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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The fart dare

Warning: this story contains farting and alot of shitting in their pants if you don't like this stuff the dont read!

It was a beautiful morning and Mary had just woke up from her nap and started to stretch *yawn* " I wonder if kaseys awake.." Mary said to herself while taking out her phone

Mary began to chat with kasey

Mary: hey you awake yet?
Kasey: yeah..
Mary: hey you wanna come over my house today?.
Kasey: sure! That would be fun
Mary: yeah it will be fun because I have a dare for the both of us
Kasey: oh yeah well what's that?
Mary: I'll tell you it when you get here TTYL
kasey: okay see you there :)

"Ahh.. This dare is gonna be hilarious... But also messy...hmmm.. I'll wear my non- favorite clothes then.." Mary said to herself " in the mean time I'm gonna get something to eat and buy some stuff for the dare "

Mary went downstairs to eat some cereal to pass time once she finished she got her shoes on and went to the store to buy the things she needs for the dare

"Hmmm we'll need beans... Chili.. And ooh! I should go buy 2 chipolais for the both of us!" Mary said to herself once Mary was finished buying the things she needs for the dare she drives back to her house to find kasey waiting there for her

" hey! Where ya been? " kasey said to Mary " oh.. Just buying stuff for the dare " Mary said while beginning to give kasey a grin " we'll okay? " kasey said looking confused

" let me just get the things ready and we'll start the dare.." Mary said
Mary began cooking the beans and making chili bean burritos and chipolais " ah finished.." Mary thought to herself " okay kasey it's ready! " Mary yelled across the hall

"Umm what's this stuff?." Kasey questioned Mary " it's the stuff for the dare.. That reminds me I have to tell you what the dare is..." Mary told kasey
" the dare is we eat the gassiest foods and see who first would shit their pants first. First one to shit their pants loses..." Mary explained " so.. What are we betting for?.." Kasey said " it's not a bet kasey it's a dare.. So sit you fat ass down and let's start this dare!" Mary said excitedly

"Okay.. Ready?" Mary asked kasey "READY!"
"Okay.. 1...2....3...begin!"
And the dare began kasey and Mary both started on the chipolai they both were eating it fast like lightning kasey finished first and then moved on to the chili bean burrito Mary was still on the chipolai
" remember Mary eating fast can mess with your digestive system so eat slowly.." Mary thought to herself  kasey on the other hand was almost finished with the chili bean burrito
*URRRRP!!* "finished!" Kasey yelled out " already?, " Mary said to kasey while starting on the chili bean burrito

"We'll yeah! I eat fast!" Kasey said  " we'll wait for me I'm almost finished! " Mary said with her mouth full
5 minutes later Mary finished the chili bean burrito
" ah.. Finally finished.." Mary said while rubbing her bloated belly " what now?. " kasey said while rubbing her belly " now.. We wait.."
Mary and kasey went to the living and standed in front of each other

"Ooooh... I'm starting to feel the food kick in.." Kasey told Mary
"Ugh I am too..." Mary said trying to hold her gas in
"Ugh man I have to let some pressure out " kasey said
"Don't shit yourself.." Mary teased kasey
" hahaha.. Funny.." Kasey said while letting one fly
The loud fart caused kaseys ass to jiggle wildly
" ahhh that felt good.. " kasey said in relief
" I guess I should let one out " Mary said while positioning herself
"Hngh" Mary grunted while an enormous fart shot out of Mary's big ass


"Ahh... That felt soooo amazing!" Mary said while beginning to rub her ass to make more gas come out
"Easy there Mary don't want you shitting yourself.." Kasey teased Mary
"So.. What if we go to the bathroom?." Kasey asked Mary

"Oh we don't go to the bathroom."
"Yeah we just see who shits their self first" Mary said to kasey " what you afraid you might shit yourself first?." Mary taunted kasey

Kasey was about to say "we'll about that" but what came out of kaseys mouth was "we'll see about thAAUGGHH" kasey felt a sharp pain strike her stomach and kasey immediately shot a loud wet fart out of her anus
"Haha! That one was loud kasey!" Mary teased kasey
Until Mary felt a cramp hit her stomach and her bowels Mary quickly grabbed her ass and squeezed it to let out some steam

"Ahhh.." Mary moaned in relief while beginning to release another one
"Ahhh... Man kasey you were right! Farting feels sooo good! We should do this more often!!" Mary shouted

"Pft more often my ass.." Kasey thought to herself
" ugh.. Man my stomach is killing me... " kasey thought to herself
"I think I might *PRRRRRFT!* shit my pants first.." Kasey thought to herself
"How you holding!" Mary said
" oh I'm doing just fine! These stomach cramps are really not painful at all!" Kasey shouted being sarcastic

" how about we pump up the level?" Mary said
" like how?" Kasey said
"With *BRRRFT!* these!" Mary holded up two bottles of laxatives
" oh no I'm already about to shit myself why make it worst!" Kasey said to herself while rubbing her poor belly
" here we both drink all of this down! "  Mary said
" okay.." Kasey said

The two girls began chugging the whole bottle down
"Ugh. I can feel it already kicking in.." Kasey thought to herself
Kasey ass was jiggling to all the exploding wet gas that was emmited from her fat rump
" ahh.. Now I love farting!!" Mary said out loud
" it just feels so good!" Mary said while letting out more wet farts from her fat ass
" ahh.. The chili bean burrito is gonna be my breakfast everyday!!!!" Mary yelled out loud
" ugh! This is painful!!!" Kasey shouted!
"Uh oh here it comes..." Kasey said while giving a great moan in pain
Kaseys big fat hespanic ass was vibrating to the enormous fart that came out of kaseys anus which was so strong it blew off a hole where kaseys ass was showing

"Ugh! My pants got blown off!" Kasey said
" now my fat ass is showing!!!!" Kasey shouted
" oh well I'll make it even.." Mary said while giving a great push
Now Mary's pants tore of so it revealed her mexican ass " there now were even!" Mary shouted
"Thank you!" Kasey shouted
" oh man I need to take off this shirt! To ease the pain!" Kasey began taking of her shirt which reveal her large breast which were jiggling every time kasey moved

" mabye I should take off my jeans to ease the pain also." Mary thought to her self
Mary began taking off her tore jeans and getting down to her knees
Since Mary didn't have her jeans on it made her ass jiggle and wobble even more everytime she farted
" I'm gonna win..*prrrrrft!* kasey!" Mary moaned
" hell no! I'm gonna *BGHGHGHLRT!!* win!

Mary crawled to kasey and standed up to tell her that shes gonna win when her stomach gurgled so loud it sounded like and earth quake " oh no." " oh shit!!"
Mary felt to her knees and a 16 inch turd splurged out of Mary fat ass which came with wets farts as well

Wet 6 inch logs were shooting outta Mary's rump like if it was an volcanoe eruption Mary moaned in pain as so much waste started to paint the walls and floor kasey just watched as Mary's ass was sticking up and liquid waste was shooting out of her ass like a fountain
Was kasey only did was just drop her jaw and watched
Once Mary's fat ass was finished kasey felt a loud wet fart come out of her behind
"*sigh* well since I won.. I guess I can go to the toilet now huh?." Kasey said
" yeah..........sure.... " Mary said while still on the floor
"Alright.." Kasey said and immediately ran to the toilet
Mary heard kasey farting and a couple of splats and plops Mary just sighed and got up to look at the walls

" damn.." Was all Mary could say
"We'll.. I better go take a shower and clean this up..." Mary said to herself while walking to the bathroom to take a shower Mary thought to herself
