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Monday, December 2, 2019

Anna from Austria

Last week I was hiking in the woods with my friends Sabrina and Stefanie.
During the hiking I needed to pee quite bad. So I left the hiking trail to find a a spot behind the trees to do my business.

I had not done Number 2 this day but did not feel any pressure on my back door just to urge to pee.

So I squatted pulled down my jeans and panties and sat down.

I normally let me pee just flow and do not push that much, but as it was really cold out there I pushed a bit to empty my bladder a bit faster.

I do not know if the unusual pushing activated my bowls or it just happened anway, I did a prft type fart all of a sudden and I could feel a very familar preasure at my back door.

Before I could think about it, if I should just finish my pee and hold the poo back, till home, my but started to open and I did a big soft turd. It smelled horrible especially considering the fact,that it happened out door. In a closed toilet it might have even smelled worse.

I cleaned myself with the paper towels I had with me and went back to my friends.

My friends asked me if I really did what they think I did. I said yes but I also said it was not planned, I just came her to pee and the other thing just happened.

They said that I was lucky that nobody else was walking by. I was hidden quite well, and nobody would have seen by just walking bye, but my super laud fart what have attracted quite some attention for sure.

I blushed a bit when they said that and we continued our walk.

that is my story for today

greetings from Austria


Anatomy Student

Re: Catherine

Post pregnancy your pelvic floor can become a bit loose since a whole person came out of there. You can try kegal exercises to tone up the muscles down there and probably regain control of any gas trying to escape. If you've been on any antibiotics you might want to get some active culture yogurt or some lacto-fermented foods to boost your gut flora.


Response to Other Survey

1. How old are you?

35, M.

2. How long does it take you to poop?

Any where from 2 - 10 minutes, sometimes I stay longer to enjoy the moment or read this site.

3. What is your poop like usually?

I produce soft, thick ropes or columns that crackle loudly and partially break into shorter segments as it hits the water. Usually I produce two to four of these that together average around 30 - 45 total inches. The width is usually between 1.5 - 3.0 inches, though I think some pieces expand in the water. In general, It's a lot and usually fills / covers the water area or piles out or flops up a side.

It's almost always a two flush affair or just a long hold down of the lever on much stronger toilets.

4. Do you fart when you poop?

I hardly make loud, audible farts when I poo. Usually gas escape around the sides at the same time or in between segments and is almost silent.

5. Does your poop plop loudly in the toilet?

Not really, it's pretty continuous and long so it doesn't drop from far enough away to make that type of noise.

6. Are you comfortable pooping in other toilets than your own?

Yes, usually comfortable in most public settings but less so in some private home because I produce a lot and it has a strong smell.

7. Name all the places you have pooped.

Pretty much any place you can think.

8. How bad do you stink up the bathroom when you poop?

On average, anywhere from 7 - 8 on a scale of 10. I can stink up public bathrooms enough to the point that I hear people make comments. Other people mentioned that they've been impressed with the overall power. I wouldn't say I'm the smelliest, but stronger than most and have hit 10s on the scale from time to time.

I really appreciate someone who can stink out a bathroom, too.

9. Do you do anything to keep you occupied when you poop?

Read the internet, this site, etc. Kind of nice to read about other people pooping while pooping.

10. What time of the day do you usually poop?

Early morning after coffee

11. Do you courtesy flush?

Almost never, but have in certain circumstances. I will have story on this another time. I don't think it helps too much anyway.

12. Have you ever clogged the toilet before?

Yes, all the time, both public and private.

13. What sort of things make you poop?

I eat a lot of food to support my training endeavors, so hard to say. It all must come out at some point.

14. How long does it take you to poop if you are constipated?

It's rare that I miss a day, maybe once every two weeks do to some change in routine. I think the last time I was constipated was ten years ago, and that was only for three days. That resulted in a big clog.

15. How does it take you to poop if you are having diarrhea?

Depends how bad it is, maybe 15 minutes? I usually try to give myself time to clear it all out.

16. Have you ever thought you were done and then felt like you had to poop some more?

Yes, sometimes I feel like there is more left but I don't like to push hard or strain. I'll just finish and come back later if it feels like it's going to take more than 10 minutes. However, it's more satisfying when I can clear it out all at once.

17. When you have finished pooping and left a terrible smell in the bathroom, What does the next person who goes in there think?

Not really sure, I think it depends on the person. Some people laugh, others just say "wow, whoa…", I've been told that my poop smells healthy but extremely strong at times.

18. How do you sit when you are on the toilet?

Seated but would prefer to squat, it's better for the body. I think the east Asian / squat cultures have it figured out.

19. Would you rather be constipated or would you rather have diarrhea?

I've never really been constipated, it sounds miserable, so diarrhea.

20. When was the first time you found this site?

1999, I've lurked mostly, posted a few times until now.

This website has offered me a lot of reassurance over the years, to know there are others like me in so many different ways.



Response to Smell Survey

1. What draws you to your own poop smell?

Not sure, but it's relaxing to me, even when it's very strong. I think it's a primal, visceral, animalistic type of pleasure. I like to know other's smells as well, at least some times. Again its a visceral type of connection for me.

2. Are you embarrassed when others smell your poop smell?

No, not often. There have been a few times where I completely blew up a small, multiple occupancy restroom while out at work dinners and didn't want it associated with me.

3. What foods make your poop smell the strongest?

Not sure.

4. If you had to use a verb or a type of food or any other thing to describe your smell, how would you describe your smell?

I think heavy is the right word and a bit of copper but not metallic.. , warm, maybe a little sharpness fog-like aroma.

It's not funky or eggy or smells like trash or dead things, it's not stale or rancid either

5. Is their a certain food or beverage that makes the poop smell like the food or beverage itself?

Not that I know of.

6. Do you have a story when you may have been ridiculed for your smell?

Not ridiculed, but told many times over the course of my life that's it very strong. I eat a lot of food and people have made comments that I probably have huge poops. I never took any of it badly, but probably could have if I was more self conscious. The truth is I enjoy it too much to care.

I actually didn't realize how strong it was until I started using public restrooms and living away from home. My mom, one of my sisters, some other relatives also produce a powerful smell, so I just thought it was normal.

7. Is there any emotional attachment to your smell at all?

I think we're all comforted by our own smell.


Victoria B.

Replies to Catherine and Grace


A couple of you asked me some questions and here are the answers!

Catherine's questions:
1) I originally wanted to be a professor but the job market for English professors is pretty barren these days. I'm thinking about staying in school and getting a second master's in library science so I can work as a librarian or archivist! I love my part-time job at my college's library and it's a field where demand will continue to go up. The amount of information in the world is always increasing after all!
2) It's been fantastic. I now eat some fish and occasionally poultry but other than that I'm vegetarian and between that and drinking more water constipation hasn't been an issue! I'm still a toilet killer with huge poops but now they're more enjoyable!

Grace's questions:
1) No, but I'd totally be into having one! Maybe I'll ask Robyn if she's down.
2) Robyn can give me a run for my money on a good day but I've always been the pooping queen in my friend groups!
3) I've known that my loads are much bigger than average since I was a little girl. My kindergarten classroom had a bathroom attached and I plugged it up so many times that my teacher let me use the girls' bathroom down the hall for number two because my classmates were starting to bully me.

Loved your story about Bryanna!



Taking my time

Victoria B - I'm so glad I did a good job at describing it. You're not the only one who is considering getting a full length mirror for their bathroom. I want to do it too but I sit 90 degrees to the door so it wouldn't make much sense for me. I've used automatic flushing toilets twice and it was a terrible experience both times. They're just so sensitive! It would go off when I was unfastening my jeans, again when I sat, again as I was getting toilet paper, again as I was getting dressed. It's insane!

As you may know, I enjoy taking my time while pooping. Always have, always will. I never rush it. Today I decided to take it to the next level. I wanted the most pleasant pooping experience I could, within reason. So this morning I skipped my usual toilet visit and instead went into town to use some pay toilets. Yes you have to pay for them, but they're just so clean. I paid the 20 pence, walked through the turnstile and into the ladies.

The first thing I noticed is the room was heated! I've never witnessed that before. All the stalls were empty so I took the first one, right next to the entrance and locked it behind me. I usually just lift up my coat but today I took it off completely and hung it up on one of the hooks on the wall. I unfastened my jeans and wriggled them down to my calves before pulling my thong down and taking a seat, sitting all the way back. I leaned forward a little, made myself comfortable and simply relaxed, letting my body take the wheel. I was very happy and relaxed on my porcelain throne and I told myself I wasn't getting up until I had completely emptied my system, but I wasn't going to do anything to speed up the process either. I had my chin on my hand, leaning forward with my elbow on my leg and I was just thinking about stuff.

After a little while I felt pressure against my backdoor and just relaxed into it. A few seconds later I was gently opened by my soft log slowly easing its way out of me. It was wonderful being able to fully savour the sensations I was feeling, and I had nothing else on my mind. I was only thinking about how good it was to poop. My poop was much longer than usual and I think that's because of how relaxed I was, and after a little while it silently slipped into the water as my backdoor closed up again. I still needed to pee so I didn't move a muscle and just waited for it to happen naturally. About a minute later I opened up again by another log coming out and started peeing. It was quite a strong stream and made a loud splashing as it hit the water below but it felt fantastic to empty both sides at the same time. My poop slowly slid out of me and eventually fell into the bowl and I peed a little longer, going for about a minute. I felt empty but I wanted to make sure I was definitely finished.

I stayed in position, leaning forward and relaxed for a couple more minutes but other than a little more wee tinkling into the water, I produced nothing. I wiped myself, starting with my front and using a few more pieces for my behind before standing up and slowly getting dressed again. I had a peek in the bowl before I flushed and saw a long, wide log curled around the outside like a horseshoe and a smaller long in the middle partially obscured by my toilet paper. All of it was sitting in dark yellow water. I flushed, put on my coat and washed my hands before resuming my day. A huge smile on my face. I'm still smiling now as I write this 12 hours later!


To Kenzie and Marie

Hi Kenzie!

I'm glad you too have a desire to pee in a car. I'm sure you read my posts, on pages 2694, 2701, and two posts on 2775. I'm the one who has wanted to pee in a car for about two years now, and so far I never have been able to. My one friend was supposed to let me, especially since I let her pee in my bed a few times, but then at the last minute she backed out. I couldn't believe it! I was so close to being able to do it! But it never came to be. I'm somewhat over what she did to me, but I definitely still want to do it, and I still can't think of a way to do it. I do have one other friend who also shares my interest in peeing, but like me she doesn't have a car of her own yet. I will say that it's nice to not be in this alone. She did tell me that if she ever gets an opportunity to do it, she will let me know and we will do it together. I hope she keeps her word, unlike my other former friend. I also really really hope that I get a car of my own soon. I want one so bad, and I know I will show it no mercy. I am going to pee in it so much, and also I think I'm going to poop in it too once in a while, but probably not as often. I know what really makes me excited is peeing in it. I'm finally going to be able to pee in a car! I just hope that it's soon.

Marie, I also like your posts! Please continue to post and I would love to hear more stories! I do love that even though I don't get to pee in a car myself yet, at least there are others who do that I can hear about. I appreciate you so much!

Take care,

Ohio fan

Pleasures of pooping/farting.

Hey all. So to Catherine, hopefully that stomach bug that moved through everyone in your household is done wreaking havoc. Also, your post before that one - i 100% agree that those things are definitely three of many of life's pleasures, and like you said, no particular order many times. I've heard pregnancy flatulence can be intense for y'all ladies. Knowing me, if i had a spouse who was pregnant and passing lots of gas, I'd have no problem with it. She could fart comfortably as much as she needs to.
Back to my topic, i agree with you as well as many others here and everywhere. Letting off farts and taking good healthy dumps feel so wonderful. Whatever life throws at me, many times it can be offset by a good bathroom visit. Also i love having gas, especially when I can be at home hy myself. Another person i can identify with is Arianna. A while back ahe posted that she loves stinking up a bathroom. I concur. As we know the number one attribute to farts & poops is the smell. If i fart and/or shit, and it doesn't stink bad, it just doesn't feel right and complete. Even at this moment I wish i was on my throne blowing it up. Just 15-20 minutes of a toilet-bowl filling, toxic smelling but healthy dump would be my current happy place.
So ultimately i agree with Catherine about loving to fart and dump. I also agree with Arianna about loving to stink it up. Thank you to all the posters and responders. Happy pooping all.


My wife's story

My wife is tall, thin and with jet black hair. We have been living in a studio apartment for the last year. Basically one room with a bath. I didn't realize how uninhibited she is when using the toilet. I also have to note that she is very regular. She takes a dump right after breakfast and shortly after the evening meal. Her routine is the same. She goes into the bathroom and leaves the door partially open. As soon as she plops her ass on the toilet she starts farting loudly as she pees. After peeing she grabs a magazine and sits there reading. Soon there will be more loud farting and I know that a big turd is working its way toward her butt hole. Then I hear a loud splash followed by more farting and splashes as more turds come out. After the barrage of farts and turds there is silence for a few minutes as she continues to read. Eventually there are more farts which signals she is done. She wipes, washes her hands and emerges from the bathroom and says, "I feel much better!" Her only nod to modesty is that she will shut the door all the way when we have company but that doesn't diminish the noise much. Last week we went out for our evening meal to a little hole in the wall restaurant in our neighborhood. Shortly after finishing our meal she excused herself to go to the bathroom. I need to point out that she always wears a skirt with no panties when we go out because when she uses the ladies room she climbs onto the toilet, lifts her skirt and squats to pee and poop. I'll tell you what happened next in my wife's words as she related the experience to me. "I went into the ladies room to find two stalls with no doors. The were both empty so I took the one closest to the door. I climbed onto the toilet and lifted my skirt to squat. I started peeing and I heard the door open and a second woman came in. I started farting and I knew a big turd was on it's way. The woman walked by my stall and stopped. She looked right at me as this long turd was half way out my ass. The woman said, "Is that a big shit coming out of your ass?" My wife said, "What do you think I'm doing in here?" She said the woman laughed and said, You have the thickest bush I've ever seen. My wife said, "All the time she was standing there talking to me my huge turd just kept coming and coming. I was wondering if it would ever end. Finally it dropped with a loud splash. The woman said, "Please don't flush when you leave I want to see that monster turd." "Then she settled into the stall beside me. Within seconds she started farting peeing and shitting. All the while talking to me like we were at the dinner table. Finally I told her I had to get back to my husband." She said, "My husband loves to hear me in the bathroom and I let him in while I'm going. Does your husband like that too?" I said, "I don't know?" When my wife came back to the table she related the story and asked me if I liked hearing her in the toilet. I said, "You bet I do!" "Well next time I go at the apartment I'll let you in for a close up look", she said with a coy smile.

Hi Abbie!

Hey Abbie, so glad to see you're back. Great story as usual. I was just wondering what do you think you'd do if you were in a similar situation, except Lydia took too long and you were unable to hold it in anymore? Would you simply let it drop into the bath and clean it after? Or would you pull up your pants and try to contain the mess inside them, assuming there would be enough space in them? Or would you perhaps try to find something else to catch it like a bin? Have you ever considered attempting to share the toilet seat? I don't know how wide your toilet seat is, or if both of your bums would fit on it at the same time, but it could be an interesting experience. Do you have any stories about a time where you or a friend had a full on poo accident but was also badly constipated at the same time? I would love to hear a story about trying desperately to hold it all in but then surrendering to the desperate need to bear down even though you knew it would end up in your pants or on the floor or somewhere else besides a toilet and the unique feeling of relief and embarrassment all at the same time.


Victoria B's auto-flush question

When more public places put in the auto-flush toilets a few years ago it took some of us, and I was about 10 at the time, by surprise. I admit I was squirmy and at places like a theater or the beach I would move around after getting bored with my sit. I can be in pain a little bit, but just sitting doesn't get my pee stream going as fast as I would like. This is especially true in the growing number of toilets without privacy doors. Seeing anger on the faces of others waiting for the toilet and a lack of action on my part kind of spooked me. And sometimes when crapping, the lack of comfort in my sit would cause me to over-concentrate and push almost madly. It rarely sped the results.

While sitting on a toilet at the beach and looking over my legs, arms and shoulders for sunburn and shooing away a little girl about 3 who ran away while her mom must have been doing a marathon crap, plus my forgetting about movement when I leaned to far for the toilet paper roll, caused me to get sprayed 6 times during one afternoon crap at the beach. When I finally finished and got back to our group on the beach, I used the large bath towel to finish up drying myself. My cousin Toby, who's 5 years older than me gave me a hard time about my experience. He really grossed me out when he asked me if all the water worked as good as an enema.

Toby said the auto-flushers aren't that big of a thing in the guys' bathrooms. He said they hate all those who pee-down the seats and often deliberately mess up the toilet.


The Park

Hey all! It's been forever, seriously. However, I had a great experience this morning and it made me think of this site and all the stories I used to post here!!
So....I was out taking a nice walk today in the park near my home. After a time I felt a gradual stirring in my bowels, and was excited at the prospect of using the public restroom at the park. I continued down the path and saw the bathrooms up ahead. Much to my delight I saw a 30ish woman and her daught

Victoria B about automatic flush

Replying to Vitcoria B's mention of public toilets with automatic flushes: I really detest those, too! They almost always seem to be triggered when I am sitting down rather than when I get up, and some are so hair-trigger that just a very slight shift in position will cause what feels like a wet bomb going off underneath me. And then they often don't actually flush when they are supposed to. I'm also not a big fan of faucets that operate with motion sensors, but they're not quite as bad as the motion sensor toilets. Both seem like a wasteful use of of a needlessly complicated technology when a simpler mechanism would be more under the user's control and less likely to malfunction.

My other pet peeve in public toilets is when people install extremely bulky toilet paper dispensers in already narrow and cramped stalls positioned in a way that makes it even harder to have enough room to sit on the toilet. It seems like an example of how someone doing a seemingly minor job thoughtlessly and carelessly can end up inconveniencing hundreds of people without their ever being aware of it.

To Brandy: great story with Megan.

Monday, November 04, 2019


Opioid Constipation

Due to my medical condition I was on a low dose of opioids. Due to the side effects, getting backed up being one, I restrict my use of same to only every couple of weeks or so . It was years ago when I was doing quite a bit at the gym and was taking around one or two doses of opioids a day I noted that I had not been having a BM that often , I did not have the urge. Anyway I was at the gym doing squats and my stomach began to hurt and swell. I was with a couple of personal trainers at the time and they asked me about my BMs of which I replied in the negative . I then went to a medical centre and had an x-ray and it noted a very heavy faecal loading. I then went on a course of laxatives which worked only to a limited extent. Constipation continued and I went to a clinic and had four big enemas . The day before I had drunk prune juice but it was not until the third enema that the prune juice came through by its smell. I think the important thing is opioids really back you up. Also there is a gross lack of education on the subject of constipation and neurological conditions. The constipation left unmanaged can be worse than the neurological condition.

I read Catherine's post. I wish I could have that type of diarrhoea and have a really good clean out. Sounds like real relief.. as to farting I pass wind early in the morning in a loud fashion. I have no problems controlling my farts . I wear incontenence undies due to a neurological problem I have. I just let it rip when out of earshot and if there is any follow through the undies absorb it. For me I love a good BM.


With Apologies, Life Happened

Hi Toiletstool Friends,

So, last week, life happened. Maybe it was good that I was off work when it did, because we had a mess in a big way. As you know, Tuesday, October 22 was my birthday. I took the week off to spend time with my little boy, who is two. I decided to refer to him as Joey, since it rhymes with Chloe and Zoe, who are my daughters' aliases on this forum.

Well, we had a nice birthday dinner at my parents' house that evening. Then, all hell broke loose in our homes. And, when I say "loose," I mean loose, from both ends.

First, it was Zoe, who awoke in the night, around two in the morning. She said that her stomach was cramping and that she was nauseated. She looked pale, even for her normally fair skin. I sat up with her for about an hour before she erupted. She ran to the bathroom and vomited. It was a lot. She said that she felt much better after a vomiting spell of several heaves, all very productive. Even though she was feeling better, she said that her stomach still "hurt" and was cramping. I knew what that meant - stomach virus. And, diarrhea was on its way. Zoe cuddled with me on our couch and we turned on a little TV. I gave her some Pedialyte to sip on (being a Pharmacist, I try to be prepared). Plus, I gave her some anti-nausea, over the counter medicine.

However, after another hour Zoe asked me to come to the bathroom with her. I thought she was going to throw up. But, instead she lowered her pajamas and sat on the toilet and proceeded to have massive amounts of diarrhea. I asked her if she wanted privacy, which she normally requires while having a normal bowel movement. She said no, that she was afraid. Zoe is our petite child, and thus I was surprised how much came out of her.

I stayed home with her the next day - Wednesday. She never vomited, but had two more smaller bouts of diarrhea, and then her symptoms subsided. It was 24-hour bug. These are usually harmless. But they are highly contagious. So, after that, one by one, we all fell. I was the next to go down. I never vomited, but I had no appetite, a stomach ache, and then diarrhea. This began Thursday morning. Alan's mom came and got Joey so that I could ride the wave out. So, throughout the day, I made four trips to the bathroom to have diarrhea like you would not believe. It felt really good. I actually enjoyed it. It was so powerful and not completely liquid, but massive in size and urge to go. Two down, three to go.

Little Joey awoke in the night and had vomited in his baby bed. I gathered him up and Alan cleaned his bedding while I comforted my little man, who did not like being sick. Then the diarrhea started early in the morning. He is a big eater and thus has been a big pooper. And his diapers just could not contain the diarrhea. One time, as he was snuggling with me, he exploded and diarrhea got all over me! Three down, two to go.

Alan came home Friday after school let out, and began vomiting and diarrhea. He only threw up once, but had diarrhea throughout the day on Saturday. Again, like all of us, his symptoms were intense but short lived.

That left Chloe. Chloe just gets devastated when her body makes her vulnerable. She is the kind of person that does not even want you to know that she poops. She gets embarrassed, wants privacy, and we do everything we can to give it to her. She's 5'8 now, very built and athletic, and eats really well. But hers hit at the worst time. She was at church Sunday night for a youth Halloween alternative that our church does every year on the Sunday before Halloween. She knew that she didn't feel well, but wanted to push through, since she had volunteered to help.

However, around 8:00 PM, her symptoms hit her with a vengeance. She was dressed as Elsa because of her cotton-top blonde hair and complexion (she is really pretty, if I must say so myself.) And, I saw her begin to grasp her stomach. She was not moving. I came to her side and pulled her away.

"I need a bathroom right now. I am about to have diarrhea." I knew there was no hope. It was a hike from the parking lot to the nearest bathroom. I asked her if she could hold it. She said she would try. Somehow, she clutched with all her might and we got to a one-stall handicapped bathroom. I lifted her dress and got her on the toilet as she proceeded to have a massive liquid diarrhea that just kept coming and coming. It smelled horrible. She began to cry. After she finished, we got in the car and got home. She vomited in our front yard. Fortunately, her symptoms subsided and she stayed home from school on Monday by herself.

However, it was not the week that I had planned. I will try to post more.

I hope everyone stays well this Fall and Winter!

Love to all!


Dear Juliette,

I am happy for you! We all four are glad very much that you find nice boyfriend who understand that when your stomach become to angry, you have to sit on loo long time to do things to make quiet your stomach.

But we hope you are better now.

Love from Mina + 3

Dear Catherine,

Happy Birthday! And we are happy you come back, even for short time because you are busy!

Love from Mina + 3


J's Survey

Not to double post, but after my last one I saw this survey and felt the need to fill it out!

1.What consistency is your poo, hard dry, just right smooth,sloppy,water
Mine falls in the just right to smooth category, although somedays its sloppy

2.were are the places you have popped
Ive pooped in plenty! School, the mall, at kings island, target and meijer, in a porta potty once, at one of those little road trip rest stops, gas station, you name it long can you hold your poop once u feel the urge to go
This depends on if I get cramps too. If its normal, once I feel the urge its about 10 or 15 minutes before I have to go

4.have you ever had an accident if so how many and tell a brief story about it
Ive only peed my pants after my young years once, and that was from laughing so hard at a friend one time! your BMS smelly
Not too often Ur BMS noisey
Some days very, but sometines not u have a problem pooping in public toilets
I do and don't. I cant go in restaurants often for some reason, but I dont mind pooping in a public toilet otherwise

8. Do u have a problem pooping outside if Ur desperate
Kinda? I'm more private about my habits when it comes to if I can go ibside or outside, id much rather go inside

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Grace great story about your huge poop at that woman's house hopefully she wasn't upset when she saw your huge poop in the toilet.

To: BRANDY great story it sounds like you both had really great poops.

To: Kathleen great set of stories.

To: Pat it sounds like she really had to poop and had a good poop as well.

To: Abbie as always another great story about you and your friends.

Well that's all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site


Dear Grace

You said, you would love to hear back, did you should have done something differently?

I hope you don't angry to what I tell to you.

If I am in your position, after some turds, I flush before there is too much turd in loo. Then I do more turds. That way I don't run out of house with leaving loo full of my turds.

But in Australia, that is bad idea maybe. They always want to save the water because they don't have enough. Do you live Australia?

Flush and then do more turds is Oriental custom I think. I read some places this site that people angry if someone does more turds after flush. To me it is normal, but to European or American not normal maybe....

I wonder your age, are you very young girl?

Love from Mina

Ohio toiletstool fan

Response to Option Dev questions

1. I'm drawn to my own smell, whether it's gas or poop, by how good it feels. If im taking a great dump, one that's fully relieving and feels wonderful coming out, the smell that accompanies it becomes part of the overall pleasure.
2. No embarrassment for me in the least. If im shitting in a public bathroom and blowing it up, if others smell it, doesn't bother me. Where I'm from it seems that people stink up bathrooms most of the time, so why shouldn't i?
3. Cabbage, spicy foods, pasta with tomato based sauces, ground beef - those foods make my dumps really reek.
4. Hard to say. Maybe something it like smell like corn, but for the most part my shit smells like shit. It's never smelled like dessert lol.
5. Spicy-hot chili. I eat enough of that, my butt will output chili-like scented poop.
6. My coworker walked into a small employee restroom, then immediately walked back out. Later in the day ge told my other coworkers he knew it was me taking a nasty stinky dump. I laughed it off and owned it. Overall i don't mind if someone talks bad about the smell of my shit.
7. All i can say is i really like the smell of my butthole emissions, especially healthy ones.


First post ever (after vacation emergency)

Hello everyone let me just start by saying I absolutely love reading the stories on here and I'm excited to share my first one with you And can't wait to hear some of your other desperation stories in response to mine. Now onto the story

So I recently joined my family on a vacation to a indoor waterpark Now I don't know if anybody else has this issue. But swimming makes me have to go to the bathroom a lot both peeing and pooping so I spent a lot of time with her than usual on the toilet while I was there luckily The waterpark was also a hotel and I could do most of my business in our room public bathrooms make me a little uncomfortable when I have to poop I'm not really sure why. So I spent a lot of the trip taking every chance I could to use the bathroom the swimming in combination with the heavy breakfast is from the breakfast buffet both mornings were probably the cause. The issue so to speak came from on the way home. Me and my family had all crammed into my moms van I had used the bathroom right before we left the hotel so I felt confident that I could probably make the two hour journey without it being an issue. Well I was wrong. About 15 minutes into our 2 1/2 hour Well I was wrong. About 15 minutes into our 2 1/2 hour trip, My stomach started to my stomach started to rumble and groan bad. My mother had been pretty adamant about making a few stops as possible unless my nephew needed to use the restroom. So for about an hour and 15 minutes exactly I am sitting in the van holding one of my worst need to poop I have experienced in a long time. We pull into a McDonald's To get food and take care of any business. For some odd reason I did not immediately rushed to the bathroom and instead ordered my food and even finish my fries before I raced to the bathroom. I think at that point I had forgotten that I had to go. So I dashing to the bathroom and there are two stalls one of which is occupied. I Quickly enter quickly enter mine as the other gentleman is exiting his. I tear down my pants and proceed to explode into the toilet it was one of those kind of poops that you can't help but make noise and have your feet lift off The ground as you go. I know the gentleman heard my start and quickly exited the bathroom which I believe was a smart move on his part because I'm certain the place smelled terrible I had to leave four or five massive logs in the toilet and was completely surprised when it flushed. But I washed my hands and exit in the bathroom finally feeling relieved that the emergency was over. Or so I thought I spent the rest of the ride in relative comfort at least until five minutes away from my house my family was going to drop me off and then continue on their way home the second I got to my place I am mediately grabbed all my things my suitcase and bag of souvenirs and rushed into my house I had to go almost as bad as earlier. I dashed into my bathroom not even bothering to close the door. Thankfully I live alone and proceeded to leave the biggest size poop I have ever made in my life I swear it was almost a foot and a half long afterwords I felt completely empty and relieved and chose not to eat anything for a while for fear it would cause me too I have to go to the bathroom again and I was fairly certain that I didn't want to have anything more to do with the bathroom for a while. Well thank you everybody for reading my story I'm very happy to finally post on this site and I hope to share more in the future I would love to hear your stories of desperation particularly any that have to do with water parks or swimming as it fits the theme And thanks again for reading.


Response to Taylor T

Hey! Ive got some responses and a small story for you.
I'm 18 and am currently in my final year of high school. Ive got a kinda skinnier build, not like a skeleton but not huge either lol. Ive got a darkish red hair at the moment because I had wanted to dye it from blonde, and I wear thick rimmed glasses. I'm around 5'10" as well, so a smidge tall but not too tall.

My regular poop usually has a few turds and a decent amount of little pebbles mixed in, and takes me about 5 minutes. I cant help taking my time lol. I always lower my pants to my ankles, and I do and dont enjoy pooping in public. Its one of those mixed kinda things, ya know? I know for sure I can't go in restaurants for some reason, but I can go at the mall or at a store or somewhere. I don't poop at school too often either because I don't want to be taking too long

Speaking of store, I did poop in my local Meijer the other day. I was out and about looking for some new clothes, and the urge had kinda hit along with a ???? cramp, so I thought why not go instead of holding it. I had gone up to the front of the store since I was closer, and went inside taking the 3rd stall because I think the 1st was taken. I had closed the stall, dropped my panties (I was wearing a skirt that day) and raised my skirt up and out of the way and settled down. Before I could pee, my ???? cramped up again and I pushed out a decent amount of mushy poop unexpectedly. I felt a little embarrassed about it, as I went for a wave two. That wave had stopped, and I peed, and pushed out another small amount, then felt done. I grabbed some tp to wipe, and made sure I was clean before flushing and leaving the stall and going back to shopping.

If you have any more questions, ask away! And I might ask some lol!


To Marie

Hey Marie! Can you tell me what its like to go in a car? I'm assuming you have done it before? How messy does it get? Anything I should know? O'm so excited to do it, I can't wait!!


Trouble with Flatulence

For those of you who know me, I enjoy both defecation and flatulence immensely. In fact, most women say that their two favorite things are sex and chocolate, and sometimes they enjoy chocolate more than sex. For me, it's sex, bowel movements and farts. Sometimes the order of preference can change!

However, since having my baby, I've had a little trouble controlling my farts. This has been a little embarrassing, as I tend to have the loud, bubbly farts more so than the silent but deadly kind. In fact, those are very rare for me. Don't get me wrong, I can have some stinky gas. Yet, it's usually loud, and rarely the rotten eggish smell.

Because I eat so much fiber, I tend to have a lot of gas. Over the course of my life, I've been able to discretely pass it, when stepping away to the bathroom for a pee, or getting away from everyone, or just whenever. But since my little man has come into the world, my anus does not feel as tight. As I said before, I've not had any bowel control issues.

For instance, I've farted at work while filling prescriptions. I've farted out loud in front of my parents, Alan's parents and the kids at different times, more than once. I've farted in bed with Alan. I've farted at the table while we are eating. I even farted at church. That's embarrassing (but not during worship).

It seems that I fart when I pee all the time now.

And, if I push, I can always fart. It's a little disconcerting. I do ask to be excused, like you do when you burp. But it seems that burps are a little more forgivable.

So, if I'm unwilling to change my diet any, do I just accept the fact that I might fart in socially awkward situations? I mean, no one has distanced themselves from me. At the same time, I don't want to lose that slight sense of shame that prevents us from doing these things on a regular basis. I don't want to be uncouth.

In fact, about six months ago I pulled my pharmacy techs to the side and told them what's going on - that I am having trouble controlling my flatulence and that I am not trying to be gross. They all consoled me. But I'm the boss. I wonder if they go home and make fun of me!

What do you all think? I've wanted to talk to someone about this!

Love to all!


Victoria B.

Question and responses

I submitted my final midterm paper today and now I have a little more free time. These last posts were great; keep it up everyone!

To Grace: That was a tricky shituation you found yourself in but it might have been better if you'd tried to unclog their toilet or, worse case scenario, admitted what had happened after your bomb-dropping. Having kids that you were baby-sitting with you did put a premium on time though!

To Brandy: I loved your story with Megan. Can't wait for the sequel.

To Pat: What a cool doctor and great way of handling an awkward scenario on her part. If only everyone else was as chill about bodily functions as her.

To Taylor: Fantastic story; your description of the bathroom was so good that I could picture myself pooping in it too! Glad you liked the mirror view. I'm almost debating hanging one up in front of the toilet in my own bathroom!

To Vincene: Thank you for doing my surveys!

Question: how does everybody feel about public toilets with automatic flush sensors? I personally can't stand them and was reminded today of why they're terrible when my positioning and adjusting myself on a public seat set the flush off four times between sitting down and getting back up and dressed again after a poop. What a waste of water!


Last summer in the wilderness of Northern Norway I happened to spot a maure woman squat in the outdoors to go to toilet. Amusing. She squatted behind some bushes. Afterwards I saw that she had pooped. I think she was over 50 years old

Alex P.


My name is Alex and I'm 23 years old, male, and this is my first post.

To Poster Pee, Pee Man, Ryan F, C.G. and others, love your posts! Urinals are amazing. They have truly become one of the only acceptable ways in our society for men to have a close bond with one another. Think about it, how else can guys actually share something personal with one another without really putting much thought into it? I think a lot of guys would feel awkward about that if they thought about it enough.

My favorite urinals are the ones that are nothing but a tile wall. Like some of you guys have said, those are very rare, and I actually haven't seen one in a very long time. There is something strangely fascinating about peeing against a wall. Definitely lots of splashback. When I was a lot younger, I remember my dad took me to some place that had a wall urinal like that. I don't remember where it was, but I remember it was a pretty big bathroom. I also remember that it was a little busy in there, and so we had to wait a little bit for a spot. It was actually pretty nice for a public bathroom. There was a slight poop/fart smell in the air, but the bathroom was far from dirty. And for some reason it had that wall urinal. I remember being amazed at that. I had never seen anything like that before. There were a few guys ahead of me, so while I waited I was able to see them peeing against the wall, and their pee streaming down the tiles. The tiles were actually white, so I was getting a really great view of the streams.

Eventually it was my turn and I walked up to the wall. It was incredible. I remember the pee smell and that the tiles were wet and shiny. Of course the wall had a water pipe mounted above the area where you peed that acted as a flushing mechanism, but it only ran water down about every 10 mins or so, so I knew that there was still quite a bit of pee left on the wall. I knew that I was going to be peeing right where someone else had just peed. Also there was a little trough at the bottom of the wall and it was full of pee.

Soon I began to pee. It hit against the wall, and immediately I felt the splashback, which was amazing. Regular urinals don't splash you like this wall did. I continued to pee, and the more I peed the more I got splashed. I also tried to get as close to the wall as I could, which made it splash even more. Soon another guy came up and started to pee next to me, which made even more splashback. Then another guy came up to my other side. I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was getting so much pee on me. I remember seeing all of our pee splashing onto all of us, which was amazing to me. I couldn't believe I actually lived in a world where a urinal like that existed! I really liked peeing on that wall! I was actually disappointed when I was done, but I think I was able to use it about 2 or 3 more times that day.

I've actually never seen a circular urinal trough, but if they do exist, that's amazing! I would love to hear more about them, and where there might still be one. I would absolutely love to use one. Please let me know.

Bye for now!


Friend's Dump

This story will be about a friend of mine name Bryanna who I know who can also really lay some monstrous logs.

While I'm tall for a woman, she makes me look short. She is 6'4" and pretty heavy too. She put her size to good use playing basketball in college. Her butt is easily the biggest I've ever seen, so it doesn't really surprise me what can come out of it lol.

A couple years ago I vacationed with her to Miami and we and a few others shared an Airbnb. The Airbnb unfortunately one had one bathroom, so we all had to share it. Luckily I never needed to use it while we were there, instead I was able to use public bathrooms instead. Everything was going well until the 2nd night when Bry had to shit. We were drinking getting ready to go out when she grabbed her drink and ran off to the bathroom. We all thought she was going to go throw up, but when we heard her giant frame sit down on the old creaking toilet seat, we realized she was probably gonna take a dump. And quite the dump she did. After just a few minutes she emerged and asked if anyone had seen a toilet plunger. The rest of us burst out laughing and our friend Carly said she had seen one in the closet near the kitchen. Bry went to go grab it and of course the rest of us had to see the damage. Carly got their first and started cracking up. In the toilet were two turds: the first was a really thick log stuck down the hole of the toilet, just barely thin enough to fit. It combined with the toilet paper had jammed up and clogged the toilet. Not that it mattered, because the second log was about twice the thickness of the other. It was probably 14 inches long but way thicker. Even my bigger poops were rarely that thick. When Bry returned she said that she had been holding that dump in for the past few days. She got to work plugging while the rest of us cheered her on. She got the first log to go down, but there was absolutely no way the bigger one would even get through the hole. It was getting late and we were going to be late, so she just smashed it up into a ton of pieces with the opposite end of the plunger. Despite that, the toilet still couldn't flush. We just left it to deal with when we got back.

After a few hours out, we got an Uber back. When we walked in , the entire house reeked of her horse sized dump. There was no way we could let it get any worse so she went back to work with the plunger (wearing gloves since the handle was used earlier) battling the load. The toilet was pretty old and not all that strong, so it took a ton of work. I think she said it ended up taking more than ten tries before at long last the toilet was free from her dump. The next morning, Carly went to pee and flushed the toilet clogged. Clearly Bry's shit hadn't fully gone down the pipes and was still plugging the toilet out of view. We were leaving anyway that morning so we just left it.

Bry had to throw out the plunger because of the handle but luckily we didn't get charged for that. All in all, a fun experience that was part of an even better vacation.

I was talking with Bry sometime later and she was saying that she normally takes big poops, but that was among her biggest because she hadn't gone for a few days.

A question for others: what is the biggest poop you've ever seen? Did you do it or someone else? I've had bigger volume shits than Bry's but rarely bigger single pieces.

Victoria B.

Signs on stalls


I realize that this is not a place to discuss politics, mine or anyone else's. This being said I do have strong opinions on this topic but I will try my best to tread lightly.

Breanna, a former roommate from undergrad, became an elementary (primary) school teacher in my home state after graduating and subsequently receiving her teaching license. We left on good terms and have stayed in contact since I moved out of state for grad school. You would like Breanna; she and I were pretty open about the normal content of this site and it was through her that I realized and learned to accept that I had a "thing" about bodily functions.

Anyway, today on Insta Breanna posted a photo of a sign hanging on a stall door in one of the bathrooms in the school where she teaches. It was a list of instructions on what to do in case either a student or member of the faculty or staff happened to be in and/or using the bathroom during a school shooting. I saw this and right away began to feel a mixture of sadness and rage. These kids are already being subjected to regular lockdown drills and here they are being reminded that they could be shot and killed by a domestic terrorist while they're in what is already the most vulnerable position they find themselves in on the average school day: naked from the waist down sitting on the toilet. As though it isn't already bad enough to worry about running out of the awful toilet paper in schools or being bullied now you have to think about the possibility of being murdered or seriously injured by some extremist.

I feel better now that I've gotten this off my chest. I've thought a lot today about the kind of world our kids will be inheriting and doing this post has helped. I love you all and please be safe.


Monday, November 11, 2019

Woman has farting nightmare in first yoga class, heads straight to McDonald's

The human body is a wonderful thing. But, sometimes it emits sounds at the most inopportune moments. Like, during this woman's first yoga class. 
Laura Mazza, the blogger behind Mum on the Run shared a tale that, to many of us, may sound familiar. In a post on Facebook — which has been shared over 8,000 times — she describes how a heavy bout of flatulence turned her yoga class into a hideously embarrassing moment. 
Mazza's fart was so loud, she didn't feel like sticking around. So, she bolted, red-faced and teary eyed, and headed to McDonald's. 
Mazza's physiotherapist had advised her to try yoga classes to help with her post-birth abdominal separation, a condition which occurs during or after pregnancy and causes the parting of abdominal muscles."Having kids separated my abdominal wall like Moses parting the Red Sea. Yeah it's not good and my stomach kinda points out like a cone," wrote Mazza on Facebook. 
Mazza went along to the class and, after being introduced on a first name basis to the whole class, she began giving her best shot at the positions her instructor was demonstrating. "We started doing these random positions, moving into the upward facing dog and I feel a nice crack in my back, thinking I can do this...I totally love yoga. I am a yoga girl," Mazza continued. 

I'd like to say I'm making this story up, but alas no. This actually happened tonight. This is long so bare with me.
I have muscle separation. Having kids separated my abominal wall like Moses parting the Red Sea. Yeah it's not good and my stomach kinda points out like a cone. So you know, I am trying to get fitter and fix it so it was suggested by a physio to try yoga.
Ha...hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah. Okay so.
I put on a pair of yoga pants, because for someone who has never done yoga, really, I seem to own a lot of yoga pants. I got the pair that looked less "Ball-y" from sleeping in and yanked them up nice and high and got a clean top. I was wearing my regular nanna jocks. No time for g strings here.
We got into the class and it was dark and there's candles everywhere. (Just a slight fire risk you guys), I'm thinking, holy shit this is real yoga, not like 5, 6, 7, 8 and stretccchh... this is 'im going to go to a high place of enlightenment' right here.
Everyone's talking to each other and the trainer, yoga master, limber yoda, whatever... is talking to everyone and like talking to them, she's saying "how's Daryl and his leg...?" And I'm there hiding in the corner thinking "please for the love of god do not notice me"
Everyone's taking off their socks and I'm thinking oh lord, my toes are hairy and I didn't shave them, I only dry shaved my ankles in case my pants ride up.

So I'm looking out at all these slender women with their nice tight yoga pants, and mine with the 80's flare at the bottom. They all take off their socks to reveal manicured toes and here I am with my froddo feet, trying to hide in the corner so I don't have to talk about my personal life.
Then ashram yoga guru says loudly "oh we have a new member tonight. We are blessed with the company of....??"
And then I replied with... "oh yes. And I am blessed with your company" I don't know why I said that, probably because I'm a social idiot.
And she said "oh sorry I was after your name."
"Ah laura"
"Okay" she asked me a few more questions where I fumbled my way through and then I started talking about my muscle separation and her eyes glazed over and I trailed off.
"Welcome" she smiled while her skinny body moved down like a slinky.
We started doing these random positions, moving into the upward facing dog and I feel a nice crack in my back, thinking i can do this...I totally love yoga. I am a yoga girl!! Look at me so fit right now.
We move into the downward facing dog... and that's when I started to feel my guts.
Now for the past few weeks I have had IBS Symptoms like something crazy. My farts stink like something mixed between a rotten egg and an incineration plant.
And somewhere between the dolphin position and the three legged dog two of those burning garbage eggs slip out and I fart.
I farted. I farted at yoga. I'm a walking cliche. My pelvic floor has failed me.

They're quiet, so I'm thinking holy fuck, thank god for that. But then we move to some position where my heads between my legs, and the smell hits me like a punch to the nose. I died inside and now I officially smell like something has also died inside.
I'm thinking, do I leave? Do I leave the country? Is this happening?? IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? Not only do I look like a slob but now I stink too.
Okay. I gather my resolve and say you know what? Whatever. Everyone farts and I can't help it. I continue attempting thede ridiculous positions and suck in my core. Fitness here we come.
We then go down on this position where we stretch right out but our legs are like a frog on the floor. The teacher then came around and pushed everyone down lower... I thought oh good, gonna get a nice crack in my back again. I hold in my butthole nice and tight to make sure no farts escape again.
She comes over... pushes my back down...
And buuuuuuuuuurrppppfffffff
The loudest trumpet comes out of my ass.
I froze and thought oh my god. Oh my god.
OH MY GOD. Sweet baby Jesus. What just happened. I'm dreaming. Surely. I'm in a nightmare.
My face flushes red and I have tears in my eyes from the embarrassment.
I got up, attempted to roll up my yoga mat but couldn't do it, so I just kinda chucked it to the side.. and grabbed my shoes and socks and my bag all in my arms and basically bolted out the door.
I turn around just as I'm closing the door And look up embarrassed to see everyone on their knees wide eyed staring at me in shock... (or in an awake coma from the smell)
And guru ashram yoga teacher looks at me, bows her head and joins her hands together and says "namaste"
And I think nah I'm a go, and I run out the door and now I'm sitting at McDonald's eating a sundae crying and laughing.
Sorry physio. I'm never ever ever EVER, doing yoga again. Fuck the muscle separation.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The fart dare

Warning: this story contains farting and alot of shitting in their pants if you don't like this stuff the dont read!

It was a beautiful morning and Mary had just woke up from her nap and started to stretch *yawn* " I wonder if kaseys awake.." Mary said to herself while taking out her phone

Mary began to chat with kasey

Mary: hey you awake yet?
Kasey: yeah..
Mary: hey you wanna come over my house today?.
Kasey: sure! That would be fun
Mary: yeah it will be fun because I have a dare for the both of us
Kasey: oh yeah well what's that?
Mary: I'll tell you it when you get here TTYL
kasey: okay see you there :)

"Ahh.. This dare is gonna be hilarious... But also messy...hmmm.. I'll wear my non- favorite clothes then.." Mary said to herself " in the mean time I'm gonna get something to eat and buy some stuff for the dare "

Mary went downstairs to eat some cereal to pass time once she finished she got her shoes on and went to the store to buy the things she needs for the dare

"Hmmm we'll need beans... Chili.. And ooh! I should go buy 2 chipolais for the both of us!" Mary said to herself once Mary was finished buying the things she needs for the dare she drives back to her house to find kasey waiting there for her

" hey! Where ya been? " kasey said to Mary " oh.. Just buying stuff for the dare " Mary said while beginning to give kasey a grin " we'll okay? " kasey said looking confused

" let me just get the things ready and we'll start the dare.." Mary said
Mary began cooking the beans and making chili bean burritos and chipolais " ah finished.." Mary thought to herself " okay kasey it's ready! " Mary yelled across the hall

"Umm what's this stuff?." Kasey questioned Mary " it's the stuff for the dare.. That reminds me I have to tell you what the dare is..." Mary told kasey
" the dare is we eat the gassiest foods and see who first would shit their pants first. First one to shit their pants loses..." Mary explained " so.. What are we betting for?.." Kasey said " it's not a bet kasey it's a dare.. So sit you fat ass down and let's start this dare!" Mary said excitedly

"Okay.. Ready?" Mary asked kasey "READY!"
"Okay.. 1...2....3...begin!"
And the dare began kasey and Mary both started on the chipolai they both were eating it fast like lightning kasey finished first and then moved on to the chili bean burrito Mary was still on the chipolai
" remember Mary eating fast can mess with your digestive system so eat slowly.." Mary thought to herself  kasey on the other hand was almost finished with the chili bean burrito
*URRRRP!!* "finished!" Kasey yelled out " already?, " Mary said to kasey while starting on the chili bean burrito

"We'll yeah! I eat fast!" Kasey said  " we'll wait for me I'm almost finished! " Mary said with her mouth full
5 minutes later Mary finished the chili bean burrito
" ah.. Finally finished.." Mary said while rubbing her bloated belly " what now?. " kasey said while rubbing her belly " now.. We wait.."
Mary and kasey went to the living and standed in front of each other

"Ooooh... I'm starting to feel the food kick in.." Kasey told Mary
"Ugh I am too..." Mary said trying to hold her gas in
"Ugh man I have to let some pressure out " kasey said
"Don't shit yourself.." Mary teased kasey
" hahaha.. Funny.." Kasey said while letting one fly
The loud fart caused kaseys ass to jiggle wildly
" ahhh that felt good.. " kasey said in relief
" I guess I should let one out " Mary said while positioning herself
"Hngh" Mary grunted while an enormous fart shot out of Mary's big ass


"Ahh... That felt soooo amazing!" Mary said while beginning to rub her ass to make more gas come out
"Easy there Mary don't want you shitting yourself.." Kasey teased Mary
"So.. What if we go to the bathroom?." Kasey asked Mary

"Oh we don't go to the bathroom."
"Yeah we just see who shits their self first" Mary said to kasey " what you afraid you might shit yourself first?." Mary taunted kasey

Kasey was about to say "we'll about that" but what came out of kaseys mouth was "we'll see about thAAUGGHH" kasey felt a sharp pain strike her stomach and kasey immediately shot a loud wet fart out of her anus
"Haha! That one was loud kasey!" Mary teased kasey
Until Mary felt a cramp hit her stomach and her bowels Mary quickly grabbed her ass and squeezed it to let out some steam

"Ahhh.." Mary moaned in relief while beginning to release another one
"Ahhh... Man kasey you were right! Farting feels sooo good! We should do this more often!!" Mary shouted

"Pft more often my ass.." Kasey thought to herself
" ugh.. Man my stomach is killing me... " kasey thought to herself
"I think I might *PRRRRRFT!* shit my pants first.." Kasey thought to herself
"How you holding!" Mary said
" oh I'm doing just fine! These stomach cramps are really not painful at all!" Kasey shouted being sarcastic

" how about we pump up the level?" Mary said
" like how?" Kasey said
"With *BRRRFT!* these!" Mary holded up two bottles of laxatives
" oh no I'm already about to shit myself why make it worst!" Kasey said to herself while rubbing her poor belly
" here we both drink all of this down! "  Mary said
" okay.." Kasey said

The two girls began chugging the whole bottle down
"Ugh. I can feel it already kicking in.." Kasey thought to herself
Kasey ass was jiggling to all the exploding wet gas that was emmited from her fat rump
" ahh.. Now I love farting!!" Mary said out loud
" it just feels so good!" Mary said while letting out more wet farts from her fat ass
" ahh.. The chili bean burrito is gonna be my breakfast everyday!!!!" Mary yelled out loud
" ugh! This is painful!!!" Kasey shouted!
"Uh oh here it comes..." Kasey said while giving a great moan in pain
Kaseys big fat hespanic ass was vibrating to the enormous fart that came out of kaseys anus which was so strong it blew off a hole where kaseys ass was showing

"Ugh! My pants got blown off!" Kasey said
" now my fat ass is showing!!!!" Kasey shouted
" oh well I'll make it even.." Mary said while giving a great push
Now Mary's pants tore of so it revealed her mexican ass " there now were even!" Mary shouted
"Thank you!" Kasey shouted
" oh man I need to take off this shirt! To ease the pain!" Kasey began taking of her shirt which reveal her large breast which were jiggling every time kasey moved

" mabye I should take off my jeans to ease the pain also." Mary thought to her self
Mary began taking off her tore jeans and getting down to her knees
Since Mary didn't have her jeans on it made her ass jiggle and wobble even more everytime she farted
" I'm gonna win..*prrrrrft!* kasey!" Mary moaned
" hell no! I'm gonna *BGHGHGHLRT!!* win!

Mary crawled to kasey and standed up to tell her that shes gonna win when her stomach gurgled so loud it sounded like and earth quake " oh no." " oh shit!!"
Mary felt to her knees and a 16 inch turd splurged out of Mary fat ass which came with wets farts as well

Wet 6 inch logs were shooting outta Mary's rump like if it was an volcanoe eruption Mary moaned in pain as so much waste started to paint the walls and floor kasey just watched as Mary's ass was sticking up and liquid waste was shooting out of her ass like a fountain
Was kasey only did was just drop her jaw and watched
Once Mary's fat ass was finished kasey felt a loud wet fart come out of her behind
"*sigh* well since I won.. I guess I can go to the toilet now huh?." Kasey said
" yeah..........sure.... " Mary said while still on the floor
"Alright.." Kasey said and immediately ran to the toilet
Mary heard kasey farting and a couple of splats and plops Mary just sighed and got up to look at the walls

" damn.." Was all Mary could say
"We'll.. I better go take a shower and clean this up..." Mary said to herself while walking to the bathroom to take a shower Mary thought to herself


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

M literature MLFG: Lexi's Little accident

Hey y’all. Eve here. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this then it finally happened. Let me start over. I have always gotten the question “have you ever been recognized in public” the answer was always no. Until now. I was out visiting my cousins in California. They live not too far from LA. I was spending a lot of time with my cousins for the week because I don’t get to see them very often. It was just Lexi my mom and I visiting. We were away for 4 days. Friday to Monday. It was really nice to see everyone. Well the one day we went to a star bucks. It was me my sister Lexi and my 3 other cousins that are around my age. (I’m the oldest at age 20). My one cousin Julia is 19. She was the one driving everyone around in her moms minivan. We were walking around a shopping mall. This mall was smaller and definitely not as crowded as I thought it would be. It was somewhat near LA so I was expecting a lot of people but surprisingly it wasn’t. We were shopping around and we stopped at Starbucks for ice coffee. We sat down at a table and my other 3 cousins ordered separate from Lexi and I. First the young boy shouted my cousins names all together. Then a couple minutes later the same boy. Shouted “Eve and Lexi” then I stood up and walked over to the counter with Lexi to get our drinks. The young boys eyes widened when I got to him. “Can I help you?” I asked nicely. I didn’t say it in a rude way I said it in a “I noticed you widen your eyes when you saw me” way. The boy didn’t say anything at first then when I went to grab a straw he ask “Are you Eve from JJT?” And my heart stopped. Lexi looked at me weird. “No sorry. I think you have the wrong girl. Sorry” I said. “Oh sorry. Have a nice day” he said. We walked back to the table and Lexi asked me about it. I told her I had no clue. Obviously I knew exactly what he was talking about. We finished our ice coffees and started to shop again. I couldn’t stop thinking about the boy. He looked really young. Like REALLY young. We were shopping around the mall when suddenly the girls took a thorn into Victoria’s Secret. Obviously I don’t shop there due to my bladder problem causing me to wear Goodnites. When they went in the store I told them “I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit. I’m gonna go look for clothes for my boyfriend” but I lied. I walked out and walked right back to Starbucks. I went up to the counter and asked the kid who gave me my drink from earlier and said “excuse me but can someone wipe down that table over there” and he looked at me and said sure. It was a secluded table and no one was around. After he wiped it down I said “thank you... Justin” I looked at his name tag. “No problem” he said. “Oh before you go” I said as I leaned in to his ear to whisper. “I want you to smell my fart and embrace it” i whispered in his ear. He quickly looked at me with disbelief. “It is you” he said. “Yup. And I just ripped a silent but deadly just for you” I blew him a kiss and said “smell ya later” and walked away. Now normally I would just not do that at all. But since I live in Pennsylvania and this was in a California Starbucks I figured I’d probably never go back anyway. I left and met back up with my group. I never went back to that Starbucks again and Justin I know you’re reading this. I’m sorry... I know that fart was horrendous. But at least you’re the first fan to ever encounter me. Smell ya later Justin.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mountain of a Mess Pt. 01 byuranium©

What had started out as a fun hiking trip had quickly turned into a disaster. When we set out for Gallow Mountain, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, we'd planned a whole weekend around the trip. We packed up the car and set out on our road trip, excited to hike, climb, explore, and relax.
Blake stopped and doubled over, his hands on his knees. He groaned audibly and let his head hang down.

"Not much longer, babe. Come on," I urged him, and stepped closer. A woman with an iPod and headphones stopped to look out over the nearby vantage point, so I took advantage of the quiet moment. "You can make it," I reassured him. "We're almost back at the parking lot."

"Yeah," Blake groaned, finally looking back up at me. "We're almost there."

Unfortunately for Blake, something we had eaten along the way was not agreeing with him; and, of course, it had to kick in mid-hike. Normally it wouldn't be a problem if nature calls out in the middle of the woods. However, Gallow Mountain wasn't at all what we had been expecting. Rather than a peaceful hike through the woods, it was a crowded, commercialized walk along a mountain face, swarming with tourists every couple of feet. It had kicked in around thirty minutes ago at the longest part of the hike, so we had simply picked up the pace and he had done amazing at holding it so far. However, he was rapidly losing his composure.

Blake had no idea I was into it. I'd never told him-hell, I'd never told anyone-that I had a thing for desperation, scat, whatever you wanted to call it. Did I feel bad for him? Absolutely. Was I also insanely turned on? Hell yeah I was.

We got back to walking, but I let him choose the pace. It was a fairly normal walking speed for me, but I could tell he was struggling between trying to rush and trying to hold in impending disaster. Once again, he groaned to himself, but kept walking. A couple passed by us, holding hands and laughing, and once they were passed, Blake stopped yet again. He leaned his back against the mountain side and reached behind himself, suddenly clutching at his backside.

"Eden," he started, trying to find the right words, "please, please, keep walking."


"No buts, please..." He looked down at the ground and, just for a moment, looked on the verge of tears. "Please, I seriously can't hold it anymore," he told me, running one hand through his hair. "I'm going to have to go here. Keep walking."

"Absolutely not," I replied. "There are people everywhere, especially children. You could get arrested."

As if on cue, a woman with a dog and a child passed us, only two feet away on the narrow trail. Blake groaned again and buried his face in his hands.

"Come on," he said, "let's keep going." No sooner had he said that when his embarrassment worsened: he let out one long, loud, very wet-sounding fart. Blake froze in his tracks.

"Are you okay?" I asked, immediately turning to face him. Both our cheeks burned: his from embarrassment, mine from arousal. Again, he clutched one hand to his ass.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm good..." he murmured. "Let's keep walking." He stepped ahead of me this time, picking up the pace. I watched him intently, my eyes fixated on his ass. Damn, his body was perfect. He had once been built so athletically, and now, nearing the end of his 30s, his muscles and tight frame had relaxed a bit and left him looking absolutely faultless in my eyes...especially his ass. I'd stared at it a thousand times, but this time, I was so, so close to possibly seeing those tight khaki cargos getting ruined.

"Fuck," he growled as he farted again. "Don't walk behind me."

"It's too narrow not to," I said, and continued pacing behind him. A group of three guys sidled past us along the edge, but Blake didn't slow down. He let one slip again, this one as loud and wet sounding as the first. He clutched one hand back over his ass, pressing it firmly between his cheeks.

"Fuck, fuck." Though he said it quietly, I heard him nonetheless. When he pulled his hand away, the smallest, slightest, most barely noticeable dark patch had formed on the seat of his pants.

"You good?" I asked while attempting to keep my voice composed. Before he could say anything back, he farted again, this one sounding alarmingly messy. He clasped his hand over his ass before I could even glance to see if any damage was done.

"No," he answered finally, "no, I'm not good." There was a small alcove in the rocks in the mountain face, and he took that opportunity to step away from the trail. "Eden, I don't know what to do."

"Baby, it's okay." In vain, I tried to make him feel better. It was not okay. As much as it was absolutely driving me wild to see him this way, I did feel bad for him. He looked so vulnerable, so miserable, so ashamed.

"It's not okay, I..." his voice trailed off. "Some came out already and I can't hold it."

"Huh?" I said, feigning ignorance. He was looking at the ground, not me.

"Look, I shit myself, okay? Just a little but I can't hold it any more. I'm so, so fucking sorry you have to put up with this."

"Put up with it? Blake, I'm not putting up with anything, it's no big deal, really."

"I feel like a kid! Having an accident in my pants like a damn child."

God, I bit my lip. There was no time to reply, barely any time to even process that remark. There was a wet squelch—this one not as loud as the other farts. This wasn't a fart, this was the sound of Blake beginning to lose complete control of himself. It was a wet, sudden crackling noise accompanied by his eyes widening. He pressed his hand to his ass even harder, as if to stop the filthy mess from coming out.

"Do you want me to be as embarrassed as you are?" I suddenly blurted out. I was barely thinking about what I was saying, or the consequences that might ensue. I was so fucking turned on, but I couldn't bear to see him look so upset.

"What?" Blake looked alarmed, and it crossed my mind for a moment that he might have thought I was offering to do the same thing.

"I'll tell you something. It's something ridiculously embarrassing, and I never in a million years would have ever thought I'd tell you."

"Eden, please, I just—"

"I'm really, seriously turned on by this," I told him, lowering my voice and inching closer to him so no one else would hear. My cheeks burned—the truth was out at last.

"Huh?" The surprise that washed over his face almost entirely removed the look of shame.

"Yeah," I confessed. "It's a thing of mine. There. Now we can both be embarrassed."

"What? But I—" he cut his own words short with a loud fart. He grimaced and the look of embarrassment returned. What I just said was out of his mind already. "I can't hold it, I have to go."

"Then just go," I urged. He looked at me with raised eyebrows, and I could see him trying to grasp what I had previously told him combined with me telling him to shit himself. "You might as well just get it out in one go rather than struggling the rest of the walk."

"There are people around, they're going to see."

"No they're not," I assured him, and unzipped my hoodie. "Here, just tie it around your waist."

"No, no! You're going to get cold."

"Well if someone," I raised my eyebrows in a teasing way, "had worn his like I told him to, we wouldn't have to use mine."


"Go ahead, no one's coming right now."

"Christ..." Blake murmured, looking around apprehensively. Once more he looked back at me, his face a strange mixture of confusion, shame, and relief. I nodded as if to validate what he was about to do.

Blake bent over slightly, bending his knees and resting his palms on his upper thighs. He allowed his body to relax, and within moments, he let out another disgustingly wet fart, and it was obvious what was happening as a torrent of soft, mushy diarrhea spilled out of him. "Oh, fuck..." he whispered, closing his eyes. The smell was atrocious; so bad, in fact, that anyone passing by him would immediately know what had happened. Another loud, wet squirt slipped out as he released his own filth into his pants. I remained inches away from him, holding my breath, waiting to see if he was done. He didn't open his eyes again. Another faint, wet, crackling noise, barely audible, signaled that he was not done, and the way that he shifted indicated he was running out of room. After a long, quiet moment, he nodded his head and looked back up at me.

"Are you done?" I asked, offering the hoodie to him.

"No," he said sheepishly. "My stomach's still fucked up, but I can hold it now."

"Okay, good," I told him, though he wasn't making eye contact with me. "We'll get you cleaned up at the hotel."

"Your car..." he began, and I knew what he was thinking.

"It's fine. You can sit on the emergency blanket, it's not a big deal," I assured him with a smile, and we kept walking. A sign on the right read "PARKING LOT: 1/6 MILE."


"So..." Blake began, "do you want to talk about what you told me?"

"What did I tell you?"

"You know good and well what I'm talking about."

We were stopped at a red light, Blake sitting on my emergency Red Cross blanket, and the windows were rolled down. When I glanced over at him, he looked back to his usual old self: his mischievous grin was back as he leaned against the arm rest and studied my reaction.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," I replied with a laugh. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but it really, really hadn't been. Maybe my confession made him feel less embarrassed, but Blake shitting himself mid-hike would have simply become an amusing secret between the two of us. What I told him? I'd never live that down. That would always be embarrassing.

"Mmmhmm, sure you don't," he teased. "You got any other kinks I don't know about?"

"No!" I snapped immediately, more defensively than I intended.

"I do," he said with a grin, settling back against his seat. My ears pricked up.

"You do?"


"You gonna tell me?" I pried.

"Maybe," he started, "but I feel a little plain now, you know? Here I thought my fetish was so bad and dirty, and then—"

"Blake!" I interrupted. "I told you because I was trying to make you feel better. I never would have told you if we hadn't been in a situation where—"

"Mine's bad too!"

"It can't be that bad. What is it?"

"Maybe I'll tell you later. Right now I gotta process this one," he grinned. "I'd never have guessed you'd have a shit fetish. You're a pretty little doll and you like shit?" he pressed, looking over at me. His eyes were practically shining. "What do you like about it?"

"We don't have to talk about this, really."

"Want me to describe how it felt?"


"It felt kind of good, really."

I rolled my eyes. I could tell he was trying to get under my skin.

"Once you told me to just do it and I started letting it come out, that actually felt kinda good."

"Blake, it's—you don't have to..."

"No, I'm being serious. It was hard not to piss myself, too, because I was getting so relaxed."

I clutched at the steering wheel, desperately trying not to show how aroused I was.

"Would you be into that, too?" he asked.

"Into what?"

"If I pissed on you. Or you pissed on me. Either works, really."

"Look, we're here!" I dodged the subject as we pulled into the hotel parking lot. Blake laughed and dragged one hand across his jaw.

"I'm going to get you to talk about it sooner or later." We clambered out of the vehicle. I slammed my door harder than I intended behind me. I was already unimaginably wet; all I wanted was to get back to the hotel room. When I looked over at Blake, he was finishing tying the hoodie back around his waist. He caught me looking and grinned. I shook my head and he bit his lip, winking at me. It would be a long walk back to the room. It would be worth it.