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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Courtney (part 1)

This all started a while ago when I was 13. My best friend Jody who was also 13, came to stay at my house for a couple weeks when her parents were away. Jody was a cute, petite girl that was always really cheerful and had a bright smile. She had long brown hair that she usually experimented with, wearing it up and in different ways. She wore glasses, which seemed to add to her cute look and everybody at school liked her. Sometimes we were confused for sisters as we looked a little bit alike and were always together. Anyway, I recently noticed Jody had a little bit of a problem with her bathroom habits. She seemed to be shy around other people but I didn't think anything of it because it wasn't really unusual. Even I was a bit shy.

It was Friday, the last day of school before we had 2 weeks off. The plan was to pick Jody up later that night at her house after school, so we went on with our day counting the minutes down until we were free from school. Finally when school was over I walked out to see my mom waiting for me in the van. She told me that she had already picked up Jody's things that she had packed for the 2 week stay at my house so we would just pick her up right from school. A minute later I saw Jody walking out of the school and down the sidewalk toward her house. We were parked so that she would walk by us and soon we greeted her by the school. As my mom explained the situation to her Jody suddenly looked a bit nervous. She almost seemed like she was trying to brush us off and go home. Finally she said okay and climbed into the van. She continued acting a little strange and I thought maybe she wasn't really looking forward to staying at our house for that long. She seemed to cheer up as the day went on but was still acting strange. During the night she just seemed uncomfortable as we stayed in our basement and watched TV most of the night until going to sleep.

On Saturday morning she continued acting strangely. She just seemed withdrawn like she didn't want to talk with anyone, which was really unusual for her. After a while I just let it go and got ready to go to the mall. We were going to meet with our friends Chloe and Erin to look around for a while then go to the movies. Once again when it was time to leave Jody seemed reluctant to go but eventually gave in and got ready to go. On the way to the mall I thought she must be sick or something because she really didn't look comfortable and would occasionally hold her stomach. Finally I asked if she was alright. She suddenly perked up and said yes with a smile like she normally would. She seemed to feel a little better after that until we reached the mall and met with Chloe and Erin. We talked for a while, then began looking through the stores. In the second store we went into we started to look at clothes when Jody walked further to the back. I had an eye on her now as I noticed the clothes in that area were things she wouldn't wear and she wasn't even looking at them. She was standing between two clothing racks so I slowly made my way toward her while she was facing the other way just to figure out what exactly was going on with her. I looked into her isle to see her standing there with her legs crossed, looking around nervously and then it hit me. She had to go to the bathroom. She must've been afraid to use the bathrooms in public or even at my house. I started thinking back to how she was acting that morning, the night before, and even at school the day before. The way she was sitting uncomfortably and would sometimes stand there like she was frozen in her tracks made it pretty obvious now that I knew what her problem was. I realized she must've had to poop since she'd been holding it like that for quite a while now, but at the same time I couldn't remember her ever using the bathroom to pee since she got to my house. I slowly walked away so she wouldn't notice me and she could have some peace while she struggled to hold her poop. I was surprised how intrigued I was by the whole situation. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I constantly kept an eye on her in case anything happened. I had been getting a little worried about her for while until I figured out the problem. It was very unusual for her to not be happy and cheerful but now I felt sorry for her. She must've really hated public washrooms not to go when she was that desperate. She continued to struggle with her problem as we slowly browsed from store to store and she looked like she was she was getting worse as time went on. With thoughts still buzzing in my head I began thinking back to certain times when I was with her and I realized this wasn't the first time this had happened. This was definitely the worst I'd seen her but every once in a while at school or if she was at my house she would sometimes act a little bit weird and now I knew it was because of her bathroom problem. She kept pushing on, trying to keep up with us but it looked like it was getting harder for her just to walk through the mall. A couple times as the rest of us began walking out of the store she stayed behind pretending to look at something while struggling to regain control so she could walk again. We had been at the mall for two hours and with Jody's problem continuing to get worse we headed toward the theater to catch the show. She ordered a small Coke before we went in to find seats. She was really having a hard time sitting still but probably didn't want to let anyone know her situation so she sat with her legs glued together bouncing them up and down subtly. I knew she wouldn't be able to enjoy the movie much and I really wished there was something I could do but I knew mentioning it would just embarrass her if she was that self-conscious, so I continued just keeping an eye on her. I really couldn't concentrate on the movie that much either, not only because I couldn't get my mind off Jody, but every minute or so she would change position or squirm around trying to help hold it. Later in the movie I looked over to see how she was doing. Although she was trying to be subtle, she probably couldn't help herself and had a hand between her legs. With that, and seeing her Coke was still full I knew she had to pee now too. Finally the show was finished and we got up to leave the theater. Jody had a pretty hard time just getting up but managed to stay behind us. Before we walked back out toward the mall, Chloe made a stop at the bathroom. I wondered if Jody would at least be able to use public bathrooms to pee so she didn't have to worry about both ends but she just stayed outside with Erin and I waiting for Chloe. I wondered how far she would take it. She obviously had to go number 1 and 2 really bad and she would have to go eventually. I wondered how long she could go before she had no choice and had to use a bathroom. I was really getting worried for her. We had to wait another hour before my mom came to pick us up, then we were supposed to go out for supper afterward. After that we would probably go to the video store to get a movie for later and maybe some snacks. So it could be another 2 or 3 hours before we got home. Still unable to help her, we all walked down to the far end of the mall to this big bookstore/coffee shop to wait for my mom. As we spread out and began looking around the book store I could see Jody standing by a magazine rack near the store entrance. Just then she took a quick peek around the store then suddenly bolted for the door leading back to the mall. Right as she reached it, Chloe came walking out of one of the magazine aisles. “Where you going, Jody?” she asked. Jody froze before the doorway and stared back at Chloe with a terrified look on her face. Before she could gather herself to respond, Chloe said, “we got a table over by the cafĂ©,” she said, and signaled her over to where Erin was sitting. I joined her at the table while keeping an eye on Jody. Still looking nervous, she grabbed a magazine and sat on a stool beside us. She looked a bit funny as she had her legs spread and looked like she was digging her crotch into the seat. Looking at her face I could tell she was really straining and it was getting harder for her to hide it. She must've had to go so badly I couldn't imagine. She had been desperate for hours and must've been exhausted. Every once in a while she would grab her crotch with her hand under the table, then quickly pull it away so nobody could see. Another long hour had passed and my mom still wasn't there. We decided to go outside to wait for her in front of the store since she should've been there any minute. Jody was really laboring just to walk a few feet and immediately plopped down onto the steps out front. She sat in a fetal position holding her legs to her chest and rocking back and forth. She began letting out tiny gasps or grunts every once in a while and I wondered if she was close to losing it. Another 20 minutes went by until finally my mom arrived. Jody was still holding on but stayed planted on the step as the rest of us piled into the van. Finally she got up and carefully made her way into the van keeping her knees glued together. I started keeping an eye at the crotch of her jeans. They were snug fitting semi-dark jeans that would show any wetness pretty clearly. She was in the back seat with me so I just sat there and watched her squirm desperately. She was sitting to my right so shortly after we pulled away from the mall she took her opposite hand and put it right down her pants to hold between her legs. She stayed like that all the way until we got to the pizza place. Again she very carefully got out of the van and followed us into the restaurant. She sat on one corner of the table closest to the wall with me next to her. Until now she had been occasionally joining in to the conversation just to act like nothing was wrong but she wasn't saying anything now. She was concentrating so hard on holding it now she was just staring at the table in front of her wiggling her legs like crazy. Soon I noticed her take her opposite hand and put it right down her pants again. Then she started grabbing her stomach with her other hand. She must've been in agony with both ends pushing like that. We waited forever just for the food to arrive. When it did, Jody managed to down one piece. Probably so nobody would be suspicious. She also took the tiniest sip of her drink and left the rest. Luckily Chloe and Erin had been talking amongst themselves all day drawing attention away from Jody so nobody but me really noticed how little she ate. I also knew she had a big appetite; it always shocked me how she could eat huge amounts of food and stay so small so I knew she must be dying of thirst and hunger but didn't want to increase her problem any more. After the meal was finished we had been there for almost an hour and she was still hanging on, but she looked to be in real pain now. Her face was red and twisted with anguish, and she couldn't even walk more than 2 or 3 steps without stopping and squeezing her legs together. To make it even worse everyone except her went to the bathroom before leaving the restaurant. She was standing there frozen waiting for all of us to come out, and as she stared at the bathroom door watching us all come out I saw a tear roll down her face. Again I wished I could do something, even give her a hug I felt so bad for her, but she probably thought nobody knew what she was doing so I couldn't say anything. Then I suddenly noticed something. I don't know why I didn't see before but it looked like her stomach was a bit bloated. I guess you would only notice it if you were looking for it but she was usually so thin and tiny I could definitely see a difference. Once again we all got into the van where my mom announced we would be going to the movie store. With that I saw a look of hopelessness across Jody's face. I thought she would lose it any time now. It was getting worse and worse until we finally got to the store where she sucked it up and got out of the van once again. When we got inside she slowly and carefully walked off on her own toward the back of the store I kept her within view thinking she must be about to lose it at any second. I didn't want to be noticed so I got behind a movie shelf that had little spaces in each row so I could get a perfect view of her. She was in the far corner of the store holding onto a shelf and squirming for her life. She looked around every once in a while then bent over with her legs crossed, leaning her head against the shelf holding on with all her might. Another 10 minutes went by and she was still holding. Erin and Chloe called to us saying they'd found a movie and were ready to go. I stayed for a few seconds just to see if Jody could even walk. It took her a while to gather herself but she forced herself to hobble toward the door. Then suddenly after she had taken only 2 steps her knees buckled together and she let out a whimper. She stood awkwardly with her knees together and feet apart with both hands jammed between her legs and I thought she was going to lose it. She stood frozen like that for a minute before finally breathing again and slowly moving step by step toward the door. Erin and Chloe were still too preoccupied to notice her extremely labored walking but a few people in the store shot glances at her. There was still no sign of wetness on her jeans so I thought she might be able to make it home. I was sure she would at least use the bathroom there, otherwise what was she holding it for? She managed to get in the van and back to her usual seat in the back corner. The van began moving, but away from our house. Concerned for Jody, I asked where we were going. "I just have to stop at the bank for a sec, then we'll go to the store to get some chips or whatever for you guys." Jody who had been staring at her lap with intense concentration looked up in horror. She looked so terrified at the thought of waiting any longer and began panicking a little bit with heavy breathing and making soft grunting noises. Just as we were slowly driving through the strip mall toward the bank, Jody suddenly stiffened up staring back down at her lap. She froze for a few seconds until she let out a frustrated whimper. Then she looked up with the most horrified look on her face, and I knew, she was peeing her pants. I could tell she was in panic mode as she squirmed and looked around frantically as if looking for a way to stop it. After a few seconds she must've finally realized the accident was inevitable. I saw her relax a bit and just stare down at her lap in utter disbelieve. I think I was almost as shocked as her. With my mouth hanging open, I stared right at her crotch unable to believe what she was doing. Her legs were tight together but I could see a glistening wet patch spreading up her crotch from between her legs. Then, over the dull hum of the engine I heard a light trickling sound coming from her lap. As she gave up fighting and relaxed a little more it turned into a loud hiss flowing into her jeans. I glanced up at her beat red face and she probably looked a little bit like me at the moment, staring down at her lap with a look of complete shock on her face. I continued staring at her as she peed and peed. The wetness began spreading out from the seat of her jeans and into the car seat around her. Finally as we stopped at the bank she was still going. Then when my mom turned the engine off the hissing of her pee became loud and clear. She must've noticed it too as she looked up nervously and leaned forward in the seat to try and muffle the sound. Suddenly a glint of light caught my eye and I looked down at the floor. The pee had soaked through the seat and was pooling on the floor underneath her. She had peed so much and I could hear her still going full out. It looked like she didn't quite know what to do while she waited to finish going. With the whole floor of the van starting to flood, I finally heard the torrent of pee slow down as she let out the last few squirts. Still staring right at her, my mouth was now hanging open not just at the fact she had wet her pants but at the amount of pee that had just come out of her, I couldn't believe it. No wonder she had to go, she had been carrying around literally a gallon of pee all day. She must've had a huge bladder and I began to wonder how long she had been holding it. Her pants were completely drenched even in the front where it had spread up around her crotch and legs. I realized the van was parked slightly uphill so I took a peek into the very back of the van and sure enough there was a large pool of pee covering the whole back of the van. When she was finally finished she let out a sigh and her exhausted body slumped in her seat, but she was still staring down at her lap in shock. After a few seconds she finally started to snap out of her trance and began nervously looking around. As my own shock began to wear off I started to feel so bad for her. After fighting in agony all day she ended up peeing her pants anyway. She must've felt so awful, not just from peeing her pants at 13 but I began to think about her situation. She was stuck in this van where she would have to get out soon, if not at the store then at my house where her accident would be seen by everybody. Jody looked as though she had already thought of that as she looked extremely nervous. Unfortunately there wasn’t anything she could do so she just sat there looking down at herself, then at everyone else, probably paranoid that everybody else knew. Finally my mom got back and we began driving to the store. Jody stared at the floor on the verge of crying until we got into the store parking lot. When the rest of us hopped out of the van one of the girls asked if she was coming. Trying her best to steady her voice, Jody said "No, that’s alright." They just shrugged it off and went into the store. I followed them in and got what I was looking for, then got a bag of Jody's favorite chips and a drink for her. She had to be really hungry and thirsty since she didn't want to eat or drink all day. I thought since she'd already peed her pants she would be willing to drink. Then I suddenly remembered that earlier in the day it looked like she had to poop. I had completely forgotten since her need to pee had been so obvious for the last few hours. I wondered if she still had to go and how awful it must be for her if she was holding both ends. We paid for our things and went out to the van where Jody was waiting. She leaned forward with her hands on her lap as she tried to hide her accident. With the interior light on it was impossible to miss her surrounded by a soaking seat in drenched pants so I just pretended to not even look as I sat down. She still sounded like she was having a hard time and I thought she might just holding back tears as she let out a few strange whimpers and grunts. Then I looked over to see her grabbing her stomach and wincing. Right then I knew she had to poop badly too. I felt even worse for her. As if it wasn't bad enough she had to deal with the humiliation of peeing herself and the fear of getting caught, she was still fighting to hold her poop. I waited for her to stop grabbing her stomach and look up before handing her a Coke. "Thanks," she said shyly. She didn't waste much time opening it and taking a long drink. The poor girl really was dying of thirst as she took another long drink of the Coke. We left the store to finally go home. Jody was really concentrating on her stomach now as we got closer and it looked like she had to go really bad. When we finally got to my house I was so afraid for Jody. She looked terrified as well knowing she had to get out of the van. Luckily it was getting dark out so maybe she wouldn't be noticed until we got inside. After the rest of us were out she got out of her seat and moved toward the door. She waited until we were on the other side of the van walking toward the house before she got out and closed the door. It looked like losing all that pee only helped her labored walking a little bit as she slowly tried to follow behind us. As we opened the door and went in, she stayed right outside the door with her legs back behind the doorframe. When everyone was busy taking off their shoes she quickly snuck in and backed into the laundry room where it was fairly dark. She slid off her shoes and waited for us to go downstairs. Now I wondered what she would do. It was light downstairs so she stayed up and waited for it to clear out. Chloe went into the bathroom while Erin began messing around with the DVD player to start the movie. I went into my room and peeked out the door to see what Jody would do. Sure enough, seeing that everyone was distracted, Jody carefully walked down the stairs. Her wet pants were clearly exposed so she looked around urgently trying to decide what to do. She turned toward the bathroom but saw it was occupied so she quickly hobbled over to the couch and sat down on it. The backpack she had brought was sitting next to her so she grabbed it from beside the couch and put it on her lap, pretending to look through it to cover her accident. She waited in obvious pain while everyone came and sat around her to watch the movie. I knew she was willing to use the bathroom by the way she turned toward it when she first came downstairs but now if she got up everyone would see her drenched pants. It must've been torture for her. She came so close to making it back but peed her pants at the last minute. Now she had to sit there with a bathroom about 20 feet away, unable to get up and relieve herself. She kept looking around as if trying to figure out away to get to the bathroom without everyone seeing but no matter how bad she wanted to go she couldn't get up. All she could do was sit there and wait. She somehow managed to squirm and grunt and struggle for another 2 hours until the movie was almost over. After that I would probably be able to get everyone to go upstairs for more drinks and snacks so Jody would have a chance to use the bathroom. With just a few minutes left I started to feel a little better hoping Jody would finally be able to go. Just then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her clutch her stomach, letting out a painful grunt. She looked so terrified as I could tell she was losing the battle. Then after giving one final longing glance at the bathroom, a strange frightened look came over her face. She then suddenly tensed up, arching her body above the seat trying to squeeze her butt really hard. She stayed like that squirming for a few seconds until her mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide. Right then I knew it was starting to come out. She lowered her butt back onto the seat and slowly looked down at her lap with that same shocked look stuck on her face. Suddenly I saw her stomach convulse and she let out a quiet grunt. Her stomach convulsed again, forcing her to lean forward in her seat. With one more convulsion she gave a big push and I knew she was going to poop her pants. Her face went fire engine red as she took a deep breath and uncontrollably heaved as hard as she could, again and again. I was staring right at her with my mouth hanging open, too amazed to be inconspicuous. She strained for a few seconds until taking another deep breath she lifted her butt a couple inches above the cushion and gave another big push. A small lump sticking out the seat of her pants suddenly began growing with plenty of sound effects. I could hear a fairly loud crackling sound as it pushed her jeans out and began spreading over her butt. I looked back up at Jody's face to see a look of sheer concentration. As she filled her panties the crackling became more muffled but still very audible from where I was sitting. The load was really beginning to settle in the seat of her pants. Her underwear were so full and she showed no signs of slowing down. Every time I thought she was done she would give another push and add to the mountain of poop in the back of her jeans. Like her pee accident, I was shocked at the amount of poop that came out of her. Looking at the bulge on her butt it didn't look like it could even fit inside her. Then, remembering that she looked a bit bloated earlier I could definitely see her stomach had settled back to normal size. Finally it looked like she might be done. With her stomach still convulsing she stayed hovering over the seat looking unsure of what to do. She probably didn't want to sit down on that mountain of poop but if somebody looked over at her she would be found out for sure so she slowly lowered herself into the seat, squashing all that poop under her butt. Still holding her stomach she looked around nervously then suddenly leaned forward again with her butt still in the seat and gave another heave. With more crackling sounds coming from the seat underneath her she added even more poop to the already enormous pile in her pants. She sat frozen for a few seconds until I saw her stomach tense up and she had yet another movement in her pants. This time she had to be finished. She was still pushing when her hand suddenly shot between her legs. She gasped for a second and I wondered what was going on. Finally she collapsed onto the couch a bit and just sat there with disbelief and shock written all over her face and let out a big sigh. But that wasn’t all I heard. As she relaxed back into her seat I heard a familiar trickling sound coming from her, and I knew right away. She was peeing her pants again. The look of terror on her face was replaced by a look of defeat and resignation as she just stared at her lap watching it turn darker as she peed her pants for a second time. I guess drinking all that Coke after her first accident filled her up quickly and she lost control while she pushed her poop out. It wasn’t nearly as much as when she peed in the van but it was still a surprising amount. I couldn't imagine how terrible she must've felt. Peeing her pants the first time had obviously devastated her, and now as if that wasn't bad enough, she couldn't hold it and ended up pooping and peeing her pants again. I felt so bad for her. It was hard to watch my best friend who was normally so cheerful and nice to everybody with that violated and shamed look on her face. She didn't deserve such a humiliating experience. Luckily it looked like the other girls were too absorbed in the movie and still hadn't found out. Then it hit me, surely her poop would start to smell up the room and she would be found out, but I couldn't smell anything yet. I kept waiting for the smell to waft over to me until finally I could barely smell the faintest scent of poop. It didn't smell too strongly at all and probably wouldn't be recognizable unless you were sniffing for it so she probably wouldn't be found out by the smell. I tried to think of some way to help but I didn't know what to do so I just left her and hoped I could still get the other girls to leave and go upstairs after the movie was over so she could change. She sat there just staring at the TV with the same dejected look. She still looked really uncomfortable sitting on that humungous load in her pants, but I didn't think it would feel very nice to have to sit in her poop like that. Then I noticed her eyes were glazed over and I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. Sure enough, just a few minutes later the movie was over. Erin spoke up about going upstairs and heating up some of the leftover pizza. Jody must’ve been heartbroken knowing if only she could’ve held on a few more minutes she would’ve made it safely to the bathroom. Instead, everyone else got up to stretch and walk around while Jody sat there in horror and tried her best to cover her lap which was still soaked. With the TV no longer drawing attention from her, I could just see the fear on her face that she could be discovered. Me, Chloe, and Erin all took turns going to the bathroom again while Jody was forced to stay in her seat. When I came out of the bathroom Chloe and Erin were upstairs and Jody was still in her seat pretending to look busy by looking through her bag while one hand still clutched her stomach. I started walking upstairs with the other girls but I stopped at the top and peeked down through the railing to see what Jody would do next. After hearing me reach the top of the stairs she put her bag aside and held her stomach with both hands. She gave one last look up the stairs but didn't spot me. With that she leaned forward and let out a big grunt as she heaved as hard as she could and pooped her pants again. I could see her stomach convulsing as she pushed uncontrollably, trying to get everything out. Finally her body relaxed and she was done. With exhaustion written on her face she slowly opened her legs a little bit and looked down at her lap as if trying to figure out what to do. After a few seconds she slowly got up out of her seat and stood awkwardly with her legs apart and her knees bent. She reached back and felt the back of her pants. As she turned her body a little bit to try and look at the bulge on her butt, I was able to catch a glimpse of it. I actually had to cover my mouth to keep from gasping. I couldn’t believe how big it was. She was wearing tight jeans but the mountain of poop seemed to be stretching them out and spread over her whole butt. After standing there staring down at her mess for a while, she began looking around probably trying to figure out what to do. Knowing there wasn't much else to see and not wanting to be caught watching her, I went upstairs with the other girls. They were warming up some of the left over pizza from the restaurant when one of them mentioned something quietly about Jody. I thought maybe they'd known about her problem all along like I had but didn't say anything, but then Erin replied with "Yeah, I'm not sure what's wrong." I told them that she'd been feeling sick since the night before and they seemed to buy it so it looked like Jody might be in the clear. She just had to keep her accident hidden until the next morning when Chloe and Erin would be going home. I figured now that Jody had pooped her pants she would be willing to eat since she was probably starving, so I heated up the whole pizza and took it downstairs where Jody was sitting in the same spot, but covered by her sleeping bag. I put the pizza right in front of Jody so she could just reach out and get it. She took some tentatively at first but once she started eating she couldn't stop and eventually ate what would normally be about 2 filling meals for me. She also quickly started drinking more Coke, making up for missed meals and dehydration. But then she probably remembered it caused her to pee her pants a second time and slowed down after the first few gulps. For a while we all just sat and talked. Jody obviously couldn't bring herself to join the conversation and was visibly upset, so she just sat on the couch pretending to be sleepy but I knew it was just an excuse not to bring attention to herself. Eventually we started watching another movie as Jody just stayed in her sleeping bag and lay down on the couch. With everybody still around her she never got a chance to change and ended up wearing those wet poopy pants all night. She must've been so exhausted from holding on all day because not long into the movie she actually fell asleep wearing them. During the movie Chloe and Erin got their sleeping bags and laid them out on the floor with some foamies that we had in my house. I got a blanket for the recliner I was in and we eventually all fell asleep with the TV on.

Early Sunday morning I woke up to some stirring around. I opened my eyes to see Jody getting out of her sleeping bag, slowly standing up to look down at herself trying to assess the damage. It was still fairly dark but I could see her well in the light of the TV. She reached back and felt the enormous bulge in her pants which was still sticking way out despite her sitting down in it all night. After a few seconds she reached for her backpack and took out a change of pants and underwear. She took them with her as she began waddling toward the bathroom. I could really see the bulge as she passed by me and I couldn't believe the size of it. I didn't think snug fitting jeans had much give but hers were stretched out like she had a big pillow down the back of her pants. She could barely walk as she made her way to the bathroom and closed the door. It must've been about 5 or 6 AM as the sky was starting to turn orange outside the basement window. Jody was only in there for about 10 minutes before I heard a flush and she quietly stepped out of the bathroom. She couldn't have done much cleaning up in that amount of time, and surely she couldn't have flushed that enormous mountain of poop that was in her panties with a single flush. My mind started racing again about everything that had happened in the last day or so, I couldn't believe how intrigued I was by Jody's accidents. I wondered how she would get by for the next two weeks at my house, Did she learn her lesson or would she continue trying to hold it? She came out of the bathroom in a clean pair of pants holding her wet jeans in one hand and messy underwear in the other. Then as she got closer I looked at the underwear she was holding and it still had the poop in it. Now seeing the real size of her load I had to keep myself from shouting "Whoa!" I absolutely could not believe it. It must have been one big solid mass because it all stayed in her underwear. It hung out the leg holes taking up just about all the space in the underwear and it was way too big to fall out the leg holes as she carried it toward the couch. Very quietly, she looked through her backpack for a minute until she took out a towel. To my surprise she wrapped up the poop filled panties in the towel and stuffed them down to the bottom of her bag. Not knowing what to think of that I watched her sit back on the couch and watch TV for a while looking pretty upset. I could tell by her sniffing and wiping her eyes that she was crying a little bit. I felt so sorry for her but I was glad she never got caught by anyone else. Eventually I drifted back to sleep for a couple more hours until I heard everyone else waking up. We all woke up and went upstairs for breakfast. Jody looked pretty down but also a little paranoid like she was wondering if anybody had knew what she did. After the pancakes were ready she hungrily ate more than anyone else, still making up for missed meals as she had barely eaten anything the day before. She was a bit hesitant to drink but a tall glass of orange juice was poured for her so she eventually drank it all up. Finally it was time to drop off Chloe and Erin so we all got ready and went out to the van. Jody suddenly seemed a little nervous again and then I realized she was probably wondering if the wet spot was still on the car seat from her accident. Before I could see it myself she jumped into the back and sat in the same seat. It must've been pretty dry because she didn't seem worried anymore and I couldn't see any wetness around her. The rest of the day went by without incident and it seemed like she was starting to feel at least a little better from her ordeal the night before, until later in the afternoon. She seemed a little nervous again and I wondered what the problem was. Sure enough, not too long after that I started to see signs of squirming. Once again I couldn't help but be fascinated by her problem. I watched her carefully to see how she would handle it this time. She kept subtly squirming as the nervous look on her face became more evident. After a while I went upstairs to see what would be for supper later. When I was coming back downstairs I just caught her walking back to the computer where she had been sitting before. With that I could just hear that the toilet had been flushed. I was glad she had taken care of her problem but I to my surprise I was a little disappointed that the accident watch was over. The night went on pretty normally until finally at around midnight I thought I saw a little bit of squirming coming on again. Unfortunately I was too tired to keep a watch on her and told her I was going to bed since we had gotten up pretty early that morning. She agreed and got ready for bed. I offered her my bed but she insisted on a mattress we set up on the floor of my room. She got into some pajama bottoms with a tank top and crawled onto her mattress. I was pretty tired but I had to stay awake to see what she was going to do. I wondered if she could fall asleep having to pee so I lay there for a while waiting for something to happen. Right off the bat I could tell she was trying to squirm while being quiet but every little movement was amplified by her sleeping bag. She continued like this for almost half an hour and I could barely stay awake. Soon I began drifting off and right when I was half asleep I heard her slowly get out of her sleeping bag and tip toe out of the room. Soon I could actually hear the trickle of her peeing coming all the way from the bathroom. It quickly grew into a loud hiss that lasted for a long time. I confirmed by the sound and length of her pee that she really did have a massive bladder which was pretty amazing considering her fairly petite size. I couldn't help but think about her doing all that and more in her pants the night before. No wonder the back of the van was flooded. Finally she finished and after a flush, came back to her bed. Knowing there was nothing more to see I quickly fell asleep wondering how she could keep this up for 2 weeks.

Monday was pretty much the same as Sunday. I woke up to Jody walking out of the room and a short time later a trickle from the bathroom. It wasn't quite the same hissing torrent she made last night but still a lot of pee compared me or anyone else I'd heard. She flushed then turned on the TV and sat down. I lay there for a while just so she wouldn't think I'd known she went to the bathroom. Eventually I got up and the day went much like the day before. We had breakfast where Jody ate quite a bit and was a little bit hesitant to drink at first, but ended up drinking a lot too. We just stayed around the house, went to a strip mall nearby for a while, and then sat at home a little more. Then, sure enough, she started showing signs of needing to pee in the afternoon. Soon after seeing that, I went upstairs leaving her alone in the basement. When I went back down a few minutes later I could tell she was a little bit relieved but something wasn’t quite right. It didn’t take long to figure out she had to poop again. It had been a couple days since she took that huge dump in her pants and I wondered how long she could hold it before going again. I don't think a month's worth of my poop would even match what she had done in her panties that night but I figured her bowels must fill up quick and hold a lot, just like her bladder. Until now it looked like she just had to pee but after supper I knew she was starting to feel a poop urge just by the way she was squirming so once again I kept an eye on her at all times. She made it to bed time and squirmed in her sleeping bag for nearly an hour until sneaking out the door to go to the bathroom, where another torrent of pee echoed loudly all the way into my room.

Tuesday was more of the same except early in the morning she started looking a bit nervous and uncomfortable again and right away I knew she was starting to have to poop really bad. I quickly noticed she started acting strangely just like the first day she stayed with us. I started keeping a closer eye on her now, wondering how she would handle it this time. She eventually made it through the day probably exhausted from holding her pee and poop the whole time. On Wednesday afternoon she started squirming to hold her pee earlier than usual. Shortly after that started she wasted no time dashing to the bathroom as everyone else was upstairs for a few minutes. I could barely hear the toilet flushing downstairs then I came downstairs to see a slightly more relaxed Jody on the couch, although she was still obviously struggling with her growing poop urge. Now that she had peed she drank as if she had just hiked across a desert with no water, as she usually did. Although she probably had to go again by bed time, Jody didn't take her late night pee since it hadn't been that long since she'd gone and she probably thought she could wait until tomorrow morning.

I woke up on Wednesday at the same time as Jody, but I stayed in bed as she was just getting up to do her morning routine. Right away I noticed her favoring both her stomach and her bladder as she gingerly got up and walked toward the door. She reached out to open the door but suddenly stopped as she saw my sister Cary outside watching TV. She stood at the door squirming for a while as if figuring out what to do until she stepped away from the door and continued squirming by her bed. After a couple minutes she carefully got down onto her bed, keeping her legs tight together and lay on her back. It was pretty obvious what she was doing. She was lying stiff as a board and squeezing her butt as hard as she could. It was actually kind of funny to watch but I started to feel sorry for her. It must've been so uncomfortable to be going through this at somebody else’s house and not really having any privacy to deal with her problem. Finally we were called up for breakfast so I pretended to be just waking up and began getting dressed. Seeing that I was awake, Jody tried to act normal and got dressed with me but I could tell she had to pee and poop really bad. We all went up for breakfast and this time Jody seemed really hesitant to eat or drink but not wanting to be rude, ended up eating quite a big breakfast, although she did manage to only take a sip of orange juice, which was good because I knew she had drank a lot last night after going to the bathroom. She seemed really nervous at that point and looked like she was already close to going. While I did feel kind of bad for her, I started to get really intrigued with her problem again, just like that first day. I knew it had been almost 5 days since she last pooped, and she hadn't peed since early last night, so I wondered how that would affect her. Shortly after breakfast we discussed what everybody would be doing that day. My parents were going out of town until later that night so they wanted us to stay with Cary and her friend Jaime while they ran around and did a bunch of things that day. We stayed home for a couple hours as Jody's squirming got progressively worse. We were getting pretty close to leaving and while Jody had been trying to find a way into the bathroom without anyone seeing, everyone else was getting dressed and ready to go. Cary noticed that she was still in her pajamas as she asked Jody if she was ready to go. Jody looked like she really didn't want any part of it but without much of a choice, she hobbled into my room and got changed into some nice tight black cords and this cute grey long sleeve shirt that was thin and fairly snug fitting. Her tight pants probably weren't the most comfortable to wear in her situation but she had a limited wardrobe while she was staying at my house. The only comfortable thing she had were the pajamas that she had just changed out of. After she had changed she went back to lingering in the basement waiting for an opportunity to use the bathroom without being noticed. Once again I couldn't believe how afraid she was of somebody finding out she was using the bathroom. I could tell she had to go so badly and she had a desperate look on her face but she still refused to go unless the coast was clear. A few minutes later we were about to leave and Jody still hadn't used the bathroom. The rest of us were waiting at the door as Jody stood downstairs still clinging to her hope of using the bathroom with nobody around. Finally, Cary called down asking if she was ready to go. Jody called back saying she would be ready in a minute. I knew she was hoping that this would make us all go outside, leaving her alone to do her business. Unfortunately for her, Cary didn't bite and we just kept standing at the door, waiting for her. With that Jody finally gave up and made her way up the stairs, trying to hide her desperation. She even struggled just to put her shoes on. With her legs stiff and glued together, she finally managed to slide her shoes on and follow us out the door. Once we were in the car she did her best to hide her squirming as she sat next to me. It looked like it was already getting really serious but she would just have to wait until we got to the mall. She took her hand that was opposite me and slid it down the waste of her cords. She didn't jam it way down into her crotch like I'd seen her do a few days ago but I could tell she was just trying to give some slack for her stomach which had swollen up very noticeably in the last day or so. I started to worry for her that she might not make it to the mall. She seemed to almost roll her eyes in pain every time we stopped at a red light. I don’t know why she didn’t just go to the bathroom at my house. I know she was willing to go, even in front of us, if she was that desperate. But she must’ve known if she didn’t go at my house it would get to this point. Then I figured that she probably thought she could lose us in the mall so nobody would see her use the bathroom there. I knew she was trying to do that before she had her big accident a few days ago, she just couldn’t get away from the group without being caught. It still seemed to be awfully risky, considering how hard she took those accidents. Finally as the mall came into view she stared at it longingly. Unfortunately, the light right before the mall turned red. She knew it was a really long light too and I could see it on her face as she winced and stared back down at her lap in concentration. She looked like she was really in trouble but she managed to make it through the light and still had it under control as we got to the mall and found a parking spot. She managed to make it to the mall but that was only the first part of her struggle. As the rest of us all got out of the car I could tell she was very reluctant to follow. When she stepped out of the car it looked like her knees were basically glued together. She struggled again to follow the rest of us walking to the mall entrance. She made sure to keep me between her and my sister. I guess she was more comfortable squirming around me, which made sense, but she still followed behind me not wanting me to notice her struggles either. As soon as we stepped into the mall she began glancing around like she was looking for an escape. Looking more afraid than anything to draw any kind of attention to her problem, she tagged along with us instead of running off to find a bathroom. We started out going to this big electronics store because Jaime needed to get something for her camera. When we got into the store, Jody and I went off to look by ourselves. I started looking at DVDs while Jody trailed behind me, keeping her distance for a couple minutes before slipping off into the next aisle. I couldn’t help myself and walked to the end of my aisle, pretending to look at the deals they had displayed while peeking around the corner at Jody. Sure enough she was fidgeting like crazy and kept putting her hand between her legs for just a second before quickly pulling it away. I could tell she really wanted to find a more private place to squirm but the whole store was pretty open. She stood there in agony for a few minutes until Cary and Jaime spotted me and came to get me. She must’ve heard them talking to me because she quickly glanced up and pretended to read the back of a DVD. Cary wanted to take a look at the TVs so Jody joined up with us as we walked by her toward the TV section. She continued subtly struggling while staying a step behind everyone else. Just as we got there she stiffened up a little bit and appeared to be paying more attention to her poop urge. She stood in one spot the whole time probably trying to resist the urge to grab her butt and squirm like crazy. As we finally finished looking at the TVs and started walking toward the store exit, she looked really nervous as she tried to gather herself and begin walking with us. We continued our way down the mall, stopping at a few stores along the way. Just watching her it felt like every minute was dragging by, even for me. I knew it was torture for her and I wondered if she would ever go. As we were leaving one of the stores I could see a bathroom sign in the direction we were walking. I kept an eye on Jody and it didn’t take long before I could see her eyes widen at the sight of the bathroom. She looked like she wanted to run toward it but stayed beside us walking slowly and carefully. As we finally passed it she looked like she wanted to go in but hesitated. Then Jaime pointed out a store that was just a few feet past the bathroom. As we entered the store Jody stopped just outside the entrance. I guess she was hoping we wouldn’t notice her then she could just run to the bathroom, but Cary caught her and asked her if she was coming. “Yeah,” replied Jody timidly. She followed us in and did her usual routine of finding a place to hide so she could squirm. This time she found a place close to the entrance. After a couple minutes, she tried to make a move for the door but Jaime saw her and said they were leaving anyway. Jody looked pretty disappointed but stayed near the entrance waiting for Cary and Jaime to slowly make their way out of the store. Finally we left the store and started walking a little further down the mall toward a big department store. Jody always looked like she was about to sprint back to the bathroom but never did. I guess she just couldn’t build up the courage, so she went on suffering while we walked further and further away from the bathrooms. When we got to the department store I thought she would have a chance to get away from the group and get to the bathroom. Unfortunately she never got the chance. Cary found what she was looking for fairly close to the entrance and she followed us to a long lineup at the checkout. There were people with carts full of stuff lined up with us and it looked like it might take a while. Jody continued looking more and more terrified. We waited at the checkout while each person ahead of us took their time making their purchase. It seemed like something always went wrong with each person ahead of us. I could see Courtney wincing in agony every time something happened. Then when there was still three people ahead of us and it looked like she was really focusing on trying to hold her poo, she suddenly stiffened up and her hand shot down between her legs. I could tell she was in agony as both ends pushed hard to come out. She looked around desperately like she was looking for a way out but the people in front and behind us had us trapped in the aisle with shopping carts. Not wanting to make a scene by pushing past everyone she quickly abandoned that idea and really concentrated on holding on. Now she looked terrified but still wouldn’t go. Then suddenly her hands shot down between her legs and she turned to run back out of the aisle but was again blocked by the shopping cart. She quickly turned back and looked like she was about to sprint by Cary and Jaime but then her whole body froze and she slowly looked down at herself. Right then I saw a tiny wet spot form between her legs. It was small and her black cords hid it pretty well but I could see it glistening and I knew right away that she had peed a little bit. After a couple seconds it grew a slightly as she let a little more out before stopping it. I could see her stomach and legs quickly clench up whenever she tried to cut off the pee. Then she let out another longer spurt and I could actually hear it spray into her panties before she clenched her muscles up again and managed to stem the flow. She could only stop it for a couple more seconds before letting out another spurt, but this time she couldn’t stop it. As she tensed up to try and cut off the squirt I could see the wet patch on her crotch still growing. It started trickling out faster and faster until I could hear the pee hissing into her panties and glistening streams of pee began quickly flowing down her legs. As the floodgates opened I looked at her face to see pure shock written all over it. Now that she knew she had lost it she started looking around in a panic to see if anybody knew what she was doing. I quickly looked away just in time so she didn’t realize I’d been watching her the whole time. I went right back to watching her as she scanned the rest of the area. As usual, Cary and Jaime were preoccupied and looking the other way and the shopping cart behind her blocked other people’s view of her accident. But now Jody was probably beginning to worry as much about the sound of the accident as the sight as I could hear a loud hissing coming from between her legs. Unfortunately there wasn’t anything she could do but wait until she finished peeing her pants. It looked like she finally realized this as her whole body, which was still tensed up as if she still had a hope of stopping the flow, seemed to suddenly relax and just let the rest come out, drenching her pants. With that the hissing got even louder and the pee pattered onto the carpet underneath her as she was going full out. Once again I was shocked at the whole situation, especially how much pee came out of her. She just stood with her knees buckled together and pee flowing down her legs until finally she was finished. When she was done she just slowly looked around and back down at her pants to assess the damage. I was so afraid for her. She’d managed to get through that disaster a few days ago without being found out by anyone except me, but after peeing her pants in the middle of a mall I knew she would be found out this time. Her pants were completely drenched all over the front and probably even worse in the back. Luckily the black cords she was wearing didn’t show the wetness very clearly but it would still be obvious to anybody who looked right at her pants from a fairly close distance. There wasn’t anything she could do but just try and pretend nothing was wrong. I knew she would be way to shy to confess or excuse herself so she just stood and waited for Cary and Jaime to buy what they came here for. We weren’t even through the checkout line before she started squirming again and I suddenly remembered she had to poop really bad too. As usual I felt really bad for her but there still wasn’t any way I could help her. She just stood there scared to death until finally we were done at the check out and we started walking toward the door. It took her a few steps to get used to her wet pants but stayed right with us, definitely not wanting to draw extra attention now. As we continued down the mall a woman walking toward us came near and I saw her eyes move toward Jody, then down. She just quickly looked away and kept walking. I looked over to Jody and she had clearly seen the woman catch a glimpse of her because her face burned an even brighter red than it was before. Shortly after that we went into another clothing store and she immediately went for cover trying to hide her accident and her squirming. She kept squirming from her hiding spot and it looked like she was quickly getting worse. When we were ready to leave it looked like Jody was really having trouble walking, but desperate not to be discovered she raced to our side when we left the store, not giving anyone a reason to look back at her. Her long painful march down the mall continued and to add to it she got another look from a boy maybe a little older than us. I could tell that really humiliated her but she pressed on until we got to another store. It was just a store with a bunch of gift and joke items so it wouldn’t be as easy to hide but she still tried to keep something between her and everyone else at all times. Luckily it worked and she managed to keep holding on as we moved down the mall further. After that we kept walking down the mall toward the food court. It was a little more crowded than the rest of the mall so I knew Jody would have trouble walking through there. “What does everybody want?” asked Cary. We all agreed on the same place, although Jody probably didn’t care too much at this point. We all stood in line at a Greek place while Jody kept glancing around looking pretty paranoid, although she was getting a few looks while she stood there. She ordered a chicken wrap like I did, probably so she wouldn’t have to think too much about it. When we got our food we found a seat nearby and started digging in. Jody was hesitant to eat too much, not wanting to fill her stomach any more but I knew she was really hungry and thirsty. Eventually she finished her meal, and since she had already peed her pants she greedily drank a large ice tea. She probably felt a little better sitting at the table since nobody could see her drenched pants but she was obviously very uncomfortable trying to hold her poop. We sat and talked for a while without her saying much, then we stood up to continue our tour through the mall. Cary and Jaime wanted to make a few more stops before heading out. She was noticeably more worried as soon as she had to stand up and reveal her wet pants but stayed right with us, not waiting for the coast to be clear of other people before getting out of her seat. I guess it was better that a stranger saw her like that than one of us. As we started walking down the mall she started wincing in pain and I knew she was really having trouble holding onto her poop while she walked. Finally we entered another clothing store where she immediately found a hiding place in the back. I found a good place to stand right behind her where she couldn’t see me. Now she was really squirming desperately and kept whimpering and grunting in pain while she held on. She stayed like that for a while before looking up and glancing around the store. I thought she might be looking for me so I slipped out of my hiding place and moved toward Cary and Jaime who were at the check out line. She stayed squirming for a few more seconds. Then when she got control of herself she stepped out of her hiding place and quickly moved to my side like she had been since we got to the mall. I knew she was trying really hard not to fidget too much around me but she was really straining to hold on. She stood in agony for a few more seconds when suddenly she straightened up and grabbed her butt with probably the most surprised look I’ve ever seen on her face. It almost looked like she got kicked in the butt or something. She immediately sprinted toward the nearest clothing rack to hide and from there she quickly waddled her way back to her hiding spot. I carefully followed her and got back into my position to watch her. She was really struggling now. She pressed hard on her butt with one hand and squirmed frantically to try and hold her poop but it was no use, I knew she was going to poop her pants. Finally as her stomach clenched up tightly again she stopped squirming and just held onto the metal bar on the clothing rack with both hands. Her legs were still clamped together but the movement just overpowered her and I saw it touch the seat of her pants. With that she tightened her grip on the clothing rack, parted her legs a little bit, and pushed with all her might. When it started coming out she put her head down and her legs parted even more. It was almost like her movement forced her legs apart to push its way out. After a few seconds she was still really straining and it looked like she was having trouble pushing it out. Keeping her grip tight on the bar she took a deep breath and grunted as she pushed again with all her might. I saw the lump grow only slightly before she stopped pushing and let out a big sigh. She took another big breath and pushed again. I thought her head was going to pop it was so red. Then suddenly the lump in her pants practically exploded into a massive bulge with plenty of sound effects as the log finally broke free and rushed into her pants. With that she let out a sigh of relief, but she wasn’t done. I could see her stomach still convulsing and before she could catch her breath her stomach clenched up again and she kept filling her panties. The bulge was getting really big now and she showed no signs of slowing down. She pooped and pooped until I realized my mouth was open in shock at the size of the bulge. By now it would be more obvious than the wet pants if you looked at her from the back or side. Just when it looked like she might be done, she looked around nervously then tensed up again and pushed out more poop. This happened a couple more times until she finally stopped for good. Now the bulge was so massive I just couldn’t figure out how she’d kept it all inside. I couldn’t believe how far out it stuck in the back of her pants since they were fairly tight cords she had on. It still wasn’t nearly enough room so the poop had spread further down between her legs and up until it was almost up to her waist, then to the sides where it almost reached her hips. Now that she had gotten rid of all that poop, her stomach was noticeably smaller. She slowly looked down at herself not having a clue what to do. Then I think she kind of snapped back to reality as I saw a look of sheer terror wash over her face. She had miraculously managed to get this far without Cary or Jaime seeing her wet pants, now it would be much harder to keep it up. At least it seemed like she got lucky with the smell again as I couldn’t really smell her poop at all. While Jody was still trying to survey the damage in the back of her pants, my sister was almost done at the check out. Jody would have no choice but to start walking soon if she was going to keep her act up. She stood for a while longer before it looked like she realized the same thing. Still scared to death she finally took one step forward keeping her legs spread. She knew she couldn’t waddle around without being discovered so with a grimace, as though she was disgusted by having to squish the mess between her legs, she stood up straight with her legs together and tried her best to walk normally from her hiding spot. I got out of my hiding spot and stood by Cary at the check out. Jody slowly made her way toward us dodging from clothing rack to clothing rack trying to keep herself hidden until she was right beside us. With that we set off again and continued our journey down the mall. I could tell she was extremely self-conscious now. As soon as we left the store she shot a quick look behind her, and then started looking around in front of her. Unfortunately that wouldn’t be any help because she had no way to hide her accident. I wished she was at least holding a bag or something so she could cover herself with it but she had nothing. I noticed she was still clutching her stomach every once in a while as we walked. I wondered what was wrong because she had to be done pooping with the amount she’d already pushed out. As Cary stopped to look at a map of the mall I found to my shock that I was wrong. Almost as soon as Jody stopped behind her I saw her stomach tense up and her knees buckle and she had another movement in her pants right there. The bulge was already so big it hardly made a difference but I saw it grow slightly as her movement crackled and squished its way into the mountain of poop already crammed into her pants. Her face flushed red again but she didn’t have time to worry about it. Everyone quickly moved on and she had to start walking again while it looked like she might still be filling her panties. She continued getting looks for the next minute until we got back to the food court where Cary and Jaime found a bathroom. Jody stared at them enviously as they entered a hallway off the mall. Jody just kept going a couple steps until she found an empty table to sit at. I stayed just in the hallway peeking around the corner, unable to shake my amazement with her problem. Like before I knew she just felt safer having the table as cover. She hesitated for a second but was obviously anxious to have her problem hidden. With another grimace she slowly lowered her butt onto the seat squishing the giant load underneath her. Once she was down she just sat looking around nervously, that look of terror still stuck on her face. Then after looking all around for a few seconds she raised her butt slightly off the seat and with a big push she pooped her pants again. This time she pushed really hard trying to get everything out once and for all. Finally she let out a sigh signaling the end of her movement. Then, just as she sighed she suddenly looked down between her legs and I could see a few streams of pee dripping off her seat to the floor. It didn’t look like she had planned that because she suddenly tensed up and looked around nervously. I guess it was just a reflex to let out her pee when she pooped and that big ice tea she drank had probably refilled her bladder a little bit. It didn’t seem to upset her too much more, either because she couldn’t possibly be any more upset than she was, or a little more pee didn’t seem like a big deal after what she’d already done. She lowered herself back into the seat and her look of terror was replaced with exhaustion defeat. When Cary and Jaime came out of the bathroom we all gathered around the table and started discussing what we were going to do. Jody looked nervous with everyone standing around her. I stood nearest to her so nobody else would get too close. I was standing almost right over her and I could just faintly smell her accident so as long as she was careful she probably wouldn’t get caught because of the smell. After talking for a minute we decided to go home. Jody waited for us to turn around, then quickly got up and walked with us. She managed to endure the embarrassment of walking down the mall full of people for a while longer. Finally we got outside where she got a couple more looks before we got to the car. She quickly sat down in the back seat, not wanting the seat of her pants to be exposed any longer. She sat very still and quietly the whole ride back. Still thinking none of us had noticed her situation, she had to be scared to death of being discovered. When we got back home and walked toward the house she was very careful to either keep herself hidden from the waist down, or stay right beside us so we would have to look straight down to see her accident. When we got in the door she stepped to the side into the laundry room where it was a little darker to take off her shoes. When she had them off she waited a few seconds for everyone to look away before bolting toward the stairs which were just across the hall from the laundry room. She quickly went down the stairs with a slight waddle, into the basement where it was a little darker and her accident would be less noticeable. I followed shortly after her and found her slowly lowering herself onto her usual spot on the couch. After that she just stayed glued to the seat for the next few hours watching TV. I could see she was in extreme discomfort having to sit on that massive load in wet pants. I would leave every once in a while to give her a chance to clean up and change but Cary and Jaime spent most of the time downstairs in Cary’s room. At first Jody looked through her backpack like she was getting ready to change but couldn’t find the courage to go through with it knowing the other girls could come out of the room at any time and see her. When she had given up on trying to change she just sat back in her seat looking completely heartbroken. I wished there was something I could do but I knew the only thing I could do was keep pretending I didn’t notice. At suppertime Cary was trying to figure out what to make so I recommended chicken Alfredo which I knew Jody liked. I wanted to make her feel better somehow but I knew it wouldn’t do much to console her after what she had been through that day. While I was waiting downstairs for supper to be ready I caught a glimpse of Jody squirming again. I knew right away it wasn’t because of the discomfort of sitting in her mess. I could tell she had to pee again. Shortly after, Cary yelled downstairs to me and Jody, who still hadn’t gotten up from her seat since getting back from the mall. I got a little nervous for her as she slowly got up and followed me up the stairs. Luckily Cary and Jaime had already in the living room eating so Jody only had me to worry about. She very cautiously stayed behind me and obviously still hungry, she gave herself a fairly large serving of food. While she was loading her plate I looked back at her to see how obvious her accident was in good light. The front of her pants had dried a little bit and the wetness wasn’t too visible. Unfortunately the back of her pants was still a disaster area. It hadn’t dried at all like the front because she had been sitting down. Then I caught a glimpse of the mountain sticking out the seat of her pants. Even though I already knew how huge it was I still had to keep my jaw from dropping open at the sight of it. Even after she had been sitting on it all day it still stuck straight out the back, although sitting had spread it out even more and it now reached sideways all the way to her hips and up to the waist of her cords. While we sat at the table and started eating, she seemed very down and I could still see the fear in her eyes. I knew she must’ve felt safer in the dim light of the basement. I started to talk to her about something I saw on my computer to try and distract her but it didn’t seem to work very well. As soon as she responded to me she would immediately go back to staring down at her plate. After supper she carefully followed me downstairs and sat on the chair beside me at the computer. We sat there for a while looking up different things. Every once in a while she would force a few words out but obviously she wasn’t going to get over this any time soon, especially while she was still sitting in her mess. Her squirming was quickly getting more noticeable until she started looking very nervous. After a while we went back to watching TV. She sat in her usual spot on the couch and kept holding and holding all night. Cary and Jaime had left to stay at Jaime’s house so I think Jody felt at least a little more comfortable without her around, but was obviously far from her usual happy self. I tried a few times to go upstairs and leave her alone but she just wouldn’t change. I guess she needed to know for sure that I wasn’t going to come downstairs while she was cleaning herself up. Finally I couldn’t keep up the watch so I decided to go to bed a little bit early. She quietly agreed. With that I went to the bathroom to brush and get ready for bed. When I got back to my room she was already on her mattress covered by her sleeping bag. I got into my bed and lay there trying to stay awake to see what would happen. I was quickly getting tired and again I was already half asleep when I heard her let out a gasp. With that she carefully started getting out of her bed trying to stay as quiet as she could. When she stood up she froze for a moment, bent over and holding herself to keep from losing it right there. After regaining her composure she quickly and awkwardly walked out of the room. I saw her walk over to the couch and start digging through her backpack. After taking out a change of pajama bottoms and underwear she practically ran to the bathroom with the giant bulge still in her pants, swaying back and forth behind her. I quietly got out of bed and peeked out the door to get a better view. I looked out and saw her already unbuttoning her pants before she disappeared into the doorway of the bathroom. I couldn’t hear her peeing right away but I knew it probably wasn’t easy to get her pants off with that load in them. Sure enough a few seconds later I heard a trickle which quickly turned into a loud hiss that lasted for a long time. After all that had happened in the last few days I was still shocked when I heard how loud it was. When she was finally finished she stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes before coming out. Once again it wasn’t long enough for a very thorough cleaning but it would probably be a little suspicious if she took a shower in the middle of the night. When she came out she was wearing her change of clothes and carrying her pants and the underwear with the poop still in it. I still couldn’t believe how big it was. It probably wasn’t too fun for her to be stuck with the combination of huge bowel movements and having them in her pants. She went back to her bag and pulled out the towel which still had her first pair of full panties wrapped up in it. She put the second pair in with them, wrapped them up and stuffed them back in her bag. I didn’t know what to think of that but I didn’t really have time as she began walking back toward me. I quickly got back into bed and pretended to sleep while she quietly got back into her bed. I heard her sniffling like she was crying a little while she lay there. I felt so bad for her and fell asleep still thinking about it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Everlasting Fetishes byjakel1nt©

Oh my mother. It was unbelievable, never to happen in reality, but it did when I least expected it. Five point five her height was, I was of an average height. She was 34 years old, quite slender and had a bit of extra weight on her belly. I was 19 years old and neither of us were in a relationship at the time, this might have been a weird coincidence.

Despite my athletic body, I was still taken by the simple shape of her body. She drove me insane just by her existence. Little did she know, I was staring at her at the corner of my eye and not to forget drooling mentally.

Was this love or lust? I am pretty sure it was love because I lusted at her imperfections. But on the other hand, was my penis, trying my best to keep it under control, I had to hold onto anything I could get my hands on just to hide my erection. I told myself that I would only rub my penis down if she was looking the other way. It was just another random day, we walked past each other, simply sticking to our daily duties at home, and she asked me to help tidy up her closet with her.

I was glad to oblige in a heartbeat thinking to myself that this was my chance to finally try my luck. On the way to her room, she came to a halt and I mistakenly ran into her because I was in such a daze. I had almost stepped on her left foot but instead she stepped on mine as we crashed. She had pink flip flops on and I had none on, this had caused her warm moist foot brush just the side of mine leaving a tiny colourless smudge of her sweaty droplets there.

As she spoke her sweet words of apology, I opened my mouth to interrupt her inhaling her exquisite breadth that escaped hers, and told her that it was fine and we should get back to our trip. As we approached her closet she asked, if I could stick to the top shelf while she did the bottom. I was disappointed by this because I wanted to have a close up to her slender sext legs and perhaps have a sniff of them while I'm at it. We got down to business right away, but she wanted to have a rest just five minutes down the line, I told her that she was cheating and she giggled. She had said that her back was exhausted from all the bending and repacking, so offered to give her massage.

Right away she suspected I just wanted to get into her pants and I said that would be inappropriate, she giggled again. I regretted not admitting this soon enough. She stepped on my right foot this time but the difference this time was that her flip flop was not on.

The slight slime from her sweaty foot rubbed off of mine, she did not intend to stop, I asked her what she was doing and she said that she was trying to rub her smelly scent off on me so I could stink just like her. I did not resist this time but she thought I was being weird because I seemed to enjoy this.

She then did the same thing with her other foot and I felt like I was already in heaven, till I felt my penis begin to throb. Out of my surprise she farted by mistake and felt suddenly embarrassed, I told her not to worry about it and inhaled as I leaned lower to her bum. I stuck my tongue into the top of her jeans entering down between her bums. It was already moist from the little work that exhausted her. She grabbed hold of my crotch area and felt I was already really hard. She then slid down her jeans, slid my pants down and rubbed my exposed boner with her moist under wear slowly.

She told me she had nine STD's and hoped I don't mind that. I didn't know what to say, I was petrified, but then she farted just a little, this time releasing just a bit of poo. I was astonished. She pulled down her panty slowly and her soft poo poured down my penis, without a second thought she smothered my penis with her moist vagina juices and gaping ass. I noticed that her vagina had a very sharp scent that shot up my nose within seconds. This smell was unbearable, but heaven to me. She had yellow fluid flowing from her vagina down my penis.

I asked to stop, but she told me to relax and slide into her so she could share her sweet fluids with me. I thought she was insane, but I was in love with her so deeply that I said that as long as it makes her happy. I gracefully slid into her and within no time her juices pumped into my penis as I slowly trusted into her. The open looking pimples on her vagina rubbed my penis creating a mushy strange sensation and the juices that entered my penis made me itch internally.

Just when I thought I'd orgasm, she stood up leaving my penis wanting more, and said that she is going to have to let me let me keep all that she had rubbed off on me till tomorrow because she would love to watch me hope and beg for her love and sensual juices for the rest of my life. I had a loss for words.
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