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Friday, January 23, 2015

The Book of Scat bySeuler©

In the land of Pantipupia there was a winding staircase made of stone that reached up into heaven. It was forbidden for men to ascend the stairway. Yet one day Pantsby Brown did just that. To his surprise he met no resistance from the guarding angels that according to legend patrolled the staircase, and continued above the clouds, at last coming onto a landing. Before him stretched a corridor with a high ceiling and high arched doors down either side. He went through the first door to his right.

"What are you doing in the House of the Gods?" boomed the voice of the giantess seated on a porcelain throne with her white panties round her ankles.

Pantsby Brown prostrated himself. "Forgive me, Divinity. But I come to implore the help of the gods."

There was a sound as of a mighty waterfall as the giantess began to pee. "What do you want?"

"Divinity, the women of our world are unclean, for they fill their panties with refuse. O that the gods would intervene and teach them to be clean!"

"What you say displeases me, that the women are unclean. Therefore I will grant your request. I will teach them to be clean."

"Thank you, Divinity. May I ask your name?"

"I am Scat." She wiped her vagina dry with paper she had pulled from a roll mounted on the wall. "We must go at once. But alas! How am I to take you with me? I have no pockets in which to put you; nor can I carry you in my hand, for I am afraid I might crush you or drop you."

"Divinity, might I suggest that I ride in your panties? For there I might safely nestle in the cleft of your pudendum."

"What you say pleases me. But tell me first — what is your name?"

"I am Pantsby Brown."

"Pantsby Brown, I declare you my prophet. Climb into my panties and we shall go at once to Pantipupia."

The prophet of Scat ran across the tiled floor and flung himself face down in the gusset of her panties. He held on tightly as she pulled them up, only letting go once he was safely between her labia. She turned and suddenly he heard the sound of crashing waters. He did not comprehend that this was merely the flushing of the toilet, for in those days there were no toilets in Pantipupia. And while the crashing waters drowned out all other sounds, Scat passed flatus. Overcome by the stench, the prophet lost consciousness.

As Scat descended the staircase, men began to gather at its base, looking up into heaven and asking one another, "What does this mean? Who is this person? Until now no one has ever gone up or come down this staircase."

Finally she reached the bottom. "I am the great goddess Scat."

And men looked up her miniskirt and marvelled at her clean panties.

"I have come to teach your women to be clean." She dropped her panties. Pantsby Brown, having regained consciousness, stepped out of her panties. "Behold my prophet!" She pulled her panties back up. "He speaks for me. Everything he tells you to do, do. Someone give him a laptop that he may record my words."

A man in the crowd willingly gave up his laptop, and the prophet began typing.

"Hear me, men of Pantipupia! At the moment of creation, we gods built this staircase that we might come down and commune with men. But before long there arose a stench among you that hindered us from coming down. Not knowing what caused it and not wanting the stench to infect heaven, we posted angels to guard the staircase; but the stench soon drove them to retreat into heaven also. But now news has reached heaven that this stench is caused by the uncleanness of your women. For they foul their panties and walk around in their filth; and men, being base, have relations with them in their uncleanness. Listen to me, and I will teach you what is right." And thus she preached throughout the day and throughout that night also.

Shortly after sunrise she ceased talking and let out a long rumbling fart, and the earth shook violently. "Behold, it is time! Watch me, Pantipupians, and learn what you must do."

She dug a hole with her hands, uprooting trees and boulders. Sliding her panties down, she squatted over the hole. A mighty golden torrent issued from her vagina, and a lake began to form in the bottom of the hole. Again the earth shook from an explosive fart, and a perfectly-formed stool slid from her anus, splashing into the lake of pee. And the men of Pantipupia gasped in awe.

"Holy shit!" said the prophet.

"Alas!" cried Scat. "I have nothing with which to wipe my orifices clean!" Standing, she pulled up her panties. "But when you Pantipupians do this, you shall wipe yourselves clean with paper or rags before pulling up your underwear." She filled in the hole. "Behold, I have shown you what you should do. If any woman refuse to do likewise, her husband or boyfriend shall spank her.

"Yet it is not fitting that I should always defecate like this when I visit Pantipupia." She turned to her prophet. "You shall build me a throne like my throne in heaven, which your own eyes have beheld. I shall reveal to you its dimensions and the secrets of its plumbing and give you wisdom in engineering. And the men of Pantipupia shall help you. But come now, let us return to heaven; for I will not make such revelations in front of ordinary men."

She lowered her panties. Because she had not wiped, there was now a skid mark and a wet spot in the gusset. The prophet climbed in, and she took him up into heaven.

Her brother Sado met her at the top of the stairs. "Our father has called a council of the gods. Your presence is required."

And at the council her father, King of the Gods, asked her, "Daughter, where have you been?"

"I have been down in Pantipupia, teaching them to be clean; for I have found out the cause of their uncleanness."

"Is that so?" said the king. "Ever since man was created, no one has been able to find out the cause of his stench. But if what you say is true and you succeed in making them clean and removing their stench, then I will surely give you my crown. For I am old, and I do not have many years left."

"But Father!" said Sado. "I am your eldest. Your crown belongs to me!"

"My crown is mine to give. If Scat can do what no other god has ever done before, then she will have earned the right to wear my crown after me."

The king's words greatly angered Sado, yet he kept his silence. But from that moment he began scheming in his heart to undermine his sister's work in Pantipupia.

And the council went on for what mortals would count as many days; and the prophet grew restive, saying to himself, "Surely she has forgotten all about me! I shall perish down here!" And he stroked her labia that he might gain her attention. But she soon became wet, and then the prophet said, "Alas! Now I shall drown in her juices!" And he wriggled up between her labia till he came to her clitoris; and wrapping his arms round it, he pulled down with all his might.

The goddess groaned and pressed her thighs together, almost crushing him; and he squeezed her clitoris harder, thrashing franticly between her labia. She put a hand up her skirt and with a finger gently nudged him through her panties as a sign that she had remembered him. But the prophet misunderstood and thought that she was displeased with him and meant to crush him like an insect, and so he struggled more vigorously. Then she slid her finger under the elastic of the gusset and tried to dislodge him from her clitoris, yet she could not prevail against the prophet. And it came to pass that she climaxed, and a great moan arose from her lips, and all turned to look at her.

And when her father saw her with her hand up her skirt, he said, "Daughter, what have you done? This is not fitting conduct for one who might become Queen of the Gods."

"Excuse me, Father, for I have something urgent I must attend to." And she went to her private chambers, where she let the prophet out of her panties and chided him saying, "From now on you shall no longer ride in the cleft of my pudendum but in the cleft of my buttocks lest you do this to me again and disgrace me in front of my father and in front of the gods."

And the prophet stayed with Scat, and she demonstrated to him the use of her porcelain throne and showed him the secrets of its inner workings. And by the time they returned to Pantipupia, ten days had passed. And Scat said to those gathered at the foot of the staircase, "I see that you have put into practice all that I have shown you, for your stench is gone. Now you must help my prophet, whom I am leaving here with you, to build me a throne." And with that she returned to heaven.

Work began on the throne immediately. Word spread throughout Pantipupia, and men came from afar to assist in the undertaking. Soon a city sprang up at the foot of the staircase, and men named the city Scatia. The throne they built on a hill overlooking the city; and when all the work was done, the prophet ascended the staircase and told Scat.

They returned the following morning; and Scat consecrated her throne, pulling down her panties and sitting on it. She peed and, after farting many times, pooped. On top of the cistern sat a roll from which she tore several sheets of paper with which she wiped herself clean. Finally she got up and flushed, and all those gathered at the foot of the hill cheered.

"I am well pleased with your work," said Scat. "But your work must continue. My prophet shall appoint three orders of priesthood from among you to maintain my throne. There shall be one order of priests who shall ensure that there is always a fresh toilet roll on the cistern, another who shall ensure that my throne is always brushed clean and disinfected after I use it, and yet another who shall ensure that its plumbing never fails.

"And you shall build smaller thrones for yourselves. Every house shall have at least one throne like mine; and every business shall have at least two: one for women and one for men. And there shall be a sewage system which will carry away all your refuse out to sea." And again she returned to heaven, leaving her prophet behind.

The prophet wasted no time in appointing priests; and he appointed a woman to be High Priestess and said to her, "If anything should happen to me, you shall become Scat's prophet in my stead. For I have had a vision; and behold, dark times are coming to Pantipupia."

Around that time a woman named Panny Soila, her heart filled with wickedness, presumed to ascend the staircase; and the first god she encountered in heaven was Sado. She told him all that his sister had done in Pantipupia. "But many of us," she told him, "are unhappy with the new way of things. For we have always pooped in our panties, and before your sister came we felt no shame in doing so. O that you would intervene and deliver us from her tyranny!"

"Alas! I cannot intervene directly, but I shall bestow upon you the power to perform miraculous signs that men may know you have been sent by the gods. And you yourself shall speak on behalf of the gods, for you are a prophetess. Whatever is in your heart you shall tell the people of Pantipupia, and you shall make them obey you. And if you succeed in restoring Pantipupia to its former state, I shall make you a god like me. All that I ask is that you keep me informed of your progress and of my sister's doings in Pantipupia."

"So be it," she said, and descended the staircase. When she reached the bottom, she farted; and the sound was like a trumpet blast — for this was one of the powers that Sado had bestowed upon her. Hearing the sound, the men of Scatia came out to investigate; and they found Panny Soila at the foot of the staircase.

"Hear me, men of Scatia!" she said. "I have been appointed a prophetess to speak for the gods, for they have heard about the work of Scat and her prophet and are greatly displeased."

"What sign will you show us?" asked the men of Scatia. "Lest you deceive us with your words. For any man may say that he is a prophet."

"Behold!" said the prophetess, hiking up her skirt and bending over. A bulge began to form in the seat of her pale blue cotton panties.

"Sinner!" cried the men of Scatia. "See! She is defying the decrees of Scat. Let us spank her, as Scat commanded." And they took up the cry, "Spank her! Spank her!"

But the bulge soon grew so large that the men of Scatia became silent, watching in awe; and still it continued to grow. And the panties miraculously expanded to accommodate the extraordinarily large stool. And it came to pass that the gusset of her panties reached the ground between her feet and all the space between her legs was occupied with her poop-laden panties. Looking back over her shoulder, she said to the men of Scatia, "Don't just stand there! Come forward and see for yourselves that what I have done is no trick."

And they came forward and sniffed her panties. Some poked the bulge with their fingers and a few even peeled back the gusset or the waistband to look inside. "Now we know," said the men of Scatia, "that the gods have sent you. For no one could perform a sign like this unless the gods had blessed him. Tell us — what message do you have for us?"

Turning to face the crowd but still holding her skirt up, she said, "Thus say the gods: 'We are displeased that you follow the heretical teachings of the apostate Scat and her prophet, whom we did not appoint. For she needlessly lays on you a burden that you need not bear. Your women ought not to be ashamed to do what comes naturally, for thus the gods created them. From now on you shall heed neither Scat nor her prophet but rather heed our prophetess, for she will lift your burden from your backs.'"

"Tell us what to do, and we will do it!" shouted the crowd.

"Scat has told you that whatever woman does not defecate into a hole and then cover it up shall be spanked. Yet I give you a new command: whatever woman defecates into a hole shall be scourged with whips on her first offence, and on her second offence she shall surely be put to death. And when she dies her soul shall go to the dungeon of Sado, where her soul shall be bound in chains and scourged day and night for ever and ever.

"When a woman needs to defecate, wherever she is, whatever she is doing, she shall defecate in her clothes, as is natural. And men need not fear having relations with women in this state. Look at me now! My panties are filled with poop. Am I not beautiful? Does no man among you want me?"

The Mayor of Scatia stepped forward. Unbuckling his belt, he dropped his trousers and boxer shorts and began rubbing his erect penis against the bulge in her panties. And after he came, he got on his knees and crawled round to her front and administered cunnilingus through her panties. Thus was the Mayor of Scatia turned aside after the prophetess to do her bidding.

And the prophetess continued: "You shall cease working on the thrones that Scat has asked you to build in your houses and in your workplaces and on the sewage system that will carry your refuse out to sea. Moreover we shall tear down Scat's throne.

"Men of Scatia! You asked of me a sign that you might know that I was sent by the gods. Even so I now ask each of you to bear a sign of your devotion to me that all may know that you are my followers. Each of you shall come forward and grab a handful of holy shit from my panties and smear it on himself."

And many men from the crowd came forward and made themselves unclean, but a few fled and told the prophet of Scat what was happening. The prophet in turn told the High Priestess and sent her into hiding. Then he ascended the staircase to tell Scat.

Meanwhile the prophetess led her followers into the city. And although each of her followers had taken a handful of poop from her panties, yet the gusset of her panties still came down to her knees; and the load swung from side to side as she waddled at the head of her followers. Every now and again she stopped, lifted a leg and farted, heralding her passage through the city; and as people came out to see what all the commotion was about, the number of her followers increased.

The sun was setting when they came out on the other side of the city, and they ascended the hill on which Scat's throne was built. There they found the priests of Scat attending her throne; and the crowd rushed forward and laid hands on the priests, bringing them before the prophetess.

"What shall we do with these?" they asked her.

"Slay them!" she said. And so the priests of Scat were slaughtered in front of the prophetess.

Then men brought out ladders and cherry pickers and scaled the sides of Scat's throne; and armed with sledgehammers and picks, they chipped away at it. But soon cranes were brought up from the city, and wrecking balls completed the demolition.

Standing on the ruins of Scat's throne, the prophetess called out, "If there is any woman among you who needs to poop, let her come forward and stand before me." A group of about forty women came forward. "Squat where you are and relieve yourselves in your panties." And once they had done so, she said, "Now peel off your panties and throw them into the ruins of Scat's throne." And they did so. Thus was the site of Scat's throne desecrated. And the prophetess taught them many other perversions besides which are not recorded in this book. Emptying the contents of her own panties onto the ruins, the prophetess then sent the crowd away and ascended the staircase to tell Sado all that she had accomplished.

Meanwhile Scat's heart was filled with rage, and she longed to intervene immediately in the events that were taking place in Pantipupia. "But," she said to her prophet, "we shall go down in the morning; for I need time to consider what I must do, lest in anger I should do something which I later regret." Yet at this time she did not know how quickly the prophetess had acted and that already her throne had been destroyed.

That night Sado sent for his sister, and she visited him in his private chambers with her prophet hiding in her panties.

"Sister," he said, "welcome. I would like to congratulate you on your work in Pantipupia. For you have achieved what no other god ever has. Sit with me and have a glass of wine. And let us seek from now on to be friends."

At this time Scat did not know that her brother was behind all that the prophetess had done. Therefore she accepted his offer, unwittingly taking from him a glass of red wine laced with a potent laxative — for he had already heard of the destruction of her throne in Pantipupia.

When morning came, Scat made her way down the staircase with the prophet nestled in the cleft of her buttocks. As she descended, however, her bowels became increasingly unsettled. "Alas!" she said. "My sphincter weakens, and I am unsure whether I will make it to my throne."

Hearing this, the prophet lent his strength to the goddess, holding her sphincter shut with his own hands. "Do not be anxious, Divinity! For I would die rather than see you disgrace yourself in front of mortals!"

Scat hiked up her miniskirt, revealing white, strawberry-print panties, and began to run down the stairs. Now the men of Scatia had come out into the streets of the city to watch the goddess make her descent; and they said to one another, "Alas! The goddess has heard of our rebellion, and now she rushes down from heaven bringing judgement!"

But when she reached Pantipupia, she ran along the range of hills to the east of the city till she came to the place where her throne had been. And when she saw the pile of ruins, the forty pairs of soiled panties, the massive turd left by the prophetess, and the bodies of her priests, her fatigued anal sphincter finally succumbed to the pressure in her bowels; and the prophet, the strength in his arms having failed, became immersed in her excrement.

And seeing the crotch of her panties sag and turn brown, the inhabitants of the city erupted in raucous laughter, saying, "Look! She is no different from one of our women! What a hypocrite! She told our women not to poop their panties, yet she herself does the same!"
bySeuler© 3 comments/ 61124 views/ 6 favorites
Hearing the laughter, Scat stamped her foot angrily. Turning, she waved her hand over the city; and at that moment every woman in Pantipupia pooped her panties.

Still asleep after the events of the previous night, the prophetess was woken by the sudden bowel movement. "Oooh!" she said, and slid her hand down her panties to masturbate.

In the Brown Lands, a remote region far from view of the staircase, Scat's High Priestess had just begun to dig a hole for her morning dump when she suddenly filled her panties. "Scat forgive me!" she said. "What have I done?" And having no husband or boyfriend to spank her, she returned to her cabin and, taking up her flagellum, scourged herself till she could bear no more. Then she emptied the contents of her panties onto the floor. "Just as a dog returns to its own vomit," she said, "so have I returned to my former uncleanness." And she ate her own excrement off the floor. Moments later she vomited; therefore she got down on her knees ate her own excrement a second time.

And the laughter from the city suddenly stopped. Furthermore Scat cursed the women of Pantipupia, saying, "In every woman's life there shall be at least one occasion when she does not make it to her throne and suffers incontinence." And so it is to this day, that every woman at least once in her life will poop her panties.

And a stench arose from Pantipupia that reached even to heaven, for never before had all the women of the land pooped their panties simultaneously. And when the stench reached Sado's nostrils, he took up his whip and, dressed in leather from head to toe, descended the staircase.

Pulling her panties down to her knees, Scat raked her fingers through her own muck, looking for the prophet. And when she found him, she pulled him out and held him gently in her palm. But it was too late. The prophet had drowned. Scat screamed in frustration. With her free hand she tore off her panties and threw them at the city. And the panties covered a quarter of Scatia, and many Scatians were covered in shit and many buildings destroyed.

Digging a hole with her free hand, she laid her prophet to rest, burying him on the hill on which her throne had been built. "I'm so sorry, my faithful servant," she said. "It was an accident." And she wept over him.

But soon she was distracted by a murmur rising from the city. And she looked up and saw her brother coming down the staircase; and she panicked, for one of her hands was covered in shit and there was shit down the inside of her thighs. Moreover she stank. "I cannot let him see me like this," she said. Therefore she wiped her hand clean on the grass of the hill and tore strips from her t-shirt that she might wipe her legs and her privates. But before she could finish, her brother was upon her.

"Sister," he said, "what shameful act have you committed? For I see your ruined panties sprawled across the city, the soiled strips of your t-shirt discarded about your feet, and the brown smears on your thighs. There is no hiding what you have done. You have become a sinner like one of these Pantipupians."

"Brother, you are right," she said, lifting up her skirt and bending over, baring her shit-smeared buttocks. "Spank me as I deserve."

Uncoiling his whip, Sado scourged her; and the men of Scatia looked on, amazed. Meanwhile the prophetess had made her way to the hill where Scat's throne had been; and she tried to get Sado's attention, but he couldn't hear her. Therefore she lifted her leg and farted, and there was a sound as of thunder; for this was one of the gifts Sado had given her.

Staying his whip, Sado turned to the prophetess. "Woman, what do you want?"

"Have I not done well, Divinity?" she said. "For now this heretic is brought low, and Pantipupia has been restored to its former glory."

"Who are you? I don't know you! Go away!"

"I will not go away! I am Panny Soila, your prophetess. You promised to make me a goddess, and I have come now to claim my reward."

"I do not know you, I tell you! Go away and leave me alone!"

Looking between her legs, Scat asked the prophetess, "Was it Sado who sent you?"

"It was."

"Lies!" said Sado. "I do not know her!"

Standing straight and lowering her skirt, Scat asked the prophetess, "And how many other gods do you know?"

"None other, only Sado."

"Foolish woman!" Scat said. "My brother has deceived you. For it is not within his power to deify you. Nor do you speak on behalf of the gods. For Sado has rebelled against the King of the Gods and the Council of the Gods, which have decided that I shall be Queen if I can lift the stench from Pantipupia."

Hearing this, the prophetess fled down the hill towards the city.

"You have deceived me, too," Scat said. "I do not know how I could have been so blind." The goddess ran at her brother and, seizing him by the shoulders, thrust him to the ground. Lifting up her skirt, she sat on his face, smothering his mouth and nostrils. And feeling the urge to defecate again, she released a torrent of liquid stool onto her brother's face. Her brother struggled, yet he could not prevail against her. And so Sado choked to death on his sister's faeces, just as the prophet had.

And the people of Scatia realized the error of their ways. "Alas!" they said. "For we have rebelled against the gods. And we see now that it is indeed a shameful thing for a woman to soil herself, for we have seen how humiliated Scat was and how humiliated our women were when they all soiled themselves against their will just now. And behold, now Scat will destroy us!"

But when she got up, Scat merely said to the inhabitants of Scat, "Let your women go and empty their panties, burying their excrement. And let them wash their panties and wipe themselves clean. For I know now that you were deceived and are not guilty of rebellion."

At this a cheer went up from the city.

"And to show your renewed devotion to me, you shall rebuild my throne and continue to obey all of the instructions which I have already given you."

"This we will do!" shouted the men of the city.

With that the goddess left, going to the Brown Lands to seek out the High Priestess, of whom the prophet had told her before his decease. But when she found her, she said, "High Priestess, what are you doing with your panties over your head?"

The High Priestess prostrated herself. "Goddess, I am in penance. I wear my panties over my head to remind myself of my uncleanness. For this morning, I am ashamed to say, I soiled them. I am no longer worthy to bear the title of High Priestess. Please forgive me."

"You poor woman!" said the goddess. "For you are unaware of the events that have befallen me today. But if you are no longer worthy to be High Priestess, then I am no longer worthy to be a goddess." She turned round and lifted up her skirt, showing the High Priestess her poop-smeared buttocks and thighs.

The High Priestess gasped in horror.

"I forgive you, High Priestess," she said, lowering her skirt, "as I must forgive myself. But you are right. You can no longer be High Priestess. From now on you are my prophetess, for Pantsby Brown is dead. And you must go to Scatia and help rebuild my throne; and when it is completed, you shall ascend the staircase and let me know. You shall also reappoint a new priesthood." Opening the locket round her neck, Scat took out a laptop and handed it to the High Priestess. "This was the prophet's. It contains everything you need to know about how to rebuild my throne. It also contains the book which the prophet was writing. You shall continue it." And the goddess left the High Priestess to make her own way back to Scatia, while she herself returned to the House of the Gods.

Meanwhile there was a riot in Scatia, and the mayor was mauled to death by a mob; for it was he who had turned many Scatians aside after the prophetess and who had ordered cranes to be brought up from the city to hasten the destruction of Scat's throne. And a new mayor was appointed. Moreover a search party was mounted to find Panny Soila. She managed to elude it for a while, but eventually her thunderous farts betrayed her location; and she was cast into prison. And angels also came and bore away Sado's remains up to heaven.

When her throne was finally rebuilt, Scat came down from heaven for the consecration ceremony. She was pleased to see that a shrine had been built over the prophet's resting place and that her former priests had also been interred on the hillside, each grave marked with a headstone in the shape of her throne. "You have done well," she said to her prophetess, who was wearing nothing but a pair of white panties as a symbol of the clean panties that the goddess had brought to all of Pantipupia. "But one thing lacks. I require a human sacrifice to cleanse and purify this site, for it was desecrated."

"Bring out Panny Soila, that self-styled prophetess of the gods!" said Scat's prophetess. "For it was she who defiled this place." And men went to the prison to fetch her.

And when Panny Soila was brought before Scat, the goddess picked her up between her thumb and forefinger; and Panny Soila wet herself in fear. Dropping the woman into the toilet bowl, the goddess pulled down her panties and sat on her throne.

Surfacing, Panny Soila screamed, "Stop! Please do not do this!"

But Scat peed, and the water grew warm around Panny Soila. Scat farted; and the woman, knowing what was about to come, swam to the edge of the bowl, narrowly avoiding the large stool that plonked into the water. Scat wiped herself; and for a moment the woman was trapped under the discarded toilet paper, but eventually she managed to resurface. Standing, Scat pulled up her panties.

"This is not fair!" cried Panny Soila. "I was going to be a goddess!"

Scat flushed the toilet. And Panny Soila's screams were heard no more.

While the toilet was flushing, Scat's prophetess felt the need to expel gas; and since the roar of the flushing toilet drowned out all other sounds, the prophetess relaxed her anal sphincter. But to her horror it was not gas that was expelled from her anus but liquid faeces. She clapped a hand to her mouth. Now the prophetess was facing Scat's throne; therefore her back was to the crowd at the foot of the hill. And since she was clad only in white panties, all those behind her could see what had happened. And a gasp went up from the crowd.

"Prophetess," said Scat, "what is wrong?"

"I have filled my panties with refuse! I swear to you it was a mistake! I tried to fart but instead pooped myself. Please forgive me!"

"Sometimes I forget that you were not present on the day I filled my own panties. For I have not told you of the curse I called down on the women of Pantipupia, that at least once in her life, every woman shall accidentally soil herself. I cursed the women in anger, and — alas! — now I cannot undo it. For a god's curse can never be retracted. Therefore I forgive you. Now let us go up to heaven. And you shall ride in my panties, in the cleft of my pudendum, as did your predecessor."

She lowered her panties, letting her prophetess hop in. And when Scat pulled them up, the prophetess, overwhelmed with gratitude at the forgiveness the goddess had shown, began to lick the goddess' clitoris while massaging the goddess' labia with her hands. And halfway up the staircase, Scat stopped in the grip of a powerful orgasm. And the moan of her bliss was heard both on earth and in heaven. And when the orgasm had passed, Scat continued up the staircase on her way up to heaven to receive a crown from her father.
bySeuler© 3 comments/ 61124 views/ 6 favorites

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