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Friday, August 25, 2017

a fire fuled battle


Both of their farts erupted at the same time which resulted in a massive amount of energy being erupted outwards. Severa’s fart was much more bubbly than Cordelia and that would soon favor her. Cordelia’s was a bit bubbly as well but more groany and wet than bubbly. Before a second has even passed, the ground beneath them was completely vaporized by the energy explosion those two have created. Before the explosion itself wreaked havoc on people, there was of course, the deadly vibrations and the sound that everyone in the entire city could hear and even beyond that! The sound was so powerful, you could actually see a wave of it quickly travel amongst the city. The remaining buildings that were still completely intact weren’t anymore. Each window they possessed was instantly shattered into tiny pieces, everyone that heard the booming roar like sound were forced to cover their ears for they couldn’t handle it without some sort of protection. Not only building windows but any sort of window in the city wasn’t safe.

Some people that were still in their cars were deeply cut from all of their windows suddenly breaking and flying into them. It was different for everyone but some weren’t as lucky and got glass shards all over their face and eyes. For those ones, the ones that were driving while this was going on, the pain for glass shards in their eyes was too much for them. They each couldn’t help but swerve out of the way, crashing into another car or something else that only created more chaos and deaths in the city. There wasn’t a single place there where it was quiet or even destroyed in some way, no where was safe. For the buildings that had people underground, the earthquakes Severa and Cordelia’s fart created would easily finish them off. The earthquakes were simply too powerful, the earth below them created fissures that went in all directions going at incredible speeds.

Anyone or thing that was unfortunate enough to be in their path would either split in half or fall  into it’s endless depths. There was no nice way of saying it but the city is doomed, multiple things are happening with this fart. The worse hasn’t even happened to the rest of the city yet but close to them, it has and that’s the energy explosion. There was a some other factors as well such as the rotten smell and the intense heat carried by the wind but most of the population will either die from the earthquake like vibrations or the head exploding sound. With Severa and Cordelia though, a protective force engulfed those two from the negatives their combined farts had. Both of them were completely protected from the sound, smell, and fierce winds, at least at the moment. Since they were suspended in the air, they were completely unharmed by the earthquake.

Speaking of smell, for those that were still around after the thunderous sound, ultra earthquakes, and the slowly expanding energy explosion. The smell would most likely be their undoing. A whiff of that power is like sticking your nose in some sort of crusher. You’d scream getting that funk in your nose, your nose would burn hotter than the deepest pits of hell! Your eyes would also burn for the smell would drift there. Hell, the gas itself is extremely warm, just being in it’s presence without smelling it would cause anyone to sweat. Being in there long enough will cause people’s skin to burn, it’ll be worse if someone were closer to the source. Everything mentioned above would increase, the people in the city wouldn’t survive the gas from anywhere but this close is a quick and painful death.

Severa’s expression, as her fart continued to bellow out of her rear, wore a very compressed and strained look. She was already sweating before but it was pouring from her face at this point. Her hair rippled back rapidly in the wind but held fast on her scalp. Parts of her clothes couldn’t handle the energy and the first to go was the fabric around her rear. As each millisecond passed, her pants and underwear were being blasted into oblivion. She gritted her teeth with a great strain that nearly cracked them on the spot. Her entire body trembled under their combined power but regardless of all those things working against her, she had a mighty fighting spirit that would never give up. Her ass was getting it’s ass kicked with Cordelia’s gargantuan bubbles bombarding it without mercy. Still, she had her own steamy bubbles to smite her with. In a way, this fight so far has been an equal blow for blow stand off, deep in her thoughts, she knew she needed to amp it up even more. She needed to force out an extra two bubbles for every one Cordelia fired out. It hasn’t even been a second yet but she can still feel plenty of energy in her body. Could this be the fart that decides the challenge?

As for Cordelia, she was handling this quite well. Really well to be exact, she’s using a lot of her energy to match Severa’s but she’s still not using her full strength. That same thought in her head continued to haunt her, “is she using her full strength?” If not then she’ll be in trouble. She wasn’t using hers but her asshole can only take so much punishment per fart. With this one in particular, each fart that flew outta her ass, smacked against Severa’s but since their butts were roughly smashed into each others, she can feel the pops splash back at her. Still, she had confidence for Severa most certainly had to have the same problem. She knew if they both used their full strength and was equal, it would be an endurance battle, whoever would lessen their farting powers by even a fraction, the other would over power the lesser power quickly!

One thing that was on both of their minds was if one of them were to lose this fight. Would that be the end of them? It’s really difficult to say now but that was something they wouldn’t wanna find out themselves. They both put themselves into this situation so now they had to see it through the end!

Once the fart got to the 5 second mark, things were starting to really hurt now. The roaring bubbling power of their fart has travelled many miles and every direction, other cities in different regions were able to hear it, feel, and smell everything that came from the girls. As for the city they were in? The entire city was completely destroyed from the soundwaves and the earthquakes. The actual explosion was the many layers of icing on top of a cake already drowning in icing. This meant that the soundwaves was more than enough to destroy the city. The earthquake, at this point, was just beating the dead horse, all life in the city couldn’t survive this. Helicopters, airplanes, and blimps were shot down from the viscous soundwaves that deafened the pilots to the point of ending their own lives. The earthquake made sure to topple all the buildings and subway systems and anyone in it was as good as crushed.

People these days have some pretty bizarre ways of surviving so with that being said, IF they somehow survived that and the smell then the explosion would finish them guaranteed. Though slow, there was certainly no way of stopping it, it’s already reached really deep directly beneath them, anything that it touched was completely vaporized into nothing. The scary part was that it also covered a lot of ground, from where they are currently, multiple ruined buildings were completely swallowed whole. The two were too focused on their battle to notice anything in their surroundings, both of them had their eyes closed for simply looking around would break their concentration. It was hard enough feeling their ass holes nearly explode with each massive bubble coming out not to mention bombarded as well thanks to the other.

“GRRRR!!! I’LL BEAT YOUR ASS!!!” Severa said fueling her burning ambition to defeat her mom here and now. Severa made sure to yell as loud as she could so she could be heard through their monster farts. However she heard it clearly and even opened her eyes slightly, bad move on her part. Her eyes were instantly assaulted with the superheated heat that made them burn like hell. She quickly shut her eyes trying her best to soothe them with her tears.

“IT’LL TAKE MORE THAN THIS TO BEST ME!” As she opened her eyes slightly as well, similar to Severa, her eyes burned as if she was in the hottest pits of hell; she shut her eyes as fast as she could with tears doing their best to cool them off. She couldn’t ignore her body forever, her body was feeling a great strain and it just wasn’t from her butt hole anymore. The strain was like holding a great weight on her shoulders. Her butt was getting really hot and more sweat was pouring from her body. Most of that sweat was soaked into her clothes but some dripped down into her butt crack to amplify her fart a bit. Amplified it in terms of stink so it served no purpose yet.

As both of their farts moved onto the 15 second mark, each of their farts continued to roar like the fiercest monsters unknown to humankind.



Cordelia’s fart was getting really airy really fast. It wouldn’t be a problem if she didn’t have to push this out even harder against Severa’s bubbly barrage. Speaking of her, she’s been groaning pretty loudly this whole time, minus the parts when she decided to yell at her mother. She couldn’t ignore the fierce thrashing her ass felt. Tears were streaming down her face for all the pain she felt there invoked it, she needed some sort of confidence boost. With this in mind, Severa turned her head towards her mother and shouted,

“I BET YOU’RE RUNNING OUTTA STEAM. I’VE STILL GOT MORE FIGHT IN me.” She said that last word with less athenaeum. This scared her and ruined her flow of confidence. This in turn boosted Cordelia’s, she knew she’s running out of fighting spirit and she didn’t know Cordelia was also. Still, the main problem was she had to exert more energy and fast other wise she’d quickly lose this battle. As it continued to rupture, the surrounding cities got a full taste of the rotten smell both these girls were able to push out at their supposed full strength. The crowd was filled with terror already from the monstrous roars that plagued their city but with a wave a stink added to the mix made their life a lot less desirable to carry on. Some people stopped in their tracks to complain how bad the overbearingly eggy and putrid like stink cursed their senses. From whiffing it the first time brought everyone to tears, some other people fell onto the pavement hurting themselves immensely! People in vehicles weren’t safe either, the moment their noses caught a whiff, they swerved into more danger which was either a croud of people or more traffic.

Planes were safe but the loud gurgling and sputtering sound couldn’t be ignored. Even the roar of a airplane engine wasn’t enough to completely nullify this beast, everyone on the plane grew into a panic. The Pilots with their headsets were blasted with very loud sounds that deafened them. Each of them panicked in their own way but all of them began to descend to their deaths. Speaking of deaths, the city the girls were in was completely in ruins at this point. Soon, those ruins would be vaporized into nothing by the stinky energy explosion those two have created. That said explosion has already taken out a quarter of the city and wasn’t showing any signs of stopping. The same could be said about the girls farting asses, Severa’s sputtered endlessly while Cordeila’s continued to spit out whatever it could to at least match Severa’s bubbles. Both of their butts were throbbing of pain, it felt as though it was a really bad cramp and the only way to stop it was by stopping what they were doing. However, like a defiant child, they ignored their bodies needs and pushed on anyway.



Both of their farts were running out of flare. Their tooting tantrums finally ended after 41 whole seconds of pure butt hell! Gritting their teeth for so long was really hurting and their entire bodies were getting too hot. Sweat continued to pour from their bodies already soaking their attire as if they jumped into a pool with them on. Both had to take sharp gasps of air to avoid passing out from a lack of oxygen, that alone was really uncomfortable but something had to be done in order to survive. They still remained suspended in the air and now, the energy explosion has covered the entire city leaving nothing in it’s wake. The explosion also dug itself deep into the ground, above them, striking lava. Their ears have long been ringing from the constant blaring note that gave them headaches. One thing different about each other was that for the first time in this part of the battle, Severa had the upper hand. While Cordelia’s fart was fully silent, Severa was still pumping out rock hard bubbly bubbles that continued to bombard that butt of hers without mercy. Cordelia’s butt cheeks were still roughly squished against Severa and both of their butts were on fire from the fire like heat that poured out their asses. Most of their clothes couldn’t handle the intense heat for that long and a great deal was burnt to a cinder.

As more time passed turning the last parts of their fart, Severa’s toot went into airy mode and she immediately lost her advantage. She knew she was forced to push out even harder to at least equal Cordelia and that opened up another painful butt cramp for her to suffer with. She just bit the bullet and balled up her fists trying to continue onward. Cordelia balled up her fists as well trying her absolute best not to fail. She couldn’t see for her eyes were closed or hear for the sound deafened her so her hopes were with a victory. As their farts neared their ends, they both became much much weaker at the same time. This made the pressure their butts felt a lot less tense but that was it. All the other factors still applied and most continued to stack. With one final grunt, both pushed out whatever they could and ended with a weak gust of wind before the whole thing just ended. With that battle over, they both instantly detached from each other and began to fall towards the lava below. However, like a loyal solider in battle, their rotten wind came back after bouncing off other neighboring cities and blew them fall away from the completely ruined and smelly city they destroyed. Severa opened her eyes to feel her butt wasn’t as tense as before and could see that both flew in the same direction towards Lord knows where.

She smiled with relief letting out the quietest sigh she could before closing her eyes again. She felt as though she accomplished the greatest victory she ever could and that was beating her mom. She wasn’t certain of that but she’s glad that painful fart was over. Cordelia opened her eyes shortly after Severa closed hers, she looked around to see that they were flying towards the unknown. She looked at Severa proud of how strong she’s became. She couldn’t hear anything but she noticed her butt was a lot more cool than before. She figured her clothes couldn’t handle their powers anymore but that mattered little to her. She was glad that the fart was over and just shut her eyes in pride.


After about a half an hour of flying in one direction, they came across a deserted city. Both were asleep at the time but when they entered, they crashed through several buildings, knocking them over and shattering the glass, and then bouncing off a building landing on the ground creating a small crater in their impact. They landed a few yards from each other and the entire city was already filled with their deadly stink. It wasn’t as bad as when it first arrived but still so bad that no one could survive it except those two. It was hard to say how much ground that stink had covered; one thing is certain, people are gonna need a radioactive suit to avoid fainting from the terrible smell. It had the makings of a regular fart smell but leagues stronger. You could tell that it was a fart, the part is instantly known but the average nose can’t handle it.

In just a short amount of time, Cordelia was the first to awaken and then Severa shortly afterwards. Both of them could feel their butts exposed to the wind and blushed in embarrassment. Both of their butts ached in pain but it wasn’t as bad as when it first happened; their sleep was more than enough time to recover enough to move around without too much difficulty. However they looked around to see no one else around except those two, Severa stood on her two feet saying,

“This battle is getting really interesting. I told you I’m strong and won’t give up without a fight!!” Severa said clenching her fist and full of spirit. She grunted in pain afterwards holding her butt, she was also breathing pretty heavy as well, she was tried and there was no way she could hide that. She noticed that Cordelia looked like a hot mess; her lower wardrobe was in pieces and her butt was completely exposed and red. Her entire wardrobe had at least at least some sort of burn damage that made it look like she went through a burning house. Her hair wasn’t looking too hot either, well, it actually was. She had a bunch of dust and garbage in her hair, not to mention the bottom part of it was badly burned. So her beautiful long light red hair looks a lot more disgusting and nasty. Kind of like she hasn’t washed her hair in a month.

“Yes, I’m very impressed however I can see that this is your last straw, I’ll claim victory before you know it.” Cordelia said calmly. She was doing a very nice job of hiding the fact that she was exhausted too; one thing she couldn’t hide was her trembling legs, it wasn’t out of fear but from using a lot of energy. She looked over at Severa to see that she was in pretty bad shape as well. Her hair ruined being all messy and dirty, her outfit having plenty of burn marks and holes. Her pants was nearly completely blown off leaving a bit of it in the front. Her butt looked completely red and swollen, if one were to look at it up close, they could see that it was pulsating in pain. The bit of armor she had covering her shins were completely gone leaving them exposed; her hair was also burnt and her upper attire looked ruined. All in all, these girls have been through a lot but it’s about to be even more!

Severa could see that and smiled, she could win this! She looked around to see a car with broken windows in the distance, she quickly ran over there, and placed her bare but red swollen booty on the truck of the car. She made sure her butt was facing Cordelia, she then quickly grunted pushing out a forceful and sharp sounding fart.


The fart didn’t last that long but what it lacked in length doubled over in power. The car didn’t stand a chance and rocketed outward, towards Cordelia. With her instincts kicking in, she turned her rear to another direction and pooted a quick but also powerful fart.


The sound of a loud popping balloon could be heard from the two as it propelled her out the way. The car crashed into a nearby building going right through it and exploding on impact with the next. The building took catastrophic damage as pieces of it’s foundation crumbled to the ground. Severa wasn’t done yet though, she sat down on the ground making sure her back was facing Cordelia ripping forth a mighty bubbly and loud fart.


Severa did her best to ignore the pain as this fart ruptured outta her ass; she felt it cramp in pain but she pushed through it and continued onward. This fart was so powerful that it cracked the ground so quickly that those said cracks were already underneath Cordelia who gasped in response. The ground started to shake and both their ears were assaulted by a very sloppy and wet fart bubbled against the hard ground. A mighty warm wind blew from her ass and Cordelia was caught in the middle of it. Not being fast enough to dodge it, she quickly flew back crashing into a building already knocking it down by the car Severa launched earlier. However her fart continued to rupture the ground before them, it became more and more unstable as time went on and the constant strong winds blew her further into the building. At that point, Cordelia was stuck in the brick building using her hands to block the debris that fell on her. She didn’t have a choice but to take the punishment, if she farted, she would only boost herself towards Severa, getting closer to the warmer and stinkier winds. She could only wait it out and see what else would happen. Speaking of stink, Cordelia’s nose was fit to a stench that made her eyes water and scrunch up her nose. Her head felt another spike of pain as her headache grew to even stronger levels.

She gagged heavily on it, it stunk a lot more since the last time she smelt her fart, she didn’t bother thinking about it for she needed to be on her A game in order to beat Severa. While still being blown against the building just like in the first city, she knew of an escape route that she’s sure to take this time. Her hair would of blown back if it wasn’t suck in the building with her, speaking of that, layers of the building’s foundations were crumbling to pieces. The building itself was a skyscraper so the base was pretty tough in durability but Severa was mowing through it as if she were a lawnmower mowing grass. Her fart lasted for only 6 seconds but that was enough for the skyscraper to collapse right on top of Cordelia. Severa let out her sigh of relief while trying to ignore the pain that followed suit. She got up on her feet and rushed over to the rubble she caused. She moved quickly with each step causing the whole area she damaged to shake. Seeing this, she leaped into the air heading right towards the fallen skyscraper and landing right where she saw her, she tried clearing the debris but was caught unexpectedly by a set of hands lunging at her and grabbing her by the head.

“HMM!” Severa gasped as her head was instantly brought down to what came up from the rubble and that was a bare ass chalked full of gas and rocks in between her crack. Cordelia pushed her head as deep as she could into her butt cheeks as she could and quickly fired out a low rumbly and a lot less powerful fart.


Her fart started off as a low rumbling and low power fart that still blew her hair back and the rocks away but not her body. Severa felt Cordelia’s sweat drenched butt drip on her face as she released this fart, that wasn’t the problem here, the problem was that she couldn't break free from her grip. She tried swatting her arms from her head but they held fast. She tried pushing against her butt but her grip still held strong. It bubbled and moaned weakly as it passed from her butt hole, between her cheeks, and onto Severa’s nose. She cried tears of disgust as she continued to fight back losing strength fast! Cordelia could only smile under the rubble as she passed this awful wind of hers. She couldn’t help but tingle a bit from feeling Severa’s nose against her cheeks, just mere inches from her butt hole. She could feel the warmth envelope her face as it continued to blast pasted it and flow through her hair. She was still in great pain but feeling Severa’s nose against her swollen butt was very worth it.

As time continued onward, Severa could smell more of it. Her fight grew as she tried pulling away, she tried stepping away but her feet couldn’t get a solid grip on the ruined ground. She was panicking at this point, she couldn’t reach for Cordelia’s head for she didn’t know where it was. She knew it was buried under the rubble ahead of her but good would that do? Her grip was simply too strong and she wasn’t thinking clearly. If she farted her way out of there, that would most certainly help but that wasn’t on her mind, she just wanted out! Her nose continued to burn just like her lungs; she let out screams that were ultimately muffled, Cordelia was too deep in blush too pay attention to her baffling. The only words that would tickle her fancy were words of surrender.

Once things got to the 3 second mark, she kicked it up a notch! Cordelia’s grip intensified as her fart progressively ripped forth, the force of her fart causing Severa to wave back and forth as if she were a flag on a windy day. Hey body and legs were suspended in the air and her arms were blown back as well. Her face fluttered in the wind as if she stuck her head out of a fast moving vehicle. Now she was completely defenseless, fear grew within her, she didn’t wanna lose. Her brain moved quickly trying to think of a way out of this or what she could do to prevent this from happening again. She hoped that this wouldn’t be the end but she couldn’t power through everything forever. Eventually, the fatigue would catch up to her, one thing that made her happy was that her mom was just as weak as her, if not more. One reason is that she’s strong enough to hold her and prevent her from flying away. She knew she was holding back and that angered her, why wasn’t she going all out? Her brain continued to circle that thought as Cordelia calmly claimed victory.

In her mind, she was the victor, all she would have to do now is sit on her face and unleash all she’s got and she would finish her. Unlike Severa, Cordelia has a plan on how she wants to execute things. She knew that going all out would tire her out and Severa might still be standing. Her only hope was that this fart stunk enough to sap all the remaining fight outta her. She hoped she wouldn’t find out her plan for that could ruin things for her. She continued to strain greatly to continue to duration as best as she could. The pain her butt hole felt with each passing bubble made it worse and worse. She couldn’t hold on anymore so the whole thing ended after 8 seconds. She let a desperate sigh of relief before letting Severa go, she remained face first into her ass motionless. Cordelia knew what she had to do and she might have to move as quick as she can!

With an overused ass hole stinging as if multiple bees and wasps stung it, she pushed off against the rubble finding a stable pile of rocks to push off of getting her entire body out of there. Severa’s face slide off of it landing face first into a pile of still smelly rocks. Speaking of which, now that Cordelia’s got her breath back, Severa’s previous outburst bursted into her nostrils. Her nostrils burned from it but she couldn’t stop from a little funk. She’s fully standing up looking back at Severa, she rolled her over to see her eyes were closed and she lay motionless. Cordelia was so tired she thought nothing of it as an opportunity to finish this battle. She stepped over the weakened Severa and once complete, said,

“This is… the end.” She said with confidence, she began her descent towards Severa. Cordelia looked ahead as her butt drew closer towards her daughter. Suddenly! Severa opened her eyes and saw a reddened butt hole over her face, using her reflexes, she brought her hands together and made a gun out of it, and roughly shoved her two fingers up her butt hole. Cordelia could only cry out in pain as she jumped out the way. She slipped on an unstable rock and fell onto her back could this be the end? Severa got up strugglingly and did her best not to faint from the smell that would be stuck to her face for too long. It truly was a challenge for her since she needed air in her system and all she smelled was Cordelia overly rotten and stinky farts. Whatever, she knew she had some time left before all her strength was gone and this was it, if she missed her chance here, she would lose this contest.

She carefully walked over to her mom who was massaging her ass, trying to rid herself of the many layers of pain she felt. Any sort of movement she tired to do generates a huge spike of pain in her anus. Severa finally got to the top of her head and proceeded to step over Cordelia. For once in a long time, she felt fear, she put in so much effort to beat her daughter and now she’s staring at her loss square in the face. She could see how red and a bunch of debris on her cheeks. That’s the sign of a very used ass, Severa didn’t waste much time afterwards, she brushed her cheeks of any rocks stuck there and just dropped down carelessly. She landed on Cordelia with a thud as her body bounced up in pain with other rocks sliding away. Cordelia could feel some more gas heading towards her anus but she couldn’t stop it for her ass hole was too weak, she only had one more trick up she sleeve before Severa could fire off her blast.

Speaking of Severa, she could feel her mom’s nose right where it needs to be, she thought nothing of it. Her head was pounding against her skull, she needed to act now and she certainly did. However Cordelia was just too persistent to back down without giving it her all! From then on, she’s going 100% serious mode. She used all her strength to quickly push her legs up and wrap them around Severa’s neck. She pulled her in as close as she could which brought her head down quite a bit but Cordelia’s face was still exposed to the impending doom that was her daughter's gas. However Severa was too, her nose loomed over her butt hole and neck over her warm sweaty crotch. Soon after, both girls unleashed everything they had and luckily, no one was in the city…



Both girl’s erupted at the sametime but before that even happened. Both saw each other’s ass holes pucker up before blowing them a rotten kiss of pure funk! Severa’s fart was so powerful that the rubble underneath Cordelia instantly scattered away, those directly under the blast were crushed into nothingness. Cordelia’s hair started to blow wildly as she felt as though her head was about to get blown off. Severa wasn’t in a great spot either, her hair and tears were getting blown back as she tried her best to power through it, either of their stink hadn’t had enough time to process itself in their nostrils yet but the unexpected happened. Both of them took flight in a cartoonish sort of way. Both of them were spinning as if they were helicopter blades, not only did they have to deal with tornado like winds but rapid spinning as well.

In just 2 seconds, each of their stinks stuck down on their senses and both of them cringed heavily. At this point of their flight, they held on to each other for dear life but that would soon prove more difficult than what it seemed. Tears dripped from both of their faces but were instantly blown away by their continues farting. Severa’s fart roared throughout the city with it being more bubbly and wet than Cordelia’s. She was forced to deal with each painful bombardment of hard and thick bubbles but Cordelia had something extremely powerful herself. Hers might not have been as bubbly but it still was a bit bubbly. However these bubbles travelled faster and were more abundant than Severa’s. Only problem was the size was super small but each impact hurt like hell. Both wouldn’t dare shout for any of that stuff in their mouth would certainly be the end for them early. They just had to take it, so much seemed like it was at stake with a fart this intense. In fact they both forgot the reason why they’re fighting so intensely for, all the matter was whoever defeated the other would be victorious.

Cordelia’s fart made a loud sputter and groaning noise that echoed throughout the entire city. Like helicopter blades, the winds they produced was started to rip away anything below starting with any sort of junk on the ground. Also since they were spinning so fast, their fart sounds were altered a bit to have a different frequency each rotation. That still didn’t make their combined sounds less noisy though, this city was certainly doomed weather people liked it or not. Severa was doing her best to hold on to her consciousness. Not much time has passed but this was, by far, the most difficult thing she’s had to do in terms of endurance. Her mind was racing trying to find whatever sort of confidence to boost her overall drive to win. Her lust for victory and the strength to survive this final trial was certainly tough but she’s gotten this far, there’s no way she’s backing down now! Cordelia’s heart was racing rapidly however she knew that this fear she felt was a good thing, it’ll let her think more clearly and focus on the trial in front of her. Each rotation made her brain hurt, her ass was really REALLY starting to hurt but she pressed on anyway. It’s like parents trying to tell their young children not to go into danger, she ignored all the cries her body threw at her. Everything in her body told her to go against it by retaliating with the worst pain she has ever felt in her life. Regardless of that, she still found some sort of fire in her spirit that would never burn out. She tapped into that presence and it burned bright as day!

5 seconds into this fart and things were starting to really get out of control. Both of their faces burned with the amount of putrid hot winds that blazing it but their helicopter blade bodies were spinning out of control! However they were moving so fast that it only took them half a second to travel across the entire city. Their bodies collided with many skyscrapers, apartments, restaurants, business, whatever that was standing in the city soon wouldn’t. They sliced right through them like a saw blade and the winds blew the remains of those buildings away to other parts of the world most likely! Even this didn’t harm their tough bodies all that much, just the dizziness factor was taking a huge toll in this fight. They spun around and around, faster and faster moving faster overall and destroying everything they touched. The city was getting coated in a thick fog of farts that would kill anyone that smelt it. Since they were going all out, someone would have to limit their time being in this fog even with a radioactive suit, it would deteriorate through time.

Both girls were still holding strong, a lot of grunts and groans were being exchanged but that was drowned out by their booming farts echoing throughout the land.Every neighboring city could hear this and if this fart of theirs were to keep up, they would smell it as well. The ground shook as whatever stood in that city was either crumbling to pieces or falling over if not cut in chunks by the girls. Occasionally, they would slam into the ground leaving a deep impact on it, it wasn’t a crater but more of a wound. Large nicks were in the ground wherever they landed making the city look like a very intense warzone. Both women were very sweaty but strained to push their gassy babies out. They couldn’t breathe for doing so would lessen the force their farts were at. They made sure nothing would distract them, in a way, it was another endurance battle. Both had a lot of dents, pot holes, and nicks in the path ahead of them. Those of course being the farts they unleashed, the spinning cyclone they put themselves in, and the parts of the city they smashed into.

11 seconds into their farting and it was still bubbling and sputtering out loudly and painfully.



They were still spinning out of control until suddenly! They landed straight into the ground with dead on precision. They landed at a 90 degree angle, like a drill, they went straight into the ground making dirt shoot sky high into the air. What they didn’t notice was that by drilling into the earth, their spinning was slowing down dramatically. The deeper they went into the ground, the harder it was to penetrate the earth. This meant it took a lot more effort to pierce the ground it; their bodies simply weren’t sharp enough to continue the penetration. The entire process ended after 3 short seconds of that before they stopped but was still in the same position as when they first started. Both of them were extremely dizzy from that and their stink that continued to bore through their nostrils. Still, this didn’t hinder their resolve of defeating one another. Their farting blew holes in the ground from where they were located, they stopped spinning for they were stuck in the ground. Both of them couldn’t tell but they were really deep underground, the temperature around them was well over 100 degrees fahrenheit. Severa kept moaning while Cordelia kept groaning, their headaches grew to head splitting levels and their noses felt as though an elephant with pins taped to it’s ass was sitting on them. Their entire bodies felt extremely weak, especially their butts but they continued farting!



22 seconds has passed and things were really starting to get painful now, like dying painful. If one were to look at their assholes now, they could see how red and burnt it looked. It looked as though they’re suffering from 3rd degree burns. Speaking of red, their noses were as well, their eyes looked as though they spent multiple nights binge watching a marathon, and their bodies were drenched in sweat. It looked as though they jumped into a pool with their clothes on after swimming for a while. Both continued to strain nearly breaking their teeth and their bodies cried out for oxygen. Their farts weren’t providing enough and was doing more harm than good. Severa was getting really exhausted, it was getting more and more difficult to continue on and a lot more easier to throw in the towel. She knew if she did that, Cordelia would claim victory. Like she said to herself before, she had to push herself over the limit to defeat her mom. She’ll prove once and for all that she’s not perfect in everything!

Cordelia was also getting very winded as well, she hated to admit it but everything in her body was really starting to hurt, not just her butt, nose, and head. She continued to shed tears of anguish as she held on as if her life had depended on it! She tried her best to reassure herself that she’s fine but nothing came to mind. Even if she did win this competition, she’s severely hurt. It wasn’t even worth winning this battle anymore but she’d regret it if she just surrendered here, she’s never surrendered in anything and she won’t to her own daughter. She has to fight for her own moral! The part that scared her most was that she couldn’t put forth any more effort to make her fart even stronger. She’s stuck in maximum overdrive and could only maintain it until her nose, head, and body couldn’t take it anymore. The surface area above was getting very unstable, their farting deep within has caused a lot of disturbances below affecting the magma. The entire city, at this point, was completely destroyed. The earthquake like tremors were more than enough to demolish them. The city looked as though it was a cesspool for zombies, a horrible fog cloaked the entire thing. If one were inside the fog, they wouldn’t be able to see very far ahead of them, only time could tell how long that would take to air out.

No one was stopping their fight, they simply had too much power for anyone to do anything about it. Nothing could withstand the putrid aroma they put in the city expect those two, at this point, a radioactive suit isn’t strong enough to survive it. Their gas was much more than stinky, it was incredibly hot, it’s like the whole city is within a greenhouse! Their gas didn’t stop at the city, the winds would eventually spread it throughout the entire world. No where was safe where the wind blew. This was the type of toxicity that would ruin anything and everything it touched, even the oceans were not safe. Natural sunlight would only make the smell factor worse. This was a doomsday fart and both these girls just did it without even trying to.



Unfortunately for the girls, their farts was interrupted by the rising magma they managed to dig with from their farting. The hole they dug went so deep that magma was filling it at an alarming rate, that wasn’t even the worst of their troubles though. With the combination of the large amounts of methane and sulfur in the air, it lit the entire hole into a blazing inferno. This didn’t stop them from farting at first but the wall of flames underneath them carried them from the hole into the surface once again only for the city to immediately explode in a loud and powerful fireball. Their continuous farting only conjured flames that were only burning their asses so they immediately cut it off. Luckily, they were both still in one piece but now, the contest was over. Both girls fell unconscious from the massive explosion that left a much deeper crater than the first city they destroyed. The hole there were once in was the deepest point of that crater and magma was all over that area erupting onto the surface.

The girls flew onto the outer reaches of the city landing on the hard and hot ground unconscious.


After about an 3 hours has passed, Severa was the first to awaken feeling and smelling just awful.

“Ugh… My head.. PHEW!!” She yelled trying to fan the fumes away from her nose but failing. “D...did I win?” She asked herself holding her head. She got on her feet and looked back at her mom who also awakened. She noticed that her clothing was so badly damaged, it looked as though she was wearing strings.

“Mmmm!” Cordelia moaned opening her eyes to check her surroundings. She immediately plugged her nose from the awful smell that lingered in the air but she soon realized it solved nothing.

“D..does this mean… I win?” Severa asked weakly. Cordelia looked at her and struggled to stand on her feet. She noticed her armor and clothes were nearly all burnt off as well. Most of their hair remained in tact, it was just badly burnt and black but still there… Somewhat

“I’d say… this was… a tie… I’m.. proud of you..” Cordelia could say before collapsing on the ground tired.

“Ye...yay..” Severa cheered before falling right on top of Cordelia again and then drifting to sleep. Cordelia looked to the city and saw that it looked as though a nuclear war happened.

“M….maybe we went a bit overboard…” And just like that, she fell on her back falling asleep as well.