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Friday, January 31, 2014

To Linda: walking around trying to poop

To Linda: walking around trying to poop

Oh my gosh, I LOVED your post about standing up and walking around while trying to poop. I just loved the visual image of you waddling around wearing only a bra, an enormous thick heavy log sticking out of your butt. Could you actually see the log, or did your butt cheeks sort of cover it up? I once posted a story about having to get off the toilet and grab some toilet paper from the kitchen, and had to waddle down the hallway with a big wide log lodged in my anus. My buttcheeks are so large that I couldn't actually see the poop, but it was difficult walking. Is your butt very big? For some reason I imagine you being very curvy. I guess its because you're always describing your massive logs and I always associate huge turds with being curvy, having a big butt and wide hips, and so on.

I bet if felt magnificent to be walking around like that, wearing only a bra. Did you walk all over your house, or did you stay in the bathroom?

Does your housemate know about your constipation? Has she ever heard you on the toilet? Have you ever needed to poop really bad but couldn't because she was around? Has she ever noticed you being really bloated and obviously constipated? Have you ever been really gassy around her? How open is she about her own bowel movements?

Sorry to bombard you with all of these questions, but your last story got me so excited! Please respond!

Oh, and in a previous post you asked if I'm presently constipated. Actually I've been doing okay since my New Year's Eve poop. I pooped again on Saturday (Jan 4th), a nice sensual BM with three large logs that plopped out. But now I've gone Sunday and Monday without pooping, and I've definitely got some poop building up in me now LOL. Today I was sitting on the sofa with my boyfriend, and I said "Guess what?" He looked at me and said "What?", and I leaned over and blasted a huge three-second-long fart. LOL! That wasn't the only fart I've been passing, though...Its a wonder he puts up with me.


Actively Peeing

Has anyone ever had one of those days where you constantly pee even though you barely drink anything? I just had one of those days a few days ago. If you've read my previous posts, you guys know that I drink a lot of liquids every day, and that results in me going potty several times a day. So anyways I'd planned to go over to my friend Kendra's house to hangout. I woke up and got dressed to go for a run, carrying my usual water bottle. When I got back home, the bottle was empty and I was really needing the toilet cause I hadn't had my morning pee yet.

So I peed before taking a shower and then got dressed for the rest of the day. I arrived at Kendra's place at around noon and we had lunch. During that lunch I only had one cup of water. So an hour passes and we're sitting around in her room talking and chilling and such, when I got the urge to pee. And it wasn't like a slight urge. It was like I should pee really soon and it came out of nowhere. Strange lol. So I excused myself and walked down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, I hiked up my skirt, pulled my panties down and took a seat on the toilet. My stream started right away, and it wasn't a tinkle either. It was a constant strong FSSSHHHHHHHHH. After about 30 seconds it weakened, and I squeezed out a couple more spurts and then I was done. I cleaned up and flushed. I was kinda confused cause most of what I drank that day I peed out before I showered, and the only thing I had in me was that cup of water I had during lunch.

Well Kendra and I continued hanging out and less than an hour later, I had to pee again! Keep in mind I didn't drink anything between that time and when I last peed. So I told Kendra I had to pee again, but she was in the middle of telling me this long story so she just went to the bathroom with me. So I sat on the toilet again and Kendra sat on the floor with her back against the tub. I let out another strong stream that sounded like I had two whole water bottles within the last two hours, except I didn't. Seriously, what's going on? Lol. After I finished, Kendra and I went to her living room to watch some TV. Not even an hour later…you guessed it. I had to pee. We were in the middle of watching an episode though, and I didn't wanna get up in the middle of commercials, so I waited until the episode was done before making my move.

Unfortunately Kendra had the same idea and reached the bathroom before I did. I had to stand there and wait as she pulled down her jeans and peed for nearly a minute. She wiped, got up without flushing, and I took her place on the toilet. FSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-FSSSHHHHH-FSHHH. I produced yet another gusher. Kendra made a face and said "Dang, did you drink like a gallon this morning?" and laughed. "I swear I didn't even drink much today." I said as I tore off some toilet paper and wiped my vagina. "Seriously I don't know where all this pee is coming from." We both laughed. A couple of hours later, we decided to go to the mall.

Our first stop was the food court, and we had an early dinner where I finished an entire medium cup of soda. It was only a matter of time before that soda hit my bladder, and that was 30 minutes later, when Kendra and I were in at a Macy's fitting rooms trying on outfits. I figured I could hold it, but Kendra said something really funny and we both burst out laughing. I nearly lost it right there. "Oh my God, stop. Don't make me laugh! You're gonna make me pee!" I was saying between gasping laughter. That only made us laugh even harder, to the point where I had to double over and jam my hands in my crotch. "Oh God, Kendra! Watch my stuff! I gotta piss!" I said still laughing. I struggled to get my skirt back on and ran out of the fitting room. Thankfully the restrooms were nearby, and I had to keep my composure as I walked into the bathroom and into a stall. I quickly lifted my skirt, tore down my panties and sat on the toilet. I peed for 40 seconds but it felt a lot longer lol. After I finished up, I came out of the bathroom and Kendra met me out front. After browsing the mall for another hour we headed home. The next time I peed was when I got home.

I seriously don't know why I peed that much that day. I've drank way more and peed way less on many other days, and so far as I know, this has never happened to me before. Oh well, it was fun nonetheless, in a way lol. At least I got to experience the relief a lot more haha.

Until next time! :) Bye guyssss!


Post Title (optional) To Bloated Butt

I absolutely LOVED your story!!! I can't believe you have 7 days worth of crap loaded up inside your bowels, plugging you up and you were still able to eat heaps of food over the Christmas period. I bet your friend Alisha had a great time watching you while you struggled with your gigantic load, pushing and straining to get it all out. How long did it take for you to get your entire load out??

I'm actually constipated again myself. I did some nice big poos on Sunday but I started getting backed up again on Monday. I've got liquid poo coming out, my stomach is bloated and I feel lethargic. I just wish I could do a nice, big firm poo that stretches my anus - but not so much that it hurts, just enough to make it feel enjoyable.

I can't remember if I have asked this before but has anyone else had a really difficult pooping session in a public toilet?? Did anyone ask you if you were okay?? Obviously, I've had lots of hard pooping sessions in public toilets, as I'm constipated a lot but nobody has ever asked me if I'm okay.

Or has anyone been in a public toilet and heard someone else having a hard time with a constipated poop?? I've never experienced this but I wish I could one day!!

To bloated butt: I know exactly where you're talking about. The wow-feeling what goes through your whole body when you feel you're stretch to the limit is amazing. A special moment for me is the feeling that i know there is a big solid bowel movement in the nearby future. As specially the typical farts that are going hand in hand with a solid motion. And the knowledge that there is something big on his way. So the fun and pleasure before the 'big' moment is also great. I have the same secret as you have, nobody knows of my secret pleasure. Did you ever pooped somewhere else than on the toilet?

To everybody: I soon came up with a good story about my bowel movements!


Pooping at school

I was at school when I suddenly felt a sudden urge to poop. So I sat on the toilet, pulled down my tights and panties and pushed. Immediately, lots of brown water came out of my butt, followed by loud farts. I then heard the voice of one of my friends from the next stall. She asked if I was okay.i said I was and we talked while I repeatedly farted and pooped. Three minutes later, I finally stopped pooping and wiped. Afterwards, I pulled up my tights and panties then flushed the toilet.


no longer constipated - nice big poo at the doctors

Hey all!

So since I've been constipated since Saturday mid morning I finally had a good poo
At the doctors this arvo.
I went about my stomach issues as my IBS is being investigated.
My appointment was 1pm & I arrived at 1250. I started to feel an urge about an hour previous, so sitting in the doctors waiting room I was getting more desperate.
I had to go. It was a good poo. Just 5 long solid plops but boy did it feel good & I felt empty afterwards which was a lovely feeling!
J x


Steven A: **BAND BUS**

Wow Steven; you go to such a cool school. Swimming in PE.....Trips to Florida.....Your parents pay big $$$ for a private school hahaha.....???
Hoooo boy; a bus with a bathroom!!!! I dunno....I doubt a tiny toilet like that is gonna be much of a match for a bunch of poop-laden teenagers! It will just take one kid....feeling his once a week decide to go in there and grunt out a fecal potatoe.....and it's all over for the rest of the trip. OOOOOHHHHH the Stench!

But; until that should be fun to watch the kids having urges....deciding to go for it...or hold. Can't wait to hear.

Myself....unless I was desperate....I think I'd hold my poop. How 'bout you Steven....????


PS: I've been amazingly regular lately. This morning I got a strong urge....strongest I've had in a while. I did a "soft-serve poop"....long and soft. I feel good when I'm empty like this.

Bill F

Summer Camp - Day 1

This story happened with me and three of the girls: Lisa, Emily, and Lucy. We were all around the age of 10, and we went to a summer camp for a week with about eleven other kids. I'll split this painfully long story into several parts to cover each day.

Day 1
We all had to be up rather early for the bus, and we all boarded at about 10 a.m. We were told the drive would be around two hours, and we all brought a lunch to eat. Each seat on the bus could fit three people. Us four wanted to stay in a group, so I sat between Lisa and Emily, and Lucy sat in the seat next to us. I made sure to use the bathroom before getting on, and Lucy was very confident in saying she did the same.
Not long into the ride however, and it was clear that Lisa didn't. She was starting to shift quite often. After about an hour of driving, Lisa was getting more desperate, and starting crossing her kegs every so often. Emily was starting to shift now as well. I was getting hungry, so I started eating my lunch. About half an hour later, I was almost finished my lunch, and I looked over at Lisa, she had her hands between her legs and she couldn't sit still. Finally she piped up. "Bill, I really need to pee, I don't think I can make it to the camp. Are you finished with that water bottle?" She pointed to the empty bottle. I was going to reuse it, but I remembered I brought a few more, so I lent it to her. I asked "You want to switch seats so no one sees?" She said yes, and we switched. At first, she was reluctant. She said "I picked a bad day to wear pants instead of a skirt. How am I gonna do this?" She sat on her knees, lifted her butt off her feet slightly, and slowly lowered her pants, almost constantly looking for peeping eyes. She lowered her panties next. She unscrewed the cap off the bottle, and placed it between her legs. Before starting her pee, she said "Let's hope those peeing standing up lessons paid off. Hopefully I wont't miss."
Her pee started slowly, because she was afraid of missing, and she kind of did. Most of the pee got inside, but there was a small stream going down the outside. She quickly adjusted the bottle, and let loose. Her stream of pee was very forceful, and with the water bottle it was quite loud. So loud that Lucy leaned over and asked "Are you peeing into a bottle?" I said "Nope, that would be Lisa." She said "Holy crap, that girl can go!" I looked back at Lisa, and I noticed the bottle was already half full, and she showed no signs of stopping. While she was peeing, she farted a wet sounding fart, and because of the way she was sitting on her feet, her butt cheeks were being spread. That, plus her peeing, meant that there was nothing to hold it back. This fart must have lasted three seconds, and it was wet the whole time. Her pee was finally starting to slow down, and not a moment too soon. The bottle was almost completely full when she stopped peeing with a quick spurt, topping it off. She closed the cap, and put the slightly yellow bottle on the floor. I asked her "Did you get it all out?" She said "Not quite. If I can't hold it, I'll finish on the floor and it'll look like I spilled some water." I said "Well you kind of would be spilling water." She laughed, and said "Hold on." Her pants were still down, and she simply turned around so that her butt was hanging off the seat. She finished the last bit of her pee, and let out another wet fart. She pulled up her pants and switched seats with me again.
I looked over at Emily, who was looking out the window this whole time, to keep from looking or listening to Lisa's pee. She was looking quite desperate now, and she had her hands between her legs. She chose to wear a skirt, which might come in handy. I said to her "We're almost at the camp. Can you make it?" She said "I think so. I don't want to take a risk like Lisa did." She turned toward the window again. I asked Lisa "Those farts were pretty wet. Did you just have to pee?" She said "I could probably poop if I tried, but it's not urgent."
Another forty minutes later, Lucy was starting to look uncomfortable. I thought she had used the bathroom before we left, but then I remembered from the holiday break that she always poops at lunchtime. I was also reminded that she had almost no inhibitions when she raised her hand and asked across the bus to the coordinator "Are we almost there? I'm starting to turtle-head back here!" The coordinator couldn't help but laugh along with the rest of the bus (except Emily). She said "Yes, we're almost there." I said to her "You must really have to go to blurt it out like that!" She said "Yea. I was afraid of this. When I went before we left, I tried really hard to poop to avoid this, but it just wasn't ready to come out yet. But now it sure is!" She then sat on her foot to make sure she wouldn't lose it. I asked her "Do you think you'll make it to the camp?" She said "I think my bowels will decide that more than me."
We got to the camp, and just before the bus stopped Lucy said "You go on ahead. I'll stay behind so no one bumps into me and makes me lose it." I left the bus with Emily, who by this point was very desperate, and hopping about. She said "I won't make it to the cabin, let's just find a spot where no one will see us." She was about to head off into the woods, when I said "Why walk and make it worse when you could just go behind the bus?" She ran, or rather hopped, to the other side of the bus, and I followed suit. Just then, Lucy got off the bus and followed me, she was practically waddling and she was holding her butt with both hands. Emily had already started peeing furiously. Even though she was squatting the jet stream went easily three feet in front of her. Lucy was unbuttoning her pants, still holding her butt with one hand. She said "I don't know if I can pull them down without losing it." I squatted down to pee while Lucy tried to solve her dilemma. Suddenly, I saw her pants and her butt drop to the ground at the same speed, and a small ball of poop fell even faster. A huge log started to poke out very slowly. It was taking so long to come out, that Emily was finished her pee before Lucy's turd dropped. Finally after what seemed like forever, the huge log split off from her anus. I said "Why did that log take so long?" As another turd was coming into place, she said with grunts, "There was a whole log?! I thought I was still holding it! I was closing my butthole as hard as I could!" Even I couldn't believe she had to go that bad. As her second log emerged more quickly because she 'let go' of her hold, I saw that her panties had a pretty bad poop stain on them. I said "Looks like your panties are more brown than blue." I heard Emily say "You too, huh? I threw my panties under the bus they were so bad." Lucy's second log snapped off, but before her third started, she said "I'll have to do the same thing, except my panties are brown, yours are see-through." We all laughed, and Lucy's third turd started. This time, she was pushing it, and it came out so fast it looked like it popped out. Then she peed for about twenty seconds, and finished with a little bit of mushy poop and a good long fart. Emily retaliated with her own fart. Lucy took this as a challenge, and said "Oh, you want to have a farting contest?" Emily said "I wish, but that was all I had in me." I gave Lucy some toilet paper to wipe with. When she was done, she pulled her pants up and gave the roll to Emily, so she could wipe her front. Emily gave it back to me, as she could tell I was starting to poop. As I pushed my first log out, I said "I wonder if the bus driver will see any of our piles." Lucy said "You could see mine a mile away." By this time I was finished, and I stood up. She added "But you couldn't pick out yours further than fifty feet." We all laughed and left our creations to get settled into our cabin.
As with most camphouses, the bathrooms was a complete disaster. Emily said "Get your shovels. We're gonna have to dig a few holes." We all laughed, but then I found a big bucket we could use. I told them about it, and they weren't too keen on using it. I found a few small pillows and taped them to the rim of the bucket, and I found a stool to put it front of it. I said "There! A makeshift toilet. Kinda." Lisa said "Better than what it was. I think I could use that. The other girls agreed. I put the bucket in one of the corners next to the bunk beds, as I didn't think privacy would be an issue.
The bucket didn't get any use until later that night. Soon after dinner, Lisa ripped a wet fart and said "I think it's time to break in the bucket. She dropped her pants, got up on the stool and sat her legs on the pillow so her butt was hanging off, like on the bus. She quickly dropped four smaller sized turds, each of them hitting the bottom of the bucket with an unusual "Ping!" sound. She peed a little bit, which made a pitter patter as it hit the bucket. Lisa said "You'll have to make sure not to pee too hard so it doesn't hit the front cushion." Lucy bravely went to the bathroom to get some toilet paper. Lisa wiped and got up.
I quickly saw a problem. "Lisa, you kinda missed again." She turned back around and said "How?" I said "Look at the back cushion. You splattered it." There was a brown mess on the back cushion gross enough to even make the three Gross Girls go "Ewww!" all at once. Lisa untaped the cushion and threw it out. I shouldn't have put it there in the first place. After the bucket situation calmed down, we went back to reading or other things. Until the bucket situation made itself known again, as it was starting to smell really bad. Lisa took the bucket outside and came back in. Lucy said "Well we can't just leave it there. I say we should empty it whenever it gets bad. Last person to use it has to dump it out." We all agreed to that. Emily repeated "Get your shovels. We're gonna have to dig a few holes." We all laughed and got to work. When we were done, the backyard of our cabin had 5 holes, all of them about 2 feet deep. I said "Let's hope these contain seven days worth of four people's poop." Lisa then emptied the bucket, as she used it last. She rinsed it out with a hose to get the residue off the bottom as well. It was getting dark, so we all went to bed. No one got up to use the bucket during the night, as it was empty when I got up the next morning.
And the trip was only just beginning.

Hooray! You made it to the end of the first part. Hopefully none of the other parts will be nearly as long.
See ya next time!


Peeing Experiment

Earlier I decided to try an experiment: I drank 2 litres of water. I wanted to see how much i would pee later. So I waited as long as I could until I felt that I couldn't hold it in anymore. I then peed into a bucket, measured it and it was around 1600 ml.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


Morning Poo

Jemma - no problem about the shout out, always enjoy your stories!

I've just got back from work, but thought I would share a story about today's poo.

I get up for work about 6:45am and usually have my breakfast before getting dressed and going to work. I rarely have a poo before going to work, but today was an exception.

I had just finished breakfast and the urge for a dump came on. I made my way to the toilet and could feel that this was going to be a good shit. I sat on the toilet and within seconds a huge log was crackling its way out. This slid into the toilet almost effortlessly. I had a quick look and saw the log curled round the bottom of the toilet.

There was far more to come, and 3 logs came out one after another, about 30 seconds after I had dropped the monster log. 2 small logs followed and I was done. I had another look and there was a mountain of shit, with 2 logs sticking out the water. I wiped, and felt great for dumping out that load.

I had to flush the toilet 3 times to get rid of it all. I felt so relieved getting all that out., not much better than a good morning shit!

Steven A

Band Trip - Tyler

Somewhere in April, I'm going to go to Florida for a 4 day band trip. We're all going to Florida on charter buses with bathrooms and we are leaving around noon and not getting there until the next day. I asked some people about the charter bus bathrooms and they all said not to use them but I don't care I'm still going to use them. I may have some new experiences on this trip and I will share what happened to me and or other people on the trip if anything happens.

Hi. I posted the other day about my sister Anna and I pooping at the restaurant, but I must have forgotten to put down my name. Anyway, I'm back with another story.

I was at a friend's house yesterday and we were watching a movie when I started to have to poop. I wasn't too in to the movie, so I told her I needed to poop, but she didn't have to pause the movie for me. She said okay, but then told me that their toilet was broken and I've have to use the one in the basement.

I went to the bathroom and by the time I reached the stairs I was farting up a storm. But then once I was sitting on the toilet, I did a few more farts, my urge was gone. I knew if I sat for a while, it would probably come back. I got out my phone and started playing around with it while I waited.

After a few minutes, I was feeling a renewed urge to poop. I let out a pretty long turd. Four shorter logs followed it, with each separated by a deep, long fart. Another firm turd even longer than the first came at the end. I wiped my butt several times and flushed the toilet. Then I washed up and returned to my friend's room.

To Jenna

Wow! 73 plo

to Phil

Hi phil.
Thanks for your shout out in your last post lol regarding the poos I had on the hen weekend...
I have bad IBS, which I'm on various tablets to control - most days I poo a good amount about 4/5x a day unless I'm constipated (as I was only yesterday) & also I eat alot of fruit and fibre foods! ;-)

ps in one day?? I think I do more than most people, but I've never produced as many as that!! I'd quite like to do like you however, you are lucky woman.

Bloated Butt

New Year's Eve Poop

To Ass Stretcher:

You and I are of the same mind! I know exactly what you're talking about when you say you love pushing out immense logs. I'm a 30 yr female with a big butt and hips. I love the feeling of a tremendous thick log pushing its way out of me and stretching my anus so wide. It usually takes me a while to push it all the way out because its so big and moves slow, and my poop rarely comes out on its own without pushing. But I enjoy every blissful moment of it! My favorite pleasure is to have my bowels fully packed with heavy poop, feeling the tip of a massive log poking at the inside of my anus, like I have an American football stuffed in my butt. Then I go to the toilet and push push push and it comes out so slow. I love those moments and want them to last as long as possible! None of my family or friends knows about my secret pleasure.

To everyone else:

For some weird reason, my last two posts were posted in the wrong order. So in case anyone is confused, my post where I described pooping the day before Christmas Eve was my most recent post. Anywho:

My next BM occurred on New Year's Eve, so I went Christmas Eve, Christmas, the 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th without pooping. I ate like a pig, though, and completely stuffed myself all through that time. There was tons of leftovers after Christmas so I of course helped myself to those, packing more and more food in and letting it build up inside of me, turning into poop.

On New Year's Eve, my boyfriend and I went over to my friend Alicia's, and a few other people were there. Except for Alicia, my boyfriend, and about two other people, I didn't know anyone very well. Of course I was bloated and flatulent and feeling like a bloated chicken that desperately needed to lay a huge clutch of massive brown eggs, and was self-concious of pooping with unfamiliar people around. I thought I could hold it until my boyfriend and I got home but the urge was getting stronger and I realized with a sinking feeling that I was eventually going to have to use Alicia's toilet.

Around 10 pm we were still hanging out when I finally broke down and told Alicia (discretely) that I needed to use her bathroom. But another woman overheard me and quickly piped up "Oh, hold on a sec, I need to go too", and then Alicia herself said that she needed to go too! They both said that they only had to pee so I agreed to wait since I knew I'd be a while (and plus I'm not very assertive so I just let them go in front of me).

The three of us went down the hall to the bathroom. Right across from it was Alicia's own bedroom, and the door was open. The girl (who I didn't know very well, so I won't divulge her name) went into the bathroom and shut the door, and me and Alicia went into her room. The pressure in my butt was so intense that I was basically standing straight up and clenching my big butt as tight as I could. I looked at Alicia's bed and saw that her bedposts are only about waist-high, and are topped with smooth round wooden balls the size of grapefruits. I quickly waddled over and sat down on the nearest one, my massive round butt sinking down on it and enveloping it. I let my weight sink down and relaxed, and felt the hard round bedpost push deep into my soft rear end.

Alicia noticed and said "You break it, you buy it".

"Nnnnnnnnhhh....I won't.....break it..." I said. God, I had to poop so bad and this girl was taking forever. The bedpost was pushing so hard into my butt and pushing my poop back up into me. My stomach rumbled and I winced and sighed as I sat gingerly on the bedpost.

It felt like ten minutes before the other girl FINALLY came out. I heard the toilet flush, then the door opened and she came out saying "Sorry for the wait", and then went back to the party. Then me and Alicia went in. As soon as the door closed, I gasped in desperation:

"Oh God Alicia, I have to go so bad, please let me go first!"

"Just wait just a minute, okay, sweetie? I'll be real quick!" said Alicia, pulling down her jeans and underwear and sitting on the toilet. I've said it many times, but Alicia has a much more athletic and strong build than I do. She's thin and toned and has a tight butt and her hips arent too wide, whereas I'm soft and curvy and have MASSIVE round butt and hips like Tinkerbell LOL.

She sat on the toilet and peed a little, then said, "Hold on...I've actually gotta poop..."


"Shhhhhh...I didn't want to let anyone know."

"Oh my God, Alicia..." I groaned, putting one hand on my gassy bloated stomach and the other on my big round soft butt.

"Don't worry...." she said, and started to push. I heard a soft crackling down and then PLOP, she laid a big log. A split-second later, two more PLOPs. "Ahhhhh, all done." She took some TP and started wiping.

"Are you seriously done? That was quick."

"Yeah. I told you I never get constipated. I always go everyday." She stood up and I caught a glimpse of three sizeable logs, each about an inch and half thick and 8 inches ling. They weren't nearly as big as mine, which are more like 3 inches thick and 10 inches long. She flushed and washed her hands, then said, "You want me to stick around?"

I was already pulling down my long denim skirt and thong and plonking my tremendous booty down before the toilet tank was done filling up again, "Um, do you WANT to stick around? This is going to be bad..."

"I'll keep you company."

So then I started pooping. As always the first log was too big to come out without pushing, and I had to take a few breaks to catch my breath, while Alicia stroked my thighs and the sides of my butt, encouraging me. I groaned and sighed as my anus was stretched to accomodate this tree-sized log.

"C'mon, sweetie, imagine you're giving birth..."

I tried not to laugh "Shush!" I kept pushing, trying hard to get the butt-plugging log out of me but without making too much noise. I gasped and softly grunted, bearing down as it inched out slowly, as Alicia kept gently kneading the sides of my butt. After a few minutes it started coming out on its own and plopped into the water with a loud splash.

"OH-ohhhhh....." I moaned, but the relief lasted only a second, because I immediately felt a tremendous and irresistable pressure in my anus again as the tip of another huge log started pushing on butthole. "Hmmmmmmmmm......ohhhhhhhhhhh.....aaaaahhhhhhh...." I had to push to move it along or else it would just sit there and plug me up. "Hnnnnnnggg...ooooonnnnnnnnggggghhhh...." The second immense turd slowly came out, forcing my anus wide open as it passed, stubbornly refusing to move unless I bore down. I took a breath and HHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGGHHH, until it splashed into the toilet. I moaned loudly, "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhoooooooooooohhhhhhh...."

"You better keep it down, or else people will hear you and start wondering what exactly is going on in the bathroom" said Alicia, smirking.

I blushed, "Oh God I hope nobody hears me." As I was saying that, I felt my anus dome out again and a THIRD thick heavy log started poking out.

"I'm just messing with you! No one can hear you, I promise." she said, and brushed a strand of hair from my face.

I started pushing the third log out, "Hhhhhthank goodnessssnnnnnngggghhh...." After a few minutes of pushing, catching my breath, then pushing again, it soon came out of me. Then I started pooping out a series of smaller and softer turds that were easy coming out, and then I was done. By then I had completely stunk up the bathroom!

"Sorry about the stink" I said, wiping.

"Yeah you better be." said Alicia, putting the fan on and spraying some nice vanilla-scented air freshner. I took a quick look at my load, and the biggest turd was around 3 inches thick! That must've been the first one. I saw the other two big ones, but they were a little smaller, maybe 2 and a half inches, and all were maybe 8 inches long. Plus there were all the smaller turds.

"That is a LOT of poop, honey" said Alicia as I flushed and they all went down. "Its not healthy to be walking around with all of that inside of you for a week. Its a wonder you can even move."

"Its okay. I've been like this my whole life. And even when I poop more frequently, they're always big like that" I explained as I washed my hands.

"If you say so. Its just alarming to see someone poop that much. Are you feeling okay?"

"Of course! I may actually have to poop more later! I'll do it at our house, though."

"Yeah, you got that right. You're pooping at YOUR house."

We both left the bathroom and went back out to the party. Fortunately no one else had to use the bathroom for the rest of the evening, or else they would've had to hold their breath LOL.

Happy New Year everyone!

I am coughing my head off. I did not sleep at all last night. I was running to the toilet to pee all night. Everytime, I cough my temple feels like it's coming off. Today, I drank more milk thistle and white tea mixed. I was peeing constantly. I had a semi-solid bowel movement around 1 PM. I pulled down my olive green adidas warmups and white FOL full-cut briefs and squeezed it out. I wiped myself, inspected the bowl and flushed. I am going to church in the morning. I will take my tea bags and get hot water from the church ladies. It is cold here, really.

I have my friend Alexas here with me. She will go home tomorrow. She had a wicked belly this morning. We slept in late. All the bldg. work is done. Sanitation is not collecting anytime soon with this snow. The kid started moaning, "My stomach hurts. I ate too much over the holiday." At about 8AM, she could not take it anymore and went to the toilet just outside my bedroom. She pulled down her white long johns and her maroon Carter's panties to her knees. She let out a series of explosive farts and plops. She was in there a good 20 minutes. She said, "I just want it out of me." I heard lots of plops and then she peed. Alexas took paper and wiped bet. her legs-once to wipe her cat and three to wipe her behind. When she got up, I saw 7 large logs and medium chunks. She pulled up her night clothes, flushed the bowl and returned to sleep.


Post Title (optional) A difficult pooping session

Well I got home late on Saturday afternoon, close to 5pm. I had managed to push out some rock hard chunks of poo that morning but I was still constipated. My housemate had sent me a text earlier, telling me that she had gone away for the whole weekend and wouldn't be back until late on Sunday. That suited me just fine! I put my suitcase in my room and put some washing in the machine. Then I went out again to get some Chinese food for dinner. I came home and ate my dinner while I was watching TV. I waited a while after I had finished eating and I could feel a huge log moving down towards my anus. I did some gentle pushing while I was sitting on the lounge.

After about an hour, I decided to make my way to the toilet. I was getting the urge to do a poo, after eating and I made sure I ate lots of ????. I took my knickers and pants off completely and sat on the toilet. I didn't even bother closing the door because I was home alone. At first, I did lots of farts. Then I heard my anus crackling as it opened up. I started pushing and straining to get things moving. Surprisingly, the turd move down quite quickly. I still had to push and strain hard to keep the poo moving. After about 15 minutes, I could feel the turd really stretching my anus apart as wide as it could go. It started to stick out and I had to push and strain with all my might. I screwed my face up, closed my eyes and clenched my fists while I was pushing. I also dug my toes into the floor.

As I was home alone, I had no problem making as much noise as possible. I did lots of heaving breathing and it seemed to help a bit. I also did lots of grunting. After half an hour, I could feel a few inches of poo poking out of my anus. I reached down and felt my anus with my hands. It was stretched to its limits and I could feel a very dry, rock hard turd sticking out about 5 inches. It was well and truly stuck though so I knew I would have to work hard to get it out entirely. It also hurt my anus.

I bore down as hard as I could and the turd didn't move. Then I pushed and strained like there was no tomorrow. Sweat was pouring off me so I took my shirt off, so all I had on was my bra. By this time, I had spent almost 45 minutes on the toilet. I decided to have a rest, with a huge turd poking out of me and I got up and walked around my room, just wearing a bra. I felt so uncomfortable with the turd poking out and all I wanted to do was get it out!! I did some more pushing as I walked around. It seemed to help because the poo slowly inched its way out a bit more. I really hoped it wouldn't break off and fall on the floor. But it was so dry and rock hard, there wasn't much chance of that. It also stunk to high heaven!! After 15 or 20 minutes of walking around, I got back on the toilet. I pushed and strained very hard and after about 15 minutes, the turd came out it one long piece. I had a look at it in the toilet - it must have been 16 inches long!!!! It stuck out of the toilet bowl too. I didn't think it would flush but amazingly, it did!! So it took me almost one and a half hours to complete my dump!!

On Sunday, I had an easier time with pooping and I went 3 times!! My poos were softer and easier to push out too. I think because I ate lots of fruit and drank heaps of water.

7:30 in the morning i was called to work at the office. After a long day at work my boyfriend decides to take me to one of the best buffet in town. When i saw fresh good food i start packing the food to my plate like a pig, I ate so much that i couldnt even have a romantic evening with my love, My stomach felt like a piece of garbage trown in vomit or somthing like that. I didnt have no meds to stop my upset stomach, so i went to bed. the next morning around 9:00am i had the urge to poop and i knew it was big. I got up and walked to the bathroom thinking my boyfriend would have gone to work. I opened the door and he was taking his shower. I wasnt comfortable at all because im normaly shy taking a shit infront of my people. I waited patiently for my boyfriend to get out the house. When he left, i ran upstsairs like their was no tommorow. I pulled my pants and start taking a dump, 5 mims later, my client rings the bell. I get up , wipe my ass, took the perfume to spray the bathroom. I run downstairs to open the door and say "Hello sabrina, take a sit , make yourself comfortable im going to get water" i took water to calm my upster ????. I sit down to listen to her opinion about her issues and concerns. About 30 mins later i had the hurge to poop, i told her to stay put im going to the toilet. She sat kietly as used the bathroom. I squrt to push all the garbage i ate from yesterday . Wet poop and big farts starting to come of my butt it sounded like popping popcorn. My client was trying not to laugh when i finished doing what i had to do. I came down stairs rubbing my stomach like unfinished bissness but kept on going with my client. At the end of the day i went to my sister house to pick up papers, then went home i felt the urge to go but this time i got constipated ... :,( episode 1 until next time

Monday, January 06, 2014

I recently found this site, and have enjoyed reading the stories. I thought I'd tell a few of my own. There's several things I might tell, so I think I'll spread them over a little while and see what people have to say about them
First off, I live in mixed sex accommodation at uni. That means we have shared bathrooms. The showers are in nice private rooms, but the toilets are all together. I don't mind peeing with lads around, but I hate having to poop, especially if I'm going to take a while, and often my bowels lock up completely. It's much easier for me to use the ladies rooms on campus for that.
So anyway, I tend to get constipated quite often, especially after holding all weekend. This one time, even, it'd been a good 3 days since I last went, I'd been stuck indoors all weekend working on some coursework, and even on the monday at uni I was still bunged up, and it was making me feel really terrible. That night, I took a laxative last thing at night, so I could feel better.
The next day, I had an early lecture, so I was up early. I risked trying for a poo in the halls bathroom, but nothing was happening yet. After sitting for a little while, I had to go to my lecture. After that, there was a big gap between until my lecture in the evening, so I had plenty of time to get my poop out. After the lecture, I went to my favourite bathroom, a 7-cubical room near the lecture halls. It gets a lot of traffic around the hour, when lessons change over, but it's otherwise quiet enough, apart from occasional people from an open-access computer cluster. The lesson changeover rush was just about done as I got there, so I took a seat and tried to move my load. Nothing yet, but I could feel the laxative squeezing my intestine about, so I stood up and went to the computer cluster to do some work while I waited. A little while later, I was about ready to go, so I signed out of the machine and went back to the toilets. My favourite end cubical was taken, and the other end is a disabled access one, so I couldn't use that, so I took one part way down, purposely avoiding the 3rd, which had problems with an unreliable flush, and the one next to it, which was out of paper.
I took my seat, and began gradually pushing out my load, assisted by the push from the laxative from above. The girl at the end left, and I managed to get rid of a few pebbles. Part way through, the lecture bell rang, and soon the bathroom filled with people. I sat and listened, not wanted my pushing and sighs to be heard by everyone. It was quite a busy changeover, and all the cubicals were getting used, including the two I avoided. I heard several people next to me go out of the cubical "oh, there's no paper", and one further down, someone was cranking the flush furiously, and eventually getting it to work. Someone rushed in after her, sounding pretty desperate. Several minutes went by, then the cranking began again as the new occupant couldn't get it to flush. I think there were a few girls in the queue now, and I felt a little guilty taking up a seat, but I'd got a piece moving out, and didn't want to stop and get even more constipated. A couple of girls used the cubical with no paper next to me. At least one had tissues in her bag to wipe with, but another I'm pretty sure left without wiping. The girl with the bad flush gave up, and left the cubical, saying in an embarrassed voice "that one's rather unpleasantly blocked" to the person that was about to take it. The next girl went in anyway, with a nonchalant "ok", but soon recoiled with a "ewww". By now, the rush had died down, and another cubical opened up for her.
With the rush almost over, I pushed out a few more pieces, and a softer log, then took my time wiping. By the time I finished, the bathroom was empty again, and as I left my cubical, I took a look, out of curiosity, in the blocked one. The water was completely brown, with small round bits floating, and some broken up tissue mixed in. No wonder she recoiled in disgust. I turned away, went to the sinks, washed up, and went back to the computers for a while before lunch. After lunch, I had to go again, quite desperately, but I think I'll leave that for another time if you people want to hear, as I think this is quite long enough already. Let me know, I'll be lurking over the next few days, before things get busy again in the new term.
Uni Lass

Brandon T

tales from the bookstore

A few hours ago I was at the bookstore I was in line for the bathroom a woman had just gone in and she started to pee then farted loud and the farts kept coming it sounded like she had diarrhea and then she finished and flushed then later I heard a girl fart while she was waiting for the bathroom it was a high low tone and finaly later I heard a lady fart while she peed she may have pooped to hard to say so it was a good day.

friend's wetting accident

I am kinda if new to this board. I read a lot but very seldom post.

Anyways, I am currently living with my best friend. She is a few years old than I am (like 45, I am only 29). We talk about everything including our bathroom habits and we are complete opposites. My friend is not shy about peeing or pooping, she will go in any restroom, wherever she is, regardless of who is around. She has a very weak bladder and she usually has to poop urgently due to some medical issues.

I am the opposite. I only use certain rest room and only if I really have to go and if no one is around. Although if I need to go bad enough, I will go wherever and not worry about. I have a strong bladder and I can hold it for hours.

I came home from work and did a few loads of my laundry...and my roommate called me and I offered to through in a few of her loads too and she said okay. I went to her bedroom to get her bags and at the very top of the bag, was a pair of her jeans that I noticed smelled. I picked them up and smelled them and I accidently felt them and they were soaking wet and smelled like pee.

I remember a day or two early, she came home and ran into the house and said "I gotta go the bathroom really bad." and she raced to the bathroom throwing her keys and purse as she ran. I was sitting on the couch near the bathroom and I heard her pull down her pants as fast as she could and sigh with relief as she had some explosive diarrhea into the toilet. She was in there for like 10 minutes and then she went into her room to change into her PJs. I didn't think anything of that at the time, but I think that as she pulling her pants down she just lost control of her bladder.

She did tell me once (and I agree) that even when you have to go badly, as soon as you are on your way to the toilet, your need gets ten times worse.

I don't know of her having any other wetting accidents but I do remember twice while we were driving and stuck in traffic, she had some diarrhea. I am not sure if I should say something or just continue to watch and see if it happens anymore. I am not a lesbian at all, but it sometimes excites me to see people desperate.

It's cold here. I went to church, had a party and came home. I have another party tomorrow night. I had leftover pork rib, mango and two cups of tea for breakfast. Lunch was a nice fatty ham, green salad, cheese and more tea and grapes. This evening, my bowels moved about 30 minutes ago. I unzipped lifted my blue violet plaid skirt flannel skirt, high above my waist, pulled down my purple panty-hose tights and white FOL band leg panties to below my knees, and released my bowels. It was a smooth heavy coiled rope that sank to the bottom of the bowl. It was not even 5 mins. I took the last bit of toilet paper roll and wiped from the back. I half-fixed my clothes and flushed. I am on my couch with my shirt unzipped and unsnapped. I will be here until I go to sleep after midnight. I peed at church 3x.


constipated again! (IBS sucks!)

Hi all

So I alternate a lot between basically having very loose big poos up to 5x a day and very occasionally -constipation.
Today I am constipated.
Drinking a lot of water.
I was in town with fiance Saturday & very nearly pooed my knickers, we had to rush to BHS so I could have my poo, that's the last I went. 10am(ish) saturday morning!
Well that's all from me until I have a proper story to share.
J x

sammie in troy

omg it happened again!

I was at my bf's house and I squeezed out a fart but I totally filled my white panties. My bring was really nice though and cleaned me up, giving my big butt a little kiss when it was all clean. I don't think I mind having accidents as long ass he is there to help.


On one New Years.

This was on new years eve of 1989. I was at our family friends' house where the grown ups played games and watched TV. And us kids played Nintendo. The House had two bathrooms. At one point one of the bathrooms toilet over flowed and the woman of the house had to get the plunger and of course everyone gatherd around to watch. And a half hour later in the other bathroom my cousin opened the door and told me to look. And the only thing I saw was( a girl from our school)her pale milk white butt on the toilet. She was peeing. I just laughed a little and told him to grow up.


Held it as long as I could

Today I decided to have a holding contest, just to see how long I could go without peeing. I peed just before starting, to make sure I had an empty bladder. The idea was very simple, I just drank a full two liters of water and then held it for as long as I could. I had set up a two liter bottle in my bathroom with a funnel for measuring my output after, as well.

I made it about an hour before holding it became difficult. At that point, I was crossing my legs to help hold it. From there, the need increased rapidly. Half an hour later and I was squirming and really had to go. By around two hours, I was beginning to leak tiny amounts. I managed to hold it like fifteen minutes past that before I couldn't take it anymore.

I went to the bathroom and got into position over the funnel and started to pee. My pee stream was gushing so strong that I was worried I might overflow the funnel. I slowed my stream to avoid that but kept on peeing. At one point, I could see that I had filled up close to half the bottle and was still peeing.

Finally, I was fully emptied, and I let the last bit flow from the funnel to the bottle. Then I looked and saw my pee had filled most of the two liter bottle. I wish I had a better way of measuring exactly how much I peed, but the test told it was probably around 1700ml.


a day in the pooing life of Jemma.. the runs at work!

So I thought I'd do a poo report.
Yesterday 2nd Jan I was back at work.
This is my "poo diary".

6.45- alarm goes off I have a shower, then I get dressed and have breakfast, then my morning poo.
Today's consisted of four solid plops.
I wiped twice flushed washed my hands and left for work at 730 to start at 8am.

8.15 my first client arrives, and as always I get desperate for my second poo so I had to hold it in.
He was dealt with by 855 but I had my next client at 9 & I wouldn't have enough time to go for a poo and be back.
He was with me until 940. Now I could go for a nice long poo as my next client wasn't until 10am.
I went to the loos & my colleagues Sara & Beth were in there washing up their coffee mugs.
I took a cubicle, pulled my mini grey skirt & black tights down to my ankles and plonked my buttocks on the seat.
Immediately I started plopping very loudly and typically the other ladies then stopped talking to hear me. 1 after the other and quite loose now though still falling loud in to the loo I had 14 big plops that curled up in to the water.
I wiped 3 times flushed washed my hands and went back to work.

My next poo came typically just after lunch had ended, but I was determined to hold this in as long as possible as I had clients and couldn't be seen keep wandering to the loo... I needed this poo from 1pm. I had 6 clients from 1pm until 5.30 & I was determined to get through as many of them before going to have my poo.
Come 2.30 & only my 3rd client, I was so desperate & trying to keep this loose poo in. I knew it, I had the runs!!
(I often get the runs at work my colleagues think it's hilarious...
I don't)
My client asked if I was ok as I was sweating & kept fidgeting. I told her I was ok.
Though I wasn't, I was almost about to poo myself! I told her we'd get thtough the matter quickly & thankfully we did! 2.50 I shaked her hand goodbye whilst clenching my buttocks tightly & holding my aching ????. I basically ran to the loos.

Again I pulled down my grey mini skirt of my big peachy poo filled bum & my tights & basically fell on the loo seat. The poo slipped out of me. The first wave of 10 plops fakling quickly in to the water, then I sighed. Then my next 6 loose small curled up plops fell on top of the other ones. Then I heard my colleague Teresa come in. "Jem is that you babe you ok?" She asked "just having a poo I'll be fine" I said.
Then a final wave of 8 loose small curled up plops fell on ghe other 16.
I wiped my bum 8 times& flushed twice, Washing my hands and leaving.

I was ok then until 5pm when my last client arrived & I felt the need for another poo.
Thankfully he was dealt with by 5.20 so I went to use the work loos one last time.
I again took my skirt & tights down, & purple knickers of course, & started plopping away. Not as loose as before but still a lot. I had a wee too. I had 8 solidish loud plops to begin with all falling out of my big peachy bum at once, then a fart. Then I sighed and let out another 8 plops pretty much the same. I wiped 4 times, flushed & washed my hands & left work.

At home my fiance cooked me dinner. We sat down and ate the stir fry he made.
Soon after, about 7pm I had my final poo of the day.
But a big one again!
My fiance knew I needed a poo as I was lifting my bum up to clench my buttocks I went. In our bathroom. I threw my clothes off as I got into my pjs after this poo. My fiance came with me whilst having this poo.
I sat down & immediately & very desperately let out plop after plop. Again all small plops and curled up. I had 15. With a few pauses in between. Wiped flushed and got my pjs on.
Well that was my story of a day in the life of me.
J x


Hot girl poops

Hi. I have a story from a number of years ago, when I was in high school. Back then, I was just starting to figure out that I was a lesbian. And well, there was one girl I really fancied. She had a great body and I think she was even a cheerleader.

So, one day after gym class, we were all in the locker room getting changed into our regular "street clothes". I noticed the girl, her name was Katee, heading off towards the two toilet stalls. I saw this as my opportunity to hopefully, maybe, hear her pooping.

I just sat on the toilet and didn't even pull down my pants, listening. First I heard her peeing just a trickle. It built up over a short period of time until it was a full force gusher. Then when she finished, she rolled off paper. I thought that was all she needed to do, but when there was no flush, I knew she wasn't done.

I waited, each second feeling like an eternity, until finally there was a fart from her stall. After that initial fart, she was clearly in full on pooping mode. I heard tons more farts, some loud, some not, and many plops and splashes. It must have been about three or four minutes of near constant pooping sounds from her, before I heard her rolling off paper again. This time she repeated the rolling two more times and then flushed the toilet.

Alright, well, that's my story. Much as I hoped and prayed, I never got another chance to hear Katee poop. It was a once in a lifetime experience, I guess. But it's alright, because I can replay every detail in my mind any time I like :)


Post Title (optional) Some nice poos and also constipation

I had some nice poos after Christmas, which were big and very enjoyable. They did take a bit of effort to get out and they stretched my hole but it felt so good! Up until new year's eve, I had a relatively easy time pooping. I'm staying with my family over Christmas so I've been eating loads of fruit, which has helped my constipation a great deal. I was going each day and a couple of times, I had 2 poos a day! Which is so good for me! Then I had one day where I didn't each much fruit or fibre and I got constipated again. It was new year's eve and I started getting backed up that night. By new year's day, I was full of rock hard poo. I couldn't get any poo out that day or the next day. I'm still constipated now. I've been pooping out rock hard chunks of dry poo yesterday abd today but that's about it. The big logs are still stuck in my bowels. I haven't done a decent poo since the day before new year's eve. Even though I've been eating lots of fruit yesterday and today, it's only helping a bit. At least I've been getting some chunks of poo out, which is better than nothing I guess. But I can't wait to get back home tomorrow (to my own house) and trying for a big poo on my own toilet. Hopefully my housemate will be out so I can spend a long time pushing and straining. And hopefully I won't have to use a public toilet.

To Bloated Butt, Jasmin K, Dominic, Annie and anyone else who gets constipated like me, are you constipated right now? Please share your stories!


Hi everyone, it's months since I have looked at this site. It seems that constipation is more of a problem for FEMALES than for MALES. This rather surprises me, because girls and women are always in the same position - sitting - for both number one and number 2.

When 'on the road', if setting out early, it's sometimes difficult to find a toilet to sit on in cafes: there are only urinals for guys.

This morning I woke up early, and decided to hold on to my first pee of the day, as I felt that I would be able to kill two birds with one stone, if I had a cup of coffee first.

I switched on my computer to look at my emails, drank my coffee, and knew that I had the urge in my nether regions. I wear jogging bottoms when I get up, before my shower. They are easy to pull down.

Into the bathroom, down with the toilet seat, down with my jogging bottoms to the floor, then down with my own bottom on to the seat, pushing my penis inside for number 1 to avoid wetting the floor. My bladder empty, I clasped my hands, as I like to do for number 2. I like to fidget about, lifting one cheek and then the other. Clearing my bowels go with clearing my mind. Real relaxation - not a care in the world. Wiping with paper, then cleaning my bottom in the shower. I stepped out of the clothes I was wearing, towels and fresh socks and underpants on the radiator. Then I had my shower and washed my hair. I felt on top of the world.

Incidentally, I would rather have diarrhoea than constipation any day - even if it is more inconvenient.

I missed several days during the Christmas period, but it righted itself. One good bowel movement a day, in the morning, is what I like.



you're right--sometimes the poop isn't down far enough and that's frustrating because I feel like i should be able to go, but it's just not ready to come out yet. and ignoring weaker urges is killer for me--i cant seem to go at all without an urge. i can sit and try and push something out, but usually i get no luck--i need an urge to make something happen.

you do test pushes around friends and stuff too? i do that as well, it doesn't really matter where i do it, though i might try to avoid farting (lol), but yeah, if i feel maybe a slight urge, i'll do a few test pushes and doesn't really matter where i am.

and yeah, right now im on a cycle where ive been having big hard ones every few days. just had one today and it was pretty big--it had been almost three days since i last went--no real urges in between, although i actually did feel full toward the end. . but when i went, a LOT came out, i was afraid of clogging (lol). it wasnt too difficult to get out though, it was kind of harder at the beginning, but softer and bulkier at the end. it was very satisfying!

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To: Shay great story it sounds like you had a pretty rough day at least you didnt have an accident.

To: Ass-Stretcher yep a nice big poop feel so good sometimes.

To: Jessica (az) great story

To: Sarah great pee story.

To: Bill F great story as always.

To: Jemma great poop story.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerly Brandon T

PS. I love this site

I exerted myself shoveling snow that I had a sore throat and congested sinuses. I have been drinking hot tea all day. It opened my sinuses, but now I am peeing out of my pussycat all day-every 15 minutes. It is cold. That makes me pee even more. I slept in three layers, long johns, then long flannel pj bottoms and sweat pants. I will take a hot bath and go to sleep.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Luv's lightning MWF Christmas decorating story

Luv's lightning MWF

Christmas decorating story

 My husband John and I own an acreage. I am 36 years old and John is 37. Yesterday, we were doing outdoor Christmas decorations and snow removal on our acreage. Some 15 inches of snow fell and the temperature was about -10 with the humidity at pretty much 100%. So both of us were bundled up in snowsuits. I had a one piece snowsuit on. Anyway around 2:00 P.M., I had to pee so I went inside to pee. It was such a hassle unbundling and then bundling up again. About 2 hours later, I had to poop. It was now starting to get dark and colder and we still had several trees to light up. I decided while John was standing on a ladder to just go poop in my pants. They were all old clothes that I was wearing anyway. Both John and I have peed our pants occasionally in the past but neither of us has ever pooped ourselves. Anyway as John stepped of the ladder I told him I had to poop. I started laughing and he looked at me oddly. "While go then" he said. "I am starting to do it now in my pants" I said. I stood there and just relaxed my sphincter and pushed what was thankfully a dry solid load into my panties. I giggled the whole time. John laughed also. We then finished the rest of the decorating which was about another 2 hours. When we were finished I went inside and cleaned up. We both spent the rest of the evening laughing about it.


Post Title (optional) A bit constipated

I haven't been on here for a while because I've been busy with work and life in general. Since I was on here last, I've been constipated on and off but not as bad as before. I've still been having some very difficult pooping sessions though but I seem to be going more often, which is good. A couple of weeks ago, I had a rough time and I was badly constipated all week. I was so busy that I just couldn't find tome to sit on the toilet to do a poo. So I stayed constipated for three days and on the fourth day, I spent over an hour on the toilet, struggling with a gigantic poo, that was extremely difficult to push out. It didn't help my hemarrhoids either.

Since then, I've been going once a day, although it has been taking me at least 30 minutes to do a poo each time. I've been eating lots of fruit lately, to help with my constipation. This morning, I spent 30 minutes on the toilet, pushing out a HUGE load!! It took a bit of effort but it also felt very good!! Then, a couple of hours later, I did another big poo, this time it only took 10 minutes and it felt SO good!!! It was so nice to take a big dump and it not hurting when I pushed it out!!

For those of us that get constipated all the time, do you get even more constipated at Christmas?? Jasmin K, Bloated Butt, how badly does your constipation get at this time of the year??

To Annie: I hope you don't stay constipated for too much longer and that you can get a load out so you can enjoy Christmas. I hate being constipated too, especially at this time of the year.

I'm hoping that my constipation continues to improve so I can be comfortable at Christmas. Normally around Christmas, I get VERY constipated. It seems to be worse at this time of year.

To Dominic: It sounds like you were badly constipated. I hate it when the poo just won't come out, no matter how hard you try. Its awful!! I'm glad the enema worked for you. Have you had to use an enema before?? My Dad also suffers with constipation when he travels. I remember once, while on holidays with my parents, my Dad was so constipated that he needed to use a suppository. It didn't work for him! When he used the suppository, he had already been backed up for at least a few days. Because it didn't work, he stayed constipated for a few more days after that too. So he was backed up for at least one week.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


thank you & latest story

Hi everyone
Thank you to those who replied to my question about pooing on a long haul flight,
I guess your right. I just need to overcome my fear about it.

So my latest story is that on my way home from work on Thursday evening
I was desperate for both a wee & a poo, thankfully traffic was moving nicely, got home - literally just got in the door & the phone rang so I answered it, clenching my bum cheeks and crossing my legs, just a ppi call so I put the phone down rushed to the loo to discover my fiance had used the last of the loo roll, rushed back out to the shop to get some, got home, made my way to the loo, sat down and had a mega long wee to start off with as I was most desperate for a wee (or so I thought) I relaxed & let out my first plop which was quite solid, then my next 3 plops all fell out 1 after the other, more looser and slimier, slight pause, then I let out another 5 slimy poos again 1 after the other slimy and loose, on top of that.
That was a great poo! I wiped 4 times and flushed spraying the air freshener, I left 1 long skidmark on the bottom of the bowl, which i then removed with the loo brush, washed my hands & exited the loo, to discover my fiance was home. :)
More soon, J x


Laugh accident

My name is Charise. I'm 19 and in college and a normal girl. Earlier today I was hanging out with some friends after lunch and we were just standing in the kitchen joking around and my friend said something really funny and I started laughing so hard then I couldn't stop. I suddenly realized I had to pee really bad. I tried to stop laughing but I couldn't and then a big squirt of pee wet my panties and I squealed and clenched my legs together and that made everyone laugh harder and that made me laugh harder and suddenly I couldn't hold it and started completely peeing down my legs under my skirt and made a huge puddle on the kitchen floor and totally soaked my panties and leggings and part of my skirt. One of my friends grabbed her crotch and ran off down the hall towards the bathroom while I stood there dripping and laughing. My other friend also was laughing really hard and said she peed a little, too, but it didn't show on her pants. The other friend came back from the bathroom a minute later and she had peed enough to have a big wet spot on her jeans all over her butt and to her knees and part of the front. It was hilarious that all three of us peed ourselves.

To Mina

Any memorable motions passed while seated on the loo lately?

I took a great dump earlier today. My family went out to dinner, and after eating I had to poop. My sister, Anna, said she needed to go as well, and we headed off to the bathroom together. When we got there, we found that the bathroom was a one person at a time bathroom. We're not shy at all so we both went in and closed and locked the door.

We had to figure out who would use the toilet first. Anna asked, "Do you have to pee or poop?" and I told her, "Poop". She replied, "Oh. Me too." I then said she could go first because I didn't have to go that badly.

She pulled down her pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. She started peeing and soon was plopping away. I didn't consider that listening to her poop would make me have to go worse. Standing there hearing every fart, plop, and splash was making me need to go very badly. After a few minutes, she said "Sorry, I'm almost done. Going as quick as I can"

Finally, after what seemed like forever, she wiped and then flushed. I yanked my pants down and took her spot on the toilet. Immediately a soft creamy rope of poop eased out of my butt. It broke off and was soon followed by another and another after that. When I was finished, I wiped my butt and briefly examined my five coiled up ropes in the toilet before flushing them away. Then we washed our hands and went out to the car and drove home.

jessica (az)
Now that finals are i can concentrate on my constipation. when i arrived home from school i dropped all of my stuff in the living room and did what you guys suggested for me to do. i walked around for bit inside my house and drank some milk. also i exercised a little to loosen up my stomach a bit. some time later my stomach gurgled and i walked into the bathroom to find my mom sitting her skinny body on the toilet straining while trying to read the paper, i could tell she was straining to because he face was slightly red, she had her skirt to her ankles and her toes pushed down into her black flip-flops. i asked her if she was okay and if she will be finishing soon and she replied "yes, just minor constipation and i am barely started to poop". i told her that i was constipated too. she suggested to drink the prune juice she just bought to relieve myself. i told i had to go right but i can hold it. about 20 min later i had to go again and opened the bathroom door again to see my mom crinkling the paper on one hand and her other hand on the sink with her eyes shut and sweating. in about 5 seconds i heard crackling of poop slowly coming out of her butt and when it broke off it made a loud splash and my mom sighed in relief, moved her hair, untensed her body, wiped some sweat off her forehead and opened her eyes to notice that i was watching. she blushed and said you were there the whole time. i told her dont worry we all have our embarrassing poop moments and symptoms and that i dont care because you're my mom. she stopped blushing and said thank you for understanding. after that i asked her if she was done. she said she still has more in her. as i was leaving she told me to stop and talk with her while she goes. looks like she is a little more comfortable pooping with people around her. since my mom is basically my friend to i accepted. as we were talking at she would fart up and poop up a storm at a couple of times, but kept talking like it never happened. soon i started to get desperate, so i started farting a little and i held my hand on my stomach. my mom pooped some more and said "that felt soo good, i have never been so relieved in my life" she got up, wiped and walked over to the weighing machine to weigh herself, as she was doing that i looked over at the toilet to notice 3 long soft poos and a lot of pebbles. once she was done weighing herself she added that she never felt any skinnier and flushed the toilet. my stomach gurgled again so i quickly pulled my pants down to my ankles and sat down trying to get this beast out of me. my mom walked over and sat down on the side of the tub and asked why i dont i take off my 4 in. foam black platform thong flip-flops because they seem uncomfortable. i told her that they give me height in body and it helps to get height while pooping so i dont have to tip-toe as often if only im desperate. about 10 mins have passed and im still struggling on the toilet. my mom told me to wait. she left the bathroom to come back with a cup of prune juice and told me to drink up. i told her while im trying to poop. she said yes and to listen to her. i accepted and drank the prune juice. soon enough i started pooping and i told my mom in an airy voice that it was working. my mom being cocky crossed her legs, started playing with one of her flip-flips with her toes, and checked her nails and said i told you so, momma knows best. i giggled a little and started pushing softly and the poop broke off and made a loud splash in the toilet. i shivered, wiped the sweat of my forhead and wiggled my toes. i wasn't done yet i still had more to go. as i was talking to my mom, just like her, i was farting and pooping up a storm and never really cared, because bonding with my mom was fun. at times i would stop talking in the middle of our conversations to grunt and poop. when it was the last wave i told my mom to hush and i squeezed my toes in my flip-flops and plip plop plip plop plip plop plop plip plop was the sound of my final wave. i sighed in relief and wiggled my toes again, and got up to wipe. i looked down to see my masterpiece which contained two long soft poops and tons of pebbles. my mom said "i never have thought we had so much inside of us and that we would stink up the place". i went to weigh myself and became happy that i lost some weight. later at night i think some prune juice stayed in my stomach along with my mom because we both had to go again at the same time and mind you guys that we only have one bathroom. we both played rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first. i won and quickly ran to the toilet and pulled my shorts down to my 2 in. foam black platform thong flip-flops and blasted diarrhea into the toilet. my mom started to get desperate and told me to poop as much as i can and quickly get of the toilet so she can poop so she can do the same for me when she has pooped enough poo. so we played musical toilets, but i started to get sick of it because i can barely hold my poop for 10 sec. i grabbed the trash can pulled my shorts to my flip-flops again and let loose once more. i tried to talk to my mom but we both struggled to talk due to the painful diarrhea. we were in the bathroom for nearly 20 mins and and we used the last roll of toilet paper to our constipation, so we did rock, paper, scissors again to see who gets the toilet paper. alas i lost and i struggled to walk to our supply closet to get toilet paper because i still had my pants down to my ankles and my stomach was in pain, i looked like a fool for walking like that. i returned to see my mom blast more diarrhea and my stomach gurgled loudly so i waddled as fast as i can to the trash can to blast more diarrhea. the diarrhea hurt so bad that i started sweating and squeezed the toilet paper in my hands that i have yet to set down and my mom was holding the toilet seat roughly and sweating too . i laughed a little and told my mom "momma knows best huh" while doing the gesture she did to me while i was on toilet with constipation, but it was hard to do it on a trash can. she said "oh be quiet" and laughed a little. 10 mins later we both finished and wiped our bums. my mom was lucky to have the toilet last, because i ended up throwing my poop in the bathtub and let it flush down with the water on. my mom said to me that she is done for the night and was tired. i told her as of i.

Quick survey:
have you ever taken a poop so big that your clothes fit better

do you sometimes sweat while pooping

Mr. Clogs

Some stories to share and comments

I haven't posted here much, nothing really interesting but I just have some to share. Let's start with the porta john when I had to pee so bad. I had a job to do at a client's site but the customer wasn't available. Apparently the building was going under some construction and had some porta johns in the parking lot. I was hoping that they were open and sure enough they were! Okay now for the porta john, it's one of those that has the regular part that you sit down to poop or pee and they had a urinal in there too which connected to the cesspool. It was clean and virtually odor free. Since I had to pee and not poop, I opt for the urinal. I unzipped my pants and pull out the woody and peed fiercely into the urinal. Since it was cold outside, the urine was streaming into the cold urinal started to steam up. Since this urinal had no sink, I had some hand sanitizer to wash my hands after I got dressed. I left the porta john and left to go onto the next customer.

Here's a sharting incident that happened several days ago. I was getting ready to take a shower to go to work, I was farting and full of my morning cup of coffee, I started to poop some in my underwear as I was getting ready to take a dump. So I finished taking a dump on the toilet and cleaned some of the poop that seeped into my undies. I was done and had to clean the poop mud from my butt cheeks. It took a lot of wet wipes and toilet paper to get the job done. I flushed the toilet and took my shower.


Yumiko: Yes diet sodas and slenda would do it and cause the nausea and diarrhea. You should try brown sugar or honey as others suggested. Key is moderation. Hope this helps

Annie: I enjoyed your post about sharting. Good to here you're able to poop without the laxatives and stuff.


--Mr. Clogs


For Steven A


You did a trophy poop!!!

I have always wanted to do that! It must have been awesome. Something about seeing another kid's poop; I dunno.....everyone is soooo weird about it.

And; You must have felt soooo good swimming after that; all empty and loose up in there?

That was your best post here...EVER!


PS: Hope you wiped good before the pool (eeeewwww....)


Constipated again :(

I haven't pooped for about 3 days after such a good streak with my bowel movements :( I'm not sure if it has to do with my sleeping/getting up habits or not enough water or what but I hope they get back to normal (soft, easy to pass logs or mush). I hate being constipated.

Bloated Butt: Haha loved those stories! I can definitely relate as some days I feel like and endless tank of gas LOL. Must have felt good to get rid of all that gas though. Mornings are the worst for me, I always wake up full of gas. I usually pass gas for a bit when I wake up, real long ones too LOL. Do you ge those really long farts that seem to go on forever?lol To answer your question though I do love the feeling of pushing out huge logs. Its defiantly one of the best feelings. I also love the empty feeling after words lol. Although I do get a little embarrassed when I have to drop a huge load when im out in public or at a friends house. I tend to flush after each huge log just to be cautious.

kmd: Im not sure if it has anything to do with my diet as I eat fairly healthy. Sometimes I think even water could give me gas LOL

Nothing too eventful today to post but I did have a good poop at work the other day. It was just one really long piece i'd say about a foot and a half long. Felt amazing pushing it out. Im super gassy right now. I've just been farting and watching tv the last few hours. It smells bad in my living room.


Please post any Pooping accident stories that you have had

Friday, December 20, 2013


To Yumiko

There's nothing that says that artificial sweeteners are any better than the real thing. I would go off of them for a while and just use sugar or even honey. Sugar is not bad for you unless you use it in large amounts. Caffeine isn't all that great for you either especially as a teenager. It is possible to OD on caffeine. Sugar in moderation should be fine for a few weeks and see what happens to your body. If you have nausea and are vomiting, make sure that you are keeping yourself hydrated. If you drink a little at a time there's a good chance that you'll be able to keep it down. The best thing in that situation is just plain water. Try to think of any other changes in what you've been eating or drinking that correspond to the time when the nausea and diarrhea started. That may help. Hope you feel better soon.

Steven A

A Change and A Story

Well, I started eating Fiber One Cereal and it's making my poop normal for me. But, today was great. I had to go poop at school so I went poop before I went swimming for gym. It was a log that was a little over a foot long, and maybe 2-4 inches diameter. Well, I decided to leave it there for someone to notice after swimming. So, when we all went to the locker room to change, someone went into my stall and they were like, "Someone SH*TED in here and its huge!" And people went to see it and they asked if it was me and I tried to deny it, but they found out it was me because I was late for attendance and they were all sitting and waiting to swim while the teacher was talking to them when I came up to swim. Some people said that was funny and awesome what I did and some people were surprised and asked, "Did that come out of you?!?" One person took a picture of it and said, "I'm instagramming this SH*T!" I also got a few high fives. haha, what a funny day... Will post again as usual.

Brandon T

comments & stuff

To:Yumiko first welcome to the site and its posible that whats causing it try not drinnking any for awhile then drink one and see if you start feeling like that again and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.

To: Megan as always another great story it sounds like that girl probaly was pretty desperate but just have the desperate feeling.

To: Shay first welcome to the site and great story it sounds like you had a rough few days im glad your back to normal and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.

To: annie as always another great story it sounds like you were beyond despeate and I bet you felt good afterwards to and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Jemma thats good your not constipated anymore.

To: Jenna great desperate pee story.

To: Tech Guy great story.

To: Suzi first welcome to the site and great story it sounds like you had a pretty rough time but at least Dean was there to help you out and be so understanding and please post anymore stories you may have thanks.

Here are a few stories first yesterday I was at the pet shop and about to head to the bathroom to pee but one of the employees got there first and she sat down on the toilet and let off a wet sounding fart and I think a few plops I coudnt really hear since the shop had music playing and then later that day I was at the bookstore when a lady hurried into the bathroom and sat down at let off a burst of diarrhea it sounded like it came out really fast and she sounded a little out of breath and then later another girl went in and I heard a few plops at least I think I did and then today I heard a woman have a kinda urgent solid poop she went in and sat down and a few seconds later I heard plop plop plop plop plop 5 in quick sucession and they sounds like eggs being dropped in the toilet then she peed and then later I heard a woman have a mushy poop so in all I got some good catches.

Well thats all for now.

Sincerly Brandon T

PS. I love this site


Enema on Vacation

So this weekend my family and I went on a small vacation to L.A. Vacations tend to make me constipated and this one was no exception lol. My brother often gets constipated on them too, but he seemed fine this time. But I was quite constipated.

Except this time I was constipated before we even left. The night before I tried to poop several times, but to no avail. I kept feeling urges, but nothing. I tried squatting on the floor of the bathroom and pushing and straining as hard as I could, but all I could get out was the tiniest little piece of dry compacted poop. I knew it was bad and that I might need to do more.

Finally after we got to the hotel and had had a big dinner I got another urge to go. I thought for sure it would work this time, so I went to the bathroom and prepared to poop. It was just me and my brother in the room, thankfully. I sat on the toilet and pushed as hard as I could. I was pushing so hard it was giving me a bit of a stomachache. Finally I was able to squeeze out a small hard dry turd. I knew that wasn't it, but I was exhausted and I knew that it probably wasn't going to come out anyway, so then I decided I needed an enema.

Because my brother was there, I asked him to help me with it a little bit. He didn't mind that at all. It was a Fleet enema and after a little while of holding it in and cramping I was finally able to go. When I sat on the toilet, I was able to get out a bunch of hard chunks; I had to push a lot to get them out, but it was so relieving when it all came out. My anus felt kind of sore after that and I saw so much poop in the was crazy how much came out. And it smelled awful lol.

Thankfully after that my regularity seemed to be restored and yesterday I managed to do a good sized turd without any assistance hehe.

Earlier today I went with a friend to go Christmas shopping and birthday shopping, where the stores are about an hour away plus in a different county. We stop to get gas and she also buys a Diet Pepsi and starts drinking it. After about twenty minutes we get to our destination and while in the parking lot she says out loud she has to pee, I've known this person for over ten years so we are not shy about anything including bathroom stuff. We get inside the store and walk up to a cash register and my friend really has to pee pretty bad, she is crossing her legs together and kinda doing a pee dance. We finally find the bathroom and she goes to pee and she probably pees for about a minute or two, after that we go shopping. We get done and go back to her house and I have to pee and take a dump. I go to the bathroom and lower my pants and underwear to my ankles and pee a little and start to poop, I pooped out two good size turds and wipe and flush.

Hi everyone

I'm a very long time lurker - over 12 years. I think I posted when I was around 18 or 19 but I can't find it looking through. I'm now just over 30.

I've just had a pooing experience interesting enough to post.

So I often work at the British Library in London and I like to poo there. They have huge bathrooms on every floor with lots of very clean stalls.

So a few hours ago I needed to go. Having not been for about 24 hours.

I walk straight into one of the bathrooms and head for the stalls. A guy is right behind me. And despite there being like 8 empty stalls in a line he goes right in next to me. He sits down and let's out a really loud pfffffft.

He drops one log fairly slowly and start to grunt out a second. I don't usually grunt and like to keep fairly quiet but this time I thought I would. So I grunt out a log - splash and then his drops and he starts grunting louder to get another out. And I do the same.

He gets up and I hear him wipe. I let him leave and then I leave too.


to Jemma &Yumiko

Jemma: I went to Europe 8 years ago; long flight. With my bowel schedule, I was fairly sure I'd have to poop during the flight, and I did; no big deal. I did nothing by way of trying to get it all out before the flight because my body does as it will regardless. Don't be overly concerned about it; if you have to go, just go.

Yumiko: Each person's body is unique, including the digestive system. However, your intake of Aspartame, coffee, and diet Pepsi sounds suspicious. Any one of those three can stimulate bowel activity, and the three together could be a bad combination for you. I don't know that, obviously; I'm not your doctor. But if you have been having both nausea and diarrhea for a long time, you should see your doctor as soon as you can. It could have something to do with hormonal changes that often come at about your age, or it might be your diet. Your doctor can tell you.

Years ago, on a trip to the western US for a few days, I took a long bus tour of the city during which my only drink was a Pepsi (diet? maybe). About an hour after that drink, I had some of the worst explosive diarrhea of my life. I was in the home of some wealthy and influential people of that city at the time, and I was mightily embarrassed; but at least I let go in the toilet. I have not had a soft drink since then.


To Jemma - Long haul flights

Whatever you do, don't try and plan to avoid having a dump on that flight.
You will be on that flight with several hundred other people who, let's face it are all human.
So you can pretty much guarantee that there is likely to be on average about 1-2 poos per person during a long haul flight.
So you won't be alone. Just do what your body tells you.
If you feel the need, just go while you can because the same turbulence that makes the crew activate the seat belt sign also makes your need more urgent.
The last thing you want is pains of desperation and holding or worse still an accident.
I hate other people's leftovers on the seat as much as anyone, but there's nothing a wad of tissue can't cure before sitting.
Just don't flush while sitting lol :)


Markham's Razor
When I was In grade school I played for my school basketball team. One day one of my buddies said he had to poo. I said I didn't but I had to pee so we went to the bathroom. It was a crappy school and the stalls didn't have doors. He said he really had to go and that the lunch gave him a stomach ache. So he sit down and had a diarrhea attack

Artificial Sweetener Dangers for Yumiko

Artificial sweeteners may definitely be causing your nausea and diarrhea. Here is a list of artificial sweeteners and there dangers.

-Found in Equal and diet sodas
-Contains phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol(used as fuel for drag racers)
-Lethal in large amounts
-Can cause headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, seizures, brain ????ors, and weight gain
-Methanol is converted to formaldehyde(embalming fluid) when consumed

-Found in sweeteners such as Splenda
-Contains chlorinated sucrose(table sugar)
-Can cause headaches, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bladder issues
-The chemical structure of the chlorine is nearly the same as the now banned pesticide DDT


To Michael

Hi Michael; I meant to ask you something but forgot.
Are you a football-player like build.....or just skinny? How much do you weigh?
I ask because I keep thinking of you with 10 days of poop inside someplace....and I'm betting that....on top of it're gonna say that you're thin....with a flat ????....

I just don't know where thin guys put all the poop :)

Anyways.....Merry Christmas from Tyler


Tyler response

yeah, I guess for me, five days is kind of a lot. im not used to being constipated for much longer than that, but sometimes i can get pretty constipated just from a few days of not going. but ive also experienced what you have sometimes where i do go, but its not enough so its still building up and making it worse. usually that means i need an enema or something more drastic.

and hospital cleanout involved a nasal tube and enema and all that, it was pretty invasive. i didn't like it too much, but i was glad with what it produced. i was starting to get really bad cramping, that was the worst part more than anything; i don't mind constipated poop, but all the cramping just got to be too much.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

To Jessica,
Try drinking lots of water and walking. Also, Dulcolax (Bisacodyl), which is available in any store that sells pharmaceuticals. No prescription is needed. For real stubborn constipation you can also get that product in a suppository form for anal insertion. Either of the Dulcolax products usually produce a bowel movement in about 3 hours although the suppositories usually work faster. I am blessed to have mine supplied by the VA Hospital as a disabled veteran, but I believe both are relatively inexpensive. (Under $5). I take pain med for my injuries, so I am no stranger to constipation.


Sunday Morning at home!

Ever Saturday Night My Brother's girlfriend would spend the night. Well they had been going together for eight years now. And a Month ago I asked my Brother if he ever farts around her, and he said no and she complains that he never farts. Well last night Me my Brother and his Girlfriend Ate chinnesse food. Then I went home and the other two went out until 1am. Well around 9am I heard farting in his room and I assume it wasn't my brother. The farts sounded like the ones you hear in comedy movies or cartoons. Then I heard someone get up and run to the bathroom, I heard His girlfriend cough in there, so I knew it was her. A few minutes later she came out there then went home. But the strangest thing was, she wasn't in there long enough the toilet didn't flush and there was only pee in the toilet. I guess it was a false alarm.


First Post

I'm a 13 year old Japanese girl from Atlanta. I'm 5 ft. tall and weigh 95 pounds. I consider myself pretty but try to stay fit. I try to replace sugar with artificial sweetener whenever I can. Whenever I drink coffee or tea, I sweeten it with Equal. I also drink at least two diet Pepsi's a day. I've been having nausea and diarrhea that's been going on for about a month. I've seen on TV that the artificial sweetener aspartame has been linked to health problems. Does anyone know if this may be causing my nausea and diarrhea?

Jenna- Sounds like you enjoyed going outside! I have done the same a few times in an emergency, although not for a while, and I agree, it does feel liberating!

Lara- Enjoyed both of your posts about going with your friends. Those school toilets sounds almost exactly like the ones at my old primary school too- I think the general design must be pretty popular, with very low doors so that teachers can make sure everyone is ok.

kmd- Regarding the saleswoman; she finished weeing before she started to poo, although there wss not much time between the two. The fart, from what I remember, was followed pretty much immediately by the crackling sound of her poo coming out, and then each log came out a few seconds after the previous one, although only the first one seemed to crackle or make any noise as it came out. There wasn't much smell as you guessed, and your theory stands up because she was quite slim, too!

Today I went out shopping and while I was out I had to go for a poo not long after eating lunch. I was in a department store and I made my way to the ladies, where there were two cubicles. As I entered a very pretty girl of about my age followed me in. She had dyed her hair almost like a rainbow which suited her! She didn't seem to be in a hurry because when we entered the cubicles she spent a while lining the seat, which made me guess she was probably there because she needed to go number two as well. I sat down and weed while she did that, with my jeans and pink knickers at my feet. I heard her undo her belt and then her jeans and blue knickers appeared at her feet. I was right that she needed to poo.

She hadn't seemed like it was urgent, but it certainly sounded like it when it came out! She did a wet sounding fart and then two lots of soft sounding poo. I guessed she had been pretty desperate for that! After that urgent part was done she did a wee and I pushed out two fairly small pieces that needed a bit of pushing. My neighbour then did three plops of her own, that sounded like small but fairly solid pieces of poo. I did two more of my own that were a bit easier to get out, then I was done, so I wiped and left her to finish her poo in peace!


Waited too long in the Coffee Shop

Waited too long in the Coffee Shop
I'm a 45 years old male, About a month ago I was at my favorite coffee shop. I was sitting down doing homework for my Graduate class. I had just eaten a very healthy and tasty sandwich and I was drinking Ice Coffee. All along I had felt the urge to go to the bathroom and poop. But I was so much into my studies that I held it in. As I sat there the urge kept on coming. Suddenly "I guess I must have waited too long" because I had an accident in my pants. I got another major urge and I started to go to the bathroom in my pants. As I sat there soft poop started to fill my underpants. It was a lot and stunk real bad. I had stained the seat that I was sitting in so I figured I better say something. I motioned for the lady to come over that was working behind the counter. I told her that as I was sitting something happened and I lost control of my bowels. She was sympathetic and ask me if I wanted to use her phone to call someone. I said no, but I was very embarrassed and can she help me out of my seat. She did and I said I am sorry for messing up the seat, I felt bad that I had an accident! She said don't worry at all about it. I gathered my stuff and gingerly walked out of the coffee shop. Kinda waddled. People probably new that I had pooped my pants. As I was walking to my car I looked at my reflection and noticed that I had poop stained the back of my blue jeans. As I was walking, I was really embarrassed and I sat down along the way. This lady saw me and ask me if I was alright. I told her that I had went to the bathroom in my pants. She was really nice and told me that its embarrassing but that accidents happen. I thanked her for her encouragement and went to my car. It was embarrassing to go back into my favorite coffee shop a month later. But were not perfect and its all right now. I have previously pooped in my pants before in public and have found that it is best to be honest about the situation. People are usually understanding and helpful. Can others PLEASE POST if they ever had a similar public poop experience - It would makd me feel better. Thank You So Much. Paul S.


Mud Butt for Three Days

Here's some background: I'm a 23 year old female with a medium build. I have brown hair and eyes and I live alone.

Thursday evening, I went to my local Walgreens to pick up a few items. Then, I got distracted by the candy isle. I decided to get a bag or two of candy, but I wanted to try something new--no more Snickers or Mr. Goodbars. That's when I saw these chocolate covered marshmallows. I picked up four bags and left. In the car on the way home I polished off two bags with ease, as they were SO good. What I didn't realize, however, was that these were sugar free candies, as I didn't read the label that well. I had, in one sitting, eaten nearly 130 grams of maltitol. I got home and about 3 hours later, my stomach started to gurgle and cramp up. Mind you, I'd also eaten a very hardy dinner, and I figured it was just a bit of gas. Wrong. Half an hour later, I was in the middle of putting up some Christmas decorations when I felt a familiar urge telling me to shit NOW. Little did I know, I was about to have diarrhea from hell. So I kept doing what I was doing. 10 minutes later the dam broke. I was on my way to the toilet when, as I was getting toilet tissue, mushy, wet diarrhea ran into my pajama pants. I rushed to the toilet where I let the rest of this mush run into the bowl. It was creamy and thick, and it felt like I was shitting out mashed potatoes. I left the toilet, cleaned out my pants, put on a new pair, and got a glass of water. Not even five minutes later, I was back in the toilet, but this time I shit out gravy for the potatoes. I was peeing out of my butt. I had to use half a roll of tp to get my butt clean. I was in the bathroom for 10 minutes, shitting out niagra falls. I stopped shitting, finally, but I still felt full. I was bloated, EXTREMELY gassy, and my stomach kept cramping up. I wanted it to be over, but not even the worst was behind me.

I had mushy, urgent diarrhea for the rest of the night. I sharted at least twice and had another full blown accident while bending over to find something I had dropped. Most of the time, I had mush coming out of me, but there were a few instances of butt gravy here and there. The next morning I almost repeated my mistake until I read my marshmallows and saw that they were sugar free. I promptly the then out. That day I still had a little mush left in me, but nothing so urgent I shit my pants again. I was also still cramping up. The third day, I had the runs AGAIN. It wasn't nearly as bad as Thursday though. Thankfully, I'm back to normal today.


Jessica in Az

Hi Jessica,

Wow; due to the delay in posts and replies in the moderated's a tough place to ask for help for on-going constipation. Hopefully you've been able to go by the time you read this; eh?

The thing is; everyone defines constipation differently. Can you tell us a little about what is going on with you?
Are you doing some poop; just a lot harder and less quantity than you're accustomed to?
Or....have you been unable to poop at all. If so....for how long?

The reason I ask is that; at least for me....the suggested remedy would differ greatly depending on just what category I found myself in.

So....maybe someone else can help more "right now".....but I'd need some more information first.

Hope you're feeling better,


Almost didn't make it

Whoops. In my last post I said I haven't pooped in 3 days but my husband said it's been 2 days (which every 1-2 days is normal for me now). Anyway soon after I finished lunch today I had the "gotta go now" urge and almost shit my pants again because it was trying to come out.

I went to the bathroom and almost shit my pants while trying to open the toilet paper package (one of those huge 30 roll packages from Costco) but I managed to get it and get my pants & underwear and my butt on the toilet on time. Whew!

Then out came a rush of mushy shit without even having to push. It only took about a minute to finish. When I was done I wiped (messy) and pulled up my clothes. There was a big mess of mush in the toilet.

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