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Monday, December 29, 2014

Sonya Sue Introduction & Story

This is my first post. I am Tlana's older (by one year) sister. I know she's written some stories about me and that's fine. But there are some things that have happened and/or are happening that she doesn't know about. So I hope you find them interesting. 

First, I'm different from Tlana in several ways. While we both use the bathrooms at our high school and other places, she's only 3'5" tall so when she's seated on the toilet her legs just hang there and don't reach the floor.I accept the fact that the toilets, which are made for much taller people (I'm 6' 1 inches) and I weigh 190 pounds are not that comfortable for her and others who are small physically.. Therefore when I'm seated on the toilets at school, I tower over the stall panels that are much lower. And on the stalls that have doors, my head and shoulders can be seen over the small doors. We're also different in another way. Tlana craps real easily when she's away from home; on the other hand, I can wee much more efficiently than her, but my craps are often hard to come by. I might have to sit 10 to 15 minutes or go in two or three times in one day in order to poo enough to make a difference in the bowl. Tlana wears jeans most every day and I wear dresses or skirts much of the time so I can sit with a little more privacy when I'm on the stool when there's no stall door than can she. Unlike Tlana, I'm into drama and music so I'm longer at school sometimes 5 or 6 days a week at rehersals for music or set building for the play. So I think I'm using the bathrooms more than her each day. 

Now my story. In the fine arts wing of our building, there are bathrooms on each of the two floors. They are quite a bit smaller with only two stalls each than the other bathrooms in the building that are much larger and less private. Yes, I know Tlana has written about this. Our drama teacher, Mrs. M. is young and relates to us really well. She's only like 10 years older than us and she's going through a divorce. So often she has to bring her 6 year old daughter, Sunshine, to practices and other work activities. Sunshine is really sweet and shy and because of her small size she has a problem getting herself up on the toilet and keeping herself up on it for her bodily needs. She was really awkward when needing to use the toilets back in August & September and since Mrs. M. is usually working with power tools on the set, or is at the light/sound mixer computer, or giving auditioning students directions, she has asked me to look out for Sunshine at practices. I worked with Sunshine a lot, when she's need to get upon the toilet to crap, especially and felt I was making good progress. 

Well over this past month, Sunshine's had some problems. One night, just before curtain call, I told Sunshine for the first time she could go in by herself. She did and it went so-so. But when one of my friends went in to see how Sunshine was doing, she was crying and skidding on her back out of the toilet stall because the door latch had jammed on her. She was crying badly when I went in to calm her down. Then about a week later, some girl or girls had pretty much filled both bowls with crap and when Sunshine sat down to pee, she was getting splashback right back up. Then one of the toilets jammed on her and almost started to run over when I stopped by to check up on her. She was so embarrassed by it and is now less willing to use public bathrooms. I think she's regressing. 

Big B
I had just gotten back to my apartment from the weight room and my girlfriend was relaxing on the couch watching college football. That's my lady I love her to death. We kissed and she asked me how my lifting went. Then I went to the bathroom to drain the radiator the door is always open and she walks in sees me do my thing you know. Then she's like "I gotta take a dump." So I get done peeing and flush. She takes her yoga paints and thong off she looks so good in those pants and sits her nice butt on the toilet. She's farts loudly and pees. But then she says "I gotta go so bad but it doesn't want to come out." So I come with the idea of her butt facing me and trying it that way. I sometimes have to do that when I take a dump it usually helps me. So she does that and asks me to open up her cheeks and she starts pushing and grunting. After a minute of doing that her hole opens up and out comes 4 huge logs after another. She pees a little bit and then 3 more small logs come out. She is breathing heavy from all the pushing and straining poor thing. Her hole is opening up again and out comes 2 medium sized logs. I'm like wow sweetheart you had to go. She answers back with you have no idea babe. Then I wipe her butt and vagina and she pulls up her yoga paints and we leave the bathroom to go watch college football and snuggles up next to me.

School Teacher Kaylee


Hello, today I just wanted to talk about like, when my students go to the restroom 
they fill out this notebook, so like, the students would write down they're name, the date, the time and if they were going #1 or #2. 

Just wanted to tell you about that. Bye everybody 


Post Title (optional)woods experience

A few weeks ago a buddy and I went for a good long hike in the woods. After we had gone a mile or two, he mentioned that he had to take a good healthy shit. Funny, I told him I had to also. (and I mean I could feel a big turd coming.) he mentioned that he didn't have anything to wipe his butt with. I said "no problem" as I took a big long wad of toilet paper out of my pocket. (I got in the habit of doing this in my teens as I always found taking a good shit in the woods enjoyable. Well, you guessed it, we found us a big log sitting on the forest floor rotting. He was unfamiliar with the process. I showed him the process of sitting on it with your butt hanging over (your dick too if you're a guy) Before long we were both taking big heavy dumps over the log. I told him this reminded me of boy scouts. (I enjoyed watching him shit and wipe his handsome butt as much as I enjoyed being watched by him. I could tell the feeling was mutual with him. I had enough toilet paper for both of us so we wiped and went on our way, each commenting on each others turds. (I could feel the bonding that transpired between us) 

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Joy first welcome to the site and great story please post anymore stories you may have thanks. 

To: Danielle first welcome to the site and great story I bet you felt amazing after a poop like that and please post anymore stories you may have thanks. 

To: Abby C as always another great pooping story it sounds like it was a pretty good one to and as always I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Ashley G great story it sounds like your daughters had great poops and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Big B great story about you helping your girlfriend it sounds like she had a really great poop and please share any more stories you may have thanks. 

To: Carolyn great story it sounds like you had a really great poop and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Sophia W great story about your desperate poop it sounds like you made it to the toilet just in time and I bet you felt pretty good afterwards to and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Jessica (AZ) as always another great story it sounds like you were pretty desperate for that poop and I bet you felt good afterwards to and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Chloe B great story. 

Well that's all for now. 

Sincerely Brandon T 

PS. I love this site 


To Jessica - prepooping farts

Hi Jessica 

Thanks for responding to my post 

You asked about prepooping farts. They are caused by poop (and also intestinal gas) coming down into the sigmoid colon and rectum and increasing the pressure of any gas already occupying the rectum. This gives an urge to fart to help release some pressure. However, often this is not enough so more gas needs to be released over time. In addition, as more poop enters the rectum this also again increases the pressure of any gas remaining hence the need to keep farting. If someone needs to poop then releasing pre-pooping farts effectively buys them time whilst they are either looking for or waiting to go to the toilet. 
Some people may be unable to pass pre-pooping farts due to it being socially inconvenient e.g. when they are attending others at work or other situation. In this case the pressure can get very intense and the gas can get squeezed into any softish poop in the rectum. When the person does go to the toilet the gas comes out alongwith the poop causing the poop to "crackle". However, this is not the only cause of crackling poop. 

From your description it sounds as though Lana often passes fairly large volume soft poops. 

Look forward to more posts from you when you're less busy. 


Monday, December 08, 2014

Dude in distress

To Linda and everyone else who struggles with constipation.

My constipation has been pretty bad lately! Last week, I got completely stuck. No amount of straining could get things moving- but once again I had that terrible situation where the tip of the turd has already poked out- but then it gets stuck and won't move either way. It was like that for almost 3 painful hours! Somehow I managed to get it out by pushing against the sides of my anus while straining with all of my force. I was actually beginning to sweat! It took several more attempts but finally. I was able to get it all out. 


Monster Load

Hi there. About a month ago on page 2424 I asked what foods make you poop because I wanted to start the day feeling nice and empty. Well I finally managed to try it! I followed Mima's advice and ate plenty of rice and veg over the weekend, and it had been a few days since I last went.

I woke up early for college and did my usual morning routine. I had a wee and a shower and then made breakfast with a coffee. I made myself another and got ready for college, deciding to wear skinny jeans and a t-shirt + hoody. I finished my second coffee then left to catch the bus. 

Once at college I headed straight for the toilets. Two of the five doorless stalls were occupied which I really didn't like but I decided to be brave and do it anyway. I went into the middle stall, pulled down my jeans just enough to go and sat on the toilet, playing on my phone as usual. It really helps to distract me when I'm pooping. 

I let out a small dribble of wee whilst waiting for the main event. After about two minutes my stomach cramped and I began pushing involuntarily. I started pushing out a really soft poop but still solid that seemed to go on forever. After the initial cramp no further effort was needed, it just came out at its own pace. It eventually broke off and I stayed seated, letting nature do its thing in its own time. After a little while my stomach cramped again as I started pushing out a second piece. This seemed just as soft and long as the first. As I was pushing it out I started weeing, the combined relief of emptying my bowels and bladder at the same time felt incredible! My poop broke off and I finished weeing a few seconds later, I waited a little longer just in case but I was finally empty and feeling very satisfied. Looking into the toilet I could see a pile of poop completely filling the toilet to the waterline, I don't know how someone as small as me could produce so much! I sat down and wiped my behind three times, my front once and flushed as I got dressed. I sprayed a little perfume, washed my hands and left the bathroom feeling so good about myself. That day was the best I've had all year and I think my morning relief is the reason 


Linda & Dude and Distress


Glad yours went away, Linda. Mine is still showing up and it doesn't seem to be going away lol. Doesn't help that I went on a vacation this weekend and that made me more constipated. I didn't poop at all on Friday or Saturday and it took until yesterday to poop, at the hotel room. Luckily my friend knows about my constipation so he didn't mind hearing all my grunting and groaning in the bathroom, but I still had to be in there for 40 minutes, pushing out a hard greenish/brown turd. Just as the hemorrhoids had been starting to heal, that happens and now they're flaring up again. 

@Dude in Distress 

Wow, that last dump you had sounds insane. Have you tried pulling out the turd at that point? If I've been pushing for that long and it's not even moving, sometimes I resort to that. I also push above my anus sometimes to get it out and that does seem to help. 


Replies to George and TK

Hi its John B. 

Yes fella I get the bashful bladder syndrome too when standing at a urinal, especially one of those without the "courtesy divider" and as soon as the other bloke walks away then I go into full stream mode. Its a nuisance I know but I've learned to live with it over the years! 

TK my missus is a tween legs wiper too. Although she half stands with her legs bent and lets her panties an jeans/trousers drop to her ankles despite the fact they've been around her knees whilst she's been seated. She tears off length of paper bunches it up and wipes front to back for as many times as is necessary, obviously using a fresh pull of paper for each wipe! 

Jemma really enjoyed your bbq poo story, mosst entertaining as always x. Take care my dear and hear from you soon. 

Well that's all four the moment save to say that I marvellous poo at leisure centre this morning. It consisted of three effortlessly evacuated logs an only needed one wipe! 

Take care one and all. 

John B x 


Bashful Bladders.

To have just enlightened me..I always thought this was a male only problem. I have always been like's even worse for a guy, standing there so publicly, and even if I am bursting, I can never pee in a public urinal If a guy stands anywhere near me. I always make a point of using a cubicle if one is available, then don't have a problem with the extra privacy. Try not to get stressed, and think of anything else EXCEPT peeing, then you might find it easier. Don't worry. There are 1000s like us. 

One day I was at home when I started to feel the urge to go to the toilet. I hadn't been for a few days but was watching a movie so decided to wait until It was over. After about 5 minutes I was shifting uncomfortably as my stomach started to cramp. I went to the toilet and sat down ..... Nothing. I pushed but it was no use. I went back and my husband asked if I was alright I said I was constipated and had a reall bad stomach ache. He said he wanted to help so we both went. I sat down and he pushed on my stomach extremely hard. I was desperately trying to get it out "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhggg" I groaned as I pushed and pushed. 1 hour later and I was still sitting there straining as hard as I possibly coould. 'Uuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhh" my husband pressed on my stomach as hard as he possibly could and I let out the loudest fart ever "it's coming .... It's .....,........,...,,,urgh" and with one more massive push my poop lands in the toilet. I get up and wipe , I'm just about to flush when my stomach cramps in the most unbearable way. I sit down and hand a huge wave of diarrrhea.

My girlfriend takes a dump every day when she gets home from work. We both get home close to the same time but if she is home before me she is in the bathroom every time. She sits down with the newspaper or magazine and sits in the bathroom for 10-15 and just kills it! Lots of farts, plops, and grunts. When she is finished and wipes, she reaches between her legs from the front to wipe her butt. I just have a question for the girls, how do you wipe your butts, do you reach from the front between your legs or do you reach around the back and wipe that way. That's how I wipe as I would think most men do because if we wipe by reaching between our legs, a certain something gets in the way. Lol. I tried it after seeing my girl do it.

Hello all I am a female in High school. Recently after school My girlfriend Donna came over my house. After we had a lot of pizza together I had to take a Big shit and I invited my friend to watch, as I quickly yanked down my pants and panties and sat on the bowl. I then let out a booming fart as a huge, brown log started to come out of my ass. "Wow! said my friend as my log grew bigger and bigger in size. I then took a deep breath and squeezed very hard as a big,solid log came roaring out of my ass into the toilet bowl. My friend and I laughed on how big it was as I then wiped my ass,threw the used paper in the bowl and flushed. Boy! did that log feel great coming out of my ass and wow did the bathroom stink of a huge shit afterwards . Hoped you liked my post. Love, Sheena B

Hello everyone. I pooped a ton today. I went three separate times, which is unheard of for me. Even twice in a day is fairly rare. The first urge of the day came at my usual time, right after lunch. I went to the bathroom and pooped several logs in less than a minute. I'd barely started reading when I was already finished. I looked at my pile of 8-10 short logs at the back of the toilet, and wiped before flushing it away.

A few hours later, I was feeling gassy. I farted a lot and eventually realized that what was coming next was not just another fart. I headed back to the bathroom and this time got to read while pooping. I passed two turds, probably five or six inches each. Cleanup was kind of difficult, took five wipes.

My third poop came late at night, about an hour after eating dinner. I couldn't believe I had to go again, but I knew if I didn't get on the toilet I'd poop in my panties. That load was another pile of logs, though not as many as the first time, and there was a delay between turds that time too. I tried wiping, but decided it would take forever to get clean, and I'd be better off with a shower, so that's what I did.

Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed. Bye.


Mac and cheese drives me crazy

In the morning I went to my stage were I could get the opportunity to work with little kids that are approxiemently 2-5. At the first day of day care, I had a really rough time with the day care kids. 1 shit on their pants and the other vomited on me, I know right! very gross I'm still traumatized by that kid ugg. Annyways, when I am working I can't bring my own lunch In the day care centre because the lunch ladies are taking care of the food. I was so exited to eat because I was hungry all day. Today on the menu we had mac and cheese I went crazy because I haven't ate mac and cheese for years :) , I finished the whole bowl in 5 mins but then I became so full. For a good half an hour when I was playing with the kids I starred to fart and my ???? felt real gassy. I ingnore it cuz my co -worker was gone for a few mins. when she came back the whole room stank so I had to put some of my perfume to calm the smell. I told her I wanted to use the bathroom and i asked her to look at the kids for me. I became all red and splashed water on my face before using the toilet. I sat in the sit but only gas came out. So i tried to stop the fart by drinking milk. Milk really helped me for a couple of hours. After work finished I went to pick up my sister, My stomach got upset , so upset that I stopped the car to breath. My sister wanted me to go to her friend sleepover so I used that as an apportunity to use the bathroom. When I got to my sister friend sleepover party I tried to smile at the parents and asked if I could use the bathroom. The mom showed me the bathroom and I quickly closed the door to take a huge dump on the toilet. To be honest it was loud , so loud that my sister texted me saying If I was okay. After 15 mins I got out of the washroom but I still didn't feel that well .i went to my boyfriend house to rest....... 
Stayed tune for part 2 
You can email me for part 2 or kik me, my kik is 

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Thank you Brandon, for your kind words. I'm really on mend. Last night (Friday) Hisae said, do you think you can spend a night alone Mina. I said I would try. I want to lead a normal life again. Hisae is kindest angel in the world, but I want to test myself. I reduced my medicine this week, the doctor said OK.

So Hisae went home and I relaxed little bit and went to bed quite early. Hisae said she keep mobile by her bed and if I feel bad I call her at once and she come with hot feet. I said OK. Silly to endure and make myself more worse.

But I slept all night! I woke up about 7 am and I didn't feel so bad.

About 8 o'clock this morning Hisae came. I told her, I feel OK. She was very very happy and hugged me. We made breakfast and ate. After that Hisae went into loo, she usually does after breakfast. She kept door open, so I decided to go in, she smiled. She is always very quick so just when I sat down at her feet she pushed and many plops at once. She smiled again and then stayed very still, after a minute I heard more plops but small ones. Then she washed and wiped. And she said, how about you Mina. I said I wanted to go, because I didn't go Friday. She said, can you go by yourself. I said, I can, but I'm happy if you stay here Hisae. So she stayed. I waited bit, because not ready, I'm never in hurry on loo. But then my bottom opened and healthy motion came out. I said, I want to stay more, Hisae said OK, she knows I always stay long time. After few minutes another motion and then another motion, so Hisae flushed. But I was not finished, so didn't move. Hisae said nothing, just hold my hand and looked me with warm eyes.

Then next motion came but very slow. Hisae said, Mina your face is red very much. I said nothing because when motion is coming out, don't want to talk. Hisae understand. She held my hand and waited on floor near my feet. My motion came out slowly, slowly, it seemed very big. Finally it got a bit faster and then PLOP. Aaaah, I said. Hisae looked and said sugoi, that is Wow in Japanese. But I couldn't stop next motion which came much more faster, so Hisae saw it coming out of my bottom. And PLOP again. I didn't mind. Hisae can see anything of me. I love her.

After that I did small ones and washed and dried and wiped and finish. Hisae said, I can't do big motion like that, I go many times instead. I said, maybe we have different arrangement. But then Hisae said, can I go on loo again? So I said OK. I got off and she sat down and I surprised because many motions came out in very short time, I saw them come, it looked like they all running after each other in race. I said to Hisae, she laughed loudly. They were not so big, but many many, maybe ten. Hisae said, finished now.

Maho and Kazuko came about eleven. Kazuko shouted, Mina you look better! I said, I feel better, but not perfectly stable, I must take medicine few more days or maybe weeks, but I can sleep alone. Kazuko said yokatta, that means how wonderful, and then she began to cry! Maho also had crying face, but with big effort she didn't cry. I hugged Kazuko and she stopped crying because she was happy, it was happy crying and that doesn't last so long time. Maho hugged Hisae and said thank you to her. I also said, maybe it was tenth time or fifteenth time today.

I promised my friends I make efforts to be better, and do what the doctor tell me. I think I'm getting to be better. Thank you all, I'm happy I can write to this forum. I give you story soon.
Kazuko is still here, so I'm going to take bath with her.

Love from Mina

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Joy first welcome to the site and great story please post anymore stories you may have thanks. 

To: Danielle first welcome to the site and great story I bet you felt amazing after a poop like that and please post anymore stories you may have thanks. 

To: Abby C as always another great pooping story it sounds like it was a pretty good one to and as always I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Ashley G great story it sounds like your daughters had great poops and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Big B great story about you helping your girlfriend it sounds like she had a really great poop and please share any more stories you may have thanks. 

To: Carolyn great story it sounds like you had a really great poop and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Sophia W great story about your desperate poop it sounds like you made it to the toilet just in time and I bet you felt pretty good afterwards to and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Jessica (AZ) as always another great story it sounds like you were pretty desperate for that poop and I bet you felt good afterwards to and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Chloe B great story. 

Well that's all for now. 

Sincerely Brandon T 

PS. I love this site 


Post Title (optional) To Dominic and Dude in Distress

To Dominic: 

My hemarrhoid went down completely after I used the nappy rash cream. I had to use it for about 6 or 7 days before it went away. It helped with the pain because it was very painful. It hasn't come back again but I can still feel a small lump at the back of my anus. And I have been very, very constipated again recently too. 

To Dude in Distress: 

Sounds like you did indeed have a very rough bout of constipation. How long had you been constipated for? Are you still constipated now? I've also been badly constipated and lately its been horrendous! 


to Shelbi re: tinkles

if you are shy in a closed stall it may help to imagine the urinals we lucky guys deal with. At the very best there is a small divider between the fixtures and this is only in the classiest restaurants and upscale offices. Beyond that it goes from no dividers down to just basically peeing on a wall that has a catch trough at the bottom. In a stadium environment you are literally shoulder to shoulder with the guy next to you. 


Accident this afternoon

My name is Joy (not really). I'm 30, just a normal working mom of one 3 year old. This afternoon at work I was so busy that I didn't even take a break to go to the bathroom or have a snack or anything and then didn't get a chance to go before leaving because I left late and had to pickup our son before the daycare closed and also had to stop at the store. But I didn't have time to go at the store, either, and then had to get my son. By that point I hadn't been to the bathroom since lunch and it was now almost 6:30 and I really had to pee. I can't remember the last time I had to pee so badly. I drove home the ten minutes from the daycare with one hand holding my crotch and praying I wouldn't catch any lights. We made it home but then I had to lift my son out of his car seat to get him out of the car. When I lifted, I couldn't hold myself and I felt a squirt escape into my panties, but I stopped it quickly. Nothing showed on my black pants. I put him down on the ground and hurried him to the door. I stood with my legs crossed, bouncing slightly, fumbling with the key. I got the door open and as soon as I stepped to walk I lost another spurt into my panties, which now felt very warm and quite damp in the crotch. I quickly turned on the TV for my son and told him to sit and watch and I hurried down the hall towards the master bedroom and bathroom, legs squeezed together, hand holding tight against my damp crotch. I started leaking more as I entered our room. I made it to just outside the bathroom door when a huge urge hit me and I had to stop and almost double over, but my bladder had other ideas and I felt a full stream release and begin to spread down my legs, upper thighs, and butt. I couldn't stop it for a few seconds and could feel wetness almost down to my knees before I regained control. I hobbled to the toilet, shoved my panties and pants down together and was releasing fully by the time my damp butt hit the toilet seat. I sighed with relief as I emptied the rest of my bladder. My panties were soaked, as were my pants. I stripped them off, wiped myself down as best I could, put on some clean panties and comfortable sweatpants, and went back out to watch my son and start dinner. I forgot all about the wet pants and panties laying in a pile on the floor until after my husband got home and went to the bathroom and found them and I had to tell him what happened. He just laughed. 


Hi everyone, i'm Danielle and I am a paraprofressional for 7th graders. I mostly only go to the bathroom on my lunch hour or before or after school. Today while I was helping a student out I had a bad urge to go. I asked the other teacher if she could watch the students while I went to go. She said that she could do it. I walked down the hall to the ladies room. I walked to the last stall avalible which was the third. I hiked up my purple skirt, pulled down my stockings and g-string and sat down. I had three long and loud juicy farts and about maybe five more after the first three were done with. I pushed a little and out came a fat piece of poop, it was about 20" long and 10" wide!!! I wiped many times until I was fully clean. I redressed myself and went back to the classroom. Byebye everybody and have a nice day!!!!!!!

Abby C
Hi, today me and my 2 friends morgan, and riley and riley's mom went camping for 2 days at a campsite. We were watching some tv in riley's camper. Morgan said she needed to use the bathroom and I agreed. Riley didn't need to go, so me and morgan went to the bathrooms up the hill. Somebody was already taking a poop in the 1st stall so I took the 2nd when morgan took the 3rd. I locked the door pulled my really tight jeans and underwear right below my you know what because the dividers were so high off the ground I could actually see morgans thighs. I grunted a little while the long piece of poop was coming out of my anus. About 2 more logs came out and I felt fully emptied out so I wiped, redressed, and waited for morgan to finish. On my next post will be the second day of my camping trip. Bye everybody, Abby C xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Questioning Mark

Bedwetting in your twenties

I watched a show on tv tonight where in a 24 year old peed her bed and it wasn't her first incident. Now I was wondering how common it actually is. There is such a taboo about it, which can't be good. So who of you still pee their bed or pants often and how do you deal with it? 

Ashley G.
Jessi-Thanks for the story about Milly & Misty. Bet they felt much better after those big Does Misty know how to unblock the toilet? I taught both of my girls but Natalie still needs help when she clogs it. I wish we had a toilet with a stronger flush

So today I have 2 stories. One of each of my girls. This morning I was taking a shower and the door opens, its Natalie. "Can I use the toilet" I say "sure honey". "I gotta poop should I just let you flush when you get out" "Yes, please" I reply. I couldn't really hear anything with the water running, but could smell it filling the a bit I hear her say "whew I crapped alot".I giggled. "Just leave it I'll take care of it" After I got out I lifted the lid. There were 5 poos about 6-8 inches...2 in the hole and the other 3 floating on top. Took 2 flushes, no plunging.

Over the Weekend we went shopping at the mall and we went into "family"restroom. As Kayla had to poo and Nat and I had to pee. Kay was like please "hurry its coming". Nat did her pee as I did. As soon as I was done, Kay was undoing her pants and practically pushing me out of the way lol. "Sorry Mom, a big one is coming". She sits and farts loudly. I finish wiping and throw my paper in between her legs, and I see a big turd coming out. Crackling and farts and it drops loud. Kay lets out a sigh "Better honey?" "Yes but Ive got alot more". She wasn't kidding. Several more farts and more crackling 5 more plops one after the other. She says "I have one more I think" Another softer plop. Nat fans the air..."Ewww you stink. We all giggle. Kayla wipes and stands up. We look in the bowl. A thick long poo coming out of the hole and 6 other poos varying from 4-7 inches on top and floating. "Good thing I didn't wait til we got home or that would have blocked the toilet" She flushes and the strong flush takes care of it.

Ashley G.


a messy poop

The other day I went to the men's room at work to have my typical morning bm and everything seemed to be as usual until I went for the 1st wipe. I typically tear off a length of paper and fold it so it covers my fingers and when I wipe it comes back with just the center soiled. This time the entire left side of the pad was just covered. 
I picked up my butt to see if I had somehow pooped on the seat but that was clean. I continued to wipe using larger wads of paper but I was concerned about the extent of the mess so I left the stall to wet some paper hand towels in the sink and proceeded to make sure I was clean. 
Luckily I get in to work early enough that I have the bathroom to myself. 

Big B
My girlfriend and I have date nights of me fixing my famous jambalaya and watching a movie at my apartment. But this was going to be like any other date night I've ever had with her. So we get done eating and turn on Goodfellas she wanted to watch it and get about half way into it. She's all snuggled next to me. She says "Babe, I feel a major 1 coming on, can you keep me company?" I never expected her to say that ever. So we go into the bathroom she unbuttons her jeans and takes her thong down to her ankles and plops her nice butt on the toilet. She strains and cries because she has to go so badly. So I rub her belly to help after about a couple minutes of doing that she breaks wind. She widens her legs so I can see the action. She pees for a little bit and starts grunting out comes 3 big logs one after another, pees again and while that's all going on she grunts and out comes 2 medium sized logs and then a couple of small sized ones. She's like "I feel 15 pounds lighter." After that she asks me to wipe her vagina and her butt I happily cooperated I do that. She gets up off the toilet pulls her thong and jeans up. We leave the bathroom and didn't finish the movie....

Hello everyone. I had a great poop today I wanted to share with everyone here. I felt the urge at my usual time and went to the bathroom. I sat down, peed, and farted a few times. I grabbed my magazine and began to read. I had quite a bit of gas before my turd finally started coming out. It came very very slowly, and I enjoyed it a lot.

When it finally did end, I stood up to see what I had produced. It was a long turd, probably at least 16 inches, in one unbroken piece. It looked almost like a dark brown, backwards question mark. Then I wiped a few times and then flushed, felt a little sad about having to flush away such a magnificent turd.

Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed. Bye.

Sophia W

another experiance at school

Yesterday I had a free lesson. before lunch and so I played cards with some friends. David and Amelie did win most of the time. When I gave out the cards I felt an urge to poo that hit me out of the blue. I excused me and went to the nearest toilet very fast. I felt like I would loose the battle if I would not be fast enough. I went through the door and I was alone and so I took the stall in the middle of three. I had a struggle to open my belt. I sat down right in time, because my poop just fell out of me. I pooped five mushy logs and they fell out without pushing within. Five seconds. It felt so good I needed a bit to moan. I did not need to wipe so much. I flushed and washed my hands. A girl came in and took the stall on the left. She peed with full force and the stream hit the water loudly. she was ready before my hands were dry 


Angry Mom in Boys Bathroom

Last month I started as a volunteer tutor after school. Students are referred to me by their counselor and I spend up to two hours with them after school in the library. Those of us who are doing the tutoring had to take a four hour class on how to do it, what not to do and motivation. 

So I get a pass in study hall to meet a transfer student Grant after school. He's only been in our city for two weeks and he's being forced to stay after school. So there's some attitude but as he sat down and took out his planner to show me his assignments, I could smell that he had been holding in his poo so I told him before we got started that I was going down the hall to the bathroom and that he should too. He said that he likes to hold his poo until he gets home, but I told him that's harder to do in high school (he's a freshman, still only 13, and somewhat immature). So I walked out and took my regular after-school pee and when I got back to our table, I was encouraged when I saw Grant had not yet returned. I felt good that he had listened to me. I was wrong however when Grant came walking in, his fly was open and the belt on his jeans was still unbuckled. He was angry. 

He and he thought three other boys were in the doorless cubicles pooing and a couple other boys were at the urinals when an angry mother came around the wall, walked right in, was swearing about her son because she had waited 45 minutes for him in the parking lot. Somebody in the office suggested he might be in the bathroom because he didn't answer the page (there are no speakers in the bathrooms). Grant couldn't believe that this mom came in calling for her son, and walked the complete length of the room scanning the boys with their organs out at the urinals and the guys like Grant who were seated. Then as she walked back toward the entrance to leave, she asked each of the boys if they had seen her son who he thinks was named Austin. I'm like whaaaat? Grant said a boy who was weeing at the urinal in front of him, turned to cover his organ and started splashing the boy next to him. Grant said he yanked up his clothing, finished in his boxers and then found he had spread some of his poo on one side of the seat. A couple of the boys at the urinals told her to get out and she told them that as a parent and taxpayer she could go anywhere and anyplace she wants in the school. 

Of course, Grant was late in getting back our table and still a little shaken up. He had some soft poo smeared in his boxers and I told him to go downstairs to another bathroom and clean himself up. I walked him down there and before he went in I told him that sometimes girls just throw out their underwear when they have accidents. I could hear a lot of water running, too, as he cleaned himself up. Then we walked upstairs again and worked on some General Math problems. 

My question is how can a guy like Grant get any confidence in using the bathrooms at school when things like this happen? I written before about when I had an emergency and took a doorless stall at our civic center and a young boy not being watched by his mother just stood there and stared me down. I've also told you about how teachers this year are going through the bathrooms and when the bell rings, chasing us off the stools and out of the bathrooms. But I feel this mother is at a whole different level. It worries me! 

jessica (az)

messy poo

This morning my dad made bacon and eggs in the morning for breakfast. With the bacon and eggs i also grabbed a pomegranate to go with it. Took me time to finish the breakfast and i still had some time to myself before i head to school. i was browsing facebook when i passed some nasty gas. i just ignored it. when it was time to go i got in my car and headed to school. during the drive i had to leave the window open since i was farting a lot of eggy farts into the car. eggs never agree with me. when i arrived at school i felt a rumble in my gut. thankfully i have an early class so not many students are at school. i trotted towards the most private bathrooms. when i made it i took a stall, pulled my pants down to my ankles and sat on the toilet 

i farted a lot in the toilet it echoed and smelt horrible. about some time passed and i pooped two firm poos and a blast of mushy poop on top of it. i felt so good i let a loud sigh. my stomach rumbled again. i grabbed the edges of the toilet seat and shot more mushy poop on top with rapid farts. i felt empty now. i wiggled my toes in my flip flops, got up, and wiped. as i was pulling up my pants i looked down at the toilet bowl. very mushy indeed and with closer inspection i saw some seeds in the poo. they looked like pomegranate seeds, after all i eat the seed too. i shook my head and flushed the toilet and headed to my class 

Chloe B

Poo during a volleyball game

This happened earlier in the year but I saved it till today. So that morning I had a big breakfast of pancakes and felt really good heading into school. I needed a pee during 3rd period so I peed thought about trying to poop but didn't want to waste time. At lunch I ate a sandwich which was really big! So about 2 hours later we were all suiting up for the match and by this time my stomach hurt really bad but I didn't have time to poop before the game!! I was one of the starting players so for the entire first half I was so close to pooping my pants! At the half I immediately asked our coach to go the bathroom! I went in and there were 6 stalls 2 were taken by girls from another team one was pooping the other just finished. So I quickly take the one by the girl pooping and lowerd my spandex to my knees. Io wasn't wearing any undies because usually you don't wear them with spandex. As I say down a barrage of farts and diareaha was let out! I kept on trying to praise dog it but it all came out! The girl next to me farted and started to wipe as I let out more diareaha. By this time the room smelled so bad! As I felt a lot better I let out a few more farts and then started to wipe. As I was wiping another girl from our team came in to check on me and asked if I was ok, I told her yeah my stomach just really hurt as I pulled up my spandex. She decided to pee quickly as I washed my hands and said while peeing " dans Chloe you blew it up in here!" I really did! I returned In time for the half and played pretty well! We won our game and after the game we all took showers which were right next to the bathrooms and apparently I wasn't the only one with stomach troubles! 6 girls from our team all had to poop after the game! And we're farting like crazy! Well that's my story hope you enjoyed! 

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Shelbi great pee story. 

To: Abby C as always another great pooping story. 

To: Jessi it sounds like both your daughters really had to poop and I bet they both felt good especialy Milly once she got to fully finish and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Meagan great story it sounds like both had good poops. 

To: Grace great pee story. 

To: Tlana great story. 

To: Carolyn great pooping stories it ounds like had some great poops. 

Well that's all for now. 

Sincerely Brandon T 

PS. I love this site 

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Grace first welcome to the site and great peeing story and please post anymore stories you may have thanks. 

To: Tlana great story as always. 

To: Jemma as always another great desperate poop story. 

To: DonK great catch. 

To: Jessi great story about your daughter and niece it sounds like the both had good poops and I look forward to your next post thanks. 

To: Brianna it sounds like you had a rough night. 

To: Mina that's good that your starting to feel better and remember you have a good number of friends on here. 

Well that's all for now. 

Sincerely Brandon T 

PS. I love this site 

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Dude in distress

A very rough bout of constipation

Yesterday I made several attempts too poop, but nothing worked. My rectum felt so full, but I just couldn't push it out. This morning I was determined. I sat down on the toilet and immediately The turd began to poke out. I took a huge breath and bore down. But it wouldn't move! I did this about a dozen more times- screwed in up my face and clenching my fists while I strained like no tomorrow. I reached behind and felt my anus- and there was about an inch of rock hard poo sticking out. It was over two inches wide!! I leaned back and caught my breath while I figured out how I was gonna do this. Sitting on the toilet was uncomfortable- so I stood in a semi squat and just pushed like hell until my eyes watered. It stung and felt like my anus was being stretched to the max! I used my fingers to push down on the sides on my anus and the spot below the tail bone. After nearly 90 minutes of this- I managed to get it out. Spent 20 minutes catching my breath after! No fun. 


Toilet Tinkles

Just a quick pee story, not overly interesting but I wanted to share it regardless. 

I was seeing a friend this weekend which was a 30 minute bus journey and then an hour on the train. By the time I reached the station I really needed a wee so I went to the toilets. They were really busy but I managed to take a stall near the end without waiting. I pulled down my leggings and underwear to my knees before sitting. Almost immediately I saw a shadow underneath the door, somebody was waiting for me. I struggle going at the best of the times so this was going to be interesting! I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, telling myself I'd be able to do it, I've done it before. I sat, and sat, and sat, unable to start my stream. I had let out a small dribble but nothing more. Even listening to the other girls wasn't helping. I closed my eyes and focussed on nothing but peeing, if I gave up now I'd just wet myself shortly after. After about 30 seconds of sitting on the toilet I let out another dribble, felt my body relax and then began a hissing stream. Sweet relief, it felt amazing finally going. I went for about 15 seconds before wiping and redressing, shyly exiting my stall. As I washed my hands I saw in the mirror I was bright red! 



Early Toilet Experiences

Hello Folks. 

It's George from middle England. seem to have solved my posting problems, so back with a couple of my most early toilet orientated memories.I thought I had covered my early memories, but it's surprising how visiting certain places can bring back other lostmemories. I attended in the 60s and 70s, adjacent infant and junior schools. Both were beautiful Victorian buildings, and a few years ago, were declared no longer fit for purpose, and have been sold to developers to be turned in to apartments. Well, I and a few others had a chance to visit recently, an I was amazed how little the buildings had changed in 40 years. When I started at the infant school, it had only just had indoor toilets built, and still had outdoor ones in the fact, the black concrete slab boys urinal still stands, built in to a wall today, 40 or so years after the rest of the outside building was demolished. I can remember standing there trying to pee on the flies that were always swarming there in summer... 
Now, I was one of those kids who only occasionally needed to pee at infant school, and NEVER needed to poo, so was amazed one day when having noticed a boy called David in my class ask to go to the toilet, a little while later, our teacher called me, and asked me to take him some toilet paper. I hadn't realised, but there was no toilet paper in the boys indoor toilet, as boys being boys were prone to stuffing the toilet with it, and causing havoc for the cleaners... 
Anyway..she gave me this long length of horrible shiny paper...totally useless as it spread more than it cleaned..another good reason for not having a poo at school.... 
I walked through the assembly hall..all of the classrooms surrounded this, and down the steps in to the new modern toilet block that lead to the playground. There was just one stall in the boys....the door was pulled to but not locked, David was sitting on the toilet, shorts just pulled down far enough to perform....I don't remember if there was a poo aroma,but I doI remember him looking relieved as I passed him the paper...I don't think we even said anything to each other....and I didn't hang about. This must have been the very first time I had ever seen anyone apart from a family member sitting on the toilet. 
To get to the boys toilet, or the playground also meant walking by the door to the girls toilet. I remember one day, it must have been during a play time, walking down the passage, just as a girl opened the door in to the girls....dead opposite was a stall with the door wide open, and a girl from my class called Lesley was standing in front of the toilet, squatting over the pan. I had never seen a girl...only my mother using a toilet, and it was obvious that I had never forgotten the sight of Lesley...holding her pleated skirt high above her waist, and very clearly in full flow.....she didn't seem bothered that anyone could see her....don't suppose any of us were bothered when we were young's only later that modesty kicks in.....That's all I can remember of the very early years, and it took that visit to my old school to bring out those memories. The following visit to the junior school bought one or two back, but I'll leave those until next time. 


Toilet Tinkles

Just a quick pee story, not overly interesting but I wanted to share it regardless. 

I was seeing a friend this weekend which was a 30 minute bus journey and then an hour on the train. By the time I reached the station I really needed a wee so I went to the toilets. They were really busy but I managed to take a stall near the end without waiting. I pulled down my leggings and underwear to my knees before sitting. Almost immediately I saw a shadow underneath the door, somebody was waiting for me. I struggle going at the best of the times so this was going to be interesting! I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, telling myself I'd be able to do it, I've done it before. I sat, and sat, and sat, unable to start my stream. I had let out a small dribble but nothing more. Even listening to the other girls wasn't helping. I closed my eyes and focussed on nothing but peeing, if I gave up now I'd just wet myself shortly after. After about 30 seconds of sitting on the toilet I let out another dribble, felt my body relax and then began a hissing stream. Sweet relief, it felt amazing finally going. I went for about 15 seconds before wiping and redressing, shyly exiting my stall. As I washed my hands I saw in the mirror I was bright red! 


Abby C

Big poop

Hi, today at school we were running a mile in gym. While I was running my mile i felt a huge urge, because I actually haven't gone in about 4 days or so. I finished my mile, and I asked my gym teacher if I could go, she said it was alright. I walked to the port-a-potty at the end of the track. I walked in locked the door and the bathroom was surprisingly clean. I pulled down my shorts and pink undies and sat down. A person came up into the potty next to me and then a few more people and after i think all 7 potties were taken. I let out a few little farts, i had pushed really hard and a log fell in. Somebody knocked on the door and said to come out, i told them to wait. And she asked if I was peeing or pooping. I told them I was pooping. I grunted very loudly and 3 18" logs fell in i wiped pulled up my pink undies and shorts and left. Bye everybody, Abby C xoxoxoxoxo 

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