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Monday, March 3, 2025

No Good Deed by thisasecret






"Ready?" she asked nervously.
"I've never done this before and I just HATE wiping diarrhea off my ass.
so much of seems to get left behind! And the toilet paper is so rough.

" she smiled at Bernie as she slid her panties to her ankles.
"Dont worry, my tongue is silky smooth" reassured Bernie.

Bernie lay on the ground with his head in the toilet. He was forced to balance his head so it wouldn't get wet.

"Thanks for doing this" murmured Sarah, demurely placing her bum on his face. Then she settled back, unwittingly squashing Bernie's face between her cheeks. Bernie helplessly shoved his face into her ass, trying to keep his hair dry. "You're such a gentleman to help me like this" cooed Sarah. "I'm comforted knowing that you're here."

Sarah imagined Bernie's hero heart burning with pride and sneered. Sarah wasn't evil -- she just enjoyed ruining men. Her innocent smile made it so easy. Bernie thought she was an angel sitting on the altar that was his face. Sarah smiled as she felt his cautious movements -- as is HE would hurt HER. Gullible fools made the best toilet paper.

Bernie was feverishly happy. Sitting on his face was a creature so pure that he felt dirty. I won't let her down, Bernie thought as a slow smile started spreading on Sarah's lips. Sarah's heinie devoured him, cocooning his face as she prepared to use him in the filthiest way possible.

Sarah liked taking it slow with her victims. Letting them think she was a lost babe for as long as possible. "I think I'm going to fart, Bernie," she whispered, then shifted slightly and broke wind. "Its not too smelly, is it?"

Momentarily stunned by having another person fart in his face, "No Sarah," he managed. The fart was hot and it lingered, a pungent smell trapped inside Sarah's cheeks with his nose. "Sorry Bernie," he heard her say. "I hope I don't do that too often." She fidgeted, seeking a comfortable spot until her sphincter closed around the tip of his nose. Bernie felt like a laid egg beneath a mother hen, under wraps.

Sarah's asshole purred, expelling more gas. "Excuse me, Bernie." Bernie's air was tainted with a cabbage-y smell that he had to breathe in. Just as he started getting some fresh air again, Sarah's cute butt blew another polite puff into his face. Sarah sat on his face, savoring this foreplay. She was enjoying herself. Bernie, however, was not.

Bernie kept his nose bravely wedged into Sarah's crack as she emitted anal gas. Each polite toot wrecked his senses. It was like having a skunk's asshole right on your nose as it doused you. Then it said "excuse me" and did it again. The worst part is, Bernie thought, she has no idea how bad her farts are. And I can't let her find out either.

"How's the smell down there?" Sarah asked anxiously, getting up. "Is it bad?"
"No..noo!" stammered Bernie. "It's...*gag*...fine."
"Are you sure?" she pleaded. "The smell is just going to get worse."
"It's fine," said Bernie, adding "I like it."
"You do?" Her eyes were as big as dinner plates.
"Of course! Your farts smell like strawberries."
Sarah fingered her asshole and took a tentative sniff. "Yuck!" her nose wrinkled in disgust. "That smells like poo to me! But I guess that's why being fart sniffer is YOUR job."

Her asshole blew a raspberry at Bernie mid-descent and Sarah pressed it into his face as her full weight rested on him again. "I'm SO relieved you like this smell, Bernie." She smeared another fart onto his face. "Did that one smell like strawberries too?" She wiped her crack with his smushed face, spraying it again. "How about this one?" Then she settled back, checking the messages on her phone, frequently shifting a hip or pushing back a thigh as she ripped more wind into Bernie's abused face. An especially loud fart trumpeted out and she looked up from her phone. "It smells pretty bad up here. It must be horrendous where you are, Bernie!"

It was agony for Bernie. Farts smell truly disgusting when you have to inhale them from their point of origin. Each fart hung in the air, each sulphuric emission quietly subjugating him till he was silently begging for relief. The heat from the gas was making him sweat. His face was slimy with her sap, and she kept adding layer upon layer as she distractedly polished his face with her bum while checking Facebook. His face was being turned to mush by her ample ass -- it felt like the cheeks were corkscrewing back and forth with each fart, smushing his nose, first this way then that way.

Sarah got off his face, her ass peeling off with a nasty suctioning sound. Bernie did his impression of a fish out of water. His eyes were sealed shut, his face like a rumpled shirt. His features were covered in brown goo, like he was at the spa. "You're a hero, Bernie," Sarah said, looking at him with concern. "You really like my farts, don't you?" "Ye...yes, Sarah." She kissed him. "You're a good man, Bernie." Bernie's heart grew three times bigger. "I like kissing you," he whispered. Sarah spun around and offered up her backside. "Then kiss me, Bernie."

Sarah's smile grew wide as she felt the man dutifully kiss her. He would do anything for her right then. She gracefully lowered herself down, sitting on the toilet seat with a man's face caught between her cheeks. "Seal your lips onto my asshole, Bernie," she said. Sarah felt his muscles tense as he realized what was going to happen. She felt him place his lips on her sphincter, ready to accept her gift, recycle her waste, swallowing every coil of steaming sewage she deigned to drop into his mouth.

Bernie felt her soft cheeks pressing on his face with an angelic innocence that he knew would soon be betrayed by a spray of steamy diarrhea. Her ass sealed his eyes shut but he imagined her quavering above, embarrassed by her body and her need, but above all else thankful to this brave man who was going to help her.

Sarah squeezed her cheeks together and then farted as she sat on the toilet seat as she had so many times before, the exception being that this time Bernie was caught between her legs and inhaling that dirty scent right out of her ass. Bernie felt her unclench as an appetizer blew out of her rear end with a PFFFT. It smelled MUCH shittier. Uh oh, thought Bernie. Then he felt a horrible slickness on his lips, a texture like a granola bar with nuts, and then an ungodly taste as his tongue found the start of the coil of shit. His mind connected with the full knowledge of what he was tasting, a repulsive taste that no man should ever taste, and it took all his willpower not to throw up right then. He merely gagged as more of the shit oozed into his mouth, smushing itself against his cheeks, teeth, tongue. The stench was unholy, a double barrel shotgun of rotten shit jammed into his face. But that was nothing compared to the dung that Sarah was filling his mouth with.

He still hadn't swallowed any shit, but he felt the tip of the second coil on his lips so he gulped, thinking I am a toilet. I have swallowed another person's shit. And there's more to come.

Overhead, Sarah was fighting to keep back the cruel chortles that were ringing in her ears as she felt the man below her ACTUALLY EAT THE DIGUSTING GOO that was flowing out of her rear entrance. She arched her back, pushing her bottom into Bernie's face like an aggressive waitress at a cocktail party offering an exotic hors-d'oeuvre. Another disgusting turd slithered out of her asshole and she felt the man below her obediently eat it up, a sad but obedient puppy just wanting to please an abusive owner. She felt her tummy rumble and said "uh oh. Better open really wide for this one." Then a wet sludge erupted, her asshole spouting shit, piping hot diarrhea fed straight to her toilet. The smell was unbearable even from up there, and as she thought about what she was doing to this poor man, Sarah couldn't control it anymore. She began squealing with laughter. "How's the smell down there Bernie? Does it still smell like strawberries? Tell me...does it taste like a strawberry milkshake too?"

She got off and sneered at him. "You think you're so brave, helping a poor girl like me? Do you think you're going to get into my pants? This is what you're good for Bernie -- being my toilet. Eat up!"

She pasted herself back onto his face and farted rudely before unloading another tide of sewage into his helpless mouth.

"You know you're going to have to lick this shit off my ass, right? and that could take hours...plenty of time for you to smell more of my pungent gas!"

Bernie could do nothing except swallow more of liquid shit. He knew now that he had been used and abused by this evil woman, but he could nothing except gulp down the soft-serve poo that she produced.

Finally, Sarah got up smiling and Bernie cleaned himself.
She smiled even more broadly as she presented her ass to him, ready to be cleaned. Bernie stared dejectedly at as she said "come on Bernie." He pressed his face into her crack and she rewarded him with a fart, chuckling as he groaned. Her asshole was a flower that blossomed into anal gas, and Bernie knew he would be tending this hot bed for a while.

Sarah felt his tongue flicking up and down her crack, scratching her itch, scouring her filthy cheeks and then probing her hole.
"mmm, your tongue IS soft" she smiled. "Losers make the best toilet paper."
"Kiss me" Bernie kissed her ass submissively, and she smiled as she thought "just like a dog."
She pulled on her panties up to her now-gleaming backside and walked out, leaving another ruined man in her wake.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Gas Mask Style by Billyzen







Tony and his girlfriend Monica, Kylie (the sister of Tony) and me (Bernie) are having fun on that week end. Saturday night, we went in a Tex-Mex restaurant : they have a special night, dancing on the table after having Texan and Mexican food. We eat very well and have a lot of fun but before we continued, i got to change from point of view.
Kylie is having a lot of fun tonight. First, she eat what she prefer, 2 large bowls of chilli plus tacos with cheese. Now she is dancing on the table with her friend Monica after 5 tequilas.
The music were very loud and the two 25 years old guys are sitting on the back of their chairs, it 's not like they sulk but they don't like dancing. The 2 girls were pretty nice and dance very well on the table just in front of the 2 guys. Music and spotlights shaking and the restaurant start to look more like a night club now.
Kylie was moving her body to the rhythm of the music when suddenly, she feel the pressure on her belly, she is going to fart and she knows that chilli gives her some killer gas. Under her shoulder she saw Tony and Bernie talking and it gives her an idea. Their heads were at butt level and not so far, with all the people around, they will never know from who it came. When the pressure built up another time, she let fly a fart proooooooopppppp, she just feel it passed between her vibrating cheeks but don't heard it. She turn around and discretely watch at them to see if they noticed it but nothing, they even didn't see to smell it. She was offend by that, sure that the terrible gas chilli gives her must have made an horrible smell. She start to think for revenge and she feel another one coming. She must deliver them her best shot but as she dance and turn around she see only Bernie in her back, Tony must have gone to the toilet. Ok then, it will be all for him. She felt the pressure built in her rumbling stomach and let it brew a little more for a better release. She talk to Monica on her ear
- I gotta fart, she said to Monica.
Monica laugh and smile "so what".
- I need your help to fart as near as possible from Bernie 's head. Just tell me when i can step back to stand the nearer to him, then i will make my ass dance for him and when you tell me the moment, i will fart on his face.
Monica start to laugh a lot because she know that Kylie 's farts smell very bad. She agreed to give Bernie a good lesson because he beat her in a darting contest they made just before and was taking praise all the way to the restaurant and Monica hate to loose versus men.
Monica made some discrete signs and now Kylie is right above Bernie that didn't seem to notice her "he was in his thought" she thinks. Then Monica make a head sign to give Kylie the top. She start to make a sexy ass dance slowly bending down on her knees and she feel a big fart coming. She looks to Monica that tell her "now" and she released it while she descend, a long prrrrrrrrrrrrrfffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttt just when Bernie awoke from his thoughts turn his head to her butt only a few inches from his nose. He was hit by the killer smell and understand quickly what was happening. Then he saw Kylie and Monica laughing at die Monica pinching her nose and Kylie waving her hand behind her butt. He can read on their lips "Does it stinks?". It effectively smell really bad and Bernie start to sense a pressure on his cock. No one knows he is a fart smeller and he just make a big smile to Kylie.
She was extremely offend with this smile telling to herself "ha you smile, take this one" she turn, bend on her knees to get down and fart... this time an SBD a few inches from his head. Bernie take it in front and start to breathe deeply watching Kylie straight in the eyes, it starting to stink very badly but he continue. She was stunned watching him doing this, but inside she feels herself turning on it...
Hours later as Bernie bring back everybody home, Kylie says to the boys,
- You boys didn't even notice i fart on your heads all night.
- The two men said no but they tell that to avoid the humiliation and change the subject. Kylie leave the car last and said good buy to Bernie. He was going to start the engine when she turn back and knock at the window at driver side. He open it and she says.
- I know you have smell my farts all night and you really noticed them. I want to call you next week, can i ?
- With pleasure said Bernie with a wink.
She smile, then turn slowly her butt toward the car and press it through the open window,
- I retain that one all the way just for you she said. With that she drop a loud and loooonng flflflflflflflfppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttt. Bernie quickly draw up the window and start to breathe deeply. She have balmy the entire car with this one. A shit cabbage combo smell. He wave his hand good buy and go sniffing all the way to is home.
- Don't fall asleep on the road she think laughing.
The following week, she call him on Wednesday asking if they could met alone on Saturday afternoon. Bernie was OK so she start preparing a diet. She try to remember every food that made her fart the most. And fix it for the rest of the week. The day arrive and Kylie was fine prepared...

When he arrive at her home she open the door before he could knock. She grab him inside and quickly close the door. She was wearing only a t-shirt and a panty.
- Get on your knees she told him, and put your head back. I'm going to give you a good whiff and i want to fart on your face.
Then she stay in his back and saddled his face staying perched on her toes on an A stance. Get your nose between my cheeks she said and smell !!!. And Bernie do it quickly, starting to breathe he feel the rest of her last fumes floating between her cheeks and the material of her panty.
- You like that smell ? she ask smiling.
- Oh yes, give me more he reply imploring.
She bent forward and all of a sudden, she let out a huge fart BROOOOOOORRRFFFFFF she pumps it right in his nostrils, Bernie was in heaven, some sec later, a second one long and nasty happens. Kylie feel the heat between her cheeks and she could feel Bernie 's nose breathing very deep. She thinks she may not sense her own smell because he take it entirely for himself. That 's make her smile because if the smell is as worse than it was 10 minutes before when she almost suffocate herself in her kitchen, he will not resist very long. She feel another one coming, maybe getting in this position seems to brings her a good amount of gas. Brrrrraaaattttttttt make a loud one that was really noisy, only muffled by Bernie' s face, he breathe deeply to his lungs.
- Tell me, do this one stinks, i bet you never smell something like that she said.
- Yes, you have the worst farts i ever smell. Tell Bernie knowing that this will please her.
- I guess sure because i prepared myself all week for this. But describe a little, or i will stop.
- No, no please fart again. Said Bernie. I guess you don't call me to let me down without giving me all of your gas.
Ok but if you want my farts. You got to do all i want. I have an idea. Why not making a fart contest with a friend of mine. She is the best farter i know, you should be our referee ......and judge.
Less than an hour later, the friend of Kylie passed the door, her name was Caroline she was 6" tall and nice but she have a little too large butt. For Bernie, it's not that she is fat, no, no but she have some good cheeks.
- Do you really mean what you say on the phone asked Caro as she entered?
- Yes, i find a pretty good fart smeller here and he agrees to be our judge for an all day long contest. I hope your on good shape and had bad gas because i train myself all week and had a diet waaoouuu he really gonna like it.
- Don't worry for me said Caro. Worry for him. And where is this marvellous snifferboy?
Then the two came in the living room where he was sitting on the floor and Caro says.
- Ok it's you, man i 'm gonna really love to fart on your face, let's make presentations.
And she turn her butt toward Bernie and bend over. He quickly raise on his knees and put his nose the deeper he can in her covered ass. She wore a nice tight pant that draw her cheeks and perfectly show her crack. Bernie push his nose really far in her cheeks.
She starting to grunt and push and then says "sniff this" pppprrrrrrrouuuuuffffff "oh god" as her asshole expulse a big amount of gas in his nostrils. A good one with cauliflower smell.
- Oooooh i' m gonna love it she said, i am very excited with this guy breathing in my cheeks says Caro. And you know that getting excited makes me fart even more. Just tell me when it's your turn kylie.
Some more grunts and a long prrrrrrrrttttttttttttttttt came from her ass.
Kylie was looking at Bernie 's face buried in Caro 's ass and this makes her laugh a lot because she knows Caro have the smellier farts you could find.
- You will see says Kylie, he breathe so deep you will never smell your own vapours.
Ok now Bernie, you must rate our farts on 3 points. 1st the noise, 2nd the length and 3rd the smell. All notes must be from 1 to 10. For the smell of course you are the only one that could tell and that 's all right for me.
- For me toooooooo said Caro as she tore a huge fart in Bernie 's face. Ok start with this one, i am going to retain a little to get some gas building. The next ones are gonna be tough, i mean i don't want to be on the other side.
Bernie stay 20 seconds poking at Caro 's rear end then get up and take the pen and paper gift by Kylie. He wrote secretly and turn back to Kylie saying "now it 's your turn". What position do you prefer?
- Like we did later, she told him, just sit on the floor head back, i am going in your back and saddled your face still on my feet.
Then they proceed and Kylie start to push and push, then she smile and bend forward as she know this will relieve a good amount of gas. Of course, Bernie 's nose was deep between her cheeks pumping the fumes of her last farts with deep long breaths.
She get all advantages here, she was at home, she have prepared a fart diet, and wore only a thin panty (very sexy). If she don't win this contest, she gonna get raged.
With this thoughts, she continue to push and then release not a fart but a series of loud and rumbling ones flflflflflpoorrrp pprrooommmmmppppppp prrriiiiiiittttttttt bratttttttttttttt. She stay pushing as she hold her breath the longer she can with her eyes closed and her face concentrated, she hold Bernie's face deep in her butt with her hands. Like if he could change his mind. Caro 's look of confidence fade away as she ear the thunder farts Kylie have release on the lucky Bernie. There was no doubt she may have a good note on the length and noise part.
I bet that one must have stink like a devil breath. You know i retain my shit since 12h00 and it's now 15h00. You must not be far from KO Bernie. Don't you?
- Hey said Caro don't try to intimidate the ref. He is for me now.
- As you want Caro but you know you 're gonna loose, today I AM fartqueen.
- Ok let 's interest the game and bet something if you are so sure to win ask Caro.
- Why not 50 dollars reply Kylie.
- It 's ok for me says Caro that is richer enough to bet 500 dollars.
- I think one more point of rule must be take says Kylie. The one who makes him pass out must have a bonus points. What do you think of 50 points.
- Ok but you may not win, he is mine and i will fart on him till he passed out.
- Ok let's make series of 3 distinct farts one after the other tell Kylie.
I' am home then i let you start.
Oh you are so sweet said Caro with a grin.
- Come here fart boy said Caro with a hard tone and get your nose deep under my butt, i don 't want you to breathe anything else than my farts you understand.
- "Ye ....Yes" reply Bernie a little impressed.
- After my first series, you will not like to be a fart smeller anymore.
She push Bernie on the floor and face sit him in a reverse 69, with him in her back to get his nostrils right in the way of her asshole. She try to make a sort off hull to let lesser air pass in her crack and he have a hard time breathing now, she can feel him breathing under her ass. She pull her cheeks apart with her hands and grunt a little when suddenly an explosion of gas went to Bernie's nose, he feel the vibrations but the most impressive was the volume of gas she have expulsed and then the smell. Oh mama she stink like you couldn't explain. Imagine the worst fart you ever smell and you were 10 times less than reality.
- Try to resist this one she says very proud of herself sure that he will gag and vomit. "I give you all my might on this one." Kylie was preying in her mind "hold on Bernie please". But as Bernie wave his hand to prove he were not KO, Caro raise herself and look at him with a bad glance.
- Ok you are strong fart boy but i will break you, come with me she said.
And she headed him to Kylie 's bedroom where she told Bernie to get under the sheets "i will gas you, you may not resist 2 farts with me under the cover".
And she put the lucky fartboy entirely under the cover then get her ass with him and above the sheets push his head on her butt. Bernie quickly start to breathe the harder he can and she calm down making her sphincter touch the tip of Bernie 's nose to let her gas go nowhere instead of his nostrils. Then she concentrate and relax massaging sweetly near her belly button. Less than a minute later, she tore a pooting fart that was loud even for Kylie that was in the room so she can imagine what he could feel under the cover. The smell enter Bernie 's nose and he start to see stars as he breathe only gas for now 3 minutes. She strain once more and puff a long series of sputtering pppprrprprprprprprprrrrrrttttttrttrtrtrtrtrttrttrtrtrtr like a trumpet. Bernie felt her winds on his face as she laughs loud. Caro have something special, something you never met or heard when someone fart. She could strain herself and expulse so much gas that every single squeaker of her bum could really filled up a room with her smell; and now he take all of her attention for himself, moreover he was under the cover.
- I never try like that before she says but i like it, you know sometimes i almost suffocate myself on my bed. If you want me to fart again on your face Bernie, i will do it with pleasure. Caro knows she haven't succeed to KOed Bernie and that the job will be easier for Kylie now that she have half asleep Bernie but she take it with class and for the hell of it let fly a good SBD under the cover saying to Kylie "wait a minute for him to sniff all of my gas".
- OK now he is yours she told Kylie leaving the bed, the smell still contain under the cover rush to the 2 girls and make them gag.
- I will never know how this guy could take all of that. I couldn't bear my own smell said Caro.
- Now, it 's my turn shout Kylie, she had a good idea and knows that she must not let Bernie recover from Caro 's farts if she wanted to win.
- Come with me she says to Bernie. And get this on your face as she give him ................ a gas mask.
- But i must write some notes said Bernie a little disoriented.
- No time for that now, the one who makes you passed out wins.
She help him and now he wore the gas mask perfectly.
- Now see my idea she said to Caro, i am gonna use the gas mask the inverse it have been created to. We all know that Caro and i have bad gas and very very voluminous farts. The problem is that we can't make Bernie breathe all of our farts because he can't breathe all the gas we release. You were close to the solution with the under cover style Caro but the sheets and cover were not a cell piece. My gas mask IS.
Now Bernie i retire the filtering capsule of the gas mask and if i put my asshole just in there on the hole. I am sure you will inhale all i will pumps in your nostrils. I will fill completely your lungs but it 's not a problem for me, with that, if you don't pass out there after 3 of my bombs, i will get killed.
OK now get on my favourite position she ordered. And Bernie do what she want.
She saddled his face, push her panty to one side and put her butt hole right on the place of the filter. Bernie see the perfect ass of Kylie on his face and breathe till he can. Then she cut all of his air making him a little panic.
Kylie knows that what she was going to do was very dangerous but she wanted to win and don't really mind for Bernie. After a few seconds she said.
- OK, you really need to breathe now Bernie so .............. INSPIRE she shout while she expulse a long and nasty fart that sounded like a boomer prrrrrrpprprprprprpr all gas pumped into Bernie 's nose and lungs burning everywhere.
Let's go breathe Bernie, yes breathe and she shoot the second. A series of long sbd that last almost 8-9 sec. Bernie was falling to his side due to the lack of oxygen, his eyes full of stars. In reflex, he try to stay up but couldn't and fall on his back. His mind was very far, all he could feel and taste was the smell, a very dense smell like a mix of rotten eggs and cabbages but very hot. He was KO that was obvious. But Kylie continue and step on him to saddled his face even on the floor for her third down. She saddled his face in a 69 and put one more time her sphincter on the gas mask. Then very sadistically, she push hard on Bernie 's belly to expulse all of his air, she feel the air flush out of the mask on her ass and when he start to inspire to refilled his lungs, she put her ass back on the gas filter cutting all of his air and release a huge series of farts. Caro see Bernie 's lungs inflate as Kylie fart and fart again filling them with her gas. Bernie 's weak arms want to push Kylie in is panic but she stay firmly on his face and looking Caro straight in the eyes take a deep breath and push with a grin a last fart that sounded like a long trumpet sound with her face in relief saying "aaahhhhhh soo gooood"....... Kylie stand up with the smile of the winner. Bernie was in dreamland and Caro knows that she has lost.
- I am gonna enjoy to be the Queen of farts said Kylie.
- Yes your the best today take your money but please when the poor Bernie awoke give him my number, if he still want to be farted on i will be there.

The end

Friday, December 20, 2024

Sordid Summoning by test715


(Warning: Contains F/F facesitting and fart torture)

Fuck me, it's really come to this… Alys sighed as she paced the Roundtable Hold. I’m truly desperate enough to inhale the flatulence of others on the mere off-chance doing so bolsters my resilience to Malenia’s rotten gas… She pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned. Suppose it's time then, to choose whose gas I shall imbibe first… Don't think I should jump straight to Millicent… Nepheli, perhaps?

“Um… Excuse me.” Alys’ rumination was interrupted by soft-spoken Roderika.

“Oh, sorry.” Alys suppressed her inner turmoil and smiled apologetically. “Was my pacing disturbing you?”

Normally whenever Alys passed through the Roundtable Hold, Roderika was a pleasant, calming presence amidst a world of shite. One of the precious few people she knew who hadn't met a terrible fate, had a deathwish, or prided themselves on desecrating corpses. It was for these reasons (besides the obvious embarrassment) that Alys didn't want to involve the spirit-tuner in her disgusting task.

“Oh, no. It's not that. It’s just… Hm…” Her voice trailed off; unsure how to best phrase herself.

Alys frowned. In retrospect, the spirit tuner had been giving her wary glances as of late. She initially wrote these off as Roderika merely picking up on her dour mood courtesy of her many deaths beneath Malenia’s gassy arse, but perhaps there was more to it than that…

“Is something wrong, Roderika?” Alys tilted her head slightly. “Do you need me to fetch you some sort of spirit-tuning equipment?”

“Thank you, but no. It’s just…” Roderika shifted around uncomfortably. “As a spirit-tuner, I often overhear what your summons have to say. I don't mean to eavesdrop, truly; I genuinely can't help it. Normally yours are pretty quiet, but as of late one of them seems rather… agitated. The Albinauric woman, Latenna.”

“Really?” Alys tensed up. Calm down… Doesn't mean she knows everything. “And, um, what exactly is she saying?”

“She says that you summoned her to fight Malenia, and that the swordswoman was… well…” Roderika lowered her voice and blushed. “...flatulent. And that you used her as a distraction while Malenia did vile things to her, until she had enough and turned against you. And that from that point onwards, you’ve met all manner of horrid ends beneath the demigod’s rear.” She awkwardly cleared her throat. “That's the short version, at least… with a considerable amount of profanity left out.”

Fuck, she knows everything. Alys winced. “Oh yeah… that.” She sighed and slumped her shoulders. No point in denying it… “Does she fear I’ll summon her again then? If so, tell her not to worry. I’ve elected to defeat Malenia solo, or not at all.”

“No, it's not that. She also mentioned you were undergoing a… “unique” training regiment. One that, if I’m to understand correctly, entails inhaling the gas of various women to build immunity to Malenia’s rotten wind?” Rokerika’s cheeks reddened as she averted her gaze. “Latenna was hoping to, well, enlist me in the effort. I believe she wishes to see you humiliated. I just wanted you to know that if this truly is your wish, well… that I’d be willing to oblige you.”

“Oh.” Alys eyes widened. “You’re… volunteering to fart on my face? Are you sure? I appreciate your, erm, willingness, but I didn't take you for the type.”

“Oh, I’m not. However… while it does seem a bit… undignified, without you I never would've become a spirit-tuner, or met good Hewg over there.” She gestured towards the blacksmith, who was thankfully too focused on his work to overhear their conversation. “If you truly believe inhaling my wind shall help you on your path to become Elden Lord, then I shall assist you without hesitation or judgment. I promise, you can count on my discretion.”

“Hm…” Alys pursed her lips. Had hoped to keep her out of this, but suppose there's no point now. Would be a waste to turn away a volunteer… I bet a dainty thing like her barely even stinks, so she might serve as a good baseline. “Very well. Let’s find a private chamber in the hold so we don't disturb Hewg, or attract any undesired attention. Believe I know just the place. Shall we?”

“Right now?” Roderika’s eyes widened. “Oh. I hadn't expected you to accept so readily. Lead the way then.”

— — —

Alys guided Roderika to an old, abandoned storage room in the Hold, then locked the door behind them. The odds of anyone stumbling onto them was exceptionally low, but better safe than sorry.

“Alright…” Alys sighed as she lay down in the middle of the room. “Let's get this over with.” As she stared up at the ceiling awaiting to be smothered, however, she noticed her volunteer hesitating. While Roderika was nowhere near as shy as she was upon first entering the Roundtable, this remained quite a ways outside her comfort zone.

“Forgive me but… I’m unsure how best to proceed.” Roderika rubbed her arm anxiously. “Should I sit full-weight upon your face, or merely hover above it? And would you prefer I undress, or remain clothed?”

“What I’d prefer is not doing this at all - but here we are.” Alys sighed. “Unfortunately, whatever you think would be worse for me is probably also what would be the most effective. Just go as far as you're comfortable with.”

“...As you say.” Roderika pulled down her pants and panties just enough to expose her pale rump, draped her skirt around Alys’ head, then sat down.

The first thing Alys noticed as her face disappeared between Roderika’s soft cheeks was that the spirit-tuner was far more voluptuous than expected. She supposed it made sense that someone who spent all day sitting down would have a fat arse, but Alys had never gotten the opportunity to notice her figure until now - when it was smothering the entirety of her face. A shame she couldn't appreciate it in better circumstances, as a clean, shaven arse was a true rarity in the Lands Between.

The second, and far less pleasant, thing Alys noticed was that Roderika’s crack was also sticky with sweat. This came as some surprise, as of all the arses she considered for sitting on her, Alys had expected Roderika’s to easily be the cleanest - smelling of flowery oils befitting a noblewoman of her station. Not at all like that of an unwashed barbarian.

“Eugh…” Though Alys didn't wish to make Roderika feel bad, she couldn't help but groan at the pungent odor. “It’s… damper than I expected.”

“Apologies…” Roderika blushed. “I sweat when I’m nervous…” She leaned forward to allow Alys to speak easier.

“N-No need to apologize!” Alys did her best to mask her disgust. “It's an arse, it's supposed to stink! That's the whole point of this, after all!”

“...That’s true, I suppose.” Roderika conceded. “It's just… I’ve never done anything like this before. Sitting on someone's head just to fart on it, that is.”

“Likewise, I’ve never let someone fart on my face either…” Alys suppressed a cough. “Not that Malenia cares one bit for my willingness…”

“Oh dear.” Roderika paused, unsure what small talk, if any, would be appropriate in the given circumstances. “So, Malenia then…” She spoke up, deciding to feed her morbid curiosity. “She truly pins you down and forces you to smell her-”

“-I’d rather not talk about it.” Alys interjected.

“...I understand.” Roderika cringed. “Why you don't wish to speak of it, I mean. I don't mean to imply I can relate to your ordeals in the slightest.”

“...Consider yourself lucky.” Alys grumbled. “No offense, but I’m not really in the mood for small talk right now. I’m trying to disassociate, but every time you speak it reminds me of whose arse is in my face. The less I have to think about it, the better. It's rather difficult to look someone in the eye after spending an extended period of time staring into their brown one.”

“Oh, alright… Just one last thing then. I can't break wind on command, so you might be down there a while. When the time does come to release it though, would you prefer I warn you, or should I just… do it?”

“...Just do it.” Alys grimaced. “No sense in keeping me in anticipation.”

“Very well.” Roderika gingerly sat back down on Alys’ face. She felt bad about putting her sticky arsehole right against Alys’ nostrils, but reminded herself this was the Tarnished’s bidding.

For a while there was naught but awkward silence, save for the sounds of Alys’ muffled breathing and Roderika occasionally clearing her throat. Alys began wondering if she should just call it quits and seek out someone more flatulent, but before she could send Roderika away there came an audible gurgle from the spirit-tuner’s bowels. It seemed her lunch had finally caught up with her.

Although Roderika didn't warn Alys explicitly, her soft grunts and flexing arsehole weren't exactly subtle. Sure enough, after a few moments of straining the spirit-tuner’s hole opened up and covered Alys’ face in a blanket of hot, heavy gas. While the fart was perfectly average in terms of length and volume, the skirt draped over Alys’ head ensured not a bit of it would go to waste.

Well… Moment of truth. Alys fully exhaled as she prepared to sample Roderika’s gas. It's not infecting me with scarlet rot, so I at least have that going for me… Not that that’s a particularly high bar to clear, but still…

After a brief countdown in her head, Alys forced herself to inhale deeply and fill her lungs with gas. She only managed to get halfway through her breath, however, before the rotten stench forced her into a coughing fit.

“Marika’s tits…!” Alys cursed between coughs. “Smells like a bloody sewer…!”

“Are… are you okay?” Roderika addressed the heaving lump under her skirt. A silly question to ask someone who was so obviously not okay, but she wasn't sure what else to do.

“I’m fine…!” Alys lied. “It’s just… more potent than I expected…! Especially from a noblewoman…”

“Oh.” Roderika blushed, unsure if she should take that as an insult or compliment. “My servants never complained about my wind before…” Her shoulders slumped. “...Though now I wonder if they were perhaps just being polite?”

““I-I’m sure it's just something you ate recently…!” Alys tried to reassure Roderika. “I don't think that- ACH!” The tarnished sorceress gagged as the spirit-tuner let one rip in her mouth. “FUCK!” Alys dug her nails into the floorboards as her coughing devolved into retching. “My bloody mouth was open…!”

“You told me not to warn you!” Roderika responded defensively.

“I know, I know…” Alys wrinkled her nose. “I’m not angry at you, it's just…” She paused to retch. “I expected you to be the easiest one, yet already I feel lightheaded!”

“You feel faint?” Roderika furrowed her brow. “Does… that mean it’s working then?”

“Fuck if I know…!” Alys coughed. “But if this doesn't build up my tolerance, I don't know what will…! Would be nice if there was a way to speed this up though, so I only have to suffer for minutes instead of hours…”

Roderika thought a moment. “Would you like me to… increase the intensity then?”

“...What does that mean?” Alys raised her brow; not that Roderika could see it.

“While I only have so much gas within me, you have in your possession a myriad of spirits who would follow their summoner's command. With your permission, I could restore some of them to flesh and blood for a while so that they might lend their… assistance. Latenna in particular seemed rather eager to take out her frustrations upon your face, but I’m sure there are others who would suit our purposes as well.”

Roderika paused. “I know it's not my place to decide, but… if you truly wish to hasten the process while also maintaining discretion, then that seems like the way to do it. Who better to keep your secret than the dead? If the variety of gas also matters, rather than mere quantity, then this does seem like a reasonable choice to make, unpleasant as it is.”

Reasonable. Ha. Alys scoffed bitterly. There's nothing ‘reasonable’ about this. All the same, I fear I’ve come too far to desist now. Disgusting as it is, I need this plan to work. Otherwise I’ll have debased myself for nothing, and remain at an impasse with Malenia.

“...Do it.” Alys sighed, before quickly adding. “But only women. I don't want some hairy-arsed bastard or grotesque beast on my face. That's where I draw the line.”

“Very well.” Roderika nodded and stood up, allowing Alys wipe off her sweat-covered visage. “Let’s start with…” She pursed her lips as she mentally perused Alys’ collection of spirits. “...her.”

Roderika rang her spirit calling bell, and an imposing figure appeared before them. A tall, hooded woman clad in black scale armor and bearing a knife - none other than Tiche of the Black Knife assassins. Once summoned, she wasted no time getting to work - stripping off all armor save for the hood which shrouded her face. The speed and silence with which she undressed was rather impressive.

“Oh my.” Roderika covered her mouth and gasped. “She’s certainly rather… intense.”

“Oh fuck.” Alys’ eyes widened as she recalled how she obtained Tiche’s ashes - by breaking into an evergaol and slaying her beloved mother, Alecto. “Uh, m-maybe we should choose someone el-”

“Silence.” Alecto growled; her voice surprisingly smooth and sultry for one who’d gone so long without speaking. “I’ve been your pawn long enough - forced to bear witness towards your idiocy for what felt like a lifetime; each death more humiliating than the last. I can only fathom being forced into your possession is some sort of… divine penance for my sins.”

“But now?” Tiche stepped on Alys’ chest, pinning her to the floor. “For this briefest of moments, you are mine. And I shall relish inflicting all manner of violation upon your wretched visage; my own dignity be damned.”

Without missing a step, Tiche turned around and sat on Alys’ face. Though the Black Knife assassins were known for their graceful movements, Tiche had opted to forgo any such elegance in favor of unceremoniously dropping her full weight onto Alys’ head.

“Mmphh…” Alys groaned miserably beneath the assassin. Tiche’s weight might not have been enough to crack her skull, but it almost certainly gave her a concussion. Such was the pain that Alys almost forgot about the toned, slender arse she was pinned under.

Almost… But not quite.

While Tiche’s butt did admittedly smell better than Roderika’s sweaty arse, Alys got the distinct impression this difference would be short lived.

“On my mark, inhale.” Tiche commanded; caring not a bit for her seat’s aching head. “Refuse, and I shall pry your mouth open with my knife and defile your tongue instead.”

“Mm-hm…” Alys whimpered affirmatively, knowing better than to call the bluff of the infamous assassin. If she and her kin could slay Godwyn’s very soul, there was no telling what she could do to a lowly Tarnished. Sure, she was currently under Roderika’s control… But better not to test the limits of her obeisance

“Good.” Tiche leaned forward and relaxed her hole, which was now directly aligned with Alys’ nostrils. “Breathe in… now.”

Alys began to inhale the same moment Tiche’s arsehole opened up; sending a stream of toxic gas straight up her nose. Unlike with Roderika, Alys managed to suppress her gag reflex until her lungs were completely filled. Not because Tiche’s stench was less than the spirit-tuner’s (quite the opposite), but because her fear of the assassin managed to overpower her considerable disgust.

Only after Tiche’s deep, bellowing fart sputtered out did Alys dare to gag. While the Black Knife assassins were known for their discretion, the same could not be said of their flatulence which was flagrant in both sound and odor. Tears filled Alys’ eyes as she retched with her entire body. Tiche’s gas might not have been as deadly as Malenia’s, but hers were undoubtedly the next worst thing.

There were no subtle or complex undertones to the assassin’s gas - it just smelled like an overflowing sewer. How Tiche’s gas managed to reek so strongly of shit despite her stomach presumably being empty post-summoning, Alys had no idea - and was in no condition to ask either.

“Oh dear…” Roderika coughed as the gas dissipated towards her. She might not have taken the brunt of it like Alys, but it didn't take much of the assassin’s potent wind to make someone nauseous. “Could you maybe be a bit more… selective with whom your wind affects? This room is stuffy enough as is without having to account for our flatulence.”

Tiche turned towards her summoner for the first, addressing her with a curt nod. “Hmph. Very well.” She squatted over Alys’ face and addressed the unfortunate Tarnished. “Open your mouth. Now.”

“H-Huh…?” A near-unconscious Alys blinked slowly. “W-What did you-” She was interrupted by Tiche dropping down onto her open mouth. From there, she didn't even have a chance to groan before her cheeks were inflated by Tiche’s wind.

“Oh my…” Roderika blushed as Alys writhed and choked down the assassin’s flatulent barrage - making noises that reminded her of the wails of the Dung Eater’s victims. She considered recalling Tiche, or telling her to ease up a bit, but ultimately decided against it. If Alys wanted to hasten her training, then so be it. That was her decision to make (and almost certainly regret).

Roderika instead sat on the floor and attempted to clear her mind, so that she might regain enough focus to summon another of Alys’ spirits. Though given the less-than-pleasant ambiance of echoing flatulence and muffled retching, she expected it to take some time before she was ready to summon again.


— — Later — —

Thankfully Roderika’s focus recharged just as Alys was beginning to fear Tiche might use her as a chamberpot. The spirit-tuner rang her bell; sending Tiche back into the beyond mid-fart and summoning a new woman to take her place.

“Bloody hell…” Alys coughed weakly and rubbed her head as she sat up, her voice hoarse from exertion. “Who is it this- OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE!” Alys fell backwards the moment she recognized who was looming over her. None other than Finlay - the Cleanrot Knight who, in a truly legendary act of devotion, single-handedly carried Malenia from Caelid to the Haligtree after her fight with Radahn.

Besides the obvious issue of seeking assistance defeating Malenia from the very same woman who went through hell to save her, there was also the unpleasant detail that the Cleanrot Knights were each afflicted with their mistress's scarlet rot. Though they hid their symptoms admirably, continuing to be fearsome warriors in spite of their infection, Alys had no doubt their rot would make their wind truly horrid.

On one hand, rot-afflicted gas was exactly what Alys needed if she was to gain resilience to Malenia’s (if such a thing was even possible). On the other, she needed to be careful Finlay didn't kill her (whether accidentally or deliberately) and reset all the progress she made with Roderika and Tiche.

“Fear not, Tarnished.” Finlay looked down and addressed Alys, her voice surprisingly warm and gentle. “I don't bear you any ill-will. In truth, I pity you.”

“You… You do…?” Alys apprehensively raised her brow.

“Indeed. To think a scrawny thing such as yourself could even hope to slay an Empyrean… That you would grow desperate enough to debase yourself completely and utterly in pursuit of what is perhaps the most ill-conceived plan in the Lands Between…” Finlay slowly shook her head and tutted. “You are no threat to my mistress. You are a small, delusional woman whose time and effort would be better spent elsewhere.”

“...What?! Not a threat?!” Alys gasped indignantly. “You… You're just trying to trick me! Telling me I don't have a chance so I’ll give up and spare Malenia! I SLEW RADAHN FOR FUCK’S SAKE! I’M STRONG!”

“Truly?” Alys could tell Finlay was smiling behind her mask. “You slew Radahn in single combat?”

“Well… not exactly… But-” Alys looked away, flustered. “Damn it, I won't be talked down to by some half-rotted, walking corpse! What do you know of me, or my struggles?!”

“More than you know, Tarnished.” Finlay spoke with deadly seriousness. “For I too have experienced Malenia’s wind in all its terrifying putridity. You think hers foul now? Imagine how they were immediately after she bloomed. Now imagine slinging her over your shoulder, arse next to your face, and carrying her across the continent as her unconscious body wantonly broke wind whenever the urge struck her.” She shivered in her armor. “That, is true horror.”

Alys opened her mouth to speak, but could not conjure any retort. “Just shut up and fart on my face already…” She grumbled.

“Very well…” Finlay sighed, lightly perching atop Alys’ face.. “I shall indulge your ignoble request, but know I do so merely because I feel it would amuse Malenia - distant as she may be.”

“Keeping your armor on, huh?” Alys scoffed. “What, scared you’ll soil yourself by accident and wish to spare me?”

“Yes.” Finlay replied flatly. “Regrettably, my ailment makes me prone to sudden, violent expulsions from both ends. While I’m mostly able to control my continence, albeit with considerable effort, I could not guarantee your safety should the barriers between my arse and your face be removed.”

“O-Oh.” Alys’ smile vanished. Either Finlay was an excellent liar with a dry and disgusting sense of humor, or (far more likely) she was telling the truth. “Uh, in that case leave it on then…”

“As I thought.” As Finlay relaxed her sphincter and unleashed a cacophony of wet, sputtering farts onto Alys’ face, Roderika gasped as she realized the Cleanrot Knight’s gas was actually visible - appearing as a low-hanging cloud of scarlet miasma covering the floor. Though disgusting, the gas’ heaviness did at least make it so the spirit-tuner would be spared of the stench.

The same could not be said of Alys, however, whose face was quickly enveloped by the fetid smog. “F-Fuck…!” She wheezed as the cloud of rotten gas settled over her. While not nearly as potent as Malenia’s vile flatulence, Finlay’s stench was still more than enough to burn her eyes and lungs, as well as give her traumatic flashbacks to her time beneath the demigod’s rear. Try as she might, there was no chance Alys would ever forget the sickly-sweet aroma of her festering flatulence.

One aspect where Finlay’s gas outshone even Malenia’s, however, was in its wetness. Such was the vile sputtering that, were capable of opening her eyes, Alys feared she’d witness an unseemly stain forming on the leather arse crack of Finlay’s under-armor.

“Did you just soil yourself?!” Alys retched. “I thought you said you were able to control your own damned body?!”

“Don't worry, it's merely gas. If I’d soiled myself, trust me…” Finlay chuckled softly. “You’d know.” She grunted softly and let loose another fart, much to Alys’ dismay.

From that point on, Alys’ memory became rather hazy. The more gas she inhaled, the sicker and more lightheaded she became, until she was lost in a daze of seemingly endless flatulence. She wanted more than anything to put an end to her odorous hell, but had grown too weak to lift her arm. She tried several times to call out to Roderika for help, but was unable to even open her mouth without entering a retching fit.

Right when Alys began to fear she'd succumb to the rotten miasma and undo all her progress, however, Roderika intervened and sent Finlay back to the beyond.

“...Are you alright?” Roderika looked down worriedly at Alys and fed her a preserving bolus. “I know you said you wanted this, but… things were looking rather grim. You’d lost the energy to even writhe and were just… lying there.”

“Eugh…. Don't… worry… Never felt better…” Alys croaked - face pale, eyes red, and airways congested. Considering that she was paradoxically shivering and hot, it was obvious her time under Finlay had given her some sort of fever. Eating the bolus helped somewhat, but there was only so much a rudimentary cure could do. Not to mention her concussion courtesy of Tiche’s arse.

“...Do you still wish to continue then? You seem in need of rest.”

“No… Keep them coming…” Alys groaned. “Might as well do it now, so I can later write this whole thing off as a fever dream… Just so long as there's no more rot.”

“I… Okay.” Roderika sighed as she rang the bell again. This spirit was the one responsible for involving the spirit-tuner in the first place, none other than the Albinauric archer, Latenna.

“Oh. Hey.” Alys gave a tired wave, then let her arm flop to the ground. “If it isn't the bitch who shot me in the foot, after vowing to join me in battle ‘to the bitter end’...”

“I vowed to fight beside you - not be used as bait for a flatulent demigod!” Latenna snapped. “That wasn't honorable battle, it was… I don't even know what to call it! But don't pretend you wouldn't have done the same in my position!”

“Look, I don't really give a shit anymore…” Alys sighed defeatedly. “You want to fart on my face or what?”

“...Very well.” Latenna huffed. “I’d hoped for a bit more groveling, truth be told, but I suppose this will have to do.” She clumsily crawled onto Alys, lifted the back of her dress, and made herself comfortable atop the Tarnished’s face.

Alys winced as Latenna not-so-accidentally elbowed her stomach during her mounting, but otherwise didn't resist. Not that she could’ve done anything even if she tried, given the state she was in. Unpleasant as the scent of stained, unwashed undergarments was, Alys had to admit Latenna had a fine arse for someone incapable of walking.

Judging by her relaxed position, Alys could tell Latenna was intending to stay where she was for quite some time. With no control over her lower-half (and by extension, bowels), she was unable to force out her gas and instead simply let it flow out of her as needed.

Besides being a bit bubbly and eggy, hers were rather average all things considered, which was just fine by Alys. If anything, her gas was a welcome palette cleanser after the horrors of Tiche’s and Finlay’s revolting arses. Though this relief was undercut by a one nagging fear which lingered in the back of Alys’ mind…

Wait… If she can't control her wind… How would she avoid soiling herself on my face?

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Fart Mart






It was the thighs that caught my eye long before the smell. I'd come around a row of cars in the parking lot with my grocery cart when I saw them, the backs of them, long, thick and white, oozing fleshily from a pair of tight denim cutoffs, very short and which barely covered the cheeks of her bountiful ass. The owner of those thighs was bending inside the back of her van, putting bags in. She backed out and I noticed then she was a young woman, short blonde hair framing a dour face. She was pretty, but did not look happy. She was one of those pear-shaped women, very normal above the waist, billowing out sexily to a thick, round ass and beefy, but shapely and hard legs. On her calves she wore short white socks and on her feet, a pair of black sneakers.

She grabbed more bags and bend back inside, the shorts riding higher on her creamy thighs. Just as I found myself fantasizing about those thighs, the smell hit. It was acrid, sharp, sweet, nearly chemical in nature. My nose wrinkled in the direction I thought it coming from - which I placed to be near the woman. The trunk of my car was one spot over from her and even as I popped the lock and started shifting bags from cart to car, I heard the noise over the sound of rustling plastic, loud, low, rumbling and wet. It was unmistakably a fart. It hit me then what the smell was and I looked around expecting to see a child, or several, farting and laughing at the noise and stench. My gaze took me in the direction of the young woman whose robust thighs I was looking at again when I heard BRRRRRRRSPLLLLT!!! - and coming directly from her thick ass. My mouth hung open and I couldn't look away, even as she turned to look at me, this time rubbing her belly. She looked annoyed. "Unless you want to use that open mouth as a cork to stop these fucking farts, I suggest you shut it, asshole," she growled, throwing the last bag in the van and slamming the door. "I have intestinal problems. Care to help with them?"

I couldn't stop staring and smelling, it was a thick cloud by now and it was nauseating. I shook my head to snap out of it and mumbled her way as I turned toward my car. "You could wait until you got in the van, save us all a little nasal flesh," I grumbled. I turned my back, chuckling at my little slam at her, and never saw her coming. She jumped up and wrapped her stout legs around my sides from behind and full nelsoned my neck and arms. She hissed into my ear, "Oh, I'll save it for the van - and you!!" She bulldogged me to her side door and somehow slid it open, bringing us both inside. I was on my knees, the big blonde's legs still scissoring my sides as she sat on my back, leaning over to shut the door. The smell in here was already like I'd smelled outside - only worse. "Have a seat!" she cried, grabbing my ears and powering my face between the front seats and directly into the driver's. "I've been fucking farting like a shit wind machine all day, this oughta be nice and ripe!!!" It was, and then some, as scores of old farts billowed up from the worn seat. She rammed my face deep and hard into it, dribbling my head like a ball, and the fart d'jours of days gone by rippled up to greet me. I gagged and tried to fight, but her tight legs were sapping my strength, as was the poison air I was forced to breathe. "OK, now it's time to inhale it from the source," she barked. She flipped me over, face up in the seat, my body twisted back and to the side, painfully. She leaped over me and crashed to my face. "How's my ass smell?" she roared, wiggling on my face until the tight fabric of her shorts ribboned up between her ample cheeks into a blue jean G-string.

Her asshole was right at my nose, bending it to an agonizing degree but not so much that air wasn't coming through and with it, the stench of her fart-swollen asshole. Her butt thundered, loud and strong and wet, a BRRRRRRRFLISSSSST!!! sound, a sibilant, baritone butt sonata played directly on my face. Pure methane, stinky and acidic, straight from the shitter, devoured my head. I screamed into the backs of her thick thighs. She laughed, wiggled and farted again. Making it all worse was the fact that it was a hot day and she had the windows up.

"My doctor says I have to live with my gas problem," she said, hands on the wheel as the fart waves slapped at my face. "So I like sharing it with people. Especially assholes who stare at me for farting!!!" I couldn't move, I was paralyzed by the smell and weight of her on my face, so I was powerless to stop her as she hauled me to the back of the van and laid me on the floor next to her groceries. She slithered out of her tight shorts and lay back, legs in the air, a thick tuft of wet blonde hair around her pussy and a smaller rim of fuzz ringing her greasy asshole. "Stick your tongue into my asshole and pull those farts out," she ordered, holding her legs up behind the knees and looking down at me between them. "Do it now." I was hypnotized and unable to disobey. I leaned forward from my prone position and inserted my tongue into the milky O of her ass. The tang was bitter and harsh.

She sighed and slid forward, impaling her asshole on my tongue. My nose slipped into the cheesy folds of her pussy, fucking her hole. She rocked back and forth on it, double face fucking me and moaning. "Here it comes," she hissed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" My tongue was clamped tight in her muscled shit walls as she unleashed a blistering torrent of ass gas that raged around the protrusion, like the winds of a Southern California brush fire around a cement wall. I convulsed from the smell and overall raunch. She laughed. "Think that's bad, try this!" she bellowed, shifting to slip my nose down inside the fetid wound of her rectum and securing me there by scissoring her hammy thighs around my temples so only the top of my head was visible in the clamp.

The farts came freely and often now, her asshole an open conduit to the methane tank in her gut by virtue of being held open by my nose. I groaned in nausea against each "Blup....blup...blup..." of her acrid ass, the farts coming out in anal burps that splashed and stung my eyes, even as I closed them tightly. She dominated me in her foul ass wash for a good half hour, the sweat soaking me and her to the skin inside that hot van. Her fingers danced on her clit, unleashing a thick river of cunt cream that sluiced down her pussy lips and into my nose, which I had to snarf in by the lungful, the otherworldly butt breezes filling my chest with poisonous air. She finally unhinged her meaty pipes from my head and I fell forward, wet face first to the carpeted van floor. "I gotta go home and put away these groceries before they spoil," she said, laughing and kicking me toward the back door. "Next time you see and hear someone fart, think of me. And keep your mouth shut. You never know what someone will put in it." Staggering outside, I was nearly overcome by fresh air. I stood, desperately rubbing my face to rid it of the stench the thick-thighed blonde had put on me. It was then I saw a pretty young woman rounding up grocery carts. She wore tight, store-issue black pants, a white shirt - and a sly smile as she looked at me. She turned her ass my way and let fly a long, wet fart. I cringed. As she walked toward me, I began to cry involuntarily....

Monday, August 12, 2024

Family Farts by bilaman70







Daniel was a boy with a slim figure. He lived in a household of 4. It contained him, two sisters and his single mom. Rachel, his first older sister has brunette hair that runs down to her lower back and a decent ass and boobs, but had really really bad farts. His oldest sister was named Melissa and had brown hair with blond streaks that ran down to her ass, and a very curvy body and farts that lived up to it. His mother named Janice had black hair running a little past her shoulder blades, and a huge ass but lacked in boobs. Daniel had never really smelled her farts as she is embarrassed to fart around them.

Daniels sisters on the other hand would fart all the time. They would pride in theirs and have competitions. Daniel hated their farts. He has never taken a fart point blank range thankfully. That is until recently.

Rachel was having a sleepover at their house with her friend named Emma. Emma had blonde hair and was stunning in Daniels eyes. He didn’t get to see her much because they were locked up in Rachels room. Melissa spent a little bit of time with them during the night. Melissa later popped into Daniel’s room as he was watching a movie.

“Hey do you wanna come play truth or dare with me Rachel and her friend?”

“I guess so?” Daniel didn’t know whether to be excited or not as he would be in a room full of girls. He didn’t know what they would do to him

They entered together and the first thing he noticed was Emma. She was standing and talking with Rachel, her back to them. He noticed how much her ass stuck out in the leggings she wore. Her tank top made her cleavage pop out equally as much.

“Oh hi. My name is Emma!”

“Hello. My name is Daniel.”

They locked eyes and stared for about 3 seconds before looking away. They sat in a circle on Rachel’s floor and began. Melissa was asked first and picked dare. She had went through with what she was told, and drank toilet water right from the bathroom.

Daniel now had a sense of how bad their dares could be and got nervous.

“Daniel, now it’s your turn.”

“Ummmm Emma. Truth or dare?”


“What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done in your whole life?”

“Probably when I accidentally sat on my brother.”

“Huh? Doesn’t seem that gross.” Responded Rachel.

“Yeah not really until you learn it was right on his face.”

“Eeewwwwww wtf” Melissa chimed in.

They did a dare or truth each one more time. Then it came to Melissas turn.

“Emma. Truth or dare?”

Emma, feeling bold, picked dare.

“I dare you to sit on Daniels face.”

“WHAT?!?!” Responded both Emma and Daniel simultaneously.

“If you don’t, we have a really bad punishment for the loser.” Said Melissa


The three girls grabbed Daniel as he struggled and laid him on the floor. Emma straddled his chest, causing Daniel to start pounding on her back. Rachel grabbed both his arms and held them backwards.

“Stop struggling Daniel. Otherwise I’ll sit on you to.” Responds Rachel.

Daniel stopped and laid still. He didn’t want Rachel, let alone Emma to sit on his face. He prepared himself as Emma slowly lowered her self down.

Her ass engulfed Daniels face, and his airflow was cut off. He was smothered more by her cheek then ass crack so he couldn’t smell it or breathe in general.

She rubbed her ass around just rub it in (pun intended) that she was sitting on him. 10 seconds later and she lifted. Daniels face was beet red from embarrassment. They continued on with a couple more rounds. Then it was Rachel’s turn.

“Melissa. I dare YOU to sit on Daniels face.”

Daniel started freaking out, as he didn’t want to end up under yet another ass that night.

“And” Rachel Continued. “You also have to fart on his face.”

“Ummmmmm. Alright fine. Come here Daniel.”

Daniel tried to ran away but was instantly grabbed by Rachel and Emma. He was forcefully laid across the floor again.

Rachel and Emma held his arms down, and then as Daniel looked up, Melissas ass came into view.



Once Daniel was laid on the floor, held down by Emma and Rachel, Melissa got ready. She straddled my chest, facing toward Daniel’s face.

“Remember” said Rachel. “You have to fart to.”

“Got it. It might be a few minutes. I don’t really feel farts brewing quite yet. But you know how gassy I am. I’m sure one will come soon.” Said Melissa

She scooted forward a little bit, her pussy resting on his chin.

“3 2 1 GO.” Yelled Emma

Melissa moved forward and pressed down. Her pussy was just below his eyes, and the stench emitting from it was burning his eyes. His mouth was closed off by her ass.

“Does she even shower?” Daniel thought. “She reeks horribly”

She started grinding back and forth, trying to shake out a fart. Daniel was in personal hell, and regretted ever coming in to play, but was now stuck and couldn’t leave. Who knows what torment he would put up with from them here on out.

He opened his eyes and saw his sister looking down at him, her brown hair dangling just above his forehead. He could barely breathe through his nose, but with every inhale, he smelled just how nasty she was. It was as if she only showered once a month, and was constantly sweating down there.

She continued grinding, bringing her pussy below his nose, then up to cover his eyes. Daniels face was coated in Melissa’s ass sweat. He couldn’t take it anymore and tried to break free. Emma and Rachel noticed his struggling and held him tighter.

“Ooohhh here it comes.” Said Melissa after about 5 minutes of sitting on Daniel.

Daniel prepared for impact. She straightened back up and rested with her asshole on his upper lip. He could feel her asshole puckering like it was kissing him (I guess it technically was).

Then it stopped. Daniel could feel Melissa struggling to push it out up above. And then


Daniel could feel the fart rip out of her ass and spread across his face. Most of it was forced up his nose, some even going into his mouth. Melissa sat full weight, trapping the fart in. She sat down for another minute so Daniel could truly take in the fart. She lifted and he tried to run, but the girls still held him down.

“Now that they got to sit on your face, it’s my turn.” Said Rachel.

“Please no. Please please don’t sit on me again.” Sobbed Daniel, but to no avail.

“I’m going to one way or another. Now you get to choose. Do I sit down with my pajama pants on or with out them.”


“If you don’t pick, I will.”


“Wrong choice. I pick without.” Said Rachel

She walked over to Daniel and stood over him. Daniel looked up as she took of her pajama bottoms, and to his horror, she wasn’t wearing panties. He could see her asshole and noticed how wet and grimy it was. She took them of and straddled his chest. Daniel could smell how bad her ass was, and was terrified. She moved backwards and blanketed Daniels face with her bare sweaty ass.

Out stretching her legs, she sat full weight not caring how much pain he was in. Now keep in mind, Rachel has the worst farts in the family, and Daniel didn’t like being under her even if she was clean.

Her first fart came, with a loud impact spreading across his face. The fart lasted about 10 seconds in total. Daniel started gagging into her ass, almost vomiting. Rachel put her feet under his head so that it would be stuck in her crack. Melissa sat on Daniels crotch while Emma sat on his chest.

Rachel was rubbing her ass sideways and upwards on his face smearing her grime all over him.

All the girls were laughing at poor Daniel as he was tortured. Not long after their mom, Janice, walked in. The site she saw froze her.

Her jaw hung open as she stared at her oldest daughter sitting on her sons crotch while Emma sat on his chest, and worst of all, her daughter Rachel was butt naked sitting on her sons face.

Rachel hadn’t noticed her yet and let the biggest fart ever out right onto Daniels face. She turned around and noticed her mom, all happening in about 1 second

Janice’s mouth opened to say something that shocked the girls.



Then Janice opened her mouth and said something that shocked them.


They all stumbled off of Daniels almost unconscious body and stood to their feet. Daniel was slow to get up. He looked into her eyes and it seemed like her gaze burned a whole right through his head.

“They forced me to do this mom. You gotta believe me.”

“Umm” Melissa stepped in. “Actually, little Daniel here came into our sleepover and confessed he wanted us to do this. He told us he wanted a woman to do it to him but he said he that you wouldn’t do it because you were his mom.”


“Well I never thought my son would be sick a pervert. Why don’t you follow me Daniel. You need to be punished.”

Daniel was grabbed by his mom and dragged to her room. The other three laughed as he was forcefully dragged into his image of torture. He had a very good idea on what he would do as a "punishment"

They reached her room and he was thrown onto her bed. His mom was wearing tight pajama pants that made her ass pop. She pulled off her shirt to reveal no bra.

As Daniel stared at his moms boobs she walked over to him. She crawled over him on all her fours. She lined her boobs up right over his face and lowered. As he was smothered completely by his moms breasts he tried calling for help. All that did was open his mouth more and she forcefully shoved her nipple in.


He immediately started sucking on her nipple. About 15 minutes for each nipple later she got off. She sat on his crotch and laid her legs out on either side of his head.

“Maybe this will get the thoughts of mommy dominating you out of your head.”

She shoved one foot over his nose and the other on his lips. She demanded he opened up and he did. She shoved her toes deep in his mouth as he gagged on the cheesy taste of her toe jam. He new right away what to do.

He stuck out his tongue and lapped up the toe jam in between each toe. He carefully suck the individual toes. This kept up for 30 minutes. He moved onto the other foot and did the same. He thought the taste would never leave but was quickly proven wrong.

“Now for the main part of your punishment.”

She turned around and revealed her bare sweaty stinky ass to Daniel. She must’ve taken off her pants while he was licking. She squatted above his face while he was squirming to get out. She pulled each cheek apart and Daniel could see how unclean her ass was. Her brown eye stared at him. She quickly slammed down and released her cheeks enclosing his face in her ass.

He was quickly introduced to her sweat and stink. It was really really rotten and was incredibly sweaty. He was smothered underneath his own moms monster bare asscheeks. How could his life get any worse.

She rubbed her ass all around his face, and lots of her sweat filled his mouth. The sweat had been boiled by her cheeks and tasted like shit. This was definitely worse than her feet. He couldn’t breathe and started struggling.

“No no no. Not yet Daniel. This is a punishment. I’ll let you breathe when I want you to.”

She stayed sat on his face for another minute before leaning forward. Daniel took in lots of air. The was the only clean air he had in about three minutes. He was able to breathe but barely while under her. The little air he got was straight from under her ass.

“Ooohhh I think I feel a fart coming.”

She spread her ass again and slammed back down. His head was once again closed into her ass. He heard a low rumble coming from her stomach. Not shortly after she let out a brassy fart right into his nose.


The 6 second fart let itself out as she sighed in relief. He quickly sniffed it up as he had no other choice of air as he suffered under the giant ass on top of him. He suffered through lots more farts over the course of 45 minutes. She lifted off him one last time.

“Will that teach you not to stick your face in people’s asses?”

“But I didn’t. They forced me please mom believe me.”

“Nah ah ah. We can’t be having this.”

She sat right back down and released another fart. She got up after 5 minutes again.

“Now I’m gonna release you but if I ever catch you sticking your face up another girls ass again you’ll be sorry.”

He walked out of the room and was about to enter his own. Right before he got to his, he was pulled into his sisters room right across the hallway. He looked up as Emma locked the door and saw all three girls stripped butt naked.



As Daniel was thrown onto the ground he blacked out. He woke again about 30 minutes later. He tried sitting up but to no avail. He looked around and noticed he was in his sister Rachel’s room and naked. He was on her bed on his back and tied up. Emma and his sisters were sitting around him watching a movie, and were all naked.


“Ooooohh looks like somebody’s awake!” Said Melissa gleefully.

She turned around and jumped onto his chest. Daniel could feel her bare ass flesh rub on him and was slightly aroused. The other two girls did the same. He had the combined weight of the three resting on his chest and legs.

“We know what mom did to you. We will keep continuing to smother you but we’ll try to keep it a secret.”

She was facing Daniel and moved forward a little. Melissas pussy was rubbing on his chin and she moaned. She scooched forward and rested onto his face. Her pussy covered his nose and eyes while her ass rested on his mouth. His mouth was sealed so he was forced to smell her pussy. He gave up on trying to fight them as it never turned out good.

She farted onto his face and it pooled up to his nostrils. She sat a little more forward so her asshole was directly above his mouth. Then she muttered a single word.


“MMMMPPPHHHH.” Daniel protested.


He listened and stuck out his tongue. She pressed down so his tongue was squished in her ass. He recoiled and pulled his tongue back in because of the taste and sweat. It was salty and tasted ike she hadn’t taken a shower for at least a few days.

Rachel noticed he wasn’t listening and slapped his penis. He stuck his tongue out again. This time he kept it there. He was just holding it in one spot. It was resting right on her pucker. Melissa was impatient and started grinding back and forth because Daniel was taking too long. She farted occasionally directly into his mouth.

10 minutes of licking passes and Melissa gets off. He gasps for air and is able to see again. A few seconds later and he feels another weigh smush his face. He looks up to see Emma’s breasts and some of her face.

“My turn!”

Daniel stuck his tongue out. This time he was licking a pussy. He stuck his tongue in and out of her, and back and forth. Emma was surprised he was doing more than he did for Melissa. Maybe it was because they weren’t related but Melissa and him were. She turned around and Daniel got a good view of her ass.

Seconds later she slammed down. His oxygen was cut off as he was buried under her cheek. She adjusted and now his nose was crammed into her crack. He could breathe in through only his nose, but any air he got was tainted. It smelled like shit and was very grimy in her crack. He stuck his tongue out and cleaned her crack. He wasn’t told to but knew he would’ve been.

Emma farted directly on his nose. It was an amazing 10 second fart. Daniel breathed it in.

“Huh. Weird. I can’t smell a thing.” Retorted Emma.

Daniel had breathed the entire thing in. He felt it more arousing then before.

“What the hell is happening to me?!” Thought Daniel. “I actually kinda enjoyed that?!”

She farted again. This was longer and beefier than the last. Again he breathed it all in.

“Oooooh someone likes you Emma.” Rachel popped in. “Danny’s got a boner.”

Emma looked up and saw Rachel sitting on Daniels dick. She got off and sat on his chest. Melissa sat onto Daniels dick as Rachel got off. Rachel crawled over to Daniel. Normally he would be terrified, except, he wasn’t? He was more excited?

Rachel turned around and showed off her giant ass. Easily the biggest of the three girls. She dropped it onto his face and pulled her ass cheeks apart. His face slid deep into her crack and he found his nose inside of her asshole. Without hesitation he stuck out his tongue and pushed it deep into her pussy. She moaned and started grinding. She moved forward and placed her asshole inside his mouth. She let out a behemoth of a fart into his mouth. He closed and swallowed the whole thing. She moved back again and put his nose back into her asshole using it like a butt plug. She let out yet another massive fart and he waisted no time in sniffing it all up. He was actually getting turned on by it and grew a massive boner. Melissa noticed and stuck it into her asshole and started bouncing up and down. With all three girls on him, one farting on his face, one riding his dick, and another sitting on his chest, he got turned on so much. Without warning he came into Melissas asshole. It was around midnight and he pleasured all the three girls till they released their juices. Will all of them satisfied, he went to bed for the night.


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Runs in the Family by textingedits




 Bye, mom!”

Our green sedan pulls off the curb as my mother waves from the window. She shoots a furious glance at the plump woman with curly brown hair standing on the front porch beckoning me over.

“Chris, hon. That you?” The plump woman waves to me, her white apron hiding a grey sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans. Though a bit shorter and more than a bit wider, mostly in the hips, there was no denying her relation to mom.

The driveway gravel crunches under my feet as I make my way towards her, “Hey, Aunt Tina!”

She clicks her tongue, “That’s just like that sister of mine to take off without a word!” Her green eyes follow mom’s car down the neighborhood street. “No respect, that one. Never had any.”

The smell of fresh popcorn wafts through the open window of the single-story house. She leads me into a cozy kitchen, an iconic sign near the oven tells me to live, laugh, and love.

“Well! What do you think of my house?” A girl approaches from deeper within, her hair pulled into a ponytail.

She gestures wildly to everything and nothing.

Aunt Tina laughs, “Your cousin Stacie spent all morning tidying up. Said we couldn’t have you thinkin’ we live in a pigsty!”

Stacie huffs, earning a quick apology.

We’re often mistaken for siblings when we go out together. Today she wears a blue tee and blue shorts. Both covered in a thin layer of dust from cleaning.

“Hungry, Chris? Thirsty? We got sodas in the fridge and popcorn over by the oven, help yourself!”

I begin making my way towards the brown bags but the absolute monster in the living room blindsides me. The beast dwarfs the simple brown sofa and coffee table it faces.

“Pretty cool, huh?” Stacie steps beside me, a fellow admirer of the massive TV.

When I’d heard they’d got a new one, I had to see it for myself. Stacie and mom seemed a bit hesitant at first but a week of solid begging broke them.

“Let’s watch something!” I leap onto the sofa.

Or at least I think I do.

I hang in the air for a moment before realizing that Aunt Tina has me by the arm.

“Chris baby, watch out!” I follow her gaze to a small glass figurine. She pulls me upright with one powerful arm and plucks the tiny figure from the sofa with another.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she turns to my cousin. “Girl, you forgot to put grandma’s cherub back on the coffee table when you were dusting!”

“Oh, shit— I mean… I’m sorry mom! It didn’t break did it?” Stacie bows profusely.

The glass figure Aunt Tina prevented me from sitting on was of a strange baby. Kind of like a Cupid but without the bow and arrow. Had she said it belonged to Stacie’s grandma?

She inspects the figure before returning it to its place on the table, “It’s fine dear,” she leans over Stacie’s shoulder and whispers into her ear. My cousin’s face goes white and red at the same time. Like she’d just been told her fly is down in front of a big group.

She hurriedly steps away from her mother, “No… I promise it won’t happen again!”

“Attagirl!” She claps her on the back. “I’ll let the two of you have fun! I’ll be just down the hall if you need me!”

My mother had never said a kind thing about her sister, she hardly talked about her at all if she could help it. After seeing the look on Stacie’s face, I suppose she could be a bit scary.

A tug on my arm pulls me out of my thoughts, “Let’s watch a movie! You brought some, right?” Her earlier fear seems to fall aside as her mom leaves.

Dumping my bag on the couch, I sift through a few DVDs, holding the cases up like playing cards.

“You know it!”

The evening continues in moviegoing bliss as we watch movie after movie. It is just like being at a theater!

Stacie belches loudly, placing her 3rd soda and 2nd bag of popcorn onto the coffee table.

The little cherub now lives in a kingdom of sticky paper and aluminum.

“Wanna watch this one next?” As the credits roll, she holds up a cartoony-looking movie about a young girl and a blue alien.

I shake my head. “That’s a baby alien movie, let’s watch a real one!” Rummaging through my pack I produce a serious-looking movie with crop circles on the cover.

“It’s not a baby movie! It’s good!” She playfully shoves me, the sugar rush now in full effect.

I play along, “Is too!” I hold my DVD at her like a ninja star.

“It’s dumb!” She swats my case with her own.

“Nuh-uh!” I get crafty, pelting her with bits of popcorn left at the bottom of my bag.

She smacks the kernels out of the air with an artful swing of the couch pillow. Following through with a bonk on my head!

“Hey!” I grasp the cushion on my side and unleash my ultimate attack! Swinging wide I—!


We both freeze. A series of quick thuds accompanies the arrival of Aunt Tina.

“What on Earth is going on in here?”

Taking in the destruction around us, it looks like a bomb went off. Nearly empty soda cans and popcorn bags were swept off the table in the fallout of my ultimate attack. The clean carpet is now spattered with sugary brown soda and greasy kernels.

There in the mess, was the glassy head of a baby.

“I can clean it up! I’m so sorry! I—” Stacie’s stammering trails off as she notices the cherub, or at least what remains of it.

“Who did it?” Aunt Tina’s face shown an unrecognizable emotion.

Neither of us spoke.

“I asked… who broke this?” She holds the statue up for us to see. The glass figure looked especially pathetic now. Just a headless fat baby.

She turns to me, “Was it you, dear? I just want—”

“It was me!” Stacie interrupts.

Like a wolf that’s just sniffed out its prey, she lost all interest in me and focused on her.

“We were playing around and he hit me with the pillow so I swung back but I… I…”

Aunt Tina’s smile scares me, her lips narrowing into a razor-thin line.

“My room. Now.”

Stacie’s eyes grow wide, “No! Wait, I’ll clean it up I—”

“Do not argue with me, young lady. We’ll worry about your mess later. For now, we need to go…”— her brow furrows, eyes darting to me before focusing back on her daughter— “We need to teach you some respect.”

My cousin’s eyes widen even more to white saucers. “You said you wouldn’t! Not while he’s here! You can’t—”

Skirting past the trash, Aunt Tina grips Stacie’s slender forearm and jerks her towards the kitchen.

She looks down at me as my cousin fights against her grip. “Would you be a dear and pick up these cans and bags? We won’t be long, promise!” She smiles another strange smile.

Finding my voice, I call out. “But… she didn’t... “ My voice cracks, I want to own up to my crimes. I was the one that knocked everything over. Not her.

I watch uselessly as Aunt Tina drags Stacie to the other side of the house, promising she’d clean it all up and even glue the statue back together along the way. Those pleas cut short by the slam of a door further down the dark hallway opposite the kitchen.

Incredibly uncomfortable and more than a bit guilty, I clean the cans and popcorn. It feels like an eternity passes since I hear anything, though it could have only been a few minutes. I gaze across the linoleum kitchen floor down the dark hallway. Being alone in a new house was never a fun experience no matter the circumstances and these were some of the worst. Creeping into the kitchen, I peer past the counter and see a sliver of light amidst the encroaching shadow.

Before I can stop myself, my feet begin moving towards it.


My stomach drops as a sudden high-pitched plea rings out from beyond, silenced as quickly as it began with a dull slap. I find myself left alone with the silence again.

Not entirely alone, looking around I see family photos along the walls. My aunt and Stacie, smiling together with an older woman I don’t recognize. Further down the hall another photo, yellowed by time, depicts a small girl with curly brown hair and green eyes standing next to a slightly older girl with feathered hair. My mom and Aunt Tina. They stood on opposite sides of a domineering woman that looked to have been in her 40s. Her straight brown hair and piercing eyes seemed to stare directly into my soul. Was this my grandmother? I knew she must exist but mom never spoke of her.

Breaking eye contact with the scary woman, I realize I’m standing right outside of the source of the light. A slightly cracked doorway to a bedroom. A woman sits on the floor, the back of her grey sweatshirt faces me as she rocks back and forth on the carpet. My eyes follow the top of her head and down her back before I realize what’s wrong with the picture.

She isn’t wearing pants!

I instinctively cover my eyes, she wasn’t just pantless! My aunt wasn’t wearing any underwear either! I peek through my fingers to confirm my suspicions. Her pale bare bottom presses against the cream-colored carpet, like two fleshy water balloons sitting side-by-side.

“I told you what would happen and did you listen? No, you never listen!” She grinds her backside into the carpeting, enunciating each syllable in a singsong fashion.

Had she spotted me? I step away, preparing to run if necessary.

A strange feeling stops me, I knew it was wrong to spy on her like this. But I couldn’t help noticing the size of her butt! It was like in those pictures from the magazines they had to keep in the plastic wrap at the convenience store. Except none of those girls had a butt nearly as big as Aunt Tina! She’s always been a round lady, especially in the waist, but this was ridiculous!

At that moment, a strange color catches my eye. Where her backside met the carpet I notice a tuft of hair sticking out. Since when did Aunt Tina have a tail?

I stifle a scream. That’s no tail. It’s a ponytail!

Tied with a pink hair tie!

“I think you’ve earned a break,” The massive backside shifts, revealing the top of Stacie’s head.

My cousin, who I’d just been laughing and pillow fighting with, the one that took the fall for me when I broke the statue, was currently wedged so far up her own mother’s butt crack that only her ponytail stuck out!


Rapid inhales erupt from the girl on the floor.

“Through your nose, not your mouth! Don’t make me have to remind you again!” Aunt Tina commands.

*sniff sniff*

Panicked panting shifts to obedient sniffing of that assuredly smelly place. She sniffs till her breathing begins to normalize.

“Well? Anything to say for yourself?”

Is this the same woman that had made us popcorn? The nice woman that always gave me $50 for Christmas? I knew mom said her sister could be a bit strict but this was ridiculous! Mom would never do anything like this to me no matter what!

Stacie sniffled, “I’m… I’m sorry for breaking grandma’s statue.”

Aunt Tina lowers a bit, eliciting a sharp whimper. “You’re sorry and what?”

“Sorry and… not going to do it again?” There’s a confused lilt to her voice.

“You disrespected me in front of your cousin! You know, your grandma had a saying when I was your age. ‘Loose lips are better off pressed into a tight pucker.’” She reaches behind her back and spreads her massive cheeks.

My innocence vanishes at the sight, a few dotted flecks of toilet paper adorned the rosy interior of her buttcrack. A slightly darker puffy pink donut hovers over Stacie’s panicked face.

“Trust me, when my momma did this to me I hated it too. But this is for your own good.” She shifts, pressing the donut towards her daughter’s lips.

“No! It’s gross! I don’t wanna kiss—” The massive cheeks drop, engulfing Stacie inside before she could finish her sentence. The image of her green eyes going wide as her button nose sank into Aunt Tina’s stinking anus burned itself into my brain. Just like that, the room went silent and Aunt Tina regained her tail.

“Hardheaded as usual, you can stay in there till you learn some respect. We’ll try again in a few minutes.” She grinds back and forth till her cheeks touch the carpet.

I felt nauseous, I can’t believe she’d do this to her daughter! My best friend! I need to help, I need to save her from that nasty prison!

But I don’t know what to do! Should I call the cops or should I call my mom? Stacie’s muffled screams start as Aunt Tina holds her in place beneath her. She grips her forearms and holds them tightly over her bare thighs, locking her in place. Seconds pass as a pit forms in my stomach.

“Stop snorting into my asshole, girl! You’re just as wild as that sister of mine!” She shifts her massive backside around Stacie’s face.

“Where are your lips? Forehead, eye, nose… there we go!” She stops shifting and wiggles left and right.

She was talking about her sister. So my mom? Mom never talks about her childhood, maybe this was why? Did her mom do stuff like this to her?

Aunt Tina leans forward like she’s touching her toes. “Now that I’m comfy, how bout a little story about your Aunt Christy?” She laughs, pressing Stacie’s flailing legs flat against the floor.

“Lessee… I was about your cousin’s age. So your aunt was just a bit older.”


“Tina! Get your ass in gear and come help your mother, girl!” Mom’s voiced booms at me over the radio.

I flop off the couch, knowing better than to keep her waiting. “Coming mama!”

Hustling down the hallways I can already hear the telltale sounds of big sis having a rough time. Rolling my eyes, I wonder what that good-for-nothing has done now?

The scene in Christy’s room reminds me of a wrestling match. Posters of cool guys stare down at mom and big sis going at it. Mama had Christy pinned by her shoulders, her hair now a disaster. Her black ribbon lay on the floor with a few strawberry blonde hairs still attached.

“Well? Whatcha gawking at, you idiot? Help me!”

Mom gestures to my sister, I nod and assume the position. Placing my knees on either side of Christy’s head, I make her look up to the ceiling just like we practiced.

“No! Tina stop! We don’t have to let her keep doing this! Push mom off! Help me!” Big sis looks up at me, her green blouse as disheveled as her makeup. I look to mama, trying to avoid her gaze.

Patting me on the head, mama smiles. “Glad at least one of my girls has her head on right.” Her smile vanishes as she drops her gaze.

“Dad wouldn’t let you do this to us!” Christy screams.

Mama unbuttons the front of her jeans. “While your father is off in ‘nam, I’m in charge of things around here. That means you will learn to respect me. I should think you know what that means by now. Hold her steady, Tina.”

I nod, keeping Christy’s struggling head between my thighs as mama kicks off her jeans.

Dull to seeing her like this during these last few weeks, I did my best to avoid looking at her privates. A luxury big sis wasn’t about to have.

Mom wastes little time after getting her jeans off. Placing a knee on either side of Christy’s chest she plops down on her mid-scream.

“I swear I just don’t know what’s gonna get through to you, girl.” She presses against my lap where big sis is struggling something fierce deep within her tanned backside. From my point of view, I could only see the top of her forehead next to mom’s cheeks.

“What was is this time, mama?” I used to feel bad for her but she was bringing on herself at this point. This was the fourth time this month she had to go in mama’s butt and we were all getting sick of this rebellious streak.

Mama spreads her cheeks a bit and gets comfy, “Mr. Florence called and said she’s been falling asleep in class again. Normally I wouldn’t care but the girl had the nerve to blame me! Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is having to promise a grown man that I can discipline my girls?” She grinds down hard as she enunciates the word embarrassing.

I gasp, “A call from the teacher?”

That’s as bad as it gets. One time Mr. Simmons called home about me skipping PE. Not only did she make me do the entire 90-minute exercise with her, but she also made me spend another 90 minutes soaking up her nasty butt sweat from it while she sipped a beer!

Needless to say, I never skipped gym again, unlike my dummy of a sister, I learned to respect our mama the first time.

Between my thighs and mom’s butt, big sis screamed every curse word in the book. At least I think they were curse words, most of it just sounded like gibberish into mama’s crack.

“Those disrespectful lips of yours would be better off pressed into a tight pucker, girl!” Mom lifts and gives sis a breather.

Looking down at my sister, her pretty blonde hair matted to her forehead and cheeks, her eyes squinted up at the light. They seem to adjust and stare in disgust as mama taps a finger against her backdoor. We all know just what pucker she’s talking about.

Christy snorts and tries to buck the two of us off, “You’re both sick in the head! I’m not like Tina! I won’t kiss your nasty asshole!” She spits up at me, a thin mist dusting my face.

That defiant little nose vanished right up that nasty asshole as she called it.

“Hard-headed as ever, just like your father. Why can’t you be more like your sister?” Mom smiles at me.

“Trust me you two, when you have brats of your own someday you’ll be thankful for your mama teaching you how to discipline’em!” I nod as big sis groans.

“Can I go back in the living room, now?” I ask.

She gives a thumbs up. “You’re dismissed.”

I knew she had her under control at this point and I had better things to do than sit around for this. I close the door as big sis starts thrashing around again, I hope she’ll snap out of this phase soon.


Staring up at the stern photo of the woman in the hallway photo, I understood why mom never talks about grandma.

*sniff sniff*

Realizing I’d sat in rapt attention to Aunt Tina’s horror story, I forgot that my best friend was going through one of her own! Stacie’s sniffing echos throughout the room the moment Aunt Tina spreads to give her a break.

“Well, missy? Ready to do the right thing?” She coos.

Her voice barely audible beneath the meaty cheeks, “I’ll— I’ll do it. I’ll be good.”

“I knew I didn’t raise a fool. Trust me, when you have brats of your own you’ll be thanking me!” She sat upright, expectantly thrusting herself towards Stacie’s mouth.

“Can I just kiss on the cheek?” A hint of optimism in her voice.

The sternness returned to Aunt Tina, “You know where those lips gotta go. Ask another stupid question like that and I’m sending your right back up there nose first, little lady.”

“No, please! I’m doing it, I’m… doing it!” She whimpers.

Morbid curiosity getting the better of me, I crack the door just a bit more. Just in time to see Stacie’s lips come into contact with the pink donut.

“Oh come on. Again. Like you mean it.”

Stacie convulses beneath her, “What? No! I did it! I kissed your—”

Another meaty slap and she’s back between those cheeks.

“I gave you a chance. If that’s your idea of a kiss, I’m never getting grandkids.” She sighs.

Stacie’s heels hammer into the carpeting, now throwing a full-on tantrum.

“So disrespectful! Where are your lips, you brat?” She adjusts on her face, rubbing back and forth before stopping and dropping sharply. “There. Now, this is the kind of kiss I’m talking about. Pay attention!” Aunt Tina slid in a clockwise circle, rubbing her butthole against her daughter’s lips.


My heart leaps into my throat, looking down, I see the photo of the scary woman resting on the floor. I must have accidentally knocked it off the wall leaning in for a peek!

“Holy shit— I mean oh my goodness! Is someone out there? Chris honey, is that you?” Aunt Tina’s voice calls out to me but I’m long gone. My feet carried me in the opposite direction without my realizing it, I pray she had no idea what I just saw. I curse my cowardice for leaving Stacie back there. I could have been her hero!

Returning to the living room, I dive headfirst onto the couch and try to purge my brain of everything butt-related. Aunt Tina’s butt, Stacie’s ponytail sticking out of it, her lips on the pink donut, the nightmare story. Staring up at the monster television, I see the event on the screen! I shut my eyes tightly and open them again, it’s gone.

Minutes passed as I sit in stunned silence. My cousin, marched by Aunt Tina, emerges from the kitchen and sits on the couch beside me.

“See! That wasn’t so bad!” Aunt Tina pats her head.

Placing a hand on my shoulder, she looks into my eyes, “Sometimes mistakes happen. Stacie did the right thing by owning up to them.” Too afraid to return her gaze, I stare at the blank TV screen and mutter a noncommittal “Yes ma’am”.

After she excuses herself to the bathroom, an awkward silence like no other permeates the air.

I break it, “Thanks for taking the fall for me… you okay?”

She turns to me and smiles sheepishly.

“Don’t worry! It wasn’t too bad, she just put me in time-out for a bit. I’m fine!”

I suppose in a way she wasn’t lying.

She holds up the DVD I’d suggested before the pillow fight. “Let’s watch this one!”

The rest of the evening went by without incident.

“Chris hun? Your mama’s here.” Aunt Tina calls from the kitchen.

Stacie managed to loosen up a bit, but the hug she gives me as we part is still a bit awkward.

“Let’s… go to my house next time. Okay?”

She nods.

“C’mon Chris, let’s not leave big sis waiting. I’ll walk you out.” She stands by the door as I get my bag together. I say one more goodbye to Stacie before heading out onto the lawn.

“Thanks for letting me come over Aunt—”

“Let’s not tell anyone about what we saw today, okay? Not your mom, not Stacie, no one.”

I froze. She knew.

“I… I… Uh.”

She waves to mom while whispering, “If I find out you did, you’re going in time-out ne