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Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Holiday Discovery bytach14©




 It is the night before Christmas and Anna and her family are rushing around in a panic before the relatives arrive for the big day tomorrow. Anna just turned 18 a few months ago and is about ready for the holidays to be over with. She can soon relax, especially dealing with her parents, siblings and relatives. It will be stressful with so many people in a two story house, especially with only two bathrooms.

They just finished wrapping gifts and all the traditions like leaving cookies out for Santa and decorating the Christmas tree. Anna feeling stuffed after dinner goes back down in the basement to grab the last few presents to bring upstairs. Anna brushes her long brown hair over her shoulder and notices a rather large bag of what seems to be festive popcorn that should've been a present, but it was opened.

She takes the presents upstairs and returns to the basement. Her basement is half finished and rather large for a house this size. The previous owners had a large crafting table, and another bathroom stall made of wood in one corner. No one has really used it since they moved in. Anna glances for the popcorn bag again and finds it behind a box of crafts. Her mother must have bought it recently for someone, but didn't wrap it.

Anna opens up the bag, "whoa it smells so good! I can't believe mom didn't gift this to anyone. I bet they taste good!" She though grabbing handfuls.

She puts a few cornels in her mouth savoring the flavor. She sighs with pleasure, "oh they're so sweet and salty... it's the best thing I've tasted!" Anna thought shoving more in her mouth.

Anna continues eating more until she hears her mom calling for her to come up and help get her siblings ready for bed.

She helps her siblings and settles down feeling rather full from the popcorn. Anna gets ready for bed thinking, "I wonder if so much as popcorn could ever be bad for my stomach? Na I'm sure mother wouldn't have bought anything crazy. She's such a health nut anyways."

Anna is a bit on the petite size, although her well rounded bubble butt gives her some curves. Her stomach slightly rumbled as Anna drifts to sleep thinking of all the Christmas festivities that await in the morning.

Anna woke up to her siblings thundering down the stairs and parents slowly following. She immediately felt bloated. "Maybe all that popcorn wasn't too good before Christmas Day" she thought crawling out of bed. Being festive and all, Anna puts on a thick red sweater, and a pair of dark green leggings that ride up her butt slightly. She's wearing red and white striped panties to match.

Their family went forward with their presents and a small breakfast before the relatives arrived. Anna felt a slight urge to go to the bathroom, but pushes the thought aside as she hears the doorbell chime.

Her relatives all came in bearing gifts and food for everyone and the house got a little crowded. As everyone settles down and presents are opened, she feels her stomach rumble and her face blushes hoping no one heard. "I need to poop soon, but I'll have to at least wait till after we all eat lunch and settle down again! Uh then I'll have to wait for a bathroom to be free," Anna thought sweating a little. Her bowels shift again as she opens another gift.

Anna receives some nice gifts for the holidays. Mostly clothes, money, and other things she wanted. Now all Anna wants is to relieve herself.

It's finally lunchtime and everyone sits in the long dining room for all a big meal. Anna manages to make a sensible plate without having to stuff herself even more. She catches up with her relatives, while keeping the building pressure bearing down on her anus. Anna only has to stop and clench her ass a few times during lunch.

Now everyone is sitting in the family room talking and catching up. Anna really needs to poop. The pressure is beginning to become too much for her anus to handle as a large turd is trying to force it's way out. Anna accidentally lets out some farts, but no one notices. She is sweating now and is pretty desperate. She knows she will fill a toilet and take a really long time, so she doesn't want to use the two main toilets. "I can't hold it in for much longer. I have to go now! If I can just reach the basement toilet... I haven't used that one in years." Anna thought squeezing her ass cheeks together.

Anna waits another minute or so and stands up slowly. Her bowels cramp and a fart escapes. Her breath stutters as she calmly turns for the basement door. She makes it to the basement and shuts the door behind her. "Oh my I really need to know if that popcorn is the cause of this. I feel so full!" Anna whimpers to herself clutching her stomach. She takes reaches the bottom of the stairs shaking. Her anus is tiring and her full bowels are dying to be relieved.

Anna stumbles to the bag of festive popcorn flipping it around. She reads the label: Serving size exceeding 30-50 pieces may cause larger bowel movements.

Anna sighs, "Uh why would mom buy these?! She must have found them on clearance and didn't even read the bag." She shakes her head.

Anna turns to walk toward the basement stall, and feels another large cramp. Her anus can't hold back her load anymore. She gasps taking her hands to squeeze her ass together as a last effort. She doubles over desperately trying not to fill her striped panties and leggings. She hobbles a few steps closer. A thick large turd pokes out into her panties. Anna reaches the door and pushes it open. She freezes. Her eyes wide and mouth open. "Oh no I'm so close... I just... mmmmmph ooh mmmm n-no stop!" Anna whimpers fumbling into the bathroom.

Her muscles relax and a long turd pushes its way into her panties. Anna turns around to see her green leggings expanding. It's too late. "Oooh so much better. I was close. it's warm..." Anna ponders almost enjoying her accident. Her panties elastic is straining to keep her massive warm mess contained.

Anna slides off her leggings carefully, avoiding her full panties. She's a bit turned on, but there's no time. She cleans up her mess and delicately removes her panties. She flushes her load and just puts her panties back on. She felt a bit naughty. "Hm well I think this holiday won't be to terrible after all. I better change and get back the the family before anyone notices!" Anna thought heading back upstairs.

It has been a few days since Anna's messy accident. Things have settled down since the relatives left and Anna can finally start to enjoy her break. Ever since her incident she's felt quite turned on getting away with messing herself. "I might have some more popcorn today. My family is going to the mall tomorrow and I just have to do laundry." Anna thought pondering the idea.

It's late in the afternoon and Anna decides to sneak back downstairs to the basement to get the popcorn. She finds it tucked back in the same spot she left it. Anna grabs a few handfuls and begins eating, "Mmm it's so delicious. Oh I wish I could eat the whole bag!" Anna thought finishing her helpings. She swallows the last piece and hides the bag again before going upstairs for dinner. It's taco night!

Anna cannot pass up enjoying plenty of tacos, especially when her mom makes them with steak. Her favorite.

After dinner and later that evening, Anna begins to feel pretty full and stomach is bloated. She sits resting watching tv in her room before bed. "Ooh my stomach is really bloated. That popcorn isn't sitting well with those tacos I ate! My family better leave early tomorrow, I don't want to get caught that's for sure," Anna thought massaging her belly. "I hope I can hold it until they at least leave for the mall" She ponders remembering her messy close call. Anna falls asleep anticipating her bowel movement she's going to have tomorrow.

The next morning Anna yawns and stretches. She stumbles out of bed and downstairs. There's a note on the kitchen counter. Anna rubs the sleep from her eyes. It reads, "Anna, we left early for mall this morning for the big 30% off sale. Breakfast out for you. We'll be back later tonight."

Anna grins now having the whole day to herself. She looks at the table to see a plate of pancakes out for her.

Anna enjoys her breakfast and gets ready for the day. She throws on a blue flannel and just some pink panties since she is alone all day. Anna takes her dirty clothes down to start her laundry. Her bowels are feeling very full. "I'll have to go to the bathroom soon, I think those pancakes moved things along faster than I expected" Anna thought loading her clothes into the washer. She comes across her striped panties that she pooped in a few days ago.

"Just seeing these gets me excited" Anna says starting the washer. She goes back upstairs to watch some tv in her room. Anna's bladder is also filling, but not yet as bothersome as her massive load getting ready to force it's way out soon. She wiggles around in mild discomfort. Anna feels the urge to pee become a bit more desperate as her tv show comes to an end.

"Uh I really have to go now, but I'll wait a few more minutes... I haven't been this desperate since I was stuck in traffic awhile ago. I had a wet patch on my panties and I nearly had an accident!" Anna gasps squirming a bit. She grabs her crotch feeling her bladder contract. Anna gasps crossing her legs. She sits up deciding it's time to go to the toilet. Then all of a sudden her cell phone rings.

"Now?! Really who could it be!?" Anna groans fumbling it in her hands. She's standing in her room now. A few paces away from the bathroom down the hall. She answers the phone.

"Um h-hello?" Anna whimpers now squirming and holding her crotch. Her bowels are now so full from the special popcorn and breakfast, that it's now urging it's way out.

"Hey Anna it's Jane! How are you? Did you have a good holiday? I've missed you so much!" Her good friend Jane that lives a few doors down has always been pretty close, especially now that they've gotten older.

Anna replies, "Oh y-yes hi Jane I'm doing alright thanks! And I did, how was yours?" She stutters. Her bladders contracts again squirting a hot jet of pee into her panties. She crosses her legs in pure desperation.

"Oh that's great! I'm glad you had a good time! Hey you should come over just like old times. That would be really fun!" Jane says enthusiastically and completely unaware of Anna's struggle.

"Oh yeah that would be nice haha," Anna replies. Her pink panties now have a large wet spot of her warm pee, and she is losing her battle against her bowels. Anna can't take much more of this before she messes her panties.

A pre poop fart escapes as Anna's bowels churn, really now aching to be released. "Oh what was that? Are you okay Anna?" Jane asks.

"Oh yeah just a squeaky door. No worries Jane. Can I call you back?" Anna says doubling over feeling her bulging bladder about to burst.

"What about coming over? And okay I'll talk to you soon Anna!" Jane replies.

Anna pauses. She can't hold it in any longer. She freezes as she loses control of her bladder and warm pee soaks her pink panties and streams down her legs in yellow streaks. Finally she says, "Yeah maybe tomorrow! Bye Jane!" Anna hangs up and tries to stop herself from peeing.

"Oh It's still coming! I really need the toilet!" Anna squeals. She reaches behind and takes two fingers to help close her anus. Her massive load that's been kept inside for too long is now about to fill her already soaking panties. Anna is stepping carefully to the bathroom.

She's almost there and her bowels churn again. Another cramp as her tired anus loses control and a thick turd begins pushing its way into her panties. Anna's warm pussy already wet with warm pee is damp and Anna is really turned on. "Mmmmph I'm just going to go now! It feels amazing..." Anna gasps relieving all the built up pressure from her anus as her enters the bathroom.

One last smelly fart escapes as she closes her eyes and the thick warm load crackles and emerges into her wet panties. Anna moans and gasps as she allows the first turd to poke and break in between her asscheeks. She can't resist it any longer. Anna takes her fingers gyrating them over her panties on her soaked pussy. "Mmmm oh mmmph I'm such a naughty messy bitch... oh mmm" Anna moans feeling more of her load expanding in her panties.

Her panties are so full that she can't fully empty her bowels so Anna pulls them down and sits on the toilet. She doesn't have to push as more and more turds stretch her tight ass as she fingers herself harder. "Ohooh mmmm I'm cumming mmmmm... ooooh yes" Anna whimpers as she bites her lip feeling the pleasure ride through her.

When she comes to her senses Anna empties her panties and cleans up her naughty accident. "I hope Jane didn't suspect anything. That would be pretty weird and I'd have a lot of explaining to do" Anna thought putting on a new pair of panties.

"Time to finish laundry and call Jane back now! Being home alone wasn't so bad today. Maybe I'll do it again soon, and be really naughty girl," Anna thought prancing downstairs.

 Anna felt much so better since she cleaned up her "accident" earlier this afternoon. Now Anna's parents and siblings are on their way home from a long day of shopping at the mall. She felt her stomach make another rumble. "Uh I hope I don't have to poop again! My family will be home soon. I can't make a mess with everyone around!" Anna worries.

She's now changed into a clean pair of light blue panties, some comfortable black leggings which cling to her ass perfectly, and a green sweater. Anna had a lot to eat today so she decides to try to have little food as possible for dinner. She'll have a massive load sooner or later, but with her siblings and family back, finding a peaceful bathroom is very difficult.

It's now close to dinnertime when Anna's family finally arrives as she hears them pull into the garage. Her stomach is still rumbling as she starts to feel the urge to poop. Her parents talk about finding clothes for the whole family and the new store for the kids at the mall. Anna's stomach gurgles and she fights an urge to fart, "Uh I need to go soon, I hope this dinner and the greasy food court in the mall isn't going to occupy all the toilets" Anna thought picking at her spaghetti. Her family enjoys the food court because of all the options.

"Oh Anna we aren't you going to eat more pasta? You've hardly touched your plate dear." Anna's mother asks gesturing to her plate.

"Um I had a big lunch and I'm getting pretty full mom" Anna mutters clutching her stomach with one hand. "Why could they have been away another hour?!"she thought nervously picking a few more noodles to slurp down. Everyone else was almost finished clearing their plates.

"Well Anna have some more please it's your father's favorite meal" her mother replies glancing a look at her husband who is too distracted with his plate.

"Ok ok mother! I'm almost done." Anna sighs getting more fidgety in her chair. Her mom nods and finishes eating. Anna's bowels are churning. The pasta isn't going to agree with her and she knows it. She manages a few more bites to escape any more comments from her family before pushing her plate away.

An hour after dinner her family is all resting and watching some TV on the couch. She's sitting on the love seat next to her mom, while her little siblings are next to her father resting on the couch. Anna fidgets and secretly slides a hand under her butt to help hold it in. She notices her mothers stomach rumble a little too. She might have to go too. "I think mom is feeling some effects from her day at the mall and dinner... I wonder how long she's been holding her poop in?" Anna thought glancing at her mother. She's probably been struggling all day at the mall.

Her mom has short dirty blonde hair and still looks pretty curvy after having children. She's wearing a slightly revealing blue sweater and a tight fitting pair of jeans. Her mother began to rock a little in her seat and sat on one of her feet. "Uh oh someone is going to be in need of the toilet soon. Clearly she hasn't gone since she's been back from the mall." Anna thought smirking while turning back to the TV.

Another half an hour goes by and Anna is starting to sweat a little. Her bowels are really full now and the pasta is going right through her. A short hot pre-poop fart escapes, "mmm I can't hold out much longer! I just want to see what happens to mom though. I bet she gets some in her panties!" Anna snickers while squirming her seat a little more. Then her father announces that's he's going upstairs to get cleaned up, which means he's going to take forever in the bathroom. Anna sighs and rolls her eyes.

Her siblings run off to get ready to shower and get ready for bed. Anna's only option is to now hold on until her mother gives up and goes to the basement, unless she goes now. Anna moves to get up, but her mother says, "Awe Anna why don't you finish watching this show before you run off? I've hardly seen you all day."

"Ah um sure mom okay just a few more minutes right?" Anna stutters sitting down again. A turd is now beginning to work its way out of her anus. She closes her eyes and shivers as she clenches her ass desperately keeping her tiring anus closed. "I gotta go soon! I'm going to mess my pants if I wait much longer" Anna worries slowly massaging her lower stomach.

"Yes dear then you can run off and do whatever you have planned for the evening" her mother replies with her face making a little grimace. She's hasn't gone poop in a few days and all the activities and food today has definitely got things moving.

She notices her mom is slightly squirming a little more. Her mother accidentally lets a wet fart out. Rrrrrrrrrrrp! "Oh I'm sorry it must've been those fries at the mall!" Her mom replies laughing it off. Anna nods looking away, more focused on her dilemma. Another silent fart breaks loose as she clenches her ass again. She's losing the battle now. Her mother is shifting in her seat clutching her stomach. Then her mom's belly makes a low rumble noise. She sets the remote down and gets up.

"Uh Anna I'm off to the toilet now, I can't wait too much longer" she mutters hobbling toward the basement stairs. Anna gets up slowly with one hand holding her ass cheeks to help hold back a messy accident. She pokes her head upstairs and hears the shower running. Uh her father is in that bathroom, and the kids are still in the others.

"Uh now mom is heading toward the last open toilet! I better head down there too!" Anna thought carefully prancing towards the basement. She begins to descend the steps and her load is begging to be released. She is too desperate to wait another moment longer. Anna pauses half way down biting her lip. "Oh no please not now! Uh I'm almost there!" Anna whines taking the last few steps. She rounds the corner to see her mother in front of the bathroom stall door standing bent over with a hand on the door.

Anna can see her mom's tight jeans slightly begin to bulge. Her poop is poking it's way into her panties! "Oh please I'm so close!" Her mother gasps to herself not noticing her desperate daughter's gaping eyes. Anna feels herself getting a little wet as she shuffles toward the door. She can see her mothers feet as she yanks down her pants and panties before throwing herself on the toilet. As Anna gets closer, she hears her mom grunting and moaning in relief. "Mmmmmmph that was almost a disaster" her mom sighs still filling the toilet.

Anna stumbles into the door with her poop now poking through her anus. She desperately tries to clench it in. She knocks and whimpers, "Hey Mom please open up! I really gotta go! P-please hurry I'm about to mess my panties!" Her mother opens the door revealing her situation. The bowl is really full and she's still going.

"I'm still going honey give me a few minutes!" her mom cries trying to empty her bowels quicker as she strains a little more. Anna is now prancing from one leg to the other and is holding herself in front of her mother.

"I can't wait any longer it's coming out!" Anna stammers now with her ass facing her mom. Her load pushes out again as she loses the battle. Her tired anus stretches and widens as a thick warm turd crackles it's way into her light blue panties. Anna gasps trembling in the pleasure as another knobby turd forces it's way into Anna's expanding leggings. Her mother stares mouth gaping in silence. She didn't know someone could produce so much!

Anna's mother finally finishes her movement and stands up. She turns Anna around hugging her. "It's ok Anna it happens to everyone" she whispers feeling Anna's load in the seat of her pants. "You better go get cleaned up before the kids see you" She says pulling up her own pants and stained panties.

Anna's mother leaves with a smile. She shuts the door and finishes messing her pants. The last turd squishes it's way into her now brown panties. She gropes her huge bulge. "I think my mother had some of that popcorn too! And I bet she got some more today" Anna thought emptying her mess into the toilet. She ponders, "I'll definitely have to be more careful next time I play more naughty games."