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Friday, March 31, 2017

The Holiday Discovery bytach14©

It is the night before Christmas and Anna and her family are rushing around in a panic before the relatives arrive for the big day tomorrow. Anna just turned 18 a few months ago and is about ready for the holidays to be over with. She can soon relax, especially dealing with her parents, siblings and relatives. It will be stressful with so many people in a two story house, especially with only two bathrooms.
They just finished wrapping gifts and all the traditions like leaving cookies out for Santa and decorating the Christmas tree. Anna feeling stuffed after dinner goes back down in the basement to grab the last few presents to bring upstairs. Anna brushes her long brown hair over her shoulder and notices a rather large bag of what seems to be festive popcorn that should've been a present, but it was opened.

She takes the presents upstairs and returns to the basement. Her basement is half finished and rather large for a house this size. The previous owners had a large crafting table, and another bathroom stall made of wood in one corner. No one has really used it since they moved in. Anna glances for the popcorn bag again and finds it behind a box of crafts. Her mother must have bought it recently for someone, but didn't wrap it.

Anna opens up the bag, "whoa it smells so good! I can't believe mom didn't gift this to anyone. I bet they taste good!" She though grabbing handfuls.

She puts a few cornels in her mouth savoring the flavor. She sighs with pleasure, "oh they're so sweet and salty... it's the best thing I've tasted!" Anna thought shoving more in her mouth.

Anna continues eating more until she hears her mom calling for her to come up and help get her siblings ready for bed.

She helps her siblings and settles down feeling rather full from the popcorn. Anna gets ready for bed thinking, "I wonder if so much as popcorn could ever be bad for my stomach? Na I'm sure mother wouldn't have bought anything crazy. She's such a health nut anyways."

Anna is a bit on the petite size, although her well rounded bubble butt gives her some curves. Her stomach slightly rumbled as Anna drifts to sleep thinking of all the Christmas festivities that await in the morning.

Anna woke up to her siblings thundering down the stairs and parents slowly following. She immediately felt bloated. "Maybe all that popcorn wasn't too good before Christmas Day" she thought crawling out of bed. Being festive and all, Anna puts on a thick red sweater, and a pair of dark green leggings that ride up her butt slightly. She's wearing red and white striped panties to match.

Their family went forward with their presents and a small breakfast before the relatives arrived. Anna felt a slight urge to go to the bathroom, but pushes the thought aside as she hears the doorbell chime.

Her relatives all came in bearing gifts and food for everyone and the house got a little crowded. As everyone settles down and presents are opened, she feels her stomach rumble and her face blushes hoping no one heard. "I need to poop soon, but I'll have to at least wait till after we all eat lunch and settle down again! Uh then I'll have to wait for a bathroom to be free," Anna thought sweating a little. Her bowels shift again as she opens another gift.

Anna receives some nice gifts for the holidays. Mostly clothes, money, and other things she wanted. Now all Anna wants is to relieve herself.

It's finally lunchtime and everyone sits in the long dining room for all a big meal. Anna manages to make a sensible plate without having to stuff herself even more. She catches up with her relatives, while keeping the building pressure bearing down on her anus. Anna only has to stop and clench her ass a few times during lunch.

Now everyone is sitting in the family room talking and catching up. Anna really needs to poop. The pressure is beginning to become too much for her anus to handle as a large turd is trying to force it's way out. Anna accidentally lets out some farts, but no one notices. She is sweating now and is pretty desperate. She knows she will fill a toilet and take a really long time, so she doesn't want to use the two main toilets. "I can't hold it in for much longer. I have to go now! If I can just reach the basement toilet... I haven't used that one in years." Anna thought squeezing her ass cheeks together.

Anna waits another minute or so and stands up slowly. Her bowels cramp and a fart escapes. Her breath stutters as she calmly turns for the basement door. She makes it to the basement and shuts the door behind her. "Oh my I really need to know if that popcorn is the cause of this. I feel so full!" Anna whimpers to herself clutching her stomach. She takes reaches the bottom of the stairs shaking. Her anus is tiring and her full bowels are dying to be relieved.

Anna stumbles to the bag of festive popcorn flipping it around. She reads the label: Serving size exceeding 30-50 pieces may cause larger bowel movements.

Anna sighs, "Uh why would mom buy these?! She must have found them on clearance and didn't even read the bag." She shakes her head.

Anna turns to walk toward the basement stall, and feels another large cramp. Her anus can't hold back her load anymore. She gasps taking her hands to squeeze her ass together as a last effort. She doubles over desperately trying not to fill her striped panties and leggings. She hobbles a few steps closer. A thick large turd pokes out into her panties. Anna reaches the door and pushes it open. She freezes. Her eyes wide and mouth open. "Oh no I'm so close... I just... mmmmmph ooh mmmm n-no stop!" Anna whimpers fumbling into the bathroom.

Her muscles relax and a long turd pushes its way into her panties. Anna turns around to see her green leggings expanding. It's too late. "Oooh so much better. I was close. it's warm..." Anna ponders almost enjoying her accident. Her panties elastic is straining to keep her massive warm mess contained.

Anna slides off her leggings carefully, avoiding her full panties. She's a bit turned on, but there's no time. She cleans up her mess and delicately removes her panties. She flushes her load and just puts her panties back on. She felt a bit naughty. "Hm well I think this holiday won't be to terrible after all. I better change and get back the the family before anyone notices!" Anna thought heading back upstairs.