrrrfffpppp “Ahhh, are really tearing me up inside man”

FFfffffrrrrrttttt “Haha, yeah man, smell that all up for me… you’re doing such a good job man, it doesn’t smell bad up here at all, haha.” Oh God it stunk, all I could think about was how bad it smelled and how badly I wanted out.

“Oh man Johnny” Raul said as he grasped his stomach, “I feel a big one coming on, and man, I mean BIG! Brace yourself for this one Fartboy!” Suddenly I felt his asshole open around my nose and begin to blast hot, rank, smelly gas right up my nostrils, it must have been at least 8 seconds long. “Ahhhhhhhh” Raul sighed with relief. “That felt sooo good! Now tell me Fartboy, and I want an answer, is that honestly the worst thing you have ever smelled in your life?”

Though I didn’t want to have to take even deeper breathes, I knew he would be very upset if I did not answer so I replied “Snnnniiiffff Snnniiiiffff” meaning yes. Raul replied, “Good!” He then started walking again, I could tell by the direction he was dragging me in, that he was going into my bedroom.

We stopped, and he stepped up slightly. I began to hear a noise of him playing with something and then I realized it was the sound of the tread mill startup buttons. Then it started running as he moved on it his cheeks rubbed side to side hard on my face. He continued to fart on me every now and then as he walked on the treadmill. He was building up a sweat now, adding to my torture by making it hotter down in his crack as well as even stinkier if that’s possible. After about 20 min he finally got off the tread mill. Wait a minute, I thought to myself, what the hell was his treadmill doing in my room? Why the hell had he moved into my room when I had told him no? I couldn’t say anything, but so many questions were running through my mind. Then he began to drag me around to another place in the room. After he stopped he began to back up and sit downward forcing me to bend at the knees as I felt a chair on the back of my head. He was sitting at the computer as he bent down to sit my face adjusting slightly and I could see up his back. All I could see was his ass cheeks meeting up with his back to the back of his head. OMG I thought as I heard him get online. I began to struggle knowing he would be on chat for hours. The only response I got for my struggles was Pppppssssttttt, another scorching hot smelly fart. I could hear him type away as I knew this would take hours. Sure enough hour after hour went by and eventually I started to dose off. I was so mentally drained from all the torture he’s put me through and all the questions running through my head. What did he mean when he asked if I liked my new home? Why had he moved all of his stuff into my room?

My peaceful sleep didn’t last long as Raul must have noticed me dozing off and in response began grinding his sweaty crack down harder on my face. It hurt my poor nose as he ground down on it and rubbed the smell even deeper into my nostrils.

“This is so comfy, your face makes such a good cushion for my ass Fartboy.” Finally Raul stood up. He started to walk out of the room, then paused for a second.

SSSSSPPPRRRRRTTTTTTTBBBBBLLLLLLPPPPTTTT he released the longest, wettest, sputtering fart ever imaginable. It smelled so bad and also worked as a lubricant allowing my nose to slide yet even further into his rank butthole. The wetness made my face itch… the stench was killing me, I was in hell! “Ahhhhh, so much better!” then he continued walking toward the kitchen. Raul said “Time for dinner, hmmmm how about some carne asada and refried beans. Sounds good to me!” then he paused “Oh wait, but that would give me really bad gas”

What I thought to myself, is he actually growing concerned of my well being? Then he laughed and said, “Might as well, it’s not like I’ll have to deal with smelling that gas.” he said it in such a sarcastic and mooching tone. I realized that ever letting him move in with me was the biggest mistake of my life. He prepared his dinner, then walked over to the dining table, pulled out a chair and started backing me up to it, forcing the back of my head down on the cushion and allowing him to sit on my face. “Mmmmm, what could be better, eating my favorite meal while sitting on my favorite chair.” What? Did he just call me a chair, I thought to myself. Was that all I was to him. He was clearly enjoying degrading me and making me suffer, but how much longer would I have to endure this. He sat on my face until his dinner was gone, he ate 3 platefuls. “Oh man, I ate so much, I’m feeling soooo bloated now!” then it started again:

Ppphhhhuuuurrrrttttt Bbbbbrrrrrrrppppp Bbbbblllllpppptttt Bbbbrrruummmpplpl

“Ahhhhhhhh feels good to get that out Fartboy, but ya know what, I’m just getting started…” Rrrriiiiipppppp Sssshhhhhhuuuuusssss “God that felt good” I could barely take, trapped inhaling 6 huge farts one right after another, the smell was making me sick, my nostrils were burning, and my eyes began to water. “What’s the matter Fartboy… are you crying? Stop crying man… Try and get used to that smell… that’s just the way it smells in your new home.” There, he said it again… what the hell did he mean by that I wondered. He stood up and went to the sink to do the dishes. I was squirming and writhing, trying with all my might to get out of that damn harness and get my nose out of his ass. “What are you doing Fartboy? You’re not going anywhere. Like I said, this is your home now… don’t you get it? You’re mine now, you belong to me!

From now on you are my Fart Slave. I know it’s not a pleasant job, but somebody has to do it… I get really bad gas, and I don’t want to have to smell my nasty farts, that’s your job. That’s all you’re good for, sniffing my smelly ass. I knew that you would become my Fart Slave the moment I saw you… I could tell your face would fit perfectly in my ass crack, and it does, so nice and comfortable. You walked right into my little trap and now you’re MINE! Hahaha” I was panicked, could he really get away with that… God he’s evil, expecting me to suffer under his smelly ass forever. Please God, don’t let this be my horrible fate. I hoped to God he wasn’t serious.

Then I learned that he meant it, he had every intention of torturing me this way forever as the doorbell rang, and 2 cheery voices said “Open up John, its mom and dad… we came to see your new place.” Raul laughed, “This is perfect… we can start to make people forget about you” he ran water over his hair in the kitchen sink, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist and my head to cover me, making it look like he had just gotten out of the shower, and shouted “Hold on, I’ll be right there!” What was he going to tell my parents I wondered… Then he dragged me to the door, the towel concealing me, and opened it partially poking his head out to talk to them “Hi, what can I do for you guys” Raul asked. “Uh, we’re looking for our son John, I believe this is his apartment” my dad replied. “Yeah, actually John moved out a couple days ago and signed his lease over to me. He said he was failing classes so he dropped out of school and his parents would kill him if they ever found out so he took off, I have no idea where he went.” Raul said to them, trying not to snicker at his own evilness as he said it. I couldn’t believe he was really going to do this to me, and make my family believe I had run away. My parents were very concerned, and after asking a few more questions they deciphered that Raul didn’t know where I was so they left. Raul closed the door.

“Haha, damn good. I know you doubted me, thought I couldn’t pull it off, but now you are just a run away to them and to the law… nobody will look for you here in your nice smelly new home!” He walked into the bedroom and crawled into his bed, laying on his side with my face stuck to his ass, he pulled the covers up and tightly tucked them around my face, making it hot, stuff, and air tight. Then he released a loud nasty fart

Rrrrrriiiipppppp. “Ahhhhh, sweet dreams Fart boy.” I tried to fall asleep, but it was so hot, stuffy, smelly. Just as I was finally about to fall asleep his asshole vibrated on my nose and released the longest, smelliest silent fart. It smelled sooo bad, probably at least 12 seconds long, all the smelly hot gas rushed up my nose and I realized there was no way I would be able to sleep. He woke up in the morning and…

Rrrrrrrrriiiiiiippppppp said “Ahhhhhh, morning Fart face, how’d you sleep last night? That was the best night’s sleep I think I’ve ever had” he said. Then he got up and dragged me behind him into the bathroom, he let out a small loud fart on my nose while he stood at the toilet peeing, then he turned on the shower. He got in, and I had to crawl in behind him. Water rushed down his crack and my face he would fart every now and then to make sure I could still breathe.

I realized this mean his ass would not get cleaned, nor would my face since he showered with my face still in his ass. He finally turned off the water, got out and dried off. Then we walked into the spare bedroom. He backed me up to the wall, and unhooked my wrists from the harness, but left the head part attached so I was still stuck. Then he took my wrists and locked them to the metal pole mounted on his wall that I seen before. Oh no, that’s what that was for. Then he unlatched my head harness from the part connected to his ass.

“Awww, my ass feels naked without your nose inside it!” Raul said in a mocking tone. “Don’t worry though, they’ll be together again real soon! I gotta go to work for a while, so this is where you will stay and wait for my smelly butt to welcome you back in. I Wish I could take you to work with me, but don’t worry, I start a new job in 2 weeks, and I’ll be working from home, so I can have your nose in my ass 24/7! Isn’t that great? Hahira”

I tried to cry and scream out for help, but my gag kept me silent to the world. Raul went back into his bedroom, got dressed and started to head out the door. He paused as he was about to leave, then came back into the room where I was and said “I almost forgot to give you a kiss good bye… silly me” he said turning his ass to me, shoving it in my face and lining my nose up on the seam of his pants, then he let loose a killer nasty fart. “Ok, see ya in a couple hours

Fart boy!”


Part 2

What did I get myself into? How could I be so stupid? My mind was racing, I started to drift off to sleep after such a rough couple hours. I awoke from the sound of the door opening and hearing his voice “piggy I’m home early” I just started to cry that this is my new life as Raul's fart slave. He walk up to me my head inch’s from his crotch I could tell he was rock hard. “oh fart piggy I missed you all day I grinding my ass in the chair wishing you were there, then it dawned on me, you’re not just going to be my fart slave you’re going to be my total bitch.

I just lay up against the wall pinned no control, what did he mean his bitch? Sniffing his farts wasn’t good enough? He inched closer grinding his crotch in my face,” wait” he says laughs and runs to the bathroom, he comes out wearing an old pair of black Addidas gym shorts I could smell them from here. He got back in position and grinding my face into his nasty crotch, “haha haven’t washed these in weeks to bad for you piggy” His thick cock was rubbing on my face it felt huge “Yeah bet a fag like you would love this down your throat but I don’t think you’re ready” he pulled off his shorts reviling his jock he backed up into position as if he were putting a back pack on he again strapped my face to his ass dragging me to the kitchen.

Each time he took a step down the hall I felt my face going deeper in his crack, I heard the fridge open up “hmmm I’m thinking Ahhh perfect haven’t had tacos in a while” as he finished his sentence he lifted his leg and let out the longest wettest fart ever. “been holding that in all day” He started to walk but it wasn’t towards the table, he went into my room he pulled me up onto my bed leaned against the wall I could only see a little up his back, oh my god this dude was eating his nasty fart fueling tacos in my bed and watching TV.

It started getting sweaty in his crack just adding to my torture. Raul started to grind his massive butt on my face lining his hole with my nose, He let out a grunt and blew fart after fart deep up my nose. After about thirty minutes of farts I heard something on the TV it sounded like moaning “yeah buddy this is fucking hot, getting me all boned up. Shit this dude is watching a porno. I felt him push down the front of his jock and started jacking his cock, Raul started bouncing his ass on my face farting like crazy, “fart slave I'll make a deal with you. I'll remove your gag if you eat my ass out, and take a deep breath if you agree.” I had no choice if I didn’t do this I’m sure the alternative would be worse. “Good I’m glad you’re finally accepting your role as my fart bitch.” He removed my gag and I took in a deep breath then his ass came back down covering my mouth.

“Start licking bitch” I stuck my tong in his hole it was nasty he pull on the restraints locking me in. He was jacking off like crazy and started talking dirty to me “yeah bitch eat my hole” things like that. I for some reason was really trying to please him he grinded on my face really hard let out a loud moan his hole was closing on my tong and then he released a nasty bomb of gas right into my mouth.

He put the gag back in and cleaned himself off with one of my shirts. “Ahhhh piggy that really hit the spot think I’m going to take a nice nap.” Let one more PPPPFFFRRTTT out and passed out.


Part 3

What. The actual. Fuck.

My mind is racing. Terror, anger, and disgust flood my thoughts. I’m still in shock of the fact that my own mouth, my fucking tongue, has been slobbering on this bastard’s ungodly smelly ass crack. I can actually feel some of the hair from around his shitter stuck in my teeth, and the taste of his last fart was stuck on my pallet. I still haven’t eaten anything. I wonder if he even intends to keep me alive for very long. What if this is some kind of sick death game to amuse a disgusting, twisted psychopath?

Raul passed out almost immediately after he busted a nut. Of course he fucking snores loud, like the obnoxious twat he is.

He was asleep for about five hours. It was now late evening. During the course of his nap, I couldn’t keep up with the number of times he farted in his sleep. I hate this, I want to die. Oh shit, he’s stirring…!

“Mmmm….damn, that was a good nap. I needed that little piggy. You must be getting hungry. I’m gonna whip you up something quick in the blender. Then I’m gonna make you take something to keep you awake.” Raul guided me off the bed and backed me up to the place on the wall he had set up to keep me parked and locked me in place.

He returned with a green shake and a straw and removed my ball gag, quickly replacing it with his own hand.

“I can’t trust you enough not to squeal, piggy. So for a while, until you get used to your new place in life, you gotta drink your food through a straw.”

I was so hungry…but the thought of what might be in that shake made me nervous. Fear of dying from starvation got to me though, so I complied. He brought the straw to my lips and he slid it through his fingers. It was awful, but I finished it quickly. It was filling. I could guess he through a couple hotdogs, some kale, and sweet relish all in the blender. Liquid hotdogs don’t taste so great.

“Alright, almost done. I have to give you your vitamins now. Do you know what this is, piggy?” Raul held up two bright orange pills. They were adderalls, and from the looks of them, they were very high in the grams. And he fucking had two. He held his hand over my nose, forcing my mouth open. He popped them in and put my gag into place.

“I’ll be right back.” Raul stepped in the bathroom and closed the door. I sat there dreading his return. He was in there for about five minutes. I’m sweating, trying not to swallow these drugs which I know will keep me awake all night. They’re slowly dissolving.

He returns from the bathroom, “Piggy, I’m on a tough budget this week. So after I took a shit, I only wiped my asshole once. Hope that won’t bother you!”

Tears formed in my eyes as his hairy ass crack which now had toilet paper stuck to his crack encased my ass. It has never before smelled as bad as it does now. Tears are streaming down my face.

“Don’t cry, my pet! I’m not using your mouth as toilet paper, not yet anyway. We’ll cross that bridge eventually. Here, let me give you this to make you feel better -”

A rancid, SBD fart of about fifteen seconds and I want to get sick, but the effects from the adderall overrule the nausea.

He walks over and sits down to the computer. My nose feels wet. He said he wiped it once, but I can still feel and smell his waste on the inside. I look up his muscular back, and at his perfect shoulder blades. The stimulation from the uppers he gave me must be changing my mind frame. I find myself admiring his sculpted physique, wanting to please him. I move my nose up and down his rank crack, trying to give him a message.

“You wanna lick my ass boy?” Before I could answer he ripped a loud one - BRRRRRPPPT - and I seized the opportunity by loudly giving him two long sniffs, our signal for a “Yes.” His fart gagged me a little…but I figure, if I can gain his trust and get him to think I’ve began to enjoy my situation, I might be able to find or work my way out.

“Those adderalls must be getting to you! Hell yeah boy. I’m gonna invite this guy over I’m been talking to. He knows what I’m putting you through and thinks it’s way hot. Oh, but I ain’t sharing you. You’re mine and mine alone. I’m gonna skull fuck his throat real good, though. Hope you don’t get whiplash.” He removes my gag and blasts my face with more gas. I take a big gulp, and then stick out my tongue.

First, I try to move my head as best as I can and suck all around his crack, getting a mouth full of dingle berries and toilet paper. I suck on all the hair around his hole.

“Fuck yeah, suck those hairs clean! Floss your teeth with them! Oh shit, I feel a nasty one brewing -”


Trying not to gag, I move my mouth over his hole and lap up his crack as he furiously jerks his cock off. He abruptly quits jerking and stands up.

“Can’t let myself cum. Gotta save it for the bitch on his way. You just keep your tongue out while we go downstairs. I’m gonna make my favorite snack for us - deviled eggs!”

The adderall has taken over so I can’t cry. Like a mindless robot, I lick up and down his ass crack, and making sure to go around and suck his ass crack hair. In the back of my mind, I fear for my life. I fear for my possessions, and I fear for my health. But I push on, knowing that his trust is the only thing that will free me.


Part 4

“You know what, Pig?”, “I think I might actually change my mind about sharing you because one of my best mates Eddie always has gas that he doesn’t know what to do with so I told him about you and he wants to come over and have you sniff his hairy ass and farts, let’s get a yes or no from you real quick”.

Raul quickly pulled down his pants and boxers and covered Johnny’s face with his ass and ripped a wet and shitty, five second long fart and said “Remember it’s two long sniffs for yes and one long sniff for no, now should I invite Eddie over here so he can fart in your face?”.

Johnny gave him two long sniffs to say yes.

“Excellent”. Raul dialed Eddie and said “Hey Eddie, yeah, he said you should come do it, yeah, alright, see ya in a few”. “Alright Johnny, now I’m just gonna sit right on your face until Eddie gets here to keep his new fart cushion warm, of course I’m gonna fart on you too”.

As promised, Raul hovered his hot, sweaty, hairy ass over Johnny’s head and sat it down directly on his nose. Raul took a few seconds to position himself so that he could get Johnny’s nose deep into his hole. Raul let out a long wet RRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT and relaxed himself on Johnny’s face.

“Ah, oh man that’s bad, I can smell it up here”. Raul continued to relax and relieve himself on Johnny’s face for the next five minutes, but then the sound of a knock marked Eddie’s arrival.

“Oh, it must be Eddie, come on in dude, it’s open”.

The door opened and closed and in came Eddie who said “Alright, let’s do this, I’m about to burst”.

Raul got off Johnny’s face and stepped aside for Eddie who quickly undid his jeans and pulled them down and off along with his underwear. Eddie plopped his big, hairy ass onto Johnny’s face and instantly there was a loud crack and a PRRRRRRTTTTT that came out with a loud, long, wet fart. Instantly Johnny started to squirm, Eddie’s fart had to be at least 3x as bad as Raul’s farts and he could feel himself slipping away which Eddie took notice of.

“Eddie, you go ahead and give him as much as you want, I’m gonna jump in the shower”.

“Oh, I’ve got plenty for him Raul, you just take as long as you want”. Eddie smiled wickedly and moved down onto Johnny’s chest and said “Just you and me now”. He grinned as he ripped another wet, eggy fart and moved back onto Johnny’s face.